《Armageddon: A New World》Arc 1- Chapter 12: A new spell
“Burst fang” activating my skill I dashed forward. None of the others expected me to be the one starting the battle and so I was able to catch them off guard. But the woman was a veteran and instantly brought up her guard. I could hear her whispering something which I assumed to be some sort of spell. She then suddenly dashed towards me her hands covered in flames like before. Once again her fists were directed towards my abdomen intending to send me back flying like she did to me a little while ago. Unfortunately for her, my target from the start was not the woman but her yellow hair side kick.
Before her punch could connect with my stomach, I stepped to her left, tilting my body a little and pushed her away with my left hand. Even in that speed my trained eyes could see everything as clear as a motionless object. All I had left was to make sure that my body moved according to my wishes which was made possible by my nanosuit and so I successfully evaded her attack at the same time I managed to make her loose her balance causing her to stumble. Leaving her behind I continued my rush towards Lean, my sword in the air. The sight of his boss missing and me outwitting her might have startled him a little as he stood there gaping at me not even putting up his guard.
My long sword came down on him at god speed and the impact sent him back a few meters away. His 2180HP dropped to 1731. A damage number of 449 floated over his head along with a critical hit. Right now was a critical hit and that means my normal attack will only decrease his HP by a hundred or so. Without giving time for Lean to recover I activated a full scale spell, I wanted to finish this guy as soon as possible and help the other two. Gathering all the mana I could in my right hand I shouted, guardian
“Air strike”
A huge ball of air began to form on my palm, as big as the size of a football. Not wanting to delay my attack, I once again ran towards Lean who was by now back on his feet. He had already cast his spell and what was surprising was that he had activated two spells at once. In his left was a fire ball while in his left was a water ball. The two balls changed into the shape of swords which he then combined my merging the two. The new sword was fiery red in color and a huge amount of steam was being produced from it. Steam, my instincts began to warn me of it. But I had no other option to go forward. The air slash did not need body contact but my control was not enough to send a projectile attack. He would easily dodge it and so my only option was to hit him before I got hit. With the air sword in my left hand and my long sword in my right I closed on him fast while he too ran towards me with his steamy fire sword.
I did not what kind of spell or what rank it was so I had to be careful. He was way above me in level as well as had strong spells. My level was only one and my HP was only a little above 800 and so I knew that I would not last much if I did not take him down soon. A single hit from his sword could kick me out of the battle. But luckily I had two things that he did not possess, my eyes and a healing spell.
“Super Nova” Lean screamed and suddenly his fire sword began to emit even more steam, almost obstructing my vision. But my eyes were not weak enough to lose my target just because he was hiding in the steam. I could clearly see his silhouette and that was more than enough. My eyes watched as Lean’s hand shot into the air along with his sword. The strike was imminent and I had two option now, parry it or dodge it. With so little time to think my instincts told me to dodge, but dodging was hard at this range. Parrying his fire sword with my long sword was not a sure win method and so I had no other option but to roll. It was then something clicked in me, a dangerous method but one if successful would change the tables in my favor. And so I waited, waited till the enemy was near enough for him to swing down his sword.
“Go to hell, you rotting brat. Fire water combo: Steam fall” the steamy sword fell, aiming for my head. As I thought he wanted to finish me off with this strike. But I had other plans myself.
“Nope, I don’t think so, burst fang” my agility arose because of the skill and thus allowing me to dodge it by side stepping the attack. But I was not fast enough, the steamy sword stung into my right elbow causing me to cry out of pain but luckily I was able to escape a one hit KO. Now with the threat of the attack gone and my enemy defenseless I executed my move.
“You are mine, Air strike”
From my left hand a wave of air swept towards lean at a great pace. The burst strike which I had used to evade his attack had in return strengthened my air strike and thus a huge wave of air rushed towards the defenseless boy. Being a fire and water affinity user, he did not know any defensive spells and so was hit directly by my attack. Once again a critical strike appeared before me and when I checked his HP was 942, and a damage number of 689 was shown over his head along with the word paralysis. Next to the word a number was shown and it was 30 which kept on decreasing. My mind registered it as the wear off time of the paralysis and so I once again tried the same skill, activating air strike and burst fang I sped towards the paralyzed Lean. The timer showed 5 seconds but the guy was far away for me to reach to. Since I was sure I won’t be able to hit him any way I decided to do projectile attack. My control over the skill was not high enough and eight out of ten times I usually missed the target during my practice. But during a battle, your choices are always limited, it is either do or be done and I chose the first one.
“Air strike” swinging my arm at full power I screamed the name of the skill. Another gush of white wave was released from my left hand. The air wave hit Lean exactly at the time when the paralysis wore off and once again a huge damage number appeared over his head. His HP was reduced by 426 and now it was 516 while my HP had gone down from 540 to 85. Another hit and I was pretty much done for. The barrier was set so as none us would die but that did not make loosing was ok. Each skill cost me a little more than 80MP. Right now I had used my skills five times and so I had depleted more than half of MP, but I still had mana to cast air strike and bust fang combo twice more. But the problem was my low HP. If I were to attack him as if I am now then a single scratch from his skill would destroy me but if I were to cast heal on myself then it would consume 100mana so that I could regain 100HP.
While I was busy with my thoughts Lean was already back on my feet and on his way to finish me off. By the time I noticed it he had already activated the same fiery sword skill and was already swinging it down.
“Shit” I did not know what to do but for some reason I cast air strike once again, purely instinctively. It was as if somebody was making me do it but at the same time it did not feel forceful, my left hand moved so fast that even I could not fathom what was happening. May be it was an involuntary action by the body to protect itself but does that also include activating a magic spell? While my mind was confused with the sudden actions happening, my body especially my left hand seemed to move at 100% efficiency. The air burst wave ejected from my hand was aimed at the fiery sword which was half its way to cut me down in to two.
My air strike and his steam fall collided and caused a bright explosion of light. I closed my eyes immediately as my over sensitive eye would take more damage than that of a normal human. With my eyes closed I took a few steps backward to make sure that I was not immediately attacked when my eyes were shut. Just in case I activated my water petal skill at full power. While I used the skill during my practical class, the number of petals I could mold was a little above sixty but now the situation being dire, hiding my powers was an impossible feet.
‘Water Petals’ I whispered so that he would not know that I was preparing my next attack. As many as two hundred or so petals were summoned. The area around me were surrounded by the petals as they were suspended in air, waiting for my orders. I slowly tried opening my eyes but the brightness was too high that I had to shut my eyes once again. I did not know were Lean was nor did I know whether he had recovered from the blinding. All I could do was listen to any noise he might produce, which in reality was pretty scary. With only a little more than 200MP left, I cast heal once thus increasing my HP to 135. This much HP was no were enough but I had to do so, so that I could calm down even if only a little.
It was then I heard the sound of footsteps from behind and it was followed by a scream.
“You lose sucker, Burning clash”
A new skill? Was it a ranged attack or a close combat attack? Was he behind me? Was he close or was he far? I did not know. My only option was to attack nevertheless.
“Water petals” when I activated my skill, the numerous water petal rushed backwards to were the enemy was supposed to be, I turned towards my back at the same time too. But all I saw was empty space.
“You fell for it boy, such a pity” the voice came from behind me, it was whispered into my ears. “Burning clash”, chains erupted from the ground and began to twist around my body. The chains were emitting steam just like the fiery sword Lean had used and when I checked my HP, it was decreasing at a tremendous rate. My mind began to panic, I looked around to see if I could use something to use against him. The guy stood right behind me and was laughing into my ears.
I clenched my hands tight with anger piling up inside. My right hand was holding to a cylindrical object and had a leathery feel. It was then I remembered about my long sword. Perfect I thought to myself. I held the sword with both of my hand, its blade pointing towards me.
“Are you planning to commit suicide? So pathetic, such a wimp” Lean began laughing out loud, he was sure of his victory that he did not expect an attack from me at all. “Let me see you kill yourse….guaah”
The guy did not get a chance to complete his sentence for my sword hard run down through his body, between my body and left hand. The sword was aimed at his abdomen and did cut into the flesh, the moment the attack connected, the chains that were binding me disappeared. I turned back to face him and saw the guy falling to the ground, a damage number of 600 appeared above his head causing his HP to run down.
You have levelled upYou have levelled upYou have levelled up
“Eh? Levelled up thrice just by defeating him? Let me see, it was told that each levelling would give me six stats points to spend. So right now I have 18points. Hm? Where should I a lot them? HP and MP seems important. Fine I will a lot nine points each to vitality and intelligence. Both my HP and MP will increase by 90. Even though it isn’t much, for now I have to bear with it”
Once the free stats points were allotted I rushed towards the others. My current MP was 247, and so I cast another heal on me increasing my HP to 235 plus the 90 from my increase in vitality. My total HP right now was 325. My MP regeneration was 12MP/ minute which was rather slow if you’d say but complaining about it would not do any good. Right now my only concern should Aoki, the crimson witch.
When I joined Iud and Davy I was surprised by what I saw. Aoki’s HP had only dropped by a 1300, she had more than half her HP left as for Davy and Iud their HP was a little low than the half mark. With this, the three of us were in grave danger. My heal had a cool down time of 1 minute and by the time I reached them the skill was once again available but my MP was really low. I could not decide what to do.
“Zeph, don’t bother about healing, attack her with all your might. She is a tough one. But with the three of us here things will get a little tough for her too” came Davy’s voice. I nodded my head and unsheathed my long sword.
“Ho! So the idiot lost eh. I should have brought some body more useful. Useless shit” The woman had a really rotten personality, which was really angering me. “So it seems you three have gained some levels eh, let’s see level four? Good. Now things will get a little interesting. Come at me you brats”
In that instant Davy and Iud dashed forward together, swords in air, roaring like lions. My body once again acted this time under my control.
“Water petals”, summoning hundreds of water petals I too dashed towards her. If I could get close to her then I might be able to land every single of the petal on her.
Iud and Davy were already a little ahead of, they slightly turned their necks to look at me and then nodded indicating that they would open a path for my attack. I nodded back at them and kept on forward. The woman seemed to understand what is going on but instead of retreating a few steps she sped towards us. This sudden move startled me but the other two seemed fine, it was as if they were expecting things to be so.
“Sacred arts Moonlight Wind: White Hurricane”
‘Eh sacred arts? Moonlight Wind?’ the skill activation came to me as a really big surprise. Even though I knew that the two were good with swords never had I thought them to be able to use a sacred arts. Aoki’s face too showed surprise as well as a little fear for she too did not expect the two to use sacred arts. But it was already too late, she was too fast and too close to them to retreat and so she decided to continue her attack. As usual her fists were covered by flames, but these flames seemed a little different from the one she had used before, it had a crimson red color to it and the flames seemed to bigger in size.
I looked at Davy and Iud but they appeared to be unfazed, their swords were emitting a white glow and once she was in their range, their movements changed. The change in motion was so swift that I felt the two were dancing, as elegant as possible the two boys using their legs pivoted their body as if they themselves were the hurricane. The white glowing swords a circular path along with their masters delivering a hit on Aoki each time they made a rotation. Unlike a hurricane their rotation was not violent or havoc causing, instead it was much more elegant and calming. The attack ended on the third rotation and the white glow dimmed out slowly, blood spurted out of her wounds, there was one on her thighs, another on her abdomen and the final one to the neck, a three hit double combo. A huge damage number floated over her head saying critical hit 704+704, her health fell to 492 in an instant.
“Why do you have such a high attack power when your levels are so low?”
“Ah! Did you not know? If one uses a high ranking skill then irrespective of the level difference the damage delivered will be high. And the skill we used now is a king ranked skill. We had expected that to finish you off but I guess the difference in level was too high to insta kill you. More importantly, are you fine with sitting and talking like that?” Iud asked Aoki who was kneeling onto the ground, panting heavily.
“Eh?” Aoki looked at Iud unable to understand what he meant but suddenly turned her towards my direction. She had totally forgotten my existence and let me close in on her. I was hardly a couple of meters from her and hitting her within this distance was a piece of cake,
“Water Petals” I said calmly and all those petals around me rushed towards her in an instant. Without nowhere to hide and nothing to block the attack, she was mercilessly hit by all of my petals. Each petal ate away a portion of her HP and by the time the attack ended her HP had ended up at 24. The three of us walked towards her, swords pointed at her we surrounded her.
“Give up. This is the end for you” Iud said, poking her with the sword.
“Yeah, our MP is above the half way mark. And with our heal spells you can’t win against us” Davy followed Iud, while he allotted his stats points.
“Be a good girl and go apologize to the boy” saying so I stretched my hands towards the woman. No matter how twisted her personality was, she was still a woman and bullying women were not to my liking. She looked at me and then at my hand repeatedly, a smile broke out on her face. I smiled back too thinking that she had given up and would take my hand. But things never go the way you want it.
“Crimson Devil” that was all we heard. The next thing what happened were the three of us were thrown backwards a good twenty or so meters. I landed on my head and thus lost fifty or so off my HP. When I recovered from the fall and looked towards the woman, I saw her holding Iud and Davy by their necks, the two were suspended on air while she suffocated them. Her entire body was covered by crimson flames, she had grown fangs and claws as well as a pair of crimson winds too. Her level was shown as 15 an HP became 5000. A pair of red horns stuck out of her head and a tail ran out from her skirt, truly a crimson devil. I could see Davy and Iud struggling in her hands,
“Strong, too strong. We can’t win. I give up” fear caused me to lose my cool and I began to blabber. My body lost all its power and I dropped onto my knees, tears flowing out of my mind.
‘Are you going to abandon them Zeph-kun?’
When I said that name, the visual of her lifeless body splashed in my mind. The visual of a powerless me watching as her soul was dragged out of her body by black hands. The visual of girl’s soul crying and screaming my name.
‘Zeph-kun, are you going to abandon your family?’
There was no mistake, these were Nao’s words, words of a past memory. A memory I had always regretted was now urging me forward. I stood up and walked forward, my body still trembling with fear but my eyes did not cover any more for,
‘I have things that I promised to protect and if I broke my promise she would give me an earful’ even thinking about her made me smile, made me feel so warm and strong.
“Leave them you witch. I will take you own” my voice thundered out loud, for a moment Aoki looked surprised.
“Huh? You just wait there, I will deal with you once I am done with this too garbage”
“Garbage? Did you just call my friends, garbage?” my anger fueled inside me.
“And what if I did? These two are trashes that I must dispose of, so are you brat”
“I see, so you plan to take away things that are precious to me?”
“What the hell are you talking brat? Don’t spout such cheesy lines, disgusting”
“Unforgivable, Unforgivable, UNNFFORGIVABLEEE”
“Air, water, fire combo” I spoke out loud, not sure it would work. It was just an impulse, when I saw Lean combining water and fire affinity. Right now any basic spell I threw at her would not even make a scratch on her. And so I decided to experiment, well rather than saying decided my body rather was doing what it felt like.
Bug bubbles of air, water and fire gathered around me. Each bubble was half as big as me. I could feel mana as well as essence flow out of me at a tremendous rate. My mind pictures the shape of a sphere and slowly each bubbles lengthened to form spears.
The crimson witch who saw what I was doing immediately dropped down the two and rushed towards me.
“You brat! Why do have such strong essence? What are you?” she was screaming as she rushed towards me, her red claws and fangs listening violently.
I knew she was summing at me and so I immediately tried combining the three affinity spear.
‘A trident, Yes that would be good’ and as if to reply to my thought, the three spears tried to take the form of three. Since I was in a hurry, my control was very bad and the sheer quantity and quality of the spears made it even harder. The spears began to collapse one by one. Seeing this the witch began to laugh,
“Seems your spell is a failure, see you are just trash just like the other two”
‘Trash’,’other two’ these words were enough as the last push.
“Uwwwwaaahhhhh” I screamed at top of my lungs as I tried to combine the three affinities into one. The spears began to collapse at a terrifying rate and began to emit light bright enough to blind everyone in the area. But the light did not last for long. Slowly the light and dust began to settle down, I became desperate as I could not find even one trident. My mana was at zero and the exertion of essence had caused my head to hurt like hell. But my hopes were revived soon when my eyes fell on a shining tri-colored trident floating right above my head, with air and water at the sides and fire in the middle the trident emitted a warm yet fiery aura.
An already enrage Aoki sped towards me even faster, from her expressions it were clear that she was scared of the trident and she wanted to finish me off before I could use the trident. She had assumed the trident to be something I would wield with my hands, poor thing had no idea what I was thinking.
Sneering at me like a cat she jumped at me, cursing me and my friend. Her fangs were so red that it looked like she was a vampire who had just fed on my friend’s blood. I stood there waiting for her to come to me. When the woman was in midair, the trident over my head disappeared.
“Poseidon’s trident” I said, my voice was so calm that even I was frightened about it. She looked around to find the trident but what greeted her was an intense pain. Looking down she saw the trident sticking into her stomach. With an intense scream she flew backwards as the trident’s pace was hard to stop. She crashed to the floor but soon stood up and then began laughing.
“Is that all? Is this your trump card? I am disappointed bo…what? What’s going on? Why am I on fire?”
The crimson flame which was covering her had begun to disappear, her fangs, horns, tail and claws retracted. The crimson layer around her began to disappear.
“Why? It has not even been five minutes? You what did you do?”
I watched her closely as I myself could not understand. Slowly the trident began to glow and the three heads began to coil around her. Mostly the water and air had caused the crimson aura to retract. The coiling continued, it looked like she was being wrapped by a tri colored rope and in minutes not even a strand of her was visible. All I heard after that were the muffled screams and her HP running down at a tremendous rate. I could pick up phrases of what she was screaming, it was like ‘sorry… hurts…beg…let me…please…sorry..won’t’. Soon the scream died out as the HP of the woman shot down into zero, 5000 to zero in seconds? What the hell was that spell? While I was wondering what the spell was a window opened up. All I read was Poseidon’s trident, original spell, Emperor Rank. Before I could complete my reading my eyes shut down and I fell down to ground losing my consciousness.
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In the deepest reaches of the Bone Pits, a canine seemingly like any other woke up in the ruined remains of a wooden box.With knowledge it shouldn't have, fleeting memories it couldn't reach, and the icy grasp of death crawling up its spine with every labored breath, it simply wished to live another day. Yet, in the bowels of a city built on metal corpses, nothing was ever simple. Of course, nobody said change would be simple, nor bloodless.And in the dark corners no one sees, in the shifting clouds of smog that none dare venture through, in the deepest reaches of the Dungeon that none but the mentally deranged dare challenge, the last wolf rakes its claws through steel and howls to a distant sky. Are you tired of fun monster evolution stories where the monster becomes increasingly less monstrous, and eventually they're just a more spicy version of a human and it stops being a monster evolution story?Well, i am.So- insert thanos meme where he says "fine, i'll do it myself"[Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge.](The art in the book cover was made by an extremely talented artist named Chloe Bt, and she allowed me permission to use one of her renders as the main ingredient to my book cover, because she's fucking awesome.)
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An Everlasting. A title given to those who have reached a state closest to godhood. Be it through might and power or through love and compassion. These beings hold great influence over the realms. This story is about Asura, a young orphaned child, who was taught the way of the blade and has mastered the Warrior Arts at a very young age. Given a recommendation by his master, Asura ventures out to broaden his horizons and to learn magic. Follow Asura’s journey and his quest to reach Everlastinghood. Comment by the author: Looking at the chapter list, you might have noticed Volume 1 is not there. The reason is that it’s in the process of being published so I’m somewhat restricted in where and how I can post it. Edit. 18/04/2017 The first volume is now officially on sale. It is no longer possible to get the first volume for free. I am sorry but it was free for a long time and it was time for it. However if you like to support me you can find th first volume here on Amazon (getBook.at/TheEverlasting) Compared to other stories on Royal Road this one is faster paced. No artificial extensions of the story by spending forever in generic constructs, like random ranking tournaments, that don’t really matter for the overall plot. That’s the plan anyway. Volumes consist roughly of 30-35k words. Additionally: I am not a native speaker, nor have I had any formal education in the English language. I am trying very hard to improve myself. If you want to help me by proofreading my story, shoot me a PM and we’ll see if we can arrange something. Other than my thanks and fake internet points I can’t offer anything, though. Yeah, poor student here… Edit 22/06/2017 Hey the story is officially ended if i ever decide to continue it will be on another date. The ending is open for anyone to use their imagination. Thank you all for the support. I hope we could meet later in the Everlasting II. Respectfully Biako
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