《Back Again》Chapter 19: Return of Nightmare
Chapter 19: Return of Nightmare
“This just in, superheroes Speed and the Glacier are sighted in X Avenue battling against a dangerous villain who calls himself the Mist Devil.”
A reporter’s voice could be heard from the TV which was displaying the news regarding a battle in X Avenue.
“Heeh, another new villain huh? What a luck guy~” (???)
“E-eh?...Well...he’s being beaten up though...” (???)
“...Weak.” (???)
“Waah~ that guy has horns like a cow!” (???)
“K-khh-! That Glacier, bouncing up and about with those huge breast! I-it’s not like I’m jealous about it! It’s not okay!?” (???)
Listening to the program were five young teenager girls who were currently only watching the news with half hearted interest.
If it was any other person, especially ones who were of their age, they would’ve been watching and listening to the news in full attention.
This was because it was now the age of superheroes and villains.
It was something you’d only see in the past in the form of comics, cartoons, or movies so it should be natural that young people would be fascinated with superheroes.
Yet, for these girls, it was as if they’re just watching a magic show!
Well, that’s only to be expected. After all, these five were precisely the five childhood lovers of Max who were trained by him in magic for 10 years!
Right, 10 whole years!
It is now year 2162. 10 years ago, Max had actively begun to gather people and gave them powers to protect those they wanted to protect.
The person in the news, Speed, is the reporter from 10 years ago who Max had given the power to run faster than the speed of sound.
As for Glacier, she is considered a new hero and was not someone who Max had met...yet.
How did these happen? Well, long story short, Max is currently missing for 5 years now…
“Hm? Something wrong, Livia?” (Geo)
Geo saw that Livia was a bit more quieter than normal and asked.
“Nn...it’s nothing...it’s just...” (Livia)
“...You’re thinking of Max too?” (Ina)
“...Un...” (Livia)
Livia nodded at Ina, still looking worried.
“Well...don’t worry too much. That guy is so powerful! He’ll definitely save both sis Jenny and sis Rose!” (Mica)
“Un! Max will definitely save the day and come back!” (Zoe)
Both Mica and Zoe reassured her as well but it could also be seen from their eyes that they’re also worried.
It happened 5 years ago. A huge vortex appeared in the skies that seemed to have surrounded the world.
The vortex sucked in millions of people and among them was their teachers Jenny and Rosalline.
That event was known as the [Nightmare’s End]. Because it was on that day that the man known as Nightmare had disappeared.
In order to stop the vortex from engulfing all of life on Earth, Nightmare stood on the forefront of the vortex and unleashed a powerful energy.
It was said that the power he released was so powerful that even the people on the other side of the Earth had seen and felt it!
And then...the vortex disappeared.
Nightmare was honored as the [World’s Hero] and dozens of ceremonies took place all over the world.
But what everyone didn’t know, was that that energy was nothing but light show! Max staged it so it would look like Nightmare had died.
Along with it, he scattered all the OStones he had into different parts of the world for his own personal entertainment in the future.
After that, he used a counter magic on the vortex to close it after going inside.
He already told these to Livia and the rest so they wouldn’t worry. As for his parents, they just know that he’s living with his little wives somewhere.
Livia’s been making illusions of him from time to time as well so it wouldn’t arouse any suspicion.
“But...it’s been 5 years...I wonder what happened to him?” (Livia)
“H-hmph! There’s nothing we could do anyway! It’s all that guy’s fault for not taking us with him! Once he comes back, I’ll definitely smack his face at least once!” (Mica)
“Hey~ Isn’t that too mean? Is that the first thing I get after I finally got back?” (???)
Mica’s body jolted as if she’s a cat whose tail was stepped on when she heard a familiar voice behind her.
Everyone’s expression also brightened up upon hearing his voice.
It was this voice that they longed to hear again in the past few years.
It was this voice that they kept dreaming about.
It was this voice that they wished to hear again.
And now...he has returned.
“I’m home~” (Max)
“““““Welcome home!!! Max!!!””””” (Everyone)
* * *
So good to be back~~~
Immediately upon being back to Earth again, I was tackled by the five girls and am now enjoying their soft bodies completely surround me!
Un un! They’ve all developed nicely!
Now that they’re about 16-17 years old, their bodies had become more womanly and certain parts have developed.
Geo, the tomboyish girl from back then now has a more obvious woman’s body. Though that platinum blonde short hair still makes her look like a pretty prince if one does not look below her neck where two bountiful peaks stuck out.
Zoe, the pet, still has her trademark ponytailed brown hair that swings back and forth like the wagging of a dog’s tail. She had a sexy curvy body which makes one want to hug her all day long.
Mica, the tsundere, as expected, has the smallest breast size of them all. Though not considered completely flat but still small.Though that doesn’t seem to stop her from sticking her chest out and pounding them as if she was proud of them...maybe because she kept doing that, her chest didn’t grow bigger?
Livia, the shy yet strangely erotic girl’s black bangs were no longer completely covering her eyes like before...well, only a bit. It’s not tied to one side so her other eye is still covered...well, at least it shows progress. Her body has also developed nicely and has become more erotic!
Then there’s Ina, the cool beauty, still has her same cold look but I know that her eyes which are looking at me right now is the warmest eyes she had made. As the eldest of the group, she has this mature and dependable aura which greatly emphasizes her beauty even more.
Seeing these five again after five whole years warmed my heart.
Beside me, Jenny and Rosalline were also smiling.
Compared to five years ago, the two of them had also changed. They didn’t look older, actually, they seemed to look younger!
I don’t completely understand it, but five years ago, when the two of them were sucked into that vortex, they were trapped in an isolated space where time doesn’t exist.
It took me quite a bit of effort to finally free them but when I did, they seemed to look a few years younger already.
The vortex was a portal that is connected to the previous world I was in. However, instead of going directly to that other world, the two of them were dragged out midway and was stuck in that isolated space.
My theory was that time does not go in reverse in that space, but rather, time would be in a chaotic state where it would go backwards one second, then forwards for another second. With time erratically going back and forth like that, you can just imagine what kind of psychological torment they would have but it seemed that they were unconscious the entire time so to them, only a second had passed.
I had spent 3 years in the other world trying to find a way to get them back and spent the other 2 years rehabilitating them so we were only able to leave and return now.
I thought that I could’ve spent the 2 years of rehab in Earth but this world simply isn’t suitable for it and it would’ve been better to do it in a world with abundant mana so I chose that world.
In any case, I finally got them back and now, they’re as good as ever! Actually, they’re even better than ever!
Before, though my relationship with them was quite good, it was, at best, ambiguous. After all, they were older than me by a lot so they were both conflicted on what to feel towards me.
However, after the incident and seeing the other world, they no longer cared for such trifling things like age and we were able to confirm our relationship.
Though, they still liked to act like my older sisters. Seems like they like that sort of ‘roleplay’...well, I didn’t have a problem with it…
Yes, I’ve long lost my virginity, actually, to a reincarnated person like me, it was no longer that important. As for the Geo, Zoe, Mica, Livia, and Ina, I still haven’t done it with them but now that they’re already 16-17...maybe in a few more years, it would be fine~
In the past, there was a conversation about our parents letting us be and wait until we’re older to confirm whether we would still love each other and all that but it’s already been forgotten and they’ve already accepted this bizarre relationship I had with them.
Oh yeah, when the vortex appeared, a lot more people seemed to have sucked in too but when I got to the other world, they were seen as invaders and were all killed apparently…
I arrived last so there was no chance to save them at all but when I saw the dead bodies, I had initially thought that Jenny and Rosalline were also killed as well so I raised hell.
Afterwards, I calmed down and remembered that I still have my connection to them and felt that they weren’t in that world so I met with my old friends and asked them to help me with locating Jenny and Rosalline.
The Demon King was surprised to see me again and laughed for a long while and even showed my children that had already grown up a little. Seems that 50 years had already passed in this world by the time I was reborn. I don’t understand why though.
It’s weird to see your own child to be older than you…
Well, they were still my children so I played with them for a bit and taught them some things.
Naturally, I also met their mothers and we all had another round that night after the Demon King got me drunk again from our celebrations.
Demons age slower than humans you see. So they were all still naturally young and beautiful and after getting drunk, I lost control…but still...originally, I would transform myself to a mature man’s build but those demonesses seemed to have taken a liking to my kid body so they stopped me...
*Cough* On to the matters at hand. Now that we’re all finally back, there are some things that I wanted to be done!
Of course, the girls are my priority so I spent a week with them cuddling and kissing and dating and all that. Afterwards, I finally had time to go to the headquarters I previously made.
I didn’t go in my Nightmare getup but instead, as Max, the 16 year old kid.
Coincidentally, or not, the one called Glacier is also heading towards the headquarters.
Fumu, her breast really are big.
I’ve never met her so she must’ve gotten an OStone when I scattered them before. Seems like Arthur and the rest had scouted her and showed her the headquarters.
She’s still in costume though but there’s no danger in figuring out where the headquarters is since it’s hidden and there’s an array around this place where people would unconsciously avoid going.
So, it was only natural that when she saw me, who was standing near the headquarters entrance, directly looking at her brea- *cough* looking at her, she was surprised.
After contemplating it a bit, she asked.
“Kid, are you lost? Hehe, I’m Glacier, what’s your name?” (Glacier)
Seriously, those enormous glaciers on your chest could sink Titanic a hundred times over!
…-is what I didn’t say. But there’s this urge to say it…
Well, let’s mess with the rookie.
“I’m Nightmare.” (Max)
“Hehe, so you’re a fan too huh~ I’m also a fan of the great Nightmare-sama! His figure when he destroyed that vortex was just sooo cool!!! Right!?” (Glacier)
…Eh? -Sama? She doesn’t look japanese...no, maybe a bit? Whatever, seems like this girl’s a huge fan of the great me huh?
Fumu fumu, what a nice brea- *cough* what a nice girl~
“Then, little Nightmare, what are you doing over here? Are your parents nearby~?” (Glacier)
...Somehow, this girl seems like that kind of girl who gets along with anyone...she has that kind of feeling. You know, the easy-going kind of person…
However, that ‘little Nightmare’ nickname is annoying…
...Right, I’ll just ignore her…
Without paying her any more attention, I turned around and continued walking.
“Eh? Wait, kid, where are you-?” (Glacier)
Glacier’s voice paused when she saw me walk through the huge tree which was the hidden entrance of the headquarters.
For a while, she stood there dumbly. I can tell since I still haven’t gone down.
“Oi newbie, are you going in or not?” (Max)
“E-eh!? Ah! Yes!...Not! Hey! How come you know about this place!? Who are you!?” (Glacier)
“Whatever, I’ll go down first then.” (Max)
Okay, I’ve messed around a lot now. Let’s just teleport directly to where Arthur is.
Currently he’s together with Ellen and her son, Bryan, and from the looks of it, those two finally got together. Sheesh, did they really have to wait until Nightmare was ‘dead’?
Bryan is now 13 years old so he had already grown up a bit. From his muscle tones, he has also been working out in his free time. Being surrounded by superheroes, he’s really quite blessed.
I already gave Ellen an OStone to give to him when he reaches 10 years old in order to be able protect himself. The ability was a simple metallic transformation from the magic [Metal Skin], giving him a layer of armor for when things go bad.
Hehe, let’s play with them a bit…
I’m using invisibility magic so they haven’t seen me yet. Now then…
[It seems you’ve all been well.]
Black mist formed into words in front of them which instantly surprised them into even jolting their bodies.
“N-Nightmare!? Is that you!?” (Arthur)
I materialized in front of them. Or, well, at least an illusion of me as Nightmare.
“S-sir Nightmare! Y-you’re...alive!?” (Ellen)
“Waa! Uncle Nightmare!!!” (Bryan)
Ever since he was taken in by me, I had spoiled him quite a bit and resulted in him calling me uncle so seeing me appear in front of him again, Bryan’s eyes teared up and rushed forward to hug me.
Well, since that was only an illusion, he just passed through.
“Eh? U-uncle Nightmare, y-you...a ghost!?” (Bryan)
Bryan’s eyes teared up even more.
Geez, this kid…
[Don’t cry. I’m not a ghost. You just surprised me a bit there.]
“R-really?” (Bryan)
The display on the helmet turned into a smiling face and I moved my hand to pat him on the head. This is my real hand now. I’m just covering myself with the Nightmare illusion.
Anyways, my build is already close if not the same as my Nightmare illusion.
“Uwaaaa!!!” (Bryan)
Feeling the hand over his head, Bryan cried again and hugged me. This time, he didn’t pass through.
After calming him down, I looked towards the other two.
“...Is it really you?” (Arthur)
[It’s me]
“But...5 years ago...we all thought you had died. The OStones you had scattered throughout the world and there are a few troublesome people who managed to get it and use it for evil purposes.” (Arthur)
[That’s right]
“So...can you get them back?” (Arthur)
[I can’t]
I lied. Of course I can, but I won’t.
Before, I still feel bad if my creations are used to kill people but now, I’ve already stopped caring. Especially after I began my killing spree in that other world before. I realized that I didn’t care about the lives of others, only the lives of those close to me. As long as those close to me aren’t harmed, they could raise hell for all I care.
“I see...” (Arthur)
Silence, awkward silence…
None of us knew what to talk about but after a while, Arthur finally gave up and hesitantly explain.
“R-right...Nightmare...about Ellen...I-I...” (Arthur)
Sigh, right, in the past, I had felt that Ellen had some feelings for me but as Nightmare, I just kept my cool and didn’t show up often so there was never a chance for her or me to close the gap between us.
After I ‘died’, Arthur finally made his move and Ellen gave in.
But now that I’m actually alive, there’s this weird atmosphere…
“Oh yeah, Arthur, didn’t you ask me before, whether there would come a time where I would show my face to you?” (Max)
“Eh? I remember...Ah-!? Y-you just talked?” (Arthur)
For Arthur, me talking was as rare as a blue moon and was surprised to hear my voice even though it’s still muffled from the ‘illusory’ helmet.
“I figured it’s time.” (Max)
“E-eh? Eh? EHHHH!!!???” (Arthur)
The illusion around me dissipated, showing my skin tight red and blue suit with web designs.
“I’m Spiderman!” (Max)
“Okay, I’m joking. Actually, it’s me, Max Connors!” (Max)
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