《Back Again》Chapter 11: Hero Vigilante
Chapter 11: Hero Vigilante
“Max, wake up.” (Mother)
I woke up with the sound of my mother’s calling.
Looking around, we are still in the theater room and the movie’s already about to end its end credits. Jenny and Rosalline had also just woken up and are still in a state of half-asleep. Oh, they’re also still leaning on me and hugging my arm, burying it in between two pairs of heavenly mountains…
“Hnn, 5 more minutes…” (Jenny)
“Max...the zombies...no...” (Rosalline)
Jenny is obviously the lazy type while Rosalline is still afraid from the first movie.
“Alright you two. Uhh, my parents are watching.” (Max)
“Oi, what was that supposed to mean you little brat!?” (Father)
“Nothing…?” (Max)
Obviously I meant if they weren’t there, we can flirt however we want!...Not like I can say that.
“Hm? Ah! S-sorry!” (Jenny)
“Oh...Max...morning...” (Rosalline)
Finally remembering the situation, Jenny’s eyes snapped open and her body straightened while Rosalline calmly greeted me…ehh, it’s already dinner though…
“You guys...I thought you were supposed to watch a horror movie? Why are you watching this R-18 movie!?” (Mother)
“““Eh?””” (Max, Jenny, & Rosalline)
All three of us stiffened upon hearing what my mother said.
“Eh? Wait wait wait! I didn’t know! A friend of mine said it was a good movie and I happen to see it here so...” (Jenny)
“We’re very sorry, we were already asleep near the beginning so we didn’t notice.” (Rosalline)
While Jenny and Rosalline were busy apologizing to my parents, in my mind, a huge storm of regret flooded over!
Why!? Why did I have to fall asleep!!!??? Argh! I could’ve witnessed an epic reaction from Jenny and Rosalline, who were hugging me, suddenly find out that we are watching a sex scene!
How could I miss on such an interesting scene!!!???
As much as I want to rage out, my expression didn’t change at all. Tsk, since I missed such an opportunity, I’ll just use this chance to thoroughly tease them.
“R-18? What’s that? Ehh, system, rewind!” (Max)
The system recognized my voice and rewinded the movie...where...where is the sex scene!!!???
“Stop! System, stop!” (Father)
Tch- father managed to stop it at the point where the guy just got out of the room with a naked top…the sex scene must be just a few minutes before that!
“Max! R-18 means you can’t know about it before you are 18 years old!” (Mother)
“Ehh...ah! Was it like when you and dad were naked in the room and-” (Max)
“Wawawawawawa! Stop! Why are you still remembering that!?” (Mother)
“Damn brat! How much did you see!?” (Father)
“Umm, the moment you both stripped until you guys suddenly became tired?” (Max)
““...Isn’t that pretty much everything!?”” (Parents)
“Hey, mom, when dad hits you, why does it feel good?” (Max)
“T-that...” (Mother)
“Hey, dad, when mom cries, why do you hurt her more?” (Max)
“N-no...that...” (Father)
“Hey-” (Max)
“Okay! Okay! We get it! Let’s just go and eat okay!?” (Mother)
“Kaay~” (Max)
Satisfied, I hopped as I walk towards the dining room, leaving behind the dumbfounded four.
Hahahaha, that sure was satisfying to watch!
The dinner continued awkwardly except for me who totally couldn’t read the mood and repeatedly inquired about sex, enjoying their reactions.
Jenny especially, once, she spit out the water she just drank and almost sprayed it on Rosalline.
Rosalline was quiet but her face was as red as an apple.
As for my parents...well, let’s just say I might’ve used up 10 or so years of their life…
Joking aside, Rosalline and Jenny went back to their homes while I returned to my room and started to organize my thoughts.
Let’s review what I need to do…
First, occasionally go out to save some people as Nightmare.
This will be the foundation of the new era I will bring about. People need to know that there exist people with powers.
This way, it will also be a bit more acceptable for when I give out powers later on.
Once the masses have accepted the fact of superpowered people existing, I can reveal my power to my parents. I won’t tell them about magic since things will only be more complicated. But I can tell them I have a power, which will be more acceptable and easy to explain.
Second, while working on the first one, I will need to reach the point where I can maintain the transformation spell in an hour.
At the moment, I can only maintain it for a minute which was why I used illusion spell instead as it will have less burden but my illusion cannot be touched, they will only pass through.
This is a bit annoying since I have to hide myself with an invisibility magic at the same time and I have to jump whenever I punch or use my hands...otherwise, it would be weird if the point of impact is lower than what the illusory image showed...I really hate this kid body…
Before, I only meditated at night or when I’m resting but...I should start meditating all throughout the day!
The art of splitting the mind!
I didn’t feel the need to learn this before so I didn’t, but now...I should have one half of my mind in meditation and the other for everything else! No, I don’t need a half for everything else...one fourth is good enough!
As soon as I invoked the art of splitting the mind, mana started to gather in me while I remain conscious.
Good, at this rate...I should be able to reach my goal in...2 months! 4 months and I can spend 2 hours of transformation spell!
Alright, lastly, I need to train Ina and the girls in magic...I should start tomorrow. There’s not any particular reason why...but since I already decided to have them in my harem, it wouldn’t hurt to teach them magic right?
Oh yeah, I should start with the construction of the ability crystals thingy...well, some other time...too lazy…
That should be it...now, let’s begin the fun~
I didn’t sleep, instead, I activated the illusion spell and my figure disappeared and was replaced with Nightmare. Only, the Nightmare costume has been altered a bit.
The jet black leather suit from before has changed and white glowing lines flowed along the lines of the suit. I made it so the color of the light would depend on my mood. White is normal of course.
As for the helmet, the eyeshield is replaced with a screen instead. On the face screen, there’s a smiley face with stitched mouth design displayed. Also would change depending on my mood. Why? Cause it’s awesome, why else?
Ehh, I should also make a symbol or something. Superheroes are all about symbols…
Skull? Ghost? Ghost skull? What the hell is a good symbol for a nightmare?...Meh, whatever, I’ll just think of something later…
Let’s go find some bastard to kill *cough* I mean, beat the crap out off…
I disappeared from my room and reappeared on the streets. Since I’m saving on mana, I used the wind walker spell instead of real flight.
As I ran in the skies with the night sky behind me like a badass, I heard a scream with my enhanced hearing from afar.
Alright! Let’s go play hero! Or in my case, anti-hero!
Cue the music.
* * *
Detective Alissa Toller has just gotten off from work and headed to her apartment.
After meeting with the famous [Heavenly Pair] this afternoon, she was more enthusiastic in her work and investigated the Nightmare case, only to find no leads at all.
Because of that, she sighed heavily as she walked to her apartment.
“How am I supposed to search this guy?...I mean, he’s supposed to have superpowers! Super! Powers! And one of them is supposed to be invisibility!” (Alissa)
At first, she didn’t believe that superpower thing and had interviewed some companies with leading technologies on optical camouflage. She even asked the [Wisdom Goddess] Maria Connors about her opinion.
She said that optical camouflage hasn’t been perfected yet. Though camouflaging a non-moving object or person can be easily done, a moving one would always have a bit of inconsistency due to the lag between the miniature cameras and the miniature screens. Maybe Ina and the criminals didn’t see clearly but something like that cannot be made in a home so Alissa still visited a couple of companies to inquire.
The result, no stolen technologies.
Chances of them using it themselves? Zero. First of all, why? Why would they suddenly play vigilante? And second, Alissa already got their alibis during the incident and they’re all solid.
She also got a sketch from Ina on Nightmare’s helmet and showed it to the companies that sell helmets but...the only thing she found out is that the design of the helmet is pretty old. Though some still use it, it’s mostly a junk from 100 years ago. Motorcycle helmets of today are more efficient and had more functions. Most helmets already has a built in computer or phone system with gps and other apps. This functions requires a hidden component into the helmet, causing the design to change. And so, the helmet that Nightmare used obviously didn’t have that component which was why it was decided to be an old model.
This made Alissa even more confused.
If the helmet is the modern model, then there is a chance to track it using the help of the cyber department. But if it was an old model...it’s basically just scrap metal! Who uses helmets like that!? Isn’t it obvious that having a built in phone in the helmet is better than not having one? If someone called, you’d have to remove your helmet and risk having an accident! And if you had an accident, you would be able to easily call for help! Why did this guy just have to use an old model!?
“Tsk, he must’ve known we’re onto him and used a hard to track helmet! Annoying! Who even keep those things anymore!?” (Alissa)
Of course, never would she imagine that Max simply didn’t know about it and his common sense is still mostly from his world 100 years ago.
Then there was his instant movement ability...Alissa researched on how fast a human can go but it isn’t the same as what Ina said. In order to have a speed that fast, one still needs a good momentum. No one can just abruptly run that fast!
As for teleportation? That kind of technology is still not discovered!
Well, it could be that Ina was exaggerating everything but one thing she can’t figure out was the criminals’ outcome.
They all turned into vegetables and incapable of answering to anyone. Once the name Nightmare comes up, they began to panic and goes crazy.
Just what did this Nightmare do to make them look like that…?
“Was it a chemical poison? There were no signs of injection and their lungs didn’t have any foreign gas so...just how?” (Alissa)
Alissa was extremely confused. Even though she already got off from work, she couldn't help but still think of Nightmare and it’s making her crazy.
“Shit, if this goes on, Nightmare will start appearing in my dreams...or will they be called nightmare?” (Alissa)
Trying to dispel her stress by making a light joke, Alissa sighed and reached her apartment when…
“Oh come on!” (Alissa)
Though she complained, she still didn’t forget her duty and immediately took out her gun, pointing it downwards and started to run towards the scream.
“I’m police, tell me what happened?” (Alissa)
“That guy! That guy took my purse!”
The victim pointed towards a man in a hood that was frantically running away.
“Stop! This is the police! Hand over the purse and turn yourself in!” (Alissa)
Alissa thinks this is useless anyway but it’s something they need to say in case there’s a criminal that’s easily scared and might save some of their time.
Naturally, the thief ignored her so she gave chase.
Because of his panic, he bumped into a lot of people which slowed him down. Knowing he would be caught soon, he grabbed a little boy near him and took out a foldable knife.
“No! Don’t hurt my Kevin!”
The little boy Kevin’s mother screamed at the side and tried to pull back her son but the thief pointed the knife to Kevin’s neck.
“Stop! Don’t come any closer or I swear your son will die before you!”
“Put down the knife!” (Alissa)
Alissa tried to scare off the thief by pointing her gun but instead, the little boy was the one who was frightened more and started crying.
“Shut up! Cry again and I’ll kill you! You! Drop the gun!”
Alissa hesitated.
“Drop the fucking gun!”
“Okay! Okay!...See? Now, hand over the kid, then we can talk!” (Alissa)
Putting down her gun, Alissa was irritated in her mind.
Why does she have to run into a robbery turned hostage taking!?
“Good...good, now...nobody move...”
The thief took slow steps back while keeping watch of everyone who might try to attack him, his knife, ready to slice the little boy’s neck.
After stepping back for a bit, suddenly, he bumped into something behind.
Inwardly, he was embarrassed and thought he actually bumped into a wall and frantically looked behind but...what he saw was something he would never forget in his whole life.
A man in all black with white glowing lines on his body and a black helmet having a face screen where a stitched smiley face was displayed.
When he looked at the smiling face with stitches, a shiver went down his spine, it was as if he was staring into the abyss. Even when he’s looking at it, at the same time, it felt as if he was looking at nothing!
The thief hurriedly pointed the knife back on the little boy but...the boy was gone!
When he looked back to the man in helmet, he was shocked to find the little boy already by his side, with his hand calmly patting the boy’s head.
The man in helmet looked at the little boy and the display on his face mask changed into a regular smile with curved eyes. The glowing white lines also changed into a sunny yellow color.
The little boy Kevin stopped crying and the man in helmet looked back on the thief.
Again, the display on his face screen changed into a mad stitched face and the glowing yellow lines turned blood red. Killing intent surged through the air and concentrated on the thief, the boy and everyone was unaffected but the thief is now shivering in fear.
“W-who are you!?”
The man in helmet was still quiet but the face screen’s display changed again.
Suddenly, Nightmare reappeared behind the thief and his hand touched his head.
His face screen changed.
After screaming, as if the string were suddenly cut from the puppet, the thief collapsed with foam in his mouth and his eyes rolled upwards.
Nightmare returned back to his former image and patted the little boy’s head again and began to walk away.
“W-wait!” (Alissa)
All this time, Alissa stood watching everything in stupor. Seeing Nightmare was about to leave, she inadvertently shouted to stop him. Only, she still hadn’t figured out what to say.
Nightmare paused and curiously looked at Alissa.
His face screen changed into a [?], indicating his inquiry.
“T-that...uhh...” (Alissa)
“Mister...mister, who are you?” (Kevin)
The little boy asked instead, representing everyone who was watching in asking the number one question in their minds.
“Night...mare?” (Kevin)
“Then, is Mr. Night a...superhero?” (Kevin)
Nightmare was silent for a while and made a motion as if he was sighing. Then, he floated…
“Wow! Wow! Mr. Night is flying!!!” (Kevin)
“Is this for real!?”
“Flight...does his shoes have maglev functions?”
Noticing that some people are still unconvinced, Nightmare waved his hands and suddenly, everyone is in the air.
“Holy shit! This is real flight!!!”
“Waaa! I’m flying! Mom! Look! Hahaha!” (Kevin)
After a while, Nightmare put everyone down and he started to leave again.
“Mr. Night! Mr. Night! Play with us more!” (Kevin)
“Why!?” (Kevin)
“Kevin, stop it. Look, Mr. Night still needs to save other people okay? Come on, say thank you to Mr. Night!”
“Uuu...thank you Mr. Night! When I grow up, I want to become like you!” (Kevin)
[Be a good kid]
“Un! I will!” (Kevin)
Again, Nightmare was about to leave when Alissa finally snapped out of her shock when she saw him make everyone float.
“W-wait! Who are you!? What’s under that mask!?” (Alissa)
“Sister police, don’t you know, superheroes always wears mask!” (Kevin)
“Yes, and so do criminals!” (Alissa)
“Mr. Night isn’t a criminal!” (Kevin)
“If that’s true, what does he have to hide!?” (Alissa)
Kevin was about to protest again when he saw Nightmare wave his hand to stop him.
Then, he silently looked at Alissa as if contemplating something.
“...I thought you can speak?” (Alissa)
[....I stopped]
“...” (Alissa)
Alissa was confused but didn’t bother it that much. To her, seeing his face is more important that hearing his muffled voice.
Nightmare sighed again and moved his hand on his helmet.
Everyone was surprised at his action.
Could it be...he’s really going to reveal himself!?
Everyone was filled with curiosity and couldn’t help but curse at Nightmare in their heads at how slow he was removing his helmet.
Then...they saw it.
With his helmet at hand, they saw the face of the one called Nightmare.
...There was nothing.
Nightmare actually...didn’t have a head!
When everyone else is shocked, Nightmare placed his helmet back on and disappeared into thin smoke.
When everyone thought he was gone, the smoke formed into words.
[Better luck next time detective]
“W-wha-!?” (Alissa)
Alissa’s mouth twitched.
This bastard...he actually didn’t plan to reveal his face at all!!!
Alissa didn’t even think about how he suddenly disappeared or why the smoke turned into words. Instead, she vowed in her heart that she will catch this Nightmare person!
“Bastard...just see how I catch you!” (Alissa)
“Hahaha! Mr. Night! So cool! I want to be headless as well!” (Kevin)
Then you’d be dead oi!
Everyone scolded little Kevin in their heads when they heard his absurd dream. Even his mother was secretly frightened and decided to persuade him later that Nightmare only used a trick earlier. Else, he might just cut his head when he grows up…
After this, several more similar events happened all throughout the night.
Meanwhile, the person in question was quietly planning on something ridiculous.
“That detective earlier is pretty hot. Let’s add her to my harem...pink marker! Alissa Toller huh? Kukukuku, let’s see just who will catch who. Kukukukukufufufufufuhahahahahahahawahahahahahaha!!!” (Max)
And so, the hero started his evil scheme.
As you might've noticed, yes, his Nightmare get up is somewhat similar to Celty in Durarara. Cause it looks cool...and she's hot.
Ehh, to those guys complaining about having alot of girls, well, sorry but there will still be more! Hahahahaha! Actually, there isn't a main girl at all, just a harem of girls...well, whatever, I'm basically just adding them in my whims. Haha :P
Also...well, that's it? I forgot what to say...owell.
P.S.: Oh, about Monster Crafting, I haven't updated it in my gdrive for a while now cause I'm still thinking of some stuffs...if you have any suggestions, you can comment it in my gdrive chapters.
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