《Liberty in the Overlord Universe》10. Grand Haven of Vanir


Chapter 10

We already studied the layout of Nazarick carefully. In addition to that, since they ran the basic codes through me, I knew what we were going into. Mostly POP monsters and then a lot of mid rank monsters to try and drain us and finally a level 100 Dungeon Boss. I don’t know which one it’ll be since this isn’t exactly Nazarick (so no Gargantua) but I’m sure they put something equally as terrifying if not more.

We saw the answer when we reached the 6th floor boss room.

Diana: This looks a lot like a miniature version of the One Piece World.

From the stairwell (which was booby trapped to the maximum) down to the 6th floor was…what I could only describe as an ocean. It was truly a massive floor in which I couldn’t see with my naked eye. There were a few islands here and there, barely bigger than house each but the true terror lay under the waters.

As a massive shadow moved under the surface, I was able to identify it.

Me: Leviathan…level 100. But I’d rather call it a Sea King. A Leviathan seems like too small a word to describe this monstrosity.

Diana: I’d say this is a mid-sized of the top Sea Kings in the world. It’s about the size of an island…man, this would make Gargantua look small. Well, better start now before that thing notices us.

Sis put her hand into the water and started to heat up the ocean.

Diana: It’s going to take a while but I’m going to do it as much as possible so that Dragon takes continuous damage as we fight.

As she used Ancient Dragon Fire into the ocean, the temperature rose to unbearable (not for us though) heights as the water started to boil.

Of course, a level 100 Leviathan (or Sea King) would have heat resistance, but even that had a limit. It started to take damage as it shifted its attention to us…or more specifically sis.

Me: Sis, aggro is on you! Tell me the plan!

Diana: Slice it up while I hold it back!

That was all I needed to hear. Sis would need to continually hold aggro though, which wasn’t an easy feat if I was going to be the person to do most of the damage. Well, that would usually be the case but the easiest way to achieve this would be playing whack-a-mole.


When he’s underwater, he receives damage from sis, but whenever he comes up I slam him back down to the seafloor…which by the time he comes up again has aggro at sis. A simple but effective pattern.

Of course, sis’s hands weren’t just ‘hot’, it was ‘HOT’. The water was only boiling a few minutes ago but now it was actively dropping and harming the Sea King, enough to see that it’s attacks became faster and a bit more desperate.

*THUD* *Splash!!*

Back under the water. Now it would swim around a bit to try and intimidate normal players before coming out again…while that would add a cinematic effect, it was a stupid move in a fight. Why would you stay so long in a fight? Well, I guess Sea Kings were always dumb creatures.

Knowing the attack pattern of an underdeveloped AI is pretty simple. Just some observation and logical thinking. Put the pattern in a loop and then repeat. This was the 6th floor though, is this the end?

As we went down another floor expecting a message from a system to congratulate us on beating a dungeon, we were brought into a very fancy looking room with jewelry and decorations all over the wall. At the end of this long hallway was a Majestic throne, a mix of so many jewels I couldn’t name them all. Sitting on the throne was…

Boss: I commend you for making it so fa—

Me: Sis, just attack him before he goes on his typical villain speech

Boss: However this is where you—

Diana: *Dragon Breath*

So began our fight with the Dungeon boss.

We ended up taking more damage against him than all of the dungeon combined but in my opinion, it was easier and faster than the Sea King. We didn’t have to wait for him to come up again, but rather just gritting our teeth and tanking some of his hits and returning a critical blow.

It became much easier when he began summoning minions as with the effect of our ‘titles’. I’m sure they were meant to distract us while he charges one of his Super tier spells but their very existence was a great help for us. So helpful in fact we just paralyzed them but made sure they didn’t die.

In the end, there were so many minions that each of our hits was doing a significant damage on the dungeon boss. Thanks for being an idiot.


As my blade finally pierced his heart, signifying the end of the fight (because the game doesn’t allow that unless it’s the last hit), we heard the beautiful notification we were waiting for.


System: Congratulations. ‘Society’ has conquered the ‘The Grand Haven of Vanir’. For beating the dungeon of the first try, you have been awarded ‘World Item: Scales of Judgement’

This dungeon is capable to transforming into a guild base. Accepting to do so, you will receive Dungeon Bosses, ‘Leviathan’ and ‘Seniram’. Would you choose to accept?

The decision making was held by sis but we knew the answer anyway.

Diana: Accept…and wait, that guy was Seniram? So he really existed?

(Author: For those of you who don’t remember or haven’t read my previous fanfic ‘Justice in the One Piece World’, the name ‘Seniram’ was the God of the people of Mycan in my previous novel. Fun fact, try spelling his name backwards)

Me: Sis, check the world Item.

System: World Item: Scales of Judgement.

In front of the Scales of Justice, there are none that can hide from Justice. All is fair, all are punished.

This item can fire and AOE that does a fixed damage of 50 HP Points. Additional 10 HP damage for every -100 Karma. Ignores all defense and resistance. This attack can only be resisted by another World Item. This attack can be used once every 24 hours.

Diana: What was Momonga’s HP at level 100?

Me: 60

Diana: …damn. This is going to be the ultimate fodder cleaner.

Me: Sis, we’re going to need to renovate this place…like a lot. We’re going to need a lot of people to help us with this task. Ainz Ool Gown had 41 people working together to create what they did. We don’t have 41 people’s worth of time.

Diana: Then how?

Me: Easy, buy people’s labor with money. Let’s open our guild up temporarily for applications.

At this point in time, our names were known far and wide all over the server. There wasn’t a “World Champion” match yet but we were known as one of the strongest players if not the strongest. Our 2 person guild, the “Society” was a mystery. Once the news of us conquering a Recommended Level 80 Guild for a 12 person party size was known throughout the server, it caused quite a disturbance. Of course, such a feat would be repeated many times later on but this was the early days of the game so news like this was fresh.

Then things got very heated when we opened an application to the server, saying that ‘Society’ will be accepting members.

Dear fellow gamers.

Society is in need of members that specialize in crafting, building, and arts.

If you wish to apply as an applicant to the ‘Society’, then please fill out your application attached below and submit on the board before the end of this month.


In the application, we put in a few requirements that would make sure the trolls stay out of the way. We required them to show us something that they have built or crafted as well as the evidence that it was them.

In order to make this official and not some trolls/spies, we set these following requirements as well.

Applicant must be an adult Applicant Avatar level must be at least 50 Any information leakage regarding the guild will result in immediate ban form the guild Members will be paid $XXX per month. Bonus will be given to those who show excellent work.

Now that money was involved in a world where people were literally starving, nobody should betray us for some dare or anything as the risk was too high. Besides, the amount we promised was twice the minimum wage, in other words, this was going to be crazy.

How will we pay for this you ask? Ever since we helped dad and the company out with this, we’ve been getting a ridiculous amount of allowance. Hiring even 20 people at once wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if we ever need more, we can sell information online or do a quick task in the Dark Web…or for dad.

Me: Now let’s let the applications roll in.

Diana: I feel like an admissions officer.

Me: The really desperate ones are probably feeling like they’re applying to college.

Diana: Sorry to inform but Society has a less than 1% acceptance rate. We’re going to need dad and our butler to go through them all with us. I can already imagine the sheer number of applications.

Me: Well…you’ve got to do what you gotta do.

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