《Afterlife - Next World's Auction House》Day 3 - Circumstances


I walked silently with the moon above my head following the arrival of night, calming down from the entire previous experience. I was aslo followed by the woman I saved inside the dungeon, which was pretty much the reason why my mind went haywire. As for why that happened, I don't know...maybe it was due to the fact that she was the person chosen by this wold's God, a.k.a. the hero, or maybe because that even if she was ridiculously overpowered, she still got caught and almost killed by some pseudo-wolfs... or maybe because of the 'demi-human' entry that I keep looking at like a moron each time I can, in her status page.

I mean really now, that means that there's a second race right!? Are there tails and cat ears available to be...ahem! checked thoroughly for authenticity? Or maybe really beautiful elf girls? Or maybe a different race altogether! Some scantly dressed demonesses with bat wings and pointy tail...ha...hahahahahaha! Ahem! Anyway...

"...there are too many variables with this girl. Also, what does 'I can't go home' mean? I really don't want to be dragged in something annoying like a fight between family members, but I can't really leave her standing in complete darkness, or send her home when she pretty much said she doesn't want to."

We walked down the hill and headed slowly towards the 'Blood Diamond Inn' through the city that fell silent under the cover of night. There were no words exchanged between us, only glances from time to time, to make sure I din't lose her...that and re-checking her status from time to time, since I wanted to make sure that the writing in her race field, didn't vanish like a midsummer night's dream.

"Speaking of dreaming...doesn't it cost 22 coppers to have her fed, washed and that she can sleep there tonight? Looking at her...she obviously doesn't seem to have any money on her. Whatever can happen will happen huh? I wonder about that, but I get some really bad overall vibes about this whole situation..."

"We're almost at the inn. You are probably very tired, but you'll be able to eat, take a bath and then sleep in a proper bed. Just hang on a bit longer."

[Mhm...] (Laura)

The awkward silence continued for another ten minutes until we reached the inn. When we entered through the solid door, we were greeted by a fragrant smell of cooked food and the surprised gaze of Caitlin. But before that...

[Where have you been? Didn't you promise to help me dress Caitlin up? Because you weren't there, she said she doesn't want to do it. What...Huh? Ms. Laura!?] (Martin)

"Mr. Martin, sorry about missing on our appointment, but as you can see I was held up. The questions would have to wait for later however. Ms. Caitlin, could a bath be prepared for the each of us? She will also take a room for tonight and will eat with us. Would that be fine?"

[Of course.] (Caitlin)

She immediately realized the situation and acted accordingly, not pampering the girl in any way, but taking a more business-like approach that wouldn't raise any suspicions. Probably... Well it was either that, or the fact that she got another customer.

"Here is one silver. Since she's a girl I would appreciate if you could do something regarding the soap and shampoo and some new clothes."

[Clothes you say...] (Caitlin)

[Isn't this perfect? Ms. Laura would be the first to wear my creation!] (Martin)


He yelled with much exuberance and pretty loud as well, but his eyes were an obvious giveaway to the fact that he looked very worried. Well, wearing a kimono after taking a bath and eating something would surely bring some comfort. This old man is very considerate in his own way.

"Also, could you bring a yukata similar in thickness to the one I took for sleeping? And since she's a woman..."

[I know... Don't worry.] (Martin)

He quickly left to bring the clothes and Caitlin also climbed the stairs with the new guest after leaving word for a bathtub to be brought in her chamber. I told her that I can wait for mine and she smiled as she took Laura upstairs.

Soon, Fred came from the kitchen and saw me.

[You look tired. Here, drink up!] (Fred)

"Hmm? Alcohol? It smells good."

[I heard it briefly from my wife. You managed to bring Ms. Laura back from the dungeon. We all thought her to be dead, truth to be told...] (Fred)

"Is she such an important person? Even if she's the general's daughter..."

[That's not it. She received the Blessing of Kings.] (Fred)

"Blessing of Kings?"

Huh? Is there yet another blessing that girl has? And why couldn't I see it in her status page? Don't tell me that I can't...

[Is what we call the blessing of our God, Anhur. It is bestowed only upon those chosen to lead the country. However...] (Fred)

"However, she's a woman."

[Yes. Can you imagine the stir that was caused? Those old men at the current King's palace were thrown in chaos, not to mention the nobles. Oh, right! Plus that she is obviously not royal blood, or even noble for that matter. Her father was a normal citizen until he promoted the ranks through his hard work. Not to mention that she's...](Fred)

"A demi-human?"

[Wow... How do you know about that?](Fred)

"I traveled a lot, remember?"

[I see... Her mother was an elf, but she died due to an illness. Not only a woman, but a half elf woman receiving the Blessing of Kings...it created a huge disarray for quite the period of time. It still does every time is being mentioned.](Fred)

"Are demi-humans treated that badly?"

[What? No! God, no! We're on very good term with the Elves. Since on this world there's only us and them, we learned to coexist, share knowledge and resources. Them doing most of the sharing of knowledge, since they are way more advanced than we are. However, it would be unprecedented for a woman to lead the entire human race, like many other kings have done in the past once they got the said blessing. Further more, how would it look if she, that's a half-elf would lead?](Fred)

"I see..."

[Politics are sensitive and even if she's an amazing girl, she wasn't made for it. She's rather more suited to be an adventurer, with how tomboyish she's like. But even then, she's our city darling and people grieved, while some adventurers even tried to go in after her in the dungeon. They were stopped forcibly by the guards stationed there, unde the order of general Charles... Since he lost his only daughter, he didn't want to lose even more people...](Fred)

Well, there you have it! Elves and they are the only other race 'available' for me to visit. I guess I'll take that over nothing... Looking at Fred, he smiled bitterly and drank the whiskey with large gulps, looking looking at the stairs leading to the upper floors. He then puffed his chest and loudly proclaimed something rather trivial, in a pathetic attempt to change the subject.


[However, that recipe you left me yesterday. It turned out to be a killer! The customers keep asking for seconds like there's no tomorrow. I never thought to prepare the ingredients like that before.](Fred)

"I am glad to hear that. Put aside some for Laura as well. She skipped quite the number of meals this week."

[Oh! I already planed to do that! Thank you again. How...how about the other four?](Fred)

See? He couldn't bring himself to avoid that topic...

"...A guy name Vincent and one named Ian survived. From what they told me, Chris and Alex didn't make it."

[Damn it! We keep losing so many young ones to these monsters...](Fred)

He looked truly infuriated and almost crying at the same time. He is a kind person despite his huge bear-like frame. Well, I guess I could help a bit more in order to prevent future losses...

As soon as Fred prepared to leave for the kitchen, Martin returned with clothes for Laura to wear. Both a kimono, a yukata and some underwear badly hidden under the others was brought. Now, while we waited in silence, Caitlin descended the stairs.

[How is she?] (Fred)

[Tired, hungry and shaken. It will take some time for her to recover. Are these the clothes? They look...unusual.] (Caitlin)

"Oh, right! This is similar to what I was wearing yesterday. Tell her that she can sleep in it. Now for this one, please make sure you follow the instructions I'll give you when helping her get dressed with it."

After I gave her the details, I asked Martin for a new yukata that I could wear since the other two black ones were...dirty. He brought over a blue one and I also went into my room to take a bath after leaving the other two and the overcoat to the two girls/maids for washing. I asked about the price but Fred shook his head and said it was fine.

I sunk in the tub filled with hot water and thought about today. So many things happened, that I needed some time to process every bit of it. First of all, the dungeon drops and the ring that I found were surprising enough as it was. The fact that I also found the spokesperson chosen by this world's God, was a bit too much of an extra.

"At least I'm now sure that the remuneration I'll get for the quest will be way bigger because of this."

I smiled bitterly and thought of what should I do next. I took about fifteen minutes and got out of the bath once the water cooled down, took a towel from the bag and dried myself. I then brought out the papyrus sheet and completed what I've seen in the dungeon.

Beside the labyrinth of mini-rooms created by the rock pillars, there was also the Kobold village and the information about their status pages. I thought of how should I present them to the general and the commander tomorrow, but I remembered that I already told them about my Identify skill. It should make things considerably easier.

I left the ink to dry, put on the blue yukata, took the indoor wooden sandals provided by the inn and went back downstairs. I didn't have to wait long, as Ms. Caitlin alongside Laura joined us as well.

The sight of a woman with golden hair and green eyes dressed in a red kimono with wooden sandals...

"Yup! Thank you very much!"

I almost bowed while thinking that and seeing that all eyes were on her, not only ours, but the entire dinner hall that somehow noticed her presence earlier on but didn't kick a fuss about it since Fred 'instructed' two younger guests about 'taking a hint'. Laura blushed visibly, making her even more beautiful. With such a sight, it makes it hard to disagree with Anhur giving this girl his blessing. She looks like she could easily command an entire race to an all out war and those fools would happily rush to their deaths.

[I have already prepared the food. You can go in the pavilion in the garden and eat. I'll make it an exception since only myself and my wife usually use it, but since it would bother Ms. Laura and you as well to have you in the dinner hall, feel free!] (Fred)

It seems that everyone is very considerate regarding this girl. Well, since they know the meaning of being a representative, I can understand why they would like to be on the good side of a future leader of humanity.

We walked through the garden in full bloom, sat at a table made for two people and faced each other while waiting for the food to be brought over.

"It was a really good decision to help Mr. Martin create that kimono. It looks beautiful on you."

[Thank you...] (Laura)

Usually, the sight of a woman being embarrassed after a direct compliment like that would ask for some teasing, but I passed in this case. Instead she asked a couple of questions regarding the clothing she's never seen before and it seemed that she really liked it. First step towards a paradise of kimono wearing beautiful girls has been taken! With such a model, to start a new worldwide fashion wasn't such a far-fetched idea at all.

The food arrived shortly and while minding her manners she ate everything slowly, with a smile on her face. She seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. Maybe I need to give Fred a more ample collection of recipes.

But soon, she looked down and it felt as if she was trying her best to say something.

[Regarding why I didn't want to go home...] (Laura)

"Is fine really. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..."

[Is alright. You probably heard already that I received the Blessing of Kings, right?](Laura)


[Truth is, that my father was very happy about it and my mother as well. I didn't know what it meant back then, but it is a responsibility to heavy to bear. And then my mother passed away, while my father burried himself in word, doing his best to help this country by leading the military...while I was used as a symbol. I felt unhappy with it and right before the exploration of the cave that appeared suddenly, I had a big fight with him, yelling that he was using me for his own purposes to advance his career...] (Laura)

"And you believe that?"

[No! I know he's doing it for my own sake since is hard for me to be accepted.] (Laura)

"If you know that much, is enough. He will be very happy to see you alive, however you must also live up to the expectations he placed on you. You said that you felt like you were a symbol, which might very well be true. However, with the appearance of these monsters near the city for example, for the common people you are a symbol of hope. Responsibility is a heavy burden to carry, but if you accept it as it is and do your best, it lightens with the help of those around you sharing it."

[Yes..] (Laura)

"Eat now. Fred will be sad if he sees you haven't finished everything on your plate."

[I'm not a kid...] (Laura)

Joking and talking, the moon shined brightly above the port. After finishing, each of us retreated to his own room and went to sleep.

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