《Afterlife - Next World's Auction House》Day 2 - A different world's sense of fashion


The building in front of which I was not sitting stupefied, was certainly taller than the Adventurer's Guild I visited earlier by a couple of floors. The red bricks in its walls, could be seen creating an almost mathematical formula that seem to draw one's attention in.

Right above the wooden door left ajar, there was a signboard painted brown with the drawing of a red diamond.

After taking a look at the writing under it, I recognized the name of the establishment being The Blood-Ruby Inn.

"With everything from the walls of the building to the signboard being painted red, I can understand why that name, since the city also sports it. But why did the word 'blood' had to be in it? It really puts a damper in my enthusiasm..."

I ventured inside through the opened door and found myself in a lobby similar to the ones I saw back on Earth when travelling and staying in a hotel. The room itself was spacious enough, allowing chairs to be placed around small tables, indicating a resting spot where conversations could take place over snacks and drinks. Shouldn't the technology be about 1000 years worth of advancement in this world? It would make sense if they focus soley on it, instead of military like I've seen previously...

Around five steps from the entrance stood a reception desk similar to the one I saw before and sincerely hoped to be spared from any more grumpy old people.

[Good evening sir! My name is Caitlin Faye and I am the owner of the inn. Are you looking for food and accommodation for the night?] (Caitlin)

A beautiful and angelic voice... I looked surprised at the head that lifted itself from the papers it was signing to meet the new customer. Beautiful brown-red eyes and hazel long hair flowing in curls on the desk, while a smile that was warm enough to skip seasons to summer, greeted me kindly.

While there might not be elves or cat ears, such pure beauty was sufficient to soothe the two tiring days I had on this world so far and relax my nerves slightly.

"Greetings miss! My name is Michael Corbett. I found myself in the need of both and if possible a warm bath. Please tell me if that can be arranged."

[Our inn does provide all three at a reasonable price, so you don't need to worry. The cost per night will be 15 copper coins for a single room with one bed and three meals per day will be an additional 5 coppers. For the bath, we will provide the tub, bring it to your room where it will be filled with warm water and provide you with a clean towel at the cost of 2 additional coppers for each time you request one. We do ask the payment to be made before handing the key of the room, as well as a form of identification.] (Caitlin)

"The only proof I have is the adventurer's tag I was provided today with. Would that suffice?"

[An adventurer? I see... Because of an agreement we have with the adventurer's guild, we will provide you with a discount and charge only 20 cooper coins per night, with the same three meals per day and a bath arrangement. Is our way of supporting the people that keep the entire city safe and functioning through these turbulent days.] (Caitlin)


[A new customer? Good evening!]

The woman probably in her early thirties by her calm demeanor and manner of speech, was grabbed by the waist from behind and hugged by a tall man, letting out a cute squeal, similar to a baby cat taken by surprise. The man that did so, probably around the same age or a bit older, reaching almost two meters and with a big frame as well, hugged the embarrassed receptionist lady that also said she's the owner, meaning that...

[This is my husband Frederick Faye and the cook of this inn. Honey, didn't I tell you to stop doing that in front of the customers!? Is embarrassing...] (Caitlin)

[Yesh, yesh! Sorry about that, you're so cute that I couldn't help it. Hello once again! You can call me Fred and like you heard I'm the chef of this inn! If you have any requests about specific recipes you'd like to eat, let me know and I'll take it as a challenge! Will you be staying with us lad?] (Fred)

I started to think that all men in this world are the same type of personality as Ron and the Commander, however hearing him say 'yesh, yesh' was a bit unsettling to say in the least... That and the fact that I was a bit jealous of him, given his beautiful wife...

"Yes sir! My name is Michael and I was guided to this inn by Ronald the guard. Since I lack common knowledge of this place please excuse me in advance if I might offend in any way."

[Did you perhaps come from a different country?] (Fred)

"...well...something like that."

[Hee... Is that so? Say lad, do you have any experience with cooking?] (Fred)

"Hmm? Well I can't say I don't, but I am not very proficient in the field. Since I used to live by myself I cooked my own meals for over ten years that I can at least make something edible..."

[That so!? How about a helping hand with tonight's dinner and in exchange you can ask me questions about this place? You said you lack common knowledge didn't you?] (Fred)

[Honey! Don't go and ask rude things of our customers!] (Caitlin)

"Is quite alright Ms. Caitlin. I would very much like that, however, please do keep in mind that the type of food I might know will probably be different from the one served here."

[Ouh! I'm counting on it! But, from the looks of you right now, you could use a bath and a change of clothes first... Is that what I think it is?] (Fred)

"Yes... Long story...I would love both, but in fact I haven't been able to buy myself any spare clothes yet and I only have what's on me at the moment."

[Hmm... Then why don't you go quickly to the shop next to us to buy some after registering for a room? It will take about thirty minutes to prepare your bath and by the time you finish, we'll also be able to start preparing the meal. Also, since the type of clothing you are wearing right now might draw unwanted attention to you by being... unusual, I'd advise going with the shopkeeper's suggestion.] (Fred)


"Thank you very much! That sounds like a good idea since I was quite bothered by it. Then, what do I need to do next to complete the process of registration?"

[Sign your name here please. If you don't know how to write, I can do it for you.] (Caitlin)

To my utmost happiness, the language spoken and written were the same as on Earth, or at least I perceived it as such. I hoped that I won't write in English like usual and they end up seeing something completely different...

After a loud gulping sound, I took the quill dipped in ink and wrote my name on the thick book standing on top of the counter. This had a very Shakespearean feel to it and it made me smile a bit, while handing over the register to the beautiful lady, which nodded in response. That made me sigh in relief, which made both of them look at me curiously...

After that, following the instructions received from Fred, I headed towards the nearby shop across the street. After entering the establishment, the ringing of a bell could be heard. I looked above the door and found it there, almost staring back at me while resounding in the entire room.

A middle aged man came from behind a desk and upon seeing my appearance his brows twitched a bit and his eyes widened for a brief second, after which he assumed a very businessman-like face.

"Hello. I was guided here by Frederic Faye since I found myself in the need to purchase a change of clothes. I was also advised to follow your insight regarding the wear, since I lack common knowledge in that area."

"Somehow, even if is true, I keep repeating it and it makes me feel like I'm stupid. It's the fault of that self-serving game God..."

[By Fred you say? I see. What are you interested in?] (Clerk)

"A full set of common clothes, four pairs of underwear and ten pairs of socks. I would also like a type of clothing for the upper body similar to what I am wearing right now if possible, as an extra."

[And what about shoes?] (Clerk)

With an obvious gleam in his eyes, this guy was up-selling me. However, he might be right about requiring such things. I might need at least two pairs since the ones I have right now are in tatters...

"If possible something to fit the previous mentioned clothes. Also since I am an adventurer, I would like them not to hinder my movement to much."

[Ho? An adventurer you say? I see... Stay here for a second. Oh, by the way, I see that pouch by your waist. Is that an item bag?] (Clerk)

"Item bag? What do you mean by that?"

I tried to pretend, but I kind of knew where this was going. It was THAT kind of item bag...

[Yes. The ones that can carry up to a specific amount of weight. From the looks of it, yours should be around 500 kg. I'm I right?] (Clerk)

I panicked for a second and quickly used my Identify skill on the bag to see if that was the case. However...

"Unfortunately not. This is a regular pouch I took from a Goblin I killed. It came with only a jug of water made from some type of pelt inside it and I don't think that it can hold more than a couple of kilograms."

['Dat so? Stay here for a second.]

Quite happy, he left to the back of the store and came about 5 minutes later, carrying a bunch of things.

First off, a pair of hemp trousers dyed black that seemed a bit to short for my height. Upon wearing them, indeed they were reaching only about ankle height, which kind of bothered me, but I took it as a difference of culture. Then, he brought over some kind of tunic of a similar dark color that seemed to be way too long also. Upon wearing it, I found that it reached to my thighs, almost halfway to my knee. Again, I suck it up and didn't complain about it, blaming it once more on this world's sense of fashion...

Then the clerk handed me a belt of the same color as the trousers, that looked really well made and felt pleasant to the touch even by modern standards, which he asked me to put on. When I did put all three pieces of clothing on me...I felt strange...

[You didn't lie when you said you lack common knowledge... The tunic goes inside the trousers.] (Clerk)

I see... While I stuffed the bloody thing down my pants, he brought two pair of boots along, one brown and one black. He presented the black ones as being more suitable for long walks outside the city and the brown ones as social wear. Upon trying them, I understood why the trousers were only ankle length, since they were covered by the boots following the same example as the tunic.

The last piece was a cloak made of obvious animal hide, being able to tell by the fur hood attached to it. I found it interesting since it was both sleeveless, was opening at the front and held in place by a brooch by my chest. Its length was reaching the ankles... It was pretty much an overcoat...sort of...

It was indeed pleasing to the eye to see myself in the shop's mirror, wearing a completely different attire than what I was used to up until now... It wasn't a bad feeling at all.

[Now let's talk prices!] (Clerk)

That on the other hand, sent a really cold shiver down my spine...

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