《Transcending Chaos》Chapter 7
Lute was seated in a Lotus position within the cave. It had been nearly twenty-four hours since he had fallen. Yet, in this damp and dreary area, he had successfully stepped onto the path of cultivation. But under Isla’s fierce gaze he felt as if he failed her from the start. He could clearly feel her anger as if it was he himself who was angry. Little did he know that it wasn’t directed at he himself, but this world.
Isla simply watched Lute in anger as he was cultivating for the first time and as quickly as well as desperately as he could. He had felt the presence of Qi very quickly with her help; that much she had expected. However, Isla forgot one important fact that she hadn’t taken into account, and that was the fact this world had extremely low quality Qi or in other words the essence of the world.
Lute was certainly cultivating quicker than she thought he would. That was a surprise. She felt his desperation and willpower to not let her down. The problem lied in the fact that the Qi he was absorbing was extremely polluted to the point that it shocked even her.
Are all Mortal Realms like this? If that is the case, this might be much slower than I had originally thought. But time is fine; we have all the time in the world as long as he doesn’t die. The problem lies in how low quality this Qi is, even to the point where I am starting to wonder if this can be called the essence of the world. He managed to become the master of the Origin Soul Needle and absorbed the Spiritual God Blood without screaming in pain except for the initial grunt. Perhaps…just perhaps he might be able to learn that because of the anomaly that he is.
Having made up her mind, Isla manifested in front of Lute. "For the first time absorbing Qi, you are certainly in an acceptable range of absorption speed. However, you don’t get a passing mark. The quality is absolutely horrendous, so much so to the point I don’t even want to call this Qi." Isla said without a hint of sympathy. She wasn’t going to be lenient with Lute, even if it wasn’t his fault, she would use this to give him more conviction to not fail.
Lutes mood sank immediately, the previous elation of being a cultivator finally all dissipated. He failed completely. Just because he could absorb Qi to her level of acceptance, he didn’t absorb it purely. Or so he thought, Lute didn’t know that this was simply a problem tied to the world itself.
"My apologies Master, I shall not make the same mistake again." Lute mumbled in dread.
"I shall forgive you just this once. You’d better make it up to me, because I shall give you a method to increase the purity of your Qi." Isla said
Lute sat up straight, his body shivering slightly. Just how many things was he going to receive in a single day? Just obtaining either the Origin Soul Needle by themselves or the Spiritual Gods Blood would send the entire Divine Realm into an uproar, much less one person having both of them. Heaven defying luck was what Lute was going to sum it up to.
"What is it? Forgive my ignorance, but I don’t know about skills at all." Lute said while annoyed at his lack of knowledge.
"Although they can be called skills, typically the most common names for them are Techniques or Arts. During my travels to prepare for my final Tribulation, I had searched many ancient tombs for the last remaining power left behind by the immortals, and some I had learned from my homeland. But where I got them doesn’t matter. There are some things I can pass on to you without you requiring a bloodline." Isla said
"Bloodlines, what do those have to do with me being able to learn something? Isn’t it simply a matter of insight and training? What would I being of my father’s bloodline have to do with learning an Art?" Asked Lute
"You really are a dense idiot!" Isla screamed in rage.
"Honestly what am I going to do with you? I wasn’t speaking of your parents. Bloodlines refer to the powers left behind by the Immortals for us because they didn’t want to see the last vestiges of it disappear forever. Currently, nobody has ever successfully taken the final step and become a True God, but let it be known that powerful Arts are being developed over time, and gradually, ever so slowly the current peak of cultivation is being expanded until finally someday somewhere a practitioner will take that final step to become a True Immortal from the past era." Isla said
"What does that have to do with me learning an Art though?" Asked Lute, Isla still hadn’t made any sense to him.
Isla sighed in dismay, Lute caught on to some things very quickly, but apparently he was an idiot in other areas. "The closest that somebody can get to a True God so far is to inherit the blood left behind by an Immortal before they died. The only immortals to leave behind any Arts are the truly powerful ones from the Age of Immortals who survived for a time before finally falling. Naturally, these inheritances will become too diluted or disappear someday. However, they will be fought over until that time, because they can bring someone infinitely close to being an Immortal. Each Art left behind is incredibly powerful, even if somebody inherited a diluted bloodline. However, some of these Arts left behind can only be used if the bloodline was inherited."
"So what you are saying is that some Immortals left behind a single Art or not even an Art but a technique, and they don’t require the corresponding bloodline?" Lute said
He finally understood even if only a little. Most Arts needed bloodlines to be used, however there were some exceptions. And these inheritances would run out someday, so they were fought over. But there were also practitioners who were creating Arts and Techniques that were extremely powerful, and slowly, ever so slowly, the Divine Realm practitioners were going to break the bottleneck that would allow the Age of Immortals to once again return. But the ones who already had an inheritance had a higher chance of taking that final step.
Well, basically it is a power struggle then? The Divine Realm is really full of bloodthirsty hounds who covet each other’s treasures. No doubt they are racing against time to produce a True Immortal first because it would shift the balance of power exponentially. That is something I must stay far away from for it not only will endanger me, but also Master as well.
Lute kept contemplating while continuing to cultivate, he felt sure that he could break into the second level by then end of the day. Basically, from what he understood, then in the all the Realms, he was the only person of the Spiritual Gods bloodline, and only his children would hold a diluted shred of his powers.
"Lute, we have strayed too far from the original topic. The point is, one such Art that I encountered in my travels is something that even I was unable to successfully cultivate. However if it is you who seems to be an enigma, you might be able to cultivate it. After all, you became the master of the Origin Soul Needle without even wanting to, and as a mortal to boot!" Isla said
"Then what is it? If you believe I can do it, then I will certainly attempt it." Lute said enthusiastically.
"At first I was debating even telling you of this Art, because although it is quite tyrannical, the chances of somebody successfully learning such an Art are almost none. From that alone I can draw the conclusion that although a bloodline isn’t needed, perhaps this Art is only for one who is fated to learn it…and that person wasn’t me."
Sorrow seemed to fill Isla’s voice as she mentioned even she was unable to learn it. But it didn’t matter to Lute, all that mattered was she thought he had a chance to succeed.
"The name of this Art is called Divine Chronicle of the Primordial Way. The creator was the Primordial True God. He wasn’t the first or even one of the oldest. He obtained his name because the power he exhibited was the most primal of Qi. The power of the Qi lied in its purity. It was so pure that it was almost considered the most powerful form of Qi. Using this Qi, the Primordial True God became one of the supreme existences versus the devils because they didn’t have anyone like him within their ranks. That is the extent of my knowledge of this Art. Its actual effects on the practitioner are unknown because I failed in cultivating it. However, I have no doubt that it will certainly increase the purity of the horrendously polluted Qi that you have." Spoke Isla in a defeated manner once again.
The fact that there was something she was unable to accomplish was really starting to get to her mentally. But never the less, she still was about to give Lute a chance.
Isla disappeared from view, her spirit body once again within Lute. But this time rather than sharing her senses with him, Isla only transmitted a memory of the Art directly into Lute, he wouldn’t be able to forget it even if he wanted to. This method was far easier for her as it wasn’t as draining on her soul’s strength compared to sharing her senses with Lute.
"This, this is…."
An extremely complex technique appeared within Lute. Loosely stated, he needed to become one with nature. He needed to obtain the approval of the world before him. Then he had to revolve his Qi through his body as the method stated. It seemed easy, but in actuality it was quite difficult. Half his bodies Qi needed to flow through the meridians in a single direction, while the other half had to flow through the opposite direction.
This went against everything he had literally just learned about cultivating. Within each meridian, the Qi needed to flow in two opposite directions! What kind of methodology is that?! Then even if he learned the Art successfully, wouldn’t this impede on his ability to cultivate because the Qi would permanently flow in such a manner!
However, he wasn’t deterred. This was a mountain worth the attempt to climb. Lute felt, although their reasons were quite different, he might in the end, be slightly similar to this planet after Isla mentioned the dreadful state it was in. And Lute, his first thought to why the planet was the way it was, there could only be one reason in his mind, and that was the sick and disgusting existence that was a human.
There is no reason I can’t accomplish this. This Planet and I, we are one and the same, both of us were extremely pitiful. I, who lost everything, this planet who is losing everything right now due to the pollution of man. The difference being that I have some luck. I may not care for whether this planet dies or lives, but that isn’t the case for my sister and mother. Perhaps everything wouldn’t be so bad if it all just returned back to its roots, which is nature. Human nature is ugly, all of us have greed, and that greed destroys everything without a second thought.
"Is that your answer youth?"
"What…what was that, you are definitely not Master." Lute said in surprise, his mouth agape in wonder.
"Hehe, no I am not. I am the Crimson Tide Planet itself. That Art has temporarily called out to me. All planets are living, even if we typically aren’t sentient."
"So then… you are the judge?" Asked Lute
"That is basically it, if I don’t think you are worthy, you will simply have to attempt to use that Art on a different planet. Now I repeat, was that your answer?"
Lute slightly gulped, the planet probably wouldn’t take kindly to him not caring whether or not it died. However he wouldn’t try and flatter the Crimson Tide Planet. There was no need since it already knew what he was thinking. He had probably already failed from the start.
"Yes, that is my final answer." Lute said resolutely
"…. You… pass."
"Huh?" Lute was dumbfounded, how he managed to pass was beyond his realm of understanding. He’d clearly thought that it wasn’t his problem whether or not this planet lived or died.
"Ha, you are quite clueless aren’t you? Well the answer is quite simple. I also don’t care whether the humans live or die. You understand that your kind is full of gross and evil things. The Qi of this planet may be polluted, but it is nowhere near as polluted as an evil heart. In that regard, we are one and the same as you said, we both suffer at the hands of your kind. It would be simpler if everything returned to the roots. However we both know that will never happen. You’re a child that doesn’t care if I live. Then there am I, the planet who doesn’t care if your race dies."
"Hehe, so we are the same in some ways. Well, that’s quite interesting. But, even if you approve of me, don’t expect me to start worshipping you." Lute said in a cold and dangerous voice. Clearly expressing he wouldn’t suddenly start caring about the wellbeing of the Crimson Tide Planet.
"And I don’t expect you to, but, a parting request. If you feel so inclined, please do clear some of the trash that continues to pollute me. My consciousness is quickly fading, at this rate; I will only be able to cause a one natural disaster before my temporary sentience leaves me."
Lute sighed, since he knew that he would slaughter people in the future anyways, why not? "Sure, I guess that is the least I can do since you showed me a shred of good will when you didn’t have to for any reason." Lute said
"Well then, farewell, you will feel an earthquake, but rest assured I will make sure this cavern doesn’t collapse."
"Gee, thanks for the consideration." Lute said dryly.
True to its words, Lute felt an earthquake erupt beneath his feet. However the cavern didn’t collapse.
Ha, damn crazy bastard, he really did it. Who knows how many humans just died to his antics? But who cares, he got a little revenge and I get to purify my Qi, which should be a trade of equivalent exchange.
Lute had no idea what Isla was up to as she wasn’t manifested all the time. Perhaps she was taking a nap. But for whatever reason she was quiet and hiding. That was fine for Lute.
Regaining his composure, he began to earnestly attempt to cultivate the Divine Chronicle of the Primordial Way. Using the first half of his Qi, Lute revolved it through his body for ten revolutions. This took approximately thirty minutes, with three minutes per revolution.
That speed is not fast enough. If I ever fight, it needs to revolve even faster. But, patience, I need patience. These things cannot be rushed. If they are, I will not step onto the Divine Path.
Finally, Lute took the remaining half of his Qi and began to revolve it through his body in the opposite direction. At first it was painful, but after a few revolutions, the pain lessened, eventually so much so that it was to the point it felt refreshing to have his Qi flowing in opposite directions. If anyone were to learn this was how his body operated, they would be dumbfounded. It was proven through errors in the past that if Qi didn’t flow in the same direction. It could seriously damage the cultivator and possibly cripple them.
And yet here was Lute, not only was it not painful, he was now actually starting to prefer revolving his Qi in such a manner. As for why, he didn’t know. But soon his answer came.
Cultivating in this manner for nearly four hours, Lute felt extremely refreshed. Not only had he broken through to the second level of the Foundational Qi Realm. He’d even noticed the Qi became much more solidified and white compared to the cloudy color of before that was not even as wide as a strand of hair.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a thunderous roar shook within Lute. Far stronger than any he had heard in the outside world before. But this time, it came from within his body!
Slowly a translucent image of a pearl began to float in front of Lutes forehead as he continued to cultivate the Divine Chronicle of the Primordial Way. It’s color a deep forest green. Shining radiantly as if saying to the world, look upon my glory.
A voice that seemed to be as old as time itself began to transmit itself and imprint upon Lutes very soul.
"Young one, you have successfully cultivated the first level of the Primordial Way. If you choose to teach this Art to someone else and give them the chance, then do so at your own discretion. However only you will hear me, this is the final power I have left behind to communicate for one last time. Think of it as leaving a recording behind with some information. I am already long dead due to that nasty pearl."
"Uh, ok" Lute said. Just how many voices was he going to hear in one day?
"The Primordial Way doesn’t grant techniques. However, it is a passive effect. First, your Qi shall flow in the inverted manner for the rest of your life. This cannot be changed. This inverted form is obviously painful at first as you know. That is because as you advance, the inverted flows will constantly fight each other and breakdown your meridians. However, the benefit of this; you will autonomously revolve your Qi without consciously doing it. So even if you’re asleep, you shall always be cultivating and regaining used Qi, which is particularly useful in fights of attrition."
That is so broken, am I the only one that can do this? Are people not able to regenerate Qi in the middle of a fight unless they take pills that grant a fixed amount? Shit! He is still going on, got to pay attention.
"Next, this inverted flow that breaks down the meridians will force them to become wider and more durable. Third, each level is an increase of bodily strength. At the first level, you should be able to exert a bit over 200 hundred pounds in one arm. Your body will become harder and sturdier."
Lute’s mind went blank; he didn’t know what to think anymore. And yet the voice was still going on in a very dry and monotone way.
"Finally, this is extremely purified Qi from nature itself. So its ability to aid you and regenerate your wounds is far superior to Qi of other cultivators. In a fight, just imagine, as your opponent is forced to use pills or their own Qi that won’t regenerate without them consciously cultivating to heal themselves. You will be regaining Qi and healing without having to flee. However, if you stopped and focused only on cultivating, the rate at which you heal and intake Qi multiplies. Naturally, as you advance this Art, the passive rate at which you heal and absorb Qi will dramatically increase. There are levels. But alas, I fear that as you are not a True God, your limit will probably be the seventh level. But who knows, maybe you will shatter fate and break through the seventh level."
Numb, that was how Lute felt. No wonder Isla failed in cultivating this, it was simply too absurd. Seriously, did he even need to consciously cultivate anymore…probably. But this was too stupid, at this rate he would be able to fight those at his level without having to even use Qi because they wouldn’t even be able to damage his body. He wouldn’t even have to waste Qi using it to protect his body!
Rather than think about it anymore. Cultivating in quiet with a blank mind was probably the best thing to do. At least until Isla appeared again… perhaps she really was sleeping because of the soul’s strength she used?
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