《The Girl with Scales and a Sword》Chapter 5 — I Only Need A Drop of Blood
“Where are we going?” I asked, climbing into the carriage with Gerald.
“To the city of Kelten, two hexes to the northeast.”
“Hexes?” I’ve never heard of those before.
“Ai, they didn’t tell you anything! The wold is divided into six-sided sections of land, based on land cores, which the weather in an area. Of course there are also areas without land cores, but they are also hexagonal, due to the land surrounding them.”
He went quiet for a while.
“Is… something wrong?”
*Sigh* “Chalia. I really don’t want to see you go elsewhere, but it just isn’t safe here right now. Oh, and that reminds me: here, take this,” he said, handing me a letter.
“What does it say?”
“It’s something for you to read once you get to the city. It will be one of you next tests,” he said with a half-hearted smile, before going silent again.
“Ok,” I say, tucking the letter into a bag Mina gave me before we set off. I decide it’s best to let him leave him to think for awhile.
The steady crunch of the wheels and the “Clip-Clop” of the horse hooves has me thinking about the others. Where are you Twenty-Six? I’m going to find you! I want you to know what “freedom” feels like. It’s warm and nice and comfortable.
“Do you have the sword I gave you?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, it’s right here,” I say, patting the scabbard it is in.
“Let’s test it out. I haven’t been able to give you any real combat experience, so I’d like to see how you do before we get to our destination. Our first opportunity is just up ahead.”
He pulls the carriage off to the side.
“We are still close to the city, but if you keep your hood up we should be ok. See that creature over there?”
“That is a class-1 magic beast. Let’s go kill it.”
I feel reluctant. Very reluctant. I don’t like killing things! The last thing was the doggy, and I didn’t want to do that! It just hurt, and I wasn’t thinking, and, and… I have to do this. I know as well as any that you should do what you are told, so I’ll do it. I’m not going to like it though.
Well, I guess this thing looks more like a rat than a dog, so it’ll be ok. I think.
“Alright, since we are going more for self-defense than aggression right now, we will pretend that it noticed us and wants to eat us for supper.”
“Eat us?”
“Yeah, this monsters love eating humans just as much as they like any other creatures and sometimes even more. That’s another reason it’s good to learn how to fight.”
He picks up a rock and… Woah! He just threw it faster than I could see! How did he do that? It even glowed a bit before he threw it. Oh, I should focus. He hit the monster and it’s coming for us! Ahh!
I can’t help but stare at the creature running towards me, with it’s black and grey fur and ugly teeth. It doesn’t look happy. It’s coming for us, and I have to kill it!
“Chalia. Chalia! Oi, focus!”
I can’t move. It looks so mad! And it’s a people eater!
It’s coming closer. It’s almost to me! I can hardly breathe, and my limbs feel like lead.
*Shing* I felt time was moving in slow motion, as the monster lunged at me. I had one thought run through my head, “I’m going to die.” But just then a bright light flashed, and red stuff sprayed from the monster’s severed neck as it fell two the ground—in two pieces.
“Chalia, breath for me. Breathe. There, that’s it, nice and steady. Good.”
I’m starting to feel my limbs again. That was so scary! He was right, they aren’t good monsters!
“It’s scary at first, but it gets better. I know it’s a bit early, but you gotta get used to this before we make it to the city. Next time we’ll see if you can get a hit in.”
“What was that pretty light?”
“Huh? I sliced it off with my sword and some magic, but it shouldn’t have made any light. You probably saw a reflection from my sword.”
“Oh.” I don’t think so. The light was so pretty! Like the dragon’s eyes or the light coming from its bad jewelry. Still, I know enough not to try arguing.
It took a few hours before we found the next suitable magic beast.
“Alright, it’s coming for you! No need to be scared—I’ll take care of it if anything happens. Just try dodging to begin with, just like we did in practice.”
“Ok.” It’s so fast though! Much faster than the other people. Ok, but I can do it. I’ll do it. Ready and… dodge! “Ahhh!”
Oh, I did it, I did it!
“Good! But get ready, it’ll be coming right back for you! This time try to dodge on the other side and take a swipe at it.”
Ok. Focus. I see it, and it’s a lot closer this time. Ready? Dodge, swipe! Ooof. I missed it.
“Good job! You didn’t hit it, but you got a lot closer. Do the same thing next time, but don’t dodge quite so far. You are strong for your age!”
Ok. Here goes! *Shink* Did I get it? I got it! Ahh, but it’s super mad now! It’s coming for me again!
*Shing* “Alright, that’s enough for this battle. When a monster gets hurt it’ll get mad. This can be good, because it can’t make smart decisions very well; but it can also be bad, because it’ll move a bit faster and be stronger. If you can learn how to stay calm, then everything will work out, though”
And so our trip continued like that for quite some time. I got better and better, and now I can kill one by myself! Additionally Gerald taught me how to nav-i-gate. It’s super hard, but he says I’m learning well, so I guess that’s good.
“Why are you going off the road?”
“To get over to the trees. Be quiet.”
Hmm? Are the horses too hot, or something like that?
“Chalia. Hide, and don’t come out. Keep heading in the same direction like I taught you, and don’t let anyone see you until you get to Kelten.”
“W-what’s going on?”
“Chalia, Mina and I love you very much, but it isn’t safe for you anymore! Navigate to the Northeast, like I taught you, and don’t let anyone see you before you make it to the city! Once you get to the city find the Mercenaries Guild—they will help you! Just please don’t get caught by anyone! Never let someone put metal on you—NEVER! Run away if someone tries! You were a slave, but not anymore. Don’t become one again! Got it?”
“Uh, yeah…” My mind is a mess. What in the world is happening right now? Do I have to go to Kelten alone now? What is the Mercenaries Guild? Don’t let anyone put metal on me? I don’t understand!
“Now Chalia,” He says, giving me a hug. “Survive, stay free, and when you have reached Platinum rank , come visit us again! Now, go! Run! Hide! Get to Kelten!
Ok… I need to first go and use my hiding abilities to find a safe spot where I can still see what’s going on. Oh, who are those guys? A bunch of people with swords and long knives are running over here! Oh, Gerald just pulled out his sword! He’s going to fight! I want to help, but I’m too weak…
Oh, but he’s really strong! He’s fighting against four other people! He’s so strong! I can’t even see where his sword is, because he is swinging it so fast! And his sword is making all sorts of pretty lights!
Woah, there were four people, but now it’s down to two. Go Gerald, go! Two left, yes! C’mon! Ooh, these two are a bit tricky. They are a using daggers and are a little bit faster than him, and they are also making pretty lights. Oh, what is that?! His sword is shining! They are backing up. What is he doing? The light is so bright its hurting my eyes!
C’mon Gerald, go get them! You can do it! He just said something and slashed at the air. Why’d he do that? Wait, what?! They just split in half! His sword didn’t even touch them, though! How did he do it? I’ll have to go and ask—
*** *** ***
Ugh. My head is spinning. The colors? Where are the colors? On second thought—where am I? Hmm? I’m sitting on some kind of hard surface and there are bars around me. It’s a small space. No, I don’t like it. I DON’T LIKE IT! It’s just like that time in the bird, I mean, dragon cave. I want to get out of here!
“Arrrrgh” The bars don’t bend. My stuff is gone, so let’s see if there is around here.
Hmm, some sorts of tables with bad jewelry and little carts with metal tools. Lots of something black splashed over them. No, wait, it probably isn’t normally black. It’s just that something stole all the colors from here.
There is a box over there, and it is full of… Dragon scales? Where did they get those? There are a bunch of glowing things around here too. How did their colors not get stolen? Eh. I want to get out of this space. I don’t like small spaces anymore!
“Will someone let me out?”
[Hmm? What was that I just heard?]
“Umm, did I just here someone?” I could have sworn I just heard a voice, but not exactly a voice. It’s more like I had an impression that my head created words from.
[Ha? Speak little girl. Tell me something again.]
“Um, mister, could you let me out? I know I’m not supposed to complain, but I really don’t like it here, and it’s scary and, and, and…” Don’t cry, don’t cry! Stop complaining! Ahh! I don’t want to be chased by ghosts!
[Fuckin’ Heltrina! MUAHAHAHAHA! My time has come! My release! AHAHAHA! I have been blessed by the meal of Fortunia!]
W-w-what is this? It, um, it’s-uh, scary…
[Dragon girl, you’re a dragon girl, right?]
I don’t know if I should talk… Oh right! I need to hide from everyone! But… I can’t hide anywhere in here.
[Bitch! Don’t ignore me! You will regret crossing my path otherwise!]
“Uh, um. I-I can hear you…”
I’m telling myself not to cry, but I can’t! Don’t do it Chalia, don’t do it! *sniff*
[Go ahead! Weep before me mortal! Hahaha! Such a reaction is not uncommon when one finds himself or herself before a true picture of grandeur and majesty!]
“Waahaa!” I’m so scared! I don’t like this space, and a really scary person is talking to me, and I don’t know where Gerald is. This is the worst!”
[That is right! Weep before me! Cry in anguish! Fill me up with feelings of despair!]
“I want out! Get me out!” Stupid bars won’t budge, no matter how hard I’m banging on them. And now my vision has been clouded by my tears.
[Ok, stop crying now. I said stop crying! Remnant of Alquu! Are you going to make a lake? Hurry up and equip me, damn it! Don’t make a god slayer wait for you!]
“B-but, I want, I want to get out! I don’t like these places! I don’t want to die! I don’t want… Huh? Equip?”
I blink away a few tears. Can… Can I get out?
[Damn you Heltrina! I ask for a warrior, and you send me this pup? Make me any angrier, and I’ll eat you next!
[Ugh. Alright girl, I’ve been stuck in this hell hole for fifty years—not that I minded the meals—but you know what? Those Black Scarr bastards are fucking boring! All they’ve brought in here the last twelve years are dragons and dragon spawns. I need a varied diet, you know? And the dragons have all been dead already, so nothing useful there; and Prism knows that dragon spawn emotions taste like pine tar mixed with rock salt and lion shit. Or at least she did—‘till I ate her. But that’s another story.
[The point is, I want to get out of here, and you are my ticket. Understand?]
“Uh, not really”
I’m rubbing the salty spots off my face and trying to figure out what in the world is going on here. Heltrina? Meals? Prism? Ugh. I don’t understand.
[Alright, I’ll put it in terms your pea-brain can understand. When the guys who brought you in here come back in a few minutes, the are going to strap you to one of these tables, take a knife, and carve your insides out of you while you watch—assuming you don’t pass out first. Understand?]
“Uh, y-yes.” I’m shaking. What is going on? I feel something warm trickling down my leg, but I’m still focused on what’s going on in front of me. I don’t want to get cut up!
[You don’t want that to happen, do you?]
[Finally! A straight. fucking. answer! Alright, there is still a chance, but with your abilities—by which I’m referring to your hella useless training—you will need my help. If you don’t work with me, you will die. Got it?]
[Alright, so are you willing to temporarily contract with me? I only need a drop of blood.]
[Fucking naive! If you agree as easily as that, someone will make a soul imprint on you and turn you into a mindless zombie. This king is not some lowly demon. Why would a godly existence need a damn contract to help someone out? Sheesh. Just drag me over to you.]
“Where are you?”
[Heltrina! If your emotions hadn’t been the first to spawn me, I swear I would eat your children! Ok, dragon girl. You are part dragon right? Of course you are! How could I talk with you otherwise. Eh. Ok, little girl, see all the pretty lights around the room in front of you?]
“Yeah, I like them!”
[Heltrina, I swear… Ok, look for the one that is glowing black]
“Glowing? Black?”
Is that even possible? If something glows it has to have some sort of light or color. How can I see anything black?
[Argh! Ok, there will be a teensy-weensy little bit of dark red, but you should be able to see me anyhow. Look at the orange glowing thing. Yes, that one, now look to your right a bit.]
“Oh, I see the black glowy thing!”
[Very good, pea-brain. Congrats, you found me.]
“You are… a sword?”
[Hell no! You would compare me, the great Tribulatio Et Angustia In Deos, Qui Occiderunt, to a measly sword? No, no, no! I’m inside the sword! *sigh* Pull the sword over. I’ll come with it.]
[And now you are going to tell me you can’t or don’t know how to, or some crappy thing like that, aren’t you? No need to answer, I already know from your face—not that I’d ever be wrong. Listen to me—you are a fucking dragonkin. Dragons have telekinetic fucking powers. Visualize the sword being pulled toward you. Oh, and just try to pull one part of it, such as the tip.The more you spread the power over an object the weaker the pull becomes. Ever wonder why dragons have such a massive spine? So they can concentrate their telekinetic powers on just their spine and fucking fly better. You have been educated.]
Ok, let’s try this. Just the tip. Visualize it coming towards me.
*Whoosh* *Ping!*
Woah! That went way too fast. I could hardly dodge it!
[Oi, it is actually an extremely good sword, as far as mortals are concerned, so try not to dent it up too much. Ah. Never mind. Pull it back out of the wall]
It’s sooo heavy!
[You can’t even equip a damn gift of Heltrina. I’m not even surprised anymore. Alright, see the dark red glowing light?]
[Feel where it is coming from, and visualize pulling the light, or energy, or whatever it is into your hand or arm.]
[Dunderhead daughter of Confellin! Do you have a death wish? Contract with the fuckin’ sword, not me. I am a sentiment of death, pain, and all sorts of fun things. If you pull me into your veins you will die faster than I killed the 23rd son of Creashus. Ok, ok, here is the idiot version. Pull at the energy that feels light and sharp, located mostly at the hilt.]
Sharp and light, sharp and light… Oh, I think I found it! It feels like it is connecting with me in some sort of way. Oh! It just got lighter! I can use it now!
[There ya’ go. Now let’s get out of here]
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