《The Girl with Scales and a Sword》Chapter 3 — Say it More!
They’re gone. I—I don’t know what to do!
I finally made it out of the cave, and it was quite the experience. There was so much light that it hurt my eyes a lot. On the bright side, though, once I readjusted to the sunlight I found that I could still see colors. Does the cave steal colors? I don’t know, but that isn’t the greatest of my worries right now.
“Twenty-Six? Fifty-Three? Eighty-Two? Anyone?”
I feel like I’m in a daze, walking through the clearing. The only things left are holes from the tent stakes and impressions on the ground from where the arena was set up. They left me. Eveyone left me! What do I do?
These were the thoughts running through my mind, but then I saw it. A slight glint. It was shiny, like jewlery. What is it? I trotted over and picked it up.
Oh, I’ve seen these before. They are the really long knives that commoners would put in safety boxes and send to the arena. It’s rusty, but there are still some shiny spots on it.
Twenty-Six used knives. They weren’t as big as this one, but she would use them to cut up things for the stew. I’m going to take it with me.
But now what? Hmm. I guess I should look for them. They’re probably worried about me. Let’s try following the dirt road.
“Bye bye, birdy!”
By the way, the snake-thingy is still following me. That’s ok, though, because at least I don’t have to feel completely alone. Not completely… Ahh, I should probably get going. I’ll get kicked again if I don’t get to work.
Ahh, I’m really thirsty. I’m sorry for disliking the carriages… The sun is really hot. I’ve been walking for half a day already, but I still haven’t found them. Did they abandon me? I hope not. I really miss them.
Oooh, I just realized the ground is turning green. Oh, that’s why—I see a lake. Well, It looks like a lake, but I’m not sure, because my sense of color gets really weird when I look at things really far away. I’m really thirsty, though, so I’m going to take a look at it.
Weee! It’s so much fun to run without the metal parts between my anklets! It’s also a lot faster. The grass keeps getting greener and greener as I run. There are also more trees and other bushes, too. I like it so much! Are there birds too? The pretty kind, of course. I want to see them.
Ahh, the water is so close I can smell it! Woah! I feel like there’s something near. Oh, I see it. It’s a doggy! A really fluffy one too—around the neck at least. I want to pet it!
Oooh, you can make rumbly sounds too? It sounds kind of like the ugly birdy. But it’s moving towards me. I think it likes me! Ooh, it’s jumping at me. I’ll catch you!
“Ahh!” It hurts, it hurts! My arm! It’s biting my arm! “Stop it! let go, let go!”
What can I do? Ah, I know! I’ll hit it with the knife!
Huh? Oh no! I killed it! I killed it! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to kill you! I just… My arm… Eeeek! There’s red stuff on my arm, there’s red stuff on my arm! Bath, bath! I need to take a bath!
I throw my robe off and plunge into the lake.
“Ah!” The red stuff is floating! I try to get away from it, but it keeps following me. Oh, wait, it’s coming from my arm. Maybe… It’s not actually that bad? It isn’t stopping. Well, I guess I should keep going.
I refill my water skin and get a nice big drink of water, taking care not to drink any of it that has the red stuff. I also retrieve my knife and put my robe back on, taking care not to get very much red stuff on it. My arm hurts a lot, but I think I’ll manage. It feels kind of like when my shoulder got hurt. I’m good at adjusting to pain. It takes a few days, but then I’m able to ignore it mostly. If you can’t work, the commoners will just give you more hurts.
I look over at the doggie. I’m so sorry! I really didn’t mean to! Wow, there is so much red stuff, and I did that, I killed it. Am I a murderer? I am so sorry…
*** *** ***
Oh. I think I fell asleep. Where am I? And that scent—it smells good. It’s coming from over—oh. The doggie. I remember. I can’t eat it. That would be horrible. I’m not hungry anymore.
Let’s get going. I came from… I don’t remember which way it was. *Sigh* Well, no helping it. Let’s try that direction.
I got another drink and set off again. The scenery isn’t as nice anymore. No more super green grass or big happy trees. No matter, though, I have a goal! I just hope I can find them. I MISS YOU TWENTY-SIX!
Ah. That felt good. Alright, let’s get going Mr. Snake!
There is a city! Maybe everyone is waiting for me there! That would be so nice. All this walking is starting to get really tiring. I’m bored, and I want to get back.
Oh, is that a carriage I hear? I know the others said that people would crowd around me if they saw me, but I can deal with that. Maybe they’ll give me a ride! I think that would be a lot faster than walking.
Huh? Th-th-th-they’re passing by. Weren’t they supposed to crowd around me? Maybe they didn’t see me. I’ll wave if someone else comes by.
Oh, oh! There is another! Hey carriage man! Can you see me? Wait. They—they just avoided me. They didn’t just pass by, they even moved the carriage off the road to get around me! What is going on? Why aren’t they stopping for me? Do they… not like me? But I try to be really nice and good! Is it not enough?
More and more keep coming, but none of them are stopping. That’s not how it was supposed to work… I’m so tired and lonely and hungry and thirsty. Oh, yeah. I ran out of water a while ago, and my head is starting to feel funny. That’s ok, though, because I finally made it to the city!
Everyone is in a line. Is it counting time? I know how that works! I’ll get in line, too. Ah, it’s nice to be able to hear people talking again…
“Woah, woah, where’d this thing come from?”
“I don’t know. Hey, someone call the guards! We have a devil spawn over here!”
“Seriously? Just deal with it yourself. How the hell else did you make it through the forsaken lands?”
“Hey man, I hired guards. It’s just that they said they couldn’t go into the city with me.”
“Oh, I see. You’re one of those types—always hirin’ them damned criminals. Tch. Well, whatever, I deal with this monster.”
Monster? Where? What monster? I’m looking around but I don’t see it. “Where is the monster?”
“Ahh! It talks! It talks! Kill it, kill it quick!”
Wait a minute. Are they talking about me? One of the men is taking something from his carriage. Oh no. Not that!
I can feel my heart going “thumpity-thump” and my muscles feel stiff. No, I need to get away from here. He has one of those sticks that make loud noises and hurt a lot! Where can I go, where can I go?
I don’t know, I just gotta run. Yes, run!
I don’t know where I’m going, but I don’t even care. I just have to get as far away as I—“Ah!” Someone grabbed my wrist. I’m done for!
Quick, curl up and cover your head with your hands, yes there, just like the others taught you. Now just bear it. It’ll be over in a few minutes. Just breathe and don’t cry. Then they won’t hurt you as much. Just wait for it…
“Come with me.”
Wait for it… It’s coming…
“Little girl, do you understand what I am saying”
Huh? Little. Little. He knows who I am?
I chance a peek; and woah, I don’t know who he is at all! He is completely covered in jewelry, all over. I can’t even see his face!
“Hey, what are you doing? I was just about to shoot that dragon spawn.”
“Don’t worry, the city will deal with this one. Alright, girl. Let’s go.”
“What the hell do ya mean by girl? She is a dragon spawn. Dragon spawns aint got no gender.”
“Do you wish to enter the city?”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Then I’d advise you to stop harrassing us. We can deny you entrance.”
Oh, he’s looking at me again. Or, at least I think he is. I can’t actually see his eyes behind all that shiny metal.
“Girl, can you walk, or am I going to have to drag you?”
“Um, uh, walk, master!” I get back up from the ground, and he grabs my hand. That’s kind of weird, but I kind of like it…
It’s a long walk to wherever we are going. He brought me into the city and is leading me through all the different streets.
There are a lot of people, but it isn’t actually that hard to move, because wherever we go, everyone moves away from us. Do people hate me? Royalty are supposed to be loved and crowded around, but everyone runs away from me. I’m so lonely…
Oh, we stopped at a house, and he’s opening the door.
“What is it?” a lady calls from inside.
“I brought someone home.”
“Gerald, you know we can’t keep doing this. One of these days—”
“I know, I know, but this one… This one is different.” He said, walking into the house.
I stopped though, and my hand slipped out of his.
“Huh? Oh, what did you stop for?”
“Uh, Mr. Snake.” I turn my head around to try to look behind me.
“Mr. Snake, you can’t go inside. Go! Shoo! I’ll be back, so don’t be sad, ok? But I really need you to go now.”
“Snake? You have a snake?” The lady that was in the back has walked over to where we are.
“Gerald? You brought a dragon spawn?”
“No, I don’t think so. Look at her. See? She doesn’t have claws, and she isn’t completely covered by scales. Also, did you hear what she was saying?”
“Uh, about the snake?”
“Yeah, now look at her. What is she talking to?”
“Uh. Huh?” *snort* “Bahahaha!”
“Alright, I’ll believe you. There is no way a dragon spawn would be confused between a snake and their own tail, haha!”
“Tail?” I’m really confused.
“Yes. You know, that ‘Mr. Snake’ is actually your own tail!”
“Me? Tail? But humans don’t have tails.”
“Well, I don’t think you are exactly human.” Gerald spoke that time. “Hey hun, do think she could be a ‘kin?”
“Well, I’ve never heard of one like that… There are whole cities full of wolfkin, catkin, sealkin, and others, but this… It would be a first for me.” She turns back to me. “Little girl, what is your name?”
“Oh, I don’t have one. I’m not old enough to get my number yet.” Oi, what’s wrong? She looks really sad. Please don’t be sad! “But you can just call me ‘little one,’ that’s what the other’s called me.”
“That, that won’t do. Let’s see here… Chalia. That’s your name now, Chalia.”
A name? I have a name? That’s what I’m thinking, but what comes out of my mouth is, “Not a number?” [Insert adorable head-tilt here]
“No, this kind of name is so much better than a number. It’s a special kind of name”
Oh, I see! Not only do I get a name, but it’s a special name! I’m so happy—Twenty Six, I have a name now!
“Cha, Cal, Lia, Calia, Cal, Cha, Cha-lia, Chalia. Chalia!” I look up at this kind woman with my bestest smile ever. Umph! She’s hugging me. And she’s crying. Why are you crying? I’ll hug her, too. Mmm, so warm and nice…
“Alright, you two, it’s getting late, so let’s eat and get a good night of rest. We’ll see the blacksmith tomorrow.”
Blacksmith? What’s that? Oh, but I don’t actually care anymore, because I spotted something—a reward! They have rewards here, too! What do I need to do?
He’s putting a bowl on the short table in front of me. (We are sitting on a super squishy bench right now) Ooh, it smells really good!
“Eat up!” *Sigh* “I can tell by your face. Despicable masters. Go ahead and eat—you don’t have to work for it.”
“I, uh, but… No! It’s a reward, She’ll get hurt if I…”
*Sigh* “Alright, entertain me then. Grab your sword.”
“Gerald! What are you thinking? If she’s part of of a gladiator troupe, you know what that means!”
“Uh, sword? What’s a sword?”
Oh, did I say something wrong? They’re both looking at me with strange faces…
What’s he grabbing? Oh, I know what that is! I almost forgot about it! “My knife!”
What’s so funny? Why are you laughing?
“Chalia.” Oooh! I feel so warm and nice! I like this name very much! “This is not a knife, it’s called a sword.”
Oh, so if a knife is really long it gets called a “sword,” I see. Though of course, all I say is “Oh.”
“Alright Chalia,” Oh, say it more, say it more! “Let’s go out to the yard a spar a bit.”
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