《Welcome to the System》Answers!


1 - Tactile telekinesis

A: ok don't you guys think it is a little too early for him to become superboy? Come on he just got to level 5 there is a lot of ground to cover before he gets something as strong as Tactile telekinesis, he may or may not get this power latter when he reaches higher levels

2 - Classes and levels:

A: ok this is a little bit of a spoiler so I am gonna put tabs Spoiler : Simply put levels 1 to 5 are considered childhook levels, at level 5 you get an initial class and are also finally considered an adult, at level 10 you enter advanced classes you're considered a strong creature, level 15 you get the heroic classes you're the cream of the crop, level 25 you achieve epic classes you become the hero they write stories about, the stuff of legends and level 40, well at level 40 you asccend becoming so badass only a nuke would stop you

3 - The Runic fighter class

A: Sorry guys it's just the way Aaron goes, you have to realise that his telekinesis is the whole reason Aaron had been locked up, the reason he antagonises his father and many other things, his power did not make his life easy you see, so he doesn't invest in it as much as he should, in fact if Aaron gave his all into training and developing his power he would be far stronger than he is now, however don't worry his focus won't sudenly shift to only using runes, A Runic fighter is essencialy a magic warrior that uses runes to augment his powers, his main weapons will still be telekinesis and guns runes will just make things easier.

4 - Creating other weapons with Aaron's power


A: it is possible but hard to do, his power manifest as strings and very few weapons could be made from strings still... he did create so who knows.

5 - His injuri and status:

A: yes he is hurt, thats what happens when you get burned alive you need time to recover, still he will eventually get back on his feet however it is important to note that actions have consequences and screwing up won't be fixed in the blink of an eye, one of you asked why he is only an when he is so much more powerful than the average human... thats because he is currently hurt, had it been before with nearly all statuses close to the human maximum and more than 1000 mp he would easily had made the cut.

6 - Gaining abilities similar to telekinetic blast from training.

A: since that would be a form of aplying his telekinetic ability it would be a skill and he could learn it but it requires constant use to be reconized as such by the system like with telekinetic shield, take note that his ability is telekinesis(strings) and manifest invisible strings, it is a lesser form of the telekinetic ability that can manifest as anything and harder to manipulate because of it still, now that he is hurt, he will be searching for ways to make up for his physical weakness.

7 - and Eric's ability

A:It is a passive ability because it changes the body permanently, like Aarons newest it uses some mana creating the initial mana paths for the body modification but once it is complete the channels close and your body is forever different, the mana that the ability requires is recovered like stamina, its like the person recovers mana two times, once towards his mana pool that can be used in skills and abilities and once by the whole body to feed the , it is different from Eric's power because 1- Eric's only increase his however since his strength is higher his muscles make him a little faster and tougher, like increasing 5 also indirectly increase 1 and and 2 - Eric's ability is like taking an adrenaline shot while is permanent and in all aspects including recovery and healing speed.


8 - Would for arrows work with bullets

A: Yes and no, the skill is directly linked with arrows but, mana paths are versatile, if you're daring enough to experiment and try to change the path slightly you can get it to work with nearly everything, like someone who already has for arrows would find it much easier to learn or the

9 - Creature and second wave:

A: tecnically two questions but I am gonna answer them at the same time, again a little bit of spoilers but nothing that would ruin the plot, still if you want it to be a surprise don't read it I (somehow I can't get a spoiler tag to work here just don't read if you don't want to)

Creatures are divided into

1 - Lesser races: incapable of learning classes their bodies are far stronger than humans and they gain more attribute points with level up but have very low inteligence, thei're the animals and monsters of the world, they gain levels far faster than any other class of creatures but have few skills, all of them in low levels, basically it is easy to find a lesser race at level 25 but it's skills would be far bellow others, they also give low XP

2 - Mortal races: Humans, Orcs, dwarves, lizardman and most thinking races are here, with lifespans of 50 to 500 years they gain XP slower but can learn classes and jobs, their abilities and skills are far stronger than lesser races, basically they start far bellow a lesser race but with enough time can far surpass them, a level 1 human would get destroyed by a level 1 minotaur but a level 15 human would easily defeat a level 15 minotaur

3 - Greater Races: nearly immortal and far more powerful than the others they need much more XP for each level staying decades at level 1 but can easily slaughter lesser and mortals even 15 levels above them, Dragons, elves, devils, angels are menbers of the greater races.

4 - Divine Races: the most powerfull things they can rival gods from the moment they're born but require so much XP to level up it can be milenia before they get to level 5, High dragons, Titans and Devas are examples of those races.

the first wave brough with it only weak lesser creatures, the second wave will bring the mortal races and stronger lesser creatures the third wave that is yet to come will finally bring the greater races.

10 - The movie

A: Yes it was Anastasia, I highly recomend it for children, Rasputin was so cool when I was younger.

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