《Reincarnation Royale》Chapter 16 RW
Chapter 16
The following morning, Vincent made sure to wake up on time before his alarm rang. He had 10 minutes and he was fully rested and ready for training. He decided to quickly pop into the other dimension and when he saw his wife in the middle of getting dressed, she stopped to give him an intoxicating look, he immediately jumped on her and used the 10 minutes he had to get rid of all his and his lover’s sexual frustration. (B: Again with the sex ¤_¤...)
Anyways, once that was out of the way, Mike kissed his wife goodbye and left her completely covered on the bed half-conscious.
By the time he came back to being Vincent, his alarm had been ringing for a minute and Klaud was knocking at his door. He then shut off his alarm and called out to Klaud to let her know he was awake.
Vincent: I'm up.
Klaud: Meet me downstairs for breakfast and then we'll start your training.
5 minutes later…
Klaud: Good, you're here. Next time try not to wake up so late. I'll let it slide this time around since you just got through a fight yesterday, but you'll need to get used to less sleep. Anyways, hurry and finish your breakfast. Training starts right after.
True to her word, no sooner had Vincent finished breakfast when she immediately had him follow her outside to a small clearing in the forest.
Klaud: Now then, first off, I need to see your capabilities first hand so that I know exactly how to train you. I already know about your fight with Alex but I need to see what I'm dealing with with my own eyes. I want to see just how far away you are from a normal 5 year old...
After saying so, Klaud had her partner Lau Jimin(the monkey) transform into its 20ft tall battle mode (accurate enough). Then she had Vincent summon his anti-akuma weapon.
Klaud: Then, begin!
With her permission, Vincent immediately charged at the giant albino monkey and first tested it out. He already knew from researching that its attacks consisted of lightning punches, so when he saw its hands covered in lightning, he wasn't surprised. Instead, he decided that when the monkey’s fist came towards him that he'd try and see whether or not his metal arm would conduct it or if it'd just pass right through it harming his hody. As if to answer him, his anti-akuma weapon glowed a faint shade of green before coming into contact with the Lau’s fist.
Klaud: Ho… Interesting that you aren't harmed by the lightning, but more so that you're strong enough to take a punch from Lau. This means that you can handle tougher training than I originally planned on.
Vincent was currently facing a dilemma. He'd found that he used up more faith energy if he had his anti-akuma weapon become lightning resistant than if he left it as is. The only possible conclusions he could come up with was that it was either because it just cost that much to change the property of his weapon, or maybe because it was the first time Vincent attempted it, which didn't make sense considering that it didn't cost this much faith energy when he changed the form of his weapon.
Klaud: However, you're still far too inexperienced, boy.
As Vincent was distracted with Lau’s fist, he didn't notice that his tail was swiping towards him until it had hit. Vincent was then blasted back and ended up crashing into a tree.
Klaud panicked when she saw this, but calmed down when she noticed that Vincent was unharmed for the most part.
Klaud: Oh, you're still able to get back up after that. Really, just how tough is your body?
After the smoke from the collision had cleared, it was revealed that Vincent was still able to get back up even after the rough blow. Vincent’s stats weren't just for show, the only reason he was able to stand up despite having an anti-akuma weapon was because his body wasn't at the level of a normal 5 year old. After all, his stats from his Mike body had transferred over his Vincent one.
Klaud: Alright, can you still keep going?
Vincent: (nod)
Klaud: Good, then get ready, I won't let you rest the entire day.
From then on, the daily training between the 2 (B: 3, #don’tforgetLau) continued for the the next few days. Klaud concluded that Vincent’s physical abilities were already good enough, so she decided to focus on letting him gain battle experience.
The training mostly consisted of Vincent fighting Lau, Klaud, or both at the same time. Klaud also didn't forget to instill some battle tactics and strategies for Vincent to learn since the saviour of humanity needed to know how to lead.
A typical day of training would start with Vincent waking up, eating breakfast, and then being made to spar. He almost always lost, and only managed to win once due to Lau and Klaud being surprised at how strong Vincent had become after some proper training.
After about a week of training, a special occasion was occurring at the Black Order’s European Branch. The reason for the strange atmosphere was simple. It was Vincent’s birthday. Whenever someone joined the the Black Order, especially if they were young, all the other members would give it their best to surprise them with a welcome party. And it just so happened that Vincent’s birthday was around the corner, so everyone tried extra hard to make the party a surprise. Nevertheless, Vincent could still guess why everyone was acting different with him than on the first day he arrived. He was not an ignorant little boy, he had the mentality of a man in his early 20s. All he had to do was put 2 and 2 together and he had figured it out.
Even though he knew, he feigned ignorance. He didn't want to disappoint everyone, especially when they were going through so much trouble for his sake. Vincent had already started to see everyone at the European Branch as family. It was impossible not to when they treated him with open arms. Now Vincent could understand how the original Allen Walker could so openly see everyone here as friends. He had previously lived as a monster that almost everybody hated, but now, he had been accepted by so many people. It almost drove poor Vincent to tears...
Klaud: Alright, today you're- Hey, are you okay!?
Vincent: Y-yeah, I'm fine. (Wow, that was really embarassing. I haven't cried like that since mom got hurt by the villagers because she refused to give me up... I wonder how she's doing...)
Klaud: ...Anyways, today there is no training. Instead, everyone at headquarters has been preparing for a special surprise for you. But I don't have to tell you this, do I?
Over the time Vincent spent with Klaud, she had long since grown to understand that he was very different from an ordinary 5 year old. However, that didn't stop her from treating him like a brat. Well, aside from when they trained that is...
Klaud: I already know you figured out what everyone was planning. Just make sure you don't ruin your own surprise. Everyone worked hard on it despite it being last minute.
Vincent: *nod*
Klaud: Good, let's go then. They should be just about done getting ready.
15 minutes later…
Klaud and Vincent had just walked into the cafeteria that for some reason had its lights off. They had just managed to walk through the door when the lights suddenly came back on.
Vincent pretended to look surprised, and it seemed everyone else bought it. After that, Vincent was pulled by Sophie and made to take a seat. As he was forcefully sat down, he noticed that the decorations used were quite well done despite being last minute. As he was admiring the decorations and feeling warm-hearted thanks to everyone trying so hard for him, the food was brought out. Mexican, american, japanese, italian, all kinds of cuisine was brought out and everyone cried out in joy. They all began to dig in and fill the cafeteria with a calm and joyful atmosphere. Vincent felt that he should thank Jerry personally after the party was over since it was thanks to him that there was so much food available...
Vincent ate with Sophie, John, and Russell while Klaud sat right next to him. Alex was also next to him as she ate and talked with Vincent about how much he had improved. Though most might mistake her as a lovestruck maiden, Alex only acted this way because Vincent was the first friend she had ever made. She had no idea how to express her affection toward him. Still, even if she liked Vincent, that didn't mean she didn't want to fight him. She was what most people would call a “battle junkie”. She lived everyday wanting to fight a worthy opponent, and it just so happened that Vincent managed to pop into her life. She was extremely happy that she got the chance to meet Vincent.
After the party went on for a while, everyone brought out their gifts. They were mostly things that would enable a person to survive in the wild or in a fight, but Vincent was planning to become an exorcist and that wasn't an occupation a child should have. It was obvious that people would try to gift him things meant to help him in a pinch.
Vincent then thanked everyone and went back to eating. Eventually, he noticed that Alex seemed to be fidgeting in her seat, as if she was nervous about something. He was about to say something when Klaud suddenly left for the bathroom. Once she left the cafeteria, Alex asked Vincent if he could go on a walk with her. Vincent didn't think much about it since Alex was just a little girl, so he agreed and they walked to somewhere more private. After they walked and chatted for a while, Vincent finally felt that something was off about the atmosphere... As they approached a window that provided a wonderful view of the moonlight Alex asked Vincent to close his eyes. Vincent was surprised at this, but nevertheless obeyed. After he closed his eyes, he made sure to increase his other senses so that he could tell what was going on. He didn't know if Alex was being controlled or something, but she had been acting strange for a while. He noticed that Alex was moving closer to him, and as he was wondering what she was going to do, he also noticed that her lips were currently moving towards his cheek. Even if Vincent was dense, there was no way he wouldn't realize what she was trying to do. Since it was just a kiss, he let it land without any problems. He then pretended to be slightly surprised and Alex became slightly flustered.
Alex: I-I heard it's somethings friends do.
Vincent: Well, only certain kinds.
Alex: S-shut up!
Alex then tried walking away so as to hide her embarassment, but when she did, she slipped on the curtains for the window. She had been wearing high heels, and she was not at all used to them.
Vincent tried to catch her, but as he was doing so, he noticed that he had aligned himself directly in front of Alex's face as she was coming down on him. At that point, Vincent pushed his processing ability to its maximum so as to think about what to do.
Vincent: (Crap, what do I do!? I can tell she knows what's about to happen, so I might hurt her feelings if I do any sudden movement. Ugh! Why couldn't this have happened when she was older!? Do I move or not!?)
CE: Just do it!
The random pop up temporarily paused Vincent's thinking for a split second; however, a split second was all that was needed for Alex to fall on Vincent. They stayed in that position for who knows how long, with Vincent underneath Alex connected by their lips. Once Alex realized what had happened, her face became noticeably redder even in the dim lighting. After a little while, she tried to pry herself away from Vincent. This slight movement accidentally triggered Vincent’s random tongue movement that had been trained personally by ES. Alex felt something happen inside her mouth and temporarily blanked out due to the sweet pleasure that she was feeling for the first time in her life. As she was slowly becoming intoxicated, a voice called out to her.
Jack: Alex, are you there!?
With those 4 words, Alex managed to snap out of her trance and pushed Vincent away.
Alex: S-sorry, I didn't mean it to go that far. Anyways, umm, j-just forget about what happened!
With that, she ran away as fast as she could towards the direction her brother's voice came from.
Vincent: ...Well, I'm going to hell after I die. Wait, but I already died...
Vincent hadn't expected things to escalate that quickly, but he just shrugged off the matter. If anything, all it did was make him find Alex much more charming. Though he would not act rashly until she was old enough, he did plan on seeing how things would turn out, maybe even setting some future flags...
After coming back from his thoughts Vincent decided to go back to the party. Once back, he just spent the rest of the day eating and chatting with people. He didn't see Alex or Jack after the incident. But he wasn't worried. Though there was one thing that bothered him. For some reason, being with everyone else was more tiring than a day of training for him.
Klaud: Ha, so you can take my training but you can't take parties? You're the exact opposite of Cross. If you were my age, you may have been my type. Too bad I'm not into brats.
Vincent felt offended at that statement, but then he came up with a clever idea. A very lewd, clever idea. As he was walking home with Klaud, he made himself seem very tired. Once they had arrived at the top floor, Klaud turned back and saw that Vincent was already sleeping on the floor.
Klaud: ...I guess he still is a child.
Despite the way Klaud acts most of the time, she is actually a very caring individual, especially towards children. Once she confirmed that Vincent was indeed sleeping, she decided to pick him up and leave him on his bed since the floor wasn't a good place to sleep.
As she was just about to place Vincent down on the bed, she felt resistance.
Vincent: Mom.
With that one statement, Klaud’s face started to show traces of red. Even though she was Vincent’s guardian on paper, she never thought of herself as his family much less his mother. When she tried again and saw that his face started to tear up if she tried to rip him away, she thought about what to do.
Klaud: Well, it is his birthday…
With an extremely red face, Klaud decided to lie down next to Vincent and sleep the night with him.
(B: Here's where things go 18+WARNING EXPLICIT CONTENT: REMEBER, THIS IS ACTUALLY A 20 YEAR OLD MAN AND WOMEN, OK. I put like so many warning signs in previous author notes, so you better either skip it or deal with it if you don't like milf or shota stuff!!!)
Spoiler: Spoiler
As Klaud stared at Vincent’s innocent face, she thought that he seemed to look more like his age when he was asleep. She felt that it was better for him to act more like like a little kid. In fact, even though she respected that he managed to act the way he did despite being so young, she truly wished he would act more spoiled around her... Of course, Vincent interrupted those thoughts.
Klaud: Wha-
As Klaud was pulled out of her thoughts, she realized that Vincent had unbuttoned her shirt, and only her bra was hiding her cleavage from being exposed. She tried to get away but only managed to let a moan escape when Vincent used his expert hands to explore the young woman's top. Vincent had only intended to go this far to mess with Klaud, but when he heard her moan, something inside him clicked. After some careful consideration, he felt that it wouldn't be that bad to continue on for a little while longer. Besides, Klaud showed no desire to stop him and his current body wouldn't let him go all the way.
VINCENT: (...) Mom, milk.
At this point, Klaud was already starting to realise that Vincent might actually be awake, but her thoughts were constantly interrupted by the pleasure Vincent inflicted on her.
Klaud: (This is too much. I've never been touched like this. Ever since I've gotten the burn marks on my face as a child, no boy that wasn't as useless as Cross ever approached me with these kinds of intentions.)*pant*
By this point, Vincent had already lowered her bra and was already sucking her breasts. While not as huge as ES’s they were still pretty big. As he continued to use his expert tongue, he began to slip his toe down there where Klaud’s lower lips were. Luckily his height was just enough to get the job done. Though he only managed to slip his foot under her skirt and not her underwear, at this point, a virgin like Klaud couldn't handle the treatment and orgasmed. With that, her head cleared a little, but she was still powerless to stop Vincent’s assault. As she looked towards the doorway, she saw that her partner Lau was opening the door. He turned back when he noticed his gaze, and his eyes seemed to say ”Have a nice night.”
With her last hope gone, Klaud began to make up excuses so as to try and come to terms with what was happening.
Klaud: (But, he's basically my… wait this is training! That’s right, training! I'm increasing the bond between us, so it's alright to feel this way. No one is perfect at the start...)
With that, Klaud let herself enjoy the pleasure as she convinced herself with warped logic that all she was doing was increasing her bond with Vincent, something that was necessary for his growth. As his guardian, she had to see that the saviour of humanity grew in the right direction, right?
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