《Night Gaunt》Chapter 17
An awkward silence followed Kira's acceptance. Both Serin and Vanessa were having difficulty in starting some form of conversation. 'Ok, how do I ask ' Are you ready for me to modify your very existence as if your previous body didn't exist?' Yeah ... I don't think that's a good way to start a conversation.' thought Vanessa. 'I have no idea what to say right now, and this awkward silence is killing me.' thought Serin. This continued for a good minute or two before both women caught each other's eye and then burst into a fit of laughter. "Haha we both really do have a lot in common huh?" asked Sering trying to curb her laughing but only succeeded in prolonging the inevitable. " Yeah 'chuckle' we both suck at holding a conversation. But at least we were able to end that awkward silence, I think that is a victory in our anti-social lives don't you think?" asked Vanessa, who was able to reduce her laughter to a moderate chuckle every now and then. "Yeah, introverts one and awkward silences zero. So what do we do now?" asked Serin in a relaxed tone after finally both she and Vanessa had become comfortable with the atmosphere. Vanessa had to think carefully about how to word her answer. "Well you see there are a few ways I can think of that might work. The first is to try to reverse time on your tail to before the incident occurred, but if that goes wrong I have a feeling the universe will make both of us regret it in some way," explained Vanessa. "How so?" asked Serin. "I don't know, I just have this annoying and almost oppressive feeling that if I try to do that I will regret it. And so far those feelings have kept me alive so I would like to listen to it." finished Vanessa. "Ok, then what other ideas do you have?" asked Serin hoping that they will be less dangerous or easier to enact. "Well the other two ideas I have are actually much simpler, but if I somehow fuck it up in some way shape or form then there is a very high chance that you will die." continued Vanessa. "Well we don't really have much of a choice so I guess you might as well explain what you have in mind," Serin replied. "Ok, the first is that I bring up a character creation menu and give you access to modify your existence right now. Worst case scenario is that I somehow alter your existence while creating your character creation menu and you die if I am unable to maintain it. And to be totally honest I have a feeling that I won't be able to maintain the sequence if you could call it that long enough for you to dive through your entire genetic, magical and emotional being so you could alter your tail" Vanessa explained. "How long do you think it would take? If you were able to maintain it indefinitely that is," asked Kira questioningly. Vanessa decided not to answer honestly. "I have no idea, it could take a couple of minutes or it could take centuries all according to how much she will have to navigate through before she finds the correct location. For all, I know it could just be as simple as pressing a tab on a body slider or it could be as in depth as one genetic sequence concerning one specific and nuanced piece of her being at a time," replied Vanessa. "What is the other option?" asked Kira inquisitively. She had been waiting patiently for Vanessa to explain her ideas about how she will cure her daughter, but she had noticed Vanessa's hesitation concerning the last idea and was wondering why Vanessa seemed to avoid the last option. "W-well the last option is that ... I alter your existence personally by uhh merging my being with ... you." replied Vanessa with a slight blush on her face. It took both women a moment to understand what Vanessa meant by her statement. But when they did they both dissolved into deep blushes which Vanessa noticed were blue in color. 'The same color of their blood.' though Vanessa absentmindedly before being brought back to her senses by Kira speaking. "W-what do you mean by m-merging with my daughter?" asked Kira in a slightly flustered tone. Serin, Vanessa noticed, was to busy blushing madly and tryingto hide her face from the outside world. Not that it did any good since her ears were as blue as the sky. 'Cute.' thought Vanessa before answering Kira's question. "I mean that I will have to ... have sex with your daughter," explained Vanessa, deciding halfway through to just get it over with before the situation becomes any more awkward than it already was. Kira surprisingly was able to maintain her composure long enough to question Vanessa again although she seemed to be blushing as well as fidgeting more frequently than before. "And h-how does having s-sex with my daughter allow you to heal her tail?" continued Kira. "I am able to modify a being's existence because I am a minor god. But due to my powers being so limited, because I am only a god in name as of this point, I am unable to do so for extended periods of time, which is why my previous plan is likely to go wrong. However, the closer I am, physically, to the being I intend to alter the easier it is for me to do so. And if I am physically connected with that being then it should be possible for me to alter them as if I am altering my own body." explained Vanessa. "And how do you intend to physically merge with my daughter when you are not a male?" asked Kira. "Well, even though physical contact should be enough for me to do what I need to do, but it would be easier for me to do so if we were ehem closer. And as for not having a penis, well ... I have a tail." Vanessa replied, hoping that Kira won't break her for mentioning such a scenario. By this point, Serin looked as if she would actually be happy for the monster to come back and finish the job if it meant not having to listen to this embarrassing conversation. Kira looked as if she was having an internal war with herself over whether she should or shouldn't allow her daughter to have sex with Vanessa. And Vanessa ... well, she just looked to be trying her hardest not to provoke any form of aggression whatsoever, knowing that if she so much as blinked wrong there was a good chance that she will be completely mauled by Serin's mother, minor god or no minor god you do not mess with a mother especially concerning their daughter. "Haaah as much as it pains me to say this, this is not my choice to make after all my daughter is the one who will have to decide which plan she wants to do and if she trusts you enough to give you her first time then it is not my place to contradict her choices," Kira replied. Vanessa was unable to not exhale in relief, but then Kira continued. "But if I think even for a second that you are taking advantage of my daughter in some way, shape, or form." Kira left her sentence at that. "Trust me, Kira, I didn't want to propose this idea in the first place but its the only option I can think of that won't harm your daughter in a lethal way. If anything it has a high chance of backfiring on me as a result." Both Kira and Serin looked at Vanessa with a confused face at her final statement both without words asking for an explanation. Vanessa sighed and explained. "I'm modifying her body as if it was a part of my own so technically if anything goes wrong or if something that would harm you occurs then technically it would bypass all of my physical, mental, and what other godly defenses I have and harm me directly. Because technically at that point in time I am altering what is considered a part of myself instead of another person. Therefore if anything goes wrong I want you to break contact with me immediately and let whatever happens happens. Hopefully, I won't die from the backlash, but that is hopefully worst-case scenario." Both women seemed shocked at Vanessa's explanation. "So ... you are saying that you will risk your godly life just to save my daughter who you just met a little while ago?" questioned Kira. "As cliche as it sounds, yes I am, If I could think of a way to do so without risking her chastity I would, but unfortunately this is all I could think of with what little power I obtained when I became a minor god." Throughout this whole dialogue, Serin had been extremely silent. Vanessa began to wonder if she was afraid that she will have to be forced to have sex with Vanessa if it meant using her tail again. "Don't worry Serin you don't have to have sex with me if you are uncomfortable, but I will need to maintain physical contact if it means healing you," replied Vanessa, unknown to her that her words actually confused Serin even more than before. 'Why?' thought Serin 'Why is she willing to risk her life to heal me. Even going as far as to allow me to handicap her endeavors, further reducing her chances all so I can be more comfortable, even if it increases the chances of failure and as a result her death.' thought Serin a warm feeling starting to pulse within her chest. "I trust you," replied Serin much to Vanessa's relief. "You are risking your life to heal me so the least I can do is bear with it. I'll be damned if me being uncomfortable with intimacy caused someone I care about to die trying to help me. Just go slow alright, this is my ehem f-first time." finished Serin with a flustered look on her face. "Well, I'll stay here to make sure Serin can remove contact if something goes wrong. And I'll place a barrier around us so we aren't interrupted." Kira replied. "Are you sure you will be okay watching? I mean I am about to have sex with your daughter. Are you okay with seeing that?" asked Vanessa Kira blushing after hearing Vanessa's questions answered with a nod seemingly not trusting herself to speak. 'Is she ... no there is no way that's the case. It must just be my inner horniness affecting my sight or something.' thought Vanessa before returning to the task at hand. Kira raised her hands in front of her just as a magical circle expanded outward from her position to encompass a small area around the three women. Then with a slight look of concentration from Kira a dome of water encompassed the three women in a hemispherical shape, seemingly thin enough to allow light in but also looked to be reinforced with magic to increase its sturdiness along with its constant rotation as an added defense. Once the dome encompassed the three women completely Kira lowered her hands and let out a small sigh of relief. "The barrier should prevent any monster in the area from entering. It will last until either I tell to dissipate, I am knocked unconscious, or I die," explained Kira. "How are you able to maintain the mana cost?" asked Vanessa in a questioning tone. "It actually requires a very small amount of mana to activate normally and runs on a very lengthy timer so all I have to do is alter the magic circle to run in a loop with logistically declining mana requirement," replied Kira. "Why is the mana requirement declining?" asked Vanessa "Because as the magical circle loops itself mana is given off as a byproduct when the loop and therefore the spell ends before repeating which is then sucked back into the magical circle until a point where it is almost self-sustaining," replied Kira. "Just like computers only instead of electricity its mana. A logistic feedback loop integrated into a magical circle using a recyclable form of mana use, the initial mana requirement must be higher by a decent amount but in the long run it should prove more efficient, smart," replied Vanessa. "Thank you it took many years of practice to create that type of magic circle I'm happy my efforts were appreciated, and what are these computers you mentioned?" replied Kira. "Technology from my previous life, they run on electricity or mechanically generated lightning to work like mana for your magic circle," replied Vanessa her knowledge from her previous life word vomiting out of her mouth. Kira, however, did not seem to mind the added information and seemed intrigued by the concept. But the random tangent in the conversation between Vanessa and Kira had to end at some point. They both knew they were stalling and had to get back to the task at hand. "And now I believe it is time you heal my daughter, or else her nervousness will cause her head to explode." chuckled Kira seeing her daughter blushing madly at hearing her comment. Vanessa faced Serin with a calming look on her face. Waiting for Serin to show some form of resistance to the scenario. Seeing none Vanessa decided to help the siren to relax before completing the deed. 'If this is going to be her first time then I better make her feel like a goddess for allowing me to do this.' were Vanessa's thoughts at this point in time and she decided to make due on them. First Vanessa decided to put on a little show for Serin, who was in a sitting position with her tail folded inward in front of her while her ass was planted in the shallows, the water's surface just meeting her waistline. Vanessa positioned herself in front of Serin and slowly and sensuously Vanessa began to rub her own body right in front of Serin. She began by reaching downward allowing a brief glimpse of her breasts before slowly gliding her hands up her body, slowing only at the desired locations. First, her thighs making sure to part them as her hands passed by them slowly knowing Serin's eyes were glued to her hand's location. Next, her groin her hands teasingly darting under Vanessa's skirt upon reaching that location showing a couple of extra inches of thigh causing Serin to gasp slightly upon realizing Vanessa was more than likely not wearing any undergarments. This further fueled Serin's desire and caused her to become increasingly more wet for completely different reasons. Then her breasts, Vanessa made sure to slowly and almost hypnotically circle her hands around her own breasts before ever so gently caressing her fingers over her clothed nipples sending small shocks of pleasure to her brain. Serin mouth began to water at the sight before her. And finally, Vanessa's hands completed their journey towards the sky while Vanessa erotically began to sway and gyrate her body seductively further enticing Serin's lust. Serin by this point was about as horny as anyone would expect after seeing such a seductive and alluring beauty perform in front of her. Her mother's presence being the only thing that prevented her from reaching downward and pleasuring herself at the sight. Although, Serin noticed her mother seemed distracted by the display as well, and upon noticing her daughters glances Kira looked away avoiding her daughter's gaze. Vanessa noticing the slight back and forth between the mother and daughter decided to regain their attention by letting her hands reach back down again to slowly untie her animal skin tunic with her back facing both women. Both Kira and Serin, noticing the change in atmosphere looked back toward Vanessa's location just in time to see Vanessa's tunic drop to the ground. Finally revealing Vanessa's pale backside and luscious ass leading to a tail that Serin realized she will be very intimate with very soon, as well as proving Serin's thoughts correct. Vanessa was in fact not wearing any undergarments. 'I guess forgetting to create some undergarments when Laura and I packed turned out in my favor in the end.' thought Vanessa. Both Serin and Kira gulped at the site before them, both women were unable to not reach their hands downward at the beautiful person now naked in front of them. Both Serin and Kira began to finger their soaking holes, even when they both noticed each other doing so they were too enraptured in lust to stop. Not to mention that the site watching your own daughter/mother finger their soaping hole not ten feet from one another was extremely erotic, to say the least. Vanessa, noticing that both women were in the mood decided to remember that for later. Then she slowly, all while flaring her hips as she did so, walked toward Serin, who was unable to avert her eyes from the sight. Then in a languid manner, Vanessa straddled Serin. Serin tensed up like a stone statue upon feeling Vanessa's weight above her. Vanessa as observant as she is decided to remedy this. Reaching downward and taking a gentle hold of Serin's hand, that until that point Serin had been fingering herself, with and brought it slowly upward, all while looking Serin in the eyes. And when Serin's hand was level with Vanessa's face she slowly opened her mouth and allowed Serin's pussy juice covered fingers into her mouth. Kira, seeing Vanessa sensuously sucking on her daughter's fingers lost what little control she had left and began to moan out loud as she shoved two more fingers into her flooded gash. "Ahhh more AH!! please fuck my daughter!!" yelled Kira before she pulled her hand away from her dripping cunt and began to slowly and erotically suck her own juices off of her dripping fingers. Serin hearing her mothers dirty talk became even more aroused. 'Why does being watched by my own mother feel so good!' thought Serin. Vanessa noticing Kira's effect on her daughter decided to make use of it. Vanessa positioned herself slightly above Serin then she was before making sure to position her breasts in such a way that they would be directly in front of Serin's mouth. It took little coaxing from Vanessa before Serin was sucking almost reverently on Vanessa's breasts. Then turning her head towards Kira's position Vanessa made a slight come hither motion with her fingers, making sure to stare deeply in Kira's eyes as she did so. Vanessa was doing this all while grinding her naked groin into Serin, who was too enraptured by the feel of Vanessa'a breasts in her mouth and her dripping pussy grinding into her to notice Vanessa's actions. Kira, caught like a deer in headlights by the seductive women's gaze was unable to resist and slowly swam to her daughter's location. Upon settling herself behind her daughter Kira made no other motion then to just stare and enjoy the show, but Vanessa would have none of that. Reaching behind Serin towards Kira, Vanessa took a gentle hold of Kira's hands and brought her right hand towards one of her daughter's breasts and the left hand towards her daughter's soaking cunt, making sure to pull Kira closer until her breasts were against Serin's back. Serin noticing the extra pair of hands grew slightly worried, this, however, was stopped by Vanessa who planted a teasing kiss on her forehead before whispering calming words to Serin. "(Whisper) Don't worry its just your mummy, she wants to make you feel good isn't that right Kira?" Vanessa whispered just loud enough for Kira to still hear her conversation. And upon hearing the extremely naughty question as well as looking into her daughter's lust filled and accepting eyes Kira was completely unable to refute Vanessa's claims and nodded. Kira then proceeded with no more guidance from Vanessa to pleasure her daughter by groping Serin's sensitive breast as well as plunging two fingers into her daughter's soaked sex, all while beginning to nibble on her daughter's neck. Serin seeing her mother's acceptance as well as feeling her ministrations began to moan wantonly, uncaring of those that hear through the barrier. Vanessa then stood and allowed a momentary glimpse of the mother-daughter pair moaning in lust before allowing her tail to come up between her legs and slither towards Serin's gasping mouth where she lingered at the entrance only for a moment before the tip of her tail entered her warm and wet cavern. Kira noticing Vanessa's actions removed her hand that was until that point fondling Serin's breast and placed it on the back of her daughter's head. "Take it all baby girl, you'll make mummy so proud if you take daddy all the way down," replied Kira in a sultry voice, all while pushing her daughters head forward encouraging Serin to take more of Vanessa's tail into her mouth. Serin who was already a moaning mess was unable to resist her mother's actions and allowed her mouth and eventually her throat to be used by her own mummy and 'daddy'. Vanessa was completely infatuated with the sight of such a beautiful mother talking dirty to her daughter while encouraging her to deepthroat her 'daddy's' tail. Serin being inexperienced in sex in general, had to go up and down multiple times on her daddy's tail before she was finally able to take it all the way down until her nose touched Vanessa's navel, all while making sure to enthusiastically writhe her tongue all around the pulsing member, much to Vanessa's delight. Kira not wanting to be left out decided to prepare her daughter for what happens next. Kira moved away from her daughter's back and swam through the shallows until she was under Vanessa's legs and face to face with her daughter's dripping cunt. "Oh, my beautiful baby girl your so wet, let mummy get you ready for daddy (slurp)" stated Kira finishing her statement by diving headfirst into her daughter's wet and swollen sex. Kira then proceeded to taste her darling daughter taking great enjoyment in every moan that was elicited from her daughter's lips, which were currently occupied pleasuring Vanessa's member. "Mmmmmmh! Haa! M-More! Mummy haa!! (Slurp!) Haaa Daddy (Gulp Gulp) tastes so good!!" by this point, Serin was completely absorbed into the lustful situation and stated every dirty thought that was in her mind out loud. This lasted for a good minute or two with Serin pleasuring Vanessa and Serin's mother pleasuring her daughter. Then Vanessa decided it was finally time to complete the act. "Kira get behind your daughter," commanded Vanessa absorbed completely into her dominant role. Kira understanding what was about to come next all to readily obeyed Vanessa's orders. Positioning herself behind her daughter, Kira placed a hand on each of Serin's vagina and spread her daughter wide for Vanessa to see. And as Kira was doing this she made sure to whisper dirty and lustful words into her daughter's ear as she did so. "(Whisper) are you ready baby? Are you ready to feel daddy deep inside of your slutty little pussy?" whispered Kira ending the sentence by reaching upward with one hand and nudging her daughter to face her before planting a sound and lust filled kiss on her daughter's lips. Serin reciprocated the kiss with as much vigor as she could muster before it ended much to both women's disappointment. "Haaa YES! I need daddy's long hard thing inside me." responded Serin to her mother, before turning her attention back to her 'Daddy'. After Serin looked Vanessa in the eyes for a long second, she then reached down and opened her delectable flower as wide as it allowed before demanding Vanessa to do it. "Fuck me Daddy!! I need you inside me right NOW!" Serin commanded. Vanessa wasted no more time she positioned herself between Serin's legs and commanded her tail to approach the beginning of her dripping pussy. "Hold on it will be over before you know it," replied Vanessa in Serin's ear. Serin only nodded and bit her lip in anticipation for what was to come as well as in dread for the initial pain that will likely occur. Vanessa then slowly pushed her tail into Serin causing the woman to gasp in lust filled bliss. Waiting a moment for Serin to adjust to Vanessa's girth, she then began to press forward ever so slightly until she felt the resistance from Serins's maidenhead. "Just one more push," replied Vanessa, motioning for Kira to further stimulate her daughter from behind. "Haa! I-I'm ready Daddy." finished Serin after feeling her mother sensuously kissing her neck while grinding her own moist cunt against her daughter's ass. Then with a quick thrust, Vanessa forced her member through the final barrier of Serin's purity and continued forward until she bottomed out completely in what Vanessa could only assume was Serin's womb. Serin, who was now feeling the pain of losing her virginity was surprised at how the pain felt. It wasn't the extreme mind-numbing pain that she expected but instead an almost stinging and stretching pain that pulsed within her lower abdomen. Vanessa waited until Serin signaled that the pain had subsided or was at least bearable enough for Vanessa to continue before beginning to thrust herself slowly in and out of Serin's cunt. After a couple of minutes of slow and steady thrusting, Serin became accustomed to the feeling of Vanessa's tail within her just as what little pain that had lingered from the initial penetration subsided and was replaced by pleasure. "HAA!! Daddy! you feel so good! inside me! Harder give it to me harder!" commanded Serin. Vanessa gave Serin what she wanted, digging herself in and increasing the pace as well as the force at which she was fucking the woman until both women were steadily producing a rhythm of splashing water, wet bodies slapping together, and obscene squelching noises that would make any sentient creature horny just hearing it. Kira was no exception to this. The sight of her own daughter fucking right in front of her was so arousing that she couldn't help but feel jealous at not being the one to penetrate her daughter. Even if that thought was something that she would normally bury deep down in her subconscious so as to not increase her guilt any further concerning her feelings for her daughter. That is until Kira remembered there was something else she could do. Reaching forward Kira began to caress her daughter's back as she was being fucked by Vanessa. And as she was doing so she made a small magic circle centered around her own dripping cunt. "Haa! Mummy what are you Ahh!! doing?" asked Serin as best as she could while she was being turned into an orgasmic mess. "Oh baby Daddy may have taken your virginity-" replied Kira just as she completed the magic circle. Water from the lake then began to flow toward Kira, up her leg and finally penetrating her cunt and then slowly forming an obscene shape made out of pressurized water. "- But I get to take your anal cherry," replied Kira positioning herself at her daughter's backdoor. "Huh?!?" was all Serin was able to reply before her mother entered her backdoor.
"AAHHH! Mummy!!" screamed Serin feeling a tightness she never thought she would feel in her lifetime. "Shh baby just relax. Trust me both mummy and daddy will make you feel so good," replied Kira before beginning to time her thrusts with Vanessa's so her daughter can feel the pleasure of being double penetrated. "Ahh Mummy Haa! you Ahh! so good Haa! my ass!! MORE!!" Serin was barely able to form coherent sentences by this point, but both Kira and Vanessa were able to understand the gist of it. Both Vanessa and Kira then wrapped their hands around Serin finding a steady purchase before both women began to frantically thrust inside of the double stuffed mermaid in between them. "That's it my little girl you like it when both mummy and daddy make you feel good don't you?" asked Vanessa in a sultry voice demanding an answer to her question Vanessa and Kira picked up the pace hammering their respective members into the woman in between them. Serin was unable to reply her eyes were rolling into the back of her head from the sheer amount of pleasure she was feeling with a slovenly look across her face that only conveyed the extreme amount of pleasure she was feeling at that moment. "Answer your daddy baby if you don't we will have to punish you," replied Kira, both Vanessa and Kira slowed their thrusting significantly teasing Serin to the point of near insanity. There was silence within the barrier no sound was emitted except for the slight sloshing of water as both Vanessa and Kira slowly penetrated Serin. This silence continued for about thirty seconds or so, and then it was broken quite spectacularly. "YES!!! I love feeling both of you inside me!! Mummy, I'm your personal butt slut please fuck me more!! Daddy, I want you to pummel your daughter's slutty womb with your long hard tail! PLEASE!!" screamed Serin out loud. "Couldn't have said it better myself," replied Vanessa motioning for Kira to match her pace before pummeling Serin into an orgasmic pleasure filled mess. "YESS!! You both feel so good inside me! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! I'M GOING TO CUM!" yelled Serin like a broken record. "Then cum baby cum for your mummy and daddy!" replied Vanessa before pumping herself as far into Serin she could go all while curling her tail inside of her womb like a fist as she did so. "I'M CUMMING!!" screamed Serin, just as Vanessa opened her celestial energy to Serin merging both of them together. And then all three women blacked out completely.
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THE UNIVERSE IS OUT TO GET HIM. BUT THE UNIVERSE HAS MET ITS MATCH. Jake Blatowski just wants to go to high school, but when a computer glitch assigns him to the fifth grade, he has to sit next to the perpetually surly troublemaker Dana Volt, who's bent on making his life a living hell. However, Jake soon discovers that Dana is secretly a member of a coalition of young girls tasked with protecting humanity from the forces of evil. Not only that, but the deadly monsters plaguing the city have chosen a new target, and that target is Jake! Now Dana is the only one who can save Jake from certain death—and Jake might be the only one who can save Dana from herself. Also available on: WattpadScrigglerPatreonAnd check out our TVTropes Page!
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This is the story of two souls who are link together by the love they possess for a child. A love that will transcend both time and space, and defy gods, destiny and the very universe itself. This is a simple story of a father whose willingness to protect and to guide his child carved new empires and kingdoms and destroy the old. This is the story of a man known simply as the INVINCIBLE. ********************************************************************* AUTHOR'S NOTE: First of all, I am a first time author but a long time reader in Royal Road. I believe that what this site is been doing for the last couple of years now is a godsend for all fantasy enthusiast like me and more power to them and all authors and readers and reviewers in this site. Every review is welcome. I would only suggest that any criticism heap upon me and my story would also include a tip on how I can improve upon the said mistake, so I can improve as an amateur author. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to regularly update my story in the future but I will endeavor to do so to the best of my ability. The categories I have chosen might change also in the future as my story evolve. Good day and hopefully enjoy my story. :D
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Dere's Boyfriend Scenarios (DISCONTINUED)
(NEW)Hey before you click on this book I want to say that this book is discontinued the reason and my 50k special voice reveal are in my last chapter i did there will be a link there and i will also be making a new version on this book in the future hopefully :) enjoy this book if you're still reading it though have fun and I'll see ya soon on the next update/book!!(NEWEST)Hey! The newer book is out!! So go ahead and go there!! Enjoy!! :D (OLD)Hi there this is my first Boyfriend Scenarios so hope you guys like it! It's my first time making a story so forgive me if I did something wrong so yeah! Also I update a scenario when I'm not lazy so... ye In this scenario there will be:Tsundere DandereDeredereYandereOujidereKuudereBakadereSo I hope you enjoy this Scenario!!Ranks uwu#253 Tsundere#43 Dandere#34 Deredere#28 Dere#15 Boyfriend scenarios #16 Dere#24 Boyfriend scenarios#20 Boyfriend scenarios#18 Boyfriend scenarios
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