《So What If I'm Trash? Who Needs Cultivation?!》This...Is This The So Called Legendary Training Montage?! (Part 3)
Qing Shan had interrogated interviewed most of his classmates by now. Every month there would be a small tournament where the rankings would be decided. Although the school also had a scholar section, it's main focus had always been on martial might. The greatest talents will earn privileges and rewards, from more advanced training to extra classes. Battles between students were common as not only a past time, but an encouraged activity by the school. One could get a teacher to stand as witness and judge to wagers and it promoted rivalries and a sense of crisis in the students. A great way to get them to improve.
The strongest 5 from a grade will be allowed to challenge those from the upper classes to promote themselves. If one reached a high enough rank, not only would school fees be nulled, but the school would even sponsor you. That's right. The dream of every modern kid, getting paid to go to school.
Normally Qing Shan would always rank near the bottom as he still held himself to his self imposed rule of non-violence against children, but this time he would make an exception. He recently found out there was an entire fricking hidden library under the school grounds! He heard of it from some students in a higher grade while passing through the halls.
The public library was for low-level knowledge, common techniques, and training methods with minimal risks. None of them involved KI. It was only accessible to the special advanced classes or from your third year. From the first year, the kids underwent body conditioning and basic ki usage. The second was spent on finding a "major" and style they wanted to learn. Only by the 3rd year would they have enough understanding and body strength to withstand higher levels of KI manuals and martial moves without the high risk of injury.
It was full of more advanced techniques and information not easily available to the public. He almost salivated at the mere thought of how vast it must be.
Oh, and he could study other's ki movement, of course, he totally didn't forget, nope, not for a moment. While they were all taught the same basic skills, how could everyone here have simple backgrounds? Most were taught by their families unique skills. He couldn't observe much just by sensing it, but who knows, every little bit helped until he could solve the problem of unlocking everyone's KI back at the base.
Huh...Maybe there'll be a KI unlocking pill or something similar? Seems like typical Wuxia stuff right? Something to look into another day he supposes.
A 'punch' to the face knocked him out of his thoughts, it was so weak he barely even moved in his wheelchair. He turned his attention to his opponent, a scrawny kid with dull brown hair that covered most of his face. He wasn't sure if he was looking at a girl or a boy, to be honest.
"T-take that!" the child shouted at him while backing off and making some distance.
"..." The entire class was sitting around the raised stone ring they were fighting upon, and the poor kid looked like the wind was about to blow him over.
With a shout, the brunette rushed towards him with a fist pulled back. With a deadpan look in his eyes, Qing Shan merely moved his wheelchair to the side and pulled a lever on the left of his armrest, the footrest immediately sprung out as if he was in a recliner and tripped his opponent, their momentum sending them tripping and rolling off the stage.
The teacher signaled the end of the fight and he placed a fist over his palm and nodded his head to his opponent as a sign of respect before getting off the stage. Which for the record was immensely more difficult than the fight just now, I mean have you ever tried to get down the stairs in a wheelchair?! It was really difficult ya know!
And so the day flew by as one by one everyone was called up to fight. Some were long drawn out, others ending in an instant. Everyone gave it their all, as the rewards were tempting and the glory was great.
He had managed another two easy wins without showing much. While weapons were allowed, many of these kids simply used their fist, so he saw no point using any of his tools. Trump cards are best-left secret after all.
After the preliminaries, everyone was given a week's time to prepare. It was enough for most to use what they had observed from their opponents to form countermeasures. He had a bit of work to do as he came to realize a weakness during the fights. His wheelchair was perfect for daily use as it was light and easy to move around. It had quite a few utility tools such as a large compartment for storing his things, his flare launcher, and a small table when he locked his armrests together. Sadly it wasn't meant for combat.
He had used simple cheap wood and this simply wasn't up to par when even a young child could break boards with ease. He had used the back of his wheelchair to block an attack once during a fight when part of it cracked and caved in. It wasn't tough enough to endure the abuse he put it through. Another issue was that it was too light and easy to move. Normally this wouldn't be an issue since it would improve his mobility, but there was no way he could outmaneuver the true talents while confined as he was. Even when he blocked, he was sent flying off and almost fell off the stage by a kick.
His gear was in desperate need of an upgrade.
He went towards one of the town's more reputed smithy unassociated with any power, The IronClad. A humble little store owned by the Hei family for generations now. It was exactly what he was looking for. The shop was located in a prime location near the main intersection of the marketplace. A loud sound of clanging metal was heard as he neared the entrance of the store. He could feel the heat brushing against his face and chasing away the winter chill without even opening the door. Bai opened the door for him as he entered.
He saw a tall and lanky fellow behind a counter perk up at the sound of his entrance. His eyes were bright and they held a nervous energy to them.
"W-welcome to the Ironclad smithy! How can I help you today?"
He enthusiastically greeted them with only a slight stutter. His cheeks burned with a hint of red from embarrassment, as he approached them.
"Hello, my name is Qing Shan Long, is Mr. Hei around? I have some business I would like to discuss with him."
"Ah, my boss is in the back working on an order, give me just a moment to get him."
The young lad swiftly left them and headed through a door behind the counter. With nothing else to do he and Bai started to browse the products. They were all mostly locked in display cases with a select few attached with small chains to allow customers to get a feel for their weight and usage. He was playing around and testing the balance of a few throwing knives when he saw Bai staring intently at a sword hanging from the wall. The craftsmanship was obviously a step above the others.
It was a double-edged straight sword. A Jian. Its width was of three fingers at the base and its length just slightly less than a meter. It was shined with a brilliant blue luster in the light with wavy patterns across the surface. It looked more fitting to be hung as a piece of art in a museum than in battle, but he wasn't fooled. The blade's edge was so sharp he felt like his eyes would be cut if he stared at it for too long. With a crimson tassel at the end and a silvery pommel and decorated crossguard, it was as beautiful as it was deadly.
Bai stared at it as if a maiden in love, he could see the blatant longing in her eyes. This might be the first time he had seen so much emotion from her. Well, besides anger he supposed, she had a short temper after all, but he never saw her truly angry.
"...Do you want me to get that for you?"
He knew something like that was outside of her budget. After all, he was the one paying her, and while he was by no means cheap, that sword looked like the masterpiece of the store. It's pride that was hung up to show everyone that the Ironclad's reputation was by no means undeserved. There was no way she could afford it.
She turned to face him so fast that he almost feared she had given herself whiplash. Her delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly as her lips had a small pout in contemplation. He really ought to work on making a camera. Making a mental note to himself on a future project, he sat silently and watched as her face morphed through many expressions, pride and desire warring within.
In the end, her lips thinned into a line before she opened her small mouth
"No thank you. I can't accept such a gift" Yet her eyes clearly betrayed the words coming out as she glanced at the blade from the corner of her eyes while talking to him.
'What a stubborn child, it's ok to rely on adults sometimes, ya know?'
"I see, very well then."
Qing Shan temporarily left the topic alone as he waited for the clerk to return with Mr. Hei.
It took around half an hour, but eventually, the lanky young man came back. He gave them an apologetic look from behind a large and heavily built older man. The man had a short beard and was covered in soot. His eyebrows appeared singed and he gave off a scent of smoke, sweat, and metal. It was quite unpleasant being this close to the man, especially with his intimidating glare, but Qing Shan showed none of it on his face, keeping a small smile locked.
"Hello, my name is Qing Shan Long, may I presume you are Mr. Hei?"
"Yeah, that's me. Sorry for the wait kid, I was in the middle of forging and couldn't stop midway. What can I help you with?"
Although his looks and voice were rough, his tone was gentle.
"No, no, the fault is mine for interrupting you during your work. I thank you for meeting up with me despite my unreasonable manner of showing up without prior arrangements."
He bowed his head to show his sincerity. It was quite rude of him to just walk in and take the man away from his work, but he was in a hurry. Mr. Hei raised an eyebrow in surprise at the scene. Since when did someone from the noble family bow to another? Better yet, since when did they apologize for something? Those self-absorbed bastards would rather pick a fight than admit they were wrong. What a strange kid he's met.
He scratched his head awkwardly, not sure how to respond to the situation. Clearing his throat he spoke up
"Don't worry about it kid, so what did you need from me?"
"I humbly request of you to teach me your trade."
Qing Shan raised his head as he stared the older man in the eye.
He must've heard wrong. Gone senile in his old age. A Young Master from the Great Long Family just asked to become his apprentice? Surely it couldn't be. A noble dirtying himself by seeking to learn an undignified peasant's trade? He would've thought that it was a prank or a joke if it wasn't for the unwavering determination in the brat's eyes.
"Please teach me on how to become a proper blacksmith, take me as your apprentice."
Gods, the brat was serious. He didn't know how to deal with this situation. He used to give classes for a price every once in a while when someone was interested in the job but didn't want to tie themselves down to a clan or family. He had taught a few kids and even adults before, but never did he teach them anything too advanced or his family's methods. Yet, this kid just barged in here and asked him to make him an apprentice! The status between a temporary student and an apprentice was the difference between heaven and earth!
One as merely a job, a short relationship of mutual benefits. There was nothing more to it. An apprentice-master relationship, however, was for life. There were no secrets between them. The master would do his best to teach them everything, withholding not a single smidgen of knowledge. The passing down of a legacy! The apprentice would be considered part of the family, their bonds as strong as blood. In fact, even the laws of the land acknowledged a master as one's legal guardian. After all, 'A teacher for a day is a father for life', they would be obligated to help in his master's endeavors and protect their family's line. In most cases, the student would marry into the family if their master had an offspring of suitable age and gender.
They were just that close. Which was why he couldn't believe this kid would just roll in here and say such things! This was no small commitment! He was suspicious of it was just a kid's ignorance or whim, but he somehow couldn't shake the feeling that the one in front of him was no mere immature child.
"...ahem," The blacksmith coughed into his hands loudly to master his slight stutter of shock "Kid, are you sure? This isn't something to undertake lightly. There's no going back after we do the pact. Besides with your condition maybe you should consider something less, shall we say, labor-intensive?"
He didn't say it outright, but everyone could see the quick glance he took at Qing Shan's legs.
"I'm positive. I have never regretted anything I've done, and I don't intend to start now by letting something like my body prevent me from pursuing my goals!"
'A fire burned within this one'
Seeing the boy's determination he gave up on persuading him otherwise. It's not like he'll lose anything if he accepted anyways. While his family techniques were entrusted by him from his father to safeguard and improve, he had reached his limit a long time ago. His talent just simply wasn't enough to further them. Perhaps some new blood would breath fresh life to them? They weren't worth stealing, and he doubted someone from the Long family coveted some small family's blacksmithing skills. It hurt his pride to admit, but in the eyes of others, generations of the Hei family's blood, sweat, and tears were nothing more than the shoddy result of amateurs.
"Very well, I'll give you a warning though boy, it'll be tough and there's no giving up midway. I'll beat the knowledge into you if I must and I despise laziness."
"Thank you, master, for accepting this disciple. Please, accept three bows from me."
"There's no nee-"
Before Mr. Hei could finish his words, Qing Shan had used his arms to lift himself off his wheelchair and hopped onto the ground. He heavily slammed his head towards to cold hard ground, the sound reverberated throughout the silent store. Three hard knocks.
When Qing Shan raised his head, there was a small dribble of blood. In his last life, he had grown up without a father. In this one, he was abused and neglected. While he did not accept Mr. Hei as his father yet by any means. It would be a disservice to this man who had been willing to accept the crippled him as one of his own. After all, if he failed, then the burdens would solely lie upon him. This was far from the first blacksmith he visited, but all others rejected him, often times with ridicule and harsh laughter.
He may have been a bit of an asshole, but he was far from an ingrate. Those who showed him kindness would be repaid with interest. He promised to himself that he would make the Hei family's name resound across the world.
The slight uncertainty within Mr. Hei's heart disappeared upon seeing this scene. Most would only bow to him or greet him with respect, but this kid was beyond that. Such a heavy kowtow was rarely done. When meeting the king, when praying at the god's temples, even for your father it was only when one was apologizing for a grave mistake. He was given the highest form of respect by the kid and his gaze upon the boy softened. Even if the brat ended up as a talentless waste, he didn't mind having such a brat around the store helping him. Such an earnest kid, this one.
He had always wanted a son.
Who knows, maybe they'll even end up as real father and son, his daughter needed somebody to keep her in check anyways. Just thinking of that wild child of his gave him a headache.
- In Serial67 Chapters
Law of Shadows
Mercs are causing trouble in my city. They are hunting someone, whatever the cost. It’s not like I care that some lowly humans died, but if I don’t act now it would set a bad example. So what would the hero do? Probably he would save the victims and protect them while the enemies keep coming… Yeah, as if I would ever do something so troublesome! They aren’t calling me the demon lord for no reason. I suppose I’ll just shoot the victim and be done with it. ——————————————————————————————— Reading Order of the Multiverse-Books ——————————————————————————————— Author's Comment: If you find mistakes, pls tell, thx. I don't like mistakes.[/window] Author's Comment: I was asked about reading my work on other sites. The answer is simple: Currently, I am not active in any other networks than royalroadl.com. Only here, I correct mistakes and errors. If you read it anywhere else and have to pay for it or have to deal with an annoying amount of advertisement, You Are Being Betrayed. You would do good if you make other people in that network aware of it. This is a free project of mine for the purpose of having fun. And if people try to make money with it you shouldn't bother visiting their website. I have no problem with translation and reposting of the story, as long as the person in question isn't doing it for money or stealing my identity. The only one whom I actually allowed to have my work on his website is Armaell who invested the time to compile them into pdf. (http://armaell-library.net/author/andur)
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The Hero Assassin
In most fairy tales and stories, a Hero is someone valiant, glorious, and full of justice. They are awe-inspiring figures filled with power, forever vanquishing evil. Always pit as the “good guys”, they emerge victorious as they eradicate the “bad guys” to the cheers and joy from children to adults alike. Many people from around the world dream and imagine themselves as Heroes, getting the prince/princess as their lover, and having a “happily ever after” life. However, not all Heroes come from storybooks. Neither are all Heroes what fairy tales paint them out to be. In a fantasy world known as “Elys”, Heroes dot the planet with supernatural abilities and cheat-like skills. Ranging from controlling the elements to manipulating magic itself, these Heroes all were blessed with one particular “cheat ability” that defined who they were. As the largest human Empire, the Alyastia Kingdom sought their power to fight the pestering Demons. As a result, these Heroes were praised and hailed as glorious figures in every human town and province alike. From humanity’s perspective, they were merely the “good guys” defeating the barbaric “bad guys.” However, from a certain person who lived with these Demons, he saw these Heroes as pure monsters. Growing up and living with Demons and Humans in harmony, his life was pure bliss. A model village for what true integration and love looked like. However, all that shattered when a certain Hero forever took that away. Distraught in sorrow, his life was forever changed. Setting off with eyes focused on revenge, he begins his blood-filled journey as a [Hero Assassin] with one goal in mind. To forever eliminate all heroes for good. Only then could he create a world where every race can live in harmony. Chapter Release: Once A Week? ADDITIONAL TAGS: Adventure, Drama, Psychological, Revenge, Weak to Strong
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