《Frau NoSur》Chapter 15: Well that is a close one, I don’t want to be a…
Chapter 15: Well that is a close one, I don’t want to be a…
It’s already dusk when I decided to leave the castle and head back. The leaders of the army decided to camp outside the city walls and that is my destination.
I arrived at the camp to be greeted by one of the soldiers instructing me to head towards the largest tent which is the tent where the Leaders of the army are staying.
As I approach the tent, I heard some noises inside which are an indication of a heated discussion in session.
“Why do I feel that they see me as an old man rather than what it should be?” I muttered
I move closer and a soldier guarding the entrance of the tent saw me then he entered the tent
“Sir, Frau has arrived”
“Let him in” the Princess said
“As you command”
I entered the tent and used this opportunity to look around. The tent inside is not as fancy like you will think it should, the only difference of this tent to a common soldier’s tent is that it has a lot better space and some furniture, like a bed on the side, some seats and a table at the center.
“Please join us” Jerome said while the motion of his hand is a signal for me to join their group
I walk towards the table where they are. Right now aside from Jerome, Luna, and his knight: I can see some elderly wearing expensive clothes and based on their overall appearance its either they are nobles or rich traders and I guess the first option should fit the bill.
“Good evening and pardon from my intrusion” I take a bow as a sign of common courtesy when facing nobles. “I was told to come here”
“Ah yes I ordered the soldiers to send you here once they see you” Luna said
“May I know the reason?”
“Right now we are discussing about what to do to this kingdom since we arrest the king. But it seems that he does not have a descendant not even a close relative.” Jerome said
“Like I said the previous king used his power to eradicate his kin in fear of betrayal. Not only that he also execute all noble whom he deem not loyal to him.” An old man from the group said
“HAAAAAAAAH” Jerome exhaled a huge amount of air. “To think he is so twisted to the core. I don’t care what happened to him in the past but to become so mentally broken like this.”
‘Wait if it’s about that why am I even needed here? Hmmm. Wait don’t tell me they will. *tch* it’s better to escape before it’s too late’ I though while analyzing the situation.
“From your conversation I think I am not needed so for now I’ll take my leave.”
I turn around and before I even take my first step.
“Before you leave we want to confirm something” Princess Luna said
“Is there something wrong?” I asked
“Well you see while we are on the matter of which who will take the throne. One of the elders in this country mentions that there is a legend passed down to the royal palace, elder please” Princess luna gesture towards one of the old men.
“Ah yes” the old man stroke his beard and spoke “This is a legend passed down from generation to generation. During the time that the royal linage has ended and no one can legitimately succeed the throne the ‘sphere of selection’ will activate and shine brightly towards its chosen one. That time the chosen one will become king and rule this land.”
“Pardon but what does that thing has to do with me?” I asked
*cough* “Well it’s an old legend and now a days no one really believed it but a few days ago the ‘sphere of selection’ began to emit a faint light then the light fade after a few days. But just a while ago it began to glow far brighter than the previous time” the old man continued
“The first time it happened is when we first arrived at the castle, now the second one is when we returned” with his face down looking at the table with eyes closed, Jerome gradually opened his eyes while speaking and slowly facing me with a serious face.
Actually not only Jerome but it seems that every person inside this huge tent is looking at me with a serious face.
‘Well this is awkward’ I thought
While scratching my face a bit and forcing a smile I asked them “isn’t it just a coincidence, and besides I don’t really get why my presence is needed here?”
‘Really I swear please don’t. Not me please not me’ I prayed in my mind
“I don’t think so. The moment I heard this legend, there is only one person comes into my mind” Luna said
“Yes, same here” Jerome agreed to her argument
“But I”
“Well it not like we don’t have a method to prove things. Elder please release it” The personal knight of the princess asked the elder who explained the legend to show something.
He took out a huge pouch and from the looks of it, yep it’s the sphere.
“We already gave it a test but it did not give a certain reaction towards one of us so perhaps the odd ball of the army will satisfy our curiosity” she crossed her arms while saying those words. Really this princess *sigh*
The elder remove the bindings on the pouch and a bluish light began to leak out of the thing he revealed.
‘So this stupid thing is the one they are fussing about’ I thought
But as soon as the elder fully uncovered it, the sphere began to emit a bright glow and float above my head.
‘F**k I’m doomed’
“It seems that our suspicion is right”
“Yes I don’t find it surprising to know it is him”
Jerome and Luna gave out their comments on the matter.
“PETTITION DENIED” all together they gave me a very annoyed look
WHY WHY ME I want my freedom. Being a king means a lot of responsibility, a lot of work, my freedom will be taken away and especially this soon to be ruined kingdom. Sadness and anger filled my emotions.
I grab the sphere and tried to throw it away, but “Bwahahahahaha I’m Back”
“HUH?” I stop. The voice sounds familiar.
I looked at the surrounding and everyone have a shocked expression on their faces and their eyes are focused on me. Not actually me but when I traced their line of sight they were looking at the sphere.
Right now a small figure is floating on the sphere and the image of an old man can be seen, laughing like there was no tomorrow.
“Good good those are the kind of faces I wanted to see hahahaha”
It was the first king of this kingdom. The one who created the arm-guard I’m wearing.
“Wha- what is this? I thought you disappeared completely?” I said
“Says who?”
“I saw you vanished before my eyes.”
“Ah that one? That time I manage to fully insert my consciousness to the object I gave you. But it does not have a function that I can show myself and this sphere is more of a container enough to support my consciousness”
The people inside the tent began to regain their wits and asked what’s happening and who the old man is. Good thing they did not hear our conversation because their minds are flying somewhere, I explained to them that I happen to wander inside the castle and found a strange and small cracked orb which is where the old man and me first met. Luckily the Old man (the first king) just goes along with my story.
I also told them that he is the first king of this kingdom and the old man (the first king) told them the real purpose of the ‘Sphere of Selection’ is to find his consciousness when he triggered it.
“So the legend about the ‘Sphere of selection’ are all lies?” the one who ask is the old man who explained the legend earlier.
“Legend? ‘Sphere of selection’? What legend? I don’t remember……. Hmm wait I think” The former king began to remember things about the legend.
“So there is something after all?” Jerome said
‘I doubt it’ I thought
“Ah now I remember. When I was drinking with my son I ran out of stories, then I told him about this sphere. That time I eventually named it ‘Sphere of Selection’ on a whim. Hahahahaha to think He really believed it and up to this day and age people still thought that it’s really a sphere who chose the king bwahahahahaha”
The old man’s (first king’s) laughter filled the tent and those old men began to fall on their knees. I can’t blame them though; the thing they believed for decades if not hundreds of years is actually a hoax.
“So since the sphere is a joke this means that I am not the chosen one to be king so I will take leave and let the nobles handle the situation”
“Not so fast kid, this might not be the real deal but as the one who founded this kingdom, I can assign you as the next king to the throne”
‘DAMN YOU OLD COOT YOU JUST CUT OFF MY ESCAPE ROUTE’ I began to shout internally as I cursed this bast*rd of a king
“I’m a fighter not a ruler” I said
“That can be easily changed in due time my boy”
“Yeah right even if I became king, it won’t last too long since the brewing threat will soon invade and when that time comes, I’m not that confident to win this time”
Yes, since that man knew I exist he will definitely create counter measures against me and who knows he might even consider the fact that I’m not the only existence that can resist the darkness.
And before this old coot think of a counter. I continued my attacks of words.
“This kingdom is already in ruins; even if you use all of this kingdoms wealth it is not enough to restore it. With that said it’s better for other countries to absorb this kingdom and manage it.” I added
Everyone inside the tent began to think and consider what I have just said.
“That is a valid argument, however I think it is still better to ask the advice of this so called “First King” about this matter” the princess voice out her opinion since no one else have anything to say
“Ehem. Right now I still think that this kid should become king. However I’m not oblivious to the situation at hand, and if my knowledge serves me right, that enemy of yours signed a contract with a demon god”
No one spoke a single word and listened to the so called first king.
“I would like to ask, how many gods are there?”
Nobody answered
“Perhaps five? Or six? Maybe seven? Or more? But the real answer is there is only one. During my time the one true god bestowed its powers to its creations to help in their daily lives.
Knowing what might happen; the one true god still strongly believes that these powers will be used to help each other. But the mortals betray these hopes and start a war, when mortals grew stronger soon they proclaimed themselves as gods.
Each faction is greedy and wants everything for his/her own. Seeing this happened the one true god wept.
Painful it might be, the one true god set a curse, sealed all of his creations powers and even if the seal is broken, no mortal shall bear a power enough to call himself god.
Those who rose in power were banished to another realm where they cannot escape. The only thing they can do is watch this realm and communicate to an ordinary mortal through a dream but that alone requires a tremendous amount of power so they rarely do so”
“If this one true god sealed all mortals’ power how come you manage to create things like this sphere? It requires a large amount of power right? And how does that relate to the Demon god you spoke of?” I asked
“Well there is a loop hole where the ancient devices still works and not affected so before the sealing and curse happened I manage to seal my consciousness to a Box hoping that one day someone will open it and activate my consciousness.
As for the demon god he is one crafty bastard he knew that someday they will be banished and so he created some relics to work as a gate to summon him back but that requires a lot of energy from this side so he left a tome which whoever sign a contract with it will receive the power to summon his creations, which you now call demons and gather the required energy”
“Wait you said seal and but not removing the whole thing?” Jerome raised the question first before I do
“Yes ‘seal’ the reason behind this is that it has something to do on what is happening right now. “
“So how do we break this so called seal?” I asked
“The seal is no more than a limit placed on each individual. To break it well I don’t know since it’s not something physical or something you can just break. The nature of the seal is more on the intellectual and spiritual limit”
“So even if we knew what the real nature of these so called seal we can’t do anything about it” right now the princess made a deep sigh.
Even though this seal issue can solve this demonic problem STILL it does not solve the issue of me becoming king.
‘Should I re-open the topic? Hmm maybe I shouldn’t and flee as soon as possible’ I thought
“Wait I think I remember the words left to us by the one true god”
All of a sudden everyone stares at the self-proclaimed first king
“I think it goes like this.
‘Soon my children you will face a threat you cannot win, no matter how you struggle you cannot prevail and only despair hopelessness will fill your souls. During that time everything will be forgotten by your descendants. About me, about what you are fighting for, and about these events that is happening right now. But Fear not for I your creator will give you a chance, Pray for me, pray for your salvation and do not forget that you can only survive if your faith is strong enough to convince me.’
That time people though that it is the one true god who will deliver that threat but now *sigh* who would guess that it’s actually that psychopath, blood hungry, sexual beast, and the most greedy of them all. NONE NONE OF THEM ONLY I WHO SACRIFICED MY POWER MY EVERYTHING FOR THE SAKE OF THE TIME IT WILL HAPPEN, TO WARN THE GENERATIONS OF THE FUTURE. But I was labelled as a fool, a coward who ran away from the punishment”
Silence filled the air and a heavy atmosphere can be felt on each and every person here.
“Well let’s get back to the main problem. I propose that you guys build a huge temple and pray for days, months until the one true god took pity and release the seal. Then please rebuild this kingdom in exchange for the sacrifices I made to convey this message to you”
Every one look at each other, hoping that one can give the right reply to this conversation.
“Right now none of us have the power to promise you that we will rebuild this kingdom but I assure you by my position as the princess of my own country, I will help this kingdom rise once again.”
“I also promise to raise this issue to the grate council once we report our mission”
“As for me I will help in every power I can. Just don’t make me king”
The princess, Jerome, and I vow to this moment to help rebuild this kingdom.
“Then I leave everything to you. For now please keep this sphere as I wait for your promise”
He then vanished and the discussion who will rule this kingdom came to a conclusion.
The meeting ended and it was decided that this kingdom will be temporarily under the princess control and left her personal knight to govern this area until the council decided on what to do.
After the meeting I’m finally free, I stretch my arms as a leave the tent.
“Frau wait for a moment I need to talk to you”
It was Jerome who will further ruin my good night rest.
We walked away from the tent and he surveyed the area. When he deemed that no one is around he began to speak.
“There is another matter that is quite important and it mostly concerns us” he said
“And that is?”
“There is an elf among the ones you rescued”
I really never noticed at all, maybe because I never did inspect them one by one and after I left them, I never made contact and let Jerome and the princess handle the rest.
“There is an elf and from what I got from her she belong to Ecleairs village”
“So does that have anything to do with me?”
Jerome looked at me and sighs
“Ok let’s get to the point. I want you to personally escort her back”
“Wait what? Why me? and I don’t even know where her village is isn’t it protected by a something to ward off outsiders?
“Kid look at what you’re saying, if someone else escort her and encountered a demon do you think they will survive?
Well that is true and besides I might be able to find that village if I use the earth’s elemental affinity.
“Ok I get it, but what are you planning? I can’t just leave and I have the obligation to personally report about my mission”
“About your mission don’t worry about it I will personally do this task and your rewards will be given when you returned”
Honestly it’s just a troublesome task but if you look at it in a positive view, hey it’s another adventure waiting for me.
“Hmm Fine I’ll do it but when I returned treat me into some luxurious food” I said with a smile on my face
Jerome smirked and said “Fine deal”
And so the journey to the elven village is set in stone.
Hello Half spicy here
Well first I'm very sorry for the late chapter. if you wanna know the reason its because my day off got cut off. yep my day off flew away before i can even prepare the first letter of this chapter.
so i have to cut some hours to finally complete this chapter
BTW this chapter is not what i plan to be and so no pointy ears on this chapter.
And please don't expect another chapter this Sunday because my day off jump out off the window and need to work on Sunday.
well my boss promised me to have a day off one of these days and hopefully on the following week everything will return to normal.
SO i hope you will enjoy this chapter and until next chapter buh bye
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