《The Laziest Strength Build》Chapter 10
"Ahh, I needed that. I'm gonna sit here and get wasted until morning comes."
I was sitting in a pub in the city, enjoying myself by drinking a big ol' mug of ale. This game's got simulated alcohol-- hell, it's got simulated sex, too-- and it's a great time. People keep buying me free drinks and I'm liking it. I've been spacing out for three hours, spacing back in every now and then to drink a bit more. This was my eighth drink, I was trying them all. I mean, I say it's great but it's not like I've been drunk a lot. I'm just assuming things.
"Mm? Oh, hey. Why are you there?"
I think I spaced out again, and Crush got inside my mug and absorbed all the ale. It seemed to have no effect on it. It just looked at me, and I looked at it. Then I flipped the mug and it slid out. Like a little brick of flan. Actually, is flan jiggly? I've never had it. Is it like jello? It slid out like jello.
I really should get myself a room. I wanna open the Loot Box. I should ask.
"Hey, do you know where I can get a room for the night?"
"There's a hotel right next door," she said, pointing at the wall. That's convenient. I thanked her and tried to walk out. This is so weird. I'm fully conscious and my head is clear, yet I'm weird and slacky and I can't seem to walk straight. Come on, Chad, you're a big man. You got the hang of walking as a baby, you can get the hang of it as a pseudo-drunk. I managed to get into the hotel.
"One night, please," I said, my nose bleeding from falling. This is bas- bas-ba-uhh, not good. I haven't stuttered in my own head in a long time. This is not alcohol...
"Room 102, that'll be 25 Gold." a little old woman in proper glasses sitting behind the counter said.
"Yes, sorry about the noise." I somehow handed her 25 Gold coins and made my way up the stairs, where I entered Room 102. After entering, I crashed on the bed and spent a long time enjoying the sensation of the strange cover. What fabric is this? It's nice... My thoughts slowed down, I felt myself drift...
I laid there for a long time. When I came to, I saw why I felt strange.
You have been drugged!
Well, whoever did that didn't get what they wanted, I'm pretty sure. My stuff was all there, save for a few coins, which I'm pretty sure were used to pay for this room. That was fun anyways, I got to unwind and relax, and now I get to see what I get from the Great Slime King Loot Box! Alright, let's take it out!
Oh, it's a chest. Looks pretty standard, it's rectangular, made of a dark wood, or at least painted dark, with a sticky, oily, green finish on everything like it'd been regurgitated.
"Open sesame," I whispered as I opened it. Inside was a blob, and when I picked it up, it said "Trapped in Jelly, Unique Head Cosmetic". Oh, is that all? Is there anything more? Yes, there is! A sort of antenna-like thing, it had an actual item description.
Head Bobber
Slime Set
Pet Accessory
Increases Strength by +5, Constitution by +5
Gives access to ability "Squishy Headbutt"
Squishy Headbutt: Deal 80% normal damage, heal yourself by the same amount
"It looks like this is for you, bud," I say, putting it in one of Crush's three Accessory slots. I didn't even know they had equipment screens! It's crazy the things you learn about something when you get into it without bothering to study. It's fine, I'm just giving the people out there a chance to catch up to my sick gainz. Besides, I feel like too much luck has befallen me on this day, or should I say this night? It needs to even out somehow.
Oh, I know! Let's put on my head cosmetic, take a picture and post it on the forums to brag! Once I figure out how to anyways. Let's check the menu, is there a picture function? Wait, recording? Streaming? A livestream in 5x speed? What kind of hardware do you need for that? Rather, are there some people who recorded my shenanigans so far and posted them somewhere? I sure do hope I look funny rather than cringy...
No matter, I'm gonna take the picture. Equip the cosmetic first... Woah, it's like I'm plunging my head underwater, but everything's tinted green and I'm not drowning. Taking a few test breaths, I also found out I was hearing perfectly fine, even though my ears were submerged. Alright, I'm getting used to it. Time to take a picture! Let's make it full-body, take off my shorts and sandals leaving me in only my weird speedo, take a side chest pose, flex real hard and... taken! Okay, does it look good?
AHAHAHA! Oh my God, I look so buff, but I've got a weird little cylinder head with a goofy smile on it! It's perfect! I'm gonna post this in the forums, where's the off topic board? There! Is there already a "rate my character" thread? Superficial people are constantly making those in other games even when there's no insane customization, there's bound to be one here!
I found it, right at the top with 17 pages already. What are theirs like? Mostly girls, lots of recreations of popular fictional characters, one nice-looking chick with a thick beard saying "Help, changing my hair costs money!", pretty standard stuff. There's this one guy that looks like a hammerhead shark, that has to be really uncomfortable. A+ for meme quality, though. Seems like I'll fit in just fine. I posted my picture with the caption "Here's a little something for the ladies."
Absolute beauty. I like this game. I really do want to know, though. Are people talking about me at all? If so, are they saying good things or bad things? I went back to the front page of the forums and searched "Rainbow Chad". There was a thread with my name, and another called "World of Truth in one picture". I looked at the one picture thread first, and there was a shot of me flexing in the middle of a crowd. I remember that, that's the time I first learned the city existed! Nice.
Now, the thread with my name on it. In the "People" section, someone started it. There was a picture of me doing... something, I'm not sure what, and I had a green name. Then a bit of conversation, the thread slowed down, then picked right back up a few hours later, with an eight-minute video of some guy's perspective of me turning PK. It started with me ground-and-pounding the axe guy, then the fight, and a bit of the initial escape. Turns out, the poster was the guy who I decked after he asked me to join his guild. Sorry, pal!
Skimming over the next few posts and two pages, I found a picture of me talking to the giant slime, then one of me running from a very angry giant slime, and another three pages of meaningless discussion later, a video was uploaded of me during the end of the second phase and the whole last phase of the Great Slime King fight. From who's view? Take a wild guess-- the fucking mage who stole my kill, of course. To be fair, I looked exactly as cool as I felt. Then this little shit, with his little bitch voice, goes "Th-this is for a-all you incel brothers out there... Fireball!" with a huge fucking voice crack, I'm surprised the spell even worked.
"Don't let the-the Chads win, guys. We can do it, together."
It ended with that. A bajillion people replied either mocking this dude's voice or asking if the voice was fake, and a few making passing remarks about "what a juggle, holy strength build batman". Seems I wasn't hated much. Good, they found me goofy. Exactly my vibe right there, especially now that I have this cosmetic. Alright, time for a stroll through the merchant district-- Oh, I almost forgot to put my shorts and sandals back on. That could've been bad. Okay, shopping, take 2!
I decided to buy myself some clothes. Without anything to slow me down, I was going to be so fashionable and so fast all the time, it'd be great! First, the tailors. These things don't have the "rough" prefix for no reason, I tell you what!
All these places are closed for a while still, though... I think dawn is like an hour off. The hell do I do for an hour? I guess I'll just walk around town, see if anything happens. To the shady backstreets!
...Dead end. This is the fifth alleyway in a row to have a dead end. Apart from those, I haven't seen anything shady yet. Or anyone, for that matter.
"You two getting bored as well?" "Pi." *sigh but with a beak*
"Yeah, this city is too clean. A big place like this one has to have at least one foolish wannabe robber working an hour before dawn. That's like, the Dummy's Guide to Secret Criminal Empires right there."
What I failed to notice, though, is that any would-be robber is going to turn and run at the sight of my rippling muscles, let alone the feeling of what they can do. So while there were a few shady types, they saw me before I could see them and they escaped. At least I like to think that's how it is. The sun's rising soon, maybe I should go check out the rabbits and see how they transform.
Arriving in the area where the were-bunnies were (I sprinted across the city to make it on time), I got to see their silhouettes a lot better. They were all very flat, their forearms comically thick compared to the rest of their bodies, they still had big ears and, once again, I had no clue how to tell males from females. They looked like cutesy bunny cosplayers tried to adopt a "rawr xd" kinda look and actually made it somewhat scary-looking. They were very black as well, their pristine white fur nowhere to be seen, which made them way cooler in comparison. A few of them were out of place, gathered around something-- is that a corpse?
No, if it was a corpse, it would dissipate pretty quick. Whatever they're doing to it, it's very much alive... Hold on just a fucking minute. Are they doing what I think they're doing? I have to check. I move around to the left, to get a better angle, and... Yup, that's the- yeah, they're fucking. I'm outta here. That's private stuff. Big nope.
Let's go hunt some wild dogs instead, that's infinitely better. Actually, no I don't want to do that, I just want to socialize. I don't know anyone, though. Where could I go for that? Messing around on the forums doesn't seem like fun. I could go and see some crafters... Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. There's all kinds of skills in this game, surely I could find a use for all these slime bits I've got. After that, I could hit the gym.
Sounds good. Let's try to ask around, find out where the crafters are.
"Excuse me, miss? Could you help me with something? I'm from out of town, and my friend gave me a place to meet up in but didn't tell me which part of the city is the "Crafting District". I was wondering if you knew...?"
"Of course, hun. Just go all the way to the first big plaza you see, then turn right and keep going for a bit. Once you see a big place with a sign that says "Mandrick's Biggy Smithy" you'll be smack dab in the middle of the Artisans' District. That's what we call it here. Just don't get too close to any of the rabbitmen while they're working, it's mating season for them right now and they get jittery."
"Rabbitmen? What kind of work do they do?"
"Oh, they're really good with their hands, you know! They're employed in tailoring, in chiseling, in construction, in all kinds of places really. Plus, it's a bonus to me that they're all kinda handsome. Oh ho ho ho..."
Then she walked away. So rabbitmen aren't monsters, but beastkin? I could've been a minotaur? I guess that's what I get for using projection instead of manual character creation. Damn it, me. If I was going to be depending on this game to sleep in the future, I would need to read the manual and guide front-to-back. Tomorrow. And by that, I mean sometime IRL.
Now, what was I doing? Oh, right, slime skin. Let's see if I can find an alchemist who can tell me what I can do with this stuff. Once I reached Mandrick's smithy, as the lady told me, I tried looking around. Eventually, I found a place that would work, simply called "Alchemy Workshop". Wow, so complex and nuanced. I could see quite a few people working in there, most of which had green names over their heads. Fellow players, no doubt. I entered and someone, an NPC who seemed very experienced, given his apparent age and long white beard, came up to me.
"Good day, young man. What can we do for you?"
"Actually, I was wondering what the purpose of a slime skin was. I've been told they're worth good money, but I had no idea why, and I figured I should come here for answers."
"Oh, slime skin, huh? Did you get it from around these parts? They're typically only salvageable from green slimes or stronger variants, but last I checked, the slimes around the city were blue!"
"Well, you should check again. Recently, a green King Slime showed up with a small army of its brethren and I got some good stuff out of it. It's been subjugated, but I suspect it won't be the last of its kind."
"That so? Well, that's great news! Slime skin is very useful in lots of things, mostly because it allows creams to soak into the skin really nicely. It's also highly sought after by those who make cosmetics, like lipstick and nail polish!"
"So it's like a different kind of binding agent?"
"Um. I guess...? That's an odd way to put it, but if it works for you then it's fine. How much do you have?"
"This much," I said as I laid it out on the table.
"Hmm, four sheets. That's quite a lot, for a foot soldier."
I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Who's a foot soldier?
"Well, this is quite nice. If your prediction comes true, then it will drastically lower the prices of many things that require slime skin. We won't need to import as much. Now, will you be selling me those or were you hoping to learn a few recipes from this old man here?"
- In Serial7 Chapters
LIlith's Firstborn
The legend says that the Forbidden Fruit made the first two humans – Adam and Eve – intelligent, but what if it was the other way around? What if the Forbidden Fruit took most of their humility, their intelligence, their kindness, etc. away and turn them into the discriminating, angry, and hateful humans that they are? What if the only way to turn back into their former selves was to lead a good life on Earth to cleanse their souls? The legend also says that Lilith was a demoness who fled from Heaven and was granted mercy when she showed humility and proved that her soul was still worthy of saving despite all her wrongdoings. What if, after centuries of sinning, Lilith finally found her way back to kindness? What if God forgave Lilith for her crimes? What if she gave birth to a baby after she had repented? And what if that baby is the only human soul in existence that isn’t tainted by the Forbidden Fruit or her past sins? Tallitanya of Lilith inherited her mother’s immortality and grew up at a rate much slower than an average human so she had witnessed the rise and fall of empires even though she is physically and mentally 21 years old. She was born on Earth, but she moved to Heaven when she was physically 5 years old and didn’t return until she was 18 years old. She was tasked, by God himself, to guard over the Forbidden Tree which had since been replanted on an isolated island on Earth. She loves that job, and she loves that she was given direct instructions instead of having to figure out what God’s so-called ‘mysterious plans’ for her was. Centuries went by. Tallitanya is 21 years old when the Final Judgement is nigh. As an immortal who has yet to have a real affiliation with Heaven or Hell, Tallitanya has received a personal invitation from the Antichrist who wishes to recruit Tallitanya. Heaven also sends its angel – Michael – to inform Tallitanya that as a human, her soul would also be judged by God. She was ordered to leave her post as the Forbidden Tree’s guardian so that she could get to know the other humans before she makes an actual decision about who she wants to align herself with. The second she steps out of the island, it disappears. Turns out, her message from God was faked, and so was her mission. The devil had tricked her, and as the guardian of the Forbidden Tree, she must recover the tree and the island, or humanity will perish within the year.
8 132 - In Serial45 Chapters
There were 2 options: Fight the same war for countless more aeons. Shatter the Betrayer's undead legions time and time again until all was ground to dust. Because the endless legions truly never end. A hair's breath of ground in a century is enough if the war takes all of eternity. Or to choose Hope. To cast away his memories, his power, his very life. To wager everything on a chance to prevent their eventual end or to perish trying. Because if he were to return it would be with the power necessary to finally slay what remains of the Betrayer. Of the last Aspect. Only then would all things be right. And so, he chose the latter. Expect:Weak to strong quick-ish.Powerful MC reincarnates, gradually starts regaining memories.MC that is an actual character not a plot device.My original unique magic system discovered along with the MC.My original setting with mythos that have both been living rent free in my head for actual years.Opening arc will be less fast than the following story. Good writing (I think) and grammar. Upload schedulle: 2 chapters a week of 3-4k words each. I want to upscale to 3 in the future. Meant to be read in RR dark mode. For those coming here from my other stories, this is indeed a reimagining of my older story, CotM. I say reimagining because I have changed so much it cannot be called just a rewrite. Among the major changes, MC is fundamentally different in personality and background, I have actually planned the story out and changed it almost completely and I have adjusted my mythos so it no longer has as many holes as swiss cheese.
8 182 - In Serial20 Chapters
The Boy Who Protected The One He Loves
In which Draco has to kill Dumbledore because he wanted to protect his loved ones. Not only his parents, but also.. his girlfriend and unborn child. Follow the story of him and his lover during the war.Takes place during the end of the 6th book and the full 7th book.Disclaim: I own nothing but the characters I made up myself: Lily, Henry, Mrs Powells, Alexandria and the other citizens of their city.
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Unwillingly, Unprotected Heart | ✔
[COMPLETED] Hayden Pierce is the school's bad boy, not to mention the Alpha of the largest, strongest and most feared pack in the U.S, the Triton Kings. So technically....he's bad-ass. He has all the looks, the charm, the money, the power...everything. But the one thing Ethan can't stand is rogues. So what happens, when all of a sudden he finds out a rogue becomes his mate? Zara Ferrari is the rogue...THE rogue. In fact, she is the most wanted rogue in most of America, Australia, Europe and the Caribbean...and she's NEVER been caught. She is mostly wanted for treason, trespassing and crimes that will blow your mind. So what happens when she makes a mistake and stumbles upon the wrong lands? What happens when she crosses the line and steps in front of the Alpha, the bad-ass Alpha? What so happens when she discovers that this heartless Alpha...is her mate? [UNEDITED] Copyright © Ashleigh Parkers 2015 _____________________________________________ HIGHEST RANK: WEREWOLF #54 || TEEN FICTION #73
8 126 - In Serial7 Chapters
↬Сайн байна уу?ENHYPEN грүп чатанд тавтай морил☺️↬Сайн байна уу?TREASURE грүп чатанд тавтай морил☺️ Хөвгүүдийнхээ хөгжилтэй ертөнцөөр аялцгаая😊
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SEVENTEEN, duncan shepherd
❝ I WAS A DAISY-FRESH GIRL AND LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME.❞Duncan Shepherd x OC / House of Cards Season 6 AU© offallenangels[ON HOLD]AWARDS:#7 in codyfern tag (4/8/19)#109 in agegap tag (4/21/19)#6 in codyfern tag (4/24/19)#149 in lolita tag (5/10/19)#2 in codyfern tag (5/15/19)#1 in houseofcards tag (5/17/19)#1 in duncanshepherd tag (6/9/19)#1 in codyfern tag (7/28/19$
8 80