《Nexus》Ch21 - Spikey is so silent today.
Frontier, Trimmor AO.
With each passing day, the visibility cleared up as the leaves fell, the vines dried up and withered, and the plants on the ground died for the winter. Currently, the average visibility was about 30 meters. By the time the first snow falls and the last leaf have fallen, the general visibility should increase to about 70 to 100 meters.
In the last five days of defense, including the first night of defense, Spike had scored a total of 4295 EXP and 74.7 RP.
They had few more deaths and wounded from random longbow arrow shots. But no death for the Freelance Platoon.
Night after night, the night vision capability of Spike and Lieutenant Moore’s devices and Rikko’s natural night vision ability allowed the Trimmor defense to repulse the night hit and run tactics of the gnolls and kobolds. The inhumanoids took a beating until they finally changed their tactics to attacking the convicts while they build the road. Forcing the Phoenixians to give up the easy night defense and were forced to skirmish in to the forest to protect the convicts as they work.
Hunter Tam was leading from the front when he made a hand signal to freeze. As he hunched low, he sniffed the air then looked around. Pulling his bow off his back, he used it like a stick to probe the ground as he slowly moved forward. Then he stopped to sniff the air again. He quickly looked back at third squad leading the Freelance platoon behind him and hand signaled to keep an eye open for ambush before continuing his probing the ground. Not even 5 meter from where he started to probe, his bow stabbed deep into the ground.
“Ambush!” Hunter Tam cried out a warning as he role backward to lay on his stomach. The rest of the platoon heard the warning and hit the ground in prone position just in time to see a dozen arrow fly over them where their chest would have been. With some of the arrows hitting the tree trunks.
“Enemy 10 O’clock.”
Several gnolls that shot the arrows were visible and quickly disappeared into the woods.
“Third squad open suppressive fire. Fourth squad leapfrog wedge formation move up.” Lieutenant Moore shouted out his order.
“NO!” Hunter Tam shouted out. “There are multiple traps on the ground.” He shouted his warning.
Lieutenant Moore snarled in anger. “Belay that order. Just line up and open fire in their directions.”
After enough bullets were fired off, Lieutenant Moore called for cease fire. “Anything sir?” He asked Spike.
“Yeah! But only 29 EXP. So only a few.”
“Ah, damn it. These critters are putting us to work.” LT observed. Then walking up to Hunter Tam and giving him a brotherly hard pat on the shoulder. “Damn good job Hunter Tam. That nose of you is just too amazing.”
“Thank you sir. But it’s only natural for a demi-humans.”
“But how did you know there were traps?” LT asked.
“I could smell that the kobolds have been here and I kept smelling a strong residual smell beyond just passing through. So I figured they must have done something in the area like setting up traps. Especially when the kobolds are known to use them sir. And as soon as I found one, I knew they must be nearby for ambush. But it was the gnolls who were waiting for us instead.” Hunter Tam said as he pointed at the large arrow sticking out of the tree trunk.
“They’re getting crafty sir. We’re going to need more demi-humans with us.” Sergeant Rector commented.
“Yeah.” Lieutenant Moore said as he nodded in agreement. “Alright. First and second squad line up and probe the ground with your bayonet. Third and fourth squad stand guard and follow. Let's clear out some of these traps.”
As they slowly probed the ground, they found 9 pits with sharp poison covered spikes designed to stab the soldier’s foot. Very simple traps camouflaged over with dead leaves. The squads simply pulled out the spikes and filled the small holes.
“They are crafty, these gnolls.” Spike said as he looked at Hunter Tam in respect. “Those bastards wanted for us to chase them and fall right into their traps.” Then looking at the poisoned tipped spikes. “LT! Lets send couple of those poisoned tipped spike to Major Westbrook for analysis. I want to know just how deadly these poison are. We’ve been losing few too many to their poison arrows lately.”
“Yes sir.” Then noticing Private Jones urinating against the tree. “Hey Jones. What did we say earlier about pissing. Don’t just piss in one place. Be sure to piss all over the place to screw up our human scent. So walk around!” He yelled.
“Arrg. Sir. Yes sir.” Jones cried out as he got distracted in midstream then started to walk around feeling his dignity get slapped around. He could hear some of his buddies snickering at him. “Laugh it up assholes. You’ll all be doing the same shit unless you want to piss in your pants.”
“Yeah, but unlike you Jonesy. We won’t have our dignity trashed by getting yelled at.” Corporal Washington replied as he shook his head at Private Jones.
“Alright! Store couple of those spikes for the Doc and let's keep moving.” Lieutenant Moore commanded.
Stovkow, Capital City Valennce.
“You Majesty. Count Torskai and his subordinate Baron Hathin and Baroness Maunvellvi. And from the merchant guild representative, Mister Zedden” General Korneol introduced. “Minister of Finance Count Dormkri has authenticated their resources for the co-financing for the reprisal forces.” He finished as he stood to the side.
“Very good General Korneol.” Queen Gizala said as she stood up from her throne to slowly walk down to the small party of her nobles and merchant. She intentionally emanated heat wave from her body to raise the temperature of the throne room to put physical and mental pressure on the group. With each step she took, the visible heat wave became more obvious. Then she spoke slowly and deliberately. “My loyal lords, lady and subject. I won’t waste my time with word play. So I’ll tell you how it’s going to be. You have now and until the end of Winter to recruit and train your forces. One the first day of Spring, you will take your entire forces and regain control of the southwest. Once that is accomplished, you will have Carte Blanche to restore the territories to its former prosperity.” Then without a word, she observed each individual as they struggled to keep their bearing from the head wave. In their struggle, no sweat were visible as all the moist on their body dried up from the intense desert like heat wave. “Failure is not an option. Do you all understand?”
Promptly all four individual nearly shouted out their acknowledgement together. They were not expecting such forward greeting and the fear became very visible in their eyes.
“Good.” Queen Gizala said as she stop fueling her magic with mana to let the temperature return to normal. “Once successful, the nobles will have their peerage raised by one grade with the territory control. The merchant will enjoy a 50% reduction on the tax rate for 20 years from the vested region. So, do tell Count Torskai. How many man will you have ready by the last of winter.?”
Breaking out in sweat from the lingering heat and fear. Count Torskai answered. “My queen. With the total funds available, we will have more than 5000 footmen and over 1500 knights. As Baron Kyzdon is expected to hold out until we arrive, with his forces joining ours, we should have more than enough to destroy Baron Myojhuk’s rebellion. And as for Baron Myojhuk, we will rely on Baron Kyzdon and our heavy infantry to subjugate the man.”
“Oh? Isn’t 5000 footmen rather high? Just where do you plan to find such numbers with the current shortage of able bodies.” Queen Gizala asked as he slapped her scepter onto her hand.
“My Queen. The merchants have combed their able bodied slaves. They assure me that they have the needed numbers to meet our needs. Our plan is to promise them their freedom with the successful mission, then enlist them as regular footmen with pay once the territories are properly retaken. The merchant guild has agreed to sell the slaves to us at 50% for the chance at the unrestricted licenses and 50% tax reductions to the southwest.”
Queen Gizala silently eyed Mister Zedden. I see. So they are finally cashing in on their years of gathering debt slaves. She thought to herself. Then, as she walked back up to sit on her throne, she signaled the servants to bring several rolled documents to be presented to the group. “Those are royal decrees. For raising the peerage if you are successful in quelling the rebellion and restoring the territories and the ownership to the territories. And giving Carte Blanche to the merchant guild with 50% tax reduction for 20 years from the southwest. I won’t give a date to crush the rebellion, but you have 7 years to restore the southwest territory for the royal decree to take effect.”
With that, the servants brought one each royal documents before the four individuals. “Should you fail. There is no point of you returning to report.” Queen Gizala ordered as she stared at them with her commanding presence.
Nervously taking one step forward, Count Torskai spoke. “I understand Your Majesty.” Accepting this undertaking knowing the great risk, but also knowing perfectly well the massive reward for successful completion.
Shortly after dismissing the group from the audience chamber Minister of Finance Count Dormkri joined Queen Gizala and General Korneol. With his scroll of documents he looked more like librarian then a minister in his old grey age.
“It is as you say My Queen. I rechecked the tax record from the last thirty years and Count Torskai’s faction has been underpaying to the crown. His county has had an increase in slave traffic since the start of the ruin war, but has only paid the same amount since. There are other areas of underpayments, but not as significant as the slave trade. Unlike most other territories that have been declining in trade, Count Torskai’s faction has actually profited from the black economy from the movements of slaves and goods.” Count Dormkri reported and waited as the Queen Gizala poundered.
“And how was he able to hide it from all the ministers of past and current, Count Dormkri.?” The Queen ask coldly.
Fearfully bowing his head. “Forgive me my queen. I simply trusted the work of my predecessors and trusted their numbers without rechecking for error. I take full responsibility for my complacent.”
Queen Gizala sighed. If she hung the current Finance Minister, then she’d have to go hang all the other retired ministers as well. If this was told to her even a year ago, she’d have burned the man alive and rounded up all the past ministers and had them executed. And blaming the current minister with less than a year in service isn’t justice nor wise. But lately, she had been feeling tired of being angry all the time. And she wondered if she was getting too old.
“So in the end, the crown is financing the whole expedition from the deceit.” There was a part of her that wanted to arrest them all and behead them. But why waste the resource. Even if it's an expendable resources she thought. “But do tell, Count Dormkri. Just what ploy did they used to hide the traffics?”
“Your Majesty. I believe his faction has been using the criminal syndicate or built his own underground syndicate and used smaller villages as a conduit for moving the merchandises.”
“Then properly investigate in silence and record everything. I’ll have a use for it later to deal with their disloyalty.” Queen Gizala said as she gripped her scepter and silently stared with a squinted eyes at the large door the Count and his group left. “Serve me well Count Dormkri. And I will insure that your family is no longer a landless noble.”
Bowing. “I thank My Queen for the opportunity.” Count Dormkri said.
Kyzdon, Shator Keep.
Everyday, the rebel forces launched their trebuchets to harass the defenders and residents inside Shator Keep. And each day, their aims increased in accuracy that it’s only a matter of time before parts of the walls start to crack, possibly even crumble.
Margrave Kyzdon, unknown to him that his peerage has been dropped, bitterly looked out from the highest tower in the center to overlook the rebels currently laying siege to his walls. He wonder why and how this was happening. Did he over do his manipulation and his work got discovered? How was Baron Justine Myojhuk able to finance his rebellion? And how was he able to hide so much of his resources?
He wondered where he went wrong. He had only tried to preserve his family line as any note worthy noble would. With none of his children born of manatite, nor any of his grandchildren, he manipulated Sir Myojhuk to gain his bloodline for his family. There by increasing the chance for a mage being born to Kyzdon family in the future generation.
But the that damn bitch sent both of my sons into Theolamore with the Prince Luthen’s expedition. At least my grandchildren are here with me. Margrave Kyzdon cursed. No words from the spies sent into help raid the frontier. Obviously they must be dead. But what of Sir Radolf spy? Was he also discovered by the rebels?
Margrave Kyzdon watched another large rock flying through the air, only to smash against the thick wall. Even though his surfs were unable to harvest most of the crops, he still had his reserves, enough to survive the entire winter without starvation. Hungery? Yes. But not enough to starve to death. He just needs to hold out until Spring. Without being able to send or receive any more messages as the rebels shot down all the birds. He will have to survive the isolation as well.
Frontier, Fort Whitestone.
Major Jung reviewed over Spikes current RP. With summoning Major Westbrook and his 2 specialized medical assistants and equipment costing 617RP, and 47RP for Doctor Dietz to help LTC Simmons, plus the replacement soldiers from the combat losses of 17.9RP with cost reduction have left them with 2047.9RP.
Captain Murphy with logistics and Captain Grey with personnel were going over the current numbers in their small meeting to review their future plans.
“I hate to admit this.” Captain Grey started. “But the more I see the numbers, more I don’t want to see it. The RP price of our privates are truly cheap. They are like expendable pawns. I would never say this infront of Lord Phoenix as I know he would get very protective. But damn.”
“It is what it is Grey.” Captain Murphy said. “Only thing we can do is provide support for their needs to increase their survival rate.”
With an unhappy frown. “No. I mean yes. I suppose you’re right. But I just feel that we have so few of us on ground with so many RP to summon more of our people. And that cost to summon anything from later era is insane. I mean Doctor Westbrook and his NBC team costed over two combat companies worth of RP.” Captain Grey said.
“Just take one step at a time my friend. One step at a time.” Captain Murphy gently reminded his college and friend.
Then Major Westbrook hurriedly walked in. “Gentlemen. My apologies for late arrival. Doctor Simmons and Doctor Dietz are in emergency surgery right now and I’m here to represent the medical branch.”
“Oh! We haven’t heard anyone coming with wounded. Something going on?” Major Jung asked.
A bit excitingly, Major Dietz spoke. “No new wounded Major. But I have incredible news. Not even an hour ago. Sergeant White came in complaining about his leg prosthetics. He said that it’s too long and he feels unbalanced. As a precaution, Doctor Dietz double checked all of his surgical records and found that his leg has regenerated by half of centimeter. Which prompt us to check Private Smith arm as well. And the Private arm actually grew 1 whole centimeter. Which answered why Private Raines has been in such pain. All the wire, screws and artificial bones are being rejected as his body is trying to regenerate. So they are preparing for emergency surgery right now, to remove the artificial parts so his body can do it’s job.” With an exhilarating tone. “This is just incredible.”
Other officers were shocked at the new development. This will change their long term strategic planning for personnel and logistics. And the long term saving of RP as the men will eventually be back to full combat duty.
“This is good. Now I don’t have to worry about our men committing suicide to make room for able bodied newer summons.” Major Jung said. Looking over his notes. “We have three squads worth of men down in medical. Just knowing this alleviates lot of stress and pressure about the future.” Looking up from the note. “Doctor Westbrook. Any idea on when Sergeant White and Private Smith will be back on active duty?”
“Not Major Jung. We’ll need more data on this regeneration before we can make any assessment on time wise. However, I think we have more pressing matter on our hands right now.” Major Westbrook spoke with a seriousness.
“What do you mean Doc?”
Looking at the other officers. “As I and my team have been checking for diseases on the new immigrants. We in the medical, as we interact with them daily, been hearing about our dead disappearing and leaving behind only their uniform and gears. There are all kinds of rummer from us being a Spirit to the Demons. Didn’t you all deal with this before. It’s something we can’t hide.”
“That is an oversight on our part Doc. It’s so natural to us that we didn’t even think about it. I’ll have the Marquess make a statement. Once we figure out what to inform.” Major Jung said.
“You know.” Captain Murphy spoke up. “This world has magic. So why can’t we just say that at the moment of imminent death, we are summoned back for our own preservation of life. But because of the emergency nature of the summoning, that individual can’t use the summoning ritual for unknown years and can’t return to us right away. Or something like that.”
“Nice one Murphy. I think you’re onto something.” Captain Grey said.
“Let me run through what has been told to the civilians so far before I make a decision on what to say.” Major Jung replied. “But it sounds good. Give me a few days to work something out and I’ll take care of it.”
“Then getting onto the next topic sir. We are about to have a major problem with overcrowding soon.” Captain Grey informed. “Currently all the housings are overfilled. And we are prepping all the empty warehouses for the immigrants in route. But those will also fill up rather quickly before Captain Allen’s mission is completed because of the people we have been receiving from the Myujhok ransom. Which also brings us another problem.”
“And which is?”
Looking back as Major Jung. Captain “Well sir. I feel that the Myojhuk’s are pulling a fast one on us. The live stocks we asked for are actually owned by the refuges from Baron Antenok’s territory just north of Myojhuk. And they have sent the entire family of the owners of the lives stocks. So we don’t technically have the rights to turn them over to the Marquess as we originally planned. And commandeering it from the rightful owner would leave distrust and discontent in the long run.” Captain Grey said.
Chuckling. Captain Murphy spoke. “I see. Clever of them to cause us trouble, but it’s nothing really. There is no reason for us to take the livestocks and be the bad guys. What we ultimately wanted was to restock the livestock in general so the quality of the locals life would increase. We can let the local market handle it. And we’ll just charge them taxes or rental on the useage of the land to feed the cattles and such and recycle the wealth.”
“Smart idea Captain Murphy. Then let's just leave it at that unless there is a problem.” Major Jung complemented.
“But we still have a problem with overcrowding sir. There is a stream of people coming from the east. It’s like, Myojhuk leaderships are pawning off all the refugees from the territories they pillaged and passing the buck to us. It denies their enemy of all these human resources. And it's essentually paying off their ransom with stolen goods. So the bottom line is, they really ended up paying nothing and we end up feeding all the refugees they created.”
Major Jung, chuckling again. “Hmm. Maybe I should have sent you to the negotiation table instead of myself. So they pulled a fast one on me.” Looking at the notes Captain Murphy provided to everyone, he confirmed Spikes food summoning amount and found that currently, Spike can summon enough to feed over 50,000 people each day, but it would leave him little mana to practice his magic and for other needed expendable commodities. But most of all he would be stuck in garrison only to burn up his mana. “That’s fine, we ourself didn’t loose anything. But gained more human resources and livestocks. Also, We’ve already released 1/3rd of the footmen back to Myojhuk in good faith. Once we receive the final ransom in few days, we’ll release the rest of the POWs and covert the POW camp to temporary housings as planned. And for the rest. We’ll just build a tent city in the agro fields until the permanent housings are built. So what’s the current body count from the outport, Captain Grey?”
“Sir. It’s work in progress as the number are being updated daily. But our current refugees from the ransom payment as of last night are 2298 people, 57 cattle heads, 184 chickens, and 128 goats and sheeps of different breeds. Half of which I have no idea on. Not as much on the live stock as we wanted, but they were able to return all the slaves captured by Baron Antenok several weeks ago, and returned 138 frontier people captured in the last decades. There are no men in that group sir. It’s apparent that all the men were sent to the the ruin war in the east, presumed to be dead by now. So the current civilian personnel count is just under 6000 in all of Daldia, but will exceed that by the end of the day when our numbers are updated. And I am updating our Marquess daily on the numbers so he isn’t surprised by sudden changes.”
“How about the craftsmen we requested?”
“Not many of them sir. As I said earlier about burdening us with extra mouth to feed, I get the impression that they are sending us extra number of normal civilians to make up for the low counts of blacksmiths and carpenters. They are probably keeping more of the crafters for themselves to make up for the armors and weapons we wouldn’t ransom.”
“I don’t think it’s a big issue. We have our engineer platoon, and they can train any talented people for the job.” Major Jung said.
“I agree sir. It’s more of an inconvenient then a problem. This just means that everyone will be busy for long time.” Captain Murphy shared his thought.
Thoughtfully, Major Jung made his decision. “Then very well. We’ll just have to speed up and increase the scale of the housing construction. The added 250 labor from the road construction should alleviate most of the housing construction problem, plus the able bodies from the refugees.” Then turning to look at Major Westbrook. “So, Doctor Westbrook. What’s the verdict on Captain Allen’s special case?”
“His clean. His body’s natural...err to be exact our special case of natural immunity is so active that all the desease that all three of his women have are destroyed within an hour. However, I’d like to remind everyone that we are not immune to lethal poisons as we learned from the kobold's poison tipped arrows and traps. I would also like to add that from my own preliminary discovery in conjunction with recent discovery of our regenerative ability, we may possibly not have an expiration date. Most likely related to our relation to Lord Phoenix. So I think it’s prudent, especially to our combat branch, to inform our men not to be in a rush to battle.”
Everyone sat in silence as they ponder the new information. They were simply to shocked. They all felt that perhaps they shouldn't let Spike get into combat anymore and risk losing him. But at an intellectual level, they knew he had to keep growing in strength.
Before they start to get strange ideas, Major Jung broke the silence. “By the way Captain Murphy. Anyone in your department make any sense of Lord Phoenix’s personnel slot increase rate?”
“Ah. Yes sir. From the records, we know that his personnel slots increased each time by multiplying his spirit point. And with each point he added a point to spirit, the personnel slot would increase pro rata to his new value. So, if Lord Phoenix adds one point to his Spirit value each time he levels, at his next level, he would have 816, 900, and 988 by level 19. But because of the sudden jump in level after the goblin assault we don’t know if there will be another large increase when he reaches level 20 or 21.”
“Understood. Keep tracking his numbers. But this information is only for need to know eyes from now on. Hmm... As of mater of fact, as of now, anything involving Lord Phoenix’s stats are classified as need to know only. And once we get an understanding of it, we’ll inform Lord Phoenix and burn everything. In the long run, it’s not important for us to know the details.” Major Jung ordered.
Frontier, Trimmor AO.
In the last three days, with four additional demi-human hunters joining the Trimmor AO, combat units had taken less casualty and more enemy kills. And surprisingly the eight meter wooden wall was almost completed. Lieutenant Collins thought it would take longer as the unmotivated convicts were building it. But after the first night, they changed their tunes and worked quickly and efficiently. It was very obvious the former slaver merchants still valued their lives.
Then as of two nights ago, the gnolls and kobolds disappeared. Officers weren’t sure if they simply gave up after taking too many casualty from each skirmishes or they were setting up for a big attack. Regardless, the road construction had temporarily stopped to build up the walls and focused on defensive obstacles for Trimmor.
Shortly after lunch, Freeland Platoon was heading out for another patrol. Even squad on the left and odd squad on the right of the road. Hunters in the lead and Spike and bodyguards in the center left side. Their plan was to use the road that has been built until it stopped then keep moving. But when they were about hundred meters away for the end of the road, they saw a large group of inhumanoids coming into visibility in the Autumn forest.
A group of fifty to sixty or so inhumanoids with a pig nose and large potbelly, just a little shy of two meters. They wore a very poorly made leather armor with parts of bones tied to cover their body parts. But the most frighten part of this group was that there were five, four meter tall round belly giants wielding a club half their size. If anyone were to be hit by those clubs, even with heavy armor, the flesh and bones underneath would turn mincemeat and paste. And on their waste, there were multiple heads hanging as trophy.
Without hesitation, shouting their war cry, all the inhumanoids charged the platoon on the road.
From the center right side, Lieutenant quickly shouted his order. “Quickly! Use the trees as cover. Fire at will.”
Each squads got off the road and using the trees as partial cover, open fired. Incredibly, these inhumanoids sprinted on the road to close in for melee. Because of the distance, SAW gunners burst fired to increase accuracy, instead of firing wild and full automatic. Here and there, few of the smaller inhumanoid went down, but the large ones got more angrier as bullet hit them. They simply raised their arms to give their face more cover as they also sprinted.
The smaller one looked more excited as closer they got. With the larger ones in the front to give them cover, less than half a dozen fell. When they reached about seventy meters. The giant size inhumanoids roared in anger as more bullets pepper them.
At about fifty meters away, noticing the bullets having little effects on the giants, Lieutenant shouted his order. “Trench Gunners! Throw grenades at the giants!”
When the enemy ran within fifty meters, the SAW gunners went full automatic and quickly reloaded a when needed. The Trench gunners prepped their grenade to time the distance and speed of the giants. At about thirty five meters, the twenty grenades started to fly towards the giants as the squad leaders also threw their grenades.
With the grenades exploding, all five giants went down as their feet and legs took heavy damage. The smaller inhumanoids near the explosion died, but the ones behind them simply ran through and once reaching about twenty meters, they volley flung what appeared to be a hand ax at the Phoenixians partially covered behind the tree trunks.
Sergeant Jerrett was instantly killed with the hand ax struck deep into his skull as he was aiming a shot with his M1. Private Tylor and Corporal Winston also took a hit to the head dying instantly. Also Private Davis from Spikes bodyguard died with a hand ax burying deep into his eye socket. Seven other soldiers went down with heavy injury to their shoulder areas or to crippling injury to their arms.
With their hand ax thrown, the smaller inhumanoids charged, but with near point blank range, the SAW gunners shredded them all to death. Only ones still alive were the giants low crawling to them. With their massive strength, the giants were making good distance.
Breaking the MO Lieutenant Moore shouted. “Aim for the head! Just kill them!”
The uninjured Phoenixians stood up from their covers and simply unloaded their ammo drums kill ingall five giants. They didn’t stop firing until the skull cracked open.
“Tend to our wounded. Pick up the gears from the dead. Sir, finish off the smaller ones that didn’t die from the grenades.” LT quickly shout out his orders. Then facing Hunter Tam. “Hunter Tam, what the hell are these things?”
“The smaller ones are orcs and the large ones are ogres, Lieutanant.” Then pointing at the waist of the ogre’s with multiple heads tied up. “At least we now know what happened to the gnolls and kobolds. I’m getting a bad feeling Lieutenant Moore. I don’t think we should be here out in the open. My instinct tells me there are more of them near by.”
Looking at Hunter Tam with a hard serious look. “Shit! Quickly patch up the ones bleeding. We are leaving ASAP.” Lieutenant Moore shouted out. He quickly looked at where the inhumanoids come from. Then realized, no matter what, with the road barely built, all they had to do was look toward the other end of the road to see Trimmor. “Hunter Tam. I need you to run as fast as you can to Trimmor and tell Lieutenant Collins to fire up a red flare. Hastily. Go my friend.”
Having been taught the meanings behind the colors of the flare. Hunter Tam ran as fast as he could. With the red flared fired. Lieutenant Walker would understand that attack at the location of the flare is imminent or is already under attack. Which will bring in his three active squad patrolling the other area into Trimmor for it’s defense.
The injured passed their weapons to their battle buddy to walk faster. There only saving grace was that their ABH took effect and it partially served as a pain killer.
“Hunter Rikko. Tell me what you know of these orcs and ogres?” LT quickly asked.
“Lieutenant. Just like the gnolls, they can see at night. Orcs and ogres eat anything and everything. In extreme cases, they are known to practice cannibalism. Orc are not much different from the gnolls in strength. But as you saw from the ogres, they are hard to kill as they have so much muscles and fat. Even their bones are very thick and difficult to chop. Something very unusual is going on in the frontier forest. Gnolls and kobolds. Now orcs and ogres. It’s too soon.” Rikko informed.
“What do you mean it’s too soon?”
“I mean that they shouldn’t even be in our area until closer to late winter, when the food source is low. But they are known to hunt goblins. As the goblins are on the bottom of the food chain and they breed so fast and so many. I mean even the gnolls are early if we think about it. But none of us hunters have seen anyone of them in the last decades as we have been losing grounds to the goblins. When we saw the gnolls, we simply thought that is was because of the lack of goblins as their food source.”
Nodding in understanding LT kept quickly walked as he was deep in thought on what to do. Then five minutes later, with his platoon five hundred meters from Trimmor, a red flare shot up Trimmor.
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8 144 - In Serial28 Chapters
The Alpha's Mistake
"B-but we... we're m-mates...""Look. You were a good fling but I hate even the slightest thought of you being my mate and The Lunar Moon Pack's Luna. Which is why: "I Dmitri Kingston, reject you Ariana Descartes as my mate and future Luna.""I-I ... Ariana Descartes accept your r-rejection as your m-mate and future L-Luna of the Lunar Moon Pack"."Good. Now get out".~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meet Dmitri Kingston: Heartless, rule breaker, heartbreaker, bad boy and next in line to be Alpha of the Lunar Moon Pack. In other words a complete player, with the looks of a Greek god and an ego bigger than our universe it was no surprise that fate had played a game with him by choosing Ariana Descartes to be his mate.Meet Ariana Descartes: Shy, good girl, rule follower, humble, and in general a kind, helping person. In other words the complete opposite of Dmitri Kingston. The day she goes to Dmitri's 18th birthday was when her life changed. All she had ever dreamed of since she was a young girl, was to find her mate and live a happy life with him. But that changed when she met Dmitri. Now Ari is rejected and pregnant-by her ex-mate Dmitri. Not wanting any trouble she flees to the human world for guaranteed safety for herself and her unborn daughter. And for 3 years she lives in a quiet serene environment with her beautiful daughter Elora.But there's a catch to it. Ari has to come back for a few days to visit her sick father, which means that Elora will have to accompany her. Has Dmitri fixed his player ways?How will everyone else react to her appearing off the radar for 5 and a half years?But most importantly: is Ari ready to face her mate who rejected her after a night of 'fun'?#onenightstand- 69 on 28/7/20Cover by @mybooksaretrash
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