《Nexus》Ch19 -
Frontier, Daldia.
Spike broke out in sweat as he concentrated on his right hand. Marquess Daldia sent his mana to Spike’s right hand to force a reaction from his dormant and never used manatite. Spike knew he had it, like a muscle never used before. He felt it many times from these exercises. His breathing intensified as if running a marathon. He could almost feel it. Straining to tell his brain that there is another set of nerve or vein. Another set of muscles that he could control. Forcing himself to believe that it exist. That, it’s there.
Focus! Concentrate. Just a little more! Inwardly, Spike screamed at himself as he clinched he teeths. Then he felt it. “YEAH! I just felt it move.” Spike cried out in triumphant. “Hell Yeah! Finally!” He struck both his fist high into the sky as he expressed his excitement as Marquess also joined in the laughter.
“Very good my lord! You’ve made incredible progress in such short time. I know you would do this at an amazing speed.” Marquess said with his jolly laughter even though his was exhausted himself.
Spike’s bodyguards joined in as they clapped for Spike. Even the nearby servants cheered for Spike as the word got passed around. For them, stronger Spike got, stronger their position in the frontier against the outside aggression. Something everyone in the town would be happy over.
After everyone settled down from the excitement. “So. What do we do next Marquess?” Spike asked.
“Now you need to keep exercising the manatite in your hand until you can do it without my help. Then spread out your control of the manatite in your whole body until you can completely control the mana flow inside your body. The speed varies with everyone. But I suspect you will achieve it in no time. While you are doing these exercises, be sure you are not near any fire. Sometime, natural elements will react to your mana as you lack complete control and cause harm to yourself and your surroundings. Especially if you have affinity to fire. Other elements reaction are normally negligible. So you shouldn’t have to worry.”
“I see, thank you for the warning. Little more and I think I can do these exercises on my own.” Spike said as he was pleased with today’s result.
“Also, please do not practice while you are hunting my lord. Until you gain total control, all young students leak mana. Not meant to be an insult Lord Phoenix, but it’s like little children wetting their bedding while sleeping. Some inhumanoids and monsters can sense the mana leakage like smelling blood for carnivorous creatures. And the the creatures that can sense the mana leakage are incredibly dangerous as them have magic powers.” Marquess warned.
“Understood! I’ll take your warning to heart Marquess. But from your looks. It seems I’ve exhausted your mana again. So let's end our lesson for today.”
“Very well my lord. Thank you. Why don’t we both take a break and drink some tea.” Marquess Daldia offered.
“That’s a good idea. I’m actually parched from today’s exercise.”
As the mid fall weather was to cold to drink tea outside the tea break was moved from the normal back yard porch to the study room over looking the center with the water fountain. Across the street Spike saw a building half built as the engineers and the labors worked nonstop. Once finished, it would serve as a temporary resident for the mayor, his family and staff. Then the current mansion will be demolished for the more modern mansion. Then the temporary resident building will be turned over to the chamber of commerce for tradesmen and crafters to promote and assist independent business. Eventually, the town will grow out of the current barter system for long term economic growth with currency.
Taking a seat. “By the way Marquess Daldia. Am I able to cast magic with what I can do now?” Spike asked.
“Well, technically, you can my lord. However, your hand will become weak and numb once the mana in your right hand is drained from casting. And there is a potential of harming the manatite in you hand. Remember my lord, manatite is a vein. Almost like an organ. That is what the scholars who have autopsied many enemy mages have said. Hence, the reason why all mages must learn to circulate and control the mana inside the body and train to control their manatite.”
“Hmm. I guess that makes sense.” Then thinking about the daily report he reads everyday. “Also, I was briefed that Mister Khriven had joined Captain Allen on their mission up north. Did you set him up to it?” Spike asked.
“Yes and no my lord. Khriven was a bit desperate to redeem himself after his blunder as the Mayor of Farengo. And I recommended him for the mission as he does have some contacts up north. In all honesty, I could actually use him here as our town population has had a sudden spike in growth....” Freezing. Just realizing what he just said. “Forgive me my lord, no pun intended. Slip of the tongue.” Marquess apologized looking all embarrassed.
“It’s alright Marquess. I know what you meant to say. It’s not like you gave me the name Spike.” Spike said dryly. Yeah… Spike the 1st. Silently cursed himself. “But you were saying.” Spike said to get back on topic.
“Ah, yes my lord. With the sudden increase of population, we are in need of people who can read. When we were being oppressed by the Stovkow raids, teaching someone to read and write just wasn’t important. And it will be a long while before the current students are skilled enough to work as administrators. And I could really use Khriven’s expertise right now.”
“I see.” Spike nodded in agreement.
“But I fear the other settlements leadership will not be in any better shape. To speak honestly my lord. If you remember, I was as a breaking point. And I expect Captain Allen will find them in the same situation. And having a known face could speed up the good captain's work without having to fight a goblin army to convince them.”
“I have absolute faith in Captain Allen’s ability to command and get the job done. Though I admit, I’m not so sure about his private life.” Spike said as he chuckled. I wonder if Captain Allen is one of those type that is an amazing field commander, but has a really shity private life.
Chuckling with Spike. “Yes, I heard my lord. He’s a colorful man.” Marquess remarked.
Both teacher and student. Master and servant. Pleasantly lost themselves to senseless banter over tea. After the servant clearout the tray and left, Spike asked a question that had been nagging him.
Looking inquisitively. “By the way Marquess Daldia. Just how did the people tamed the frontiers in the past. When I’m out hunting, I find it difficult to even move around the insane level of vegetation growth. It’s hard to believe the frontier could be tamed without an army.” Spike asked.
“Ahh that my lord… To put it simply. Most people are free commoners but very poor who move to the frontier from lack of opportunity. And those men paved the way with their lives. It is a work of generations as we humans slowly move west. The most common methods the frontiersmen used was put down many traps for both monsters and inhumanoids. Humans always worked with demi-humans in partnership as demi-humans generally make poor merchants but are excellent hunters with their natural racial abilities. That’s why almost all the hunters are demi-humans. Hunt Master Malikai is an exception. He is what you would refer to as freak of nature with his exceptional eyes and skills. It takes about a decade to tame 7 to 10 kilometers. For the successful hunters who have established themselves when the area become more civilized, such as Daldai township. They would look for a wife to settle down with. And that’s how even Myojhuk and Kyzdon territory was settled generations ago. It’s a very slow progress my lord.” Marquess informed.
“Then what about families like yours who have built a settlement like this for generations or mayors of other towns?”
“My family is an exception my lord. When my grandfather woke up to his magic talent during a life and death situation, with his new found power, he was able to rally people to himself and start a settlement which Daldia township sits now. Families like mine would be given a peerage. Other mayors who are elected, they are often made into retainers for kingdom's nobles who expand to the frontier when the said part of the frontier become economically stable. I myself was offered a peerage when the ruin war started, but the condition was that I and my children serve in the war. I of course declined. So the raids started some years after and several expert mages were sent to subjugate my family, I ended up losing both my son and daughter, at the time their magic wasn’t strong enough, But I on the other hand was skilled enough to kill one of their expert and badly injured the other. My wife died from a plague and of broken heart of having to witness both her children die before her. She had lost the will to live during the plague. And for Stovkow, with their loss of a mage, they must have decided it wasn’t worth the risk of losing any more of their mages and allowed Baron Myojhuk to comeback from the war and neutralized me as they yoked the frontier. I also believe, in the earlier days of raids, they used it to train up their new recruit for the Ruin War.”
Wow. The man's had a hard life. Spike thought.
Bravo Company Lieutenant Walker's 2nd platoon was on their lunch break from patrolling Lieutenant Collins' Engineer platoon’s AO (Area of Operation). Sergeant Duvall with 1st and 3rd squads were by the road kitchen set up to feed the labors and soldiers while Lieutenant Walker and 2nd and 4th squad was pulling guard farther inside the thick forest.
With concerned voice. “Lieutenant.” Hunter Tam called in low tone.
“Yes. What is it Hunter Tam.”
“I smell very light scent of something hostile. Hard to say what it is as this is something I’ve never met. But I’m thinking it’s very close for me to smell them.” Hunter Tam warned.
“If you’ve never seen it, how do you know it’s hostile!” Lieutenant Walker asked questioningly.
“I don’t know how to explain it sir. I just know it’s not friendly. And I don’t like the smell of…”
Before he could finish his sentence, as large arrow pierced a machine gunner in the chest killing him instantly. Then his battle buddy cried out an alert as creatures with a face of a dog charged at them as another arrow killed the same soldier shouting the alert right as he was about the fire.
“They're sneak attacking from the northeast. Fire at will.” 4th squad leader Sergeant Trent shouted after seeing 2 of his men go down. With the proven tactic from the Fleelance Platoon of sending tons of bullets into the thick forest, the rest of the 2 squads quickly lined up and unloaded their M249 SPW. As the bullets hit the large inhumanoids, it took more bullets to kill then the smaller goblins and kobolds. That gave enough time for the other inhumanoids to move closer, but the trench gunners took action to protect the machine gunners.
With the sound of machine guns and shotguns going off, the whole AO came alive. Laborers dropped their tools and ran to the center. The engineer readied their weapons to protect them. Platoon sergeant Duvall took the other half of Lieutenant Walkers platoon and ran towards the gunfire sounds. And before they arrived, all the gunfire ceased firing.
“Ceasefire! Ceasefire!” Lieutenant Walker shouted after he noticed there were no more enemies or their arrows being fired. He got up to look around the damage. 3 men down including Sergeant Trent. “Sergeant Fitch. Take your squad and Hunter Tam and make sure there are no stragglers. Corporal Penn. take over for Sergeant Trent and pull perimeter guard until the others get here.”
After some time.
Looking down at the corpse of at least 2.3 meter tall with a head of some sort of a dog with green skin. “So… What the hell is it?” asked Lieutenant Walker.
“I gather it’s a gnoll sir. I’ve never seen one, but it’s fits the description. It’s very unusual for gnolls to be this far, but with the frontier folks being pushed back to the Stovkow borders and all. I’m thinking because of the food source being low and killing multiple goblin tribes are forcing these large inhumanoids to push farther east.” Hunter Tam said as he looked around the corpse of about 30 or so gnoll on the ground. “It’s possible we’ll be seeing some orcs, bugbears, trolls and such in the near future. Winter is almost upon us sir. So them inhumanoids must be hungry.”
“If Tam’s assistment is true, then we need to increase our security for the workers outside of the town and fort.” Lieutenant Collins said to Lieutenant Walker.
“I agree. We got lucky with only 3 dead.” Kicking the large bow, size of a man at his feet. “This is about the size of the english longbow. If we faced a large group of them, our casualty would have been much higher.” Lieutenant Walker noted. “If we didn’t have the new M249 SPW…” shaking his head, there was no need to finish his sentence. “Collins, I recommend your engineers also equip yourself with a line company’s gear. Even though it’s extra weight. Better safe than sorry.”
Nodding in agreement. “Sergeant Gil. When we get back to Trimmor, I’ll take 4th squad with me and report to command and requisition for weapons switch out at the armory. Also, from now on, no more wagons moving back and forth on the road without armed security.”
“Yes sir. I’ll make it happened.” Platoon Sergeant Gil with the 3rd platoon engineer replied energetically. Every Phoenix soldier in the vicinity of the combat was feeling the effect of the ABH.
“I’ll have one of my squad join you Sergeant Gil. I need replacement for the 3 casualty and also send a report of new inhumanoid movements.” Turning his head to his platoon Sergeant Duvall. “Sergeant Duvall. Secure our fallen’s equipment and ask for volunteer squad to go with Sergeant Gil later.” Lieutenant Walker ordered. Then with a thoughtful look. “Maybe we should put some sort of traps in the forest. We can’t cover everything.What do you think Collins?”
“Not bad. But I’m thinking mines would be better. No?”
“Let’s see what the command say about it.” Lieutenant Walkers replied.
Myojhuk, Castle Grannor.
In a fit of rage Lord Caldrun flipped over, kicked and smashed various furniture in his private chamber. After visual inspection of his nephew’s body several days ago, nothing prepared him for the emotion he felt as the realization finally sunk in. At first, he couldn't believe it. He didn’t want to believe that the last of his bloodline has died. Without a family, there is no legacy.
Through his many younger years, he traveled to many kingdom’s as a sword for hire. To make enough money to retire and start his own family. But instead, he discovered he had some talent in magic as he slaughtered other men for coins. One day, he had hoped to returned to his family, but there were enough losses on the sides he took coins from and delayed his retirement plan.
In his absences, he parents passed away from disease and his younger sister Lura was lucky to find a young knight who fell in love with her. There was nothing he could have done for his parents, but he was glad that at least his sister was able to find love and create a family of her own. By then, he felt he had gotten to old to start his own family so he was content with simply watching over his sister's child as he was sure there would be more children for her in the future. That was until he received the news of her death. Then everything changed.
He had received a personal letter from Sir Myojhuk, to become his steward, and to keep an eye on his son, Justine Myojhok. A young boy at the time. With such news, it wasn’t hard to give up his life as a mercenary captain at that time. But soon upon arrival, he discovered strange movements and manipulation from Margrave Kyzdon. After digging farther into the matter, he discover Margrave Kyzdon’s handy work of manipulation of Myojhuk’s bloodline. His discovery of slowly poisoning of his sister to make it appear as if she died of disease. Especially when he practically forced Sir Myojhuk to marry his youngest daughter. Now, with the last of his family line dead. At least he believe he could finish his nephews plan and honor his death.
But now, this strange force in the frontier. The very frontier his nephew had planned to take over and move all the new population to cultivate the land for expansion and long term survival and security against the Stovkow, has been cut off. With the steady flow of refugees that were forced to migrate, there just won't be enough land to support them all. A baron’s territory just isn’t big enough.
Having seen the damage to his nephew’s face, his head had collapsed from the holes, which made it looked as if the face was melting. The strange thing they had done to the scout’s arm. Strange weapons Sir Kilowvk described. Rich outfit Mister Tisco also described. They must surely be in possession of lost knowledges.
Now...for what am I fighting for. It’s impossible to fulfill Justine’s plan. Revenge no longer taste as sweet. But Margrave Kyzdon and his family must die. He is the one who started all this. I just wanted Justine to live. He was the son I never had. Now, even Justine’s dream of a Free City-State is but a dream.
Lord Caldrun sat in silence as his face held a bitterness that reflected his soul.
Frontier, Fort Whitestone.
With a little down time he had, Spike decided to pay the medical station a call and visit his wounded men. There have been few skirmishes with the other companies as well in the last week that had sent their share of wounded men to the hospital. But none with amputation or serious as Private Raines.
Even before Spike walked into the building, he could hear one of the wounded soldier screaming in pain asking for painkiller or knock him out. And Spike recognized that voice belonging to Private Raines.
With concern Spike followed the sound of the scream to Private Raines private room. There he saw, Private Raines was surrounded with medics and Doctor Simmons trying to keep the man from hurting himself from thrashing around with badly injured hip.
Unable to control the situation like this, Doctor Simmons order 1 of the medic to inject Private Raines with a dose of painkiller directly to his hip for faster effect.
After watching Private Raines finally settle down and pass out. “Holy crap. He’s not doing so good Doc. Anything I can summon to help?” Spike asked in shock.
Looking up as Doctor Simmons notices Spike at the door. Walking up to him with deep concern on his face. “No sir. I’m not sure what the problem is. Private Raines finally woke up 5 days ago. And his been in constant pain screaming for painkillers. I fear he will end up ODing soon. We tried forcing him to sleep with different medications, but he wakes up from the pain. And all the drug are slowing down his body’s natural ability to heal. We had to remove some crushed bones in his hip and produce some parts with the micro factory then wire and screw the shaped parts through the bones, so it’s a given he should feel some pain, but not this extreme. We’ve triple checked with a 3D X-ray to make sure the surgery was done correctly, but I just can’t find the reason for this complication.”
“Well, be sure to let me know asap if there is something I can do Doc.” Spike said in somber after witnessing Private Raines in that level of pain.
Then leading Spike to other room. “Seriously sir. After monitoring the other injured men, Private Raines should be well on his way to recovery. But I don’t see any improvement. We’ve done multiple retesting if there was some abnormality in Private Raines and nothing showed up.” LTC Simmons informed.
“I still have 2 more slots left. Should I summon another Doctor or surgeon for you to consult each other?” Spike said as he checked, then noticed the difference in number. “Damn it. We lost 3 men someplace.”
“No. Let's stay on topic. I’m sure someone will tell me soon enough. Do you want me to bring in another Doctor?”
“To be honest sir. There is a part of me that does. If another doctor can help Private Raines of course I welcome it. But another doctor doesn’t necessarily mean he or she will have the answer. Medical science isn’t all knowing as it isn’t an exact science. Some people react differently to different treatment. But having another doctor would be helpful for my own conscious to confirm if I’m not overlooking something. And no disrespect to Doctor Lavideka or Doctor Gaston. But their knowledge is almost 2 century obsolete to mine and it’s going to take some time to bring them up to speed.”
“Right. I understand. Send your personal request to Captain Gray right away and I’ll authorize it asap.” Spike ordered knowing it’s going to be another expensive summon. “I’m not a doctor, but my instinct tells me it probably has something to do with our own abnormality that’s causing Private Raines complication. In anycase, I’m here to check on the men. How is everyone else doing?” Spike asked as he gestured with his hand to leave the room.
“I agree with your instinct sir. But it’s hell for Private Raines until we have better understanding of our physical body. As for other wounded, everyone is doing well sir. The amputees have already healed up and waiting for their prosthetics. It’s just amazing how quickly they heal. And the others have mostly deep flesh wounds. So far, we notice that all flesh wounds are healing without leaving any scars. No matter how deep the wound. This phenomenal has all the medical personels in amazement. I suppose the female soldiers would be happy about this once they start to pop up in your summons.” LTC Simmons mused.
“That’s good to hear about the general status on our men. So how is our hunter doing? Anymore new discover on their physiology?”
“These Demi-Humans are fascinating sir. They are essentially humans with ears and tail. But have slight difference in biochemistry that gives them exceptional physical stats. Which also causes them to react differently to some of our treatments. Hunter Rikko having been discharged from the hospital weeks ahead speaks for itself sir.” Doctor Simmons informed.
“That’s outstanding. These demi-humans are truly kickass people. So does that mean Hunter Rikko is cleared for duty?”
“She says she is. But I told her she needs to come back in 2 days for final check up before I clear her for return to duty sir.”
“Hey… Does that mean the demi-humans heal just as fast as our men?” Spike asked as the question popped into his head.
“From the actual flesh and bone healing rate, I would say they are comparable sir. But I’m not sure about poisons and diseases.”
Count Morrogain’s territory, Port Calteermon.
Count Morrogain sat at his table and waited as the captain of the Blue Night was immediately brought up to his private study as soon as it touched the dock.
An grizzly older man in his 50’s. Captain Jwan had been serving the Morrogain family for over 30 years. He had started as a deckhand. Then worked himself up to captain of a ship after 20 years of hard work. A loyal retainer entrusted with this mission.
As soon as Captain Jwan walked in, he paid his respect and bowed to his master.
“Lets not waste time on ceremony Captain. Just tell me.” Count Morrogain ordered.
“Nobody is there my Count. The port town is empty. All your men are missing. We found few dead bodies floating, but no one alive. 1 ship sunk. We could see the wreckage in the water. The other 2 ships are heavily damaged and needs extensive repair before they can even be moved. I personally inspect the damaged ships and in my long years of ship battles, I can’t make sense of what type of weapon was used against the ships. All the sails were missing. I presumed destroyed. The port’s main gate on the land had extensive explosive burnt damage. Maybe Karan Daldia had something to do with it with his fire magic and his new master.” Captain Jwan quickly reported.
“This is just unbelievable. 3 of my veteran crews gone. Just like that. And my ships!” Count Morrogain sat stunned silenced.
To numbed to say any more Count Morrogain was silent, Captain Jwan thinking it’s his que to speak simply continued the briefing.
“We went farther west for another day’s worth of travel past Birsk as you ordered, But no signs of any human movements except for few sightings of inhumanoids and monsters. My assessment is that these people of the Phoenix traveled on land, most likely coming from the north. As for the 2 damaged ships my lord. I’m not sure if it’s worth the risk of sending a repair crew. They may end up facing the same thing that had happened to the others as it will be a long time in repairing the ships.”
“Damn!” Count Morrogain cried out in anger as the slammed his fist on the desk. The fact of taking these heavy losses stabbed deep into his merchant's heart.
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