《Nexus》Ch13 - ..........
Daldia Township.
After receiving an inquiry from both Birsk and Farengo, ‘Will the leadership of the respective township also receive titles’, something just didn't set well with Spike. Not wanting to discuss the issue with Marquess Daldia, Spike found himself in front of Major Jung. The perpetrator of the ennobling scheme.
“I can see why you may be upset Lord Phoenix. But people always want to find themselves in better position. Its human nature.” Major Jung spoke to Spike.
“Well I understand that. But I don't like it. These leaders, it feels like they are using the people of their town as bargaining chip. If they join us, we have to send our men to each town to garrison it. It feels like I'm bargaining with our men's life.. And we’re already stretched too thin with more than half of our forces becoming prison guards. They should be out training and hunting.” Spike spoke his thoughts.
“Well these leaders believe they deserve something as they have been the mayors for their towns. But yes. I can sort of see the nepotism seeds being planted with their questioning. As for our forces spreading out too thin, it's only temporary Sir. We’ll get reinforcements as you keep hunting. And I expect the Rebel forces will pay the ransom to get their fighting forces back, especially the knights. With their rebellion in progress, they will need all the trained fighters. Which will reduce our prisoner numbers”
“Ok, I understand. And I agree, at the rate of our hunting, we should get some more reinforcement soon. But is ennobling the mayors of each frontier towns part of your plan?” Spike asked some what irritated.
“Well to be honest Sir. Marquess Daldia is an exception. He completely gave the town and himself with his own family too you, without any strings attached with the hope of saving his people, but we were planning to save this town anyways. Marquess action shows he was desperate. But at the same time, he greatly cares for his people. His action put his people above his own needs. Having said that, we really can't expect for every leader of settlements to be like him.” Major Jung concluded.
Spike spoke with a very upset frown.“Then what do you recommend? They could be self serving bastards for all we know. We’ve never meet them. And they had the audacity to use a messenger instead of coming to meet us in person to ask about titles.”
“There is that too.” Major Jung laughed in contempt. “Then let's rescind the offer, but allow immigration of the people, Sir. You are correct about our men needing to hunt. I never expected to capture so many damn prisoners to guard. So, if they want food and protection, they can come to us. Besides, Captain Lee with the Engineers was mentioning it would be much more easier and faster to rebuild and upgrade both Birsk and Farango towns without the people living in the very housing they have too teardown. The empty warehouses in Daldia can be used as a temporary housing for the immigration. I'm also told that their are many empty housings in the residentials. In addition, we still have the tents from the captured supplies.”
Nodding in acknowledgment. “Then that's what I'll tell the Marquess. Thanks Major. Just for future reference, I despise nepotism. My era is all screwed up from nepotism built up over the many generations.” With a frown on his face. “And those corrupt political families have become the new nobility in North America. I would like it if we didn't repeat that failure here. But at the same time, I’m beginning to understand why you ennobled the Marquess to solidify this towns allegiance to us.”
“Very good Sir. I'll keep that in mind and enforce meritocracy in my plans.” Then a thought occurred to the Major. “By the way Sir. Do you know how to ride a horse?”
After talking to Major Jung, Spike made his way to Marquess Daldia’s mansion on foot.
“Yeeaah. The Major is sooo right. It's looking pretty stupid for the highest ranking individual to be walking back and forth especially now that we have so many horses. I suppose you men are taking horse riding lessons with me. Huh, Corporal Robinson!” Spike said looking at his bodyguard team.
Pleasantly laughing. “Looking forward to it sir. But you mind as well have the freelance platoon join our riding lessons Sir.”
“Hmm I see your point. Considering, freelance platoon has turned into my personal unit. That's a good idea.”
Baron Antenok’s territory. Town Tinur.
After 2 weeks in the frontier, Baron Antenok marched back riding his war horse. He nonchalantly listened to the young Hasbrig’s 3rd son as he retold the story about taking his first frontier women.
“And she begged for more as she moans like a bitch in heat.” Bilet, 3rd son of Hasbrig family bragged.
Other veterans silently laughed at the young squire as they knew he was lying about the moaning and the begging.
This raid netted Baron Antenok with little over a hundred slaves for the Ruin War. With this he would have to send less serfs from his territory. His serfs also harvested enough from the frontier farms to reduce his tax to the crown. And he was able to confirm that inhumanoids and monsters have yet to overrun the area. He wonder how much longer the frontier will last before the Stovkow Kingdom has to intervene as the wild frontier keep pushing back from the weakened frontier settlement.
In any case, silently, he was very pleased with this years raid. One day, the Ruin War will be over. Then, with all the resource he was able to save for his territory, he would be able to expand west with his own strength. Once his wealth rise high enough, as the eastern nobles, the crown would have to raise his families peerage. All because he was able to yoke the frontier. He felt he was at the right place, at the right time, with the right peerage to do so.
As his forces were less than 4 kilometers from Tinur town and few tens of kilo meters from the frontier borders, no cares were given to security. If he had, Baron Antenok would not have died as he did.
A large projectile fired from a concealed Scorpio ballista pierced his chest killing him instantly. With this signal, cries of alert was raised along the marching order as multiple trees in the front of the marching order fell to block the knights forward movements. Flanked on both side with the wood lines the knights could only maintain control their warhorses from inability to charge on the roads while the foot soldiers ready their weapons and shield waiting for orders. From the wood line 100 archers rose up to fire their bows at Baron Antenoks forces while the formerly hidden 3 Scorpios sniped the knights on their horses. Multiple catapults filled with burning rocks dripping in oil smashed into the knights formation killing man and horses alike.
Before the Antenok’s force could organize, Sir Kajiak’s forces moved up in numbers to smash into the now weakened and outnumber, and disorganized Antenok’s raiders. Without any leadership, outnumbered and quickly declining morale, originaly 1000 men of Antenok and Kyzdon forces quickly succumbed in defeat.
All the knights were put to the sword and the foot soldiers were rounded up with the new slaves from the frontier to be sent to Baron Myojuhk’s territories for hard labors.
With the outcome Sir Kajiak expected he stared at the face of Bilet, Hasbrig’s 3rd son’s dead face. Bilet’s dead face had an expression of pain indicating his struggle from his belly wound as the Scorpio bolt protruded out of his upper stomach. There were dried tracks of tears from his dead eyes indicating that he died as a boy, not as a man. Satisfied, Sir Kajiak slowly walked toward his junior knights to give instructions to organize their return home.
Whitestone, Temporary Barrack.
As the medical Corporal Smith looked at his card. “Hit me.” He said.
“3 of a kind.” Private Jones declared soon after as he flipped over his hand showing 3 9’s.
“Shit!” Corporal Smith cursed as he looked at the cards and stood up to leave the game. Then Private Jones handed him a fresh pack of cigarette. “What’s this for Jone?” he asked somewhat surprised.
“Haha. I'm just looking out for our medic. Besides, I’m not having our medic be all mad at me. I’m simply sucking up to you.” Smiling at the Corporal. “Call it medical insurance, if you want.” Private Jone said has his face turn all serious.
Slowly, Corporal Smith’s face turned from irritation to knowing smirk. “Well. alright then. As long as you’re not question my professionalism.” grabbing the cigarette pack as he walked outside to smoke.
Happily reshuffling the cards. “But dang. Did you all see the papa Jung put the lockdown on junior Spike yesterday.” Private Jones said.
“Hey now. At ease that shit Jones.” Corporal Washington disapproved. “Your yapping mouth is going to get you into some deep shit one of these days.”
“Ahh. I don’t mean no disrespect Corporal. I’m just saying.” Jone explained himself as he gathered winnings.
“But still. I’m glad our bose listens to the officers. He could have been a total tyrannical asshole and everything would have sucked ass.” Private Borg offered.
“Well I say he's doing well for someone who just bought the farm less than a month ago. Not like us who’s been floating around in darkness forever.” PFC Jackson from the cavalry troop said.
“What’s the buy in?” Casually walking up, Private Charles of Bravo Company asked.
“15 brass for cigarette ration, 25 for any booze, and 50 for any special ration cards.” Private Jones answered pleasantly.
“Alright. I’m coming in with 3 special ration cards and 5 booze ration.” Private Charles announced as he joined in with the other 5 men as the losers from earlier games looked on.
Private Jones quickly exchanged the ration cards for 275 spend brass casings. Then handed Private Charles the deck of cards. “New hands deal on their first hand.”
“So Jonesy. What the hell you gonna do with all your winning? Hell, you don't even drink or smoke.” Commented Corporal Washington as he glanced at the large pile of empty brass casing in front of Private Jones.
“Ahh!” looking irritated. “Kirk put my ass in the Proverbial dog house after I made that comment about cooking dogs. Maybe I should have said wolf.” He added thoughtfully. “But anyways, I don’t know about you Corporal, but eating same old cold ration everytime we go out hunting doesn’t set well with me. So I plan to go grovel before Chef Master Kirk with all the ration card to get back into his good grace.” Private Jones said as he quickly glance at his hand and put the cards facing down after committing them to memory.
Then the group burst out laughing at his misfortune from running off his mouth.
“No. I’m serious. I’m killing 2 birds with 1 stone. I get back into the good grace of our Private Chef Master Kirk. Then imagine what goodies he will cook up with exchanging the special ration cards for spices. Tenderizing the meat with booze. Hell yeah! I’m hungry just thinking about it.
“Hahaha. Now I don’t feel so bad getting cleaned out.” PFC Muller chimed in laughing.
“That’s nice and all for you freelance guys, but some of us losers aren’t in your freelance platoon.” Another soldier complained.
“Hey Hey. Speaking of the special ration cards. I heard Captain Allen has been sniffing out the slave girls from the east. I heard he's been spending his ration cards on them eye candies.” another soldier informed.
“What! No Way!
“Didn’t Lord Pheonix gave out an order ‘You bang em you marry em’.”
“The Captain must be bored and lonely. Both of his Landships are operating by the border independently with officers on each ship. They don't’ really need him.”
“The man must be asking for some punishment.”
Then Jones replied in a serious tone. “Punishment? Punishment from whom? From the crazy girls after having to marry them or from the Boss?”
Then everyone burst out laughing at the joke?
“Amen to that brother. Who needs them craaiizy broads when we have the After Battle Highs.”
“Here! Here!” everyone cheered happily.
“Seriously guys. All this shit talk aside. Those poor girls. Forcely taken from their family and violated like that. I wish I could do something for them.” Private Borg spoke with sadness on his face and tone in his voice.
Laying on his cot listening on the peanut gallery. “Why don’t you go save one Private Borg.” Sergeant Jarrett commented.
“What! How? I mean, anyone of us could buy the farm on our next hunt and the girl will be all alone again.” Private Borg spoke sadly.
“You damn virgin!” another soldier accused in a disgusted tone.
“What! I ain’t no virgin you asshole!” Private Borg shouted out defensively.
“Bullshit! That fake memory don’t count!”
“Kuh!” Sneering bitterly. “Well then, more than half of you bastards are virgins too. So I don’t want to hear shit from you all!” Private Borg spit out venomously.
Bursting out in laughter. “Hahaha! That’s right Borg. Don’t take their shit. Let em have it!” Sergeant Jarrett encouraged. Shit! Think God I didn’t die a virgin. Giving that prostitute half of month pay was worth every bit of $7.50 the day before I got shipped out. The best decision I ever made. He smugly thought to himself.
“Shit I’m out!” Corporal Washington cursed as he threw in his cards in disgust as he lost this week's cigarette rations. Then joined Sergeant Jarrett on listening to the peanut gallery.
Daldia Township.
“Therefore, I will be rescinding my offer to the other towns. However, please do encourage the people to immigrate to our town Lord Daldia.”
“I understand Lord Phoenix. I will send messengers right after our training.” Lord Daldia replied feeling pity for the other leaderships with their greed.
“Then let's start our daily magic practice.” Said Spike.
On their way out to the back yard. Spike heard children laughing for the first time in town. The sudden surprising sounds stopped him in his track. It seemed having more food to eat in recent weeks have finally given the local children energy to play. Somehow, witnessing the children play in the backyard where he had planned to practice magic seemed more important and soothing to his soul.
“If you don’t mind Marquess, let's just watch your grandchildren play with their friends for a while. I’m feeling very happy just watching the kids play.” Spike said as he stood on the porch.
“As you will my lord.” Marquis Daldia said then ordered the maid staff to prepare a set of tea for them.
For the next few hours, both men simply observed the children play various games. Lord Daldia enjoyed the peacefulness of watching his grandchildren playing happily. For Spike. It’s was an affirmation that his decision to help these people was the correct one.
“I’m glad I made the decision to save this town Marquess. Watching the children play heals my soul.” Spike commented.
“I’m also grateful that you did my lord.” Marquess replied gratefully.
“Marquess Daldia. I was just wondering. Why did your ancestor leave Stovkow?” Spike casually asked to start a conversation while watching the kids play. “I mean, it’s seems mages are super rare, I just can’t imagine any kingdom giving up such a scarce resources.”
“Mmm.” Marquess Daldia ponder in silence on how he should answer. “I suppose the truth would eventually come out. As I had no intend to keep such secret from you my lord. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
“Oh?” Spike looked at Marquis Daldia.
“My ancestor, 4 generation before me was the was the King of Stovkow.” Marquis solemnly declared.
“What! No Way!” Spike exclaimed in shock as he stared at the Marquis with his jaws on the floor.
With a wryly smile. “4 generations ago, no children of the royal family were born with the ability to use magic. Under the pretext that a King or Queen must possess magic to rule, Duchess Sueann Kraseden, sister to the last king who possessed magic, revolted and usurp the throne upon his death. I suppose it’s much easier to support those who have personal power than those without. Because almost all the nobles ended up supporting the usurper family and alone my ancestor barely escaped with his life to the frontier, then changed his name to Daldia.” Pulling out an amulet, Marquis Daldia hand it over the Spike to inspect. “It’s the Old Stovkow King’s amulet of authority. Completely useless now. If you push the 3 rubies in the shape of a flame at the sametime, the royal seal will release. I’ve held onto it simply as a keepsake.”
When Spike pushed the rubies as instructed, and sure enough, he could see what would be 3 flames inside a 3 circlet if one were to stamp it on a hot wax.
“Ironically, there has been a fire mage born in each generation after the 4th generation. But because the knowledge wasn’t passed on to my great grandfather, as he wasn’t born with a manatite, we’ve had to start from scratch in building our magic knowledge base.”
Spike looked at the Marquis with a solemn face. “Damn. And the descendants of the same usurpers have been stealing and enslaving your new people for all these years. You must be bitter as hell Marquess.”
“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t my lord.”
“Damn. Just damn. That is some ‘Holy Shit!’ bomb you just dropped on my lap. I suppose I should have you go inform Major Jung. The sooner he knows about these things, the better things seemed to workout.” Spike advised the Marquess as he handed back the amulet. I just know that evil bastard will be overjoyed with this information. I can’t see it yet, but I’m sure the scheming and plotting potential from this level of info must be boundless for the Major.
“As you command my lord.”
“So, what was your royal family name Marquess?”
“It was House Honhanzor. And the 3 flames represents the 3 original founding siblings. 1 sister and 2 brothers who forged out a small territory some 5 hundred years ago.”
“Are the current monarch using the same symbol?” Spike asked.
“No, my lord. They currently use only 1 large flame and 1 circlet.” Marquess Daldia replied with a sadness.
“Do you ever think about taking the throne back?” seriously looking at the Marquess.
With a bitter chuckle. “It is but a child’s dream my lord. I have neither the strength nor the resources to do so. And I don’t see how the people of this town would benefit from it. Especially when Stovkow has already rejected my family when they ousted my ancestor.”
“Yeah.” Spike agreed. “I suppose that’s true. But don't you want to stop hiding your real family name now Marquess? I think your ancestors would be unhappy to know that their descendants are unable to wear their name in honor.”
“Are you sure about this my lord? It will bring nothing but trouble to us once the Stovkow royal family finds out.”
“Well that’s true. But, I believe you should be free to proudly wear your family name in the open. Without their success, you would not be here now. You should honor their memory. The very idea that you must hide what you are reminds me too much of discrimination and oppression. I believe in fighting for freedom to live freely.” Spike declared. Looks like I have to work harder to score some points to quickly increase our forces. “But lets clear it with the Major first. This is a troublesome matter. And I’m obviously feeling overly sensitive to sense of justice right now.”
The Marquess nodding in agreement spoke. “As you will my lord.”
Stovkow, Capital City Valennce.
“As per your command your Majesty. Orders have been sent out for 90% of all knights units to pull out of the borders and rally at Castle Bers. And we also expect to gather many freeman who are falling into debt. With the crown's offer of rights to loot, we expect to fill the footmen rank rather quickly.” General Korneol explained.
“What is the time frame before the Army marches General?” Queen Gizala asked calmly as she sat on the command chair in the warroom.
“We expect 7 to 10 day your Majesty. As the assault force will consist of knights and light footmen only. We expect 8000 knights and 10,000 light footmen will be ready move out. Any other forces added will only slow down their movement and impede our goal. This forces with 4 mages in support should be more than enough to cause long term damage to Theolamor’s population and economy. As to how much time this would buy us, we won’t know until the final result. We will continually raid and harass the Theolamor while they dig up the ruins to further slow down their dig. If we are lucky enough we may be able to buy more than a generation or 2 worth of time. Perhap fortunes will change for us by then. Even the Kindarth Empire took more than a few generation to learn from their discovery of the ruins and implement them. But has her majesty decided on who will led the assault army?” General Korneol added.
Feeling emotionally exhausted after many days of constant rage and anger, Queen Gizala took a deep breath while looking at the nervous General Korneol. “I had originally planned to lead the assault to vent my anger, but I suddenly find myself feeling exhausted and not as angry. Send message to my son, Crown Prince Luthen. His presence will also increase the number of mages for this mission. Also, he could use some merit from the long stalemate at the ruin skirmishes.” She ordered.
“As you command your majesty. But is it worth risking the Crown Prince for such mission?” General Korneol ask.
“I have faith in Luthen’s ability general Korneol.” Queen Gizala calmly replied.
“As you command your Majesty.” General Korneol bowed and quickly left the meeting room.
As Queen Gizala brooded silently sitting on her chair, she felt herself being squeezed from the pressure. Pressure from the rebellion, Pressure from the 15 years long war with the Theolamor. Pressure from having to maintain control of the nobles. And this last attempt for her Kingdom to stay equal to Theolamor. Understanding that it will be many years before Stovkow can move so many soldiers like this.
There is nothing more Queen Gizala would love than to burn the entire Theolamor to the ground. With the death of her oldest and favorite child, Princess Kristyn at the hand of Theolamor, it was impossible for her to make peace with them. She could not forgive. The hatred was simply too great. She could not imagine herself with talks of peace with an enemy she found so despicable.
What made it worst was that with the loss of control over the ruins in the near future, it was only matter of few generations before the economic and possibly military discovery from the ruins crushes her kingdom. The gains Theolamor will make, it was impossible for them to not take advantage. It was even very possible that in the future, Theolamor would swallow up all of Stovkow as a nation.
Will history judge me as an incompetent and the cause of Stovkow decline? Queen Gizala asked herself as she sat alone in the war room. During her life, because of her infamous anger and violence, Queen Gizala Kraseden drove away any potential consort, except for bootlickers which she despises. In her younger days, in anger, she burned to death more than her share of castle servants, where even now, all the servants walked on glass floor around her. And now, she sat alone by herself.
There never was a man she found good enough for her. Or perhaps she chased them all way. With the reputation she developed from her rages, no sane man wanted to come near her. Her 3 children were begotten from flings in her younger days.
When her Princess Kristyn died, in a fit of uncontrollable anger, she personally rage attacked the Theolemor forces at the ruins causing massive damage to them and nearly killing herself. If it wasn’t for the fact that her mana ran out her, bodyguards would not have been able to get near to pull Queen Gizala out to safety. Hence, also increasing her reputation as the Mad Queen Gizala.
Kyzdon, near Shator Keep.
“With our surprise attacks, and judging from the field, looks like the Margrave Kyzdon barely started to harvest. This is good news for us. It will take many months for any relief forces to arrive to save Kyzdon. But I still want scouts sent out incase of unexpected reinforcement for the Kyzdon.” Steward Caldrun said as he looked at everyone gathered inside the makeshift tent for the meeting. 5 captains of their respective commands and steward Caldrun to discussed their battle plans.
“Then it’ll be a long siege.” Sir Vananbeir commented.
Steward Caldrun nodding in acknowledgement. “That it is. We’ll maintain the encirclement of Shator Keep and force them to eat up their food supplies. My assessment is that we have atleast 2 months before anyone can mass up enough force and march on over to assist Kyzdon.” Looking at Sir Vananbeir again. “Be Sure to destroy all the bridges while you're out trampling the territory. Make it hard for any relief forces. It’s not like we’ll be trading with Stovkow in the near future so any functioning bridges will only help our enemy. All their earth mages are in the ruins and it’s a long travel from there.”
“Understood Sir Caldrun. Any…”
“Urgent message for Sir Caldrun! Urgent message!” Someone outside shouted as the horse trotting come to a stop.
The ruckus outside the tent cause the meeting to stop. And an exhausted rider, Sir Banderan, a junior knight everyone recognized burst into the tent holding a scroll in his hand.
Reading the distraughtness of the young knight to indicate the urgency of the message, Sir Caldrun quickly received the scroll without question and read the content. His face quickly turned ashen. More he read worst his expression got.
“Sir Caldrun! What is it?”
Steward Caldrun was so completely shocked that he could not talk, but simply froze in place.
“The Barons extermination army has been completely defeated.” Sir Banderan offered in distraught. “And the Baron is presumed to have fallen in battle.”
Then the senior knights irrupted in shock.
“What do we do now?”
“What about our plans?”
They all exclaim in fear for the future.
Coming back to his sense, smashing his fist on the table. “Enough!” Steward Caldun shouted. “This changes nothing. We follow the plans laid out by the Baron. We’ve already crossed the point of no return. Either we achieve victory or we are all damned men.” He roared at the leaders of the rebellion with a defiant sneer. “Who else know of the Baron’s demise?” He ask Sir Banderan.
“Just the scout that brought the message, me, and Knight Captain Kalhaiden. Sir Caldrun.” Sir Banderan quickly replied.
Steward looked around the leadership. “Speak nothing of this. It will only affect the men's moral. Sir Vananbier. I’m leaving you in charge. Follow the plans. Sir Blankar will be vice commander. Don’t forget your training when handling the Margrave, should he come out behind his walls. I’m leaving for Castle Grannor now.” He sneered. “I’ll send words as I find out just what the hell is happening in the west. Remember, follow the Baron’s plan. We follow his plan, that’s how we honor him.” Making a fist and allowing the mana to flow out from his fist. “And remember, Baron Myojhuk was strong, but he has half of my blood.” Then he release the mana to shoot out a strong gust of wind to remind them who he is as he looked at the captains with an angry sneer.
Each captain acknowledge in their own way before Steward Caldrun quickly walked out the tent shouting for his horse and bodyguards.
Madness! Steward Caldrun scream in his head. How could my nephew die. He was so damn powerful. Some new force in the frontier besides the goblin horde! We’ve been raiding them for years. Surely, this unknown force must be hostile. This makes no sense. My own magic is only half as strong as my nephew’s. Damn it all. So many thought ran through the Stewards mind as he rode out of the camp.
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