《Nexus》Ch12 - We want more bullets down range.
Spike set cross leg inside his tent as he meditated about what to do. This is his first time meditating as such. The overwhelming changes from his recent situation felt suffocating to the point of feeling as if his body was slowly being squized. But he understand that it’s coming from an environment he is unfamiliar with. One by one, I’ll figure this shit out.
Major Jung asked me what I want to do in this world. Barely two weeks ago, I was busy trying to be a good example for my younger siblings and make living in that shitty world. But here, it’s not about making a living, but surviving and growing strong. Become so strong that most thing stop being a threat. Frontier gives use the most benefit in that regard, but has the highest risk. Fighting humans are easy with good payoff, but killing them for power doesn't sit well with me. So the frontier is where our future lies.
Then...Keep the asshat in the east on their side of the border. But Major Jung said that there is a high possibility of having to clash with them after their civil war. We’ll cross that bridge when the time comes.
I can rely on Major Jung to command the military as he has been doing so far. And leave the civilian matters to the Marquess as we planned.
My priority is to keep fighting to get stronger. Summoning more men at this time is the greatest contribution I can make. Then followed by increasing my magic ability for long term survivability. I can’t believe that Baron Myojhuk killed 8 of my men and sent another squad to the infirmary so quickly, even against our weapon technology. This magic shit is no joke!
Then, how to fight in the frontier? 3 serious casualty from fighting a pack of large oversized wolves. If we take such casualty everytime we fight, at this rate, we would be struggling with too many permanently crippled men. We won't be able to sustain our combat readiness if this keeps up. And having crippled men suicide to summon healthy men isn’t an option. We need to find better tactical options to fight in the frontier.
And then more than half the combat forces just become a jailer for the captured Stovkow prisoner of war. Damn!
There is a part of Spike that wants to summon an advanced level tactical instructor from higher summoning era. But Spike remember why such school like Ranger School was made from historical point of view. It’s was made because the lessons learned during WW2 were being lost as the soldiers of that era slowly left the military to live out their lives as a civilian. Creation of similar types of schools for the nations around the world was a method to keep that knowledge and pass it on to the next generation of soldiers.
The problem is, many of these schools had changed with each advancement of technology in war fighting. Even if he were to summon these souls, their knowledge is based on using advance tech, mostly fighting other advanced tech soldiers. And summoning equipment from those respective era is just too costly. Paying out over 300RP to summon LTC MD Simmons with the right medical equipment from his era to do his job proficiently is a reminder. He has to find a balance with the best pay off.
Captain Wraeth said think of it like a business. Reduce cost with maximum pay off. I think it’s time to have a chat with Lieutenant Moore. Spike thought.
Spike left his tent followed by his bodyguard team. He know that Lieutenant Moore would be visiting the 3 injured from yesterday so he headed toward the medical tent.
Private Smith and Sergeant White had their missing limbs patched up relatively quick. But the operation on Private Raines was exceptionally difficult without summoning a proper team of surgery nurse from his era which caused the surgery to take all night. And now, Raines slept under heavy medication.
Already, there were talks of transferring them to a desk job and giving them a ‘on the job training’ (OJT) course. But the biggest discovery was that Doctor Simmons observed Private Smith’s eyes changing color during injury diagnosis. There were speckles of red in his irises. That prompt a check up on the other Freelance platoon. Which expanded to the rest of the near by Phoenixian soldiers. In the check up, so far, it was found that all the summoned soldier who participated in the Goblin horde battle had varying degree of red speckles in their irises.
Question arose if this was a physical sign that they had acquired enough spiritual energy to move on or they were getting close, and that having their eye color change too be like Spike’s eyes would be the end result. If so would that signify their spiritual energy restoration and that they can finally move on upon their death. The topic was very exciting for the Phoenixian soldiers.
When he walked into the tent. Lieutenant Moore and half a dozen men were chatting quietly with both Private Smith and Sergeant White. They were making fun of Smith by telling him he now needs to learn to masterbate with his other hand. And promising Sergeant White that they will get him an eye patch to match his missing feet. Wow, hard ass bastards. Merciless. Spike thought. But Lieutenant Moore quickly reminded them that they had others in the Hospital tent to keep the conversation tamed.
“Men.” Spike quietly greeted everyone.
“Sir!” Everyone softly replied.
Looking at Sergeant White and Private Smith simply amazed Spike. Even getting an amputation had no negative effect on their after battle high.
Seriously! Spike thought to himself. Shouldn’t they be in lots of pain with depression from losing a limb. I’m so fucking jealous! And I’m here worrying about these assholes. Gwwaaad damn it! I wouldn’t be surprise if Private Raines was having a wet dream in his comatose state.
Looking at the corner of the tent, Spike quickly identified Rikko surrounded by what appeared to be her family members from the look of similar shaped ears and tail. A young very attractive women with soft yellow hair and a younger boy with similar looking were siting on both side of the bed holding Rikko’s hand. Spike felt a sudden pang of ache in his heart witnessing their warmth. His never experienced a love of a parent. As the oldest, it was a struggle being the big brother. It left a sudden feeling of wanting in his heart.
Both family members wore a very poor common cloth like everyone else in town. But he noticed, they didn’t look extremely malnourished as the general public. Skinny, but not malnourished. Spike thought it must be the perk of being a hunter. Going out and gathering food meant feeding your children with little more food than others. That is, before the Phoenixian’s arrival.
Spike nodded to Rikko and made a hand gesture for her to relax to prevent her from getting up with her stomach wound.
Looking back at the men. “Lieutenant Moore. I’d like a meeting with the platoon after lunch. It's a discussion about changing out our weapons to deal with tactical changes within the frontiers. I’ll even summon up some ration goodies so the men can relax and be open minded.”
“Yes sir. I’ll have the men formed up. Will they need to bring anything with them?”
“No. I don’t think so. I just need their thinking mind. Have the men form up by the firing range.” Spike replied. “Hmm. If you run across any of the other combat officers and noncoms, if they have the time, invite them as well.”
“Yes sir.”
Then Spike walked up to Rikko’s bed to greet her. Rikko’s children stood up and bowed when he approached.
“How are you feeling Rikko?” Spike inquired.
“It hurts like hell Lord Phoenix, but the Healer Simmons said it’s not a killing wound in the Phoenix Kingdom. So I am very grateful to have more time with my children my lord.” Rikko spoke weakly. “These are my children lord Phoenix. Annalia and Pytro.” both her children respectfully bowed again to Spike.
“Hello Annalia. Hello Pytro.” Spike didn’t like the idea of people bowing to him, but the evil Major Jung gave him one helluva lecture about knowing his status. And if he honestly wants to help the frontier people, he needs to quickly learn to deal with these changes.“I’m glad you are quickly recovering. You, are valued citizen of our Phoenix Kingdom. Daldia town would have been a lesser place without you.” Spike said as he warmly smiled at her. Then as he looked at her children. “But you know, I never realized you had such an older children. I would never have guessed with you looking so young.”
“Do you not have demi humans where you come from my lord?” Rikko asked weakly.
“No. Only humans.” Noticing Rikko’s fatigue brought concern to Spike. “But I think I should stop bothering you for now and let you get some rest. We can talk after you get well.” He assured.
The after lunch meeting turn out was more than expected. The combat leadership was very curious about the new weapons Spike would summon and how it may affect their survivability as they push deeper into the frontier. Even the Major took the time to join the meeting.
Hopefully they didn't just show up for the goodies I normally summon. Spike normally summoned luxury food for General officers for diplomatic functions. It's only mana and he felt there was no point in summoning something of lesser quality.
Nodding to everyone as they took a seat on the ground.“Thank you all for showing up. As you all heard from last night's debriefing. Even though we won the fights against those giant wolves, we still got our assess kicked. We can't sustain our battles strength this way and I want to discuss using different weapons. As I'm the only one who can see the future weapons, without summoning an officer from the said era wars, I will simply speak of what I think and know, then anyone can comment after.”
Spike summoned a 100 round magazine loaded Tommy Gun. “I want to replace our Springfield and Lewis Gun with this Thompson Submachine Gun when we go into the thick forest. Effective range is 150 meters, but we often can’t see anything past 5 to 25 meters in the forest. So I believe the range is irrelevant. This will give us more killing power and Lewis Gun is just too big and bulky to react quickly enough in the forest. The spotters would be issued the shotguns we currently have in the armory. This would give them better close combat capability. We really could have used them when the giant wolves jumped us at damn near melee range. I can't believe none of us saw them big ass wolves until they were right on us. In any case, to demonstrate.” Spike unload the entire 100 round drum on the wooden target shredding a good portion of the wood.
(Note: Tommy gun was actually designed during WWI. But few days before prototypes were shipped to Europe for field testing, the war stopped. It was predominantly used during ww2 and the mobsters. So I made it a WW2 era summoning.)
“Do we have something better from other countries sir?” Lieutenant Ward ask.
“Good question XO. As I'm not able to see the stats of the weapon. I can only go off by the names of the weapons. So I’m mostly going off on my personal knowledge. This Tommy Gun is very Famous in the old cinema. So I'm assuming it was popular for a reason. And it fits the bill. I don't think it will be cost efficient to summon every combat officers from each era and each nation. And from our current knowledge of summoning, you men only possess weapons knowledges up to the time you bought the farm and its seams to be randomized on the time of death with in the era when I summon a soul. And in addition, I currently have 0 summon spot open.” Spike answered.
With this opening discussion, the flood gate opened up for many different combat scenarios. Need for artillery, aero recon, better combat medical support from the base and combat zone etc…But artillery was a problem as the compases did not work and they have yet to create a working grid square map.
The meeting Spike thought to last only few hours, lasted until the sun finally disappeared. Then it was agreed that they continue the discussion next morning. Everyone understood the importance of the changes needed to survive in this world. And they all wanted to be on the up page of the information flow.
Next day morning, during mass breakfast meeting, at the firing range.
“Sir!” Captain Wraeth spoke. “In conjunction to the weapons upgrade, I want to strongly advocate bringing up our training standard and integrating our hunters unto the curriculum. The skills the hunters possess is just too invaluable to our survival and we would be negligent to ourselves by not learning everything they can teach us. Frankly speaking Sir. The high commands all across different nations during our era considered your basic infantryman as a cannon fodder. Our basic infantrymen did not have high survival rate and because of it, not enough time nor resources were invested in their training. I would like to change that for us.”
Spike remember the Captain briefly mentioning something about that at the goblin caves. “Captain Wraeth. I agree with you. Can I leave it to you to work with Hunt Master Malikai in developing a training program?”
“Yes Sir. It will be my pleasure.”
“I’m assigning this as priority mission for you captain. Send me whatever requisitions orders you need.”
Spike spent total of 31RP in summoning other similar types of weapons also from the UK, France and Germany. With better understanding of what was available, everyone thought to switch to Thompson Gun for fighting in the thick forest. Germany’s MP 18 came close to their needs from WWI era, but having 100 round drum could not be discounted.
Then Captain Allen spoke up. “Sir. What about your weapon. Wouldn’t it be better simply pay the bulk price if it's not overly expensive.
“Damn. You are so right. We were all so caught up on WWI era. M249 SPW will only cost 80RP for 512 vs. 20RP for 512 Tommy Guns. So let's do that.” Spike said. “Also, have the officers figured out how you want to spend the large points from our battle with the Stovkow?”
“We have Sir. Captain Lee brought up the subject of using airplanes to do an aero recon to draw up a wider and better map. It will also give us the ability to recon wider and bigger area for future expansion. But we need an air strip before we take that step. Can you tell what an airplane cost and what type they are?”
After focusing to look at the price. “I'm sorry Major. I have no idea of the actual type. I'm simply not familiar with detailed machinery from your era. But looks like most of the planes cost around 40RP and up. I should call up a pilot before we start clearing up the forest for an air strip.”
“That's fine Sir. We’ll have the prisoners clear out the woods as they chop down the trees to build their housings.” Major Jung replied.
Then Lieutenant Moore cleared his throat as he looked at the major.
Quickly glancing at the Lieutenant, Major Jung spoke. “Also Sir. Until Lieutenant Reed returns from the Stovkow border with the scouts. I strongly suggest you stay and practice magic with the Marquess. From your last incursion in the west, it's obvious that you need a hunter’s assistance. I want at least one hunter with you. I think if you had even 1 hunter in your freelance platoon in your last outing, there would have been less casualty.” Major Jung advised.
“Yes. You are correct.” Spike agreed. “We didn't expect the danger would increase so much so quickly in the absence of the Goblins. When will Lieutenant Reed return?”
“I gave him orders to close up shop in 2 more days. Plus 1 day to march back with new prisoners. So you have 3 days worth of practice sir.”
“Also sir. Is there better protective gears from later era that you are aware of. Your current armor type leaves you with too many exposed areas and body parts.” The Major inquired.
“Hmm… well yes but with the cost increase from later era difference, I found it to be too expensive.”
“How expensive Sir?” Major Jung Strongly inquired as he gave Spike hard stare. Which made Spike squirm.
“Ah well, the Assassin S3 body armor designed for special ops from my era costs 350RP adjusted.” Spike answered. In his era, the S3 armor was so expensive, Spec Ops soldiers had to sign on for 10 years contract. Each individual armors were personally body shaped for optimal performance and not suited for interchanging parts.
“Sigh! Sir did you forget what I said before about you being critical to our survival. We could all die today, but as long as you survive, we can comeback. You are our life insurance. Literary Sir.” Major chitted.
“Well. I felt that if we use the RP to expand our military resources on hand instead, we could speed up building up our security. And we pretty much curb stomped everything we ran across with our industrialized weapons. So I thought we had more time and I wasn't thinking about it.”
Taking a deep breath. “Sir, now that we have some RP, please summon this Assassin S3 body armor. After some analysis of your last outing, officers have come to a conclusion last night that other creatures are quickly moving in to fill in the power vacuum the goblins have left behind. Which means there are too many unknown dangers out there your freelance platoon will be facing.” Major Jung said. Then he pointed behind him at all the men assembled for the meeting. “Dying would be very unpleasant Sir. But, everyone of us would be incredibly upset if you died. Don’t screw us by dying cheaply, Sir! But not only that, you would put the Daldia township in jeopardy with your death.” Major Jung said in a tone to put peer pressure and whole lot of guilt on to Spike.
Shit! I screwed up. I known better than that. It's also my job to keep myself alive. Damn it! Spike felt like a child being chitted by a parent after making an unwise decision. Feeling a really embarrassed. “I understand Major. I'll correct my mistake before going out on the next hunt.” Spike assured him. Last thing I want is for the men to lose confidence in me and keep me locked up.
Putting his hand on Spike shoulder to encourage him. “In any case sir, I'm very happy to see you being proactive in working to increase our survivability. Just please don't forget about yourself. You may not like it, but we are all expendable as long as you survive. You have heart sir. And we all love you for it. But don't let that get in the way of our long term goal. Don’t let any feeling of guilt get in the way of spending RP especially for when it comes to increasing your personnel survivability. Because there will be many more sacrifices to be made in the future.”
CASTLE GRANNOR, Baron Myojhuk’s Territory Capital.
To whom may it be in charge of deceased Baron Mhojhuk’s territories. You will cease and desist all further aggression and expansion into the Daldia township. Be advised that any territory you see our flag of the Phoenix, the area has been claimed. This is your one and only warning.
Should you seek prisoners exchange, send your merchants. Any armed forces entering our territory will be dealt accordingly.
Minister of State, Marquess Karan Daldia.
Military Director of the Phoenix Army, Major Jung.
“What’s the meaning of this message.” Sir Kalhaiden cried out.
“I don’t know Sir Kalhaiden. They only spared my life for this message to be delivered.”The bandaged scout fearfully replied while holding his blistered arm.
“And what of the rest of the Baron’s men?” Sir Kalhaiden demanded.
“I don’t know Sir. They had me locked up the whole time. I don't know.” The scout begged.
“Damn!” Sir Kalhainden cursed. He had been left behind to defend Castle Grannor and to continue building up the defensive fortifications all over the rebel lands. But this is way over his head. He cursed himself for being the one to receive this message. The next in line of command from the Baron would be steward Caldrun. He decided his only real choice is to quickly forward this message to the steward.
“Quickly! Get a rider ready for Steward Caldrun. Now!” Sir Kalhaiden ordered. All our plans are in jeopardy. We must do something without losing time, before everything we’ve prepared for is lost. “And put our defense forces near the frontier on alert!” How could there be a force in the fronteir that could completely destroy the subjugation force and the Baron himself?
Margraves Kyzdon’s territory.
“So he isn’t coming out! We gave him a day and even allowed his rider to return with news of the east. Insightful old bastard!” Steward Caldrun cursed. “It would have been nice to have reduced his number before my nephew joined us. But this was a possibility.”
“Your orders Sir Caldrun?” Sir Vananbeir asked.
“As per contingency plan, take everything. If we can’t move it within 3 days time, pillage it. Be sure to leave nothing for the Margrave to build back up. Without the people and resources to build, in addition to the lose of face from this, the Margrave will be finished.” Steward Caldrun shouted out his order for everyone to hear. A reminder to the men why they are doing this. “Then it will be our time to rule! The Margrave can keep his walls. We’ll take everything outside of it. ”
The men shouted in approval. They knew the Stovkow Kingdom could not afford to react to this rebellion, not without losing in the eastern front. With all the adjacent territories pillaged, burning, and depopulated of peasant labor. The lands around them would essentially became useless.
“Move up the men and start assembling the trebuchet. Maintain patrol of the area. It’s time the Margrave see who we are.”
Baron Antenok’s territory.
Being outnumbered by 351 rebel Knights, Tinur’s 200 trained defenders, mostly consisting of foot soldiers, fell under an hour. A town of little over 2000 population, with no historical enemy, did not have a strong walls in place. All the retainers of Hasbrig’s Knight family that did not join the frontier raids were put to the sword.
Upon arrival of Sir Kajiak’s and his vanguard knights, the entire Hasbrig family were brought out in front of the family manor.
“Gag them all. I don't want to hear them scream from what I'm about to do.” Sir Kajiak instructed his junior knights.
The children and women started to wail in fear as they had clothes shoved into their mouth. Sir Kajiak simply waiting until his instruction were completed and deeply drank from his water skin to quench his thirst from the hard ride.
Walking toward the Sir Hasbrig and his 1st son Arron. “Stand them up.” Given them a cold stare as they were propped up, Sir Kajiak punched the son in the face until he fell to the ground, then kick him in his chest until several of his ribs broke. Sir Kajiak waited as Arron squirmed on the ground in pain while his family screamed in fear through their gag. Seeing one of the junior knight with a mace, Sir Kajiak motioned him to lend it to him. Then he used the mace to smash both kneecap of Sir Hasbrig causing him to scream in pain.
Giving the Hasbrig head enough to time come to his sense from the pain. “I have often fantasized about what I would do once I have your entire family kneeling like this. It’s a pity your 3rd son is with Baron Antenok. But no matter, he will be dead soon enough.” Sir Kajiak very calmly spoke, and his face reflected his calmness. “I’m sure you don’t remember me. I am but one of the multitude result of your many plundering of peasant families you’ve sold off to slavery... to meet your ruinous tax quota. I was only 12 when you sold me off to the whorehouse. I was forced to service disgusting old women and fat men.” Slowly putting pressure on Arron’s broken ribs. “Some nights, I still hear my sister scream as you raped her Arron.” Looking at Sir Hasbrig’s oldest son. “Then you passed her around for you men to enjoy. I later found out she died from a disease contracted while working as a sex slave in a brothel. She was only few years older them me. I have no idea what happened to my mother after your men had their fun with her. My father, you sold him to the Kalnerik mine. Nobody has ever lived past 2 years in that death mine.” Sir Kajiak said as he spit on Sir Hasbrig’s face.
Keeping his calmness as if was having a simple conversation with someone he is very familiar with. “You know, even though we were poor, as I think back, we were happy. I loved my sister, she dotted on me. My mother was very nurturing as any good mother would be. And my father was a strict father to teach me discipline, and a hard working man.” looking back at the eyes of hate on both injured men, he kick them both in the stomach before continuing his monologue. “Few days ago, when I burned Rendierk to ashes, I watched all the peasant, serf, slaves, and commoners on their long march out of the city. And I realized I almost became like you. A fucking parasite.” Savagely kicking the 2nd son forcing Sir Hasbrig and his 1st son to watch helplessly. Then he cried out to them in accusation. “You take our food, our labor, and our freedom. And you call it tax. And if we can’t pay because of bad harvest, you sell us off to slavery for coins. The poor toil the land and the craftsman build. But you, what do you bring to the table but oppression! You enrich yourself by what you take from us, but do you give anything back in return? Hmm? That’s right. Even the wars you fights, it’s the poor who die in mass while you parasites ride high and mighty on your warhorses fed by peasants and protected with armors made by craftsmen.”
Feeling the resentment and hate build up Sir Kajiak sneered. “Look at your women. Wearing fancy clothes and jewelries. Do you have any idea how many hungry family could have been saved in exchange for her expensive dress and the jewelry she’s wearing!” Looking at Sir Habrigs women. “I suppose I can't fully blame you for that. I'm sure she nagged you to hell about how other noble women have something fancy while she does not.” Sir Kajiak motion for his men to rip their dresses apart.
Sir Hasbrig’s wife and their daughters scream in terror through her gag as more tears dropped. They were stipped naked and tossed to the ground.
Calming himself Sir Kajiak continued. “I thought about having my men take your women while you are forced to watch. Just as you did with me and my father, but I’ve decided I will spare my men. They don’t need to dirty themselves with your filthy sows. I even thought about selling off your grandchildren to the whorehouse like what you did to me and many other young boys and girls. Look around you. All my juniors, they are your creation, but the world doesn’t need more boys to grow up to be like me or my fellow junior knights.” Sir Kajiak said calmly without any emotion, as if looking into something in distant.
Then Sir Kajiak signaled his junior knights to slit the throat of the Hasbrig’s family, except for the father and the 1st son.
He watched the 2 men as if he were observing 2 curious animals as they raged and screamed.
As Sir Kajiak stared at the face of the 2 defeated men. “I will be taking this town and all it’s inhabitant. Since you failed to protect them as your duty as their lord, I shall be taking them all. And you shouldn’t have to worry about your 3rd son Bilet. He will be joining you soon enough when we kill Baron Antenok. We’ve set up a very generous ambush for their demotion.” Sir Kajiak said, then spit on Sir Hasbrig’s face again. “In your last moments of life, know that your bloodline will die with your 3rd son.” As Sir Kajiak look into the eyes of the Hasbrig men in contempt. Then he personally smashed their skull in with the borrowed mace.
From looking at the dead bodies, Sir Kajiak turn to the junior knights. “Start setting up the ambush as planned. Let’s give Baron Antenok a very welcome home greeting.”
With the look of satisfaction, the junior knight promptly jumped on Sir Kajiak’s command.
Once the last son dies with Baron Antenok, then I will be free. Sir Kajiak thought to himself. Then he swore in silence that he will not become like the other nobles.
Count Morrogain’s territory.
“Count Morrogain, the merchant guild has made an inquiry if there is something going on the roads. They report that it’s been 2 days since any merchants have enter the port city. Should I send out some men to investigate?”
“What? That goes without asking. It’s very unusual that no merchants have entered.The neighbor lords may be looking for ransom again. So send extra men as needed.”
“Yes my Count. Then moving onto the next agenda. As per order, the extra merchant ship we launched to increase the trade volume last month has increased our overall cost. The demand for trade goods have fallen short as of lately to compound the cost. Should I have the shipyard hold the completion of of the warship my lord?” steward Linto asked.
“Sigh! I just knew it would turn out this way. That bitch of a usurper’s granddaughter. I told her this would drop our overall profit margin. She has no concept of supply and demand. Why did my grandfather ever support the usurper family!” Count Julian Morrogain cursed.
Steward Linto waited in silence as the count vented. His family has been a steward to the Morrogain family for 6 generation now. They held absolute trust from the County’s family where the current heads of the master and servant family didn't bother to hide their thought and feelings from each other. A symbiote relationship both family has greatly profited.
“That greedy stupid women only knows how to spend. And she demands I increase her tax share. For what? So she can spend more on that godforsaken Ruin War with no end in sight. That stupid bitch must think I catch gold coins with my fishing net!” Count Morrogain decried.
After giving the Count a few moment to gather himself. “You orders my lord?” Steward Linto ask.
“Sigh! We have no choice. Finish the ship. Then man it with minimal skeletal crew. We still have a need for it in the future. If not, if for some reason things miraculously turn favorable, we can always sell it to one of the City-state... I’ll fund the warship myself.
“Yes, my Count. Also, there has been reports from merchants who were in Baron Myojhuk’s territory a week ago. They report an increase of man at arms in the territory, more then usual. This could be signs of internal skirmish or territory border clash. Demands for weapons and armors could rise in the near future, pending level of escalation. Also the increase in man at arms could be linked to the absence of merchants in the last few days. ”
“Hmm. Start setting up grounds work to increase production with the crafters guild, but don't commit yet. It's highly unlikely for that debauchery to do anything besides visiting the whorehouse. A pity. He had such promise before he changed from his father's death. In anycase, this could be false alert.” Count Morrogain instructed. “That reminds me, any new development with our partners in the City-state regarding the Ruin War?”
“No new news my Count.”
“Hmm. Let's give it until next year before we make our move Linto.” Count warned. “If nothing changes by then, then we’ll start putting things in motion.”
Theolemor Capital City Eikra
“General Lucint. General Kalin. And staff.” King Caspin Luk IV greeted as he walked into the royal war room.
“You Majesty.” Both Captain General Lucint Hawril and Lieutenant General Kalin Seigarnyn greeted as King Caspin took his position. In the war room, it was standard practice to not observe to much formality. It made communication much more smoother.
Nodding his approval of his future grandson in law’s presence, the King spoke. “Thank you all for rapidly assembling. 2 days ago, Duke Chuang Pairamee received communication from his spy. It was a risky gamble but the good Duke’s decision had hit the mark. Simply put, Duke's decision has lead to a rebellion inside Stovkow Kingdom.”
The announcement created an expected uproar in the war room filled with over a hundred personnel. No one but the King and the Duke knew of the plan. There would have been too many oppositions in sending financial assistance to what could seriously backfire on the Theolemor Kingdom.
King Caspin let the war room settle down before he raised his hand to silence the room. “Since Duke Chuang was the mastermind behind this, I shall pass the honor to the Duke to brief you all.”
With all the eyes expectantly on Duke Chuang, he cleared his throat and proudly stepped forward. “3 years ago, Baron Myujhuk sent a personal emissary in seeking our aid. After doing some research on the man, I came to a realization that he was sincere on his offer. What he sought was revenge against his liege Margrave Kyzdon. In return for our financial help, which we made arrangements with few selected merchant houses, he would rebel with his barony and burn the territories bordering him. If the Baron should succeed,then 1/6th of Stovkow territory would either be pillaged or rebelled, in addition to cutting them off from parts of the frontier they have been yoking. This would severely reduce Stovkow’s long term ability to sustain the Ruin War. If the message is correct, which I believe without doubt, then Baron Myojhuk’s plan is taking place as I speak.”
Their quiet murmurs of excitement with that final announcement burst up again before settling down.
“Strategically, with this new development, we will increase pressure on the Stovkow forces around the ruins. With the loss they face in the ruin and losing a good portion of their future replacements and supplies. They will have to give up the ruins or fight a long term losing war for the ruins. Logically speaking, they should give up the ruins and use their military resource on crushing the rebellion. But with Queen Gizala’s past behavior of irrationally, who can say. It's hard to predict that unreasonable and insane woman.”
Then the room burst into light laughter.
”Do we have plans to push past the ruins to annex any Stovkow territory, your Majesty?” Viscountess Margo Xebgiston asked, often called Lady of Fire from her exploits with fire magic in the battlefield.
“That is a good question Viscountess.” King Caspin replied. “I would love to take advantage of their weakness, but we are also constraint with our own resource limitations. But I suppose should some of my enterprising nobles were to take advantage of any opportunities that may arise from this, I have no problem with it.” The King declare. Then he could see the greed in the lower noble eyes light up. If they go off on their own without using the royal coffer to finance their greedy ambitions and create future taxable territories, I'm all for it. Greed is a powerful tool if used correctly. King Caspin smugly thought to himself.
Taking in the disposition of the war room, King Caspin commanded. “My Generals and commanders. Once you get back to your respective commands, I expect you to intensify the skirmishes all across the contested zones. Breakthrough wherever and capitalize on it. Bleed the Stovkow where ever you can. General Lucint, what's our current forces in the Stovkow border?”
“Our current forces consist of 8000 knights, 1500 archers, 30,000 foot soldiers, 100 ballistas, augmented by 5000 City-state mercenaries and 3000 slave soldiers strung out mostly at the Ruins.” General Lucint replied.
“And General Kalin, what is the expectant amount of reserve we can call up for the next 6 months?” King Caspin asked.
“Your Majesty. It would take about 2 weeks to call up 3000 knights, 500 archers, and another 5000 foot soldiers. However, putting together enough support materials will take at least 30 days or we will endanger our harvest and risk causing a minor mid winter famine. Once the harvest is complete, I forecast about another 10,000 peasant troops. But the surviving peasants must return to planting by Spring or we risk long term shortage of food in addition to decline to the future population. The shortage of men with this Ruin War... I’m sure everyone is aware of...it's difficult. Also, if we pull anymore garrison troops from the territories, we risk losing control to the many criminal groups that has risen in the many years. “
There was no reason for General Kalin to mention why so many criminal groups has risen. With the long ruinous war economy to support the Ruin War. Many commoners either join the King's Army or sell themselves to the criminal groups as debt slaves to avoid dying in the war.
“So there you have it everyone. You have until Spring to shift the balance of this war.” Looking at Countess Margo, “How are your Mages Countess?”
“They are ready your Majesty. Unfortunately, we are at a stalemate with the Stovkow mages as usual.” Countess Margo Xebgiston reminded. It was a well known by all, that mages of both sides had been stuck in stalemate since the beginning of the war. Both sides started with near 2 dozen mage’s of varying skills. But for the last few years, they have been stuck at 8 vs 9. With Stovkow having 1 more mage. “If we just had 4 more mages, we could turn this around. But the youngins will need many more years of training to be any use for battles. Fortunately, Stovkow also has this problem . If we could just…”
There was no need for the Countess to finish. Everyone in the room knew what she wanted to say. Theolemor have been lobbying the City-states for years to allow them to higher their mages, but there was no way that would happen. The City-states simply made too much money from the Ruin War and prolonging the war best served their interest. And sending their trouble makers by hiring them off as a mercenaries to the Theolemor’s Kingdom created additional opportunity for the City-states by getting rid of them in foreign war while making profit.
“Then in 3 days, start our offense in putting pressure on the Stovkow.” King Caspin commanded. “I want you all to use this time to iron out the detail of supplies and replacements for the opperation.”
Stovkow, Capital City Valennce.
“Just How? How is it possible. The entire southwest in flame and the rebellion of Baron Myojhuk.” Sitting in shock at the head of the royal dining table, Queen Gizala Kraseden of Stovkow Kingdom screamed in rage. “How! Just how! How could that old fool allow this to happen!”
The royal dining hall lay in silence as their queen raged from receiving the news of Margrave Kyzdon’s territory. No one dared to touch their plate. It was suppose to be a social gathering of the capital’s elite to celebrate the Harvest New Moon. Now impossible to continue with the emergency news as the southwest part of their realm lay in smoked ruins.
With her tiara and richly decorated creamy white ball dress for the dance after dinner. Middle aged plump queen in her yearly 50’s with light brown hair showing streaks of grey, her brown eyes blazed as she stood up. Placing both hands on the table to calm herself before making her announcement.
“Baron Myojhuk has rebelled. I want all present military commanders assembled in the war chamber in 1 hour.” The Queen commanded. Then abruptly left the dining room. Everyone sat in silence from either in fear or shock.
Even as she briskly walked out, the royal head butler immediately whispered instructions to the maids and servants to send messengers to all the military commanders in the capital.
As soon the door closed behind the Queen, the room exploded into an uproar.
With Queen Gizala’s royal summon, within an hour, the royal war chamber was packed with military commanders of all levels. Senior level commanders in the front and junior officers in towards the back room.
Room was very noisy in the the center as the Generals and Senior commanders chatted in speculation. Junior commanders stood in silence as they stretched their ears to eavesdrop on the senior commanders comments.
Then with the announcement. “Her Majesty. Queen Gizala!” As the Queen entered.
Quickly taking her place in the center of the room. Taking the hour needed to summon her commanders, Queen Gizala took the time to calm herself to act her station befitting a Queen. Thus she spoke calm and deliberately to her audience.
“My Lords and Ladies, as you’ve all must of heard by now. Baron Myojhuk’s has rebelled from us. In the message, Baron Antenok’s territory is reported with smokes everywhere. Margrave Kyzdon is walled up in Shator Keep. And Count Morrogain’s territory has been cut off from the land.” Queen Esmeralda took a deep breath to let the message sink in for everyone. “ With this we’ve essentially lost 1/6th of our future resources. We are now forced to make some difficult decisions”
Everyone understood what the Queen Gizala was speaking about. Unlike Theolemor, Stovkow had yet to borrowed money from external. With their larger territory and population, Stovkow simply squeezed the peasantry of their labor and lives. Once the peasantry had reached their limits, they targeted the frontiers to make up for the yearly shortage. But now with the lose of southwest production and manpower, plus being cut off from large area of the frontier has created a massive resource shortages for the future.
“Once the Theolemor hears about this, they will start intensifying their military assaults in the ruins and our borders. To give it up after 15 years of payment in lives and the wealth of our Kingdom is just too bitter to swallow. And asking the City-state for a long term loan seems foolhardy. I just can't imagine the City-state mercenaries fighting on both sides. Giving up the ruins...I feel isn't an option for us. But we also cannot allow the treacherous Baron Myojhuk to simply rebel as it stands. I need solutions.”
With Queen Gizala’s announcement the room came alive with buzzing in small comments and officers talking amongst each other. Then a junior officer started to lay our scroll of military resources available to Stovkow Kingdom.
While the military commanders talked amongst themselves to work out a plan, Queen Gizala sat in silence. In truth, except for the senior commanders, the junior officers were too afraid to speak up lest they make a mistake and become the target of Queen Gizala’s famous venting.
Why? Why? Why?! Queen Gizala screamed in her mind. Why do I have nothing but incompetent generals? For 15 years the war has raged on without end. Why am I surrounded by incompetence.
“Kill them all.” Queen Gizala said almost in whisper.
“Your Majesty?”
“I said kill them all.” Queen Gizella shouted out. “Mass up our army and invade Theolanor. Forget the Ruins. Destroy everything in our path and put Theolamor in flame. It’s time we break this stalemate. Let us see what they value more. Their land and people or the ruins. Make plans for invasion. Then we’ll pay the rebels a visit for making my life more difficult.”
Count Morrogain’s Territory.
“Mahahaha!” Sir Junapt and Sir Bailin gleefully laught as they looked on to their bounty of goods robbed from the merchants, towns, and settlements in Count Morrigain’s territory.
The captured populations were in a long line of march to resettle in Baron Myojhuk’s territory. Both men looked on pleasingly with their results.
Since their entry to the area, Sir Junapt took anything that could be moved and sent it to Baron Myojhuk’s territory. Their large raid forces were practically unchallengeable and roads and settlements were systematically cleaned out.
“At this rate, we’ll be the richest men after the Baron. We should be sure to send a generous portion to the good Baron for giving us this juicy assignment.” Sir Junapt bragged.
“I think you are right Sir Junapt. Except it’s now Archon Myojhuk.” Sir Bailin reminded.
“Hmpt! I stand corrected. Soon to be Senator Bailin!”
Then both Senior knights burst out happily laughing again, attracting the attention of the surrounding eyes.
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