《Nexus》Ch11 - Pawns and Knights.
“Greeting Representative Tontavon and Representative Haviras. I am Major Jung, Lord Phoenix’s his military commander. Since Lord Phoenix is not in the area, Marquess Daldia asked me to meet you fine gentlemen instead. So, how may I be of service to you?” Major Jung greeted his guest from inside the large field tent that served as a command tent at Whitestone.
“Major Jung, we are both going back to our respective towns to make our report. But it would look bad for us to go back without meeting an official of the Phoenix Kingdom.” Haviras said.
Turning cold. “I think you gentlemen must be confuse. Marquess Daldia is our civilian officer. We, the military officers do not deal with civilian matters and Lord Phoenix is currently busy with his military responsibility in the frontier. As such, Marquess Daldia is in charge regarding all non-military matters. That is why he is a Marquess of Phoenix Kingdom. Please do not look down on his rank because you feel familiarity with the good Marquess. I may at time serve as an advisory to Lord Phoenix, but the good Marquess, like me, serve directly under Lord Phoenix.” Major Jung emphasize Marquess position as he looked at the men coolly.
Understanding the Major’s meaning. “Please forgive us for our impertence. We did not mean to disregard the Marquess position and authority. As you said Major, our familiarity has caused us to misspeak.” Tantavon quickly bowed apologetically followed by Haviras.
“It’s not to me you should be apologizing too. But to the good Marquess gentlemen.” Major Jung pointed out. Look like the Marquess still needs some time to fully understand his authority. He is meeker then I thought, but that can be useful.
Both men quickly begged forgiveness from the Marquess as they realized they had just made a political blunder.
Letting them recover from their blunder. Even the Marquess looked embarrassed from his own lack of foresight on the situation.
“Regardless, you are here now, so how may I be of help?”
“Ah well, before we go back, we were hoping to get some understanding on how our towns will be protected. Seeing the fort being built here near Daldia town, we would both like to report to our mayors on how our own security will be met in the future and what type of help we will receive.” Havaris inquired.
“That’s a fair question. But I can’t give a clear answer as I have never seen your towns. But should your town decide to join us, I do foresee placing some of our military inside and outside of your respective towns, and sending out patrols to hunt any hostile inhumanoids and monsters to civilize the frontier. For Birsk, in particular, sometime in the future, I foresee placing some of our warships in your port. We have a standing order from our master and that is ‘Protect what is ours. Crush all enemy.’ And we’ll do whatever it takes to fulfill our lord's command. This is the best answer I can currently give you gentlemen. As for the resources, you will have to discuss that with the good Marquess and Lord Phoenix ”
“I see. Then we will promptly return to our towns and make our report, Major.” Haviras said.
Major Jung politely nodded.
“Since you are already here Marquess, can I have a moment of your time?” Major Jung asked.
“Ah yes. Tontavon and Haviras, if you’ll excuse us and wait by the carriage.” Marquess asked.
Both men nodded politely and promptly left the tent.
Major made a gesture to the Marquess to pull up a chair then poured him a glass of wine while waiting for the representative to move out of the tents hearing range.
“Marquess, I am planning to send a message to the deceased Baron Myojhuk’s territory. A formal very short message and perhaps to the Stovkow Kingdom as well. And I would like your input.” Major Jung said.
“What would the message pertain to Major?” Marquess asked, showing interest as he sip the wine.
“As we briefed you few days ago. Lord Phoenix does not wish to slaughter fellow humans when there is a clear and present enemy in the frontier. And we did achieve our military goal of stopping their raids. I plan to inform them that they need to stay on their side of the known border and we stay on our side of the frontier. As they are involved in a civil war, I think now is also a good time to open official trade with them. The people of frontier simply lack too many commodities and common goods are far from being produced locally. This will also allow information from the east to flow to us with the merchants movement.”
“Sigh! I feel that I nor any of the frontier people want anything to do with them. Our hatred is just too deep. But as an educated man, I can also see the merit if trading with our former oppressors. Instead of having the Stovkow merchants come to the towns, perhaps we can use one of the border outpost you intend to build. And see how it develops from their. But Major Jung, wouldn’t our information also flow out to Stovkow territory.”
“Yes, eventually some of our informations will leak out, but I’m not so concerned. By then we will be entrenched and our military presence will increase as well. And yes, I believe we can facilitate the usage of the outpost for trading.”
“What of the prisoners Major. What if they want them back? If we return them now we will lose our desperately needed labor resources. Even if we ransom them for coinage, what we lack is manpower.”
“They are not getting them back Marquess. Not unless they replace them with equal value in trade with interest. They’ll pay one way or another and make up for their decade long enslaving and pillaging. Even if Phoenixians only just arrived. You, as our newest citizens have old grievings.” Major Jung declared.
“Also, I don’t know if it’s possible, but if they are able to return our family members to us in the prisoner exchange, if there is a chance then I will do anything to support your action Major.” Marquess said energetically.
Upon entering Antenok’s territory, Sir Kajiak ordered all the the premade parts for the ballistas and catapults to be brought out of hiding for transport. The plan was to ambush the raiding force on their return from the frontier. Unlike Baron Myojhuk’s borders, Baron Antenok raid took less military force as they had less towns to raid. That meant there were more men left behind to garrison his territories.
“Our men will have Antenok’s men marked and waiting for you arrival. As per plan, take charge of your men and kill them all before they come to Rendierk’s assistance or rally themselves. Ride all day and all night if you must, but all Antenok’s ability to retaliate must be destroyed. Then quickly bring Tinur to it’s knee but do not kill the Hasbrig Family. That’s my pleasure. I’ll have Baron Antenok’s city burning on the 3rd day and then move to join you all there. We’ll set up an ambush for the Baron at Tinur as he must come through the town. So try not to burn the town.” Sir Kajiak ordered.
400 knights in heavy chainmail rode out in groups of 40 to their respective direction to execute Baron Antenok’s retainers living out at villas and other villages throughout Antenok’s territory. Taking little rest, the 400 knights slaughtered their former oppressors. One by one Antenok’s retainers fell, leaving behind black trails of smoke as the homes of the deceased burned in their wake. The executioners didn’t even bother to loot nor rape the women of the retainers and lords. Too many targets for the executioners to kill. Only thing they took were the horses to manage the fatigue on their own warhorse.
All the ruling class had to die. Not even their children were spared for slavery. They had neither the time nor the manpower to transport them. For 3 days, the countryside burned.
Likewise, with a help of well placed dissident night guards, Rendierk main gate swung wide open for Sir Kajiak’s men to join the dissidents in the city. All the loyalist to the old lords were executed. They were already marked and their death was carried out with little resistance during the 1st night. The Rendierk’s garrison forces were outnumbered 2 to 1 and if they left the inner walls of the keep, they would be overwhelmed
The people were told to take all their goods and leave the city if they didn’t want to die. They were promised fair treatment in Baron Myojhuk’s territories if they chose to go there. If anyone was left after 3 days, they were all told that their safety could not be guaranteed.
“Sir Kajiak. There are some resistance, especially from commoners that have something to lose by leaving the city.”
“Then tell them that this city will burn in 2 more days. They can burn with it or leave. I don’t care. But don’t put them to the sword yet, it my cause unnecessary panic. Until we start to find dead corpse of our men leave them be. For those that want to migrate to Baron Myojhuks territory, but too poor to make the journey, allow them to loot the house of Baron Antenok’s dead supporters. More people that join us, weaker Antenok will be, and once we burn most of their crops and this territory, ones who stay behind will become a burden. So encourage everyone to migrate and be generous to the ones who join us. Our Baron has hoarded grains for the last 2 years for this day. We can afford to be generous to our future citizens.”
“Sir Kajiak. The 3 catapults you ordered are assembled and in position as you instructed.” Said the messenger.
“Good, from now until we leave, start launching anything that can burn against the wall and over the wall. I want it done non-stop even throughout the nights. You hear me?” Sir Kajiak ordered.
“Non-stop, I understand Sir.”
Once the word got around of the offer to migrate to Baron Myojhuk’s territory, and the destitutes families were given foods and supplies to make the journey from the looted homes of the former supporters, many stepped forward to take the offer. They had nothing but the cloths on their back and very little to to lose, but something to gain by migrating.
The garrisons in the Rendierk Keep locked themselves up behind the 5 meters high wall, thinking they only had to hold out until their Baron returned from the raid. But to their horror, at the end of day 3, Rendierk burned, the broken furnitures against the Keep’s wall only made the things worse for the walled inner keep defenders. Between the heat and thick smoke, the defenders were forced to move to ground level, but the smoke fill the entire keep. And eventually, piles of flammable materials inside the keep caught on fire making life difficult for the defenders.
The entire city was put to the torch. For those who stayed behind, when they realized the truth, they did put up a fight to save their home, but only to be put down by the trained rebel soldiers.
In 3 days Rendierk’s population of 25,000 was reduced to 0. And around 300 of the dissidents picked up the weapons of the dead garrison soldiers swelling up Sir Kajiak’s rank when the rebels left the burning city. For the dissidents, they didn’t see this as a foreign invasion, but a rebellion and chance to get back at their long hated lords who have driven them to this.
Most people simply followed order and joined the long trail of refugees to Myojhuk’s territory. Men, women, children, slaves of all classes felt they simply had no real choice. They were afraid that if they didn’t join, then they would be put to the sword. Their hearts were ruled by fear.
“What do you think Sir Bailin. Calteermon Port is the golden prize, but we lack the manpower to assault it, but they also lack the resources to come face us in the open field.” Sir Junapt ask.
It’s a common knowledge that Count Morrogain invests more on his navy then ground force. His profit is greater from the trade with the City-State and privateering then internal revenue, and has neglected anything that doesn’t involve making money off sea trades. For the internal road travel, individual merchants had to hire mercenary guards to protect their goods or traveled in numbers.
“Sir Junapt. Didn’t the Baron’s instruction order us to be lenient with the people to win them over?” Sir Bailin reminded his captain.
“That's true, but that was under the premises that we would start the rebellion in spring, when food supply is low and the peasants are needed to sow the land. But this is harvest time. Even if we take everything in the countryside and burn anything we can’t send back. The peasant will still be peasants here or there. And the City-State the Baron plans to build will need all the workers to cultivate the forest in his territory and claim the land in the west.”
“Sir Junapt. Even though we are equal in rank, you were given the captainship for this mission. So if that is your order I will follow it.” Sir Bailin replied.
Smiling. “I’m glad to have your support Sir Bailin. Since you’ve agreed, let’s also go relieve the merchants of their goods. We should do more and deprive the greedy Count on the future land trades to Calteermon. There is no reason why we can’t enrich our pockets while doing our duty.” Sir Junapt said.
Then both men burst out in laughter. Both 3rd and 4th sons of fallen nobles, they had everything to gain once the City-State is established. And as a member of the ruling class, any increase in their personal wealth will also increase their power base.
“We’ll capture the peasant and burn the crops on the way back. So as to not send out an alert to the locals, we won't start the burning just yet.” Sir Junapt said. “And should the Count sends out his men then he’ll be doing us a favor but letting us thin out his number.”
With is 400 kights, 700 foot soldier, 100 archers, and support; Sir Junapt crossed into Count Morrogain’s territory
One the second day, the freelance platoon came under attack from a large pack of abnormally huge wolves. They surrounded the platoon in the thick forest. They were unable to see the large wolves until the wolves attacked.
One of the wolves jump on a machine gunner from the side. He barely reacted in time to bring up his weapon to obstruct the wolf from biting his throat but the weight of the beast pushed the gunner to the ground forcing the man to lose his footing. In that moment he lost his holding on his weapon as the wolf again tried to bite his throat. The only thing he could do was put up his arms to protect his throat making it easy for the wolf to bite his arm and ripe it off where it bit. But in that time, several riflemen shot at the wolf at point blank range putting half a dozen bullet into the beast before it died.
Private Smith, the machine gunner, screamed in pain as blood squirted out of his now missing forearm. Corpsman Smith quickly ran up to Private Smith to start put on a tourniquet.
“Bring the formation in. Circular formation, Don’t give them your back.” Lieutenant Moore shouted.
Spike unloaded his M249P outward as he identified movement as he slowly moved backward covered by his bodyguards. He didn’t bother with visual IDing as everything outside of the group was an enemy. From the sound of the wolves yelping in pain, he know he injured some of them for sure. He sprayed his machine gun again in wide arc to suppress the wolves.
The other machine gunners found it difficult to use their weapons as the Lewis Guns were designed to be fired from prone positions. So they pulled out their pistols and started to shoot anything that moved. The riflemen also fired blindly from the circular formation.
“All machine gunners throw grenades.” Lieutenant Moore ordered.
As the grenades were thrown, 3 wolved charged the group. Sergeant White’s rifle ran out of ammo so in desperation, he reflexively tried to kick the wolf only to have his foot bitten off by the beast’s sharp teeth back up by its biting strength. The rifleman in his squad quickly killed it, with Sergeant White’s missing foot in the beast’s mouth.
Spike easily killed the other 2 wolf that charged him as his M249P fired about 8-10 rounds per seconds, assisted by the laser pointer, and his new increased strength helping reduce the recoil. But with the momentum of the wolf that jumped at Spike, body slammed him to the ground splattering him with wolf blood and guts.
Then a dozen plus grenade exploded 15 to 20 meters from the defender’s circular formation, killing or injuring the many wolves hiding behind the vegetations. With multiple yelping from dying screams of the wolves or whimpering from injured ones the the surviving wolves ran off..
Then 2 injured wolves mad with pain, jump to attack the nearest men. Private Raines was mauled on his right hip and upper leg before the giant wolf was shot to death. And Platoon Sergeant Rector jabbed the barrel of his Springfield into the open mouthed wolf about to tear into him and emptied his clip even as he fell backward from the momentum, splattering the wolves brain matters and inners.
With the help of Corporal Robinson and his bodyguards, they dug out Spike from underneath the near 200 kilo heavy wolf.
The platoon kept firing blindly for the next minute until Lieutenant Moores called for cease fire.
The only sound in the area was Sergeant White and Private Smith screaming in pain and the whimpering wolves just outside of the platoon's defensive position. Private Raines had passed out from the massive pain.
Spike quickly went to Sergeant White to start putting on a tourniquet on his lower leg while Corporal Smith was still working on Private Smith. Sergeant Jarrett ripped up his uniform and use the cloth to put pressure on Private Raines destroyed hip.
“As soon as the tourniquet are finished. We are moving back to Trimmor.” Lieutenant Moore warned
Corporal Smith came to Spike to check on his work. “That’s not bad sir. But let me take over from here.”
“Sure, no prob Corporal. My training from the weekend Combat Lifesaver Course kicked in.” nodding to the medic.
Standing up. “Let’s go Corporal Robinson. We need to finish off the big ass injured wolves.” Spike ordered.
“Sir!” Lieutenant Moore spoke out.
“We’re just going out about 10 meters to finish off the injured wolves, LT. I don’t think any of the other wolves are nearby. Especially after all those grenades exploding like that. But just in case.” Spike sprayed the entire area with bullets in a wide arc then reloaded a fresh 200 round ammo drum to his weapon before moving out with his bodyguards.
Lieutenant reluctantly nodded as he felt perhap he was feeling too overprotective.
All in all, the platoon was able to visually count 12 dead giant wolves. Spike didn’t go any deeper into the woods and risk being cut off from the platoon in case the giant wolves returned.
Upon his return, the medic announced that Private Raines may not make it. He was still losing blood. That was when Spike remembered and summoned several IV to help with the blood lose. And had Corporal Smith stitch him up to stop the external bleeding until they can get back to the town.
Private Smith walked out, but Sergeant White had to be 4 man carried to keep his leg with missing foot elevated. Private Raines had to be carried out on stretcher. The injured were given heavy dose of morphine's to make the travel easier. Spike decide to burn the RP get summon a stretcher.
“Sergeant Jarrett. Upon arrival, I take your 3rd squad back to Whitestone and bring a horse drawn carriage or wagon to move our injured.”
“Lieutenant. Let’s all head back to Whitestone for now. This was a painful lesson to us. I want to go through my option and replace the Lewis Guns. They were absolutely useless on last fight and I want to replace them with something more practical for the dense forest." Spike ordered.
3rd squad ran back on the old road, while the wounded were slowly carried to Whitestone. That way, the horse drawn carriage would meet them halfway to save time in getting the wounded access to medical help.
As they slowly marched back, Spike looked at the crippled men. With the current level of the prosthesis, these men’s fighting days are over. So what does this mean. What do we do now? How will they fight? How will they move forward from here on? Suddenly, Spike felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility as he realize this will be the norm as the men keep fighting.
Little by little, Spike sensed the seriousness of his position as a leader of the Phoenixians and the challenges they must face.
Few days ago, with the use of the 500 Kyzdon knight’s color and banner, Sir Caldrun had sent 500 of Myojhuk’s knight in disguise to the opposite side of Shator Keep. Their mission was to cause no trouble until they arrive on the eastern side of the Margraves Kyodon’s territory. Upon arrival, they were to cause as much damage to all the settlements until the Sir Caldrun’s main force arrived to lay siege to the Shator Keep.
Until Baron Myojhuk’s force rejoin them from the frontier, they were only expected to keep Margrave’s forces from sending out assistance to the other surrounding surroundings.
With half of all Margrave’s force in the eastern war and another quarter of his Knight forces in aiding and keeping an eye on the frontier raid, Margrave did not have enough to take the field again Caldrun. With Margrave’s 750 Knights, 1000 footman and 200 archers against Caldrun’s 1500 Knights, 1400 footman, and 100 archers plus siege equipments, it would be a stalemate.
Sir Caldrun and Baron Myojhuk had strategized that either the Margrave will send out his knights to deal with what they hoped the Margrave would believe as banditry. Then the main force would follow to encircle Shator Keep. This would weaken the defense of the keep if the Margrave sends out his men. If not, the overall strategy to scorch earth to bring all the Margrave and the surrounding territory lords to long term economic ruinous.
If the Margrave did not react to the 500 pillaging knight, then they would have free rein to slaughter the Margraves retainers scattered in his territory. Then keep raiding and pillaging them as they have done to the frontier while the new City-State builds up their defense and infrastructure with all the new migrated workers.
The surprise attack on the first 2 days was the most crucial of time. It’s when they would catch most of their targets off guard. They need to kill of as many of the retainers living outside of walled fortifications and move the larger forces into position. With the help of Theolemor’s coins, and unknown to them Kindarth's aid through their merchants, the Baron was able to build a large force by secretly buying tax slave and turning them against their former lords. The extra resources received made Baron Myojhuk’s and Caldrun’s plan they had started 7 years ago move much faster.
Even though they had to move up the time table for the rebellion, Caldrun thought the stars were lined up nicely for them to move. Time of the frontier raid made moving military forces look less inconspicuous and the enemy territories less defended.
The 500 knights that move to the east to distract and raise the Margrave’s alarm had 2 days head start to start burning and killing. Caldrun believed he had little more time and decide to give another half of day for the Margrave to take the bait.
“Last report from my spy said that he is moving to Falkor. It’s to be the staging point for the early frontier raid. But he also reports that there were unusually larger movement of men than normal heading to Falkor.” Sir Alexi reported to the Margrave.
“I told that debauchery fool their were to be no harvesting this time. Is he planning to disobey me!” Margrave Kyzdon sneered. “No matter, once my knights return they’ll give me a full report.” Looking at Sir Alex. “Make preparation for his removal. If it turns out he did disobey me, have him removed.”
“Yes my lord.” Sir Alexi bowed in acknowledgment before leaving Margrave Kyzdon’s private audience room.
Then one of the servant rushed up to the door and immediately kneeled. “My lord. Sir Randolf reports that there are black smokes rising from the east. He just sent out riders to investigate.”
“What!” Standing up from his luxurious grand chair the Margrave quickly walked up to the wall only to see many trails of smoke rising from the east. “What does this mean. We have an agreement. There shouldn’t be any raiding in from the east.”
For many years now Margrave Kyzdon and Count Kantinaro have agreed there will be no raiding each other's retainers for ransom nor raiding crops. If one had bad harvesting, the other would simply loan the crops needed interest free. It was less destructive and easier to recover in the long run. So the Margrave asked himself why now.
Noticing his lord on the wall, Sir Randolf quickly approached his lord. “My lord, should I have our knight suit up for mobilization?”
“No something isn’t right. I don’t like this. Bring the people in. Close the gates and send out messenger birds to all my subordinate lords. And send out riders to my retainers with landholdings. I’ll have them marshal at my city. And we’ll wait for words from the riders you sent out to investigate.
Whatever happens, the Margrave decided it was better to lose the harvest and buy them from Count Morrogain and other surrounding territory. He was not willing to jeopardize his city of 65,000 to trickery. His instinct told him it was better to be safe and take some lose then losing everything.
“Your Majesty. We’ve just received a momentous news from our spy. Its seems our vested Baron has moved earlier than expected. There were some complication on his side which forced him to move up the schedule.” Duke Chuang Pairamee reported.
“You were right my Duke Pairamee. It was a risky gamble, but your investment finally paid off.” King Caspin Luk the IV complemented.
“As it may be my king. This is a very short notice. The message was dated 6 days ago. We’ve made almost no preparation take advantage of the chaos that will ensue in Stovkow. We were not expecting this for another 2 years. Baron Myojhuk’s prior message said he wasn’t ready yet.” Duke Pairamee informed.
“Neither are the Stovkow loyalist ready for this. Let’s figure how we can capitalize on this. Call up my generals. Hopefully, this will be the last blood price we pay for the ruin. Then we can prosper like the Kindarth Empire.”
“As you command my king.”
Closing his eyes as he imagined finally attaining victory over the war. “Once we have attained victory, we can finally have my niece wed your grandson and I can abdicate this damn thrown.”
“Yes my king.” Duke Chuang bowed then he left the private audience room.
As the last male of his family, King Caspin gave a royal command to Duke Chuang’s grandson, Count Ralf Pairamee to marry his niece and start a new dynasty as Ralf Luk-Pairemee. This would merge the royal power and assets with Duke Chuang’s. Making the new king the single most powerful entity in Theolemor. With such offer, Duke Luk could not decline. Only a fool would reject such an opportunity.
Having witnessed the deaths of his children and relatives as they manipulate and assassinated each other for his throne. He could not accept the stupidity of his bloodline. In an act to save the last of his family he chose the most powerful family besides his to stabilize the crown and save Princess Sharo. King Caspin hoped to win the war and gain control of the ancient ruin and give the new dynasty a fresh start. Then he can finally rest his heart.
When the dispute over the ruin started, no one imagined it would last 2 decades. With the current situation, the only way for Theolemor to pay back the many loans was to gain total control of the ruin and exploit what they find to revitalize their economy.
There were very little to prepare for Helias. An old man coming out of retirement, he had only recently moved to the capital with his new found status as minor patrician. His new home was meant to be a place for his old bones to rest. Without needing to complete his retirement, Helias finished what he needed and quickly prepared to set out with his bodyguards by next morning.
After giving his final instruction to his widowed daughter Yulia, Helias pounder on his future. The Empress had given him a private warning when he reported his plans for early departure. She said that change is coming to the Empire. Those that can be saved will be saved and the others will be left to his devices. The Empress didn’t elaborate anymore except that she guaranteed the safety of his family in his absence while he fulfills his duty to the empire.
The lose of both of her sons to the north must weigh heavily on her, Helias thought. But from her words, he was able to understand that there are obvious movements in the shadows of the empire. And he could sense incredible personnel strength emanating from the Empress. The will to carry out the struggle she has personally accepted. He thought perhaps, the lose of her sons was fueling her strength.
He understood that he is a tool for the Empress Menliania. As such he knew that he does not have the need to know all her plans. If there is a need for it, he was confident that she will make it known to him. His duty was to solve the riddle of the Highlanders. Besides the corruption of the profit hungry Senators, why are they not able to find peace with them. Without any merchants working inside the Highlanders territories nor having any loyal demi humans under employment, Helias understood the difficulty of gathering information to succeed his mission.
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