《Arbiter of Power (Canceled and currently redone as 'Re:' version.)》Short summary and explanations


For those that have problems understanding my fiction, please read!

First off, hello there my dear readers. Sorry that I am betrying your expectations by making a thread that is not a chapter, I sincerely apologize. But one commenter on the latest chapter openned my eyes, kinda.

There were obvious misunderstandings on how my characters should be seen, how I envisioned them. Such things are bound to happen, I as the author have a different image of my characters. Some emotions and conversations are left out but I still keep them in my mind which creates a more complete character that is only kept to myself.

So I made the problem clear, let's first give a short summary.

The One, is in my story the TRUE GOD. THE ONE, like his name implies, is THE ONE! The being that created reality, time, space and existence itself.

The One created the multiverses and dimensions, those didn't do well without something to guide their elemental particles. So he used magic to make those tiny particles do his biding. Now comes -created by magic- Sara'ahn!

Hirahn is part of a multiverse spread entity called Sara'ahn, based on Yin and Yang. Sara'ahn DOES NOT consist of two parts, it is balance itself. Its only function is to govern the cycle of life and death and oversee all those little creatures, after those little creatures evolved far enough Sara'ahn dies, its job is done.

Saraya and Hirahn are the exception, an anomally created by magic itself, they are polar opposites. Sara'ahn is Yin AND Yang. Saraya is only Yin and Hirahn is Yang. They got parts of their powers taken from them, randomly from magic as an exchange for freedom; since a free God would be simply TO OP. Think about it. Each Sara'ahn got one UNIVERSE to oversee, imagine its powers. This would not even be in the realm of OPness anymore.


Back on track.

Hirahn and Saraya lived on earth. People on earth forgot everything about magic, their God's legacy and so on. Humans became cold and calculating creatures, let's imagine a dystopic future that will in all likelihood never come true, but whatever.

Hirahn was left alone, for decades, centuries or even millenia. So long at least that a whole forest build around the two lovers. AND NOW GOD FORGIVE ME! Those that think Hirahn overreacts... sorry guys but in my imagination, losing your LITERAL soulmate will darnly hurt, like it will hurt as fuck! Some people can't overcome the shock of losing a person they know for maybe 10 years, now think about two beings that knew each other since time immemorial. It would simply be maddening to lose that part.

The One saw all this and thought: 'Hum...Let's give him a better life.'. Remember Hirahn survived since he personificated all bad emotions, those that are impossible to vanish, but like Yin and Yang he always has a seed of good in him, which keeps him from going all crazy all the time. As youc an see he DOES NOT have his emotions in control, this white seed, this good part keeps him from going ham and destroying the whole fucking world he resides on.

So back to the summary.

Blahblahblah, let's jump over the war part, there can't be to many misunderstandings.

He met Alexander and the princess Sara. Those that are, sorry but I gotta word it like that, 'bitching' about Sara's character, I can't beleive you guys. Am I the only one that has those friends that like to piss you off, but you still like them cuz they just are those stupid mofos? No, no one? Hum...

Those that wonder why Hirahn does not bash the head in of both of them because they 'direspect' him. WTF. What is wrong with you guys?! So, because someone does not agree with you you will kill them? What a fucking child are you? Yes, I am getting pretty salty over such things.


Making Alexander his disciple is for me a pretty fucking big hint at trust. He sees him as a friend, maybe you can see that at the way he speaks. Oh right to the thing I mentioned about disrespect, calling you by your name is disrespect? Come on guys!

And so on and so forth, Hirahn met Myrel, he does not have the immediate hots for her, they are good friends only for now. The princess is still sulking because Hirahn saw her naked. The short glimpse into what is happening with the demons, the forest and the, OF FUCKING COURSE, elves.

This thread ends here for now. I love all of you guys and hope you get a better understanding how I envisioned the characters, and how they are supposed to be. I am still a noob at writing so it will take some time until I can fully transform the thoughts in my heda into written words.

+ Oh I forgot. For those that wonder why Hirahn has such limited knowledge. He spent his life on earth, nothing more. He has never seen a fantasy world with people that use magic daily. He is not omnipotent, is not the wisest. He is more human than God, and that's how I wanted him to be! Can't a God have emotions, can't a God be childish, can't a God be whatever the fuck he wants? Hahhh..... sorry guys...

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