《Questioning the Basic》Chapter 8: Hanging a Lampshade
Hello every one, I'm terribly sorry, it seems my draft showed up in the update list. Don't know why it happened... If I remember correctly, I chose to save the draft, not post it.. :shy:
Anyway, here the latest chapter, please rate and review
Royal Road forum were in uproar.
-Listen guys, I got hit by Lightning when hunting the rabbit!
-You too? My friends also told me that she hit too! She died in instant!
-Same for me! Why this is happening??
-Dunno event maybe?
-No way! Event of "Killing Newbie with Pack of Lightning"?, please..
-This is insane! I need those rabbit pelt for Merchant Job Change Quest!
-I heard the price of rabbit pelt now 25 silvers a piece.
-No!!!! I need 100 of those to change job!
-Guys, guys! Same thing now happened at the fox and wolf field!!
-Hit by lightning too?
-Not just lightning! Earthquake and Fire pillar also keep hitting us somehow...
-That's ridiculous!
-Ah hello friends, I apologize to interrupt, but neither me or my friend experience such misfortune, we just finished hunt the rabbit now. Perhaps I could help, where do you people start ?
-Eh? Serabough City, Rosenheim Kingdom
-Serabough City.
-Me too.
-So it seems the anomaly only happen at Serabough, you perhaps want to explore the hunting field for any anomaly, it could be a quest.
-I already told my friend to do that!
-Same, we're organizing 10 newbies group to look for weird thing
-Now no one dare to attack any monster...
-We only could wait..
-GUYS! GUYS! I just come back from the rabbit field!
-So what's happening?
-There are sculpture in that place!!
-Yes! It gave great effect like the sphinx. I got walking speed+12% and health and mana regeneration increase, but the sculpture is rabbit sculpture!
-There are additional description there, it said now all rabbit fall under her Yggdrasil Purview, attacking without a just cause may incur her wrath. Who is this Yggdrasil?
-Yggdrasil?? Darn!! She's the Goddess of Unity!
-Royal Road follow Nordic God Mythology for naming the God, such as Freya, Thor, and Loki. And Yggdrasil is the unity Goddess who separate the realm into nine realm. She like top class Goddess, even Odin hesitate to get on her bad side.
-So the rabbit protected by that Goddess?
-Not just the rabbit! The Fox, and Wolf too, But they got different God protecting them, Fox protected by Hlin, and Wolf by Loki.
-This is insane... Wait.. Statue! The Statue, try destroy the statue!
-We already tried! But there are magical protection around it!
-My friend trip to pebbles when he want to swing his sword to the statue! It's hit him on the head and kill him instantly.
-Well you're friend just got a bad luck..
-No! My another friend, a mage, try destroy it by fire ball, the spell reflected to him!
-Same! My archer friend's arrow suddenly change trajectory and hit our group instead.
-How about asking for high level player help?
-Of course we already did that! My sister tried to dispel the protection, but she got message that she lost 100 Faith due to trying to disturb another Goddess people.
-So what to do...
-This just in! Our guild Archmage just identified the statue thoroughly. It said that the statue were created by a Master Sculptor and undergone a divine-arcane magical ritual by a Serabough Scholar.
-Don't know, she said, the name were blurred by a high level spell. And it seems there are multiple ward around the statue. One of it generate -250 Luck to whomever attempt to destroy the statue, the other increase hardness to mithril, and the last ward would reflect any magic that thrown at the statue.
-What?? Are you sure?
-Of course! Our Guild Archmage shared the information window to our group!
-Is there anything we could do?
-....Perhaps we should start at another city?...
"It is just me, or you seems more like a priest than magician?"
"Oh don't be that uptight Fou! You know very well that it's hard for me to grant permanent protection by only using my own magic! I just Level 1 for Godsake! Also, God and Goddess also have difficulty to gain new follower in this competitive religious market, especially if it's a race that hadn't been accustomed in any religion before. By performing the ritual, the God and Goddess gain more follower, thus increasing their power and in exchange, they protected the race that worship them. It's a win-win situation."
"Hah, but you got nothing from it! Win-win situation? More like Win-win-Lost situation and in case you're don't get it, the lost were meant for you!"
"Well, Helping others never a bad thing. I lucky to be elf and freedman, it made me apt in magic and technically immortal, you're lucky because you're the one who summoned by nice person like me. Every living deserve a chance, Fou."
"You're know Fou, you are very lucky to be born here. In this world your God were real, your Heaven and Hell were apparent. You blessed by mana to ease your life and your priest are really the avatar with power that no one dare to doubted. In my world there are no healing with just saying heal! We couldn't cure disease by saying cure!. Our God were only our figment of imagination, we create him because we're afraid. Afraid of death, afraid of dark. Our religious leader were fraud. Our communion consist of masses who too afraid to against their parent belief. Our God never care, never do anything, because he never exist. But, every new innovation, every new technology, every new cure of disease that discovered, people from my world will lavish him praise."
"We have no purpose, we're just bunch of random molecule that somehow become alive. Imagine if you want to create a book, but instead hiring a novelist, you put a toddler to hit typing machine constantly for a year. Of course you'd think it'd be gibberish, but how if you have infinite toddler, infinite typing machine, and infinite time? Somehow in the land of infinity, at least one of the toddler would managed to create a readable novel."
"And we freedman were that novel. A lucky being from the random chance of infinite, infinite plane."
"But you have purpose, you have goal. Perhaps a horrendous goal if we considered it from good God point of view, such storming the heaven gate and bring destruction to the whole living. However, goal were goal nonetheless. Have you ever tried looking within? What's your purpose? Why are you here? We, freedman simply don't have any. What we do meant nothing. And for being that granted faculty, that's somehow saddening. Despairing."
"That's why we create, that's why we innovate and that's why we indulge ourselves in our every day life. We just want to fill the void within our heart."
"Due to that reason, in my personal humble opinion, there are no such thing as a monster, every one and every living were same, in this world we would never die, but in our world? Someday. Somehow we will. We have no forever because there are no such thing as forever, So when I live, why don't I extend my help to the other who need it? Why I dare to call my life more mattered? More precious? More worth it than the other? Why I want to take the dream of other because we differ? Why I want to rob other from the peace that they desire? I simply got lucky to be born in the top race, Fou, simply got lucky."
"I...never thought like that before.."
"I know, and it's okay. Come on, see that's cave? It's a goblin lair, which God do you think welcome them?"
"...Embinyu maybe, Hel would not mind either..."
"We don't know how we could ever thank you." Vincent stuttered, he tried with all his might to keep the plastered faint smile in his currently wavering lips. In front of him a large creature with resemblance to the majestic sequoia staring at him intently. His rooted brown foot stood high as the elves shoulder blade, his body were painted in the red soil of nearby alluvial mud; indicate his authority of his remaining race. Vincent could observe the reassuring fake smile of his brightening the uneventful evening.
"We treant were originally served under the order of druid, we nurture the life of the forest, and guard it as a place for living. However a thousand year ago, in those senseless, senseless war, the greed of the mortal were causing havoc around the world, the druid order decide to sacrifice their life to cast five hundred years protection to our forest. The wars end, and the protection follow suit. In this five hundred year we couldn't do much, without druid order acting as our Vicar, the connection with Her Yggdrasil, may She bless the living within her benevolence, were disappear. We couldn't protect the forest anymore, the elves sometimes tried to help, but their number were limited, and the forest were too fast. Without our power, the greed of the mortal invade the whole forest, and we're stuck here, rotting our root."
"Her Yggdrasil told me when you finished to enchant our statue. Firstly, that we're fell under her grace once more. And we thank you for that. The rustle of wind also told me that you have been doing the similar to every creature, whether they're good, indifferent, or even evil without discriminating any."
"We couldn't give you any treasure for we don't have any, but we could give you our recommendation."
"Within her grace, Within her bless. We treant, recommend thee."You have attained recommendation of Treant ?You have unlocked recommendation of Rabbit ?You have unlocked recommendation of Fox ?You have been blessed with the recommendation of Wolf ?Kobold have found you worthy and gave their recommendation ?Goblin had been touched by your kindness and gave you their recommendation ?Beastmen acknowledged your pure heart and gave you their sworn honor of recommendation ?Lizardfolk thankful to your effort and showed their gratitude by goving you their recommendation ?Aves of the Serabough Forest had heard your accomplishment and gave you their utmost recommendation ?Council of Elves had been informed of your accomplishment, proudly, they announce your recommendation ?Recommendation of The RacesThis window would only open if you had attained full familiarity and full gratitude of at least ten races. Recommendation were the highest blessing that could be given in the name of the whole race which have no internal conflict. You have been deemed as Champion of Justice and the Protector of the Least Fortunate. Under the constant supervision of the God and Goddess, you have been deemed as a Neutral party that side neither the Good or the Evil side of Conflict
You have been promoted to Emissary of Concord! ?Little Professor Title had been dissolved in the Emissary of Concord ?Status WindowNameVincent ValitiusClassScholarFame400+2500Infamy0Level1TitleEmissary of ConcordHealth1990Mana5120Strength47+35Agility52+35Wisdom148+135Intelligence230+185+50Stamina180Vitality75+35Dexterity76+35Luck85+35 Magical Resistance 15+15% With 5% Chance of Partial Reflection ?
All stats increased by 5 points
Intelligence increased by 150 points
Wisdom increased by 100 points
Magical Resistance increased by 15%, with additional 5% chance of partial reflection
Enable you to used equipment that matched your profession
Scholar understand magic more thoroughly, therefore enable you to learn magic from observation
Scholar understand magic more thoroughly, therefore boost your magic understanding by 35% (magic related skill efficiency will increase 35% faster)
Enable you to create or recreate magical spell either from Ancient or Modern spell
As educated individual, scholar were respected by many, increase overall Familiarity when your class mentioned by 50 points.
Magician and Noble would love to consult you about their magic-related problems, Familiarity with Magician and Noble increase by 25 additional points.
? ?Emissary of ConcordDue to your action of indiscriminated protection to the Good and Evil side, you have been deemed worthy to be promoted as Emissary of Concord. Emissary of Concord were a peacemaker and the highest arbiter that even could facilitate negotiation between the warring God.
Monster would not attack you on sight, even the most aggresive one, however they still could stop you on track and questioning your reason. Berserked individual would still be aggresive.
Your presence would command respect, and the warring sides would more likely to agree to truce.
Enable to facilitate binding agreement between the conflicting sides.
Attacking Emissary of Concord were frowned upon, even by God. Attacking party would suffer heightened Infamy and status point penalty. Paladin or priest class would lost tremendous amount of Faith.
Disable you to hunt any kind of monster or player without just cause. Duel were acceptable. Fail to heed would result in serious reppercusion.
Increase All Stat by 30
Reflect Magic by additional 15% chance
Increase Familiarity to all side by 70 points if your title were mentioned.
Increase or Decrease Familiarity to warring sides by 25 points if your title were mentioned.
NPC would respect you more even though, you're still child. (Dissolved from Little Professor)
Increase Intelligence by 50 points (Dissolved from Little Professor)
Increase success rate in your research or studies (Dissolved from Little Professor)
? ?Due to your unselfishness God and Goddess had agreed to grant you one reasonable wish! Please name your wish.
"I don't know what to say, Elder, I only do what I think it's right. I don't think I even deserved this much honor..r"
"Nonsense! In this five hundred years of mortal greed and 5 years of freedman arrival, no one ever try to protect us fully. Yes sometimes some mortal would sympathize with our fate, but they could only help temporarily, no one have ever managed to gave us full protection for indefinite time! You deserved to be the Peacekeeper. Even the God and Goddess had agreed to grant you one wish, don't they?"
"That is true...but..."
"But what my boy? You're the most kind mortal I ever seen, you even treat that imp of yours with respect as friend! I never even see any dark magician do the same, and you not even one!"
"Thats... Well.. Thank you Elder."
"Thanks to you too. Now shoo, spread those peace around young elf, you have whole continent to cover."
Great, it's worked as planned. HA HA HAHA HAHA
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