《Mythologia》Chapter 10: Strait to Death
Chapter done! Thanks for waiting everyone!
It took a little bit more time, but finally!
Chapter 10: Strait to Death
Legionnaires were battle hardened soldiers that were the main forces of the Romanum Imperium. Their unbreakable formations were hard to deal with, and any enemy General would think twice before facing them head on.
But the spectacle before General Antiochus made him question the strength of these legionnaires. Simply put, they were no match against something that was enough to be called legendary. Currently, the 7th Legion was in a serious predicament.
"Raise your spears!!!"
"It got Hecter!!!"
"Duck!! Take cover!!!"
"Dont break formation!! Archers, fire! Mages, keep it at bay!!!!"
The pride of the Imperium was in total chaos, as casualties piled up one after another. Arrows and magic fired in every direction, trying to fend of the 'enemy', but for every few seconds, one soldier would be pulled into the darkness, his screams echoing through the waters. They were against the horror that made their empire's Goddess of War fight on the front line.
"Don't just stand there!! Tortoise-shell Formation!!"
She desperately gave orders as she fend of the shadows that lunge and tried to bite at her. She had underestimated the Strait where sailors fear to tread, and she was suffering the consequences. Her target, the trireme with green sails and its passengers, were already at the side of their ship, but now she was fighting with her life alongside them.
A large whirlpool had formed in front of their ships, greedily sucking out the waters. From her eyes, she saw rows of teeth within the whirlpool: some gigantic mouth had just opened in it. She glanced at the other party that was also fighting.
There was the cousin whom she hated for betraying the empire. But now, she was hesitating. What was supposed to be the truth? Their brief exchange made her doubt her belief. It was all due to that boy, she thought.
"D-did I just made a grave mistake?"
Something lunged at her. Blocking it with her sword, she saw the sharp, row of teeth of the assailant; it was a grotesque reptilian head the size of a human, with a long neck connecting to the darkness, With another head lunging to take a bite at her, she was unable to block it at the last minute, its teeth sinking into her armor.
She heard the scream of her cousin. Her body was being dragged away by the reptilian head, and she was unable to resist as her strength left her. And yet she saw him.
Wearing black all over, he dashed gallantly, cutting away all the monstrous head that blocked his path, and reached for her ship with a leap. Before she was completely dragged to the darkness, his figure jumped to the neck of the monster, cutting it.
She fell down the cold waters, along with the head whose teeth was still embedded in her body. Thinking she would die, she felt something that hugged her head, preventing her from drowning.
"Don't worry, I won't let you die."
As she heard that, she saw a smile adorned on the boys face. That boy whom she first met at Apollonia. That was the last thing she saw before she lost consciousness.
The girl with golden eyes screamed, as the figure of her most important person, was lost in the whirlpool that would have swallowed everything.
A few hours earlier.
"Alter.. are you really sure of this?"
Tishia asked her companion, the boy called Alter. She was currently worried, as the place they were attempting to enter was enveloped in darkness, and filled with malice.
"....Do have a better idea?"
It was the small child with golden hair who returned the question. She was slumped on the railings, clearly uncomfortable and not looking good.
"We have nowhere else to go, Tishia."
"I..... I know. But its all because of me...."
She felt that she was to blame. She had become a burden to him, who saved her life. She intended to repay the favor, finding the truth alongside him. With dark thoughts that condemned herself, it was just now that she fully felt the severity of her presence along with them.
"Don't be an idiot."
She felt warmth as her head was caressed. The tears she was holding trickled along her beautiful face.
"Since after that dungeon, you are our companion. Don't isolate yourself."
For someone who lived in darkness and solitude, those words were unfair.
"I know...... Thank you, Alter."
She made a genuinely happy smile and caressed his face, and Alter smiled back as he wiped of the tears of the blind girl. This was the first time he saw her smile for real.
The childish voice of Gold snapped Tishia back to reality.
"Daring to flirt with my master!"
She, who was sick a while ago to the point of unable to cast magic, was now brimming with energy devoted to stop any kind of advances to her master. Tishia, who became red all over due to realization that she was indeed flirting, quickly made a distance from Alter. Imaginary fumes puffed from her head.
"I... I.... THAT WAS NOT TRUE!!!!"
She rush away, leaving Alter with question marks floating above his head and Gold smirking in delight.
After a few minutes.
"We are here!! We entered the Strait of death!!!!"
The shout of the captain making the announcement made the ship's crew asking for guidance from the gods, before taking action and preparing for what was to come.
"So this is the Strait of death."
The rest of the crew felt terror, but Alter only felt thrill and curiosity. What was it that these straits held? The king hydra, that they apparently named , had its body coiled to him, hissing nervously.
"Its darkness...... darkness is spreading out!!"
One of the trireme's crew shouted. The sky was still clear, but the surface of the sea was covered in something dark. It was black fog, creeping quickly and obscuring their view.
"This is really ominous.... i can't feel anything beyond that darkness,"
Before Alter could even reply, something flew from the darkness and almost hit him, but he was able to deflect it with Tyrfing quickly drawn out. The object clattered at the floor of the ship. It was a red colored arrow. From the darkness, ships on both side of the Python appeared.
"T-they're here!!"
"They catched up? What do we do now, master?"
Grappling hooks shot from the flanking Hexaremes, disabling the 'Python' from escape. A wide ramp from each ship fell down the captive vessel, and Legionnaires stormed in ranks. At the back, Alter saw the Imperium's Goddess of War, with an old soldier wearing flashier armor, the General Antiochus.
"Do not resist, criminals of the Imperium."
Princess Lilliana spoke in a commanding tone. She was wearing lighter armor compared to the Legionnaires, but the aura that it released made Tishia realized that it was not ordinary
Alter walked boldly in front, and faced the goddess of war.
"With all due respect, care to explain what we're charge against?"
"Spying and collaborating with the enemies of the empire. Such acts deserve death as punishment."
"Don't call me by my name, you traitor!!"
Lilliana shouted when Tishia tried to speak.
"I've trusted you. We've dreamed of improving this empire. But I was wrong to place my trust in the likes of you."
"....... I'm falsely accused."
"Ha. That's what they all say."
It seems that there were no rooms for negotiations. Lilliana ordered the Legionnaires to arrest them, but a magic circle formed under the feet of the Legionnaires. A bright flash came from it, and all movements that were caught in the circle's boundary became very slow. It was Gold's time magic.
Lilliana, who escaped the spell, drew her red sword and ready to fight them.
"I request for a duel."
Alter lowered his sword. He calmly faced Princess Lilliana.
"What did you say?"
"I said I request for a duel. Does the ritual for duel still exist?"
"........ yes."
"Then would you accept?"
Lilliana knew that this was a trick. She already had the numerical advantage so she planned on saying no, if it was a death match. But to invoke the sacred 'duel', she cannot back down. She was taught since she was young that a duel is a fight of pride and ideals, and it would soil her pride if she backed down against one.
".....very well. I'll give you a very bitter defeat. The conditions?"
"First Strike."
First strike means the first one that could deliver a direct blow or damage to the opponent wins. Being the goddess of war, Lilliana was confident of her skills, even though this boy in front was able to fight on par with her.
"Very well. I'll make short work on you."
"Well, who said I was the one going to fight?"
".........................what do you mean?"
'Our companion here will fight for us."
He gently pushed Tishia in front.
"If she wins, you must listen out to what she is going to say."
".......And if I win, you'll be deported back to the empire and face judgement,"
"Very well. You can do it, Tishia."
Alter gave a little shove of encouragement.
"Traitor, I don't know why you became so powerful, but this will be the end,"
"......... Very well, I'm gonna make you listen to me."
Both swords, the crimson sword and the sharp energy blade were positioned at the ready. And as the magic circle of the time magic glowed and dispersed, the two figures dashed towards each other and clashed head on.
As the one meter sword collided with the great sword of light, the force produced from the impact made some Legionnaires fall down their knees. Sparks scattered everywhere as the two of them rampaged against each other. Lilliana was relying on her martial skills, while Tishia was accurately predicting her movements while using her perception.
Both of them were on par with each other. With every slash, a counter. Each of their hands could only be seen as blurred figures, as they attempted to damage one another. With a difference of chants, they prepared to battle seriously,
"Destruction, for Preservation!! Chaos, for Order!! War, for Peace!!"
"Let Justice be done, though the heavens fall!!!"
With red and white particles gathering at the outline of their bodies, they screamed.
""God Mode!!!!!""
Exactly at the same time, they both activated their divinity.
"Save us...."
The old General prayed, as he was in awe at the sight before him. The two goddesses clashed with each other, forcing both the Legionnaires and the Python's crew to take refuge. One was wearing a white dress armor, her eyes glowing white, and on top of her head, the insignia of the Scales of Justice floated.
While the other one was clad in crimson light armor that followed the contours of her body up to her thighs. It could only be described as sleek and sexy. The insignia of a spear and shield floated at her right shoulder.
Stomping her crimson boots to the ground, the armored lady began.
"I couldn't believe..."
Lilliana said that, as she executed an overhead slash, leaving a trail of crimson in the air. Tishia skillfully evaded, sidestepping to the side that left an afterimage. She then countered with a full swing from Claiomh Solais, burning through the air with its energy blade.
"...that you became a goddess."
Lilliana glared at the blind princess. That she was actually on equal grounds with was already a surprise.
But before Tishia could respond, Lilliana dashed forward, delivering a storm of blades that hacked against her. The goddess of war had no doubt about winning. Though she was surprised at how nimbly the traitor could handle a great sword, in terms of battle prowess, she was the one who was in the advantage.
The two swords clashed again, the red sword on top trying to overpower the sword of light. It was apparently on par with each other, but Lilliana has more up to her sleeves. She chanted some words, and a silver blade formed from her free hand.
"Dual wielding?!"
Tishia was astounded. She was already in a pinch with one sword alone, but to use another blade, she was in a complete disadvantage. She could feel terror and fear being exuded by the red and silver sword. And for every clash of blades, her body and breathing becomes more heavy and unstable.
On the other hand, the two gods who were observing the fight, saw the swords on Lilliana's hands.
"Hey, Gold. Those two swords the redhead wields...."
"Yes master..... I couldn't forget those two...."
"If our hunch are correct...."
"Then Tishia's gonna lose at this rate. Should we intervene?"
'Don't. Lets observe a little longer. Tishia won't lose with that."
And they did not tried to disrupt the duel.
"I hated the day I started calling you a 'friend'."
"You won't even listen to me!!!"
"Save that if you can make a miracle and beat me. Unfortunately..."
Lilliana made a stance, her two blades slanting on her both sides. Tishia, feeling the incoming danger, also readied her best move. After a second of silence, they clashed.
"Mortal Judgement"
"Vermilion Blade Dance"
Tishia made her signature move, slashing uncontrollably through the air with her great sword without stopping momentum. For each slash, the energy blade would sizzle through the air.
Lilliana's eyes burned vermillion, as the god of war used her own skill, completely countering the greatsword's multiple strikes with one blade, while focusing offensive on the other blade. Tishia was forced to both attack and defend with one sword, her attacks dampened becoming far from being effective.
And at the last moment, with Tishia's fourteen consecutive strikes, the goddess of war made a roundhouse slash with both swords, destroying Tishia's momentum. She fell down, with the sword of light thrown to the sides.
"Haaa...... Haaaa......."
Tishia's breathing was now heavy. Her heart ached, an unknown dread was eating at her. It was the same feeling when she lost her mother in the past.
"Feeling heavy, aren't we?"
Lilliana grinned as she stared at the fallen Tishia.
"My swords are called and .
Alter and Gold perked up at the name of the swords. And their
"We're correct, Gold!!"
"Phobos and Deimos. Swords of Fear and Terror. That's why my skin feels tingly right now."
Both of them became interested. It seems that they encountered those items in the past. The two swords have a detrimental effect on the body. For each and every hit against the opponent, the body will become heavier, and would instill fear that hinders the opponent's reflexes.
Tishia, was parrying against a multitude of strikes. The negative effect of the swords stacked up to the point that even her goddess form was affected. They were swords designed to weaken the enemy, the perfect weapons in a battle of attrition if both powers were in equilibrium.
"And now, you lose."
Lilliana declared, satisfied on her victory.She prepared to strike the now vulnerable opponent. Tishia on the other hand, still did not lose hope.
If she lose here, who would give justice to her mother's death?
Who would free her imprisoned father in the deep dungeons of the Capital?
Who would be able to clear the name of the Venetias?
And who would be able to bring justice to the ones behind this plot?
Tishia thought on what Alter once said to her. She had finally made allies, and to lose here would sever her connection to them...... to him........
"I can't lose.........."
Her blind eyes shone more brighter, leaving white trails as her head moved. They looked as if they were burning with white flames. Lilliana noticed too late the indomitable aura that her opponent emitted. The aura made a force that knocked her on the opposite direction, landing on the mast with her back to it.
"Cough, cough, h-how could you??!!"
Lilliana was enraged. She was too careless, thinking that the opponent was already defeated. She knew that the effects of Phobos and Deimos was still effective, but Tishia moved too quick for her to catch up, taking back the sword of light that lay on the corner.
A scale materialized on her hands. The scales of justice that judged mortals and gods alike.
", bring forth Judgement."
As she spoke, it made a magic circle throughout the ship. It weighed the beliefs of her opponent and countered it to hers. Currently, she only chose Lilliana as her enemy. The scale tipped deeply to the left, indicating that her beliefs weighed more than that of Lilliana's. Tishia made a face like one bringing forth judgement.
Libra vanished, along with the magic circle, but the two people who were affected by the spell immediately noticed the effects.
"Wh-what have you done???!!!!"
Lilliana felt weak, as if her divinity was robbed of her. Her aura was not the same as before, it was now thinner.
Tishia's aura on the other hand became denser than before. She felt lighter, as if the curse of Phobos and Deimos were lifted. And in that single moment of her enemy's confusion, she dashed against her opponent, the sword of light in her hands.
Lilliana couldn't see her movements. She was too fast, and Lilliana's reflexes couldn't follow up. She tried to parry the incoming blow, but it did not reach in time. Her shoulder armor was destroyed, and blood trickled on her left arm. Then she felt something close to her, it was so nostalgic that her eyes watered. Though it was her enemy, and her mind wanted to reject that very moment, her body surrendered to the hug made by Tishia.
"I'm innocent, Lilliana. Please believe me this time."
"Eh...... Eh??"
And Tishia parted herself.
"..........I won...."
Tishia said, panting in exhaustion. She almost fell down but Alter managed to catch her.
"I..... how..... but....."
Lilliana couldn't accept her defeat. But she had no choice, for this was a sacred duel.
"As promised, let Tishia explain her circumstances."
Alter said, smiling as his companion won through difficult odds.
"B-but that technique she did?!"
"That was a legitimate skill. I analyzed it carefully. It was simply called 'Judgement'.
"The ability to compare between Ideas. In other words, it judged fairly on whether who's justice was more correct. The one who weighs more will be strengthened, and the one who weighs less will be weakened"
"I... still don't understand."
"In short, Tishia's current actions was right. Your beliefs were wrong."
Clutching her bleeding shoulder, she cannot believe the words from that black haired boy.
'Is he telling me that all the anger I have on Tishia was wrongly placed? Was I told wrong information? Was I decieved by someone else?'
But she still won't believe it.
"Who was she, to make Judgements, at all?!"
"She is the goddess of Justice, "
Lilliana became dumbfounded by the reply of the golden-haired little girl. She had forgotten to make introductions, blinded by rage, For Tishia to be a goddess of Justice, would mean she had done no wrong at all. The fact was reinforced by the sigil of the scales of justice on Tishia's head.
"W-what should I really believe?"
The legionnaires who were present during the fight did not know what to do. It seems that the girl they were chasing had proven herself innocent.
"What is it?"
Both his companions noticed something. They were looking at the confused Lilliana.
"There's a foreign aura mixed on her. I could sense it"
"Gold's correct. It was so small I haven't sensed it at all."
".......I see."
Alter frowned. He had been suspecting of that girl's unnatural thirst for vengeance, something that was close but completely different from the aspects of a god of war.
"So there was a third party involved...... Seem the one that is the sort that manipulates."
As he made this deduction, someone shouted from one of the Hexaremes that flank the 'Python'
"Princess Lilliana!!"
One of the legionnaires called to the Princess. There was fear and unease mixed in his voice.
"Monsters!! Five of the men had just been grabbed by the darkness!!!!"
Tishia can't feel any monster in the vicinity, but she gasped as a large mouth bit the legionnaire that warned them, quickly dragging him to the darkness. Muffled screams could be heard in the darkness, as if something was being bitten to shreds. Everyone became alert, and even Tiamat was hissing in fear. That thing that killed the legionnaire had been too fast that only few poeple could react to it.
"Defensive Positions!!!!"
Lilliana, although injured and confused, did not failed on reorganizing her men.
"God of War's Blessing!!"
Her aura scattered around toward the legionnaires, boosting their morale and battle prowess.
General Antiochus saw the monstrous heads that looked reptilian and immediately knew what they were. Mentioned not only in legends, but even in history books of the empire, these monsters share a single body, and that body was the darkness itself.
In other words, they were already surrounded by the horror that was picking up the legionnaires one by one into the darkness with its sharp teeth.
The multiheaded horror that inhabited these parts of the Mare Nostrum. It was said to be unkillable since you cannot damage its main body, which is the darkness that would surround the ship. From every angle, the heads would appear lunging at the poor soldiers.
The mages tried to burn the heads and necks with fire magic, killing them in the process, but the relentless assault of the numerous heads showed no signs of stopping.
Tishia, who was in god form and Gold was trying to fend them off the Python that was already severely damaged by the fight earlier.
Lilliana also fought against the reptilian-like heads, but her movements were comparatively much slower than before, as fatigue had accumulated on her body.
"Master, use your divinity!!"
Gold, who was cutting heads with her scythe, urged her master. But Alter did not follow. All of the gods present had already been worn out. If he attempt to get power from them, they would not be able to handle the burden.
"But at this rate!!"
"Steer Forward!!!!!"
Lilliana commanded the rowers to move the ships faster. But already one of the Hexaremes at the back were riddled with holes, and all its crew completely massacred by the darkness. The Python was partly protected by the two Hexaremes that flank it, but it will not last long if this situation continued.
After minutes of fighting that seemed to last for hours, the legionnaires and the gods continued repelling the monster heads. Most of the ships were able to leave the black fog to safety, but it still continued to follow the three ships that were connected to one another.
"We must outrun this monster, row quickly!!!"
The four gods could almost see the light at the end of the dark strait, but the endless heads that lunged at them did not even slowed down.
"I had almost cut a hundred!!!"
Alter complained, with Tiamat coiled at his arms, glaring against the heads of Scylla with its own two heads.
But, looking as if Atropos was deliberately wanting him to die, the sea surface at the end of the strait rippled. The waters started moving in a circular motion, turning into a giant whirlpool.
The captain, who only heard this from talks with veteran sailors, shouted in despair, as rows of teeth protruded from the large whirlpool.
" has come! Have mercy on us!!!"
Charybdis was said to be a giant monster that slept beneath the sea bed. If it awakens, it's mouth would open near the surface of the water, creating a massive whirlpool that would eat anything that comes near.
This appearance of another threat, whether instigated or natural, was slimming the chances of their survival. It was then that Tishia saw one of the heads that bit through a girl.
The monster's teeth sank through the girl's crimson armor, trying to drag her to the darkness. She could not do anything with the other heads trying to kill her. Fortunately someone dashed and came to Lilliana's rescue.
The black haired boy dashed through, killing the lunging heads with his black sword, before jumping overboard the hexareme, cutting the neck of the one who bit the goddess of war. It was a close call since the neck was almost halfway to the darkness. But the problem was that both he and the red haired princess fell overboard. They were both being sucked to the monstrous whirlpool.
"What to do? What to do?"
Alter started to worry, as he did not actually have a plan in this kind of situation. He wondered at the large whirlpool, and as if something whispered him the idea, he tried to identify the monster.
World's Truth
A gigantic monster that feed upon anything, creating a giant whirlpool in the process. It lives in the dungeon called Strait of Death.
He did not missed the information that popped in his mind. Analyzing it, he managed to make a plan at the last minute.
"This is a dungeon?!!!"
He was dumbfounded. While hugging the princess to prevent her from drowning, he used inventory and managed to take what he needed. But he sank underwater, the monster already sucked him and the red haired princess.
At the last moment, he simply used 'that' .
Gold screamed, as the figure of her most important person, was lost in that whirlpool that would have swallowed everything.
-Chapter Done-
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Dungeon Isolation
About a dedicated gamer who reached the very end of a game after 6 years of playing non-stop. Forgetting anything around him and only focusing on the game. Only caring about his personal health, hygiene and looks, he dismissed everything as he immersed himself to complete the impossible game, even when the real world collapsed and dungeons formed all around. The Arisen amongst the populace of Earth took up arms against the monsters within them, gaining supernatural powers in the process. The 20 year old posted his victory over the once-thought-unbeatable game, on the forums that were once watched by the whole world and gameplay streamed live to a million spectators and players. He only receives meager praise from five people of the millions that he had imagined would be there. He wandered outside in the dark of night aiming for the vending machine placed in a dark alleyway, but slipped inside the barrier of a rank 1 dungeon unbeknownst to anyone including himself. (Get ready for the most over-powered protagonist on the entire Earth. He shatters the nine heavens. Turns the constellations upside down with his almighty energy, that is a magnet to all forms of harems, and it even rivals Kir###'s harem gathering power! First, ready yourselves for the most slice-of-life, snail-paced, slow plot development and worm-sized chapters in the whole of Royal Road. Don't even think about enjoying this one!) I don't post on weekends.
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