《The man who wasnt human to begin with....》Chapter 18, the courtyard
So uh... Shit is going down IRL, but in summary, My mom is a bitch, and I havent had time to write... there, good enough of a summary.
This chapter is a bit wonky, I decided to boost the pacing a bit, because I had them ( literally) on their way to the Wizard for a few chapters before they actually got there. I will try to make this one longer and have it encompass more events, but in the event where that is impossible, take the erro scene and be done with it for today (eventually I SHALL RETURN!!!)
Ismene : "Master... what now?"
Cornelius : "Well, I hadn't exactly planned for our long winding path through the castle, but for now I hope to gather a bit of influence within the court."
Ismene : "Hmm... That isn't exactly easy master... The sword fight you had with Sir Ben might have put you on their lists but that would take a few days for word of that event to circulate. I am sure that nobody knows of that fight yet, well... maybe the king does...."
Cornelius : "I wasn't planning on using the fight, I was planning on introducing a small amount of basic knowledge from my world. Even a small tidbit of good information from what my people have learned would easily offset the power balance here.
Ismene : "With all due respect Master, wouldn't that be counterproductive? I mean, why give the edge to the country you want to lose?
Cornelius smiled a bit, causing Ismene's heart to flutter. His smile faded a moment later, yet Ismene could not forget the feeling.
Cornelius : "Good news for Orbitan, I was planning to temporarily defect to them, before splitting off completely and forming my own faction'. I would only be giving a small portion of knowledge to Gracemaria, whereas the lions share of it would go to Orbitan. Well to be honest, both countries are getting cheated because the knowledge which I plan to give them is obsolete in our world..."
Ismene's smile shook for a moment at the mention of "his world". She still remembered that the ultimate goal would be to return to this "earth" which the black box had shown them. She still remembered the dazzling glow the little dots held as the swirled about her to depict her Master's home.
She glanced at the sky through one of the many hallway windows. It was turning grey.
Her mind wondered for a moment, pondering what would happen once her Master completed his objectives here. Would he leave her behind? Would he take her with him? Would she be there, or would she have sacrificed herself to save him from harm?
Cornelius seemed to notice that she had gone quiet.
She never goes quiet. Always praising him, prattling on or asking questions. Out of sheer curiosity he spoke
Cornelius : "Ismene?"
Ismene seemed to have broken out of her trance, for she looked at him, her originally troubled appearance hid itself, covered skillfully with a broad smile. She latched on to his arm, and walked slightly in front of him
Ismene : "Can I show you something master?"
Cornelius hesitated a moment, but nodded all the same after thinking about it for a moment.
Ismene gently pulled on his arm, prompting him to allow her to take the lead. She lead him through many stone hallways for a few minutes, before they emerged from the twisted darkening castle into a large courtyard which overlooked the city. Ismene guided him to a large stone wall, about waist height, and jumped up to sit on it.
Cornelius looked around, but not noticing anything truly of import he decided to look at Ismene. She was gazing off in the direction which they came, but slightly above the castle. He decided to follow her gaze,
He saw that, at the crest of the castle were many oddly shaped prisms which focused the moonlight into a beam which ran straight down into the center of the courtyard.
Cornelius : "This is interesting..."
Ismene : "Yes Master, this is the queens courtyard. It was said, that a long time ago a King built this for his wife so that she could bathe in the moonlight."
Cornelius : "That is a rather short explanation..."
Ismene : "There was more to the story but I was never really one for that type of thing..."
For a moment the conversation stopped and they just looked on at the solid beam of moonlight which lit up the courtyard and a large pool in the center.
Cornelius stood up, prompting Ismene to stand as well. He then started to fish around in his pockets for something.
Ismene : "Master?"
Cornelius : "I had a diffraction prism that we had used in a physics lab. Ah! Here it is!"
Ismene just looked on, clueless, as Cornelius pulled out a small clear diamond made of glass.
Ismene : "Dih-ffrack-shun?"
Cornelius : "Just watch..."
With that he told her to stay, as he approached the moonbeam. After a few seconds of walking, he reached a point in the beam where it was almost flush with a wall. He set the prism in the beams path and instantly the pool, which had been illuminated by white light now became a myriad of color. Literally every color of the rainbow was there, each dying a different section of the water.
He walked back to Ismene, and sat on the wall. She followed suit a moment later. Ismene leaned in towards him, laying her head on his shoulder. He just kept walking. At first when she had been clingy like this he would get slightly agitated but right now he really didn't care. He just wanted to enjoy the scene. It was rare to find a beam of white-light in his world, let alone one like this, so this was a rare sight.
Ismene : "Its beautiful..."
Cornelius : "Yes... it is..."
Ismene : "Hey master?"
Cornelius : "Yes Ismene?"
Ismene : "When you finish here... will you leave?"
Cornelius : "Yes, That is what I plan on doing..."
Ismene : "I see..."
After that she was silent.
They continued to watch the light show and look at the colors for a few more minutes, before a large cloud shut off the light by blocking the moon.
They decided to go back, so Cornelius grabbed his prism and they walked back to Cornelius's assigned room.
Cornelius walked in, and Ismene followed.
Cornelius : "You..."
Ismene : "Am I displeasing to you Master?"
Cornelius : "Not really...."
Ismene : "Then was it the sex that was bad?"
Cornelius : "No, not really..."
Ismene : "Then is there a reason for me to be absent?"
Cornelius sighed, and Ismene smiled.
After a few moments of awkward silence, where Cornelius didn't know what to do next, and Ismene was just waiting for an order or to be helpful, Ismene went behind Cornelius, and started to undress him.
Cornelius : "I can undress myself you know?"
Ismene : "It is a servants duty to help their Master. Please, allow me... unless I am displeasing you?"
Cornelius : "You.. are so clingy..."
Ismene just smiled at this, and dropped his pants down from behind. One of her hands continued on to take off his shirt while the other stayed where his pants had fallen.
Cornelius : "I am not really complaining or anything, but is this necessary?" He spoke while looking down at her fragile hand which was stroking his exposed cock. A moment later, his shirt was off and her other hand was also descending, but not without tracing a small path with her fingernail around his torso.
Ismene : "Of course Master, unless it is displeasing" She said, her mouth ascending to nibble on his earlobe.
He could hear her panting, he could feel her body against his back and her soft hands stroking his, now hard, manhood.
Cornelius : "Its not that its displeasing, its just... awkward?"
Ismene paused at this, moving in-front of him. She kept her face down, and one of her hands moved to take off her shirt, while the other never stopped moving.
Ismene : "....*pant*....*pant*...."
Her panting was getting louder and louder. She moved her thighs to envelope his cock in the hem of her skirt, keeping is burried in the sanctuary. Her hands moved up to his shoulders, and she used him as a kind of brace, clenching her thighs around his cock and humping herself against his body.
Her top came off, revealing her ample breasts. One of her hands left his shoulders, and gently took one of his hands, guiding it carefully to her left breast. Her other hand wrapped around his neck, to compensate for the missing other hand.
A moment later, when she was sure that he was ready to go, she turned away from him, her face still down, and slid off her skirt. Her ass and bare legs came into his view, along with her white back. She turned around, pressing her fully naked body against him once again.
Cornelius : "Ismene?"
She had been too quiet this entire time. As much as he would like to deny it, in the one day he had known her, she had left a strong impression on him, and he could essentially tell what her personality is. Ever since after they left the Wizard she had been acting kind of... off.
His hand reached down, to tilt her face upwards. Before it reached it however, it was wet with her fallen tears.
Cornelius : "You don't have to force yourself you know?"
Ismene : "No Master, it is not that... Not that at all!!" She said, instantly denying his implied cause.
Ismene : "I... I just wish to know... When you leave, do you plan on taking me? I understand that this is an impudent thing to ask and all, but I...I wish to know..."
Cornelius : "Is this why you have been clingy this entire time? And why you have been so eager to make yourself useful?"
Ismene nodded. She had wanted to reply to him verbally, but her words would not come out.
Her throut was sealed, her heard and head throbbing. Her eyes were red with tears and her body was shivering. The fear she had of the answer to this question far surpassed any fear she had ever known. It determined her fate. Whether she would be left here or be taken with her Master...
Her world stopped as she waited for his answer. She knew how unlikely it was for him to accept her, and give his reasurence. She also knew that what she was doing was very disrespectful and she regretted asking, but it was destroying her mental state.
His mouth moved and Ismene's knees failed when she heard the word. Her tears, which he had previously wiped off with his finger, relapsed, pouring out even faster then before. She was sobbing now.
Ismene : "I *sobb* accept *-Hick-* your decision *sobb* Master..."
Cornelius decided that based on her state right now, as well as her actions in the duration that he had known her, as well as the unpredictability of events which had yet to unfold he needed to give her an answer without hesitation.
Cornelius : "Yes..." (this is the word that was said previously, it was delayed for dramatic effect, in case you were confused... you never know, some ppl don't get it, or its just 11:30 PM when I write this and I have no idea what I am trying to say...)
Her tears of sorrow had turned to tears of joy, and her knees had given out at the release of the pent up stress as well as the overwhelming surge of joy.
Ismene : "Master... Please take me...."
At those words, she struggled to her feet and flopped on to the bed, legs and arms spread wide, exposing everything to her Master. Her owner. Her Sovreign. Her God. She was absolutely breathtaking, and compeltely submissive at that point in time. She was the happiest person on the planet.
Not only had her Master accepted her, he did it with no hesitation. She would be with him for as long as she lived at this rate!
He closed in, leaning down towards the bed. She prepared herself for the pinicle of the night. It had been a long day and she was tired but she needed to assure her Master that he had made the correct descision to keep her. In anticipation of the act to come she struggled to open her legs even a tiny bit more, just to make it even slightly easier on him.
He laid down next to her, flicked her in the head, and rolled over, a small smile, ever so slight, on his face.
Cornelius : "Maybe tommorrow, Its been a long day...."
Well then, let down? OR IS IT?!?! (its not morning yet? stuff could still happen, just comment y/n and it shall be decided... I guess... Anyway, the spoiler this time is my comment from last time in case you missed it. (Am I the only one who reads the comments?)
Spoiler :
(27-05-15, 10:08 PM)mufarasu Wrote:
Thanks for the chapter.
Soooo, here's a question how long has it been since he got his memory wiped? I was under the impression that he basically "reincarnated" into a human body, or an infant version of himself then began living as a human on earth for whatever reason until his teens.
But after this chapter I'm thinking it must have been way shorter than that because:
a) one of his wives is pregnant, and I'm gonna assume that it's still a 9 month pregnancy period. So that would mean he got his memory wiped and has been living on earth for less than a year which makes some of his memories weird (ie recalling how things always came easy to him and reminiscing about the past). This would also mean that his whole school would have to have their memories adjusted to account for him and vice versa.
b) He has a young daughter which doesn't make sense for the same reason as above. If he has been living on earth, after getting his memories wiped, until his teens. His youngest daughter would have to be at least as young as his current age.
Am I just missing something? Or is this a loophole?
First off, am I the only one who reads the comments?
Second, to answer the question; (this was mentioned earlier, either in the comments or in a spoiler)
Stratovians have a 4 year pregnancy period, and their young age at a similar rate as the fetus does. IE the "six" year old is actually around 32 years old. He just appears to be six. (side note, their minds dont actually become different then normal humans until maturity, which is at age "12" for them or 60 or so in our years)
All of Cornelius/ Ajax's memories are fabricated from before he went to highschool, just to not tip him off to the nature of himself
"If that is the explanation then why didnt he start unlocking earlier? I mean, he has only been locked for like 2 years!!!"
This one is actually simple. Stuff came easy, as it should, but it was TOO easy. With nothing to stretch the brain (IE the sword fight) there was nothing to form the crack in the first place and start the leak of knowledge.
Essentially his life was on easy mode, forcing an "auto pilot" walk through as opposed to manual control... if that makes sense
Anyway, back on to the original thing
A) His wife is 4 years pregers, not 9 months pregnant
B) the daughter is, as stated, older then most of my readers (45 years old or so)
She still acts like a 9 year old though until age "12" at which point the Stratovian blood takes over and her IQ skyrockets
Longer chapter finally?
(blue didnt work)
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