《The man who wasnt human to begin with....》Chapter 14 (No title this time???)
They continued walking just moments later, proceeding on their original route.
Ismene : “Pardon the question Master, but your humble servant does not understand your actions just then…Why expose yourself to the risk of being caught, it doesn’t seem like a move you would make Master…”
Cornelius : “I have simply planted a seed to bring about their patterns which I can then analyze. Once I know how they react to different information and how they respond to different circumstances I can then exploit the predictable outcomes…”
Ismene looked at him with eyes of delight, and worship.
Ismene : “That’s amazing Master! To come up with that on the spot…”
Cornelius : “Hardly, I am smart, but I wouldn’t have done something like that on the spot. The reason why I took the risk was of course information control, but I wouldn’t use my own method of it without just cause, that is far too risky. No, I simply followed the advice of Sun Tzu, one of the greatest militaristic minds of my world.”
Ismene : “What advice was that Master?”
Cornelius : “The end and aim of spying in all its five varieties is knowledge of the enemy; and this knowledge can only be derived, in the first instance, from the converted spy. Hence it is essential that the converted spy be treated with the utmost liberality” (Sun Tzu)
Ismene leaned in a bit, a broad smile on her face, she made a few comments about how sneaky he was and how he could seize the moment so well.
They kept walking for a bit before she asked again…
Ismene : “Master… Earlier you said something about the five varieties of spying right? And that this was only the start… Does that mean that you are planning to go to war? Or recruit more spies?”
Cornelius : “In due time Ismene, but first I must first ascertain who our enemy is. I have only been here for a day now, and have no knowledge of any events proceeding, nor do I have any inkling of the power balance. If I were to start meddling now without this information it could be very harmful to this country and all others…”
Ismene nodded in understanding, and then after a moment something occurred to her, and she asked
Ismene : “Master… Do you want me to teach you?”
Cornelius : “While I had thought of that option, I had wanted a more… qualified… source of information. But I guess any and all information is useful, after all information is power..”
Ismene broke into a smile, grabbed his arm again and pressed her face into his shoulder… A moment later she let out a “hmm” sound, as she decided where to start the conversation.
Ismene : “This country is Gracemaria, its located on a large peninsula on the far eastern side of the continent. We are at war with our neighbors to the south and the west. Our borders are secure with a series of large forts all centered around defensible positions. Uhh… AH! The only real way in and out of our country through the massive mountain range is a large pass, which is defended on both sides by a fort and several layers of walls. To the east is our longstanding enemy Orbitan, who was always pressed against, but now they have begun to counter us despite our larger size… To the south lays the land of the Gulmogs. They are demons, pure evil demons, with black skin and overwhelming strength. They have pressed against us and our human neighbor for centuries now to no avail, however the reason why we now need help is that they somehow enlisted the great reptile clans to aid them in their conquest. We couldn’t understand why the dragons and their lesser brethren would choose to help them, but we didn’t matter, and the decision was already made. We called upon you and your class in order to help us in these trying times…
That’s about all I can say off the top of my head… Of course I have knowledge of my own country and its history but that is irrelevant right now to you, so I left it out. I also have knowledge of magic and its various systems, however as you are unable to innately use magic due to your circumstances, I deigned not to tell you that information either. I hope this conversation has pleased you Master, if not please inquire upon that which you wish to know…”
Cornelius pondered the information for a second, and then looked at her.
Cornelius : “Why do the two human countries continue to fight when the threat of invasion is so high? If the enemy is so powerful that your country has retreated within their borders and is cowering in fear should this not be grounds for peace? Or at least an alliance? What idiots are allowing this conflict to continue?”
Ismene glanced to the side, seemingly ashamed by the countries actions.
Ismene : “Umm.. Gracemaria is in possession of the other countries princess, and the enemy is responsible for Gracemaria’s crown prince dying. These, combined with decades of warfare have made it impossible for the two countries to come to terms with their situation… Well… and Gracemaria obliterated Orbitan’s longstanding ally, Asmenar, and executed almost all of that countries nobility prior to the demon war just to prove a point…”
Cornelius : “So the problem is with Gracemaria?”
Ismene : “Yes…”
Cornelius could tell that the last paragraph or so had been hard for Ismene to say. He had heard a bit of her back-story from her and her surroundings, that she was a captured princess of a defeated country, so he assumed that she was the princess of Asmenar. That meant that her entire family was either executed upon its fall, or was enslaved just as she was.
Cornelius looked at her again, re-evaluating this young girl.
She was along in this world, she had been through so much in such a short life. The death of her friends and family, the loss of all she had known, her forced submission by the King which had taken it all from her, and her position as a servant now. Had he not come, what twist of fate would she have had to endure?
He analyzed himself, wondering why he felt emotion, let alone for anyone but for this girl who he had met just the day before. He dismissed the emotion as he had every time it reared its unsightly head, but a tiny tiny tiny bit remained.
Cornelius : “Do you hate this country?”
Ismene : “No. I do not Master…” She said, looking him straight in the eyes, resolve and tranquility evident. A stark contrast from moments ago.
Cornelius : “And why not? From what I have gathered, you are from Asmenar, you must have watched as your country fell. You were forced into this lifestyle of servitude by those who captured you. You were not allowed to show a frown, nor object, nor hold even your sense of pride anymore. Why do you not hate this country?”
Ismene smiled, an odd expression in light of the conversation. She leaned in and kissed him deeply. He let it go on, to see if there was an explanation to it all.
She held her mouth to his for a long time, almost a minute, and then at the end of it. She glanced into his eyes with her rosy cheeks and crystal clear eyes.
Ismene : “Because you are all that matters to me Master, from the moment I saw you till the end of my life. I shall never care for anything else more, not even myself or my family. You are my sun, my center, my core, my entire universe . I shall never get angry without your consent, I will never hold rage without you being involved. This is swear…”
He pushed her off, causing slight distress on her face, but also a spark of joy at being touched.
Cornelius : “That’s all well and good, but I want to know if you wish for me to destroy this country for what they have done. It is a simple objective, one which will align with my own. Due to the circumstances, the outcome seems unavoidable. It is all a matter of how fast I wish to destroy it, or if I want to destroy it completely or just reset the country to a more favorable outcome.”
Ismene (As she leans back into him from the side, grabbing his arm and emphasizing her sizable bust) : “Your decision is yours alone Master, your humble servant would never impose her will upon you. I would die before that… But if you are talking about my opinion, yes somewhere deep inside me, I wish, ever so slightly, for the annihilation of this countries elite, for all of the torment which they brought upon their people and my own.”
She was still smiling at this sentence, but there was a hint of agony in her eyes as she recalled the memories she had long since put in the recesses of her mind.
Cornelius pondered her words for a moment, then remembered her words from earlier.
Cornelius : “You mentioned the Orbitan princess… Do you know where she is being kept? If we could return her through the use of some underground method it would weaken the enemies resolve, yet strengthen this country’s. That would make it easier for peace after I purge it, especially if I let the princess know I let her out. Anyway, where is this princess being held?”
Ismene’s smile faulted for a moment as she pondered the question.
Ismene : “Forgive me Master, but I have no knowledge of her whereabouts… I have failed you… I am sorry….”
Cornelius : “No matter, I guess I must do a bit of research on this topic myself…”
Ismene’s face paled for a moment, her smile fading completely. She gripped him even tighter.
Ismene : “Please Master, your humble servant begs you not to do that! If you were to be caught it would make everything extremely difficult for you in the future and may even put you in danger in your weakened state! The princess’s whereabouts are kept in the upper circle only and is a strictly kept secret! I… I……………
ask permission to use this body, your possession…. for a few days Master…”
She said, her face showing extreme sadness as she let go, and knelt down. Her face was pointed at the floor, and terror could be heard in her voice. Cornelius had not seen her this sad or terrified of something since he had met her. He, out of curiosity, told her to continue.
Ismene : “There is… someone in the upper circle who wishes for my affection. He has been very open with his advances, yet I have rejected him at every turn. I feel that should you lend your slave to him for a day I would be able to attain the location of the princess. P-p-please…“ She almost chocked on the words, her voice falling into an even deeper repressed state then originally.
A moment later, a tear fell from her face, still pointed towards the floor. She took a deep breath, stabilizing her shuddering body before making it tremble even more violently from before.
Ismene : “P-please, let your worthless, humble, loyal servant sleep with another man for you Master…”
She squeezed out the words, just barely managing to say them before breaking down into a tear soaked mess.
What she had just asked was unthinkable to her only minutes earlier. It would never have crossed her mind had her Master not inquired upon the princess’s whereabouts and then decided to do some digging himself. She had forced herself to say those words, weighing the danger to him over the soiling of herself and the effect it might have on his opinion of her and the way he treats her. She chose to sully herself with another man and risk his dissatisfaction, after swearing everything to her Master, rather than allow the mere possibility of the danger to him.
Cornelius thought about it for a while. At first he had been shocked by her words, but after a few seconds of mulling it over he started to realize why she had proposed them.
When she had completed her words he had doubted her loyalty for a moment before actually glancing at the crying trembling wreck on the floor begging to help him almost at the cost of her sanity.
He glanced down once more and then sighed loudly. She quivered at the sound, cringing and expecting the worst. She had actually asked to stray from him, what reaction could she expect?
Cornelius : “Do as you wish… But your current appearance and actions would not convince him of anything. I order you to act normally around myself and him. If you walked up to him crying and sobbing asking him to fuck you he would suspect something. The same outcome would happen should he see you acting like this around someone else. Now, fix yourself… Should you feel he would not give you the answer to my question feel free to call it off. As you asked, I shall not investigate into this matter until you have either completed or failed.”
She glanced back up, whipped her tears with the back of her hand and then straightened out herself. A moment later she stood up, grabbed his arm again, and then proceeded to whisper in his ear.
“Master, I know two requests is almost unthinkable, but should I succeed in this plan, I ask that you use me frequently to cleanse me of this disgrace… Should you deny me this simple pleasure, I graciously and gladly accept Master’s decision, should you accept, I graciously and gladly accept Master’s decision. Please consider the whims of your loyal servant master…”
She clutched his arm again, her breasts transmitting a slight warmth through her thin dress. A moment later she nipped his ear, and started kissing his neck.
He sighed, realizing that this might have been an afterthought, or might have been the original reason but either way, he decided to accept it. What was sex to the information which would allow him to proceed. Of course, he would get the information anyway, but it was always good to leave a good impression on those completely loyal to you.
Cornelius : “So be it…”
Ismene’s sadness and fear of the events to come was all forgotten with those words. She revealed a fearless smile and then proceeded to entice him with her body. She had a lot to do before tonight to please her Master, but after tonight it would only be a bad memory, whereas the effect of that memory would help her Master for a long time. This was all she could ask…
To fuck for love, or to fuck for power... For that is the fucking question...
Anyway, vote on the poll if she should go through with it... DONT DROP ME YET D : Its not set in stone until I write it!!!
Alright sorry for the late release, shit happens right?
No, worse then shit, my life was kind of falling apart for a bit, my mom has been a complete bitch since the day I was born, but recently it has just been getting worse and worse as life goes on.
No spoiler, mayb Next time... In other news, life sux get over it….
Another chapter coming out eventually… But for now cya… (Pink window I guess?)
(watch it hurt everyones eyes lol….)
Oh the pink window isnt that bad...
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The Deathseeker [Under Revision]
NOTE: This story has dark elements, but it's neither grimdark nor particularly edgy. It's also currently being revised. Satan's Axe...Lord of High Honor...The Immortal Giant...The Black Maelstrom...Son of Thunderfield...The Gods' Retribution. Dalric had many names. None were as fitting as his last, Dalric the Deathseeker. Born from an unwanted mating between the greatest warriors of the time, death was his only true kin. It birthed him, molded him, and now standing in the middle of a lifeless battlefield, it drenched him. The blood of thousands of soldiers soaked his skin. Two hundred thousand men approached him that day. All of them sought his life, none of them left with theirs. But they would not die in vain, they had accomplished their mission. Hidden beneath a thousand layers of their blood, was Dalric's very own. Feeling his life fade, he gazed weakly at his work. A seemingly endless array of corpses laid battered and disfigured before him. Some bore faces of horror, most had no face at all. His most trusted companion floated in front of him, blocking the view. Waves of sorrow flowed between them. “My time has finally come. I’ve begged for death and it’s finally arrived. My work is done...and so is yours. You’re free to be who you were meant to.” With his contract with the gods fulfilled, they were truly free. The centuries of torment would end. No longer would they have to walk the path of a monster. Little did Dalric know, the devil was in the details. What To Expect: A good time. In a few more words than that, a cast of believable characters in a unique world dealing with conflicts and problems a little bit more complex than punching the big evil guy in the face. Just a little though. Minimum Word Count a Week: 5000 Release Time(s): Between Friday 12pm EST and Monday 6am EST I also write A King in the Clouds
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