《The man who wasnt human to begin with....》In the courtyard (Think this is 8?)
Sorry for the late chapter, Blame Rito... No seriously, I just spent the last 50000000 hours trying to fix my league client. Kept disconnecting me and then reconnecting me while i was in lobby... I couldn't get a game ;-;
Anyway, back to our main Hero!!! (MH instead of MC?) Spoilers are back by popular(?) demand (I honestly cant tell whats popular and what isnt as some ppl just lurk despite my messages... DAMN YOU LURKERS!!!! (No not really, I love you guys :DD))
On to the chapter I guess?
??? : "Gather around heroes." The head trainer said when they had all assembled in the courtyard. He nodded to a high ranking mage, who started to chant a spell.
After a few moments a almost see-through circle of air was created roughly twenty feet above them. This circle started to expand and encompass the assembled party like a bubble. The guard continued after the bubble started to form.
Guard : "As you know, we are here today to assess your combat abilities and what you specifically specialize in. Yesterday when you received your cards your information was read aloud as you were handed your card, those are your stats and they represent you in all your uniqueness." At this moment, the wall of air hit the ground and made a small airlock sound. The guard paused for a moment and looked at the mage. The mage nodded, prompting the guard to continue.
Guard : "As many of you may have noticed, the information we stated aloud when you were summoned.. was wrong, very wrong, as it was made up on the spot by our herald. There is a reason for this, as you may have predicted. Your stats are yours alone, they belong to no one else and should someone from our kingdom ask to see your stats, that person is a spy attempting to gain state secrets. All of our loyal servants know better, but the spies are trying to take advantage of your ignorance of our rules. If any servant asks or has asked for this information please see myself or the court wizard and they shall be dealt with accordingly.
For those of you who have not yet figured out why we stated false information, it was for that exact purpose. We have many enemies, and causing any amount of confusion to them or harassing their plans in any way, be it exposing their spies or giving them misinformation, is helpful to us.
For those of you concerned now, we promptly wiped the heralds memories of the event so that he would not remember the cards even under magical interrogation. Please rest at ease with the knowledge that only you know your stats. Neither myself nor anyone else here will ask for your stats, and we will only know what you want us to know. Please do not tell us the numbers or their general values as a powerful mage would be able to wrest that information from us even against our will. It is best that we not know it. What information would we like? Perhaps a general idea of your spread, for instance if you are a caster or a fighter. Not all of you will have a knack for magic and not all of you will have a knack for the sword or other weapons. For those of you which have talent for neither please, do not be distressed, as your input will still be valuable.
When the spell dissipates we are going to go to a sealed training hall to personally test you, or perhaps we will pit you against each-other, its up to you. The weapons we will be using are just blunt training swords and a few mages will be on standby to heal you in the unlikely even of an injury.
Now, this has been a rather long monologue, but while inside of the bubble I am able to say whatever I wish without any information leaking out, so I am trying to use that effect before it dissipates.
As it would take longer then the duration of the spell to sort through you one by one based on your wishes, I will walk to this side of the bubble, all who wish to practice combat please follow me after the test, all who wish to practice magic please follow the court wizard..."
The guard proceeded to walk to the far side of the bubble, leaving a majority of the class a bit dumbfounded at the new knowledge. Yes they had noticed something was off when the numbers were read incorrectly but they hadn't said anything because it would have been awkward at the time. As it was explained to them a bit of realization dawned on them; they were not here to play around. In this world they were indeed ignorant, and people would try to take advantage of them before they learned the rules of the game.
The class was split, unsurprisingly, 4-32. While a sword was a few people's fantasy, what person wouldn't jump at the opportunity to learn magic. The guard seeing the turnout nodded a few times and then spoke up again, addressing everyone still.
Guard : "Well, I expected as much. Remember, you may swap your focus at any point in time, you simply need to come here to this courtyard in the morning instead of the mages tower and vice versa. We will continue to assess your aptitude until the sun reaches its zenith, at which point we will break for lunch. After lunch will be a few other things, for those who wish to learn, the librarian will hold a "general question" time after eating. All questions are open, but she will mainly focus on knowledge pertaining to topics such as history and warfare as well as who our enemies are and why we need you. Any questions? No? Good... Please do not talk amongst yourselves of your stats when the sphere dissipates...Please remember, this information could allow an enemy to counter you at every turn and it should best be kept secret from even your best friends for their protection as well as yours.
If anyone has an "odd" profession or class and doesnt know which category he/she falls into feel free to experiment on your own time, but please make sure to keep all information on it to yourself for reasons already stated. Should you absolutely undeniably need guidance and you have no other alternative, our kingdom does employ an oracle. She may be able to help you, but that is a last option, only to be taken when all other options are expended...
We are out of time it seems...then my lords and ladies, shall we begin?"
He received a few nods, but an overwhelming majority was stares. The wall of air dissipated and he lead the class to an isolated hall, much like the one which the feast had been in last night, except it was slightly larger. It had been cleared of everything inside of it, creating a large wooden space, kind of like a dojo.
He had them stand to one side of the space, while he walked to the middle of the room, where a small pile of metal swords were stacked. He made picked one up, tested the edge with his hand and then gave it a few swings. He nodded in satisfaction at their quality and then turned back to the group.
Guard : "Before we start, I gave you the option of two methods, we test you, or you test each-other... Which one would you like?"
The class started talking to itself for a few moments quietly before seemingly coming to a decision. The teacher stepped forward and told the knight that the class wanted the knight to test them first, then test each-other. The guard seemed to understand and then asked for a volunteer for sword testing first. Someone raised his hand, leading to that person being chosen. A moment later the mage asked the same question, but before he finished his sentence he was met with a flurry of hands. He chose someone from the front of the group causing all of the other hands to flop down dejectedly. The girl chosen was very ecstatic at being chosen and skipped up to the mage to start the test.
The guard picked up a second practice sword and handed it to his slightly reluctant volunteer.
Guard : "What is your name my lord?"
??? : "Uh.. My name is Fredy..."
Guard : "Nice to meet you Frehdie. I am Sir Bennitor, you may call me "Ben". Have you ever used a sword before?" At Fredy's head shaking he gave a slight frown but it changed to a reluctant smile as he moved on. "Then for now, just strike at me. Do not worry about me, just use your full strength to attack me. Do not be alarmed when I parry, just continue attacking."
Fredy nodded and then drew the sword back. His mind flashed to a few games and movies he had seen that featured sword fights. He wasn't quite sure if he would be able to do much but he wanted to try anyway. He held the thought in his head that this skill would remain with him even after he returned, as opposed to the magic that the others wielded. Their world didn't have magic, why would you want to learn something that you would lose instead of something that you could keep? And swords were awesome!
His mind changed to the man standing in front of him. A big burly guy, standing over six feet tall, four inches taller then Fredy. Fredy took a deep breath and swung his sword from the right side towards the left. He wondered why the metal sword was so light in his hands. Surely it should be heavier right?
It reached an astonishing speed as it approached Ben, so fast that even Fredy was surprised at his strength. He thought for sure that he was good with the sword and that this was the way to go!
A moment later , in a silver flash and a clang sound his sword fell towards the ground.
Fredy : "Huh?" He wondered what had happened, but felt a bit of cold against his neck. He looked from his empty hand to directly in front of him. There stood Ben, his demeanor completely different from what it was originally. Where once it was the feeling a carefree uncle would give you, now it was a ruthless executor, ready to kill at only a moments notice. The blunt edge seemed all to real to Fredy as he fell backwards on his but.
A clang sound had drawn the attention of the class...
Perhaps in their arrogance they assumed that magic would be more powerful, more relevant, better ...
These arrogant thoughts had permeated their minds, drawing their entire attention to the soon to be first example of magic that they would see besides the air forming a bubble outside. A trance formed around them as they stared at the spectacle about to unfold.
A magic cast by one of them, proving that this was a real dream which they possessed. This dreamlike state of concentration was broken by a foreign sound.
A clang....
Such a simple sound, but so out of place amongst the chatter. Only once source could have created it, the metal swords that the guard and Fredy had been using.
They had turned around, perhaps expecting the guard to be knocked down or disarmed. after all they were the heroes. The ones summoned to be op and save everyone.
It would not fit to be defeated on the first day by a common guard right? And yet, low and behold one of their own, someone who's actions and demeanor implied that they possessed a strength based stat skew, was on their ass, with a sword to their neck.
Perhaps it was shock... Perhaps it was realization, Perhaps it was astonishment, perhaps even denial... Whatever it was, it permeated their systems, their bodies, their blood, their very conscious itself. No longer were they amused by these circumstances, arrogance disappeared from their eyes and a slight fear filled them. Fear of these men in front of them. They were supposed to be better then people, they were given gifts and had been bombarded with praise, they were enticed as people spoon fed their egos. Now that overinflated ego just up and 'popped', left even smaller then it was before.
Realization had taken its toll, either one of these two people would be able to eliminate all of them at once with hardly any effort.
??? : "What level are you?" A question was asked from within the group, directed at the guard. Everyone looked back at the source with questioning eyes. The man before them, this existence which could end them at any time, had explicitly explained that such a thing was personal. Never to ask, never to tell, and yet this person had asked. Not tactfully, not through conversation, not even alone... just flat out asked amidst a group of other people.
Its source was nowhere to be found however, for the students or the guard. Silence permeated the room, as the wizard had paused as well noticing the strange reaction of the students.
Ben : "Why is that relevant? Such information is not given out lightly..." The guard asked, slightly angry that someone wasn't listening to his talk about that earlier.
The anonymous voice once more replied, causing a shift among the group. They knew who he was. The loner, the jerk, the nerd, the sarcastic prick, the one who always corrected them, that guy ... The people around him moved away from him slightly. This effect spread rapidly, leaving him isolated from the group as he always had been.
Cornelius : "Can you not answer your own question?"
Ben : "What?" He grew slightly angry at this comment, but then he looked around. In the eyes of his onlookers. A look he knew well. A look which he had seen many times by rookie troops on the battlefield.
A look perhaps more dangerous to a person then the war itself...
Fear, the source of nightmares. One of the strongest emotions a person could have and one of the hardest to get rid of. Fear could inspire loyalty, but when taken to far it has the adverse effect. It could turn someone useless in only a matter of seconds, leaving even the strongest warrior a convulsing crying sack of meat on the ground. One of the main problems with this fear was that it was so easy to induce as it was one of the most primal of emotions. Fear stemmed from the flight or fight reflex. When your body deems it impossible to win through a fight, it chooses to flee. Should your mind deem it impossible to flee, fear is born.
He glanced around the students, trying to find a face not covered in the emotion, but everywhere he looked it was futile. The dreaded emotion which could bring ruin to armies faster then a lack of food hung heavy in the air. He frantically searched, glancing even to the side at Fredy. Fredy had it worse then most of those in the group, as this was his first brush with death. He noticed only two people who had maintained their rationality after having their arrogance crushed. The inquirer was one, and the other...
Ben understood after this, the meaning of the question. It was context...
When you come up with an insurmountable force you fear it instinctively, but if someone were to tell you that you would be able to become that insurmountable force then your fear would turn into eager anticipation.
Revealing his level, not even his status, could have the ability to explain the gap between his pupils and himself, urging them onward in their training to eventually reach and surpass his level.
Ben : "I am level one hundred and eighty five... But rest assured Heroes, each and every one of you has the potential to put me to shame. You need only train and grow, after that you shall surely prosper... You, Hero," He pointed to the boy who had saved him the trouble of recovering the people, whose eyes had already started to turn from fear to respect. "What is your name?"
Cornelius : "I am Cornelius, and I am next in line..." He said, walking forward and picking up the sword Fredy had dropped.
A smile cracked on Ben's face as he lifted his sword.
Ben : "Very well then..."
With that the sword test started...
Wow, long chapter right?
Spoiler :
Where was I? Oh right...
Valkyries are any warrior who chooses to serve a Stratovian. They are gifted with advanced technology far ahead of anything we (as in 2015) are currently capable of designing. More details on these later, but as I have noticed a few comments (Welcome lurkers :D) asking about the Primus I figured I might as well explain it.
There is allowed to be ONE count it ONE primus per Galaxy. When the old Primus dies a new one is chosen. A HIGH Primus is the most advanced Primus of them all. Btw The difference between the Primus and normal Stratovians has "yet" to be revealed but for those who want to know read the spoiler inside the spoiler... (That doesnt work, its below.... Click it :3 you know you want to.........
Their telekinesis and their higher intellect make Stratovians the most ruthless species in the known universe, allowing them to do many things which others are unable to do. Their Computers alone are capable of becoming complete people, possessing their own personalities and emotions.
A true Stratovian weapon, not the "fuzz throwers" the Valkyries use, has a similar effect as a HALO ring, but with selective targeting. (They can purge the entire universe of a specific species in a matter of seconds by having their cities target a specific genetic makeup and just deconstructing all existing copies of it. The people don't "die" they are literally erased from existence atom by atom, leaving no copies or varients of their DNA in existence.) And while this is normally done from every Stratovian city (only happened two times in all of their existence) it only requires five to do, as the range of one of their weapons is around a third of the universe. (like in a sphere)
Those are their most powerful weapons, of course their are some almost as powerful but on a small scale, such as planetary or even personal. Their other weapons shall be explained later(possibly?)
I mean, all you have to do is ask about the lore and I will explain it.. I spent a while on this guys, please...ASK Q.Q
Anyway, keep on keeping on... Sword fight next time?
This is the second one, it didnt play nice with the other spoiler, so it gets to be below....
Spoiler : There you go!!!!
Stratovians are telekinetics, and while most of them are only able to move objects with their minds, a Primus has the ability to move individual atoms and restructure molecules. A HIGH Primus has the ability to completely (Yes I know this isn't possible, but bear with me for a moment... ok I have the solution, tell your computer to divide by zero and your plot-holes are solved, in other words, accept it or fuck you....) destroy energy, allowing them to break the laws of the universe. This is considered nothing to them, as their creator is said to have possessed the ability to rewrite these laws by himself. (There actually is an explanation for that one....D: im serious, if enough ppl ask I will start to type out the main story on RRL)
Turns out I spelled spoiler wrong...
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