《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》Wasp attack and the start of Asher's debut
Chapter 14
Hearing the buzzing sound getting closer, the citizen starts to panic once again. Shop owners took their products and hid inside their houses or stuff them inside a carriage.
Family and friends ran towards a place where they think it’s safe.
[Asher] (Everyone is in a panic…but then again, I can’t blame them for acting like this.)
After watching the surrounding panic, Asher looks at the direction where the buzzing sound is coming from and frowns.
[Asher] (But still, what kind of day is this? First I find out I can’t use any magic, then I got into trouble with a pathetic porker and made his daughter cry in middle of the street and now this.) “Sigh, this just isn’t my day.”
Recalling the disappointing events that happened in a single day, Asher made a deep sigh while looking at the upcoming attack as if it’s an annoyance.
[City Soldier] “Excuse me, Sir Djinn?”
Asher turns and found a dark elf wearing light armor and held the same spear like magic staff, just like Ougustus’ men. He then look around and sees other soldiers, though they’re different in races, helping the people and leading them somewhere.
The solder that called out to Asher then continue his talk.
[City Soldier] “Please follow me and we’ll lead you to a safe place.”
[Asher] “O—oh, alright, got it.”
Since it’s an order form someone who is similar to a policeman, Asher didn’t say anything and just followed from behind.
But since the upcoming monsters are flying, they were able to reach the city quickly and started to dive with their sharp stinger.
The people starts to panic while the city soldiers do their best to shoot them down with magic, some citizens are even doing the same thing as the city soldiers by casting their own magic to take them down.
Though some of them are succeeding, its speed, its agility, as well as they’re amazing number, shooting down one or two wouldn’t make much of a difference.
Of course seeing other people use magic made Asher slightly jealous, but he quickly shakes the thought because 2 giant wasps are headed towards himself and 4 more people behind him.
[Male Human] “Qu—quick, we need to cast some attack type spells!”
[Male Centaur] “R—right!”
[Female Elf] “Oh great Marid, ruler of wind and—Kyaaaa!?”
[Male Elf] “Ruler of Fire and Metal Effrit, aid me in—Wuaaa!?”
Though they were read to cast the spell their going to use, they still needed to chant which takes time. So before they even got to finish, the 2 wasps were already pointing their stingers at them.
[Asher] “Moon Destruction Method # 27!”
Asher, who was standing in front of the panicked, jump forward and did a spin in midair and lashes his right leg at the giant wasps.
[Asher] “Scythe!!!”
As if he felt no resistance at all, Asher’s cuts through not only the air but also the heads of the 2 wasps, the basketball sized head then drops down to the ground and rolls on the Elf pair’s feet.
After his midair kick, Asher gently land on the ground but he quickly sprints towards another pair who are about to be attacked.
[Asher] “Moon Destruction Method # 52...”
With his fast legs, the 4 who Asher saved could already see him in a distance.
[Elf Woman] “Nooo!”
[Beastkin woman] “Kyaaa!”
[Asher] “Lance!!!”
Before the stinger touch the two female Elf and Beastkin, Asher used the force of his sprint and his left elbow to break the stinger, he then twist his body and use the momentum to use his entire right arm like a lance and pierce the hard shelled body of the wasp.
[Asher] “Eew…this is gross, why did I us my arm to do that!?”
With a disgusted look, Asher shakes his right hand to get rid of the wasp’s translucent yellowish fluid.
[Elf Woman] “Um…thank you for saving us.”
[Beastkin Woman] ”Thank you very much Sir Djinn.”
[Asher] “Don’t worry about it, What’s more important right now is your own safety. Do you know any where you can be safe?”
Maybe due to what’s happening, it only took a minute for them to answer Asher’s question.
[Beastkin Woman] “Um…there is this underground safe house for the citizens that the king made.”
[Asher] (Wow, props for thinking ahead there.) “That’s perfect, you head over there now and if you can, tell everyone you pass by about it. Can you do that for me?”
[Elf Woman] “Y—yes, we’ll try…and thank you again Sir Djinn.”
[Beastkin Woman] “Thank you…but what about you Sir?”
[Asher] “I’ll stay here and stop the ones that come after you and everyone. But in exchange, get as much people into that safe house.”
The two women made faces as if they wanted to say something, but then the buzzing noises grew stronger.
[Asher] “Don’t worry and just go.”
Seeing Asher’s determination, the two women ran off and did what Asher told them to do.
[Fuyuki] “Kyuunnn~”
[Asher] “I guess you finally decided to come out…oops, sorry Fuyuki.”
Fuyuki, who got out of the lion ornament’s mouth, shook its long body in the air that is been covered in the same fluid that covered Asher’s arm.
[Asher] “You should keep you out here for now, not unless you want to have another dip with that gross stuff.”
[Fuyuki] “Kyuunnn~”
Fuyuki strongly shakes it head, clearly saying that she doesn’t want that to happen no matter what reason.
[Asher] “Hehe~ thought so. Now then, I better keep my end of the bargain and keep those things away from them.”
Meanwhile in the shopping district, the wasps have already started their attack. The scene was far worse compared to Asher’s location. Since the shopping district is the first area that the wasps got close to.
Soldiers and civilians alike are using their magic to ether defend themselves or each other. But due to their never ending like numbers, the soldiers’ as well as the civilians’ Mana quickly gets depletes.
Unlike Djinns, other races couldn’t make Mana inside themselves but instead use the Mana that is all around the air. But even if the world called Terrafis as unlimited supply of Mana surrounding it, the races couldn’t absorb Mana quickly. Even Elves take a half a day to recover their own Mana fully.
At the center of the shopping district, the three maids Touwa, Alicia and Bartila, a noble name Marian and finally 2 fully armed soldiers that are protecting them while casting magic spells, aiming at the giant wasps heading for them.
[Bodyguard # 1] “Please stay behind us Lady Marian.”
[Bodyguard # 2] “We’ll make sure to keep you safe.”
Though they said that, the two soldiers in front of the 4 women notice the soldiers’ legs shaking.
Normally giant wasps are easy to take care of, as long as there are 5 or 7 members in a party, they could take care of 4 wasps or even 6 if their experienced. But fighting against hundreds of them is courting death.
[Alicia] “Gnnn~ no matter how many I shot down, their numbers aren’t going down!”
[Bartila] “It doesn’t matter, just keep casting you spell!”
Alicia, who has the affinity of Wind and Water, cuts the wings of the wasps with her wind element spell, while Bartila, who has the affinity of Earth and Nature, casts stone darts at the bodies.
But like they said, their numbers are just too great.
Touwa, who has the affinity of Light and Electricity, is also casting an electric type spell to burn the wasps to the ground. As for the noble Marian, she casts wall type, or protective type spells to keep the wasps away.
Marian is actually a student of the famous Magic Academy, a 2nd year and she is also an honor student, but she is only specialized in wall or barrier type spells, so all she could do is keep making walls and barriers.
[Bodyguard # 1] “Da—hah—Damn it…I’m running…hah…out of Mana.”
[Bodyguard # 2] “Keep going, we…we can’t let them get any closer!”
There was no surprise when one of them said that, since the very start of the wasps’ attack, they have been casting their spells nonstop and even though they’re only casting 1st to 2nd class magic, it could still take a lot of Mana if over used.
The bodyguard, who just said about his Mana depleting, dropped down with one knee on the ground while gasping with numerous sweat drops flowing down his head.
Seeing this as a chance, two wasps charges in for an attack.
[Marian] “Khu~ Marid, ruler of Water and Wind, I ask for your protective wall to come for my aid, Blue Pillar!”
Finishing her chant, Marian cast a 3rd class defensive type spell, not only stopping the incoming attack, but also pushing them back and eventually crashing into a wall. The debris then falls on top of them.
Marian, who never had a chance to use her spell outside the academy, felt happy that she could take care of wasps by using her spells and due to her sudden change of mood, she wasn’t able to notice a giant wasp is fly towards her from behind, ready to grab her.
[Touwa] “L—Lady Marian, look out!”
But before the wasp reached her, Touwa, who was closest to her, pushed her aside and in was grabbed from behind.
[Touwa] “Khuuu~”
Though Touwa tried to get away by force, her struggling didn’t avail to anything, due to having all the wasp’s legs wrapped around her.
With the sound of buzzing in the air, the wasp that has Touwa in its clutches starts to fly higher and higher. The reaming soldier quickly readies his staff and aims at the wasp, but only yo be stopped by Bartila.
[Bartila] “Don’t, if you cast a spell, you might hit Touwa in the process!”
[Alicia] “Bartila is right, you should stand down.”
[Marian] “B—but what should we do? If we don’t save Ms. Touwa now, she might…” (If only I was paying attention, this wouldn’t have happened!)
Marian felt guilty for her ignorance; she herself knew that if only she kept her concentration to her surroundings, Touwa wouldn’t have to be captured.
As for Touwa herself, she actually wated to cast a spell to help herself escape, but both of her hands are placed on her chest and could budge.
Looking up at Touwa, who is now about 30 feet in the air, Alicia and Bartila, along with Marian and the two bodyguards, struggles to think of a way to save her.
Suddenly, a figure jumps out on one of the roof and lands on the back of the wasp that is holding on to Touwa with its hard bone like legs in the air.
Feelings of security swell up inside Alicia and Bartila and smiles after seeing the figure, while Marian and the other two soldiers are surprise.
Though there are other Djinns in the world of Terrafis, there is only one Djinn that has a long, blue, translucent scarf-like light gushing out of his back.
Asher stood still at the giant wasp’s back while crossing his arms as he looks down on the bug that was about to fly off with his friend.
[Asher] “Wow, you sure are very clingy, but haven’t you heard, no joy rides on the first date…Hmm?”
Since Asher stuck out like a sore thumb, not only did everyone in the Shopping District notice him, but also the other giant wasps that were flying close by.
The wasp that Asher is standing on, uses it stinger and swings upwards to hit Asher, but easily evades it and grabs its stinger. With the momentum of the wasp’s attack, Asher was swung down to its lower body.
He then uses its legs like a Monkey bars that can be seen in a children’s playground and eventually face up close to Touwa’s.
[Asher] “Hey Touwa.”
[Touwa] “S—Sir Asher!?”
[Asher] “Don’t worry; I’ll get you out of this creep.”
With his new strength, Asher grabs on to one of its legs and tears it off of its body.
With its screech getting louder and louder, Asher continues to tear its other legs leaving only one.
[Touwa] “Kyaa!?”
[Asher] “Don’t worry, I got you.”
Touwa eventually fell and Asher quickly held her on her waist.
[Asher] (Good, now that Touwa is safe…) “How should I deal with these guys?”
From the screech that the wasps did earlier, its surrounding comrades fly over towards his location and even the wasp that Asher is holding on to starts to raise it lower body again, readying its self for another attack.
Since Asher seen this kind of attack pattern, he turns his head to Touwa, who has her arms around Asher’s neck and her face close to his, and said something to her pointy elf ears.
[Asher] “Hold on to me tight Touwa, this might get rough.”
[Touwa] “Hyaa…amph…”
Asher wasn’t able to notice Touwa’s reaction since she quickly lowers her head and closed her mouth and his other reason for not noticing her adorable reaction and slightly erotic sound she made is because his attention is aim at the wasp’s attack.
The wasp then swings his lower body and trust’s it’s stinger towards Asher.
With both of his hands unusable, Asher gave the upcoming stinger with a straight left kick.
With Asher’s powerful kick, the stinger brakes into pieces and makes the lower body swing backwards.
With its lower body flipping it over, the wasp’s head swings downwards. Seeing his opportunity, Asher uses both of his legs and traps the wasp’s head between his feet and completely flips him over.
Unlike before, Asher and Touwa are now on top of the wasp’s body while flying upside-down in midair.
Asher then seeing 3 wasps heading for him and Touwa and without warning, he carries Touwa like a princess, just like the time when they first meet, and then crouches down.
[Asher] (Weird Djinn strength, don’t fail me now!)
With a powerful force, Asher jumps up in the air and dodge the 3 wasps’ stingers. The 3 then got stabbed on their lower body and drops down the ground and as for the wasp that grabbed Touwa, it fell to the ground like a meteor and eventually burst, due to Asher using it as a platform.
[Touwa] “H—huh!? Wha—why are we…”
[Asher] “Whoa, this is so high up.”
Touwa looks down as see her friends, Marian and the soldiers getting smaller. As for Asher, he was shocked to see how high he was in the air, from what he can see, he must have jumped 40 feet in the air.
He looks down to the ground, while still going higher. He could see more giant wasps heading for him, readying their stingers.
[Asher] (The cavalry, huh?) “Touwa, keep holding on to me tightly and make sure not to open your mouth, you might bit your tongue.”
Following Asher’s order without question, Touwa stays quiet and give 3 small nods for her reply.
Asher’s powerful jump finally stops, no longer increasing their airtime; Asher held Touwa closer and dove head first towards the first giant wasp. Seeing this, Touwa closes her eyes and held Asher tighter.
The closest wasp readies his stinger. But before he even got the chance to attack, Asher did a 2 spin summersault; he then did a last spin slanting his body.
[Asher] Moon Destruction Method: Art # 31—“
Using the force of his spin, he relaxes the muscle on his right leg and swings it to the wasp’s hard shelled head.
[Asher] “Flail!!!”
The wasp’s head shatters into pieces while continually buzzing its wings. While its headless body is still afloat in the air, Asher once again uses it body as a platform and jumps to another incoming wasp to his left.
He then raises his right leg upwards and brings it down with great force.
[Asher] “Art # 40 Becs de Corbin!!!”
Shattering only the back part of the wasp’s head, its body follows and leans downwards. With its back showing, Asher used its body to land to jump towards another.
But to his surprise, there were 3 incoming wasps that already have their stingers ready. He then did a vertical spin and did a kick fast enough to make his right leg disappear.
[Asher] “Art # 27 Scythe!!!”
With his kick, the wasps’ stingers got sliced into two pieces and by using the momentum of his first attack; he did another ‘Scythe’ aiming for the wasps’ head and just like their stingers, their head are now cut into two.
He then land his feet on the wasps in the middle of the 3, Asher stares at the other wasps flying to him.
[Asher] (Bring it on Bugs, bring it on…)
As Asher continues to take down the giant wasps as he leaping towards another while dropping down from the air, Alicia and the other watches Asher’s figure in amazement.
But of course Alicia and company wasn’t the only ones that noticed Asher’s figure at the sky, the other people of the district saw him performing something unheard of.
Seeing their comrades falling down to the ground, the other wasps that were attacking the people earlier are now making their way towards Asher.
[Bartila] “What in Effrit’s name…”
[Alicia] “Th—that’s amazing, Sir Asher is taking them down without even using his magic.”
Though the others also wanted to say something, they simply went silent while having their eyes get stuck on Asher’s fight. Even the people who hid in their homes, pops their head out from their windows or their doors to watch.
[Bartila] “He’s even carrying Touwa like a princess while fighting…”
As if watching a firework display, the people of the district continues to keep their gaze on Asher while keeping quit in amazement.
Finally getting lower enough, Asher see a nearby roof. He then Kicks off from the head of a wasp he just beat and lands gently.
He then looks at Touwa, who stayed quiet the whole time.
[Asher] “Touwa, Touwa, are you alright?”
[Touwa] “H—huh? We—we’re back? Is it over?”
[Asher] “Not exactly, I’m just her to drop you.”
Since Asher did a lot of spin moves in the air, he got worried that Touwa might feel sick, but seeing her complexion, she didn’t seem to be dizzy from all the spinning.
[Touwa] “But what a—about the wasps?”
[Asher] “Don’t worry, it seems like they completely forgotten about the town and got their eyes on me now.”
He then knock on the lion ornament on his right shoulder.
[Fuyuki] “K—kyunn?”
[Asher] “I Guess you the one that got dizzy. Sorry Touwa, but can you do me a favor? I want you to take care of her for now.”
[Touwa] “What is—um…yes, I’ll be sure to take care of it.”
[Asher] “Thanks.”
Having Fuyuki curled up on his palm, Touwa gently receives her form Asher’s palm. But suddenly, a wasp came flying towards Asher from behind with its stinger ready to pierce him.
[Touwa] “Look ou—“
Before Touwa finishes her shout, Asher moves a bit his left and grabs the stinger like a head lock.
[Asher] “Damn back stabbing bug.”
He then clenches his left arm and punches the wasp’s stinger, completely breaking it.
Hearing its pained screeching, Asher grabs hold to the wasp’s lower body, spins it once and throws it at the other wasp. He then ran towards the roof’s edge and leaps at the wasp he just threw and used it again as a platform to jump in the air.
[Bartila] “Touwa, are you alright, can you hear me!?”
Hearing her name being called, Touwa turns her head left and right but could find the Bartila anywhere. She then looks down and found not only Bartila but also Alicia, waving at her with a smile and behind her is Marian and her two bodyguards.
[Bartila] “It’s dangerous up there, come on down!”
[Touwa] “Y—yes, I coming…um…uh…h—how do I do that?”
Unlike Asher, who has been jumping in amazing heights without even fearing about his landing, Touwa on the other hand is too scared to jump down from a 2 story building.
Alicia and Bartila looks for a way get Touwa down safely. A few seconds later, Alicia finds a stepladder made of wood and with the soldiers help.
Placing the ladder on the roof, Touwa puts Fuyuki on the pocket on her apron and slowly, carefully descends while the two bodyguards held the ladder steady.
One of the bodyguards then noticed something, Touwa black garter belt. Out of temptation, he takes small glimpse upwards, his partner in crime eventually notice him and starts to take a peek as well.
[Bartila] “Don’t you two dare look up her dress, alright boys?”
As if Bartila could read their minds, the soldiers quickly looks away and pretends to not know what she said. Unfortunately it was too late; Alicia as well as their employer saw them and gave them a cold look.
[Alicia] “……………….”
[Marian] “……………….”
Their silent’s hurts.
Meanwhile up in the air, Asher continues to fight the giant wasps. With his kick and punches, one by one the giant insects fall to the ground, ether without a head, lower body or wings.
But even though he took down more wasps with his arms free, the numbers of the giant wasps kept increasing, to the point where Touwa and the others could barely see Asher’s figure.
[Asher] “Whoa—damn it, there’s too many of them!”
As he continues to fight, the wasps from the back started to fly in a single direction, similar to what a school of fishes do in the ocean.
[Asher] “Whoaaaa!”
Having no platform or to be more precise, no giant wasps to jump from or to land on, Asher falls from the sky in about 100 ft or even more.
The giant wasps then did a ‘U’ turn and once again point their stingers at Asher, but this time, the wasps did a circular flight pattern and quickly gaining more speed from they’re spinning and the they’re charging.
Asher looks in amazement, though he is now falling from a ridicules height, he could stop himself from expressing his feelings.
[Asher] (Did those wasps just made a giant drill!? It’s like a drill that could pierce the heavens! Isn’t that too much of an overkill!?)
With fierce speed, the giant drill that is made out of wasps, thrusts towards Asher. Luckily Asher is wearing that royal gauntlets Regulus, and blocks the drill’s attack.
[Asher] “Don’t underestimate a Martial Artist!!!”
After his slightly pissed off shout, Asher release his guard and grabs 6 spinning stingers. With his strong grip, the rotation of the 6 wasps starts to get slower and slower and eventually stopping their attack.
The crack on their stingers quickly got bigger and breaks all 5 simultaneously. Leaving only one, he once again held on to it tightly and did a single spin then throws the wasp.
The gathered giant wasps got hit and some smash against each other, making them look a lot like bowling pins.
[Asher] “Hah…hah…hehehe, d—did you see that!? I wasn’t taught by my Mom for nothing! Hahahahah…ah!?”
Asher shouts full of pride and energy while looking at the giant wasps with his usual family grin, but he eventually notice something wrong.
He no longer has any platforms to step on.
Not only was his scream noticed throughout the district, but also the sound of the crash as well as a big dust cloud from where he lands.
[Asher] “*Cough!* *Cough!* Never would have thought I’d survive that kind of fall, still hurt though.”
Waving the small dust clouds in front of him, he looks around the dim room.
[Asher] (Now then, where did land?) “More importantly, why do I feel like I landed on a ground full of hard balls?”
Trying to stand up, Asher put his right hand on the ground and unconsciously grabs hold on to something.
With the light from the hole that is now on roof, Asher soon realized where he landed.
[Asher] “You got to be kidding me, of all the places; this is the place I landed on…haah.”
The object on his hands is no other than the same orb that deemed Asher magicless.
Making another sigh, Asher stood up from the big pile of orbs, similar to the orb in his hand. Trying to forget his reason for even going to the city, Asher starts to hear screams coming from out of the house. He then looks up at the hole he made and finds the giant wasps flying all over again.
[Asher] (Damn it, even though I have my martial arts, id doesn’t mean I can take care of such a large number…if only…if only I have magic…”
Griping the orbs out of frustration, Asher thinks of ways to take care of the wasps with magic while closing his eyes tightly.
[Asher] (But if wind magic is used, they could follow the flow and get away from the attack, water is also out of the question…then the only thing that could work is…)
Since Asher is closing his eyes, he wasn’t able to notice what is happening around the room. Not only is the orb on his hand glowing, the other orbs on the ground and shelves starts to glow stronger and stronger.
Slowly opening his eyes, he finishes his thoughts with a single word for an answer.
[Asher] “Fire.”
Suddenly, the white glow of the orbs quickly changes into bright crimson red.
[Asher] “Whoa!? Wha—what the hell is happening!?”
In a panic, Asher looks around the red colored room and then looks at the orb on his hand. After staring at the red glow for a minute, Asher makes his usual grin and clenches his right hand that held the red orb in front of him.
[Asher] “So that it…”
Full of confidence, Asher walks out of the room with a sure win plan.
Hey guys its me, ZYLOS. sorry for being late, i've been thinking on how to write the fighting part of the story, by the way just to remind you guys. i still plane to finish my other story, but i'll post it on my other website once im done finishing up and getting my ID ready. oh and give me more comments please, well then see you guys next chapter!!!!
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