《This new Life of mine, isn't it too much of a Change!!!?》The end of an OLD and a start of a NEW
In a certain city, in a certain restaurant, is where a certain man works, and this man’s name is Asher Redmond.
Asher is presently working behind the restaurant, cooking different kinds of food in the menu.
[Waiter] “Yo Ash, we got 3 more special.”
[Asher] “Got it, 3 specials coming right up.”
Normally the waiter would call out to someone who isn’t busy; unfortunately the only one who is working in the kitchen is Asher all by himself.
A lot of office workers go to this particular restaurant ether to eat lunch or have a early dinner, so the amount of people coming over are not only a dozen but more.
With so much food to cook, one would usually give up or get unmotivated, but for Asher, his strong smile isn’t disappearing nor is it getting smaller.
[Asher] “Heh, since the manager promised me a bonus pay for this, there is no way I’m going down, so bring it on!”
With work that usually gets done by 4 or 6 chefs, Asher is getting every order done without even slowing down.
[Waiter 1] “*Whistle* look at him go, he’s not even slowing down.”
[Waiter 2] “That’s Ash for ya, that guy practically has an endless supply of stamina.”
[Asher] “4 fried rice, 3 specials and 4 Sundays, ready to serve!”
The waiters at the counter, stood still while admiring Asher’s quick movements, but a middle aged man took notice of them.
[Manager] “Hey, get back to work you lazy bums or I’ll cut your pay!”
[Asher] “Eh!? Manager, you’re going to cut my pay, but why!?”
Though those words are obviously not meant for him, but since the Manager shouted, Asher thought that he was one of the ‘lazy bums’ that was mentioned.
[Asher] “See this Manager!? I’m not being lazy at all, I’m cooking all the orders and if you want me to wash the dishes, then I’ll finish them quickly!...oof.”
The Manager walked closer to Asher, who is now rolling up his sleeves so he could start washing the dishes, was gently hit on the head with a clip board.
[Manager] “Calm down Ash, I wasn’t talking to you so I won’t cut your pay…”
[Asher] “Um…what about my bonus?”
[Manager] “I won’t take it back, so you don’t have to worry.”
Asher sighed in relief when he heard that his money is safe.
[Asher] “Well, I better get back to work; I can’t make the costumers wait after all.”
The Manager then watches Asher stride back to the kitchen.
[Manager] “Hey, Asher.”
[Asher] “Sir?”
[Manager] “Aren’t you working top much? I know I shouldn’t be saying this, being a manager and all, but isn’t time for you to go home? It’s getting rather late and you still have school tomorrow, right?”
[Asher] “Actually sir, I’m in a little bind right now.”
[Manager] “Hmm? What do you mean?”
Asher wasn’t sure if he should tell his problem to someone who isn’t event related, but since someone asked, he thought it might lighten his worries.
A week ago, by the time Asher finishes his construction part time work, the sun has already set and he is now headed home.
The apartment complex he lives in is one would call a “Crap Shack” or in other words.
[Asher] “*Sigh* this place look broken down as usual.”
With a slightly sorrowful sigh, Asher walks up the stair to reach his apartment in the 30th floor. Usually this kind of complex has a built in elevator, but the machine in this building is meant for people who are light.
Asher, though he is only 17 years old, his height measured to be exactly 6 feet, a well built body due to multiple part time works and even though he has sharp intimidating ice blue eyes and pure black hair, he is what most people would call a “Good looking tough guy”.
[Asher] “Haa…seriously, the owner should really put a new elevator, walking all those stairs just makes me even more tired.”
With words of complaints, he effortlessly made it to the 30th floor thanks to his unbelievable stamina.
The elevator that is next to the stairs he used made a sound, the elevator’s door started to open with a few rattling noises.
[…] “Phew…I was able to buy some half priced goods at the super market…ah? Asher, welcome home.”
[Asher] “Mom, your back already, or more like…”
Diana was crouching while holding her stocking covered legs, gasping for air and slightly covered in sweat. But even so, she still greeted her son with a warm motherly smile.
Diana is a 34 year old woman, though she is close to being in her 30s, she still maintained a wrinkleless skin, a beautiful figure, black glossy hair that goes down all the to her shoulder and light brown eyes.
In other words, she looks like a 20 year old.
[Asher] “Mom, I told you that I’ll do the shopping, you don’t have to do this. You just have to relax once you get back from work.”
[Diana] “No, at least let me do some motherly things for Asher for once.”
[Asher] “E—even if you say that, you don’t even know how to chop the veggies properly, so cooking is pretty much out of the question for you.”
[Diana] “Do—don’t look down on your mother, I know how to cook something.”
[Asher] “And that is what exactly?”
Asher crouched down as he stares at her, making Diana back off a bit.
[Diana] “Well…I can…um…I can make instant noodles…”
[Asher] “………Mom, there’s a reason why they call it instant, all you have to do is put boiling water in it.”
He then grabs the shopping bags and stood up, as looks at his mother who is still on the floor, she pouted and looks up to his son.
[Diana] “He—heating the water still counts as cooking though.”
[Asher] “Yeah, yeah, now come on, I still need to get dinner ready.”
[Diana] “Ah…wait, at least let me carry half of it.”
When Asher was about to walk towards their house, Diana quickly got up and stood in front of Asher with both her hands spread.
[Asher] “*Sigh* Alright, here can you carry this for me?”
He then gave Diana a small bottle of juice and continues to walk the apartment hallway.
[Diana] “…………………..are you making fun of me?”
[Asher] “Of course I’m not.”
As soon as Asher and his mother step into their house, Asher quickly change to his indoor clothes and heads straight to the kitchen.
With the sound of the knife chopping, Diana came out of her room and walks to the living room, sat on their old couch and starts drinking the juice that Asher made her carry.
[Asher] “Dinner will be ready soon, so keep you busy mom.”
[Diana] “OK~”
This is the usual atmosphere in their house hold, a mother and her child everyday moment, though Diana herself still hasn’t realized that both of their roles are reversed.
It was a moment of silence for the both of them; the only sound one could hear is Asher’s dinner preparation. But Diana soon broke the silence.
[Diana] “Hey Asher, can I ask you something?”
[Asher] “What is it? If you want to snacks, I think I left a bag of chips in counter.”
[Diana] “Really, is it sour n cream flavor…wait, this isn’t what I want to ask you!”
[Asher] “You won’t eat the chips then?”
[Diana] “I’ll eat them.”
After grabbing the bag of chips, she walks back to the couch and started to eat them.
[Diana] “What I want to ask you is *Crunch* what would you feel I remarried?”
Asher slightly twitches when he heard his mother about getting remarried, but he quickly got his composure and asked.
[Asher] “What’s with the sudden question, did someone ask you from work?”
Diana might be his mother, but he fully know how attractive she, so there might be a few men who is going after her.
[Diana] “No, but for the past 6 months, I’ve been dreaming about a man, he was so good looking, he had silver hair, violet eyes and he dresses up like a prince, he had a red mantle to.”
[Asher] “A dream, huh?”
As Asher ponders about what his mother has just said, he walks towards the living room while carrying tonight’s dinner.
The menu they have tonight is Creamy Spinach and Chicken Penne.
[Diana] “Whoa! How did you make this?”
[Asher] “Someone at work taught me how to make them, anyway about that dream.”
As soon as Asher puts down the plate, Diana is already taking her portion to her plate, while Asher continues his words.
[Asher] “Aren’t you too old to dream about a prince? I mean your 35 years old.”
Diana already has penne pasta stabbed into her fork, but she suddenly stopped when she heard Asher’s words.
[Diana] “First of all I’m 34, don’t get that wrong and 2nd, what’s wrong with me dreaming about my prince charming?”
Asher notice that his mother is starting to fume, most likely because he mentioned about her age.
[Asher] “Nothing, it’s just…you know?”
[Diana] “No I don’t know, humph! Fine then, I won’t tell you anything about my dream, stupid Asher.”
[Asher] (This is bad, she’ll keep pouting if I don’t do something. Better change the topic.)
Asher then called out to her mother while she eats the penne pasta angrily, but even though she was mad, she still said “What?” towards him.
[Asher] “You got back from work early today, did something happen?”
[Diana] “Oh yeah, about that, the people I work with are going to a 2 week trip, the destination is somewhere in Hawaii parentally.”
[Asher] “Hawaii, huh? Aren’t you going with them?”
Diana gave Asher a smile full of energy that doesn’t even have the slightest sadness to detect and said “No way”, while waving her hand.
[Diana] “You know that we don’t have any money to play around with, besides my officemates are only going there to have fun, it’s not like it has anything to do with work.”
She then continues eating with a smile on her face.
Asher didn’t let it show in his face, but he actually wants her to go and have fun.
Asher’s father died when he was still 3 years old, so Diana worked to her fullest just to raise him.
[Asher] (I need to make her go, this might be the only time she can go out and have fun.)
Asher thought that this might be his chance to pay back his mother for all the things she gave him.
[Asher] “Why don’t you go? I think we have enough money in our savings for you to go.”
[Diana] “What are you saying? We just spent that money today’s rent.”
[Asher] “What are you talking about? We still have some extras you can use.”
[Diana] “Really? But won’t we need that for next month.”
[Asher] “*Sigh* Just quit your excuses and go. This might be a once in a life time chance for you to go.”
Diana was still reluctant, but Asher kept pushing her until she finally decided to go with her officemates.
But at 2 A.M. in the morning, Asher left the apartment and withdrew all of his money in his bank account from the closest A.T.M. machine and dropped all of them in their savings jar.
Having no money, Asher requested all of his part-time jobs to give him an extra shift, just so he could have enough money for the rent next month.
[Manager] “So that’s why you asked me for more work shifts.”
The costumers have lessened that is why Asher was able to tell the Manager and he quietly listened to his story that happened a week ago.
[Asher] “Hehe, sorry about that sir, I must have given you some trouble.”
[Manager] “Don’t worry about it, honestly you’re a big help. Anyway, here you go. This should make you even more motivated.”
Manager took out Asher’s pay that is contained in a small folder from his chest pocket and hands it to him.
[Asher] “Whoa, itsy my pay! Sweet, now I can buy my some food in the cafeteria tomorrow!”
[Manager] “You’ve been a great help, so I added a few more in your bonus.”
[Asher] “Really? Thank you very mu—”
[Waitress] “Kyaaaa! P—please sir, don’t do anything dangerous!”
Asher wasn’t able to finish his thanks because not only did they hear a cream from his coworker, but also the sound of braking glasses.
Asher along with the Manager quickly ran at the tables and found a man wearing a ski mask while swinging a knife.
In an obvious stand point, the ski mask wearing man is a robber and doing this act alone, usually someone would stop him but the reason why is doing so, is because of his size and build.
[Waitress] “S—sir, please…just calm down and—“
[Robber] “Shut the fuck up! Just get to the counter and get me my money!”
[Waitress] “Bu—but sir we can’t do that, we—“
[Robber] “Graaah! Shut up already can’t you see I’m in a hurry, you stupid bitch!”
[Waitress] “Kyaaaaa!”
The robber got fed up with the waitress who was actually stalling him, enough for the cop to get to the restaurant, but the robber was too quick tempered and strikes the waitress with his knife.
The waitress covered her face and closed her eyes tightly. Her body stiffened and she wasn’t able to move away due to fear.
[Waitress] “……………hmm? Why didn’t I feel any—ah!”
In front of her was the broad back of Asher, who quickly grabbed the robber’s wrist, resulting the knife just inches away from his chest.
[Asher] “Let’s see here, you don’t seem to be a customer, so knocking you out won’t seem to be a problem.”
[Robber] “You damn punk, I’ll kill you!!”
[Asher] “Really now, then I guess you wouldn’t mind if I retaliate then.”
[Robber] “Grrrrr…wh—what the hell!? I can’t move my arm.”
For a while now, the Robber have been trying to take his arm off of Asher’s hand, but no matter what he does, Asher’s arm was grabbed on tight.
[Robber] (Shit! What kind of strength does this kid have!?)
Asher then made his grip stronger, making the man moan in pain and drop his knife to the ground.
With the sound of the knife, the waitress woke up her sense and grabbed the knife on the floor and then ran towards the other crowds.
Asher looked back at the waitress and found that she is in a safe place; he then felt relief knowing the waitress is safe, but the grip on Asher’s hand got weaker and the Robber took this chance to slip away from his hand.
[Robber] “Che! Damn brat, that fucking hurt!”
[Asher] “Oh really? Sorry, I haven’t really felt weak before, so I wouldn’t know what a pansy like you would feel.”
With Asher’s provoke and arrogant attitude, the Robber dashed towards him with clenched fists.
[Robber] “Graaahhh---gufuu!?”
The Robber attacks him with a straight punch, but Asher slaps the incoming punch upwards and for some reason, the robber’s punch went straight to his own face.
[Asher] “Hey old man, why’d you punch yourself?”
The Robber was shocked from seeing the blood coming from his nose; he then heard those words from Asher, who was looking at him in a calm manner.
[Asher] “Look here old man, you should just give up, it’ll be a lot better for you, trust me.”
[Robber] “Sh—shut up, you don’t know anything about me!? You have no idea how hard it is to be poor and its hard ship!! Eating nothing but 3 pieces of bread everyday is torture!”
[Asher] “Ha? The hell you just said to me?”
The atmosphere around Asher suddenly got heavy. The customers, along with the restaurant staffs quickly backed away.
The Robber looks left and right, wondering on why the people around them suddenly stepped back.
[Asher] “I don’t know what a poor person feels, you say? He…hehe…hahahahahaha!”
Asher face palmed himself while he continues to laugh out loud, but suddenly…
[Asher] “Don’t fuck with me!!!”
He then paced himself towards the fallen Robber, grabs him by the collar of his shirt and lifts him with a single arm.
In a single glance, it’s was obvious that the Robber was bigger, but nonetheless Asher lifts him like it was nothing.
[Asher] “At least you got to eat something! Back in elementary school, I secretly leave my lunch money and put it in our savings just so we could have enough money for next month’s rent!!”
Tears started to fall on Asher’s cheeks as remembers the time when he was a child.
[Asher] “I was too embarrassed to eat in class so I always eat alone behind the gym building…do you want to know what
I was eating back then, well do you!?”
[Robber] “Um…well…”
The Robber was not only confused, but he was also scared of Asher’s sudden tantrum. He was about to politely refuse
Asher, but Asher didn’t listen and spoke anyway.
[Asher] “Salted Water! That’s right; I had Salted Water for lunch! And of course let’s not forget what I had for dessert, I had Sugar Water! Sugar Fucking Water! Hahahaha, pathetic right, isn’t it pathetic!? Hahahahahaha!”
Though Asher is showing a smile, tears weren’t stopping flowing down his cheeks. He then drops the robber to the floor along with himself, but the only difference is that Asher is making the “orz” pose.
[Asher] “Shit, I just made myself depressed.”
The Robber, the staff and as well as the customers inside the restaurant, stood still and watch at the gloomy spectacle who supposedly be the hero of the day.
The Police eventually came, but after seeing the same spectacle, they watched Asher in a daze.
[Asher] “*Sigh* Oh man, that was embarrassing! I can’t believe I did that during work!”
20 minutes has passed and Asher is finally in front of his apartment building. When the police came, they suspected him for being the robber’s ally, but luckily the staff and the customers backed him up and he is now released from an interrogation.
[Asher] “Haaa…so tired.”
Though he said that, he isn’t really physically exhausted but exhausted mentally. Being interrogated and accused for being a criminal made his head ache, but as soon as he steps in front of the apartment building’s stairs, his head ache slightly got stronger.
[Asher] “But then again, it’s not like I can use the elevator.” (The damn thing so old, I’m too scared to even get close too to it, though my mom seems to be ok with it.)
Leaving him no choice, he slowly walks up the stairs while sighing.
[Asher] “Well, at least I got my pay for this month and a bonus, so I guess it wasn’t all that bad.”
Reaching the 30th floor, Asher slowly makes his way to apartment while looking at the folder that contains his pay with a small smile, but then he noticed that someone is standing in front of his house.
At first, Asher thought the figure was a man, but observing more carefully, it was actually a woman that seems to be wearing a business suit.
She had short dark violet hair; uneven bangs that slant to the right which makes it cover her right eye, but under the straight cut hair behind her head is another long white tied up hair that reaches down her knees.
Not only does the air around her is cold, but even the expression she has right now seemed ice cold, it’s like she doesn’t feel anything.
The only exposed eye is slightly sharp with lavender like color.
With almost white skin that seem like it she herself hasn’t been out in the sunlight for years, makes her noticeable even more due to the black color of her suit.
Speaking of her suit, she isn’t wearing a tight skirt but black formal pants along with a white shirt.
The conclusions that Asher got after observing her is…
[Asher] (Wha—what’s an important looking beauty doing here in front of my house!?)
He quickly hid himself behind a pillar at the apartment’s hallway.
Asher rack his brain in what reason for being here, while the directed woman continues to stare at Asher’s front door motionless.
While peeking at the woman behind the pillar, his thoughts confidently concluded that she can’t be from his many part-time works.
The reason on his confidence is because he strictly follows the time and leaves work, just to get back home, so that her mother wouldn’t worry about him.
[Asher] (If she isn’t from work, then that could only mean……She’s a Loan Shark!!!)
Asher started to tremble behind the pillar.
He could beat most men if he has to, but if he knocks down a Loan Shark, more of his or her men will go after him and as for his other reason…
[Asher] “She’s a girl, wha—what should I do? I don’t hit girls.”
As he continues to ponder for ways to get away, the talked about girl, turns her head towards Asher without changing her emotionless face and then walks closer to him.
Asher begins to panic; he looks to his left and right trying to find a place to hide, but all the places that can be used to hide in are only meant for small statured people.
[Asher] “I sometime hate my large self.”
He concluded that since he can’t hid, he’ll just have to run away, but as soon as he turns around and make his escape, the young woman held his shoulders thus making him twitch a little.
[???] “Excuse me; may I have a word with you?”
[Asher] “Eh!? Um…uh…s—sure, I…I don’t mind at all…yeah…”
Asher made a stiff smile while suppressing his panic.
[???] “Is your name by any chance Sir Asher?”
[Asher] “Eh, sir? Um…yeah, that is my name.”
Asher eased up after hearing his name from her slightly red lips.
[Asher] (She doesn’t have the usual air the loan sharks carry, so she must need me for something else.) “Do you need me for something?”
[???] “Yes, but before that, please allow me to introduce myself.”
[Asher] “Uh…sure, I don’t mind…”
Asher was slightly backed off, due to her unusual polite way of talking. She then placed her right hand to her chest and bows politely towards him, making Asher slightly confused.
[???] “Thank you for giving such I the chance. My name is Deloria it is an honor to stand before you Sir Asher.”
[Asher] “Oh... yeah sure, the pleasure is all mine…I guess…”
He had nothing but the “?” symbol popping inside his thoughts, the woman’s actions are too formal for someone like Asher, that is why all he could do is stand look at her without even moving.
Because of her actions, Asher started to feel awkward, so he asks the woman on what she needs from him.
[Asher] “Is…is there something I can help you with…um…Ms. Deloria?”
[Deloria] “Please just call me Deloria, Sir Asher.”
After telling him to call her in a less formal way, Deloria took out a letter from her breast pocket and hands it to Asher.
[Asher] “Huh? This letter is from my mom.”
Asher thought that it will be rude to make his mother’s friend wait outside, so he invited Deloria inside his partment.
[Asher] (Since she’s wearing a business suit, she must me one of mom’s officemates. Though she look like she’s in my
age, but then again my mother looks younger than what she seems.)
They both made their way to the living room.
Asher offered her to sit down on the couch, while he himself heads to the kitchen to make some coffee for Deloria.
Since Asher offered her a sit, she sat down the couch, but then she suddenly bounce in her sit repeatedly while maintaining her expressionless face. But even so, if anyone we’re to see this, she looks a child that is jumping on top of the couch.
Though she still wants to try the softness of the couch, she quickly stops herself due to the thought that what she is doing might be rude.
She then looks around the living room and found what seems to be a slim black box of some sort place near her. She turns the black object and notice that there are small squares lined up against each other and most of them have a different color.
[Deloria] (Hmm? This one isn’t the same as the others.)
What she took notice of is that amongst the small squares that is lined up, is a slightly bigger, round and red spot at the right corner of the black box.
She was curious on why it was different from the others, so she pushed it with her pointing finger.
[TV] “And there you have it folks! The winner of today’s match is…!!!”
[Deloria] “Hmm!?”
Though it didn’t show on her face, Deloria was surprised from the sudden voice that resounded and dropped the black slime box, or also known as the remote, down to the floor.
She still has her emotionless facial feature, but she was till panicking. She quickly grabs the remote and started to press the other buttons. In her thoughts, she understood that the small man inside the big black box was shouting due to the smaller black box, which is the remote, so she pressed the other buttons to attempt to stop the shouting.
But her plan failed, other voices started shouting.
[Deloria] “Wha—what should it do? How do I stop this thing?”
She kept pressing the buttons so she could make it stop, but for some reason the people in the box started to make their voice grow even louder.
In desperation, Deloria stood and walk towards the TV and pleaded.
[Deloria] “P—please stop, I’m sorry for upsetting you.”
Though it’s rare to see it, Deloria made a slightly sad look as she continue to plea for her foolish act.
[Asher] “Um…is there something wrong?”
Deloria quickly turns after hearing Asher’s voice from behind. She then slowly walk closer to him and showed him a sad look.
[Deloria] “Um…I’m sorry…the box is…”
Asher slightly backs away from her because due to her face being so close to his and most of all, face she wore was very cute, making Asher blush slightly
[Asher] “Huh…oh, you mean the TV? It’s really old, so it sometimes doesn’t listen to the remote.
[Deloria] “T…V…TV.”
When Asher placed down the cups on the table, so he could switch of the TV, Deloria whispered those words, but Asher wasn’t able to hear them because she merely whispered them to herself.
After switching the TV off, they both sat at the corner of the couch and he then gave Deloria a cup.
[Asher] “I didn’t ask for what coffee you wanted to I made it with milk.”
Deloria showed a slight surprised look, altering her look between the cup she is holding and Asher’s face.
[Deloria] “Thank you very much.”
[Asher] “Your welcome, be careful though, it’s hot.”
After hearing Asher’s warning, she blew at the cup and started to drink.
At first she thought it was tea and honestly, she didn’t really like tea very much due to it being bitter, but refusing an offer like this is rude to those who made the trouble of making it, so she readied herself and drinks it.
[Deloria] “Hmm!?”
But her thoughts quickly betrayed her; she thought it will be bitter or tangy but what she drank was deliciously sweet.
Asher, who is watcher her blushed again, because Deloria, who he thought to be the serious type of woman, smiled like an innocent girl.
[Deloria] “This is really delicious, Sir Asher.”
Asher is pretty proud of himself when it comes to cooking, so hearing that from Deloria made his smile like a kid being praised.
[Asher] “Hehe, really? Thanks.”
They looked at each other for a 5 minutes or so, then finally notice that they we’re facing each other, making them turn away from each other.
Of another 5 minutes, passed and the air around them was heavy. Luckily, Asher wasn’t the only one that thought of the atmosphere being awkward; Deloria broke the silence by asking him.
[Deloria] “Um…the letter that was addressed to you…”
[Asher] “Oh yeah, your right, I nearly forgot about that.”
Asher remembered that the letter came from his mother, but the question that he keeps asking himself is…
[Asher] “Why a letter, can’t she just text me?”
While still questioning himself, he sips his cup while he opens the letter, and what he found is a small sentence that says…
[Asher] “PFFFFFFF!!!?”
Shocking words that almost made Asher drop his cup.
[Asher] “*Cough* *Cough* Wha—what!? What in the hell…she’s getting…she’s getting what!?”
[Deloria] “Married, Sir Asher. Lady Diana is getting married.”
At first, Asher’s head only had the question about not texting, but that got completely blown away from hearing this news.
[Asher] (My mom, getting married!? With who!? Where!? Or more like, I never knew she was dating someone! Is there even someone tolerant enough to date her!?)
Asher’s body started to tremble as he stood and due to spitting out his drink, his chin is covered with coffee. Deloria notices it and she quickly stood up, brought out a handkerchief from her pocket and wipes the coffee off of Asher’s gaped mouth.
Like the letter, Deloria’s handkerchief came from her chest pocket as well, so the lavender scent woke Asher from his dazed state.
[Asher] “Huh!? wha…what happened!? The letter, is the letter the real deal, is it telling the truth!?”
[Deloria] “Yes it is telling the truth, Sir Asher. Lady Diana will wed in 4 or 5 months later.”
[Asher] “So this letter is a roundabout invitation letter for me?”
[Deloria] “Yes, along with the prospect of “Moving In” as well. Will you accept her Request?”
Asher did answer quickly, he first thinks about if he can have a day off from work. But in the end he decided that he should go and meet with his mother’s partner.
[Asher] “Though I’m still a bit reluctant to go, but I guess I have no choice. *Sigh* Alright, I’ll go.”
[Deloria] “Then you have decided to go, Sir Asher?”
[Asher] “Yeah, so when can I come over?”
Deloria took the cup she placed at the table and drank every single drop and then she started to mumble a few words as if she was talking with someone and she then faced Asher.
[Deloria] “We will be leaving this very instant, Sir Asher.”
[Asher] “Eh?”
Suddenly, a big flash of light covered the room, making Asher close his eyes tightly. At first he felt like the floor suddenly disappeared and now the feeling of floating came.
[Asher] (What’s happening now!?)
Asher was about to open his eye, but as soon as he did, his foot felt like it was standing on solid ground and seconds later the flash dimed.
[Asher] “Hey, what the hell was that just now…huh?”
Without the big flash of light, Asher can finally open his eyes, but from what he see isn’t his apartment’s living room, but a hall way so big that on could put a whole Yacht in side.
From where he stands is what seems to be an altar with scriptures written on the ground.
Surrounding him is a long line of plated armor men carrying spears.
Asher was completely silenced when he saw everything, he wanted to as Deloria who is standing next to him, but with everyone’s eye on him, and he couldn’t even let out a single letter out of his mouth.
But in exchange, Deloria said something.
[Deloria] “This kingdom is ruled by the Great King Alfern Desova, along with his soon to be Queen, Lady Diana.”
After Deloria says those words, she then bowed towards Asher, along with the other lined up soldiers.
She then said something that made Asher’s mind go completely blank.
[Deloria] “Welcome to the Kingdom of Asekoth, Prince Asher.”
[Asher] “He…hehehe.”
In that situation, the only thing that Asher could do was give out a dry laugh.
Hey ZYLOS101 here!!! sorry for not being here in a while, i had problems with work in RL, so many orders!!! anyway, dont worry about "he Everyday life of James", i'll still continue that story but for now i'm still planning the story for its VOL.2, as for this one it was already in my notebook so...here you go and i hope you guys will like it. these are my last word foe today "MILF ARE ALWAYS A GOOD ROUTE TO FOLLOW!!!" see you guys next chapter!!!
- In Serial147 Chapters
The Great Core's Paradox
Book 1 available on Kindle, KU, and Audible! Name: Paradox Species: Snake, ? Description: A tiny snake with great potential. That was who I was. That was what I was. A tiny snake with great potential. The sole creation of the Great Core. It was just us, the Great Core and I, tucked away in our little corner of the World Dungeon. Together, we hid from the bad-things and the Coreless of the world outside - safe from the horrors that would consume us. Until, one day, the Coreless found us. Until they tried to steal away my creator. Until, with no other option, I swallowed the Great Core that had made me. Only after that did I become what I was always meant to be. At last, I became the Great Core's Paradox in more than name. [The Endless Cycle] began. Thus begins the story of a little snake zealot and his journey to greatness.
8 229 - In Serial14 Chapters
So I'm a cat, what now?
It seems I've reincarnated into a fantasy world as a cat. What now? This is my first publically published story, and I would love feedback in any form as I have no idea how well the quality of my writing holds up. This story will have light litRPG elements, though I won't dig into numbers much, since I don't enjoy fiddling with them. The tone will be generally light, and I willl probably try to throw some comedy in there as well. The beginning will be Slice of Life, and unless I come up with a longer plot that I like it will stay that way.
8 101 - In Serial122 Chapters
It's been a while hasn't it? Since I disappeared. Sorry this couldn't be under better circumstances, but let's just agree that it's better late than never. I've been finding my way back since then, traveling across worlds of magic, science, even eldritch locations. I've seen things you wouldn't believe, and some I'd prefer you didn't. I'll tell you everything, even what I became in the dark. A long, long time ago, hahah... Never mind. Let's just start. My intention is to explore every. single. world I can think of from scifi to high fantasy, hopefully forming an overarching storyline along the way. I hope to be able to explore most of the settings, most of the tropes, and play with them in multiple different ways. However, this also means that many of the tags will only apply for specific sections of the story... As the first arc is now completed, chapter titles will be slowly edited to include the world involved, and then any relevant tags. Also exists on wordpress here, will update both sides simultaneously. Constructive criticism welcome and much appreciated. 20/3/2018. Previous cover courtesy of Archmage Naoki, also Bobb on the Discord RRL server.26/3/2018. Current cover courtesy of ssddx. Thanks for the cover.
8 254 - In Serial14 Chapters
War of Auras
In a medieval world full of kingdoms and conflicts, everyone is born with so-called auras, powers derived from the monsters that once inhabited the land. In this world, a boy named Akin was born with a minimal and weak amount of aura, making him much weaker than everyone else. Even with these delimitations, Akin is determined to become the strongest person. He will meet many people with different goals, stories, and powers in his adventure. He will also have to face villains along the way. How will Akin make it? He's definitely going to need a lot of help.
8 69 - In Serial48 Chapters
Ascendance of the Big Sister Monster Tamer
Elise grew up while surrounded by supreme existences. In order to become one of them, she goes on a journey in search of power. She will follow the path of a monster tamer, making contracts with certain beings and raising them into powerful existences. This time, she will be the Big Sister.
8 198 - In Serial61 Chapters
Without You | Sesshomaru
An unknown force draws Lyra, Kagome's cousin, to the Higurashi shrine. After accidentally falling into it, she finds herself in a completely different world. Whilst trying to return back home, she soon realises she was home all along.A journey of Lyra finding herself caught in a web of demons, home, evil and love.
8 86