《Ein Gard》Chp 10 “Since We Are Family”
It's a hectic week for me. I apologize for the delayed updates. Still. I will continue Ein Gard until the end, I will not drop the project halfway.
Here's chapter 10.
Chapter 10 -- “Since We are Family”
Kharnain, with his blurry image, was sitting in front of Shisha. The others were not there, and it seemed only the two of them were present.
“It’s decided. Your Master will send Laksha. It’ll take around a month for her to arrive.”
He told her. She nodded.
“For the time being, Shisha you may take the boy as apprentice. That way we can keep him in close watch…”
“Yes, Master Kharnain.”
Shisha smiled, if he was under her supervision then she could help him to the best of her ability.
“Also, a favour… could you please have a duel with his grandfather… Heinz?”
To this request, she was a bit perplexed.
“Is that really necessary, Master Kharnain? I know you’re interested, but…”
Shisha was reluctant.
“It is necessary. Just ask him for a duel, if he refused then no need to force him.”
“I can’t possibly match him. He’s Master’s equal.”
“Ask him to fight you at half his strength. That’ll fit you well, won’t it?”
“Perhaps, Master Kharnain… What of the boy… if he becomes my apprentice…”
“Well, if he formed Life-Force Regalis then it’s possible to spare his life. However, if he cannot…”
Master Kharnain stop halfway.
“Then he’ll have to die?”
She gulped.
“...Do me a favour and evaluate Lord Heinz’s strength. Then I’ll have the boy the benefit of the doubt should such time comes.”
She jolted a little. It was surprising, also the fact that he met her all alone like this...
“Yes, Master Kharnain.”
- I wonder what’s he’s thinking… Master Kharnain, the most mysterious of all Sages…
The Mansion for the Count of Valery was located in the eastern Garn district, quite a short distance from the Great Tree of the East, as the people of Crest called it. The Mansion was not very luxurious, though one could call it beautiful with greenery and wide open field. On top of the mansion, a rotunda was in the middle, dome as roof. The mansion was immediately beside the Eastern wall of the Crest city, and served to accommodate the Great General of Cestia, a long-time trusted friend of the King.
The Master of the House did not have any particular interest in using so much money to renovate or beautify his residence. It was kept clean, tidy and any damage would be quickly restored, but he would never add any luxurious items out of his pocket. The few that existed in the house were presents from other nobles and the King himself.
All around the mansion, large fields enough to fit a procession of over tens of thousands soldiers. There were some pools between the fields and the mansion. Many tall kapok trees identical to the Great Trees were there too, but they were merely 15-30 metres.
Here a big, bulky man was swinging his heavy sword, and it was as if he was fighting invisible enemies. He was over 60, an age where in Ein Gard, an adult started to show signs of old age. His black hair already had some white ones, though his body… muscles clearly defied the notion that he was an old man. His black-white beard was barely visible.
In this world, normal people who died of old age usually do at age 120-130s. However, for martial artists… it differed. Those who practiced breathing technique claimed it prolonged one’s age by another 50… but that was just a claim. Records however did show a martial arts Master could live well over 200.
…The old man slashed, jumped up and down and moves fluidly from one place to another in such high speed –normal maids could only see his afterimages as he moves. One could not believe that he was over 60 of age from afar. His speed was already over the perceived limit of human body… one expert said.
Who? Nevermind.
Tang… Tang… Tang… Tang…
It was 4.00 am.
Old Heinz placed the heavy metal sword on his shoulder. It was a training sword which edge was blunted.
- It’s time to wake Averon… Must use the time fully when Nea’s still occupied with her research… huh?
He noticed a figure walked into the mansion from the front gate. The guards greeted it… It was Shisha, walking towards the mansion.
- What the… as if she’s in shock. I better inquire her… but first, my cape…
She was walking in empty steps… as if she was in a trance. She bumped onto a huge wall… wait, no…
“What’s the matter Shisha? You seemed shocked..?”
“Ah… Well…”
She deliberated. After hearing the council’s decision, she was a bit glad but also worried. Should Averon fail to form Life-Force Regalis, the chance of him being killed with Life-Seal would be quite high. Life-Seal was a special technique, which differed from level to level. To counter Devils from resurrecting again, a high level Life-Seal technique would be used, which resurrects them in the same place, denying them life resurrection elsewhere. Since humans in Ein Gard were born with either two or three lives, normally killing those possessed would not be enough – they must be killed over or over again, if they were born in a family of knights. Unfortunately, there were no saving for those humans whose body and soul were possessed – Only God knows what would happen to them.
If such a thing was to occur, she wondered how she should react.
- Should I tell him? Should I tell him I suspected his own grandson of being a presence that far surpass a Devil? And what the Council wanted to if… No, I better not… no, no… It’s better to be honest in times like this. I need to discuss this… I don’t know who else to trust here.
“Heinz-sama, there’s something I wish to discuss… privately.”
“Hm? Alright.”
That’s weird…
Usually Grandpa would come here and wake me up at this time.
Well, I rarely still asleep at 4.00 so I don’t mind.
He’s fifteen minutes late! There must be something wrong…
Or maybe he’s just being lazy for once…
That hulking Monster of training? No way!
Under him, even a baby had to train!
Ahhh… Let’s just wake up… ahh the air in the morning is so fresh…
Letting the window open when you sleep is indeed the best.
A bit cold though…
Averon went out, washed himself up and return and change into his practice attire. It was a simple shirt and pants, and took with him his wooden sword. He walked through the hallway, and soon, he heard someone conversing in a low voice.
“Seemed he’s wake up already.”
“Are you sure about this, Heinz-sama?”
“Of course. I believe in what you say. If this is the only way to suppress it, then I would be honoured to have you as his---”
- His? His what? They can’t be talking about… me?
“Then let’s us rouse his interest, at least.”
- Interest? Interest in what?
Averon went on to train as usual. It was a regimental training of swinging and moving in evasion and attack maneuvers. Old Heinz then went on to do light sparring with his grandson. Later he called for some guards and seemed to tell them something – of which caused them to be excited and rushed over to do what must be done… maybe.
Afterwards, when the sun came out…
“Averon, today there’s a special treat for you.”
“Hm? What is it, Grandpa?”
“Hah! You’re about to witness me battle with half of my strength.”
“What? But who’s… oh… Lady Shisha?”
Shisha stepped forward.
“Yes. I’ll battle with your grandfather, young Averon. I’ll try to show you the proper way of using Nature Manipulation. You’re interested in that, aren’t you?”
“Well yes… please!”
“Open your eyes well, Averon. Absorb everything. It’s not everyday to see the clash of 1st Class Warriors…”
“Yes, Grandfather..!”
- I think they’re over 1st Class already… well why bother with little details… I’ll have to observe this.
From a far, he could see several dozen Knights coming to see the rare event. Among them, were his grandfather’s apprentice, Vestianna and one of his right-hand man, Alnair. They came towards him while the other Knights spread around the area.
“Lady Vestianna, Sir Alnair.”
Averon acknowledged them as they approached him. Vestianna kneeled at him, petting him on the head and cheek as per
usual. When they first met two years ago, he felt awkward with such behaviour. Then again, she seemed so sweet a lady as whenever she did, she would smile and giggle a little; a feeling of warmth was there, so much so that he started to not mind such treatment.
“This will be the first time for you to see your grandfather in a formal duel, isn’t it young Averon?”
“I’ve seen him spar with even High Knights, but never dueling.”
“That’s because whenever the general duel, the least that would happen… some massive holes on the ground.”
Alnair chuckled. Averon looked at him and turned to Vestianna, who then pinched both of his cheeks.
“Don’t worry young Averon, we’ll protect you.”
“I-I’m not worrying or anything!”
“The General might not be like it, but he’s quite a berserker whenever he’s serious. I hope Lady Shisha really know what she’s doing…”
Alnair turned to see the two, who then were walking to the centre of the field.
Both of Shisha and Heinz were standing five metres away from each other. From the centre of the wide field Shisha could see many soldiers and knights started to crowd the surroundings. She turned to her opponent. Old Heinz did not use his heavy sword, instead he was holding a blunted practice sword placed on his shoulder, while Shisha was not using any weapon.
“Again Shisha, are you alright not using your weapon?”
“Don’t worry, Heinz-sama. I’ll be using my full power. I can’t use my weapon for a friendly match. Perhaps I’ll have a copy made soon specifically for this kind of occasion. Besides…”
She showed him her metal gauntlets on both hand. It was shining with lines of green light.
“I have these to block your attacks.”
“Hah! You seemed confident enough. Good.”
“Since it’s half your strength… and you’re not using your heavy sword, at least I should be able to cope… since you’re my Master’s equal.”
“Right. Bring it on.”
They stared each other for a few minutes. Averon was getting a cold sweat. In a fight between high-level warriors, this kind of time was the time their observation was at all time high. Each of them was emitting fighting spirit equal to tens of Noble Knights he met before. Since Averon’s fighting spirit was locked, he could feel the burden of theirs clashing.
“Scary… huhuhu…”
Winds came forth, surrounding Shisha. The soil jumped from the ground, onto her gauntlet and breasts… or lack thereof… no,no,no! They’re small but of high quality!
*ehem*… And the soil seemed to be absorbed by her skin in general.
- So she’s using both Wind and Earth Claddings… Her defense must be quite good… hm? She’s uttering something…
“… Heil … Arcadian Knights… wherever you are… When fighting, be honourable. When win, be humble. When lose, be strong. Strength is with those of right action, and blessing is with those of right intention. Go forth, Knight of Arcadia..!”
She dashed towards the big hulk… old Heinz. Lightning came forth from the fist, and she hurled her punch directly towards him.
Averon had a pleasant surprise.
- Lightning Fist!
Old Heinz did not stagger; he gripped his hold on his sword, and strengthened his stance. With almost the same precision, he swung his sword.
The ground on the field where the force clashed was destroyed, sending small hurls of soil onto Averon, who now guarded himself against the coming earth.
In front of him, movement of an agile girl could be seen amidst the dust, exchanging a few blows with the big hulk, evading and redirecting each other’s attacks. Water stream went towards her opponent, chains of lightning followed suit, and continued to go forth from time to time.
She took her distance.
He could see earth bullets fired off from the earth while wind slashes were rushing through the air. She was directing wind slashes with her mere hand.
A Relentless Assault!
From watching the battle, he reminisced his time during the Astarian – Demon War… Watching over the battles of Knights of Astaria… of which he was part of. Indeed, the scene in front of him reminded him of such.
- The next generation I vowed to protect… heh… heh heh…
He was pleased.
Chains of yellow lightning came again. The air surrounding their fight was energized with ions.
A solid sound.
A sound he was not accustomed with, but he had heard one similar before.
It was when a Knight used his Aura in immediate effect.
Though this one, was clearly louder.
Mana from one’s body, directed into his immediate surroundings, it was called Aura. It was not similar to Nature’s Aura, but it carried its own merit.
Strength and Speed increased, and a Knight could use it as medium-range attacks. It carried the whole meaning of how useful Mana Manipulation was, to a Knight. By now, he could see it…
An Aura of pure transparent purple, originating from his Grandfather.
It surrounded him, and as if alive, it took an appearance of its own.
From afar, he could see… an appearance of a fierce tiger, front lowered, in fighting stance against its opponent.
The Aura was eerily making its own sound.
A stream of fire was directed onto the face of the tiger.
The tiger raised his foot to defend… no, it was not.
The Roar dispersed the incoming fire.
A Roar so deafening Averon was losing his stance.
Alnair and Vestianna had to sit in front of him, kneeling, shielding him from the shockwave.
The tiger’s foot had planted itself onto the ground, shaking it.
The fighting spirit being hurled towards the opponent was no joke.
The tiger rushed and attacked. Streams of aura claws came rushing forward towards the opponent.
At the time, water came out and formed a wall.
The claws ripped the water veils like a scissor would a fabric.
Soon, mist engulfed the whole battle ground.
At the time, Averon could no longer see or sense her.
- Smart. Where’s she? Even her presence disappeared… amazing.
In the meantime, more of the guards and knights came rushing towards the scene.
Though they were obviously informed beforehand, curiosity got the best of them.
A little more than two hundred guards and forty knights surrounded the place, maintaining their distance further than Averon. They knew being closer would be rude, and potentially would take their life.
“Who’s winning? Do you think…”
“Of course, our General won’t even be serious.”
“No matter what genius she might be, she can’t win.”
“Yeah, yeah…!”
“Just shut up and watch.”
“Hey! Who said that?”
An eerie silent followed suit.
- This mist… she must’ve clad herself with Water-Mist Cladding as well. Using all five elements like that… how many among Astarian Knights could do so? Well, I could probably do so now, but... using both earth and water cladding still beyond me. Fire… meh, who cares about fire!
There were no sounds, aside from the wind.
The wind was moving around the battle ground, yet barely on the outside, thus the mist did not disperse. The sound of the moving wind disturbed one’s concentration to focus on the sounds of possible footsteps or presence.
A flicker of fire was sighted near the circling area of the wind.
Then, the whole fire raged and engulfed the whole of the wind encirclement.
The ground started to shake. Spikes of earth came out.
Giant Spikes, surrounding the whole combat area.
Soon, they piled up into a giant cone, with a mere opening on the top.
Meanwhile, the fire storm was raging inside.
The roar of the tiger dispersed the fire within, and had shaken the earth cone so much it vibrated violently.
- This doesn’t feel like the end of it… Up!
Above the field, black clouds started to gather. It seemed it was charging itself.
- This technique…! Heaven’s Lightning!
Strikes of lightning hit the centre of the cone!
Two Strikes!
Four Strikes!
Eight Strikes!
Sixteen Strikes!
The lightning started to move around, as if it were dancing. Sparks hit the field every so often, leaving the ground burning with fire.
By this time, Averon noticed his mother, Nea was coming towards him. Vestianna and Alnair gave her way. She immediately embraced him, then put up a translucent blue spherical barrier of sorts with inscriptions…
- Seals?
“Mama, you shouldn’t be out here… it’s dangerous…”
“I should me be the one who say that! What was Father thinking? Jeez..!”
“… and you’re having my sister too, Mama.”
“I can take care of myself! *Mo* Where’s my little baby boy… mature too fast I couldn’t enjoy it much…”
She pouted.
“Heh… heh heh…”
“What are you laughing for?”
“Nothing, Mama… nothing… heh.”
“Making fun of your Mama, eh…”
She noticed his suspicious behaviour, and pinched his cheeks in protest.
“Don’t worry Lady Nea, we’ll protect both of you.”
“You’ve nothing to worry, Milady.”
“Vestianna, Alnair… When it’s father… I’ve every little reason to worry, you two…”
She sighed. Both of them exchanged look, sighed in unison then turned to observe the fight.
The sound of the leftover lightning kept buzzing through the air.
- Did that end it? Doesn’t feel like it…
A being was pushed through the earth wall, partially breaking the earth cone.
Averon could hear short scream of pain.
It was Shisha. Sparks of lightning was around her, though it was faint.
She was clearly pushed back, and was in retreat. Old Heinz came out of the cone, brandishing his sword.
Shisha activated lightning around her body.
…Thus Averon smiled in excitement.
- Lightning Clad! She showed me four Claddings already! Then her speed should be… fast!
Old Heinz swung his sword, accompanied with his Tiger-like Aura, it was as if the Tiger was swinging its paw towards a mouse.
With lightning speed, she evaded it, yet another swing came from the sword changing its direction.
- Changing direction of such a swing?! Heinz-sama is better than I thought!
In that instant, Shisha could see the face of her opponent, the seriousness and fierceness akin to a Tiger… The roar… The claw… coming towards her.
She could clearly observe, as if in slow motion…
The eye… as if he was a real tiger, hunting its prey…
The sword hit her… gauntlet. She managed to put up a guard at the last moment. *Crack*
She was thrown so fast towards the end of the field, and…
The spectators gasped…!
She hit the wall. The thick wall of the residence stopped her of being thrown outside.
The bricks scattered, dust covering her.
- It hits! And a strong one too! She flew for 400 metres at least… Will she…?
The audience were ecstatic, and worried.
“Oi, oi… won’t that kill any knights you know of?”
“Aside from other Great Knights, I don’t think anyone can guard against the General’s full-blown attack.”
“Yeah, even High Knights won’t survive that… crippled, maybe.”
“Can you survive that?”
“Nope. Not even with my aura at maximum.”
“Ahh… she’s dead. So dead, I tell you.”
“Ahhh, shut up you penguins!”
“Who’s shouted that just now?!”
Old Heinz stopped his Aura. The Tiger faded back into him and he put away his sword. He walked hurriedly towards Shisha, who was currently planted onto the wall… and stopped when he was standing a mere metre from her.
She was on the wall, a little higher than him. He looked up to her.
Her brown hair was all messed up. Her eyes were closed, and her face was pale. There were flows of blood from her mouth and her eyes.
“I didn’t intend for it to end this way… I’m ashamed.”
It was silent for awhile…
Averon forcefully took his mother by her hand towards them, despite her clumsy protest. Alnair and Vestianna followed suit.
He was walking a bit hurried, but still mindful of her mother being pregnant.
- She wouldn’t die just from this, right? I mean, grandpa did say he would use half of his strength. Did he lose his cool? Ahhh…! My precious new generation! Grandpa!!
With his Wind Manipulation, Averon could hear a small laugh.
It was pleasant to hear, especially when you were expecting the worst.
“Heh heh… don’t worry about it, Heinz-sama… I had been worse…”
“Hm, glad to see you’re still alive. Please forgive this old man for losing his cool.”
“Losing your cool, Heinz-sama..? …No…”
She remembered the face of the warrior, the solemn and fierce look that was about to strike her…
She blushed.
“Huh? What?”
“Eh? No, no… It was a beautiful fight, Heinz-sama… Ughhh..!”
Blood started to drip out from the above of her left eyes, on her forehead.
“Are you alright? Did you hurt anywhere?”
“I can’t move my legs… and I think my left hand bones… were broken… somewhat.”
“Huh… I see. Well, as long as you’re not dying Nature Manipulation should heal the broken bones quite fast. Besides, my daughter’s here.”
“Ah, Lady Nea… Umm… If it’s not too much trouble, Heinz-sama…”
“Could you please take me out of here? I don’t think I can move myself… and it’s awkward to be here when they arrive…”
“Oh, forgive me. I feared I would hurt you more so I didn’t… here… up and daisy!”
His aura turned some of the bricks into dust and when it was clear, he took her out from the wall, and laid her on his arms. His Aura surrounded her, and it gave her a comfortable, warm feeling.
“It won’t help much, but it should stop any bleeding even internal ones soon.”
His voice was so composed.
“I apologize, Shisha. That last attack was not at half strength. Unconsciously so I use almost my full might for that last attack.”
Shisha stared at him with her weak eyes… A feeling of satisfaction overwhelmed her.
She smiled.
“Of course it’s fine, Heinz-sama… you said so yourself…”
“Hm? What did I say?”
“Don’t mind little things… since we’re… family, right?”
“… Heh. True indeed. Since we’re family! Hahaha! But you being hurt this much is not a little thing so it contradicts the saying! Hahaha!”
He gave out a hearty laugh, taking her closer towards the incoming spectators – who were cheering them for the great battle. Some people she knew these past week came towards them in a hurry… Guards and knights… Alnair, Vestianna… and the Valery’s… Nea and… Averon.
She could also see her lynx running towards her.
“Did great there!”
“Amazing! Simply amazing!”
“Thanks for the great show!”
“Lady Shisha! Please marry me!”
“You dork! You’re already married!”
Cheers and admiration. A sense of full joy and awe filled the air around the field. Knights and guards, clapping and jesting, some trying to imitate the event while some laughed.
… Heh.
“Lady Shisha! Hang on! Mom, hurry!”
The voice of the young boy she wished to protect reached her ears.
It was a voice filled with hope and energy, with a slight desperation to see her to safety.
As she watched him, blood passed just by her eyes, merging with a drop of water coming out from nowhere… Her eyes filled with such.
- I don’t know why or how… but I’ll protect you, for sure.
She gave out a weak smile amidst the cheering masses.
A weak smile, full of content… And warmth.
“Since we’re family, heh.”
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