《Ein Gard》Chp 7 The Vow of 700 Years
She recited the hymn before going on to sleep. It was an inspiration of sorts to all children of the homeland. She was in a room with a grand bed, a chair and desk. A fine French-window was in front of her bed, with the field in full view. It was a moderately large room at a corner of the mansion. She went to sleep with a smile on her face.
After sleeping for 5 hours, she woke up, washed herself up outside, and changed her clothes. She opened her window, sat on her bed in a full lotus, and changed her breathing into a much silent, deeper kind.
The Sage’s meditation began…
Chapter 7: The Vow of 700 years.
Morning, 7.00 am.
Shisha walked towards the large kapok tree with height reaching over 20 metres. She was wearing simple red-clothes, with short black skirt over her tight black trousers and boots. Over her shoulder was crocodile-leather covering. Her fair face and brown hair was shining with Olive oil, and she had tied her hair with a crimson ribbon.
She stopped a mere metre from old Heinz. She bowed.
“Good morning, Heinz-sama. I apologize. My first meditation did not bear fruits.”
“Don’t apologize, Shisha. Perhaps you’re too tired. That, and this location might not be ideal for meditation. Like you said, hills or the Great Trees of Crest might be better.”
“Thank you. I’ll try the closest Great Tree tonight. Will there be restriction or rules regarding that?”
“Not at all. Should any guard question you, just show him the Crest I gave you last night and mention my name as well. They will understand… by the way, how were the clothes? I did told Sitka to give you the best available.”
“The clothes were very good, and Miss Sitka’s choice was superb. I appreciate your concern Heinz-sama.”
Old Heinz and Shisha were conversing in the field where Averon was training, full of sweat. His wooden sword was bigger than before, as big as himself. On his wrists and feet were weight straps.
“1301, 02, 03…”
He was swinging his sword up and down, to both sides and backside, front and circular while moving and making maneuvers. He guarded against imaginary attacks, sidesteps and rushed in the imaginary opening.
Shisha observed him.
- It looks like the “Three Steps” technique Master mentioned before. As effective as our movement technique, though this one focus on having a centre for quick and easy change in direction.
“So you’re interested?”
“Quite so, Heinz-sama. Master mentioned the Three Steps technique as practical in battle.”
“Hah your Natural-Waves Movement should be more than enough to deal with it.”
“Perhaps so. I wonder what would happen if someone master both movement techniques?”
“Quite unlikely… both style practice different way of moving… but I suppose it’s not impossible. The one who did will become a terror no normal knights could follow…hm?”
A maid came towards them, walking up fast.
“Master, you have guests.”
“Valiant Knight Vestianna and High Knight Alnair. They brought some news from the border.”
“Ah, then it’s official… Please excuse me, Shisha.”
“Of course, Heinz-sama.”
“Averon, stay here and finish your 3000 swings… Battle against at least 10 individual opponents, and one against many. I have guests.”
“Yes, Grandfather.”
He mentioned about mind-body training, battling against the battle style of ten people he had seen before. During the years his grandfather took him to see a lot of Knights doing battle, sparring and practicing. He told him to remember their style and way of behaving.
It was indeed too advance for a five-year old, but the old man had great expectation. He tested him and told him to show the styles he remembered so far, and how to counter such movements. If it’s not Averon and instead a normal child, then such training would fail miserably.
Though Averon was a Lieutenant General and an Elite Knight of Astaria, he still managed to learn something new from the old man. He was thankful the old man treated him quite strictly in training… thankful, when he was not deadly tired.
- Guess that’s why God gave me this family… I’m grateful. If I’m by myself I might fall victim to an idle life.
Shisha observed him for awhile.
- He is indeed diligent. I wonder how many children out there could be so hardworking. I better move my body… haven’t reached limit for awhile.
She started to stretch herself. She then warmed up herself by running around the field.
Averon took note of her, but continued his training nonetheless.
- Hm? The wind is…
He noticed the wind started to gather in the direction of Shisha. She was currently running around the field, yet as she did the wind started to merge with her…
- Wind Clad! A nature manipulation technique… So a Sage could use it? How come I didn’t hear anything about it from before?
Her speed increased drastically, it was as if it doubled. The Element-cladding technique, a technique native of Astaria and specialty of Astarian Knights, was not in appliance in Cestia, who use Mana and Fighting Spirit to strengthen their body.
The one Shisha did, was no different from the one he used.
- Could it be… THEY really did come here?
He continued his training while keeping her in check. Wind-cladding was indeed the most natural and pleasant among the Five Nature Cladding technique. It enhanced speed, distracted the opponent in close range and slightly diverted attacks especially ranged attacks.
When one reached a certain level in nature affinity, one could use Cladding technique. Averon from his previous life could use two Cladding, the Wind and Lightning. Here he tried out in secret, and it seemed he still can manage both, but the earth and water cladding was out of question... at least, not yet.
He did not try out fire-cladding out of his loathing of the Demon Dragon.
Nature-Cladding differed with “Nature Aura”, which was the most special. Nature-Cladding had some nature’s aura, though not as dense as the one Averon used during his last fight against the demon dragon, not even close.
Shisha finished her warm-up, a 20 laps around the quite large field... She returned to Averon’s side, smiling.
“Ah, it’s a good work out… but it’s quite boring just running…”
She observed him. Averon was indeed strong-looking for a mere 5-year old. With his well-trained body, he looked as if he was eight years old, with muscles…
- He really is a good material… I mean, good potential… Ah, am I considering having disciple already? I’m still quite young… or should I? Well, no need to rush. Let’s…
“So young Averon, you mind if we have a spar?”
With her being so close, he paused his training.
“Not at all. I’m quite interested with Sage techniques too. Let’s try out… a spar.”
“Alright. I’ve observed your training, so I’ll try to adjust my speed and power to your level. I’m specialized with hand-to-hand combat, so just use your sword.”
She took a position five metre from him.
“Thank you. Please show me guidance, Lady Shisha.”
“Please show me guidance as well, young Averon.”
They stared each other for awhile. Shisha was taking it easy, thus she did not emit any fighting spirit, but Averon, as usual was over-thinking things.
- Should I attack first? Hm, should I use my full power? Will she be alright? No, will I be alright? Since she use Nature Manipulation should I just out and say I could do so as well? No, no… better fight normally first, then pursue the issue… have her talk… yeah, better keep my identity secret at all time… but this kind of keeping secret really hamper my progress… I hate it. I should not waste time, the Demon Army could appear any moment… well, maybe another 1000 years I don’t know…
“Should I attack first, young Averon?”
He snapped out of his deliberation. He nodded.
“Then I’m coming.”
She rushed towards him. As she said, her speed was indeed adjusted to his own. He managed to evade easily, and side-stepped using his “Three-Steps”, immediately counter-attacked with a slash. Her gauntlet deflected the attack softly from the side of his blade, pushing his blade to the side, and her other hand grabbed the wrist of his left.
- In that instant? Wow… !
Averon stepped further front to deny her the use of her kicks while hitting her chin using his head… to no avail since she changed direction with her feet making circular, waved-like movement to his back in an instant and grabbed his other hand.
- This movement! Next is…!
A jump.
She jumped backward while her both hands on his wrist, bringing him along.
He was too late… or did he?
He was in the air when, in split second, she released him and gave him a kick on his back, sending him back 10 meters away. He spun on the air, and landed on his feet.
- Yes, yes! This is our technique! The basic three among the early movement technique! And she also used Waves-Movement. This means they are here… and she is related to them somehow!
“Wow, you could spin in the air already? Amazing, young Averon.”
Averon did not mind her comment. He took a good look at her.
“W-what? Was I too harsh? I’m sorry, I guess?”
“Ah, no, Lady Shisha… it was not that. I was wondering where you learn such technique… and that movement just now… I really need to know.”
“…Need to know?”
“Please, O’ Graceful Lady Shisha…”
“Graceful…? Hm, hm… okay.”
- Oh, she’s so simple…
They sat on the field. Shisha explained to him more about her origin, the Arcadia Federation, some called Empire, though they never called themselves so. She never set her foot there, but she inherited the tradition and the blood of the original Clan that ruled the Federation. The Clan members had surprisingly high affinity with nature and possessed power beyond normal people of Ein Gard, which was Nature Manipulation.
- So that’s the mysterious power that book mentioned! How come the name was unavailable?
“By right, I should only mention this to a family member, since our power was meant to be kept secret… Since Heinz-sama did say we’re family…”
- Oh, she’s a sentimental type… not that I hate one…
An estimated only 5% of the whole 100+ million population of Arcadia inherited the blood enough to use Nature Manipulation, but hers was surprisingly thick, and since her mother knew how to raise her affinity with nature, hers was stronger than normal.
Nature Manipulation had a restriction. Those who were irresponsible with it lost the ability, slowly so.
During the rebellion in Thiaren, her Master noticed her high nature affinity, which was crucial to any Sage technique. Spending much time in nature, appreciating it, being responsible, do battle within, meditating, having fun… all increase the affinity.
Since spending time much in the wild was quite dangerous for any human, rarely any had enough to even perform simple nature manipulation. The people of Arcadia maintained such affinity not just through their special blood, but also through living in the embrace of nature. Even their cities were built within the forests and mountains, and beaches, and they live in harmony with their surroundings by being responsible and compassionate.
“The 1st Regent of Arcadia taught the Arcadians well… no matter where we are, we’ll always remain Arcadian; responsible, compassionate and strong.”
“Regent… wait, Regent? That reminds me, how come The Federation had Regent? Is it the same now?”
“I’m not sure about recent changes… but the last time my parents took off from Arcadia, it was the reign of 32nd Regent, Averous Asthmus the 17th. The Regent was supposed to rule before the coming of our martyr Emperor.”
- Huh?
“Did you just say… Athmus? A.T.H.M.U.S?”
“I guess that’s the correct spelling… I thought it’s ASSMUS at first… but why?”
“Was that also the name of the 1st Regent?”
“The 1st..? Oh yes, that’s his name.”
- Athmus..! The 1st Regent of Arcadia?! A superpower…! So they succeed… Well done…! But that means…
It meant that the whole of Astarian people who came here arrived before him, earlier… by 700 years.
- 700 years..! God, how come it’s so late… Meh, whatever… one who died shouldn’t complain. But why would he change the name Astaria to Arcadia…? Or did 700 years enough to make one of those Regent got into a spelling disorder and change.. nah, I don’t think any would be an idiot… thus there must be reasons… So Emperor really didn’t travel along… a pity… but why Athmus?! Well, sure he’s capable but other Generals would be better… that means… those idiots! They didn’t choose to stay, did they? Ahhh who am I to call others idiots when I practically marched alone towards a Demon Dragon? Bah! Did I influence them somehow with my idiocy?! UUUGHHHH!
The boy was holding his head, hard.
“Young Averon? Are you alright? Hello?”
“Hm? Yes, Lady Shisha, I’m alright… which reminds me… you did mention something about my name, Averon along the line of… ahh, when we first met?”
He asked her the softest way he could, trying to be as childish as possible.
“Ah that… The name Averon, as Father told me, he intended to give me should I be a boy… haha. Many Arcadian named their boy Averon, with a second name though. It was the name of the legendary hero of Arcadia… The martyr Emperor whom the God promised his returns before a great trial… a messiah, a sign and mercy of God to all mankind…”
- Martyr Emperor… when did I become an Emperor… well if it’s Athmus then it’s quite normal of him to add some spices in the story… well it’s not entirely false, since the Emperor did choose me as his successor… but a Messiah? Haah that’s a tall order. Just where did he get that preposterous idea?
“…He fought the Two-headed Demon Dragon one on one with his people at his back, set on taking the wretched fire dragon with him to the grave. His people, hearing his feat, came out of their hiding, and marched to retrieve him… or his body. However, by the time they arrived, the Dragon was slain, but the hero’s body was burning fiercely from the raging fire of the dragon… Fire… Burning, black fire… His Nature’s Aura protected him, for some time. His people watched the hero burned, yet a smile, some swore, was etched on his face before he returned to Our God. He saluted them – palm opened wide -- while his body turned into ashes…”
- My people… Uu… I miss all of you… wait, I seemed to forget something…
Ah! Shisha’s also one of us!
…Our descendant…
The next generation I swore to protect…
He took a deep breath, and yet...
Tears started to swell in his eyes… It’s been a long time since… well only five years to him, but it was like reuniting with an old family you were so accustomed with during childhood… just an analogy.
The Emperor of Astaria had built a society who cared about each other, helped each other, and never let any one of its people suffered anymore hunger and poverty… You would know how significant it was, had you know what hunger and poverty was!
It was a miraculous revival of a once fallen Empire…
An Empire of kindness, joy and work!
…Then the invasion!
The genocide happened, of which Astaria had to intervene to stop the massacre of their people, which then became the pretext of the invasion of Astaria… Demons were used… in order to stop “greater evil”, as mentioned by these maniacs…
After that genocidal war… after seeing so many of your people burned in front of you… after seeing hordes of demons and corrupted human spreading destruction throughout the land… after feeling hopeless in front of irrefutable might… After feeling you’re unfit to call yourself a Knight…
And then!
Finally! Finally!
After all those struggling years!
Finally knowing that you fulfilled part of the duty you swore yourself with…
That feeling -- Most fulfilling!
…And seeing the next generation with his very own eyes… was overwhelming.
… You won’t know what he had been through, but a heavy burden was placed onto him.
… Yet at this time, he felt something so far removed from what he had been through.
…As if a heavy burden was lifted from his chest… all those bottled up feelings…
In front of him, he could almost see the two figures that most influence his life…
… “Good work. Welcome home, dear.”
The words of his beloved echoed in his ears…
A lady whose smile was uplifting…
… “You’re a true Knight, young Averon.”
The words of his ever encouraging Emperor followed suit…
An honorable man, true of his words.
Both of them smiled to him from afar… that greenery in front of him…
Both he could no longer see… No more.
“Young Averon… Ein Gard to Averon …Hello?”
He twitched.
…Yet in front of him, the successor of their generation, inherited their values.
She carried in herself, the very persona of his Emperor, and the innocent countenance of his wife.
Tears swelled.
*Sniff… Uuu *Sniff…
“W-what’s wrong young Averon? The story shouldn’t be that sad right? W-well the hero was remarkable and he did lose his life…”
*Sniff… Uwaa… *Sniff* Uwaahhh… Ahhhh… AHHHHH…!
“Wait, young Averon… don’t be like this… listen… stop this or they’ll think I’m bullying a child…! Oiii…!”
That day, the boy cried like never before.
That day, Shisha could not help but felt guilty.
That day, old Heinz smiled, saying it finally came out all at once.
That day, the maids came into consensus that the boy was indeed, a boy.
“I solemnly swear to protect our leader, our people, our next generation, our homeland, and most of all, our faith and duty to Our Creator from our enemy, within and without.
O’ God, May I be guided by you at all times, and not strayed off the path of righteousness.
So please help me, God.”
Solemn Vow of an Astarian Knight
2nd Year, Astarian – Demon War
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