《Artificial War》Chapter 2: A Chance Meeting


Chapter 2

A Chance Meeting

I am standing in the middle of the road.

It has been two days since that visit from the Specter Division. It has also been two days when I started using the game capsule and entered in the game.

I am still standing in the middle of the road.

I have become quite famous for the past two days which was 6 days in Lost Earth’s time.

A group of players ran towards me in the middle of the road and can’t help but talked and asked about me.

“Look at him. He was on the exact same spot yesterday too, doing nothing just standing there.” said one of the players.

“Yeah you were right, I noticed that too.”

“Maybe he is on a quest, a quest to waste time. We shouldn’t disturb him.” A very attractive girl said.

Some people approached me and asked why I am not moving. Of course, I ignored them. I chose Kingdom of Mercia, one of the territory of UAN. Most of us in Shiroe village chose this city and my parent’s shop are here and it is also a good City for beginners to start their adventures.

Most of our neighbors didn’t recognized me in the game and probably in real life too since I rarely go out. Some of them do, only when my mother brought me some food. My satiety level after three days in virtual time has dropped to 15%.

“Kira, here’s some food.” my mother said.

“Thank you mother.” I answered. Seeing the worried look from my mother which she tried so hard to conceal, I said “I’ll be fine mother, I can sense some movement in my feet when I tried to move them, probably I might be able to walk soon.” That’s not true of course, I still can’t sense anything in my feet. My mother and I did not expected that this will happen in the game. For me to be a cripple in real life and in virtual reality must have been too much for her.

If only my disability happened during my childhood years, my mind and body could’ve remembered how to move my feet and walk, but alas, I was born so damn lucky.

Imagine a baby just recently born, flapping, crying, flailing, wriggling and fidgeting like crazy, now imagine the baby doing those things with only with his arms and head while both of his legs lying straight parallel to each other on the bed unmoving. Yeah, that pathetic baby was me.

In short, I am practically useless. All my life, all I ever do is study and read countless books, both printed and electronic, I can't help in household chores and can't even wipe my own sorry ass properly. All crippled people shared the dream of one day to be able to run with the wind, swim in the vastness of the oceans and jump until the laws of gravity broke down and I was no exception. I thought that Lost Earth will be the fulfillment of that dream.

But, when I logged on for the first time in the game.


Choose your name.Cripple

Choose your race.Human

Choose your starting city.Kingdom of Mercia

Choose to enhance appearance (Yes/No)?It was not possible anymore to fully alter your appearance, only an enhancement is allowed. And a mirror appeared in front of me and something was gradually forming up that looked exactly like my head. When the torso and the arms were finished and it was now starting to form the legs. I admit I panicked for a second. A minute has passed and the 3D rendering was finished. It looked exactly like me and I wondered how the game capsule did do that without scanning my body. Does the game capsule has access to our memories or to the image processing center of our brain? I dismissed the notion because I was brimming with excitement to start playing the game.


“No.” I said.

While it was loading, I kept saying to myself, this is it. I can even hear my heart beating so fast and loud. And then a light flashed before me and forced my eyes to close instinctively and when I opened it, a city overflowing with the rays of the sun flooded before my eyes. A lot of players shouting with each other, passing by and some are running. There are a lot of stalls and the majority of the house in the city was built in gray and white stones with crimson roof. At the center was a fountain. It was shining with a blue light and a statue of a beautiful woman clad with heavy armor holding a shield on its left hand and a sword on its right. The statue was erected in the middle of the fountain.

You have witnessed the statue of goddess Freya and gained temporary blessings for a day.- Increased HP/MP regeneration by 5%- Increased Maximum HP/MP by 200/50- Increased all stats by 2

Not bad, I thought. There was quite a distance between me and the fountain, awed by the scenery in front of me, I tried to move closer to the fountain. And that’s where it hit me, very hard.

I have no freaking idea how to walk.

I looked into my right feet and ordered it in my mind to move it, but nothing happened. I tried to move my arms and it seems to be working perfectly fine. My head and neck seems to be functioning too. I tried ordering my left leg to raise itself but it didn’t work. I touched my right thigh with my right hand and felt something but the feeling was only on my hands.

I was and am still standing in the middle of the road.

According to my research the game technology access the brain’s neural network to transmit real time data into the game. Since I have not used my legs since birth my brain didn’t developed and formed the necessary neural path from my brain to my legs. Even If I want to move so badly, the signals have no path for it to travel. I refused to accept my fate and believed there is a way to trick the brain from moving my virtual body. I believe there is a chance and the fact that I am standing straight in the middle of the damn road without collapsing seems to prove that.

“Uhm. Ari, maybe we should draw lots to determine the order of choosing the class.” suggested by an attractive petite woman with fully matured body and a pony tailed crimson hair that hides her ears. The girl has wide hazel eyes and rosy cheeks.

“Good idea!” exclaimed Ari. “You are….”

“Mary, I am a member of your squad.”

“Ok, Ms. Mary, let’s do that.” Ari said while patting Mary’s head. Ari has a little sister the same height as Mary and he loves to pat her sister’s head whenever she did something remarkable.

Mary was surprised and her rich rosy cheeks turned red.

“I am so sorry.” Ari said apologetically while jerking his hands away.

“It’s okay.” said Mary blushing.

Ari’s squad started to choose their class. Ari was fourth to pick.

“John, what will be your job?” asked Ari looking to John who is a lean muscular guy, taller than him, dark hair medium cut and slightly darker skin.


“Knight.” said John with a clear low voice.

“John the Knight. Kenneth?”

“I want to be a Ranger, since my family own an Archery dojo.” Kenneth is skinny but his toned muscles can be seen from his arms, he has sharp eyes and a fair complexion.

“Ranger Ken. Zath?”

“Assasin.” Zath hissed. he has medium height, light build, small face and narrow eyes.

“Assasin Zath. I’m the fourth.” said Ari. “Blade Master, the best Blade Master this academy will ever see. You guys can call me Master of the Blades Ari.” shouted Ari while raising one of his arm showing a gesture of triumph.

Some of his squad member face palmed after hearing Ari’s remark and thought. Oh, great! Our Squad Leader is an idiot. But Mary was staring at Ari with her gooey eyes and cat-like face.

“Next, Ms. Joan.”

A skinny woman stood up and has an average height. She has dark and silky smooth hair, short enough to cover her nape. She has this bored look in her sharp and narrow black eyes. Her skin is pale with a small breast to compliment her thin waist.

“Paladin and please don't say Paladin Joan or Joan the Paladin.” Joan said with an intelligible voice.

“Oh okay. Ms. Mary, what job do you want?” asked Ari in pleasing voice.

Mary was standing beside Ari. I must support him. Mary thought looking at Ari. So I need to make sure he doesn’t die in our missions.

“Uhm. I want to be Priestess Mary.” said Mary with a rich high tone voice.

“Okay, nice choice Ms. Mary.” Ari almost patted Mary in the head but fought the urge to do so.

Mary braced herself waiting for a pat and was disappointed when she didn’t receive one.

“Next is Ron.”

“I think, I’ll go for a Wizard, squad leader.” Ron said smiling.

Among the previous cadets, Ron is the most cheerful since he is always smiling. He was like a bamboo, thin and tall. He has a long face and a short hair.

“I want to be a Druid, Mr. Squad leader since its my turn.” said a beautiful young woman with an uncanny similarity to Ron. Slender and tall. Her face has a pleasant feeling while looking at it and she also smiles a lot. Her smile and Ron’s smile are eerily similar, a smile that hides their eyes.

“She’s my twin, Squad leader. Her name is Rin.” Ron said smiling.

Ari stared at the twins and can't help but smile as well.

“Wizard Ron and Druid Rin. Next Ms. Erica.”

“There are only two choices left, tanker and a support, since I don’t want to be a tanker I’ll choose Witch Doctor.” Erica said. She was wearing a glasses and a long black hair with bangs that covers most of her forehead. She is average height with a slim figure.

Ari nodded in agreement.

"And also, don't call me Witch Doctor Erica, Witch Erica is fine." Erica added.

Ari shrugged. "Okay, Next Van"

“Heads, you decide, tails you decide.” Van said with a sinister smile while showing the coin to Ari. He has spiky hair and triangular shaped face that gives off an arrogant and delinquent vibe.

Van tossed it and caught it and slammed it in the table. He removed his hand.

“Oh its Tail, squad leader. You decide.” Van demanded.

“Van the Monk, it is.” Ari said.

Van regretted his decision but refused to show it. He either disliked the job or the title his squad leader given.

Ari’s SquadAriBlade masterJohnKnight KennethRangerZathAssasinJoanPaladinMaryPriestessRonWizardRinDruidEricaWitch DoctorVanMonk

Jazmae’s and Rizzo’s squad also finished selecting their jobs and thus, the 42nd Infantry Division, 6th Company 1st Platoon succesfully completed their first mission.

Rizzo’s SquadJazmae's Squad1. Sniper (Rizzo)1. Knight (Jazmae)2. Paladin2. Knight3. Paladin3. Paladin4. Knight4. Priest5. Priest5. Bard6. Dancer6. Shaman7. Shaman7. Ranger8. Lancer8. Wizard9. Wizard9. Wizard10. Illusionist10. Sorcerer

“Since we are finished let’s try to log-in into the game.” Rizzo suggested.

“We can visit the training center to improve our stats” Ari exclaimed.

Lt. Kino's platoon went into their seats and used the pre-installed game capsule in it. Minutes passed and every one of them have entered the game.

They visited the training center which offers basic training, which was divided into two sections, the strengthening section, where players hit the scarecrow to increase their strength, agility and dexterity. The mind sharpening section, where there are mini games and quizzes to increase intelligence, which is suitable for mages and support classes. The combat classes also tried the mind sharpening section, for the reason of increasing their Mana pool.

On the second day while on their way to the training center, Ari noticed something in the town square and ran towards it.

Intrigued by his actions, Jazmae and Rizzo followed after him while the rest of the platoon remained at the front of the training center.

“Hey, worm! Where are you going?” asked Jazmae while running trying to catch up with Ari.

Ari stopped near the fountain.

“Look at him. He was on the same spot yesterday too, doing nothing just standing there.” Ari said while pointing at the young man.

The young man is a bit shorter and slimmer than Ari, with a golden brown side-swept hair, blue piercing eyes, diamond shape face and an air of defiance around him.

“Yeah you were right, I noticed that too.” Rizzo said.

“Maybe he is on a quest, a quest to waste time. We shouldn’t disturb him.” Jazmae added sarcastically.

The three of them stared at the young man and the young man stared hard back at them.

“Hey, why are you not moving?” asked Ari enthusiastically.

The young man didn’t answered.

“Let’s head back, we have work to do.” Rizzo suggested as he turned around.

Rizzo and Jazmae walked away and Ari was left behind having a staring contest with the young man.

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It was my first time using tables. It was tiring but fun. Happy New Year guys and btw I accept gift in form of criticisms, so keep them coming.

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