《Ascension: Rise of the Crimson Wizard》Third Year Part 2


As Kaiser entered the defense class, he knew from the class's setup it was the day he dreaded.

"Would anyone like to guess what is inside?" The professor was referring to a closed cabinet sitting in the middle of the class.

"A Boggart, professor?" someone from the Ravenclaw house said.

"Very good. And can you tell me what a Boggart is?"

"A shapeshifter, it takes the form of whatever a person fears the most."

"Correct. Ten points to Ravenclaw." Professor Lupin said. "Now, while most of you would think: 'If I already know that it's not real, I probably wouldn't fear it as much', you couldn't be more wrong. A boggart doesn't simply take the form of what you fear, but also amplifies your fear of it, even if you know it was simply a boggart. Not to mention, if what you fear the most is a magical creature, the boggart may take some of its capabilities."

"So, if someone here fears a basilisk the most, it would just open its eyes and kill us all?" Kaiser asked.

"Fortunately, it cannot. It would just give its target the feeling they are dying, and they would just faint. The same rule applies if it's a dragon. While it would breath Fire, it wouldn't be able to burn you, but only give you the illusion you are burning, until you faint." Professor Lupin explained.

"What if it's not a thing that terrifies you, but an event, professor?" Daphne asked.

Professor Lupin was in deep thought at her question. "It would lead you to believe said event happened, or is happening."

The students took turn facing the boggart one by one, and using the 'riddikulus' incantation to counter the boggart. Three students refused to face it, however, and they were Daphne Greengrass, Susan Bones and Kaiser Lunar. Kaiser could already guess what it was that Daphne dreaded the most, with his knowledge from his previous life, and the two years they'd spent together.

Tracey was terrified of dolls, and Michael's worst fear were clowns. Kaiser could understand both, but the others found it hilarious to be afraid of such "silly" things.


Halloween was an iconic day in the wizarding world, but for Hogwarts, especially when Harry Potter attended, it would always mean something else. Nothing happened during the feast, but once it was over, it was reported that several students were unable to enter the Gryffindor common room, because the Fat Lady, the portrait that guarded it, was absent, while its portrait was damaged with claw marks.

When they found her, she said that Sirius Black, the mass murderer attempted to break into the Gryffindor's common room. The Gryffindors slept in the Great Hall that day, while several Aurors made sure the castle was safe.

This was hardly any of Kaiser's business. He wanted to help Sirius in the beginning, but after much thought, he concluded it would be a fruitless endeavor. Sirius was too unreliable as an ally, if what he heard about him was correct, and unnecessary impulsive.


A week after Halloween, Kaiser could perform his targeted transfiguration spells perfectly and silently, with as much details as necessary, as long as he was concentrated enough, which made the stern professor McGonagall shower him with praise, very rare sight to behold, and allow him to practice it on his own.

He came back to his workshop the same day and began on his new project. What he was trying to do was very simple: a wizarding version of the LCD screen. He took a metal plate and etched a white Lumos spell all over its surface. He then placed another plate on top of it, but changed its color to black. Next, he divided the plate into a grid of equal squares he'd call 'pixels'.

All he had to do now, was dissect the spell's runic sequence, and spot the parts responsible for each pixel, convert them into a variable that can be changed with external input.


"You're getting really good at this." Kaiser praised Hermione at their Occlumency / Legilimency practice.

"Thank you. It's all thanks to your help." Hermione said, but a small blush appeared on her face. She liked to be praised.

"By the way, I can't help but notice, you seem to be taking an absurd amount of classes." Kaiser remarked non nonchalantly, but beads of sweat could be seen forming in Hermione forehead. "There are even rumors about you being in two places at the same time."

"W-w-what! That's absurd, how can someone be in two places at the same time?" she desperately tried to reason. While Kaiser was indeed inside her head, he didn't look at her memories, and only stuck to her thoughts. He wouldn't violate her privacy when she helped him train so much in the mind arts.

"Really? I thought you had a time machine or something." Kaiser joked, but Hermione was now sweating buckets.

"H-h-h-hah-ahaha! That's even more absurd. There is no such thing as a time machine." she said nervously.

"Nice necklace by the way."

* sweating intensifies *

"Nice time turner." He finally said, and Hermione looked at him with shock and betrayal.

"YOU KNEW!" She snapped but he couldn't hold his laughter. "How did you know, it's supposed to be top-secret or something!"

"Yeah, right. That's why they give it to students so they can take more classes." Kaiser said sarcastically. "Professor McGonagall must have used a lot of favors to get you one. They don't just hand them out to top students, you know." He paused for a moment, before continuing. "You shouldn't overload your body. A day is twenty four hours for a reason, you must give yourself enough sleep, especially at our age. Besides, I've heard you're even taking Divination and 'Muggle Studies'. Is it really worth it?"

"Well, I wanted to see what divination was all about." Hermione said, unsure if her decision was the correct one.

"What about 'Muggle Studies'. Do you honestly believe wizards would know more about No-Majs than you, a first generation witch?"


"I thought it would be interesting to see it from The wizards." Hermione defended herself.

"And you should realize by now that it's a complete waste of time." Kaiser said.


An old man with thin eyebrows and crooked nose sat cross-legged in a wooden floor, somewhere in the world. He had a thin frame, with long black hair, arranged in a ponytail. He was frowning, appearing in deep thought. Footsteps could be heard approaching, and the old man slowly opening his thin hazel eyes. His face showing no trace of emotions.

"Forgive me for interrupting you, master. But the prophet has spoken." said a young man who looked no more than twenty, in a foreign language. He had a thin short sword attached to his back.

"Continue." said the old man calmly.

"His words allude to a place of learning in western Europe. Our diviners believe we will find what we are looking for if we search around their area." the young man said reverently.

The old man appeared in deep thought for a few minutes before he gave him orders to send scouts to all magical schools in that area. When the old man was left alone, his emotionless face turned into an expression of longing. A gleam in his eyes expressed the deep desire he felt toward whatever it was he was looking for.


Hogwarts' students were very excited for the approaching Hogsmeade weekend, but they were divided into two categories: those that had arrangements to go explore the village with their friends, and those that wanted to ask a girl out on a date. Though, the third-years, as this is their first time visiting the village, would only explore it with their friends for now.

One particular student seemed to get a lot of invitations lately, and it pissed her off to no end. She was a very sweet person, and couldn't bring herself to say hurtful things to others, yet it was playing against her in her case.

Susan Bones was a natural beauty. Her smooth skin was as white as jade, along with her oval face, defined by thin lips, tiny nose, and deep blue eyes, not to mention her silky auburn red hair. With her body now maturing, she became even more beautiful than she already was. Unfortunately, it also made her prey to lustful eyes, not only from her year mates, but also from the upper years. (A/N: Sorry about that 'as white as jade' description, I just had to do it xD)

She lost count of how many she rejected from the beginning of the year, but they haven't taken a hint that she wasn't interested in them at all, and tried their luck again. After all, she had a crush of her own, and people at that age tended to have big dreams.

Her best friend, Hannah Abbot, noticed her distress, and had no small amount of disgusts at those horny boys. Unfortunately, there was nothing much she could do for her. This was something she had to deal with on her own. That is, until she had an epiphany.

"Susan! I think I found a way to solve your problem!" Hannah exclaimed excitedly.

"What is it?"

"If you're already dating someone, won't they stop bothering once word spread out?" Hannah asked, but Susan gasped at the thought.

"Y-y-you want me to date one of t-t-t-those boys?" she asked uncertainly.

"Of course not!" Hannah said indignantly. "What I'm trying to say is, you just have to pretend to date someone. Go out on one date publicly with him, it should solve the problem."

"And who am I supposed to go out with? You know how all the boys that asked me out are. They just keep starring at my chest!" Susan said with a disgusted expression.

"Well, I know one boy who doesn't stare at your chest." Hannah teased. "You also seem to have a big crush on him."

Susan's face turned bright red at the words she did not expect. "Y-y-you know?"

"Of course I know!" Hannah exclaimed. "I'm your best friend! I've noticed since the first year, even though you claim you don't like anyone."

"A-are you telling me to ask him out? I can't do that! What if he rejects me! Then he'd look down on me! Then we won't be friends again! Then-then…" Susan said frantically. She feared rejection, her dreams being crushed before they even started.

"Calm down, Susan. You don't have to ask him out. He'll do it." Hannah explained. "I'll tell him that this is a ploy to ward off the others. Then it would be up to you to charm him." She said with a wink.

The next day, Hannah and Susan asked to speak to Kaiser in private, so he followed them to an empty classroom.

"What's up?" he asked.

"We need your help." Hannah started. "Susan has been getting a lot of advances lately, and she's… rather tired of it. They don't leave her alone even in the library."

"What can I do?" Kaiser didn't know what was expected of him, so he asked to see if they have a way to deal with the issue.

"Can you go on a date with Susan next Hogsmeade's visit?" She asked in one breath, while Susan face turned bright red. She was doing her best to avoid his gaze, but he was too shocked to look at her. Fortunately, her next words cleared the misunderstanding. "As long as they believe you're dating her, they won't bother her as much. Hopefully. And… you're the only one who doesn't look at her like a piece of meat." She added.

"Oho. I'm honored you think so. It would be my pleasure to go on a date with you, Susan." Kaiser offered an encouraging smile, while Susan hid her face with her two hands.

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