《Ace of all Trades》Chapter 20: Finally Time for the Date, but First a Story?
Chapter 20: Finally Time for the Date, but First a Story?
Author’s Note: I ‘think’ that this chapter is a little (spelled “a little,” read “a lot”) darker than my normal chapters, but it provides some much needed flesh to my already thin MC, so hopefully it is not too unbearable. Other than that enjoy the chapter. Comments are much appreciated, criticism only if it is constructive. Let's keep it civil.
I lead the unresisting Jessica to one of ZMI’s many waystations. In modern terms, if you think of ZMI as a giant highway, there would be several “rest spots” along the way where you can stop and get something to eat or drink, or use the restroom before continuing on your journey. These “rest spots” are the waystations.
I wanted to use a more “old world” example to describe them, but then I realized that many of my readers wouldn’t understand what I was talking about and that would require more explanation on my part. So instead I used a “new world” example that most people would understand. And even though I may be rambling, it is still a better love story than “Twilight.” But I digress.
The various way stations spread across ZMI include a food stall that varies by location, a few cushioned benches for people to sit down and rest their tired feet/legs, and an unsexed bathroom that is hidden out of sight and is locked from the inside so it is perfect for taking care of any “business” you might have.
Now these stalls are completely different from your ordinary outdoor restroom stalls. First off, they are handicap accessible, and are completely sound proof, include plumbing and running water, and are securely connected to the floor. By using a variant of shock absorbers designed by the president, the occupants won’t feel any movement even if the area was hit by a magnitude 10 earthquake. Conversely, no matter how much movement goes on inside the stall, the world would be none the wiser, so it is perfect for doing the “deed” if you or your partner can no longer resist the “urge.”
As with all new things, they are available to all, good and bad, fortunately the president incorporated some crime prevention mechanisms to stave off the worse crime that a criminal may use the stall for: “Rape”.
As long as the act is consensual then ZMI doesn’t mind if you use their stalls for that purpose, in fact they even go as far as providing some “basic amenities” through a vending machine for that very purpose among others. However, when it is not consensual, then ZMI’s preventive measures activate.
Since it is too tedious to explain exactly how the measures work, I will give the TL; DR: HAL9001 will determine when it is necessary via a biometric scan, and if he determines that it’s not consensual then he will take action by either locking the attempted culprit inside, or shielding the potential victim inside depending on who enters first. Then he will apprehend the culprit regardless if they are inside or outside.
Because the president is a firm believer that “You do onto others what you would want done onto yourself,” if someone tries to rape someone they must be desiring deep in their hearts to be raped themselves. So the president being the benevolent person he is, was willing to give them their hearts desire by including “tentacles” of unknown materials that will be used by HAL to capture the offenders and trap them inside the stall. Once they are in there, the world won’t know what happens next. So I’ll leave it to your imagination.
To date there has been zero attempted rapes using ZMI restroom stalls in the five years they have been in existence. Nobody knows if the president’s preventive measures are actually installed but there is nobody stupid enough to risk finding out after what happened to the thief. But as I seem to be rambling on about a dark topic I’ll end it here and continue the story.
The food stall at the waystation just happens to be a Dango shop. I say “just happens” because the food stalls at each waystation changes each month. Last month this location was selling Taiyaki.
After ordering three sets of Dango and a hot coffee, I knock back my remaining coffee and guide Jessica to a vacant bench, throwing away my now empty coffee cup into the nearby trashcan.
I sit down first with my legs wide apart so that Jessica can sit comfortably between them. I tug at Jessica’s hand and she obediently sits down in front of me with her back facing me. I wrap my arms around her waist and while I wait for our food to arrive I enjoy her warmth and the sights, sounds and smells from coming from the bazaar in front of us.
‘I do hope Jessica didn’t get “broken” from encountering Ted. While I may be immune due to my “problematic” constitution, others are not so lucky. Oh well, I best stop her self-hypnosis otherwise she might turn into a yandere.’
Jessica has been repeating “I have Robert” under her breath ever since we left Ted’s “Room.” Any further and it would be dangerous for her mental health so I whisper into her ear.
Robert: “Jess, if you want to stay by my side, I am willing to do everything in my power to keep you there. So even if you are tempted or wander astray, as long as you are willing to return to me, I will welcome you back with open arms.” I put just enough sincerity in my voice to make it sound truly sincere. And sincere I was, while I may not chase those who leave, I will welcome back those who return.
Jessica: “Truly?” Jessica says gazing up at me.
Robert: “Truly, but don’t think I won’t get angry if you make this a habit. Even I struggle with the feeling called Jealousy. While the desire to monopolize may be new to me, I’m not so weak to force my desires on you one-sidedly. Your life is your own, and I’m already privileged that you find me worthy enough to share some of it with.” Jessica giggles and presses her back closer against me.
Jessica: “You said something similar to that the first time I shared some of my time with you.”
Robert: “I remember, even now I wonder if this is all just a dream, because I don’t know how someone like me got such an amazing and beautiful woman such as yourself to be my girlfriend.”
Jessica: “Don’t discount yourself that much, after all you were the only one who managed to not only thaw my frozen heart, but bury your existence inside it in a mere two days.”
Robert: “But the deeper I get, the more painful it will be for me when you are gone.” I say softly.
Jessica: “What do you mean? Her tone was alarmed.
Robert: “Actually…” I was about to say something else, when we were interrupted by the serving girl who brought us our food. I thank her after she places the tray holding our food beside us and hand her my ZMI card, which she scans and returns to me. After giving us half a bow, she silently returns to the food stall.
Jessica: “Actually what? What were you trying to tell me?” Jessica asks, her voice still alarmed. I sigh as this will take a bit of time to explain.
Robert: “Jess, would you get mad if I tell you a tiny story about my youth? It will help explain what I wanted to say and give you some more information about me. You can also eat the Dango while you listen.”
Jessica: “I would love to hear a story about your youth, just don’t make it boring okay?”
Robert: “I’ll try but it is a little dark. Let’s see… ever since I was a young child things that I ‘obtained’ either got lost or became unusable within six months of coming into my possession. If I didn’t particularly care about an item, it would become unusable after 3 months, but even when I attempted to take care of it, it only lasted at most a year before becoming unusable.”
Jessica: “That just means they weren’t built to last.”
Robert: “After first I thought that too and didn’t worry about it. But once I started school I noticed something strange. All the people I talk to on a regular basis in class never bothered to contact me outside of class. It never really bothered me at the time because I had books to read and games to play, so I was never wanting for something to do.”
Jessica: “So you were isolated?”
Robert: “No, my grades were decent but never amazing enough to provoke jealously from my peers, and I got along with my teachers as well as my peers, it is just that no matter what I tried to do, I couldn’t create those lasting bonds known as true friendship. Maybe it was because I never confided in them so in turn they never confided in me, but I don’t know. As time progressed those I knew in my youth moved on with their life and “left me behind” so to speak. I went from the guy they hung out with to simple a person they once knew.”
Jessica: “You were in the loop, but left out of the inner circle?”
Robert: “I guess you can say that, but again it didn’t really bother me and I didn’t really delve deep into it because I still had books and games to be my constant companions and I knew they would never leave me. But what really got me to think was when all the clans I joined in games started dissolving one after another.”
Jessica: “I don’t understand.”
Robert: “While playing by myself as I usually did back in the day, I was invited to join a group of people with a common goal. Intrigued by the thing called a “clan” I joined. Just by participating in events that the clan held and posting on their forum my ideas I swiftly rose to become a member of the ‘top brass’.”
Jessica: “That is good right?”
Robert: “Normally yes, but once I reached that position problems started occurring within the clan. The two leaders where fighting over something pointless and one of them eventually went on a power trip that caused the clan to collapse on itself which was 6 months after I joined.”
Jessica: “It wasn’t your fault right?”
Robert: “Correct, I was a neutral party because I could see both sides of the argument and since I didn’t want to get involved in the drama that it caused, I stayed out of it. But in the end the clan couldn’t take the continuous infighting and died.”
Jessica: “That sad, but it wasn’t your fault it died but those leading it.”
Robert: “Indeed, that’s why I shrugged it off and joined the next clan that recruited me. It was a larger clan that my original one and it seemed to be managed better. By the virtue known as my dedication I swiftly moved up the ranks and became one of the ‘top brass’ in my new clan in only two months. Everything was going good but there was a growing opposition on how the leader was running the clan and they repeatedly clashed with the current leader. I didn’t have a problem because everything was still new to me.”
Jessica: “Did that clan die too?”
Robert: “Yes, eventually the opposition to so intense it caused a schism that left the clan with only half of its original members. While the new clan that formed gained steam the old one started dying off as we couldn’t get members to replace the old ones that left. I tried my best to recruit people and help manage the clan but it still collapsed about five month from the time I joined.”
Jessica: “You did your best, but that clan probably just wasn’t meant to survive.” Jessica says trying to comfort me.
Robert: “Probably, but I’ve joined 6 other clans since then and each and every one of them died by no fault of my own, and half of them I wasn’t even in a position of power because I feared that if I was in the top brass then that would mean the clan would die. And each one died within 6 months of me joining it.”
Jessica: “Wow, that’s rough.”
Robert: “But it gets worse.”
Jessica: “Worse? How?”
Robert: “Everyone I meet and try to build relationships with end up departing from my life in as little as 3 months and at most 9 months, though there are some exceptions. Maybe it is because I was simply overbearing in my attempts to create a bond with them and frighten them away? Or it might have been too distant and didn’t trust them enough? Either way, besides a few exceptions who I have known for several years now, and my family, I have very few people that are willing to stay by my side regardless of what comes.”
Jessica: “What are you trying to tell me?”
Robert: “Since you came into my life, I have been wondering if you would be another of those rare exceptions or will you also fall prey to my “curse” for lack of a better word, and end up leaving me behind.”
Jessica: “I would never…” Jessica tried to continue but I interrupt her.
Robert: *Ssshh* “I know Jess. I know. You would never willingly abandon me, but my “curse” is strong and has caused many good people to abandon me. So even if you do leave, I’ll keep the memories I created with you forever in my heart.”
I hug Jessica ever so tightly and then release her. I reach over and take a sip of coffee I ordered, because my throat was parched from talking so much. When I look back Jessica was already standing. Thinking she was ready to get going, I try to rise only to be stopped by a Jessica’s hand on my shoulder. She wraps her arms around the back of my head and presses my face into her chest.
Confused, I look up at Jessica from between her twin peaks and see that she is looking at me with a serious expression. She tightens her grip on my head pushing me further into her bosom.
Jessica: “I don’t know what the future holds but know this, for as long as I am alive, you are mine, and I won’t let anyone else have you.” She says in full seriousness.
Robert: “Please remember that promise when the time comes.”
Jessica: “You mean when your “curse” activates?” She questions me.
Robert: “That will be my little secret for now, but can we do something about this position? I find it quite stimulating and if this goes on much longer I might need your assistance dousing the fire you have lit within me.” I say looking up into her eyes.
As if she could see the desire growing in them, Jessica immediately lets go of my head and straightens up, her face a bright scarlet. Sighing, I pat the seat next to me so that we can finish eating the Dango I ordered. I take another sip of coffee and see that Jessica had already sat down in the indicated spot her face still red.
I pass over the plate of Dango she had started eating while I was telling my “story” but didn’t finish, and we finish our meal in silence while watching the Bazaar in all its glory. After a while of simply enjoying each other’s presence, I stand up coffee in hand. I offer my left hand to Jessica which she takes and I help bring her to her feet.
Robert: “Thank you for humoring me and listening to an abridged portion of my life story, it must have been hard on you to listen to it.”
Jessica: “No.” She shakes her head. “Thank you for telling me. I know it must have been harder on you to reveal it to me.”
Robert: “It is only fair that I warn you of what you are getting into, because if my “curse” doesn’t break us apart in a year’s time, I was planning on asking for your hand in marriage personally.”
Jessica: “You are still saying that in a roundabout manner.” Jessica says her face slightly flushing again.
Robert: “Of course, even though you don’t want to let me go, getting married to someone you’ve only known for two days is absurd. So let us take this year to learn more about each other, and if your feelings for me get any deeper than now, I will propose to you. I have already spoken to your father about this and he has given me the okay.”
Jessica: “You already have everything planned out don’t you?” Jessica sighs happily.
Robert: “Not yet, there is still some loose ends that need to be tied up, and the whole deal about my “curse” and all. So until then will you be satisfied being my girlfriend?”
Jessica: “Depends, will you be satisfied with being only my boyfriend?”
Robert: “Even if I was only a considered a sex-friend with you only after my body, I would have been more than satisfied, but with you as my girlfriend it is more than I could have hoped or dreamed.”
Jessica: “Flattery won’t get you any farther with me, you know? Also what are we going to do about those?” Jessica asks pointing to the Dango still on the cushioned seat.
Robert: “Those are for Zash.”
Jessica: “Speaking of Zash, where is he?” She asks looking around. Worry for Zash colors her voice.
Robert: “He just went to scout ahead, he should be back soon.”
As I finish saying that, Zash appears out of nowhere on the cushion next to the Dango, saluting me.
Zash: “Captain Zash, reporting for duty sir.”
Robert: “Enjoying the illusion device I installed on your fox mask Zash?”
Zash: “Hai~ Itadakimasu~” And proceeds to stuff his face with the Dango.
Robert: “This little glutton…”
Jessica: “Don’t you mean ‘our’ little glutton?”
Robert: “If ‘we’ survive the coming year, then yes, he will be ‘our’ little glutton.”
Zash: “Gochisosoma~” Zash says after he finishes his Dango.
Robert: “Ready Zash?” I ask him after he puts his fox mask back on. He took it off so that he could eat his Dango.
Zash: “Hai~”
Robert: “Lead the way then.”
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