《Ace of all Trades》Chapter 12: A Bet and an Unexpected Windfall
Chapter 12: A Bet and an Unexpected Windfall
Hello again, before Chapter 12 begins, I am taking the liberty of hijacking this story once again, but only for a moment. Some of you, and you know who you are, have figured out my true nature. Kudos to you, but if anyone took a look through all the hints and clues provided, and think how they interact with each other, then it should’ve been a foregone conclusion. For those who attempted but failed to guess my true nature, good attempts, and re-tries are allowed.
I apologize for the wall text but since I rarely break the fourth wall, (this is my 2nd time in 12 chapters) I hope you would forgive the walls. Now for those who still care and are interested in further diving deeper into who I am, what I am to the story’s main character, and what I plan on doing in the future, I offer another puzzle. Now this puzzle will be “slightly (?)” harder than my first one. The number of clues already given are few, and may be well disguised. In fact if anyone is to guess correctly citing all the clues that are relevant to this puzzle, I would be shocked, but I digress.
Before I mention the puzzle, for those who haven’t guessed the first one, further clues will be provided for that one as well as this one, but as usual, I won’t tell you were or what they are because finding them is half the fun. PM our dear author about your guesses about either of the puzzles and you reasoning behind such guesses and he will respond to with a rating from 1-10 out of 10 and tell you if you are correct or not. Again, re-tries are allowed, but new reasoning will be required.
Now for the puzzle: Why was I banished to the depths of depravity? Many have submitted some thoughts as to why, when they were answering my initial puzzle, but none were correct, interesting theories though, so kudos to them.
One last thing before I restore the fourth wall. I will continue to appear now and again within the story to antagonize our dear protagonist, but those who are in the “know” have already figured out that I am not the antagonist of this story, or do they I wonder? Then again, I just might be the antagonist and not realize it, life is funny like that. Oh wait, this is not real life, but a fanfic of a light novel… hmm… Oh well.
This now concludes chapter 12, and all you get is a lousy puzzle. Just kidding, Pardon me while I release the author and restore the fourth wall with the mighty powers of depravity. Ciao.
* * *
The gentle morning sunlight streaming in through the window onto my face causes my consciousness to stir. I wrap my arms around my hug pillow and burry my face into its warm darkness to escape from the morning light.
The warmth, softness and sense of security I get from hugging it almost causes me to drift back off to sleep when I remember something very important.
‘I don’t own a hug pillow.’
I open my eyes slowly and my sight is filled with Jessica-sempai. Oh, I am supposed to call her Jess now. She will get mad if I call her sempai when we are alone together. Although a mad Jess is lovely as well, I prefer the happy and content one.
Last night was quite amazing, even though it was my first time with a real woman, prior to this, all I had was image training using “books” I’ve read before. I think I was able to make her cum for real at least once despite my inexperience. Even if Jess said she did climax several times, I don’t believe in my skills as a lover to perform that well my first time.
I pull Jess closer to me so I can enjoy her touch a while longer before I get up and face the day. While I was hugging her, she turned around and faced me. Her soft mounds of flesh press into me, causing my toy soldier to stand at attention and press into her soft thighs.
“It seems that even after everything last night, you still aren’t satisfied.” Jess laughs softly as she mounts me.
“If it is you, I can continue until you are satisfied.” I say looking up at Jess.
“Ah the joys of being young. Come let me satisfy your morning wood, and my morning craving as well.” She says as she goes down on me.
“Of course, your wish is my command.”
Needless to say I didn’t get to leave my room for another two hours.
As I walk down the stairs fully clothed, the world around me seems more vibrant than yesterday. Was it because I am no longer a DT? Either way, after my morning “exercise” with Jess, I felt revitalized and ready to take on the day. Is as if all my pent up sexual frustration and stress was released all in one go. I think I now know why people go through great lengths to obtain this feeling.
‘I don’t know what the future holds, but if I get to have “fun” with Jess at least once a month I would probably be satisfied with that.’
O: ‘Good morning, Master. Did you enjoy last night? I made sure the others went to sleep so you could enjoy your time with Sempai uninterrupted.’
‘So that was your doing? Thank you very much. To be able to solely focus on Jess and not have the others come and interrupt me was truly a godsend.’
O: ‘Of course, Master. When I was named, you tasked me to keep L and M in line, and I have been faithful to that command ever since.’
‘For that I thank you.’
O: ‘Also, I do believe I called it, Master.’
‘Called what?’
O: ‘Back when I was off the deep end, I do believe I said that you might end up doing sempai after your first date, and you got mad at me. But lo and behold, after your dinner date with Sempai, she invited you to eat her up.’
‘Oh, THAT. Fine you win, you called it. Happy?’
O: ‘Thank you for acknowledging it, Master. On another note: before I had the others fall asleep, we discussed what we could do to create the body you desire for our avatar, and I feel we came up with some viable solutions.’
‘Let’s hear them then.’
O: ‘Not yet, Master. First you must break your fast, and once you start typing the lease documents for sempai, then we will talk.’
‘Oh very well, I’ll hold you to that.’
O: ‘Of course, Master. I live to serve.’
I reach the downstairs and enter the living room. Zash was laying on the sofa asleep.
‘So he does sleep.’
Since I picked up Zash long ago, I have never seen him asleep. I am not sure if he doesn’t sleep or if he sleeps when I’m not looking. I pull a cover over him, and softly stroke his hair before entering the kitchen. On the counter was a note addressed to me.
‘So at least I wasn’t outright terrible I guess.’
I plug in my peculator and while it brews I prepare breakfast for two. Why two? Because when Zash wakes up, he will be hungry.
I finish cooking and prepare a cup of coffee for myself. I turn around and see Zash at the table rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Zash do you want to try some coffee?”
“You mean the stuff you drink every day?”
“Yes, that stuff.”
Smiling, I put down my cup onto the counter and take out an empty one from the cabinet. I fill a fourth of the cup with coffee.
“Zash. How many sugars do you want?”
“One. Two. Three. A lot. Five. Six. Seven. Seven sugars please.” Zash says sleepily after slowly counting on his fingers.
“Okay, coming right up.”
I pour seven sugars into Zash’s cup and fill the rest with milk. I stir the mix gently so not to cause it to spill and deliver it to Zash.
“Here you are.” I say as I place it in front of him.
“Thanks, Onii-chan.”
“You’re welcome.”
I serve Zash and myself half of what I prepared for breakfast before sitting down with my cup of coffee opposite of him.
“It’s sweet. I think I like this think you call coffee.”
“It is only sweet because of how I prepared it. There are lots of different types and flavors of coffee each with its own unique texture and smell, and all this varies based on how it is brewed and prepared.”
“Wow. The world of coffee sure is wide.”
“Yes, following the way of the Coffee drinker is a long and perilous path.”
“Onii-chan? Sometimes you say the silliest of things.”
“Sorry about that Zash.”
“It’s okay. I still like Onii-chan the best.”
Zash looks around before looking back at me with his head tilted to one side.
“Where is Jessica-neechan, who you had “sexy time” with last night?”
“She had to go to work, but who taught you that phrase?”
“The Hentai, Ms. Wakahisa-san. She said when a man and a woman enter the same bedroom together, it is called “sexy time” though she did not tell me what happens during that time.”
“I see. Well let’s eat.”
“Itadakimasu.” We say in unison.
Silence descends upon the kitchen table as we eat. In a few short minutes all the food I prepared vanished into our stomachs.
“Gochisosama.” We say as we finish our food.
“Zash, are you still sleepy?”
“No. Coffee is amazing.”
“Yes, coffee is indeed amazing. Now do you want to help your Onii-chan clean the dishes or would you rather play?”
“Hmm… I’ll help out today.”
“Hokay~ Can I entrust you to bring all the dirty dishes to the sink so I can wash them?”
Zash starts bring the large dishes one by one, and by the time he finished he was carrying them three at a time.
“Good job Zash. Do you want to continue helping out, or do you want to go play now?”
“I think I will go play now.” Zash says after some deliberation.
“Okay, off you go.”
I continue cleaning the dishes as Zash runs into the living room. About thirty minutes later, as I am drying the last dish, the doorbell rings twice in quick succession.
“One minute, and I’ll be right there.” I call out.
I finish drying the dish in my hands and put it up. Using the dishrag I just used to dry the dishes, I dry my hands and walk to the doorway.
‘I wonder who requires my assistance this time.’
Dear readers, there is something I must confess. When I became the landlord for this apartment complex, it was unfortunately not without certain strings attached. Despite my various attempts to get them removed from my contract, I was unable and thus must abide by them.
The strings are as follows: First I must act as the apartment complex’s property management team, fixing what I can myself otherwise calling in a specialist and paying them out of my own pocket to fix what is broken. Of course, all the tenants rent goes into my pocket too, but I have to use it to pay utility bills, property taxes, repair and maintenance of the building itself, pest control, etc. so the costs really add up and I can’t go spending the money I get from the rent at my discretion.
On the upside, it kind of forces me to socialize with my tenants, and the professionals I contract to do the labor, and I get a place to stay away from my parents that is rent free, and as an accountant I get some experience managing a small rental property, so there is a lot of benefits, but I digress.
The second string that is attached, is that I must keep an open door policy. Which means if a tenant has a problem with their apartment regardless of if I can fix it or not, I must allow them into my apartment and allow them to explain the situation to me so I can take the appropriate actions.
At first it was difficult distinguishing who requires assistance from those who are just visiting and/or solicitors. That was when I came up with an ingenious solution. If I hear someone ring the doorbell twice in quick succession as I just heard, then that means, it is a tenant that requires my assistance.
There are a few other strings attached to my contract, but they are unimportant for the time being, so I will spare you the boredom and resume the story.
Once I reach the front entrance way, I look out of the peephole and see a tall man with red hair. Now before you say gingers are soulless, you must remember my soul is blacken by endless depravity. So which is better? Not having a soul or having a tainted soul? But I digress.
This man just happens to be my friend John. You know, Ms. Wakahisa-san’s husband. Yeah, him. Anyways, I wonder what has happened to make him come himself. I unlock the front door and open it.
“Ah John. What can I do for you today?”
“Congratulations!” He says as he grabs my hand and shakes it violently.
“For what?” I ask in a confused tone. I manage to free my hand from his violent shaking. While I have an inkling on what he is getting at, I ask him regardless.
“For finally getting laid, of course!” He says in a loud enough voice that anyone who was in the vicinity who didn’t know, now did.
“Oh, that. Come in, I don’t want you causing a scene outside.”
“Of course, of course.” I turn to my side and let him through. Closing the door behind us.
I lead him to the kitchen where he sits down at the table.
“Black, 2 sugars please.”
“Coming right up.”
I place his coffee in front of him and sit so I directly face him.
“…” I remain silent as he sips at his coffee. I found that waiting for the other party to speak first and explain their circumstances is easier than trying to extract the information from them.
“Have you told Kyle yet?” He asks as he put down his cup.
“No. He wouldn’t believe me unless I had video footage as proof, and my partner was shy so I didn’t want to bother her with that.”
One last thing I should mention about John, Kyle is our mutual “friend”, I’ve known him for 8 years, while John has known him for about 9 or 10 years.
“That does sound like him. Also from the shouts and moans we heard last night, it didn’t seem like your partner was “shy” at all.”
‘Memo to me, sound proof my room a.s.a.p.’
“I am sure you didn’t go through all this trouble just to tell me this.”
“Your right, my bad. The real reason I came is because of a bet.”
“A bet?” I ask, slight annoyance colors my voice.
“Yes, a bet. All the housewives in this apartment complex, including my own wife, were betting on who among them would claim your cherry as their own.”
“Where they really betting on something like that?”
‘Seriously, I don’t even go after married women, period. Divorced women, perhaps. But that is only after they are separated from their significant other.’
“Yes, I accidently overheard it while my wife was gossiping about it over the phone. Since I knew you would never go for those are taken already, I thought about telling you about the bet when a plan came to mind.”
“Oh what was this “plan”?” I ask.
“What if I force my way into that bet and bet on a “other women” besides the house wives. That way if you ever get laid, I’ll win the bet.”
“I see. So how much was your windfall?”
“20,000 dollars.”
“That is quite a sum.”
“Yeah and since you were the one who won me that bet, I decided to give you some because it would be unwise to profit off you without giving you a cut.” He places a stack of money onto the kitchen table.
“10,000? That is quite a bit of money. What am I going to do with all this?” I say after quickly counting it.
“I don’t know, buy a car or maybe a new computer? You will think of something. As for me, I am going to go drinking with my new found slush fund, and you’re invited and I’m not taking “no” for an answer.”
“When are you going?”
“Right after talking with you, let’s go.”
“Wait a moment.” I say to John as he was getting to his feet.
“Hmm?” He says as he sits back down.
“I have a new tenant coming in today to look at apartments, so I must get the lease documents ready by midday.”
“Anyone I know?”
“I doubt it.”
“Wait. You don’t mean “her”?”
“Who do you mean by “her”?”
“The woman who left your apartment this morning.”
“Oh, you mean Jessica-sempai?’
“So her name is Jessica. Wait. Why do you call her sempai?”
“Because she is my sempai at being a single parent. She already has a sixteen year old daughter.”
John looks at Zash in the living room and then back at me.
“You sly dog…”
“Theoretically, I AM a single parent, I have to raise Zash as a child, so I might as well use it to my benefit right?”
*Ha Ha Ha* (laughter) “Kyle would never have expected you to use that to get laid. When we go drinking promise me to tell me how you did it.”
“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”
“We’ll see. So go do your lease papers, I’ll go “play” with my wife so I can punish her for trying to seduce you.”
“Oh, don’t tell her that Zash isn’t my son, because she is under the illusion that he is. Oh she seems to enjoy exhibitionism so that might be just more of a turn on for her than a punishment.”
“How do you know that?” John asks while looking at me with one eyebrow arched.
“Because she walked from your apartment to mine in nothing but a naked apron.”
“I see. How come she never did that for me?” He says that aloud even though he says it to himself.
“Probably because you never asked. Or maybe it was attributed to how much she was trying to win the bet? Also if you demand it from her, or hide all her clothes but an apron she will either go about the house naked, or in a naked apron and voila, your naked/naked apron is done, and she will be ready for you to enjoy her throughout your apartment.”
“That’s a good plan. Off I go to put that plan into action. I probably won’t be coming back out tonight, so we’ll go drinking tomorrow.” John says as he gets to his feet once more.
“Alright. Remember if you break the place, I am the one who will have to pay to fix it.”
“Don’t worry, I am sure I will break her long before she breaks the house. Also I apologize in advance for the noise she will be making.”
“No worries, I am already use to it. Oh John.” I say to him as he is at the kitchen doorway.
“Hmm?” He says as he faces towards me.
“Make sure you give her a through taste of your cock. So much so that she is completely addicted to it, and it alone. That way she won’t go seeking others, such as mine.”
“Rodger, Rodger.” John says as he leaves the kitchen.
I hear the door open and close before I let out a sigh.
*Funyu* (Tired sigh)
‘I knew something was up from the way they were acting but to do so because of a bet… oh well, doesn’t matter I got laid. D!’
D: ‘Yes, my lord?’
‘Assemble the others, it is time to discuss how to construct our avatar’s body.’
D: ‘At once, my lord.’
I pick up the money John left behind and hide it, before going to the front entrance and locking the door. If someone else needs me they can just ring the doorbell. I head to the living room and sit down in front of my laptop.
‘I’ll have to think of what I am going to do with this new found windfall later. But first the lease documents and the discussion on how to create my avatar’s body.’
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