《Sanguimancer》Chapter 30
Brandon’s POV
As my messenger ran off, I turned to see the Legion outpost boiling like an anthill that had been kicked. The torches along the wall had doubled, preventing me from seeing the number of bodies along the wall. That didn’t matter though, as our group had formed an honor guard for me, with Dorian standing by with a smile on his face.
“Fine bit of battle there, brother.” He chuckled as I walked up. “But it looks like you can only do that once a night. You ok?”
“Let’s see you battle simultaneously with blade, aura and magic and not get tired.” I grumped as we walked through the double line of shields. After we passed, they stepped forward, turned as one, and followed. Of course, the gates to the fort had opened, and several high level officers were walking our way. “I’ll be fine with a bit of rest. Why oh why do I feel like I’m not going to be getting it soon?”
“Ha! You know what they say, no rest for the wicked. Now, normally when going into new posts in the Legion, I would suggest keeping a low profile until you can figure out the situation. You’ve done blown that up, but I’ll help where I can.”
“Thanks.” I managed to mutter before Centurian Clavis and the officers arrived. We immediately saluted.
“Just what the –“ Clavis started, only to be interrupted by someone much higher up the rankings than him.
“By the gods, what a fine bit of battle! If I didn’t know any better, I woulda sworn that there were two vampires battling it out!” He was slightly older, just starting to go gray at the temples. The rest of his body didn’t seem to have been informed he was aging, as his body and the vitality that seemed to flow from him made even Clavis seem weak. “Legatus Augusti Scipio, Commander of the Legions and the Bloody Outpost. Welcome to my command Legionnaires. Now, mind explaining just what you did and how you managed to stop the assault that even the church rune masters were powerless to stop?”
“Sir, perhaps in a more secure location.” One of his followers said. There were two, but they lacked all ranking insignia.
“Right, right. Come on, to my tent. Clavis, get your men settled. I’ll address them tomorrow, and after a few days of marching they deserve a guard day. We’ll rotate them in with some veterans.”
“Sir!” Everyone said in unison before heading back to the fort. Once past the imposing gates, our group immediately branched off while I followed the Legatus and wondered how I was unlucky enough to be meeting with someone at least seven levels of leadership above Centurion Clavis. Moving through the fort was oddly calming, as everything was in its place. The first things we passed were soldiers tents, followed by the mess hall before we came to the commander’s tent. Since this was a more permanent fort, or it least looked like it was beginning to be, they had started stockpiling wood and were marking out the grounds for a building. I knew behind this would be the mess hall, storage areas, as well as the armory and a small smithy for repairing equipment.
We entered the tent, and it was a lot dimmer than anticipated. Only four lamps at the corners, but there were several cloth partitions leading to different areas. As I took it all in, the Legatus sat at a large desk facing the door and motioned me into a small stool.
“Sorry for the lack of proper seating, but field conditions are field conditions.” He said by way of apology. “Now, I didn’t get your name?”
“Ah, my apologies sir. Decanus Brandon Clayson of the, well. We obviously just arrived, and I don’t know our unit’s designation.”
Scipio let out a laugh, “Ha hahaha! Oh, well played. Your unit will be the third Cohort of the fourth Legion here. Anyway, I doubt anyone will be able to pull off a bigger entrance than what your group did. Now, about what you did.” He didn’t really need to explain, as I hurried to answer.
“I’m not sure that the runemasters would even know how to combat that technique sir. It was a unique one created by my former master that uses aura fused into his words to create a sort of compulsion. His student betrayed him and stole the imperfect technique. I managed to counter it because I know the full thing. And as far as I know, I’m the only one alive who can do it.”
“I see. Well, that’s one thing taken care of, though I will be sending out a missive to the church about this. If someone figured out how to do it, someone else can as well. I assume this master of yours was a vampire then, since you battled like one?”
‘Yes sir.” I said with a sigh. “He passed before we came. I hadn’t planned on doing anything like this when we arrived, I just. I heard the technique, and knew I had to call out the betrayer.”
“Relax boy, it’s fine. The enemy almost never goes along with our plans anyhow, so you need to be flexible. I’m more wondering about your abilities. What are your limits? I’ll be honest, we’re in a tough spot here.”
“Sir.” One of the attendants leaned in. “Are you certain?”
“I got a letter from an old friend saying I could trust him, as well as one from Volgan. Just because he hasn’t been in the Legion long enough to attain a high rank doesn’t mean he can’t be trusted.” Scipio waved away the attendant. “Anyway. We can handle the riff raff, no problem. Most of the fodder we meet are ghouls, and the occasional night patrol will come across some Younglings led by a Fledgeling. Those we can handle with a bit of trouble, but it’s the Master Vampire’s we are having issues with. Even in the day they wreak havoc. We just can’t fight toe to toe with them. There are groups of elite hunters here, but they can’t be risked every day.”
“I see.” I nodded, taking it all in. “Honestly sir, that fight was at the limit of my ability. I had better technique, but I just don’t have the experience battling in such a manner. Alphonse did what he could with the time he had, but six months of training, no matter how intense, just can’t hold up to decades of battle experience.”
“Well that’s a pity.” He muttered, tapping a finger on his desk. “Can you teach anyone else how to do this?”
“Possibly someone who knows how to use aura, but they’ll still be at a disadvantage without the blood spells. Even two on one would be difficult, three would be better.”
“Damn.” He sighed and leaned back. “Alright, here’s what we’ll do. I’ll send for anyone who can manipulate aura, and see if you can train them every other day. You’ll still have to go out on patrols with your cohort, I can’t afford to lose that many men to training. I guess you can be a surprise to those you meet in the field. Now go get some rest, you’ve earned it.” I saluted and turned, but before I left he added, “And should they ever attack this fort, head to my side immediately. I want you to be able to respond to any vampire threats, and I’ll let your Centurion know.”
“Yes, sir.” I nodded, then headed to bed. Despite the strange looks from the squad, we were all tired enough that nobody wanted to press it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Morning newbies!” I looked over as a veteran placed his tray next to our unit. “Name’s Terrance, Primus Optio at this camp, and I’ll be working you into our rotation on things.” He said around a mouthful of biscuit.
“Brandon.” I introduced myself, then went through everyone else in the cohort. It saved time and let everyone finish eating. “So, what’s the plan then?”
“Not gonna argue? I thought you guys had to skip a lot of the rankings just to get the proper training in.” He seemed surprised.
“True, but then again we are the newest people in this camp.” Joffrey chuckled. “As far as we can tell, everyone outranks us.”
“Ha! Well that makes things easy! First off we are going to split you up a bit. I’ll be taking Paul, Clint, Alfred, Joffrey and Dorian. You’ll have first watch of the walls today, to be switched after lunch. The rest of you will be integrating and training with the other half of my cohort, under Primus Pilus Laurence. Quick reminder, Primus Pilus is the 1st Centurion of the 1st Legion. I’m his second in command.”
“So where do the rest of us report?” I asked.
“Training yard by the armory. You should be stopping by the armory first though. I saw the state of your armor when you came in. This will be your groups only warning. Armor and weapons get damaged, that’s battle. When you return to this fort, the most important thing to do is report in any intelligence that command needs to know about. Once that is done, you get your equipment repaired. We haven’t been attacked, but that’s a matter of time. You never go into battle with damaged equipment.”
“Yes sir.” I nodded, and everyone agreed.
“Good. You’ll start with training, though part of it will be teaching the hunters. They’re already waiting, crazy bastards. They get up before dawn.” He shook his head and took the final bite of his food.
“Right. Well, let’s get this done then guys. See you at dinner tonight.” As one, we all got up and took our leave, though I took a slight detour to get everything repaired. To my surprise, the quartermaster merely grunted at my appearance and quickly replaced my torn leathers. I left the old gear in a pile for him to salvage, and headed to where a group of people were already waiting for me.
“I hear you’re the reason we finally got a good night’s sleep. Thanks for that.” A soldier that made Clint seem short said as I walked up. He had brown stubble on his head, and had some serious muscles. I couldn’t help but think the gladius at his side would be a toothpick to him, and he should be using a war hammer. “Primus Pilus Laurence.”
“Sir! Decanus Brandon Clayson, Third Cohort Fourth Legion!”
“Easy kid. We’re pretty lax around here, unless it comes down to battle. Besides, it takes a bit to introduce yourself. We’ve got an array of hunters here, and I’d like to hear your little training on aura if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” I said as we entered a circle and sat down. I looked them over, and all of them had seen several battles. “Ok, well this is a bit off the cuff, but we do what we can. Anyone ever used aura?” Blank stares came back at me, though I wasn’t surprised. “No worries, we can still get you a bit of training. The most important thing to keep in mind is that aura is only limited by your own imagination. It can be your sword, your shield, or beastly fangs and claws. Soothing waters or fiery rage. Your eyes in the dark, or how to cloak yourself from even the most perceptive of sights.”
As I explained things, I held up a palm. Above it, I used condensed aura to simulate everything I had described, then more. Fantastical shapes, hardened weapons, and mythical beasts all appeared and disappeared in the blink of an eye. “Now, I’m going to actively brush my aura against yours. All I want you to do is concentrate on that feeling, and try and fight it. Pushing back with your own aura is the first step. Once you can do that, you can train your own aura whenever you need to.”
The rest of the morning was spent alternating between aura control lessons with the hunters and more basic skill drills with the rest of First Cohort. The afternoon was quite possibly one of the most boring of my life, as we alternated walking the walls and standing posts, watching for the enemy. Throughout the day, several cohorts came and went from the front gate, all of them looking slightly battered when they returned.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Osaka castle, dusk
I sipped from my goblet of fresh blood, the donor walking unsteadily away. I hoped they would let him recover a bit. His vegetarian diet added a nice earthy flair to his blood, one that I should probably use more as a treat. Those thoughts immediately fled, as the door opened to admit my four guardians.
Uesugi Kagekatsu, my Northern Warrior. His black armor managed to drink in the light at the same time it gleamed in the torchlight. Curved to resemble the turtle he represented, while his defense was impressive it would be a poor choice to think him without attack. He carried a kanabo, a stick of pure iron with bludgeoning studs along its length. Legend had it he took it from a mountain oni, overpowering it with his bare hands before he drained it dry. He took its strength and its weapon, and has been nigh untouchable since.
Ukita Hidiei, the White Tiger of the West. His armor was white with black stripes, and his helm resembled a roaring tiger with his face protected by the fangs. His cape had seven tails or each of his seven centuries of life. Wielding a katana and wakizashi, he was as fierce as his patron.
Ishida Mitsunari, the Dark Phoenix of the South. Blood red armor protected him as trailing lines of cloth both gave him a resemblance to his patron animal and confused his movements in the eyes of his enemies. His flutterings would conceal his nodachi until the greatsword removed either the head or limbs of his enemies, depending on how swiftly he wanted their deaths.
Last was Maede Toshiie, the Eastern Dragon. His armor had a blue scaled look, and if he ever went out in the day would contain a rainbow sheen. Risen up from a simple soldier, he preferred a simple spear instead of a sword for battle. Of course, I couldn’t let a guardian use a simple spear, so had gifted him the one he currently wielded. The steel shaft was etched into the shape of a dragon and blued, while the blade was treated to look like flames shooting from the dragon’s mouth. Blue at the heart, and red at the edges. “You called, my lord?” He asked as they all bowed deeply.
“Rise.” I ordered, and bid them come forward. “The Faceless One has welcome news. It seems Ieyasu has lost one of his favored pawns, the Black Tongue. Whispers are that he was slain in single combat by a new Legionnaire. We shall make them pay for their loss of the aura whisper technique. Expand our attacks, and if you can bring me this Legionnaire. Ukita, as you are essential in maintaining our mist, you will remain near our castle.”
“You think them weakened this much by the loss of one pawn?” Uesugi asked, though his tone was still respectful.
“Doubtful, but we will still press the advantage while we can. Weakening Ieyasu is important, but the new piece on the board is more important. We must determine his capabilities, and remove him if necessary.”
“Yes, my lord!” The guardians saluted in unison, before turning and heading off to do my bidding.
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