《My Life Ended... Or So I Thought》Chapter 9 - The Saint
So... it looks like I have officially reached adulthood.
Lynn is so cute... we are cuddling right now, our naked bodies are together as the sheets cover us.
It's really easy to kiss the back of her neck due to the position we are in.
It has been a few hours since she slept, thanks to my powers, I can create and control dreams or nightmares in people's minds, so it is obvious that I am giving her the best dream possible.
Also, I didn't expected that she was submissive, well, I don't really mind, because I am versatile, being the dominant or submissive doesn't really matter to me.
Well, I will stay a little longer like this before I wake her up, after all, we have to go to the guild soon.
After some hours, Lynn woke up.
''Nhmnnn, it's morning already... I don't want to get up.'' Lynn complains as she yawns.
''Yeah, but you need to. You are the receptionist.''
''Hmmmmm sure, sure... just let me rest for a while...'' Lynn yawns as she sinks her cheek further into the pillow.
''You can't, you're almost too late.'' I try to encourage her as I pat her head.
''Ehk... fine, also, why aren't you tired?''
''High stamina, y'know.'' To be fair, I just don't need to sleep at all, so, I'm not really wrong, right?
''I see.. you're kinda weird heh.''
''Yeah, yeah. I know, you're not the first one to say it.''
''Oh my, sorry if I offended you... it wasn't my intention...''
''Don't worry, I'm fine heh. I mean, I am weird, I know, I don't really mind if people call me like that.'' I bring my face closer to Lynn's and kiss her lips. ''Now, let's take a shower, you need to work.''
''Alright haha-ha.''
I am really fucking bored, there is nothing interesting to do for the moment, all the quests seem to be boring.
Lynn is too busy working while I'm just sitting around waiting for the time to pass, sad.
The only thing I am doing right now is spinning coins, to be honest, I don't know why, but I like it.
I just want to kill something or whatever, but there doesn't seem to have anything worthy.
Geez, I shouldn't talk about killing things... God, I wonder what the fuck happend to my mind, there are several things in my past life that I would be traumatized just by thinking about it, but nowadays, I don't really care.
There seems to be a strange movement around the town, should I take a look? Heh...HEH...HEHEHEHEEHE, I will definitely take a look.
As soon as I stand up, Lynn comes to me.
''You shouldn't go outside right now.'' Lynn said.
''Hmm? Why?''
''From the reports I have received, a Saint is coming to the town to do an investigation, Saints have a high position in the Church, you must do everything to avoid stressing them, they have a lot of authority, so, you must avoid showing up.'' Lynn seems to be quite uncomfortable with this, but now, I am really interested in this Church and Saint stuff, I mean, Church usually holds a lot of power and authority in fiction, and this world is really looks like a fantasy world, soooooo....... hehehehehehe...
''Aww shit, I really want to see it...'' I said while making a sad expression to try to convince Lynn. ''Please please please Lynn, let me see it, I definitely need to see it... I'm bored, I'M BORED LYNN, PLEASE PLEASE LET ME SEE IT.''
''No, I won't let you go outside, also, can you please stop yelling? Everyone is staring at us...''
''I will stop yelling if you let me see it hehe.''
''No, there is no way that I will let you, and even if you try, I will need to use my strength to stop you.'' Aww Lynn is really cute when she's angry hehe.
''Fine, fine, I won't go outside.'' To be honest, Lynn can't really stop me from leaving, I am stronger than her, but I don't want to make her sad, so, I think I will just stay here I guess.
''Hum, well... sorry if I was being agressive or something, please, take this and go hide in a room''
OHOO, Lynn gave me a hamburger, NICE.
''Thanks, I will go hide then.''
My name is Alice, I am a Saint.
I am in a carriage approaching Vansha right now, I am here to investigate the case of the Beast.
I don't know how strong the beast is, so just in case, I have already activated an anti-magic field around my body.
I am excellent at defensive, holy, life, light and healing spells, I can use them easily, however, I have some difficulty with offensive spells, but this is not a problem, my Magic Staff helps me to channel my power, so I can use offensive spells without any problem.
I can sense auras and energies, this should make it easier to investigate the Beast, but it isn't easy at all, the Beast knows how to hide its aura.
One of the few details we know is that she has lilac-colored hair, I hope this helps me to investigate.
Nghnn... scary...
As soon as we arrived in Vansha, the local guards opened the gates.
''Here we are, Miss.'' One of the Knights accompanying me takes my hand and helps me to get out of the carriage. ''Are you okay?''
''Geez... thanks, but I could do it alone...'' Sigh, they are overprotective, even in unnecessary situations.
Well, it looks like my investigation will start now.
Hehe... I love Vansha, different races can walk around here, elves, humans, dwarves, demi-humans.
The Capital of this kingdom is usually very prejudiced, Vansha is different though, there is no such prejudices here.
As I walk, I can see several kids of different species playing together, although some races of demi-humans have a physical advantage over humans, this is usually not a problem at all, almost everyone here knows each other.
I can see that many people are looking at me, not only because I am a Saint, but because of my clothes, my white long robes with blue details and golden accessories influence this.
''Geez, I'm tired of walking...'' I said in a breathless tone.
''Arthur, let's eat something?'' I spoke with Arthur, a Knight who is accompanying me, he has blue hair and defined muscles, he is excellent with melee combat and fencing, he's wearing an extremely powerful armor.
''I don't mind, but where? No restaurant here is worthy of your presence.''
''A tavern.''
''A TAVERN? That's a place for adventurers, merchants and prostitutes, you are a Saint, you shouldn't go to such a place.''
''Arthur... you hurt my feelings by talking like that... you know... I was also an adventurer in the past, right?''
''Ugh... I'm sorry...''
''No problem, just avoid being disrespectful to other people.''
''Nghh. Alright.''
After eating with Arthur, we decided to go back to the investigation, there are many places that could be suspicious, but I think a perfect place to gather information is precisely in the Adventurer's Guild.
After a short walk, we finally arrived near the guild.
Various adventurers of different species are here, humans, demi-humans, elves, dwarves and others.
It looks like there is going to be a festival tonight, so, some people are volunteering to gather food and decorations.
Many adventurers are collecting and gathering money to hire the best prostitutes from the brothels to liven up the festival even more, much of this money will also be used for the mass purchase of alcoholic drinks.
It looks like it will be a very lively festival, of course, the area that children can enter will be very restricted, mainly because of the alcohol and prostitutes, so the festival is more geared towards adults.
This festival will be held precisely because a Saint (me) is in this city, but that doesn't even make sense, I am a Saint, I don't participate in festivals like this where there is prostitution and drugs constantly... sigh.
I am a Saint, my body belongs to the Church and to the gods, I am bathed in holy waters every day, I cannot let myself be corrupted by worldly things.
In other words, basically—
''Blaargh.'' I vomited, my body weakens as I got closer to the guild, I feel an extremely strong presence here.
''W-What happend?? Are you fine, Miss?'' Arthur is worried about my situation.
''Y-Yes, I will just heal myself, wait a minute.'' I cast one of my Holy Magic with healing properties to heal my body and cast a magic that cleaned my clothes and body.
At the same moment, many people who were in the guild came to help me, including Lynn, the receptionist.
''Oh my... Alice? It has been a while.'' Lynn hugs me while helping me up. ''How are you going? Please, sit down here.'' Lynn leads me to a sofa and brings me a glass of water.
''I'm very good, well, not really haha, as you saw, I just vomited myself, but I'm already clean due to a spell, so, don't worry about it.''
''I see, are you sick or something? It's not really normal to vomit without reasons, y'know.'' Lynn says in a laughing tone.
''Well, I don't think I am sick, I quickly felt an aura so strong it made me vomit.'' I take a sip of water and continue talking. ''Did you felt it as well?''
''Hmm, I don't think so, the last time I felt a powerful aura was a few months ago, although I can sometimes feel that same aura but in a smaller amount, as if the aura was purposely diminished.''
''Few months ago eh? I see...'' So apparently, Lynn felt a powerful aura a few months ago and now and then feels that same aura but in a smaller amount? She's probably talking about the Beast.
''Yeah, what's wrong?''
''As you already know, supposedly some months ago, a Legendary Beast appeared, but for some reason, the aura of the Beast disappeared, so, the fact that you are saying that you still feel that same aura from time to time is something quite important for my investigation.''
''Ah, so that's the reason for your visit?''
''Well, do you need our help?''
''Hmm, I would like to know in which places you normally feel the aura.''
''Ah well, it's not in a specific place, I usually feel it in different places and at different times, sorry.'' Lynn seems sad.
''It's fine, don't worry, then what about you, how are you going?''
''I'm very good!'' Lynn sat down next to me and began to cheer up. ''Well, this town is really peaceful nowdays, although some problems still occur, but nothing that can't be solved, mainly because of my new friend, she is super strong compared to the capabilities of this village.'' Lynn seems super excited to talk about this new friend.
''A new friend eh? Can you tell me more about her?'' I am genuinely interested, Lynn usually doesn't consider many people as friends.
''Of course! She is extremely beautiful and powerful, she is able to defeat with a single attack monsters that not even C-Rank Adventurers can deal, but she is a bit strange, she dresses differently from everyone else, while most adventurers wear leather armor and use iron swords or bowls, she literally wears no armor and use no weapons, her robes usually are hot-pink hoodie with cyan blue details, but her strangeness is something that I really like hehe.'' Lynn's face is flushed as she talks about this new friend.
''Uh oh, her rank seems to be around B-Rank then if no C-Ranks can even match her, by the way, can i meet your friend? She seems like a nice person.''
''Yeah, I made her go into a room to hide for a little while before you arrived, she is the type to pick fights easily, I couldn't let her get into trouble with anyone from the Church, but as soon as I saw it was you, I calmed down a little, I will just call her right now.''
Lynn went into a room to call her friend.
''Luzia, you can leave this room now, Alice, the Saint, want to talk with you.''
''Oh my, why do you need to be unnecessarily noisy?''
''Because I like to tease you, you know.''
''Sigh, fine, just come here and go talk with Alice, she's my friend as well, I want you to be her friend too.''
As soon as Lynn's friend left the room and appeared, my heart pounded and my spirit was filled with fear and agony, I recognize this aura... it is the aura that made me vomit earlier...
''Yo, my name is Luzia, how are you?'' This scary person is coming closer and closer to me, I am trying to run away but I can't, my legs are shaking with terror, I can't even breathe properly...
''L-L-Leave me a-alone........'' I speak in a low, frightened voice, tears are streaming from my eyes.
''What? What are you even talking about? Lynn, your friend is acting kinda weird here.''
I casted another healing speed, I'm fine now.
''D-Don't worry, I'm fine, I just need to rest...''
It's just me and Lynn at this very moment, that weird person came back into the room again.
''Geez, what happend with you, Alice?'' Lynn is worried about me.
''Ah... well, your friend has a scary aura, I was sick because of it, I am a little better now, what the hell is going with that person?''
''Wait, what? Do you think her aura is scary?''
''Yes... although her aura is currently under control, I can feel that she is just hiding it, but I don't know the reason yet... Lynn, where did you find that girl?''
''Hmm, she just appeared here I guess.''
''...Sure... wait, I couldn't see it very well because I was scared, but what exactly is her hair color...?''
''Humm, it's something like lilac or so, why?''
Oh my God.... NO NO NO NO NO.......
''W-WAIT, do you mean LILAC?''
''Lynn........ you are in danger, you can't be her friend.''
''Eh? Why?''
''Look, listen, she is—'' Suddenly, I was interrupted by that thing
''Ehnn, is everything okay here? Do you need help or?'' That thing is here again and started talking to me, but I am less scared now, I need to keep up the appearances, if she finds out that I know what she really is, she will probably kill me and Lynn.
''Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes...... I-I-I-Im fin—Blaargh''
''Euugh, you vomited? Geez... you said that you were fine...''
Oh no..... I accidently vomited on her clothes... she's going to kill me she's going to kill me she's going to kill me she's going to kill me..... I AM GOING TO DIE I AM GOING TO DIE I AM GOING TO DIE.......................
''I'm sorr—'' Ah I'm passing out, my consciousness is fading due to the immense fear.... I am... fainting....
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