《My Life Ended... Or So I Thought》Chapter 8 - I Feel So Good
Ugghhh... I'm feeling like shit.
Wait, where am I?
This looks like a bedroom, I mean, I am literally lying in a bed.
The walls are made of bricks and covered with wood, and on the walls you can see several torches illuminating the room.
I don't even know or remember why I am here and what happened before, I was drinking and...
Oh God, I think I just fainted, God, I swear, I will never decrease my alcohol resistance again.
''.'' I casted the Skill to give my resistances back.
Ahh, I'm feeling way better now.
I got up and opened the bedroom door, it seems that this room is actually a specific room in the tavern I was in, interesting.
Incredibly, the tavern is still full of people, even though it is so late.
''Hey, you're looking better now hahaha'' Lynn appeared as soon as I left the room, it seems she was waiting for me.
''Oh, yes, sorry. I think I passed out''.
''Yeah you did, you asked for a hug and literally lost your consciousness right away, that was really cute, you were even crying heh'' Lynn replied with a piercing, laughing smile, damn.
''H-Hug? Did I asked for a hug??? I CRIED?''
''Ugh... sorry... I wasn't feeling so good and—''
''You don't need to worry, that's quite common, people usually lose their self-control while drinking, besides, it was my fault, I was the one who made you drink several liters of beer after all, so, I felt guilty and brought you to this room to let you rest.'' Ahh, the fact that she was worried about me made my heart happy, even though I don't have one, oof.
''I-I see, well, sorry for the trouble.'' I answered in a shy way, after all, she had to bring me to a room and pay a high value for it.
''It's not a big deal, by the way, I gave you a new rank, you are a D-Rank Adventurer now for easily defeating Ralph, actually, I was thinking about giving you a C-Rank, but I wasn't sure, besides, Ralph was drunk, it's possible that he was a little weaker than usual, so, for now, I could only give you a D-Rank.''
Ah, it seems that Lynn has finally recognized that I am strong, although she still underestimates me, I mean, she thinks that I only could beat Ralph because he was drunk, I mean, I could have easily killed him, everyone saw it, well, D-Rank is better than staying as a F-Rank though.
''Thanks, but isn't it too low?''
''I still don't know your full potential, you will need to prove that you are strong enough to reach the next ranks.'' Shit, she literally said the same thing when she gave a F-Rank to me, well, life sucks.
''Don't be sad, okay? I just want you to stay safe.''
''You underestimate my strength...'' I replied in a sad way, I mean, she just don't trust my strength after all...
''I don't underestimate you, you overestimate your strength, I don't know where you come from, but this continent is dangerous, beautiful women like you can be kidnapped and sold as slaves, I can't let this happen to you, high-ranked adventurers are often related with kings, emperors and and the church, which means that they are mainly nobles, they have a great authority, If they order it, you can be sold, you should avoid high ranks, or else, you may end up suffering at their hands, like what happend to me...'' Tears began to flow from Lynn's eyes.
''A-Ah, then what if I—''
''I'm sorry, I need to leave, I need to sleep soon, tomorrow I have to work in the guild, good night.'' Before I could answer back, Lynn quickly ran and left the tavern.
Geez... I wonder what happend to her... but I shouldn't bother her about it... what should I do?
I walk out of the tavern.
Damn... she paid for the food I ate, she paid for the extra room I rested in and she was worried about my situation in this kingdom...
The fact that she is suffering makes me distressed, she mentioned that something bad happend and started crying... but what happened and who was the responsible for it? I swear, I will kill every single one who hurt her.
I really need to reward her somehow, but what should I do?
Hmm... I need to think...
The sad, cold wind of this town makes me quite pensive and melancholic, much more than I already am naturally.
Wait, I think I have an idea hehe~
But first, I need to try to improve it, Minerva, I will need your help.
It's already morning, huh... yes...
YES, YES!!!!
Hehe, I made a fucking perfect gif huhuhuhuh.
While it may be simple, it actually isn't simple at all, basically, I will give Chocolate, yeah, Chocolate.
Of course, it's not a normal chocolate.
It is an enchanted chocolate that relieves sorrow and sentimental pain, it is perfect for people who are feeling depressed, also, THE TASTE IS SO FUCKING WONDERFUL HAHAHAHAHAHA.
I used my magic to create all the products necessary to make good chocolate, I could have created the chocolate itself with magic, but the taste wouldn't be that good, after all, because food tastes way better when it is prepared by hands, not by magic.
Yeah, I found this out for myself, I made several chocolates to check the taste.
The chocolate is heart-shaped, after all, I wanted to make the gift cuter, the packaging is pink with a white bow.
Hehe...HEHEHEHEHE, she will love it.
I get up from the bench, I am in a little square that is in the center of town, the day is wonderful, the children are also playing, it seems that the kids in this town like to fight against each other to train, it seems that their dream is to become a strong warrior or something like that, well, at least the boys.
As soon as I arrived at the guild, I noticed that there were more adventurers than usual, it seems that there is something important going on.
''Geez... as I said, Ralph, you cannot participate in this quest, it is an orc elimination quest, only C-Rank or above are allowed, you are only a D-Rank, the only exception to being able to participate in this quest without being C-Rank is to be in a party where at least one of the members is C-Rank or being really good with Healing Magic to support the others adventurers, which is not your case.'' It's Lynn, it looks like she's talking to that asshole from yesterday.
''Please, let me fight against them, I am invincible.'' Ralph is begging Lynn to allow it.
''No, you are not strong enough to fight against orcs, you will die, and you're not invincible, remember?''
''If you have time to get angry, go train.''
''Stupid bitch... I hate you.'' Ralph left the guild muttering, it seems he didn't even realize I'm around.
''Sigh...'' Lynn lets out a sigh of disappointment.
''Hey, how are you going?'' I reached out to her and started a conversation.
''Oh... Luzia... yeah I'm fine, sorry for yesterday, I remembered a very sensitive topic and got a little depressed, but I'm better now.''
''I see, I'm glad to know that you are better now, I was really worried, you know... oh, yeah, I have a gift to you, you were really sad yesterday, so, I want to give you a gift.''
''A gift?''
''Yeah, take it.'' I reached out my two hands and handed the chocolate to Lynn.
''Uh... what is this?'' WHAT? SHE DOESN'T KNOWS? EEEGH.
''Chocolate.'' I said.
''C-Chocolate?? That's something that only the upper classes can eat... Luzia... are you a noble or something?''
''Nah, I simply know how to make it and I have prepared it for you, it's a gift, you can eat and enjoy freely hehe.'' Lynn's face is blushing, she looks really cute.
''S-Sorry, but I can't eat, chocolate is really expensive... the cheapest ones usually cost at least three hundred thousand ráis...''
WHAT THE FUCK?????? I don't even know how the currency of this world works, but three hundred thousand is too much... Minerva, please explain it to me in a way that I can understand.
[A single ráis in this world is equivalent to a single US dollar.]
OH MY GOD, this is worse than what I thought... how the fuck chocolate is so fucking expensive? Egh..... huh.
''I-Its fine, I made it for you, don't worry about money, just enjoy the chocolate.'' I answered in a shaky way, but still, it's obvious that I don't care about this money, it's a gift after all.
''S-Sure, I will eat it latter, the guild will need to deal with these orcs first, I'll put the chocolate in my bag, alright?'' Talking about bags, I actually should make one to myself, I mean, I don't really need it, but it would be suspicious if I started pulling things out of nothing, because I literally keep everything in my (LOL).
''Yeah, fine. By the way, about the orcs, can I help the guild against it?''
''No, orcs are strong enough to kill C-Rank Adventurers, you can't fight against it.'' Oof.
''But I am strong enough to deal with them... besides, I know how to use healing magic, you told Ralph that users of healing magic can participate in the quest.''
''Aghh, you heard it... shit, okay, you can participate, but you MUST stay behind everyone all the time, I will not be able to participate because the guildmaster said that I am too strong, as a receptionist, I need to follow his orders...'' She seems to be angry.
''Alright, I will stay behind everyone.............. or maybe not.'' I said this just to tease her.
''Sigh... follow their instructions, and please, don't die, take this sword with you, and remember, STAY BEHIND EVERYONE.'' Lynn gave me her magic sword, it is sharp and has a black blade, additionaly, we can let our mana flow into this sword to generate different attributes, such as lightning and darkness.
''Thanks, I will be fine, don't worry, see ya.'' I hugged Lynn and kissed her cheek; I could tell she was blushing, and then, I left the guild together with other adventurers.
''Listen to me, I, Dave, am in charge of this quest, you all follows my orders, understood?'' Dave, the man who is leading the operation, a man with black hair and a brown skin tone, he has many scars on his body and his muscles are giant, he's definitely a strong warrior, he is equipped with a sword.
''YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!'' The adventurers shouted loudly in response to Dave.
Hmm, the other adventurers don't seem to be very strong, whatever, I'll use on Dave.
Huh, he's quite strong, as I expected.
He's LV 40, that's really high to a human, his skills are quite decent as well, he can use Fire Magic, Earth Magic and Wind Magic.
After we left Vansha, Dave decided that we should rest for a few minutes before going after the orcs, it seems that he wants to organize a strategy.
''First, the positions, me and the others melee fighters will be in the front line, the mages will stay in the middle, casting their offensive, deffensive and buff spells, the healers are going to stay behind everyone casting their healing spells, understood?''
''YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH'' The adventurers shouted again.
The adventurers are getting ready, the mages are practicing their chants and the melee fighters are practicing their punches and defenses, meanwhile I just sit leaning against a tree waiting for the time to pass.
Seeing that I am alone, separated from the rest of the team, Dave approached me and started to talk.
''Yo, why aren't you training?''
''Hmm, I'm here as a healer, so...'' To be honest, I am bored.
''And? Yeah you are here as a healer, but you are still a member of our team, we need you, you are not useless, without healers, it is almost impossible to win a fight.'' Oh, he's gentle, he seems to think that the reason I am not training is because I think I am useless, well, he is wrong, I am just bored.
''By the way, the sword you are carrying, this is Lynn's Doom Blade, if Lynn trusted that sword to you, you shouldn't be sitting there doing nothing, you should be training for the battle.'' Huh? Dave said something that interested me .
''Doom Blade? Is this sword really special? I thought it was just a magic sword.''
''Well... I shouldn't talk about this, but since she lent you her sword, she trusts you, so, I will tell.'' Dave sat down next to me and began to explain.
''A long time ago, a man named Katar was found almost dead in a river, he was wearing a hood that covered his whole body, scared by the situation, a woman that was nearby saved the man and took him to her village.'' Dave explains.
''This man was an elf, although in the past there were many fights between humans and elves, the fights were eventually being dissolved, then the man was well received in the village, mainly by the fact that elves have great powers connected with nature and spirits, As time passed, the man fell in love with the human and she with him............'' Dave's face started to get more serious.
''Uh... what happend next?'' I said
''Well, they had some children, however, knowing that an elf married and had children with a human enraged the elf king, the elf king sent mercenaries to capture the couple's children, the wife was murdered, the sons were tortured and killed while the daughters were sold as sex slaves to other kingdoms, Katar managed to save only a single daughter, Lynn.'' W-WHAT???????
''Wait, what??? Lynn told me that I should be careful and all to avoid being kidnapped, geez...''
''Yeah, she suffered a lot, she was only twelve years old at the time, as time passed, Katar and Lynn lived together, training and strengthening themselves to try to kill the elf king, Katar's white sword was called Day of Glory, the sword had strong properties of light and purification, however on a certain day, a disaster happend, the mercenaries found Lynn and Katar, Katar could not survive fighting, so, he used his last amount of MP to open a portal, he threw Lynn and his sword into the portal and then closed it, the portal took Lynn and Day of Glory to a safer place, however, since that day, Lynn's heart has been covered in hatred and anguish, she radiated so much hatred that the sacred Day of Glory became unholy and became cursed, the sword lost the properties of light and purification and turned into darkness and lightning, and since that day, Lynn became stronger and stronger to one day, be able to kill the elf king, however, even today, she is still not strong enough, well, this is just a summary, Lynn could explain it better to you.''
HUH? I'm speechless... I knew that she suffered a lot, but this... this is beyond pain, I want to wipe out this elf king...
''Hmm, is the elf king still alive?'' I asked angrily.
''Yeah, and he knows that Lynn is alive, even though it's been some decades, he's probably already wanting to go after her.'' Some decades huh? Lynn looks like she is around twenty years old, well, she is a Half-Elf after all.
''I see... I want to kill the elf king.''
''Hey hey, I know you probably love Lynn, but wanting to fight the elf king is something that should be avoided, he has mastered many powerful magics, he has lived for a long time, so, his knowledge and strength are unimaginable, also, you are just a healer, right? You can't kill the elf king only as a healer...''
''... I am not only a healer...''
''Well, whatever, it was good to talk with you, but we need to kill some orcs now.'' Dave said as he get up and started to walk.
''Okay, rest time is over, let's go.'' Dave spoke to the adventurers.
After a while, we spot dozen of orcs, each one is at least LV 60, the orcs are over two meters high, they have gigantic muscles and pig-like features, they are carrying magic axes.
''Great, it looks like they haven't noticed us yet, let's approach slowly.'' Dave walks slowly along with the rest of the team.
''Listen, I will use my , an earth magic skill that allows me to create a big hole in the ground to make the enemies fall, when I use it, the mages will use their strongest spells in the orcs, understood?''
''Yes.'' The adventurers agreed with Dave's plan, to be fair, it's a good plan.''
'', NOW, ATTACK THEM.'' As Dave casted, several orcs fell into the hole, although some managed to escape, including the strongest ones.
Several mages and Dave himself casted their strongest spells in the hole, Lightning Magic, Fire Magic, Explosions and several others offensive magics were being casted at once, all the orcs in the hole died, but unfortunately, the strongest orcs were not caught by the , so, they are unharmed while our mages wasted a lot of mana.
''Damn it, we used all of our magical power and only half of them are dead... can't be helped... Luzia, are you hearing me?''
''How good is your healing magic?'' Dave asked as if he's thinking in some weird plan.
''Hmm, really good I guess.'' I can heal and regenerate even their lost limbs HAHAHA, I'm amazing, actually, I can even revive the deads, soooooooo, there is no fucking way that we will lose here.
''Sure, I will go hand to hand against these orcs, I need you to constantly heal my body, can you do it?''
''Alright.'' Dave seems to be trusting me, I think the fact that Lynn lent me her sword made Dave really trust me, I kind of feel bad for that, because I am a monster, well, the fact that I am a monster doesn't means that I am evil, right? At least I hope so.
Despite the absurd difference between Dave's strength and that of the orcs, Dave is managing to deal with some of them, mainly due to the fact that my healing magic is keeping him alive, but I doubt he could have beaten them without it.
Well, it seems that there is only one orc left alive, the boss, I think Dave will—
''GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.'' The adventurers screamed, an earthquake happened, the Boss stepped on the ground so hard that it caused a strong shockwave capable of shaking the ground and knocking everyone out, all the adventurers were knocked out except for me and Dave.
''Run away? Why? Also, I already healed our team, they are knocked out but they are not going to die.''
''No... no... if you stay here, you will die, this monster can create such powerful shockwaves... you are our healer, you need to run away, if you die here, we cannot win, I will try to take some time against the Boss until our mages awake from their collapse.''
''But you can't win... you can't fight against this orc, if I leave, everyone will straight up die, let me help you against it.''
''You are just a D-Rank healer, you cannot help me here, besides, Lynn will be sad if you die.''
Geez, I HATE when people thinks that I am weak...
''Never... never say I'm just a D-Rank again...'' I moved quickly, raised Lynn's sword and cut the orc's head off, it's over.
Geez... I let my anger take over and ended up doing something that caught Dave's attention.
''W-What just happend???'' Dave can't understand the situation.
''I killed the Boss.''
''I-I know but... even I had trouble dealing with the boss... and you are a healer...''
''Let's go back to Vansha.'' I said.
''We can't for now, the adventurers are still knocked out.''
''Sigh... alright.''
Dave and I are sitting around talking, I have no problem to talk with him, after all, he is a reliable person.
''Well, Dave, when the adventurers wake up, could you please tell them that YOU were the one who defeated the orc? I don't want to catch their attention.''
''Sure... by the way, if you don't mind answering, who are you?''
''Ouch? I am Luzia.''
''Yeah, that's your name, but who are you? How can you be so strong like that? Where did you come from?''
''Eh... I used to train in some dungeons...'' I mean, this is not really a lie (LOL), I trained a lot in the Mystic Cavern.
''Training in dungeons hm? Well, this explains a lot, by the way, if you trained in dungeons, why are you a D-Rank?''
''Lynn wants to avoid giving me high ranks.''
''Oh, I see. Lynn really cares a lot about you, she probably wants to avoid you attracting too much attention.''
''It seems she wants to do everything to keep you from attracting attention from the upper classes, you know, she has traumas about it, her family was killed and enslaved, so...''
''Nghmm, w-what happend?'' Oh, it looks like these weak adventurers are starting to wake up.
''The battle is done, I killed the orc and we are going to go back to Vansha now.'' Dave told them that he was the one who killed the Boss, exactly as I asked him to say.
''Oooooh, you're amazing!!!!!! YEAAAAAAH HAHAHAAHAHAHA'' It seems that the adventurers are happy, they really like Dave, he is a really nice guy, if I were straight, I would probably fall in love with him, but I am lesbian.
''Heh, all of you guys were important today, when we arrive in Vansha, we will have a party at the tavern.''
''YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.'' Everyone shouted with joy.
We arrive at the guild, Lynn has a worried expression, but she calmed down as soon as she saw that I returned unharmed.
''My my, I'm so happy that you are alive.'' Lynn jumped on me and gave me a hug.
''Yeah hehe, I'm fine, fortunately, no member of our team died.'' I hug her back and kiss her cheek.
''I see... yeah, that's really good.''
''Excuse me, but I don't think you should be worried about Luzia.'' Dave came up to us and started talking.
''Hmm? What do you mean? Luzia was in a fight against orcs, why wouldn't I be worried?'' Lynn crossed her arms and made a serious expression.
''Because she is way more stronger than me, I would never have defeated the Boss, but Luzia killed him with a single attack.'' Oof, Dave is gossiping to Lynn about what I did...
''She... WHAT?''
''Yeah, as I said, she killed the leader of the orcs with a single attack.'' Dave and Lynn are staring at me now, I feel as if their gaze penetrates my soul, ugh.
''Oh my... sure, sure... so, you are saying that my Luzia just killed the strongest orc of that group?'' Did she just said that I am hers? Cute.
''I am speechless... does this means that I need to give her a C-Rank...?''
''Ugh................ fine.''
''Sooooooooooo, shall we go to the tavern now? I'm in the mood to celebrate my first victory as an adventurer.'' I said while laughing.
Ahh, I love this tavern, the food is excellent and this is a really beautiful place.
People are singing, playing, eating and even fighting.
''Let's drink.'' It's Lynn, she's wearing a halter-style black dress and black thigh-high boots, my heart would be beating really fast, if I had a heart, of course.
''Alright, but I don't want to make a competition...'' I said.
''Hahaha, it's fine, don't worry, I just want to have fun while eating and drinking with you.''
''By the way, Luzia, where will you sleep tonight?''
''Hmm, I don't really know.'' I can't say that I sleep in a lake that is in Mystic Cavern, I mean, why would I even say that?
''I see, then how about we sleep in the rooms of this tavern tonight? I have a room reserved here, we can even share the chocolate you gave me, it'll be fun.''
After drinking and eating for a few hours, we finally went to the bedroom.
The walls are white, it seems that the light in this room works by magic stones that can be turned on and off whenever we want, the same goes for the shower.
What surprised me the most is that this room has a double bed... geez Lynn...
''Come here.'' Lynn sat on the bed and invited me to sit next to her.
''Let's eat hehe.'' Lynn opened the chocolate wrapper, she took a bite.
''W-WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THIS FLAVOR? I know that chocolate is expensive, but I never imagined it would be this good... here, Luzia, take a bit too.''
''Oh, don't worry, I made this chocolate to you, enjoy as you want.''
''Please, take a bit, I want to eat it with you...'' Sigh...
We ate all the chocolate very quickly, the taste was amazing, it is impossible to stop eating.
''Damn... it was so good...but we ate everything very quickly... I wanted to taste more sweet things...'' As soon as Lynn finished talking, I kissed her lips.
''Haha, you wanted it, so, I gave you some of my sweet taste.'' I made a joke about Lynn wanting to taste something sweet.
Lynn's cheeks flushed.
She grabbed my shoulders and pushed me onto the bed.
''H-Hey, sorry, it was just a jok—''
Before I finished speaking, she kissed my lips and our tongues touched.
I begin to rub my hand over Lynn's body and slowly take her clothes off.
''Nnnhnm.'' She made a cute noise.
''Should I stop?'' I asked.
''N-No, please, continue...'' Lynn answered shyly and at the same time confidently.
''Alright.'' To be honest, I am nervous as well, after all, I am virgin.
We take off our clothes, fortunately, I can create a vagina for myself, since I have absorbed the female genetics.
I lay Lynn down on the bed and started to stimulate her nipples, her nipples are erect and hard, the best sign that she is enjoying it.
I used my to discover all of Lynn's weak spots.
I slowly move my fingers down Lynn's body, moving it directly at her clit.
While I stimulate her clitoris, we continue to kiss.
''Huh? Your pussy is already so wet...''
''Y-Yes... sorry for being so naughty...'' Lynn's voice has already become a moan.
''Should I forgive you? I think naughty girls like you need a punishment''
''Yes, please, punish me... I deserve it...''
''Sure.'' I slowly put my finger inside Lynn's pussy.
''Nhhaaaah... Luzia...''
''What's wrong?''
''I-I want to feel you...''
I start licking her pussy while playing with her clit with my fingers, Lynn's taste is amazing...
''Luzia, please let's do it....''
I lift one of her legs and put my pelvis against hers, it feels like our pussy are dancing together.
We rub together, like scissors, Lynn has already lost self-control, all she can do now is moan.
I used an ability called that multiplies all the sensations we are feeling at this very moment, tears begin to well up in Lynn's eyes.
She starts to make a strange and horny facial expression, like an Ahegao.
''Ugh... I love you, Lynn...'' This is the best feeling of my life, as if a strong and warm electricity is affecting my whole body.
We have tested various sexual positions, each one better than the other, I feel as if my soul is connected to Lynn's, everything she feels, I can replicate and send the same sensations to myself, I am starting to lose my own self control too, the bed is all dirty with sweat and other fluids, we are making a gigantic mess, our vaginal fluids have become one from rubbing against each other.
''I-I am cumming!!!'' We both scream at the same time.
Our moans ring out loud, the pleasure is immeasurable, we cannot control these sensations
Our bodies feel a powerful spasm, I start to sensually kiss Lynn's ear.
''Ready to round two?'' I whispered into her ear.
''Y-Yes ❤️.''
- In Serial66 Chapters
Law of Shadows
Mercs are causing trouble in my city. They are hunting someone, whatever the cost. It’s not like I care that some lowly humans died, but if I don’t act now it would set a bad example. So what would the hero do? Probably he would save the victims and protect them while the enemies keep coming…Yeah, as if I would ever do something so troublesome! They aren’t calling me the demon lord for no reason. I suppose I’ll just shoot the victim and be done with it.
8 430 - In Serial20 Chapters
The Monsters We Become ( dropped??)
Despite becoming a monster to most to save those that he loved and his world, he lost it all. After years of research of trying to find a way to undo the loss and failing, he found legends of a way to be reincarnated, but not into his own world. Deciding if he couldn't help his world and saved those he loved he would make sure that it wouldn't happen to another. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________Warning 18+ for Gore, Violence, and Strong Language._____________________ Im starting back up again after 2 years so hope this goes well
8 198 - In Serial20 Chapters
I Became An Adventurer
Magic, Dimensions, Dragons. This world has all the fantasy it needs. This is the story of a man's road to becoming the strongest adventurer across several dimensions. A man who has lost and gained many things. Damion is his name and none shall forget his legacy
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To Truly Be Immortal
A man who had the blood of millions on his hands had reached the final of the Nine worlds and is about to enter the Tree of the Oracle, Testing himself through blood, spirit, and willpower in order to gain control of The Staff of Creation Author's note: Sorry about the short synopsis. I would like for make any mistakes I make to be made aware to me. The virtual reality will come into play later in the story. Will be updating when I recover from desidiam recesseras. Cover image is not mine, if you wish for me to take it down, please, just tell me and I will see to it right away.
8 92 - In Serial53 Chapters
A Requiem For The End
Yuga wakes up on a cold, frigid land entirely covered in snow. Where was he? Who was he? Neither of these could he remember but he didn't have time to think of it, he could tell danger wasn't far. A quick death if he failed to avoid it. It was fast approaching and much as he tried to escape, it quickly caught up with him. Luckily he had survived, but was he just lucky or was there something more to him.....? A Requiem For The End is a fantasy story set in a world.......well, quite different from most stories you might have seen (I honestly don't know how to better describe it). Early into the story (prologue) the world feels elusive because you slowly learn about it through the eyes of Yuga. As you read on questions may arise in your mind and mysteries will present themselves. The answers to them will come the further you read. I'd like to think the plot is a bit larger than the average and same goes for the world building. If you find this story intriguing then all I can say is - There's a lot for me to tell, hop on?
8 230 - In Serial10 Chapters
The sea of stars. The momentaneous lifeforms that flicker far away. Our futures — a sea brimming with light. Each and every shimmer in the starry canvas serves as one’s infinite opportunities in the vast sea of the future. The world, however, is far from the ideals of such a mantra. Complacency is the enemy of progress, yet to the four known nations, each one sees enemies around their borders. An example: A village isolated from the nation of Alkai prevents the lives of many from progressing. It’ll take a society, a group, even a whipped together rag-tag team to jump start the quest for progress. An escape from a motionless home—in order to search for a greater future, Mira approaches her blade in a new light. Any illustrations I use for covers and chapters are illustrations I have drawn myself unless otherwise stated.
8 131