《My Life Ended... Or So I Thought》Chapter 6 - The Guild's Receptionist
What a fucking mistake.
Yeah, Luzia here.
I thought it would be a good idea to stay with this adventurer's party for a while, I need some human interaction after all, BUT THEY ARE LITERALLY FUCKING, yeah. In the tent next to me.
Look, I literally don't care about people fucking each other, but why the hell they are doing this right now? Sad, SAD, this is so fucking annoying, oh my GOD.
[You're just jealous.]
I don't care, I didn't asked, you can't tease me anymore, Minerva.
Anyways, I have managed to absorb some of their genetic material, at least I can imitate the feeling of an orgasm now.
By the way, that party is not really weak, huh? I checked their STATS in the moment that I met them, they are really interesting.
Jonas is pretty strong going by human standards, but he still shouldn't try to fight against monsters in the Mystic Cavern, Carla is a mage, she has a good potential to hold a fight against some monsters, but Peter is the one that really caught my attention, he is only fifteen years old but his STATS are of the level of a formidable warrior, he's still weaker than Jonas, but he is quite decent with magic, and the fact that he's still a kid is what makes me happy about it, he definitely will surpass Jonas soon.
Also, it's really funny to call people as kid or teenager because I am mentally seventeen years old but I can wipe out everyone else. Funny as shit
Also, to be honest, I want to be an adventurer as well, I want to have a cool life, you know.
I think I will request to be part of their party latter, should I use my to convice them to let me join? Now that I think about it, I shouldn't use it, because Jonas and Carla seems to love each other.
Sad, really sad.
Carla should stop loving Jonas and start loving me.
Shut the fuck up, I am just thinking, okay? It's not like I would try to do it.
Well, these two lovers are really dumb, instead of using their free time to rest, they are fucking, how are they supposed to go back to the town like this? They will be really tired, well, joke's on them.
While Peter is sleeping and the other two are fucking, I guess I will start to make some food, yeah, FOOD.
Funnily enough, I created a Skill few minutes ago, I can literally create all foods in less than a second, I am amazing, right?
Oh, fuck, I literally forgot that I can create new clothes to me with my Skill, all this time I was only using spider threads to cover my body even though I could create clothes???? Ok I'm angry now.
One of my ideas for creating clothes is to make a hoodie, although my body doesn't feel cold, I always used to wear it in my past life, I felt protected, although this is merely psychological, but still, I want to wear it.
I will not create my hoodie yet as I want to add some details later, as for now, I will simply cover my body with even more spider thread.
And about my Skill, I feel like eating a hot dog, hehe~
Shall I try to make it? I definitely will.
【Peter point of view】
Nghh... I'm awake.
I don't know why I still follow Jonas' orders, no, I know the reason.
I follow his orders because I need to become stronger.
In this world, strength is everything.
You cannot survive or have a good life if you are weak.
The villages and towns are constantly attacked by monsters, strong people need to fight against it to protect the weak ones, that's what I think.
And the reason for this way of thinking? Well, when I was younger, my family was attacked and killed by goblins, I could run away as a coward, but my conscience is always guilty.
Since that day, I started training and fighting, if I become stronger, it means that I can help people and end people's suffering.
That's why I requested to be part of Jonas' party, but there is still another reason that I joined his party, Carla, yes.
I fell in love with her, I thought I could make her love me, my eyes are blue and my hair is blond, these features are usually are really rare and women usually loves it, but I couldn't make her love me because I am too young and she loves Jonas.
At least I was able to lessen my focus about love and start focusing on getting stronger.
Every day I train until I pass out, some people say this is harmful, but at least it makes me stronger.
I can cast lightning magic, fire magic and water magic, but I'm not really good with lightning magic, but Carla helps me with it, she is a powerful mage, her lessons are godly.
Ah, Carla... that silky pink hair, beautiful curves, warm and delicate voice, strong presence and beautiful movements...
Ugh... I was thinking about Carla again... this is really bad, I will try to ignore these thoughts and go tr—
Uh? What's this weird smell? It is not bad, actually, it is very good, but I have never smelled it before.
Maybe Carla or Jonas hunted and prepared some food? I wish I could have helped, hunting helps me to improve my stealth skills. Well, I will check it, I'm very hungry.
Before I get up, I take a good long stretch, ah... I love stretching.
I take a drink of water and open my tent, but I don't see any animals, was I wrong about Carla or Jonas hunting? Weird.
But then, I come across something very strange, a girl sitting on the grass, she is eating and drinking, who is this girl?
''Hmm, hello, who are you?'' I asked.
''Oh, hey, my name is Luzia, I came by a while ago, but you were already asleep.''
''I see, my name is Peter, Luzia, what are you eating and drinking?''
''It is called hot dog, I have a lot of these, and I am drinking soft drink do you want to eat and drink as well? Come here, let's eat and drink together.''
''Oh, don't worry about that, it's just the name, I'm not eating dogs hahaha, you're quite funny, boy.''
''Huh, that's good then, if you were eating dogs, I would have attacked you.''
''Why are you being so agressive?''
''Because I love dogs, I will not allow mistreatment.''
''But as I said, it's not a real dog, that's just the name, come here, let's eat together, you are hungry.''
''Ugh... sure.''
She invited me to eat with her, but I am very shy, I have a hard time eating around pretty girls, ugh... I am really hungry...
I sit next to her and take a bite of one of these hot dogs.
''UUUUUUH, THE TASTE IS AMAZING!!!!'' I never thought I would be able to eat something good as this.
''I know, right? Here, drink this soft drink.''
''Soft drink? I don't know what soft drink means, and even if I knew it, I don't want to lose the taste of these hot dogs in my mouth.''
''Sure, I guess.''
Ah, hot dogs are really tasty... Luzia... Luzia... she is way more beautiful than Carla and also way cooler, she even fed me.
I swear, from this day on, I will always protect Luzia.
''By the way... Luzia, what were you doing in this forest? This is a very dangerous place.''
''I was just walking around, I need to go to Vansha, Jonas and Carla allowed me to travel with them.''
''I see, that's nice, also, Luzia, you don't need to worry, okay? I will protect you until then.''
''Thanks, I guess, but I don't really need protection.''
''Huh? But you're just a helpless girl...''
''Who said that?''
''Ugh... I thought that Jonas and Carla had rescued you...''
''Nah, we only met by accident.''
''I-I see... well, you may be strong, but you are no match for me, Jonas and Carla, I will still protect you.''
''Sure, sure.''
Damn, is this girl suicidal? She thinks that she can travel across this forest without being protected by us... actually, what the hell she was doing here? She said that met Carla and Jonas here... but this makes no sense, how the hell she was just walking around in this forest? She may be a thief... Is she after our Party's riches? I will watch her carefully.
''Well, I will go rest in my tent, if you need help, just call me, I'm always willing to protect you, Luzia.''
【Luzia point of view】
That boy is a pain in the ass, I used my to read his mind, he is doubting me even though I have been very kind to him.
Sure, he is a good person, he wants to protect me no matter what, but the fact that he thinks that I am a thief or something is really annoying.
Heck, these three are really annoying, I will ignore them and go to Vansha right now, I don't need their help, but if I leave them alone, they could end up dying... what should I do?
[You should cast , with that Skill, you should be able to see them with clairvoyance even if you are far away.]
Good idea, thanks Minerva.
I casted on them, canceled the sound of my movements and ran to Vansha.
The town is protected by defensive walls, I could see that the walls have magic resistance.
''Woah, this town is beautiful'' I spoke to myself.
After arriving at the walls, some guards approached me.
''Who are you?'' One of the guards asked me, he is not being aggressive, but he could be a little more gentle, you know.
''My name is Luzia, I have just arrived in this town, may I enter?''
The guards let me in, they opened the gate, my sight rejoices at what I see.
The town seems to be very ancient style, exactly what I expected from a parallel world, very similar to what I read in some Light Novels.
This scenario reminds me a lot of the European Middle Ages. This is getting exciting.
The citizens of this town are of many different races, I can see humans, dwarves, some elves and various types of demi-human.
Well, I need to go to the Adventurer's Guild first, Minerva, can you tell me where I can find it?
[Of course.]
The Adventurer's Guild is amazing, I checked everyone's STATS around here, many adventurers seem to be quite strong by human standards.
The receptionist is a beautiful girl with long black hair and big boogs, she's amazing. her STATS are the highest in this guild.''
''Hello, how do I register myself as an adventurer?'' I asked the receptionist.
''Are you sure that you want to become an adventurer? This is a really dangerous job.'' She replied with a concerned tone, well, I can't really judge, because my appearance really seems to be weak.
''Yeah, I want to be an adventurer.''
''Sure, but you will start as a F-Rank Adventurer.''
''Yes, we have system of classifications to the adventurers and the enemies of humanity as a whole.'' As expected from a parallel universe, hehe.
''Well, how the system works?''
''F-Rank Adventurers are responsible for collecting herbs and others important materials in forests, lakes, and other places, E-Rank Adventurers are capable of fighting against threats dangerous enough to easily kill an adult human, such as Goblins, D-Rank Adventurers can fight against threats dangerous enough to kill a whole group of humans at once, C-Rank Adventurers can fight against threats who can destroy entire walls and houses, B-Rank Adventurers are strong enough to fight against threats who can destroy an entire town, A-Rank Adventurers are strong enough to fight against threats who can destroy an entire country, S-Rank Adventurers are strong enough to fight against threats who can destroy entire continents, and Legendary-Rank Adventurers are strong enough to fight against threats who can destroy the entire world.''
Uh, oh, this system is quite weird, but I got it.
''I see, basically, you want me to start at the weakest rank?''
''Yes, sorry, but I don't trust in your strength, I don't even know your feats, if you can prove to be strong enough, I will change your rank, don't worry.'' Heck, this is really annoying, she basically said that I am weak and everyone in the guild is laughing, even though I could kill everyone here RIGHT NOW.
''Whatever, when will I be able to accept my first job?''
''You will need to pay a registration fee, it will cost fifty ráis.''
''What? Ráis? What's that?''
''Hmm? You don't know? Ráis is the most accepted currency in the world.'' Ugh, money... I don't even know how this world money system even works, and I don't have money at all, just a lot of crystals and gems that I collected in the Mystic Cavern.
''Does the guild accept to exchange some gems for ráis?
''Yes.'' Ahh, that's good.
I teleported a small piece of a rare jewel that I kept in my and transferred it to my hand without the receptionist noticing.
''Here, takes this, how much ráis it costs?''
''Wooah, what? Although it is quite small, this kind of jewel can normally only be found in dungeons, I will give you twenty thousand ráis in exchange for it.''
''Sure, I also want to use it to pay my registration fee.''
''Alright.'' The receptionist pointed her hand forward, magic circles covered her hand, it seems that a card is being created.
''This is your adventurer's card, with this, you can prove that you are an adventurer and you will be able to enter in cities and towns easily if you show it.'' Oh, I see, this will be very useful.
''Thanks, well, where can I see the avaliable quests?''
''You can check that board, there are some papers with official records of available quests, as you are an F-Rank adventurer, you can only take quests from F-Rank adventurers.'' She pointed to the wall.
''Grrrhh, only F-Rank quests? Do you really hates me?''
''I'm sorry, but as I said, I don't trust in your strength, I don't even know how strong are you, if you prove to be strong enough, I will give you better ranks.'' And again, everyone in the guild is laughing, they think that I am weak, sad.
''Please, don't be sad, look, at night, go to the tavern, there will be a party there, several other adventurers will appear, we can eat, drink and have fun, I'm going there too.'' Oh, she basically asked me on a date? No, this can't be a date, she's just being kind.
''Alright, I will appear.''
''Neat, I hope to see you with a very nice outfit.'' Uh... she's definitely hitting on me.
''S-Sure, see you latter.''
''See you latter.''
I leave the guild and go for a walk.
UUUUUUUUGH, the receptionist... she's definitely hitting on me... what should I do? What should I do?
She said that want to see me with a beautiful outfit, but I still need to create my clothes.... oh my God...
She's so beautiful... her long black hair, her pointy ears... those big and firm breasts that were bouncing when she talked and moved... oh my God..........................
[You should go to an inn and create clothes, I will help you.]
No, I will go to my lake in the Mystic Cavern, I will be able to put my thoughts in order there.
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Học Bá Tái Sinh
Tác giả: Ngư Tiểu Quai QuaiNguồn: http://daisyjung.wordpress.comTrạng thái: FullTên gốc: Trùng sinh học bá chi lộThể loại: Hiện đại, trùng sinh, hệ thống, vườn trường, trúc mã, cường cường, ấm áp, tình hữu độc chung, chậm nhiệt văn, thanh thủy văn, 1×1, HE.Couple: Thiên tài muộn tao trung khuyển công x ôn hòa học bá nam thần thụTình trạng bản raw: Hoàn: 140 Chương chính vănEditor: Jeremy
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