《Akif Kas - Champion of the Arena》Arc 2, Chapter 22: The bloody dagger
Hold on ta ye nuts, mi laddies! Its a screamer!
Seriously... hold on to your nuts...
Pretty bad violence incoming! :D
Other than that, Enjoy!
“Lukas? What are you doing here?”, I ask the frantic boy running towards us. It seems like the guards were kind enough to let this one in, at least…
“Daddy is going to kill mommy! Please HELP!”.
With that, he breaks down in soul-destroying cries. Adrenalin starts flowing through my system as I hear his plight once again. I can feel my brain sharpening, and my muscles tense up, preparing themselves for action.
Valeria is going to get killed?
“Ok… I will help”, I tell the kid as I walk over to him. With a quick pat on his shoulder, I look over at Atre to see if he is planning on joining. To my relief, he is looking just as focused as me, and with a deep nod, he gets up.
“You two go first. I will bring the guards with me”.
With that, I take the sobbing kid over to the Dunedime beast, and in the darkness of night, we head over to his house. Luckily it is not too far away, but during that time I have relentlessly questioned the young man.
Apparently he came home in a fit of fury after learning that Valeria spend a day with me and the girls. What made Lukas act in desperation was when his father – Levin – dragged her by her hair into his basement.
That is where he conducts his “business meetings”, as he calls it. Lukas has never been down there, but from time to time he hears sounds not usually found in business meetings. Screams of pain, he said it sounded like.
What he knows is that the basement is very soundproof. Despite the odd sounds coming from there, he rarely hears anything – but there are always people down there. His father brings people down there from time to time when he thinks Lukas is being taught by the guards.
He tells me he is too scared to go down. He doesn’t want to know what goes on in that basement. To him, Levin is his father, not some kind of monster.
He told me that Levin dragging his mother down there, meant only one thing.
His mother was not going to get out of there alive.
Levin didn’t have to say that out loud for him to know that. The look in his eyes were more than enough.
He tried to notify the guards, but as soon as they heard his name, they immediately ran. The guards ran away, and Lukas didn’t know what to do.
He came to the inner circle after pleading with the guards at the gate to let him in. It is a good thing they took pity on the frantic kid. I don’t think I would have known what was happening until the next day.
And then he saw me. The man he recognizes as a powerful man.
“Lukas… I will do my best to help Valeria”, I tell the kid as I jump of the Dunedime beast.
The house looks just like it did when I left, but somehow it has a dreary feeling hanging over it. I don’t know what to expect when I enter the basement, but from what I heard, I imagine it will not be pretty.
I am stopped by some family soldiers as I enter in the hallway. They have white armour with the family crest engraved into the chest plate – a birch.
“Return from where you came, stranger. Return or die”.
“Lukas has asked me to help him out. Levin is killing Valeria, and I am here to stop him”.
The guards look at each other, but doesn’t move. They must be loyal to the man paying them. That man probably is Levin.
I don’t have time to argue with these guards, and I am too furious to care right now, so with telekinesis infused arms, I crush their chest plates. Not enough to kill them – I think – but enough to put them out of the game for a few days.
I ask one of the maids - standing behind the guards with terrified eyes - where the basement is. She doesn’t say a word, but motion for me to follow her.
I do just that, and soon I am stealthily making my way down the stairs to the basement. There is an earthy fragrance here. The smell would have soothed me if this was on a friendly visit, but the amount of adrenalin and rage roaring through my system basically blocks out all sensory intakes - not pertaining to what I am focusing on, that is.
What I am focusing on is the screams stemming from Valeria’s mouth.
I can feel my eyes darken, as the rage I have built up inside me during this whole trip down, is finally letting lose.
No one hurts a lady. No one hurts the one you love. No one does that to family. No one scares their child like that. No one murders the people trusting you.
Thousands of thoughts swirl around my mind as I determinedly follow the sounds of her screams. I stand outside what seems to be a door, and try to open it. My rage grows wilder when I notice that the door is locked.
You thought you could keep me out, huh?
The force I use when I ram through that door dwarfs anything I have previously used. The thick oak wood splinters as I literally tear a hole through the door with my body. I am too filled with rage to feel any pain, but what I am met with sends my rage to new skies.
Valeria is being raped with a table leg embedded with tiny blades.
I know this because I can see Levin holding the table leg as he slowly moves it in and out from her vagina. The small blades covered in blood is seen slicing through the muscles in her vagina.
Valeria is in too much pain to notice what is happening, and the soul shivering screams she is bellowing out, sends shivers of uncontrollable emotions of carnage -and wild desire to destroy the man, through my body.
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO! GET OUT!”, the man I presume is Levin bellows out. He has let go of the table leg, and is moving closer to me with a dagger he picked up.
The table leg is just half-heartedly hanging from her bloody vagina, and it slowly slides out. Streams of blood is slowly sliding down the table leg, and ends up in a small puddle of blood on the floor – fusing with the puddle already existing there.
After I take a closer look at the dagger he is holding, I can see blood dripping from it. There are no visual cuts on Valeria’s body, leading me to draw one conclusion:
He started the torture with a dagger.
He must realize that I am not intending to go anywhere, but his attempt at stabbing me is halted when I set his pants on fire with some Pyrokinesis. I make sure to regenerate the damaged tissue – making him feel every single second of indescribable pain - as the fire devours his legs and private area.
Valeria’s screams of ineffable pain have been replaced with the cries of mercy from Levin. Valeria looks half consciously at me, as I check up on her insides.
She has hundreds of small and medium cuts stemming from the table leg, and gashes of destruction stemming from the dagger. I send out streams of Naturakinesis and Aquakinesis to heal her damaged insides.
After his pants are done burning, I cover his whole body with white flames. Repeating the same process as before – destroy, and regenerate – I shift my focus back onto Valeria, who by now have realized she is getting rescued.
She looks at me with the most grateful eyes I have ever seen, and tears of joy is streaming down her cheeks.
I take my time healing her private parts back up. Luckily he didn’t do too much damage. Mostly severed the muscles and nerve endings inside her. That is something I am confident I can repair.
After healing her, I loosen her from her restraints, and help her onto a chair. She is very weak right now, but I want her to see what happens with a man that hurts a person I recognize as a friend.
“Valeria… I was telling Venali a story earlier. My former owner became very creative when a slave started touching his daughter. I think I will draw some inspiration from that event, and add a few things on my own. How does that sound?”, I ask Valeria – not expecting an answer.
She is too tired from what has happened to actually give me one, but I think she got the point. Her (former) husband will get what is coming to him, and more.
I pick up the burning man after ending my Pyrokinesis. After binding him to the same restraints that was holding his wife, I carefully look around the room for a suitable tool.
Then an idea hits me.
I think I will just rip it off. Slowly. Then he will eat it.
“Soo… You are Levin, huh?”, I ask the half conscious man hanging from the leather restraints embedded in the wall.
Uncontrollable rage flows freely through me, and I position myself so that Valeria can see what happens with the man that almost tortured her to death.
“You see… Your son came to me for help. I, in fact, like your son. He is a good kid. A shitty fighter – for now, but a good kid. I also like your wife. Yeah… I admit… we had our disagreements starting off, but after my rage problems were fixed, I noticed that she isn’t all that bad. In fact, I think of her as my friend”.
With an icy voice, grab a hold of his cock and balls as I talk to him. He is crying for mercy again, but I blatantly ignore it.
I look him in the eyes, and with a frosty voice greatly contrasting my fiery hatred for the man, I say;
“Levin… Do I look like I am going to listen to your incessant plea for mercy? How many times did your wife beg?”
I start slowly pulling, and his cries grow louder and louder. I can feel destruction of flesh ebbing from the areas surrounding his cock and it only fuels my desire to completely destroy the man.
I regenerate the torn veins, but leave the destroyed tissue to the cold air of the basement. This will only provide more pain for the torturing cunt, and it makes me feel good to know that the man is getting what he deserves.
By now, his balls are ripped off, and his cock doesn’t have long until it is in my determined hands. He doesn’t bleed. Oh no… I made sure he doesn’t bleed. I want the man to be fully conscious for what I am going to do with him.
With a raging rip, I tear of the last remaining tissue keeping his cock a part of his body. A satisfying scream is sent through the room as I finish the job.
He is still conscious, and crying. I give his equipment a glance, and look back at Valeria. She is studying what is happening with eyes of revenge. With a smirk I ask her;
“He is smaller than I thought. Are all elves this small?”.
“From what I have seen… Yeah…”, She replies weakly.
“You poor elven women…”, I mumble to myself.
His cock can’t be more than… half my size. I don’t know if I am big, or they are small, but that is insignificant right now.
I start fumbling inside his ball sack, and pull out one of his balls. I grab him by his cheeks with the hand I am holding his equipment with, and make him look me in the eyes.
“Now… Levin… You are going to open your mouth, and delightfully eat your balls. Then I am going to cut your cock into tiny pieces, and you are going to delightfully eat those tiny pieces. Do you understand?”.
He looks at me with eyes of horror, while attempting to release my grip of his jaw as he shakes his head. There is no chance for that to happen, and his head is held still by my dominating hands.
I force him to nod deeply, and with a cold smile I start moving his ball to his mouth.
“This is what happens when people mess with my friends, Levin. You did a big mistake today…”
He is desperately avoiding his testicle, but I give zero shits about his futile attempts. I take great pleasure seeing the man I so deeply hate, being a frightened rabbit. A frightened rabbit that just met a wolf.
I force his mouth open, and plop his testicle in there. I force him to chew it, and when I deem his ball nice and chewed, I tell him to swallow.
“Swallow, Levin…”
He doesn’t seem willing to do that, so I raise my voice at him.
He can see it in my eyes that I mean it, and reluctantly swallows his chewed up testicle. He starts vomiting, but I hold his mouth shut. He has no other choice but to swallow his own vomit again.
I repeat the process with the other ball, and his minced up cock. By the time I am done with cock and balls, I can hear the commotion of soldiers outside. I look over at Valeria, and gently smile at her.
“You should come with us to the castle, Valeria. There are some rooms left in the west wing, and you two are welcome to use them. I will talk to the king regarding the property. I don’t know if you are the owner, but you will be if you aren’t”.
She nods at me with a tear in her eye, and weakly tells me;
“Thank you…”
I release the man from his bindings. He is crying like a child now, and it is like music to my ears. I grab him by his hair, and start dragging him out of there while helping Valeria. She is too weak to walk on her own, but with an arm around my shoulder, she somehow manages to walk.
Valeria is butt naked, so I leave her indoors with the maids as I drag Levin outside.
I can see a questioning look in Atre when he sees the naked and crying man named Levin. A man that used to be regarded quite highly in the noble circles, I have heard.
He isn’t anymore, however.
Before Atre asks me what happened, I spot Venali. Just thinking about what Levin did sends fury through my body – fury everyone seem to pick up on. The guards following Atre pales, and Venali has terror stricken eyes.
I calm her down with a;
“Don’t worry, Venali. I am not going to hurt you. Levin, however… He is and was a different story. I am not going to tell you what he did, but trust me… he got off easy”.
“Yep… He got off easy… You guys were too quick… I almost didn’t get to finish my little project. I had more in store for that shit-eating goat fucker, you know…”
I tell her with a deceivingly gentle smile as I throw the crying nobleman towards some guards.
“Take him to the dungeons in the castle. He gets one slice of rotten meat every 4 days, and some water. Keep him strong enough for his mind to work. That is the only thing I need”.
“I want to know why he did that to Valeria, and I need his mind working 100% to get that answer. I highly doubt it is because she spent a day with her son in the presence of me and the girls”.
The guards nod repeatedly, and start heading back to the castle.
Lukas has been sitting on the Dunedime beast this whole time, and seems to understand why I am so angry.
Weakly he asks me;
“He was torturing Mother, wasn’t he?”.
I look at the kid, who is avoiding my eyes, and gently tells him;
“Your mother is fine now, Lukas... I healed her. Go inside… See if you can find her some clothes. I will wait outside for you two, and escort you to the castle. You will be living in the west wing until you are ready to move back to your house. I think your mother will need a bit more time before she can do that”.
He meekly nods at me, and walks in. Cries of utter despair can be heard from the kid. I think he saw the streams of dried blood flowing down her thighs.
Yeah… It was bad, kid… It was really bad.
“Atre. When this gets out, there will be some nobles coming to the castle demanding my head. Send them to me. I refuse to believe that the nobles willingly let one of their own being treated like that. I will tell them what he did then, and you are welcome to listen if you want to. I don’t want to repeat what he did just yet. It was bad…”, I tell them as my mind trails off – remembering the sight I saw as I entered.
The fiery rage inside me has calmed down now. I could feel my utter hatred disappearing with the sounds of the crying man.
Behind me, Valeria is gently being helped out of the mansion by her son. She has gotten some clothes on now, and the grateful smile she sends me as she sees me looking at her with concern, makes the whole process in the basement worth it.
It wasn’t easy for me to do that. I am a cold hearted killer when I have to be, but it doesn’t mean I enjoy it.
What made me capable of doing that to her husband, was the state she was in when I saw her. I wanted to cry when I heard her wallows in pain. I wanted to cry, but I kept it in. Instead I redirected the emotions to the pool of rage I had in me.
I think of Valeria as my friend, and she is worthy of my protection. If I can’t protect my friends, and help them with their desire, then what man am I?
“Thank you, Akif… thank you!”, she tells again and again during the time it take her to walk over to me. Lukas lets go of her – seeing what she wants to do, and stands back as his mother embraces me.
In my arms, she cries tears of happiness and sadness. She was saved by me, but their whole world changed tonight.
The innocence of her son was ruined, and she knows it. He had to get help from a man he recently met. He had to ask that man to stop his father from killing his mother.
He saw the evidence of his father’s treatment on his mother, and he saw his father being carried away by a group of guards.
He felt the rage I emitted, and he knew the reason why.
Valeria knows all of this, and she can’t help but cry.
Yes… She was saved, but their lives have changed tonight. They lost a father, and a husband, but gained a friend that will help them through thick and thin.
Valeria lets go of all her emotions, and I can’t help but stroke her back while saying;
“Everything will be fine in the end, Beautiful flower. Everything will be fine in the end”.
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