《Akif Kas - Champion of the Arena》Chapter 14: Diamond Deer
Eliyon POV
I can feel my blood boil after hearing the snide remark the women entering the room uttered. Saying that, it doesn’t hold a candle to the terrifying aura Akif is releasing.
Akif has been odd lately. Although the time we have spent together has been short, I feel like I have known the man for my entire life. Yeah… the things he says can be unpredictable, but his actions aren’t.
He has shown time, and time again that he only uses violence to protect, yet now I am worried he might kill a group of women entering a room. Not because he needs to protect us, but because of rage.
I don’t know what Sera is thinking about this, but I am starting to worry.
He said that something broke in him when he was being examined… Maybe his frontal lobe was damaged? A shift in personality usually stems from that.
Men have come back from war with an arrow to the head, and survived. After that their personality changed. Some became lazy and rude, and some became aggressive and impulsive. The last one resembles Akif at the moment. Some lost the ability to plan out things, and other higher mental processes.
If the damage is only superficial, we can probably fix it with Aquakinesis. Maybe sending him to the healers is a good idea? They can probably fix it, or at least lessen the symptoms? I don’t think either me or Sera is capable of such delicate control over our telekinesis. It takes years of hard study and practice in Natura and Aquakinesis to achieve that type of control.
I can see Akif drawing his swords, but a massive slap from Sera stops him in his tracks. The slap sent echoes through the silent room, and the scared face of Sera looks at him with fright. He looks fumingly at the ladies for a good few seconds, but doesn’t advance forward. Louvian stands there with a grim look on his face as he is staring at the nobles.
They are frozen in fear as they gaze upon the furious man. He has stopped using words now, and is taking action. As the saying goes;
“Don’t be afraid of the dog that barks. It is the silent one you should worry about”.
Akif seems to regain some of his sensibilities, and looks over at Sera.
“Thank you”, he tells her with a grateful voice and a nod, before looking over at the ladies.
“I am sorry for that. I don’t have words to defend my behaviour. Normally the “slave” remark would have gotten you a stern eye, but nothing more”.
He looks over at Louvian for a quick second before continuing;
“I had an unfortunate incident at the gates. I was being examed by a private, and he lost control over what he was doing. He sent a surge of emotions through me, and I think something in me was damaged”.
He looks guilty over to the – now – stunned ladies.
“I shouldn’t have said what I said yesterday. One of the issues I am facing is being easily angered, and the lack of impulse control. I apologize for what I have done, and I don’t have any words defending myself. I thought I could keep the emotions in check, but apparently I can’t. I apologize, and I hope you will forgive me”, He tells them with a deep bow.
The stunned ladies stand there looking at him as if he is a ghost, but one of them gathers herself, and moves carefully towards Akif.
“Uuum… I at least accept your apology. We aren’t used to sla... uuh… commoners talking to us like the way you did yesterday. We came here to have a word with King Louvian, but it seems like that wasn’t necessary”, she tells him with a careful look.
“Bitch, Akif might have over reacted, but the way you were talking to Akif – MY SOULMATE AND POSSIBLY THE FUTURE KING OF THIS COUNTRY! – is UNACCEPTABLE! Even I wanted to beat the shit out of you yesterday, and I am surprised Akif has lasted this long with what he has been going through. We will take him to the healers, but YOU FOUR need to SERIOUSLY adjust your view on how you treat people. You know what? I might even ask my father to do some more “spring cleaning” after this. He CLEARLY didn’t do a thorough enough job the first time”.
In an anger filled voice I tell the four apprehensive ladies the words that has been laying in my heart since the day we met them. This is the first time in a while I have used my status as a princess for anything at all… well… except for when I told the guards to transport the stalkers to the dungeons.
I just feel the need to do something about this. Akif is his usual self uptil the point where he is angered. I haven’t noticed a lack of impulse control, but if he says he has it, then he probably does.
Louvian looks with gentle eyes over at Akif, but then a sly smirk erupts on his face.
“See, Akif? I TOLD you to go to a therapist!”.
Akif looks at my father with disbelief, but erupts in a heartfelt laughter.
“Yeah! That you did, Louvian! Maybe I should, from time to time, take some advices from a man that has lived longer than me”, he tells my father between laughs.
Louvian smiles at the – now – happy Akif, but suddenly grows serious as he looks at the ladies.
“What you girls called my guest and my daughters lover is, as she said, unacceptable! The things you have said to him, and how you have behaved is punishable by death! If he were to take your lives it would have been all legal, and your families couldn’t have said shit about it”.
““Why?”, you might ask yourself. Let me tell you why. Right now he is considered a prince. Undermining the authority of a prince, and calling him a “slave” or “commoner” is punishable by death. Would you ladies call ME a slave?”
““Why is he considered a prince”, you might ask yourself. If it isn’t obvious enough already from the way my daughter acts around him, I will tell you. First of all; My daughter is a princess. A man that is going to, or has married a princess, is automatically regarded as a prince. We came to an agreement yesterday, and just before you arrived on that. Furthermore, Sera is the daughter of a senator. Even though he was assassinated, her political influence doesn’t end there. She is from today on an official diplomat of the country Cosir. Eliyon is the princess of Felis AND an official diplomat of this country. Akif is their mate AND their protector”.
“Second of all; The two countries Cosir and Felis is becoming a union of sorts. This is to stand against the growing threat ebbing from the country Val. The three of them are regarded as the chain that keeps these countries together. Do you seriously think that I will let your potential deaths stand in the way of what might possibly be the difference between both our countries survival or demise? If that is what you are thinking, then you are so far out of touch with reality, you don’t even know that the word exists”.
” I heard how you spoke to Akif from my wives, and I heard what he told you. As you can see, Akif`s words hold true. He is a dear friend of me and Atre. If we were to choose between him and you four, he would win every time. Remember that, ladies. Now! Leave this place before I change my mind and revoke your status as nobles. I will keep a VERY watchful eye on the way you guys run your district from now on. If you can treat a man that is clearly a guest in this castle with such contempt, I worry for the people you govern”.
After yelling for some guards to escort the ladies out, he returns his look to Akif.
Good job, Daddy!
“Akif… I will call for my private medical team. They should be able to fix you up. From what I know of Menskinesis, your brain isn’t actually damaged. It is just misfiring. I am amazed that the guards didn’t pull you aside when you entered to fix the problem. You are far from the first one that has experienced this. In reality, it is quite an easy thing to fix. Sera or Eliyon could probably do it themselves, but I am more comfortable with having some trained professionals handling it”.
With a gentle look on his face, he pats the shoulders of my man. This is the first time in a while I have seen my father act like a king, and truth be told, it was pretty impressive!
A few stretched truths here and there, but what he told them was true. I don’t remember agreeing to marry Akif, though. He never asked.
Wait… We may have to tell him about the concept of marriage… How are we going to do that without seeming desperate for him to ask us, is beyond me…
I take Akif’s hand, and together with Sera we follow my father to the medical wing.
Akif POV
Shit… Was it that bad? I was joking about Sera hitting me over the head if I got angry… I didn’t actually think she needed to do it!
That is unnerving, to say the least. Thank god she did what I told her to. I don’t know if I could have forgiven myself if I killed those ladies. Yes, they are rude and annoying as fuck, but they don’t deserve to die. At least I don’t think so.
My thoughts are interrupted by a smiling old lady, followed by a girl that looks like she is about 13-14-years old.
“Aah! King Louvian! What brings you to us today?”, she asks him with an amicable smile.
“My friend here got surged at the examination, and I wish for you to fix him up”, Louvian tells her as we enter the medical wing. The place is nice looking – if not somewhat sterile. The familiar walls with engravings are there, but nothing else except for rows of beds and enclosed rooms with quartz windows. I presume they use those rooms for people that need prolonged observation, and the quartz windows are there so that the nurses can look in without actually having to enter the room.
Soft fabric can be found on the beds that are one with the floor.
When I said that there is nothing except for beds there, I lied. There are a few cabinets with different ointments. I have no clue what half of those ointments are, but I have a feeling I would get a terrible stomach-ache if I started chugging the bottles.
“Ok, young man. Have a seat. This will be over quick”, the old lady tells me. She is plump looking, but looks very caring. She has an aura of wisdom and… brightness, I think.
I can feel some Menskinesis and Aquakinesis entering my mind. She has amazing control over what she is doing, because I wouldn’t even know she was there unless I knew it was coming.
“Hmm… nothing I can’t fix”, she tells me with a focused face.
Suddenly I feel something “Snap” into place. I don’t feel any different except for a feeling of not being … uumm… broken?
It was an odd feeling. A feeling that I didn’t know I felt until it became right again. Now I just feel like me.
I can see Eliyon and Sera looking at me with concerned eyes. I think the two of them are preparing themselves to say goodbye to me as I leave for death, so I decide to fuck with them.
I look over at the granny that has now removed her telekinesis, and send her an almost unnoticeable grin. I can see her catching it, and I think she knows what I am about to do, because she is grinning back at me.
“Aaah… that felt nice… I thiiiiiIIIAAAAARRRGH!”, I yell out as I start clawing my face.
The two girls and Louvian panics, and runs over to me. Sera starts to shake me while yelling “AKIF! AKIF! WHAT IS WRONG!”
“I FEEL LIKE I AM ABOUT TO BE SHOVED UP INTO THE ASSHOLE OF THE HUMAN GOD!”, I yell out as I keep desperately clawing at my face.
I suddenly stop, and look at her questioningly.
“You sure?”, I ask her with an innocent look.
“YES!”, she looks at me with the most worried eyes I have ever seen.
“Thank you”, I tell her as I stand up and kiss her on her mouth.
She is starting to realize I was faking it all, and the granny can finally let out the laughter she has been struggling to keep in.
I can see Sera and Eliyon’s face starting to deform.
Aight! It is time for me to run the fuck away! I hope I am allowed to sleep in my room tonight… but… maaaan it was worth it!
I think they know what I am thinking, because they suddenly clamp down around my hands, and practically hang from me.
Wait… what does that even mean?
What frightens me the most isn’t Eliyon at the moment. She is yelling at me, and it is pretty easy to understand what she is thinking.
Sera… Sera is quiet.
Shit… I might die today…
Louvian is laughing his ass of, and sends glances telling me;
“Oi! She is your responsibility now”.
No help from Louvian either… I might actually die!
“Sorry ladies, I just couldn’t resist… Please don’t stab me?”, I ask them with a pleading voice.
That sets of the volcano that is Sera at the moment. Eliyon follows suit, and I am called everything from a “crap slapper”, to a “spunk handler” and “Experimental disease”.
At one point I am pretty sure I got called a “Candle fan”, but the exact words got mixed up between “slutty gloryhole graduate”, and “Irrelevant dog”
What does half of those things even mean? I am pretty sure they are just saying random words in a… sweary way? Is that even possible?
I sit there for a good 10 minutes – 8 minutes longer than the procedure of getting me back… to myself.
As time goes by I can see tears starting to emerge from their eyes, and the feeling of my heart being crushed is tearing me up inside. I just look at my ladies with remorse as I listen to them yell at me. I don’t quite hear what they are saying, because I am to torn up by the sight of their tears to actually register everything.
I am so sorry, Eli! Sera! I didn’t mean to frighten you like that. I am NOT doing that again!
I gently pull the two women into my embrace, and pull them tight.
“I am sorry, my goddesses. I didn’t mean to frighten you like that. It was a bad joke. A thoughtless joke”.
The girls grab onto my leather tunic as they burry their heads on each side of my neck. We stand there alone for a while – Louvian and the friendly healer lady left to do something I think -, and hug.
I start stroking their cheeks as I embrace them, and gently kisses on their foreheads.
“I am sorry, Sera and Eli… As you can see, I am perfectly fine. I feel… like me again”.
“Don’t do that again, Akif”, Sera tells me as she holds on to me for dear life.
We spend our time hugging before we return to our room. The day is still young, and we have lots to do.
Why didn’t Atre tell us that we should be going to the medical wing after the examination? He used to be the head of military and all… He could have told me when we were talking about that and Menskinesis.
Well… knowing him, he probably expected Eliyon to know. Maybe he expected her to take me there to get treatment?
Aaah well… nothing we can do about it now.
We enter the room, and take of our clothes. We need to change into something different, because today we are going to the outer circle to have a look. I have been wanting to go there for a while. It feels more like… me than the inner circle. Too many fancy folks there.
The girls look stunning as always. Common linen tunics and woollen pants – the same clothes they were wearing when we left Viamyr.
I figured I’d wear some of my thin leather clothes. They are easy to move in, and comfortable.
We head to the Dunedime beast that is placed in the stables, and get on. Eliyon is in the middle this time – I don’t want her to accidentally fall off. We start heading off when we hear a familiar voice coming from behind us.
“Oi! Where are you going?”
Atre stands there with a questioning smile on his face.
“We are off to explore the outer circle!”, I tell him excitedly.
“Great! I will be joining you then! We can head by a tavern while we are there. The taverns in the inner district is filled with prudish old women that doesn’t have a sense of humour”, he tells us with a disappointing look.
He runs into the stable and gets a beautiful white Diamond deer.
There is a reason it is called that. The white-bluish tinted skin and hair goes well with the crystal looking antlers and hooves. It is a beautiful creature, and an idea flashes through my head.
Maybe our personal forces should have personal beasts to travel on? Say… Emerald striped tigers? They were pretty formidable opponents… I think maybe I will have to do some experimenting with Menskinesis… is it possible to use it on animals?
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