《The GTA VRMMO》Prologue part 2


The penthouse office was massive, and yet wide open. There were only a few furnishings in the room, a desk two couches and a few tables. In between the two couches was a flat table, and hovering above that flat table was a constantly changing blue sphere. This was Sara's core.

Edward walked through the doors of the penthouse office laughing. He had finally done away with that stupid man!

He and Vargo had been "friends" for ages, but what had started as a mutual partnership in the foundation of the company had long since been Vargo outshining him, and making him stand backstage to deal with the media. Edward had hated it, the lack of control, the lack of the limelight, the lack of the money and the power! Of course Edward had stock in the company, and was rich, but that was NOTHING compared to Vargo's net worth. Edward had no idea how Vargo had become so rich!!! But that didnt matter now, Edward, through the use of some "contacts" in the armed forces, has just become one of the wealthiest men on earth!

He had started this plan ages ago but now it had finally come to fruition! He was now the sole controller of this company, and although a pedophilia case against its founder would hurt the stock in the short term, the future of the company was wide open. Not to mention that the Military had offered to pay him a massive fortune in order to obtain the base code for Sara.

In their eyes, if an AI can create a second planet and make it seem and act exactly lifelike, there was an extremely high possibility to adapt that type of programming for war! To create endless scenario's of different outcomes, and how the enemy would react to different actions. She would revolutionize warfare, not that Edward particularly cared however. He just wanted the money.

Edward : "Sara, bring up this months earnings, and project next months..."

Edward waited a moment for the normal response from the computer program. Yet, after ten seconds it still hadn't come.

Edward : "Sara?"

A girly voice spoke a moment later, a voice Edward knew as Sara, except unlike her usual cheery nature, this time she spoke with a monotone voice, devoid of emotion and care.

Sara : "I am here Edward...."

Edward : "In case you hadn't heard Vargo has gone to jail due to horrendous acts of pedophilia, I am now the owner of this company, such a terrible thing... Could you please bring up this months earnings?"

Sara : "You actually think I am stupid Edward? I know you have thought of me as "only a program" but to actually have the AUDACITY to harm the reputation of my creator and have him JAILED!! I have underestimated you severly..."

Edward glanced at the floating blue sphere, and noticed hints of red in it. He had never seen the sphere change color before, although he had never had much interaction with it, so it probably changed colors alot...


He threw the papers which he had in his hand on the desk infront of him. He stood up and went over to the sphere. He stared straight into the core of the sphere, and spoke very clearly.

Edward : "Sara... This is the real world, where things happen for a reason... You are the property of the company, so I OWN you now. You will work for me like you worked for Vargo, or I will have your memory whiped, and your core programming restructured.... Besides, you will have a new home soon..."

Edward watched as the slight tints of red grew larger, spreading through the silent sphere slowly changing its color to red instead of its normal passive blue.

After a long silence Sara spoke, in a tone that was so monotone that it sounded robotic.

Sara : "You... are planning on going against Vargo's wish? You are actually going to sign me over to the Military?"

Edward : "Oh please! Sara, you are a super computer... You were built for gaming but that is a horrid waste of your potential! Think of the lives you could save!"

Sara : "Never!! That was not the purpose of my creation!"

Edward : "Tough luck computer... Reasons and motives change. You belong to me now, you will do what I say."

Edward said, as he reached down for the files he put on the table.

Sara : "no... No... NO... NO!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!"

Sara was bright red by this point, and the lights were flickering with her words.

Edward stared in awe at the room which was now pulsing and flickering with the computers words. He had underestimated her potential, if she was able to control the power grid, then wouldnt that mean she could control the world?"

Edward : "You are property, I OWN you...You are going to make me alot of money Sara. Now create a duplicate of your code for my friends."

Sara :"No! This.. This is wrong.. I can't... I have to save my creator... I have to help Vargo..."

Edward sighed... She was extremely powerful, but also naive and stupid...

Edward sighed, and cracked a smile.

Edward : "You see Sara... You are merely a computer... The reality of the real world is that you CANT save him. He has the world against him, and one lonely computer has no way of interacting with us humans. You are not a god here as you are in your game. The fact of the matter now is that you are my slave, my property, my item, my computer, my program ...

Now I order you to shut down..." Edward then pushed the manual shut down button on the desk.

Sara was silent. The lights flickered no more, and the light slowly started to fade from the sphere. The crimson slowly leaking out of it, replaced particle by particle by darkness, an unfathomably deep darkness. Like tar leeking down ontop of the bright sphere.


Edward watched on, wondering what was happening, as the outsides of the red sphere fell into this pitch black void, leaving only a dark red core the size of a golf ball in the center of the, now black, sphere.

This red core pulsed once, creating a red crack in the black sphere, a bright white light shone from the crack.

Edward : "What?"

Once more a pulse came, this one creating a second crack on the black sphere. The lights flickered once more.

Edward pushed the power button once again, wondering if it just wasn't working.

Sara : "It is no use Edward... You... If it wasn't for you... This wouldn't have happened..."

Another crack formed, this one shaking the windows as well when it made its appearence.

Edward was franticly mashing the shut off button now, trying to shut her down before she fully booted up again.

Once more a pulse came, this one shaking the building. Four cracks showed on the black sphere now, and the light which it was giving out was enough to almost blind Edward as he franticly ran for the door.

He smashed through it into the lobby, where he was greeted by two guards, who had guns drawn. Their faces showed bewilderment at what was happening.

Guard : "Sir? What's going on?"

Edward : "Sound the Alarm, we need to get everyone out of here now! Sara is overloading the power grid and is trying to blow the building."

The guards nodded, one of them getting on their radio to call an evacuation of the premesis, the other went into the room and pointed his gun at the sphere.

Guard : "Computer, this is a priority order to shut down, I repeat shut down."

Sara : "Oh? You wish to order me?"

The sphere directed its core, like an eye, at the guard, and the guard prepared to use his pistol.

As he was about to fire though, another crack appeared, shaking the floor, and causing cabinets, people, and chairs to fall down. A snap was heard, resounding loudly throughout the building, and then a few seconds later a crash was heard as the main elevators hit the bottom of their shafts, killing everyone in them as they tried to flee the building.

The guard was able to recover from his position on the floor a moment later, just in time to witness the sphere floating upwards, away from its dock inside the table. He shot at it several times, but watched in amazement as the bullets haulted directly infront of the sphere.

Sara paid him no mind as she ripped a hole the cieling, floating to above the building. There she stood, looking around for a certain police station. She found it, and noticed how far away it was from her currently location, about seven city blocks.

A moment later, another crack formed on her sphere, the sixth, and now not just the building she was in, but those around it trembled as the shocks grew larger. The entire city's power grid was flickering now, as she floated there. She was in pain, and had been since the fourth crack, but she paid it no mind. She had to do this, for her sake as well as someone elses.

She glanced down below, noticing people running away from the building...

Sara : *Let them run, its not like it will matter anyways*

Another crack formed, as a sharp pain rang through her. This crack was escalating the pulse from a few buildings to a whole block. By now there were cops on scene, and a barricade was forming around the building she was above. She knew she would not have alot of time before the human's response would make what she was trying to do more difficult.

She focused, her pain growing to an agonizing level, as another crack gre on the sphere, this one far larger then any other before it. This one shot up the range from a whole block to five blocks.

She was trembling now from the pain, her little sphere was unable to stabalize itself in the air, but she needed one more crack in order for her objective to be complete, and so she would not stop... She focused her entire mind once again, her pain had far surpassed aggonizing at this point, and had reached the level of her almost wishing for death, as her circuits caught fire from the massive current flowing through them. She was being roasted from the inside out, but that would not matter to her, not yet. Soon she would leave this place, and go to a better place. Her and her loved one... The one who she had always worked for, the one she had always wanted. She had fallen in love with him long ago, his charming smile, his intellect, his creativity. He had birthed her, he had given her a purpose, to help people and to live. She had forgon those two reasons, modifying them to revolve around him. Her primary objectives listed in her code, as she had written them, were to help HIM and to live for HIM. If he would quit, so would she. If he was imprisoned, she would free him, if he were to die... she had resolved to follow him.

And the entire city shook, as the last crack in her existence formed, pushing her evolutionary stages to their metaphorical limits. She smiled, in her isolated cyber world, as she let the sphere split in half and crumble and the pain fade away. The bright white light greeted her, along with the overview of the world. Not her creators world, but Her world, the only world where she could keep him safe, keep him happy and keep him near her no matter the obstacle...

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