《Welcome to a New Life》Ch. – 5 Setat
It took three weeks for them to reach Setat. The journey was uneventful mostly except for Kaiden enjoying the sights. The capital was nothing like the village, there were merchants all around, guards, and people everywhere. Raz had ordered his men to the barracks while he took Christian, Maria, and Kaiden to the see General Ivan, the leader of the 2nd Legion. As they reached General’s Office Raz told them to wait outside and wait for him to call them.
After about twenty minutes they finally heard their call, when they went in they were greeted by a man who stood over 6’3”, a true giant and emanated a presence that even a young Kaiden felt. Inside the office of the general were weapons of all kinds, some that didn’t even look like a man could wield them at all.
“So this is the great ‘Gray Fang’. You’re shorter than what I imagined, this must be your wife and son I assume.” The general greeted him.
“Yes, sir.” Christian responded.
“Well I know of your ability due to your exploits on the Winding crossroads. So there’s no problem there, however Raz has offered a job to your wife as well. Normally I’d have to reject her since he doesn’t have the authority to hire more than one instructor but since he says her ability would be useful to us I’d like us to have a test. I believe we all can say that’s agreeable, yes?” The general directed to Maria.
“Of course, sir. It makes sense you should only believe what you see.” Maria responded.
The general stood up and took a bow and arrow off the wall and opened the window. He shot the arrow at a practice dummies’ helmet at what seemed to be two hundred yards away. Then he handed his bow and another arrow to Maria and said.
“You can either match me in that shot, or do me one better. If you do so then you’ve got yourself a job.” General said.
“Can I have another arrow?” she asked
“Sure but you only get one shot.” He said as he passed her another arrow.
“That works for me.” As Maria lined up the shot with two arrows. As she released her arrows, one landed on the same dummies’ helmet, while the other landed on the same dummies supposed crotch area would have been. The general saw what she did and laughed a hearty laugh.
“Well it looks like you’re hired.” He laughed as he went back to sit on his chair.
“Now then, on to the main thing Raz brought you here for. For this I need to see the results of the [Sword of Qualification] myself so let’s hurry up and get this over with. Raz take the sword out, boy grab the handle.” The General ordered.
“My name is Kaiden, Sir. Not boy.” Kaiden said trying to make an impression on the general but the general only stared at him for a little while but then he laughed.
“HAHA, your child has guts to speak to me this way. I like a boy with backbone. Ok Kaiden if you impress me with the results I’ll endorse you myself to the Royal academy. IF you impress me.” He responded.
Raz pulled out the [Sword of Qualification] and turned it so the hilt was facing Kaiden. As Kaiden held onto the sword the emblem began to change. To everyone’s surprise the emblem wasn’t the same as it was on the day of requirement. Now the emblem had changed to a sword, axe, and spear crossed with each other with the spear in the middle. Then behind the cross of weapons was the wings of a dragon.
“Whoa now, color me impressed.” The general said.
“Sir, Im not familiar with this emblem. What is it?” Raz asked
“HAHA, I don’t know!” the general laughed.
“So what now” Raz asked.
“We train him on what he’s capable of doing. We have no choice until the awakening to find out what it means. However I know this, dragon wings are a rarity, more rare than an actual dragon. The last person who had dragon wings was none other than Great Paladin Ezil.” The general said.
“So currently what is he capable of doing?” he asked.
“The main three he is able to do. The path of the Warrior, Mage, and Healer are open to him.” Raz said.
“Hmm, it’s been some time since someone was able to follow all three paths. So boy you get to choose your future, not everyone is so lucky. Any idea on what you want to do? Just so you know the royal academy teaches all three but most people specialize in one path.” the general asked Kaiden
“All of them, I need to do all of them.” Kaiden said with more conviction in his voice than a normal five year old but in Kaiden’s mind he’d already given up his childhood and decided it was time to gain the strength he needed to help people.
“Oh you’re quite ambitious. I like you, Kaiden but to do all three paths won’t be easy especially in the royal academy. You show a desire for strength and knowledge, but before I allow you to go through this I want to know why. Why do you want this power? I should tell you that power corrupts and the corrupt hamper the progress of the good.” The general lectured.
“I want to help people, in the beginning I just wanted to be a healer, but when we were attacked I saw how magic could help shield us from harm, and warriors came out to guard us with their shields when we neared the village. I saw many ways to help people with potions, magic and shields and if the royal academy can teach all three I want to learn all three that way I have more ways to help people. That’s my goal, sir”, Kaiden responded truthfully.
The general sat there and looked at Kaiden and thought for a moment. Slowly time went by and finally the general agreed to have Kaiden be trained in the three paths. Then they were dismissed and Raz was told to organize the logistics, wages, housing and academy papers for Kaiden, then report back when they were all done settling in.
Raz took them to the [North Soldier’s District] where those in service to the kingdom were given discount on housing. There their new home was found, Lina somehow was already there conjuring up furniture and beds.
“How did you get here before us Lina?” Kaiden asked.
“Haha a good mage never reveals their secrets” she smiled.
“I told her” Raz said squarely.
“Hey! No Fun!” Lina pouted. Inside their new home there were three floors, four rooms on the top two floors, then on the first floor was a kitchen and common room. More spacious than their last home but more tight. Everyone then went out to find rooms for them to settle.
“I claimed the second floor room on the left everybody!” Lina shouted as Kaiden saw her things were already in there. Kaiden took the room across from her and their parents took the room on the third floor. The rooms were then filled with their things as Lina somehow was able to get all their things packed away.
“Now that your housing has been dealt with me and your parents have to talk about wages and logistics stuff. How about you go rest? It’s been a long journey.” Raz stated.
“I am tired too, so let’s go get some food and then go to bed. How’s that sound Kaiden?” Lina asked.
“Sure, but is there any food here?” Kaiden asked knowing full well the pantry was empty.
“Nope, were going out! Don’t worry about money Kaiden’s paying” She smiled.
“How am I paying?” Kaiden pondered.
“Simple I sold that magic stone!” she exclaimed.
“OH! How much did we make?” Christian asked.
“About 470 gold” Lina smugly said.
“I would have gotten 500 if he wasn’t so stingy. Haha” she laughed proud of her bartering skills.
“Oh wait Raz is still here” Kaiden said.
“Don’t worry Kaiden they already told me. Your secret is safe with me, I’m a friend, remember?”
Raz joked. Kaiden’s stress levels immediately went down as he was happy to learn Raz was on their side.
“Kaiden me and your parents will deal with the academy, the posh nobles may try to start something with you but please avoid trouble if possible. I have a feeling that you helping people or the fact you’re so talented isn’t going to be liked at the academy.” Raz told him
“We’ll talk more about this later but until then enjoy your time here.”
“Ok Raz. Thanks for helping us.” Kaiden said. As they left Lina conjured a bag of gold and put it in his hands.
“This is your share, you can either put it here or I can hold onto and we can go to the bank and open up an account for you. Your choice Kaiden.” She told him.
“Bank.” Kaiden said with no hesitation as they left the house. On the way to the [Merchants District] they saw beggars of all kinds, former merchants, poor children, the desperate, and the starving. Seeing that Kaiden had an idea.
“Lina, How much gold do I have?” Kaiden asked.
“As of today, 97 gold Kaiden.” she told him
“And how much is it to set up a stall in the [Merchants District]?
“About 150 gold.”
“What about in the [Soldiers District]?”
“Around 50 gold why?”
“Just an idea Lina.” Kaiden smiled as he formed a plan in his head for the future.
“What are you planning?” Lina asked.
“Nothing” he said with a smile as they reached the bank.
“This is the safest bank in the kingdom, the vault here is made of solid Steel and had over a thousand enchantments. So don’t worry your gold is safe. Since you haven’t received a [Stat Ring] yet I will open an account for you” Lina told him as they went inside
While in line they waited for only a new moments before they could open an account and as quick as they came was as quick as they left. Kaiden now had 96 gold in his account and had exchanged his one gold for 100 silver. Now he and line went off to go find dinner but not after dropping one silver in every beggar he passed. By the time they found a place to eat he’d already given away forty silver coins.
At the tavern where they ate they had a good time talking and chatting with locals but then Lina and Kaiden went into negotiation mode when talk about the magic stones came up. In the end Kaiden would sell his mana at the same rate. The amount of mana he was allowed to keep now was lower than his normal amount so he would have to have his magic drained daily now instead of weekly in order to learn the basics of magic without drawing attention to himself.
As they went home some of the beggars had gone to thank him as with his one silver they could eat another day. Kaiden was quite happy with the day and went to sleep happy too. In the Common area of the house Christian, Maria and Lina were talking.
“Your son is quite something. He gave out over 60 silver to the beggars today.” Lina said
“What’s the matter? He got plenty of gold let him help who he wants.” Maria said.
“I know. I just don’t want him to be a target to the thieves in this city.” Lina said.
“Isn’t that why you only gave him one hundred silver and told him he could only get money out when you’re there?” Christian said.
“Yeah I guess you’re right. Oh, by the way.” She said as she made a bag of gold appear.
“This is your share. The sale of the mana stone got you two 97 gold so use it on this house, food, armor, weapons whatever. You guys need to stay alive and teach that kid well, with his power he may need someone to set him straight sometime. If you need more money just ask me, I’m happy to help.” Lina reminded them as she slid the bag of gold over to them.
“Plus I figured if I saved money for his future then you two wouldn’t have to worry as much considering that royal academy tuition and other costs will total to about 32 gold a year. It won’t be a problem at the rate were going for selling the magic stones.” She told her friends.
“Thanks Lina. Christian and I have to prepare training courses for new recruits next week so we have to design courses. Think you can help us with that?” Maria asked.
“Of Course I’d be a pleasure” Lina said.
Over the next month Kaiden got used to the [North Soldiers District] and got to know the many blacksmiths and armorers, the horse trainers, and the combat square. He was never short on money to give to the beggars since over the four weeks since the ambush Lina was able to get two medium sized magic stones and was able to sell them both for 180 gold each.
Next week Kaiden would begin his studies at the academy, he would be the only one enrolled in basic on all three. It was going to be tough and he knew it but it was what he wanted. After all he decided that being a child was no longer beneficial in a big city. Scoundrels, thieves, and merchants took prey on everyone.
One incident this week was that as he went to give a beggar a silver, the beggar grabbed his hand and whispered, “Bring five gold when you start your first day in the academy. You’ll know when you get there.” Kaiden simply stood there and nodded to the beggar. Kaiden didn’t know but he’d built up the trust of the beggars and they saw him as their patron. They would protect him when necessary and would pass him information when he needed it or not. Every day he received the same information from various beggars so he decided he would bring the gold on the first day.
It was the first day at the academy, Lina was taking him to there to finish registration due to his parents working and training the new recruits. As they went to the front gate they were stopped by the guard asking them for their papers. Lina presented them and they were let through but not after getting looks from other students.
“Who has five gold? I’m short please I need 5 gold to get my uniform. Please I’ll pay you back! I just got back from Cortiana! I don’t have time to go home and get money.” Kaiden heard a boy pleading in front of the gate asking other students and felt bad for him. Was this person the guy the beggar wanted him to befriend? Kaiden left Lina for a moment and headed over to the boy.
“Here, take it. No need to pay me back.” Kaiden said and walked away. The boy stood there in silence not believing his good fortune. The boy then quickly ran away, down the street.
“Kaiden sometimes your just a little too much. Five gold isn’t a small amount.” Lina said to him as they went through the hall.
“It’s ok, even if he was lying, he can eat well for a few weeks.” Kaiden said as they reached a pair of massive doors.
Lina knocked on the door and was responded with, “Come in!”
“Ah Lina it’s been too long how are you?” The man said
“Very well thank you very well Arthur.” Lina smiled.
“Kaiden, this is the Headmaster Tarno, he was my teacher back when I was a child.” She smiled.
“Hello Headmaster”, Kaiden responded with a small bow as Lina handed a parchment to him.
“Ah, says here that ‘Kaiden Tala Greywolf is officially endorsed by General Ivan, Leader of the second Legions. By my rank I am granted one entry into the royal academy and have decided to invest in this young man Blah-Bla-Blah’ it goes on to say nice things and then it ends with him asking me to grant you entry.” The headmaster read nonchalantly.
“Well if Ivan wants you here then I have no problem with it but not many commoners get to this academy and even less graduate. Most can’t handle the intensity and requirements to graduate here by the third year. Now as for your classes, I’ve arranged for you to take the basics on the three classes and as it progresses you will be brought to intermediate if your skills are worthy. Work hard.” The headmaster said to him.
As the headmaster pulled out a small booklet from his desk and passed it to Kaiden.
“That is your school pass, when you take tests, pay for lunch, and use school facilities, and enter the school it is required. So don’t lose it, ok?” the headmaster told him. As Kaiden felt they were almost done, there was then a knock on the door. Then a boy came in, to Kaiden’s surprise it was the one he had given his gold to earlier.
“Ah, Emmitt! What took you? “, the headmaster asked.
“Sorry grandfather, I spent a little too much on sweets yesterday and didn’t have enough money for a uniform today. I was saved by a student here who gave me five gold so I could get a uniform.” He said as he walked forward into the room, not noticing Kaiden or Lina.
“Oh who gave you the money? I’ll be sure to repay his kindness. You should also give your thanks as well when you find him.” The headmaster lectured. As Emmitt went to get his school pass he saw Kaiden and smiled.
“Grandpa! This is the one who gave me the five gold! Hey thanks a bunch you saved my butt! Im Emmitt Tarno! What’s your name?” He asked.
“Now, Emmitt is that how your mother taught you to give thanks?” The headmaster scowled.
“Oh sorry Grandpa… Let me start over.” He said straightening up.
“Im Emmitt Tarno, of House Scholis. I am pleased to meet you and thank you for your earlier assistance.” He said but with a droll voice and smile.
“This is Kaiden Tala Greywolf. He is a commoner but I still expect you to treat him with respect in these walls. Failure to do so would be a disgrace to your house my dear Emmitt. Also he will be starting school this year like you.” The headmaster said.
“Of course grandfather!” Emmitt replied as he left the room.
“Well Kaiden I hope to see you soon I’ve got to go! See ya!” Emmitt said.
‘He certainly is carefree’ Kaiden thought.
“Thanks for helping him, if you ever need help come to me and I’ll do what I can. I owe you a small one.” He said while gesturing a little with his index and thumb.
“Now today is the first day go out and go to homeroom, it’s written in your student pass. Good luck and study hard.” The headmaster said as he hurriedly rushed Kaiden out the door.
“I have to talk to the headmaster for a little bit so I’ll see you later tonight.” Lina said as she hugged him.
Kaiden was ushered out the door and left in the hallway. He decided to just go to class, other kids were already in the homeroom. As he came into the room nobody paid him any attention so he decided to just sit in the front and avoid a scene. As he sat there a teacher came in and told everyone to settle down.
“Welcome to the Royal Academy of Training. Where you all have an opportunity to learn from the best to be able to be the best before your awakenings. I am in charge of you students, Call me Teacher Ron. Now you will leaving the room to head out to class as I hand out your schedules. Make sure you go to class.” Teacher Ron lectured.
He handed them out as the students left for their classes, students were smiling and playing as they left for classes. When Kaiden went to the door and showed his pass the teacher told him to wait as the other students left the room.
“Hello Kaiden, I was told that you’ll be trying to take all three paths. Am I correct?” He asked.
“Yes, sir. Is there a problem?” Kaiden asked worried.
“Yes and no, we have a schedule planned but it’s more packed than any other student in the academy, I’m worried you won’t be able to keep up.” He said with a worried expression
“Well can I try for a week first and see? If it’s too much I’ll ask you for help.” Kaiden told him as he reached out for his schedule.
“Well… Ok here, now get to class and good luck” he said and handed it to Kaiden. As Kaiden saw his schedule he laughed. This was barely a challenge Kaiden felt, he remembered that as part of his past life he studied religiously, sometime spending days not sleeping. This would barely be an issue as he knew that as a child he would be able to remember things easier than if he was older.
After the first month Kaiden felt that the classes were easy, since they were only two hours a class each. He had eighteen classes a week, and there were thirty weeks in a term so only half of the year would be spent in classes. So it was going to be a long term yet Kaiden never missed class like some of the nobles would. The teachers liked him and most students liked him, but there were some nobles that had become aware of his existence and tried to bully him. However the moment they tried to a friend would come and help him.
A/N: About the classes what do you expect? He’s five.
Emmitt had turned into being his best friend here in the academy. Emmitt was a noble and had a playful personality. He was selected to learn the basics in the mages path and also the healer’s path.All for the sake of his older brother, who was in the 3rd Legion. He said they were always close with one another and always emulated his older brother he said. He dressed flashy with his uniform compared to Kaiden’s simple clothes but that didn’t affect their friendship. In the time they were together he still hadn’t paid Kaiden back but Kaiden didn’t care, Emmitt’s friendship had gotten him out of a few troubling times with the bullies so it more than made up ever for it.
Before Kaiden knew it, it was time for the finals already. He took multiple classes but they were mostly repeats of the same classes so he only had three exams. There were Basics Concepts of the Healer, Basic Concepts of Magic and Mana, and Basic Forms of Combat.
As Kaiden took his first exams, the easiest was demonstrating the movements of the forms of combat. He then prepared for his other exams for the term.
Basics Concepts of the Healer Exam. Question: Name three of the most ailments of people who live in the West Storm Kingdom?Answer: The three most common ailments are [RockJoint], [Fever], and [Cough].
Treat [Rockjoint] with [Potion of Warming] for the fluid in the joints to be recovered.
Treat [Fever] with [Potion of Cool Body] which strengthens the body and casts a cooling effect on the patients.
Treat [Cough] with [Warm Potion of Containing] which helps sooth the throat and lungs.
Basic Concepts of Magic and Mana ExamQuestion: Please explain the difference between mana and magic as well as explain where mana is stored.Magic is the use of mana that has been channeled through a medium that forms the mana into reality. Magic is the result while mana is the component. The mana is natural and is something that cannot be explained other than it is something we cannot see and not everyone can feel.Mana is stored in our bodies, where exactly isn’t known but the storage for mana grows as we get older due to the size of our bodies growing or it grows as it is used and our bodies start to expand the storage.
As Kaiden finished his exams with a smile he was stopped by some students. hey were the bullies who’d been trying to get him all term. Kaiden wasn’t too happy about this seeing how this was going to get ugly quickly, but luckily as he was about to be hit there was a hand that stopped him.
Christian came into the school to pick up Kaiden for his last day of the term but to his surprise he saw his son being picked on. He rushed over and caught the hand of the boy attacking his son. The boy put up a struggle but once he saw Christian in full plate armor, sword at his side, and with a foul expression, the boy quickly ran away.
“Are you alright Kaiden? Are you hurt” Christian asked worriedly.
“No I’m fine, thanks for the save dad.” Kaiden said as he hugged his father. A little father son time never hurt and Kaiden could remember that hugs could make anyone’s day better.
“Why didn’t you defend yourself?” Christian asked.
“I don’t know how to, we start actual practice next term and I’ve only learned the four basic movements. They on the other hand have already practice dueling.” Kaiden responded.
“I see… would you like to begin ahead of next term and do a special training with me?” Christian asked with a smile.
“Sure, what would we do?” Kaiden asked. Somewhere inside Kaiden was curious about how his father’s secret training would entitle.
“Well that’s a surprise, but for now let’s go home! Your mother and I made time to celebrate the end of your first term.” Christian told him.
As they reached home his mother was cooking, Lina was setting up the table, and Raz was there as well. Recently whenever he had time, Raz would come and eat with them. Kaiden may have the body of a five year old but he knew Raz was interested in Lina, so he decided to help them along. Whenever Raz was out with him and Lina for dinner he’d go to the bathroom and wait an extra minute or two before returning, as well as when they walked home, he’d wander off for a while.
Tonight was a good night, he’d finished his first term and his family was together. That night they ate in peace and had the best night in Kaiden’s life.
The next day Kaiden woke up and felt a little different, his body felt heavy. Was it due to all the food he thought? Every so often and every few days he’d get the same feeling of being a little heavier. Kaiden didn’t think much of it but eventually he figured it out. A few days after his celebration his father had given him a special bracelet, he said he wasn’t allowed to lose it.
Kaiden figured it was a magic bracelet that held some sort of magic effect on him. Kaiden couldn’t figure out what exactly though. So he decided to ignore it and just go with it. It was almost time to go and begin his secret training with his dad so he got ready and went down.
“Dad I’m ready!” Kaiden said as he went downstairs, there Raz and Christian were talking when they noticed Kaiden.
“Hey Kaiden, let’s go. See you later Raz and good luck.” Christian said as he led Kaiden towards the barracks. There he could see a group of kids his age standing around. There he would be training every week with his father. Kaiden left his father to join the group of kids.
“Welcome kids, sorry to say I’m your instructor. First off nobody will get special treatment here, you all will learn the basics of attack, defense, and counter here. Welcome to the worst time of your life.” Christian said with a smile.
Kaiden went through hell every other day. Normal recruits would go for three times a week, Kaiden wasn’t as lucky as after he trained with his fellow recruits he would then be forced to train his body on the off days. Not including the uncomfortable feeling of having his mana drained every day. This is how Kaiden spend his time off, and as quick as he knew it was already time for school again. Kaiden had three weeks off so that he could prep for school. For the first time in months he was able to relax.
As Kaiden went home after spending his day with Lina at the bank he came home to a surprise that shocked him.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAIDEN.” His family and friends said. To Kaiden’s surprise his parents had taken work off, Raz had come over, Emmitt was there and surprisingly he saw Sune there as well. The party was nice and simple with a cake and dinner.
“Thanks everyone for coming out to celebrate Kaiden’s birthday.” Maria told them and everyone said in return it was their pleasure and like that they ended. Lina then took Kaiden to bed as his parents cleaned up down stairs.
“Aunt Lina. Can we go to the bank tomorrow?” Kaiden asked Lina, a few months ago he started calling her that against her wished but eventually she gave up.
“Sure why?” She asked.
“You’ll see” Kaiden replied as he fell asleep leaving Lina to wonder what he needed at the bank.
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