《Welcome to a New Life》Ch-2 A New Wolf to the Pack


-Divine Throne Room of Life-

The room was silent now. Krieg was sitting next to her with a peculiar expression. It was the first time both her and Krieg had willingly granted both of their blessings and she could see he was obviously troubled.

“What is it Krieg?” she playfully asked knowing already exactly what he was thinking.

“It’s nothing my goddess.” He replied trying to look normal.

“Hah you still can’t lie very well even after all our time together, tell me what troubles you.” She smirked.

“Ah yes… well it’s just that with our blessings he could become the first champion of Zerte. I’m just worried about his intentions. He has great potential to bring disaster to us, was it wise for both of us to grant that one our blessings?“Krieg confessed.

The goddess only smiled as she passed a parchment to him. It was the list of abilities that were chosen by the new one and as Krieg looked at it, his eyes burned with concern. He saw how much power that one would wield. Krieg suddenly went in front of her and kneeled.

“My Goddess, I am deeply troubled. I believe far too much power has been given to him. Should he gain access to our blessings he could destroy kingdoms! Let me strike him down now and save us the worry.” Krieg pleaded

“YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THNG!” she roared in a fit of anger.

The room they were in had now turned black. Krieg was surprised to say the least. It was the first time in a long time he had ever felt fear from her. Memories of when he was a mortal returned to him, memories not in the least pleasant. Slowly she calmed down and the room slowly came back to light. She then breathed in and out slowly to calm herself until she was in control.

“Look at his choices.” She pointed out.

As Krieg looked at the page yet was still in confusion.

SummaryNormal ,Male, CommonerGrand Total 24,350Abilities SummaryMagical Savant (5000), physically superior (2000), Strong (1000) Ambidextrous (250) blessed (500) Linguist (3000) Charismatic (1500) Natural Healer (2000) Natural Swordsman (3000) Natural Charm (1250) Natural Leader (1500) Naturally Creative (2000) Agile (800)SpecialDiving Blessings(LOCKED)Goddess of Life (LOCKED) War Spirit Krieg

“I’m sorry my Goddess but all I see are the gifts and abilities granted to him. I don’t see anything that proves he is not a threat to the world.” Krieg declared.

As the Goddess sighed the parchment lit up. From there the circumstances of his birth were shining. Yet still Krieg did not understand, he stared until finally the Goddess sighed.

“This is why you’re the warrior Krieg. Look here, you see that there? He has got himself some of the most powerful and earthshattering abilities. Yet look here, he chose to be a commoner. A normal commoner, despite being able to be a powerful noble he chose a commoner. Next he chose a farmer-hunter family. They protect the village from beasts, report of any sort of dangers that lurk in the forest and we both know what dangers lie in that forest. On top of that with his strength he will be able to harvest more food.”

“Yes, I see that my goddess but it still doesn’t prove he isn’t a threat.” Krieg said.

“Yes that is true that from this there is no evidence that he’d be a force for good but why do you think I let him keep his memories? He will remember his hopes and dreams and the family that raised him and the family that will raise him will lead him to a path of righteousness. That is why Krieg that I granted him what he asked for..” She explained. As she said this Krieg could sense a bit of pride in her voice.


“I see now but may I keep a few followers on him? Just to make sure he stays on the path we have led him.” Krieg requested.

“Fine, but should he ever come into danger I expect you to help him.” She replied

“Of course my Goddess.” Krieg spoke and then he vanished.

As soon as Krieg left the Goddess moved to the mirror where Jack was being born. She extended her hand and held it to the mirror, slowly caressing the image of Jack.

“Grow up strong Jack, the world is waiting for you… I just hope you’ll be strong enough when the time comes.” She whispered.

-Clearwater Village-

Year 211 Third Age

It was the middle of the night and at the Greywolf farm the cries of a Maria Greywolf could be heard while Christian Greywolf stood outside. His wife was in the middle of labor and as custom he had to wait until the first cry of his child before entering to see them.

‘How long was this supposed to take?’ He thought.

This was his first child and he didn’t know how to hold in his anxiety. As he stood waiting with the constant screams of his wife he worried about his soon to be newborn. Would he be healthy, smart, hard working or intelligent? All these thoughts swarmed his mind but in the end it didn’t matter. Christian had promised his wife that he’d love the child no matter what.

After what seemed to be forever the first cries he heard came out and he could finally enter. Christian rushed in and the first thing he could see was his wife holding his child and the priestesses relaxing and taking a breather. The newborn was wrapped in a warm blanket fidgeting and moving around. As he crossed the room to look at his newborn he became confused. The child wasn’t crying but looking around as if fascinated by the world around him, but the most confusing thing was his eyes, they weren’t brown like his wife or blue like his but they were green. Green eyes were known to be the eyes of mages and magic normally only appeared in the families of mages.

“How can he be a mage? No one in the Greywolf family has ever been a mage!” he stammered.

“I don’t know. Nobody but the village chief’s granddaughter has magic in our little village.” She replied in a soft tone. Christian nodded his head in silence. The only thing that could be said was that it was a miracle, mages born from non-mage family were very rare.

“So is it a he or she?” he asked.

“It’s a He. Christian you get to name him.” She smiled weakly. Christian had been expecting a girl so he was unprepared for a boy’s name. Then it came to him suddenly like the goddess of life spoke to him directly.

“Kaiden is what we’ll name him. After you father.” He smiled in return. As he said this her tears began to flow. Her father was killed recently by bandits while on the way to the capital.

“Kaiden Tala Greywolf. I like it” she replied. They sat there in silence for a few moments, just enjoying the moment of their new child. Slowly the old priestesses left the room, leaving the new family alone. As the last of the priestess prepared to leave the room she quickly spoke to them.

“I should let you know your child is blessed.” The priestess said.

Confused and tired the two replied, “How is he blessed priestess?”


“He carries the eyes of a magical savant. No human has ever had this since the last age. It’s said only one appears every hundred years.” She explained to them. Their expressions were that of confusion and shock.

“How can you be sure?” they asked.

“His eyes are too bright to be a normal mage. Most mages that are born have green eyes, everyone knows this. Yes, your child has green eyes but if you look into them you will notice the green isn’t fading. Normal mage births after the first hour the color fades away until the age of nine where the awakening happens and the magic matures. Your child is definitely a Magical savant and he will be great but take heed keep him safe, many will try to take him from you. The other Priestesses and I have agreed not to tell anyone but it will be increasingly difficult as he grows up. Please take care and good night” the old priestess explained then bid them farewell.

For a moment in silence the two looked at each other, unsure of what to say or do. Then they looked at their child, the future their child would have could change the world. Maria then spoke with what could only be defined as a mother’s tone.

“Whatever happens, he is still our little boy.” She softly gently.

“You’re right, but who knew our child would be amazing before his first day of life?” Christian replied.

“True, but that’s all the more reason to raise him right.” She told him off in a serious tone.

Christian knew his child would be great but to be this great Christian worried about the future. His sin would change the world, he knew it. Until then he knew that it was in his hands to raise the man his child would become. The thought of that scared him but then he looked into his son’s eyes he saw the truth. It didn’t matter, this was his son and he was his father no matter what. Thus ended their night and the new family slowly drifted to sleep.

Outside of the little home Krieg appeared. Silently he stood and watched unseen by those around him, he whispered “I will be watching Kaiden and so will my followers. I wish you well.”

Then as quick as he appeared he vanished, like smoke and wind.

---5 Years Later—

It was early morning, the sun had just risen and the air was cool. It was spring time, time to start working the fields Kaiden thought. Kaiden had just woke up and looked around to see his home. It wasn’t much but it was enough, there was food, a comfortable place to sleep, and most of all he had his family. His house was quite small, he slept in his own room while his parents slept in another. Downstairs was the kitchen and common room. Below there was the cellar, but Kaiden had never seen what was in there. As Kaiden got up to get ready he could smell food being made downstairs. Kaiden put on his clothes and went down and to his surprise he saw his father.

Normally his father was out in the field in the mornings. As well as his father being there his mother had made his favorite breakfast of eggs and ham. Kaiden said to himself ‘What is going on?’

Although he didn’t complain as he hurriedly started to eat.

“Morning son, sleep well?” his father asked.

“Yup!” Kaiden exclaimed. Although he had memories of a past life, he couldn’t help but feel like a kid again. Due to his memories he decided to really enjoy his youth in the new world, as there were no second chances in life he didn’t squander it. As he ate his parents watched him with a look that he rarely saw, worry.

“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” Kaiden said trying to relieve his parents look.

With a smile his mother replied, “Haha, no my little jester. It’s just that tomorrow is your fifth birthday and there’s something we have to tell you.”

‘Fifth birthday? I guess it is, but what’s so special about it?’ Kaiden thought.

“Now you know about how your green eyes mean you have a talent for magic right?” his father asked.

Kaiden just shook his head yes. As he did that though he could see his parents giving each other slight glances to one another, thus increasing his confusion. He heard the explanation when he was three about how green eyes meant mage.

“What we should have told you was that the green color is only supposed to come out when you do magic.” His mother explained.

“Oh, but what does that matter?” Kaiden wondered.

His parents looked at each other and then his father started to explain, “Well since your eyes are green all the time it means your special. So along with you being special there are bad men who take special children away. Away from families and friends, so we want you to know that what happens tomorrow is important.”

“How is my birthday important? Is someone taking me away? What’s happening?” Kaiden said as he slowly began panicking.

“No, no, no. Nobody is taking you away.” His mother trying to calm him down came to his side of the table.

“Tomorrow is your birthday but it’s also they day of recruitment and by law we have to send you to start your training. See no big deal.” His mother reassured him.

The village was a league or two away and it was a large village with about five hundred people. Although he never went into town with his father or his mother he knew where it was. Now that he knew the truth about his eyes he understood why, if people saw his eyes they would begin to talk and word would travel. Why he never went into town made sense now.

“So that’s why today we have a friend coming today. She is going to help hide the color of your eyes.” His father explained.

“Okay, but will the green come back? I like my eyes.” Kaiden asked. As his parents were not sure of what exactly would happen, they couldn’t answer him. Kaiden had always been able to talk his way into the truth so they didn’t bother lying to him. As they were about to tell him they didn’t know they heard a knock on their door.

“Hello? It me Lina.” The voice outside spoke. With a wave of relief as they went to open the door. Kaiden sat there next to the table and saw a woman come in. she wasn’t particularly thick or thin but she looked hungry. She was covered in a cloak but didn’t look hot in the least.

“Welcome Lina, are you well?” his parent said and gave her a warm hug.

“Well I’m still surprised that you two had a son who’s a mage and that he’s a magical savant. Other than that I’m fine, now I have a method that can help, however I have to check your son first.” She said with a bright smile.

“Haha, yeah you should meet him. Over here, Lina meet Kaiden; Kaiden meet Lina.” His father gestured them to each other. As Kaiden got off his chair to shake her hand he felt something. A surge of power flowed between them from himself to her.

Lina smiled as she started talking to Kaiden “Sorry about that, it’s easier this way for me to know if I can help you.”

“Help me how?” Kaiden asked.

“Before that lets sit down. I’m starving!” She said while sitting at the table and began eating. After a few bites she looked at Kaiden as if amazed. Turning to face his parents she said.

“Your son is quite something. The mana I took from him was a lot for someone his age yet he’s still fine. This will be very good for all of us.” She smirked. Slowly she took out something in her robe what looked like a crystal ball.

“This is a magic stone. We mages use mana for spells and this pouch helps us to hold more of that mana. So what I plan on doing is draining your mana, filling the magic stones I have with your mana, and then sell some.” She explained with a glint in her eyes.

“Sell his mana? You can do that?” his father asked.

“It’s not common since most mages use mana for everything but it’s possible. Mana that isn’t used is a waste so at the end of the day most mages add what mana they haven’t used into these stones. Then use it for more advances or bigger spells.” She told them.

“So how much is a mana stone worth?” Kaiden asked.

“Ah anywhere between 1 gold to 150 gold depending on how much there is.” She said proudly.

Kaiden looked to his families face only to see shock. Was that a lot of money? He had a feeling it was so he decided it was worth trying to get a piece of it.

“So how much of what you sell will be mine?” he asked. While trying to be as cute as possible he added a smile.

With a shocked look everyone stared at him. Lina thought ‘what did this kid just say? Did he want money? He shouldn’t even know the importance of money at that age but why not, I’ll make a killing off this anyway.’

“You will make one gold off of every stone” she said with a smile but as she finished every sentence Kaiden then stopped smiling.

“Why so little?” Kaiden said.

“Little?!” his parents shocked.

“1 coin out of 10 is 10 percent, 1 coin out of 150 is even less than 1 percent. Why should you get all the gold for my mana?” Kaiden asked with a tone he used only when feigning ignorance.

‘Percent? How does this kid know about percentages? That’s tier 2 mathematics. No way his parents taught him, they didn’t even know fractions… could he be a genius?’ Lina pondered. After a few seconds she decided to test him.

“How much do you think you should get?” she wilily asked.

“I should get 40%” he said with a straight face.

“Why should you get 40 percent?” she asked while still trying to understand him.

“Well, it’s my mana but your stones so fifty-fifty. Then you’re helping me so forty-five me, fifty-five you, and since I can’t use magic yet you can get another 10 making it 35/65” Kaiden explained. All while still trying to remain cute.

“You said forty though.” Lina replied.

“Oh, hmm another 5% for me cause were friends!” Kaiden said with his biggest smile.

‘Oh my, this child is quite clever. Hmm… He’s lucky he’s cute’, she thought. After a few moments she replied

“OK you have a deal little guy but your parents will hold onto your money until you really need it. Just so you don’t spend it when you don’t need it.” She finally said.

“OK, but give half to my parents. The other half save.” Kaiden said.

Christian and Maria just sat there, they never taught Kaiden what the value of money was but he understood it was important. Next was that they were going to have gold, normally in a year they made about ninety silver. Farming equipment was affordable, but with gold they could buy new land, hire workers, and plant cash crops.

“Now that negotiations are over let’s see how much mana you’ve got. Take my hand” Lina said as she held out her hand. There was one hand open and then one hand on the magic stone. Kaiden reached out and slowly he could feel something. The feeling was similar unfamiliar, almost like electricity but not shock. There was only slight discomfort but the longer they held hands the discomfort grew. Almost thirty minutes of holding hands they stopped. Kaiden wasn’t comfortable but at least it wasn’t painful.

“Sorry, it must have been pretty unpleasant but at least there’s progress.” Lina said. Kaiden was now feeling tired.

Normally only after a hard day of working the field with his dad did he feel this much exhaustion and before he knew it he fell asleep at the family table.

Lina was shocked as she checked the mana stone, it was completely full. ‘How could such a young boy have so much pure mana in him? I’ve only seen two full mana stones in my entire life and they were at the Kingdoms Magical Academy.’ She realized.

“Wow, this is amazing.” She said out loud, still amazed.

“We told you you’d like him” Maria smiled.

“Well I do like him but this magic stone doesn’t mean much unless his eyes stop being green so I guess we’ll see how his eyes are when he wakes.” Lina replied.

“Umm just out of curiosity, how much of that magic stone did he fill up?” Christian asked.

“All of it.” Lina said nonchalantly.

“Umm how much is that worth?” Christian asked.

“400 Gold at least” Lina smiled.

“400 Gold?!” They gasped in unison.

“Yeah but I took a lot out of him, but in truth at this age he might even be more powerful as he grows up.”

“Wow.” Christian and Maris sighed. Christian looked up and realized he still had to work. So he left the woman to go field.

“Now we have time to catch up.” Maria exclaimed.

It was night time when Kaiden woke up, he wasn’t as tired but still he felt different. He then noticed he was in his bed not at the kitchen table so he got up and searched for his parents. Downstairs they were eating and as he got closer they stopped. They were all staring at him as if the sky was green.

“What?” Kaiden asked

Slowly his parents came to him and held him tight. As he looked at the window he could see a slight reflection. His eyes weren’t the bright green they always were, they were a cool blue like his fathers.

“Now we don’t have to worry, Thank you Lina.” His parents said.

“Don’t worry, if I take a little bit every day we can hide his eyes but I can’t stay here forever. The longest I can stay is two years. After that I can try to get a replacement.” She sadly said.

“No, it’s more than ok. We trust you Lina.” His mother said.

“Ok now let’s eat and get you ready for training tomorrow.” His father laughed.

As Kaiden sat there he was excited, tomorrow would be the first time he met someone outside his farm. Finally he would meet his first friend.


-Edited for format and links-


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