《Once a Hero》Chapter 18 Oh! MY! God! R18+


Chapter 18 Oh! MY! God! R18+


Authors Note: I am not trying to write Pornographic novel, however when the scenes do arrive, I am not going to skimp on them either. I will make them as realistic as possible and in his case even have to exaggerate due to his “skill”. If you are easily offended or take offense, then I suggest you skip the rest of the chapter where Julie leads him to bed. Everything before that is clean.


“Road Trip?” The Sheriff asks uncertain.

“Yeah tomorrow morning, first thing, we set out and secure some food, and those radio chargers, then once we unload we get some building supplies, we have plenty of carpenters and handy men here to fix this place up, and while we are at it, get some comfortable beds for everyone.”

“Are you crazy?” The Sheriff asks me now looking at me like I am some sort of madman.

“Why?” I ask not understanding.

“We can not carry all that stuff, hell even if we mobilize everyone we do not have enough vehicles to carry what you want”. He says as if it was a fact.

“We only need Cindy, Julie, Myself you and deputy Patterson,” I respond not understanding what the issue is.

The Sheriff looks at me and still does not seem to grasp the idea I have. Then it hits me and I explain it to him.” Sheriff you remember me pulling all those crates of guns and ammo out?”

He slowly nods and then a realization hits him,” no way he mutters......”

“There is a limit but not like you may think, in fact once you and Patterson decide on a profession you will be of great help too” I say with a wry smile.

“Profession huh? You did mention that back there, I am not sure I fully understand that” he confesses scratching the back of his neck.

“I can help you with that Sheriff” Patterson beams proudly.

Eh? Really Patterson?” The sheriff asks hesitantly and looks at Patterson with uncertainty .

Hmm am I missing something? Sheriff does not sound too sure of him. I think to myself.

"Yes sir, I got my profession all done, I am now a Deputy!” Patterson exclaims proudly.

No....no way.....he didn't......no, he could not have, could he? “Uhh, Patterson, when you chose your profession, did you enhance it at all” I ask cautiously

“Enhance? Why would I do that Sir?” Patterson gives me a confused look.

“So you chose your real career as a Deputy as your profession, as is”, I ask even more cautious now not really wanting to hear answer.

“I sure did and it was easy too, I just imagined myself as you said and it asked me if I was sure and that there was no going back and of course I said yes!” he beams proudly.


Julie and Cindy both burst out laughing but quickly catch themselves. Faces turning red, holding their breaths it seems, to stop laughing.

Oh...my....god....Deputy Barney Fife (1) came to life! Oh well at least he now has access to his inventory, I think to myself.” uhh very good Deputy Patterson, but I think I will help the Sheriff ok?” I say to Patterson. “Thanks for your help, could you see if Cortez and Foutz need any help please.

Julie and Cindy are still trying to hold their laughter with the occasional snorting sound coming from them.

After Patterson takes off with a big smile on his face, the Sheriff leans in and whispers,” I should have warned you about him, he is a little slow, dense at times, but a good Deputy, follows the rules to the letter, brave as hell. Unless you give him very specific and detailed instructions, he will not get it.” then he sighs.

I shake my head. I, with the help of Cindy and Julie, then explain to the Sheriff the details of the profession and how to obtain it, hoping he gets it. But caution him not to make a final decision till consulting me. He agrees and we part ways. Dinner is being served it is 7 pm now. A lot has happened today.

We met survivors, that is huge for me. More people means our chances for survival just went up. I am sure having other people around will also help Julie and Cindy's mental state of mind as well, I know it will for me.

Dinner was a simple meal, basically they were following the menu that was in the kitchen and came up with Potato and leek soup, creamy macaroni and cheese with garlic bread and a Mandarin Gateau. A very simple meal. At least it was hot and it hit the spot for now. Schools are all about nutrition now.

After the meal, we talked with some people, social time for the girls. And they happily chatted away with others. There were so many names and introductions I could not remember them all, no one stood out. I was too busy planning tomorrows route, looking over the city map I had with me. Others came and went trying to give their 2 cents, but eventually moved on when I was not up for demonstrating my “powers” and brushed them off.

My plan was to hit a local grocery store nearby first. I really do not want to run into the remaining Biker gang and have an all out shoot out, who most likely are at the Kart Mart. Not sure if their boss told them about us or not, but best to avoid the situation if we can. After that we will hit the police station for whatever remaining gear and chargers they have there and maybe run into some more Deputies as well.

It was getting to be 9 pm, many were calling it night, I looked around and saw I was the only one left at the table, Cots had been pulled out and made for people to sleep on all over. 3 Deputies were keeping watch by the various windows with the new night scopes. The lights had been turned off and someone had brought a battery operated lantern for me. Heh that is why it got dimm so suddenly, did not even notice


I had pages of stuff written down, what foods to get, how to pack them in what quantities, what routes to take and so on all to save time and space. This would maximize our carrying capacity and utilize all our inventories to the maximum potential,. With that I stretched my back and arms and let out a yawn.

From behind 2 thin arms wrap themselves around me and a voice, Julie's, whispers in my ear, “time for bed Tiger”.

“You are right, I am done here anyways”, I say satisfied with the results. I put my hands on hers and look up and she leans in and kisses me lightly on the lips. Then she pulls me up and leads me to the sleeping area.

I see Cindy already in the bed. Hah I bet people are jealous now. It was a Queen sized bed, with all the trimmings. One of them had pulled it from their inventory. She leads me to the bed and Cindy holds open the covers. Both are wearing T-shirts of their own with sweat pants. Julies are pink while Cindy's are light blue. Ah crap I have nothing to change into, everything is in boxes now I am going to have to search thru it all.

However I think screw it, we got blanket and I am not modest. I get in bed, boots and all at the surprise of Cindy and Julie who start to object, bur quiet down when I say” Return to inventory Advanced Marine Armor. Sorry but I sleep better in the buff and I need a good nights sleep for once. Both Cindy and Julie look at each other and begin to giggle. Julie gets in bed and quickly covers us. With the Lantern off, it is dark in here, the light of the moon seeping thru the windows.

First Julie, then Cindy both say,”return to inventory preset 5” and I feel warm skin on either side of me snuggle up close to me. The feeling is great, soft and erotic to me. Well as long as we sleep we are fine.

Not going to cause too much trouble for the surrounding people I think. And with that the 3 of us snuggle and go to sleep.

During the night, I awake to hear a slight shuffling sound and see one of the teenage boys creeping towards our bed. As he approaches I watch him closely while I am pretending to be asleep. He reaches for the cover on Julie's side and begins to lift it up. I growl in a deep whispered voice,” do that and I will cut your dick off.”

He immediately drops the cover and runs away, “S...S...Sorry,” his face has the fear of god in it. I close my eyes and go back to sleep, Julie snickers and pulls in closer to me.

Cindy whispers, “very over protective are we now?” then she too practically lays herself on top of me to go to sleep, her thigh rests on my manhood. My manhood is rising like a rocket now. “Too bad, that must hurt huh?” she says with hint of sorrow in her voice as I feel a hand touch it. Then she slowly moved down into the sheets. I feel her creeping lower and lower. She is lightly kissing me on the way down.

She begins stroking my penis slowly with her soft warm hand. Then I feel warm lips kiss the tip, and I become rock hard. Slowly I feel my penis enter her mouth and feel her soft tongue gently lapping around it, her mouth fully enveloping my penis. Warm and soft is the sensation. She begins to apply suction and slowly moved her head up and down holding the shaft of my penis in her hand, squeezing and applying pressure every so often. I feel the pressure of a climax growing in my penis.

Then Julie slowly starts to slide down the blanket as well. She nibbles on my nipple, kissing me on the way down. Cindy stops and begins to kiss her way up, just as Julie reaches my manhood and takes over. I feel her warm mouth take me in and deep. Oh wow is it deep. The sensation is overwhelming, but before I can give out a noise, Cindy's mouth covers mine in a passionate kiss, greedily and eagerly kissing me.

Julie is working my penis now in a fluid motions up and down sucking harder, until I can hold no longer and erupt like a volcano in her mouth. She stops her motion, taking it all in, waiting for me to finish. She licks me a few times on the tip, then starts to kiss her way back up to my face. Cindy pulls away out of breath from kissing me just as Julie arrives and begins to kiss me just as eagerly and passionately as Cindy did. After Julie has had her fill of kissing me, she leans to my ear, nibbles and says “sweet dreams tiger, I love you.”

Cindy then leans into my other ear and whispers,” that was only the beginning, have a good night sweetheart, I love you”.

I lay there with the two girls laying on me naked, snuggled tight, and I smile like I never smiled before.

I can get used this......................


(1) Deputy Barney Fife from the Andy Griffith Show

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