《Once a Hero》Chapter 4 Escape Route


Chapter 4 Escape route.

Fuck! God Damned it! I think to myself, angry at Brad's actions. We can hear a muffled scream coming from the other side of the metal door. There is a sudden howl and then silence. The girls are watching me with scared eyes, we are kneeling down beside the door keeping a low profile staring at each other.

“Why did you leave him?” Asks Cindy, her voice obviously shaken.

“I told you both if you pull a stupid prank you are on your own. Plus the fact we do not know what else is in there. There was no way I was going to risk not only my life but both of yours as well, running into the unknown like that.” I reply calmly in a hushed voice.

“Brad made his choice....”Julie says quietly

Cindy looks at Julie, then slowly sighs.

“Do you realize how long it took to train that guy, sigh”, Cindy says looking defeated.

“I knew it, you were milking that guy for every penny he was worth”, I say almost laughing, despite the guy being killed on the other side of the door, but hey, he got what was coming to him in the end.

“A girl has to make a living you know” Cindy smiles weakly.

“Yeah but wasn't he disgusting?” Julie asks with a shocked expression.

“He had a lot of money, looks are not every thing dear”, Cindy simply replies. Then she looks over at me, “but Scott here does have the looks doesn't he?” she eyes me with lust in her eyes.

“Back off bitch, he's mine!” Julie says with a sudden outbursts, then gasps, looks at me and blushes fiercely and looks away, letting out an almost incoherent “dammit”.

I am not only shocked, but am speechless by all this. Woah!! Well hot diggity damn, did I just hear right? I am hers? Hehehe wow this is going to get good I think to myself with a goofy smile on my face.

“You know little girl, love is not always fair right?” Cindy says with a purr, then eyes me with her big brown eyes which begin to flutter.

“Sorry there Cindy, but it seems Julie has stamped her ownership on me. I am a one girl kinda guy.” I say looking at Julie who is still not looking at me blushing furiously, but then her back stiffens suddenly as I said that to Cindy. Slowly she looks back at me with hopeful eyes. Those green sparkling eyes took my breath away once again.

“you mean that Scott?” she asks hesitantly

“Yups, I mean it, and I will do everything I can to protect you kitten,” I reply with a goofy smile Arg kitten? What the hell was that I just blurted out?


Julie jumps at me, putting her arms around my neck and leans her in close to put her mouth by my ear “puuuurrrrrrrr” she says warmly. Then nibbles my ear, sending electrical shocks thru out my body. Wow that was intense, I can get used to this.

“Umm you know a guy just got killed on the other side of this door” Cindy says to bring us back to reality.

I sigh, “Yeah, I know, but he chose his path as Julie said, I warned him not to do anything stupid, nothing can be done about it now, and it really does not upset me to be honest. The guy was a total ass, sorry Cindy”, I try to sound sincere, but really I feel relieved he is now gone.

“I too, am not that upset over his loss for some reason, he just rubbed me the wrong way with his looking down on Scott like that” Julie says in response.

“So what now?” asked Cindy concerned changing the subject as if Brad was never there. Her demeanor and attitude has changed completely since Brads loss. Now, as before, she is a not so dimwitted individual as we thought she was. She put on a good act. Her eyes now showed intelligence. Her body language said she was aware of her surroundings, as she glanced around.

“I guess we go with my original thought, we go out the west exit of this mall”, I reply simply.

“Is that not more dangerous than going into the warehouse?” Julie asked.

I shake my head no, and reply” no, it seems most of the Goblins and Hobgoblins have moved elsewhere and only patrols seem to be about. If we move quietly and quickly we should be able to get to the exit without being noticed.” I am pretty confident as thru out the center of the mall are squares of brick made garden areas which can conceal our bodies from sight of the patrols as we move to the west exit, just as long as we make no sound to draw attention to ourselves.

“How far to the exit?” Cindy asked.

“It looked to be about 50 to 55 meters from this location. We will have plenty of cover till we get to the exit. We just have to stay low and quiet the entire way.” I say looking at both girls watching their expressions as fear slowly started to creep into each of their eyes.

“Look, I know this is not going to be easy on you, but you have to trust me here, wholeheartedly. I will get you both out of this alive. Whatever happens stay quiet no matter what.” I again look at both girls and both nod nervously, “Ok, follow me, stay low and stay quiet” I say again to get the point across at the need for silence.


We move from the warehouse door area to the front of the store staying low and quiet. Reaching the door way I peek to survey the area slowly and carefully. I see nothing moving, then I move to the other side of the doorway and look towards the west exit, again I see nothing moving. I wave for the girls to follow me all the while grasping the club a little anxiously. I move to the brick garden that is in front of us, taking a quick look to the east and then the west and see it is all clear, I then wave to the girls to move towards me.

I then move towards the next brick garden area, staying low and quiet. I look east and west again, but also spot a novelty sword shop. I motion for the girls to follow. They come quickly. I put my finger to my lips then point to the Novelty Sword shop. At first Julie looks confused then her eyes widen with understanding and nods, Cindy simply nods. Looking in both directions again I make my way to the Novelty Sword shop, seeing no movement inside I enter quickly, then wave the girls to me when I see the coast is clear. Both enter in a hurry, upon entering breathe a sigh of relief. I motion for them to get behind the counters which are mostly wood displays with glass counter tops to display wares, so staying hidden should be easy.

The glass had already been smashed and various items were missing as were many swords that used to hang on the wall were gone. Various swords lay on the ground in pieces, as most were replicas flimsily made and would fall apart in a single swing. I spotted a sword in the corner behind the counter still in it's scabbard. I go to it and take hold of it. It is heavy, a good heavy. I slowly draw it from its scabbard and reveal a very well made and sturdy sword. Upon closer inspection I see:

ItemGood Quality Long Sword

High DurabilityDamage 25-40 pts

Now this is nice, just struck gold with this one I think as I eye the sword and give it a few practice swings.

I buckle the scabbard to my belt, but keep the sword in hand now. I look around and see a few replicated daggers, nothing stuck out, as most were poor quality to look good but in practical use were useless, until I see the bowie knife. Ah yes, an old friend. I quickly grab it and its sheath laying next to it, check it out to ensure it is legit and with a satisfied nod I buckle it too, to my belt. Now armed I feel a little more confident and toss the club away. In the meantime Cindy too, seems to have been browsing and found a dagger to her liking. She looks at me and presents her prize with a confident smile, I nod my approval.

I head back over to where Julie is hiding and hold out my hand to her. She takes it with a smile, and stands up. We start move back to the doorway, and upon our approach the four Goblin patrol strolls in each holding shiny new swords or daggers.

Ahh shit I thought to myself. Advertisement Support "Once a Hero" PayPal Patreon Previous

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