《Once a Hero》Chapter 2 Resolve


“Huh? What the fuck is going on??” I cry out loud, but then look at Julie with concern “ Julie, it is me Scott, you made a joke about my penis being a monster in the truck right? It is me Scott”.

I bend down to one knee next to her, and take her hand. “Look Julie you are going to be ok, this is nothing, trust me I know” I lie to her, trying to reassure her, while seeing the scared and weak pained expression on her face. I know she does not have long, but I have to do something here.

“Scott? How can this be?” She asks with a weakened voice, taking her hand out of mine and slowly tries to touch my face, then a slow smile creeps onto hers “oh I wish I could have spent time with this Scott”.

“You will Julie, you will, hang in there, I will be right back” I rush out and look around to see if there is anything I can use to make make-shift bandages. Then I spot a red vial laying on the floor where the goblin was laying. The Goblins body was gone. What hell? It was just there? I think to myself, while going over to grab the vial.

Is this loot from the goblin like in the MMO's? As I grab the vial a small window pops up and states

ItemLow Grade Healing Potionheals 30-80hp one time use.

I look at the vial in wonderment. Can this really help her?

I was so focused on helping Julie that I had blocked out the environment around me, not paying attention to what was going on around me. As if the world cleared up, I hear screams, yells, and even roars coming from outside the shop, but that does not concern me right now, I need to get Julie stabilized.

Taking the vial I go back into the Dressing room, and kneel back down to Julie who is breathing heavily and looking weak.

“Julie I have something here, I want you to drink this after I pull the sword out, make sure to drink it all ok?” I say to her in a concerned and serious voice.

I grab hold of the sword with one hand while holding the vial in the other, I pull the sword out of her and quickly drop it as she winces in pain, her eyes growing large, bulging. I quickly pull the stopper from the vial and put it to her lips and say ”Drink Julie! Please drink quickly!”

I pour the vial slowly into her open mouth as she eagerly drinks the potions and begins to cough. Dammit this better work I pray to myself. Then slowly looking at the wound I see it is closing at an alarming rate, unnatural by any means. The bleeding had stopped. But there was a red line where the wound had been, showing it was still fresh, but healing.

The look into Julies eyes, there was a mix of expressions, wonderment, relief, disbelief, and more, it was all there, her emotions were going thru the whole 9 yards in only a few seconds. I hope she can handle this.

“Julie? How are you feeling?, I ask hesitantly looking at her with great concern.

She is silent for a few moments, as her emotions go thru the motions, and finally a blue light appears around Julie, she cries out in pain and arches her back “AAAHHH my god it hurts!!!!”

I am dumbstrucked by what I am seeing, as I see her practically morphing in front of me from her current state to a younger person, growing younger by the second, more defined and more vibrant than before.


Just as suddenly the blue light disappears and there before me lies a very young, about 18-19 year old female with flowing red hair, green sparkling eyes with tears flowing and very very naked. I realize I am staring with my mouth wide open and try to divert my gaze, but god she is beautiful to look at, perfect in every way.

Seeing Julie is breathing normal now and her eyes are darting all over the place I ask again as I regain my composure “Julie, are you ok?”

She looks up at me and begins to sob “Scott what is going on? I just saw a message pop up in thin air congratulating me then intense pain and now, I feel, well I do not know how I feel,....Scott what is going on”, the words rush from her mouth like a mile a second, almost incoherent.

“Julie if you are feeling up to it, you may want to look in the mirror, this is going to be a shock for you, but after what has happened thus far.....” I leave it off at there, not sure what to really say here.

After she slowly composes herself, getting a grip on her feelings and emotions, she slowly raises herself into an upright position and looks into the mirror.

“Oh my god, what is this? What happened to me?” She cries out grabbing at her face with her hands with looks of bewilderment on her face. Then she looks back at me and touches my face, then looks back at the mirror and sees both of our reflections.

“Is this real Scott?” Are we in some kind of dream?” She then turns to me and pinches me very hard.

“OW! Shit that hurt, what the hell was that for?” I ask taken totally by surprise.

“I had to make sure this was real”, she says with an uncertain look.

“How does pinching me do that?” I ask annoyed now, but still watching her closely.

“I do not know, it just seemed the right thing to do”, she says.

I look around and see her clothes are still folded on the bench, “Julie, if you are felling up to it, you think you can get dressed now?”

Suddenly as if lightning struck, she looks down at herself, then turns every shade of red imaginable while quickly covering herself with her arms and hands,” you sure got an eyeful today didn't you Scott?”

Seeing how she was recovering quickly, now that her modesty has come into question, I breathe a sigh of relief, it seems the immediate danger has passed. Or so I thought as I hear glass breaking from the store front and a roar or yell, not sure exactly what to make it out as,.

“Scott, can you....” I quickly cover her mouth with my hand and with the other put my finger to my lips in a motion for silence. Her eyes widen slightly and fear shows once again, but she goes silent and nods, understanding the situation.

I creep quietly to the corner to look out into the store from the dressing area, quickly surveying the area and spot the creature that made the noise. There standing at a little over 6 ft, was a taller version of the goblin, but was gray, carrying a club and smashing things in the store front. I spot the old lady laying on the floor in front of the store entry with an arrow in her chest.

Ahh fuck, what the hell is going on, ok no time to think about that, now it is about survival in enemy territory. I think to myself.


Going back to the dressing room, Julie has almost finished putting her clothes back on, was zipping up her pants, her bra still on the bench guess she is not going to wear it for now. I spot the short sword on the ground I had tossed earlier. It is crude looking upon closer inspection, once I grab it and look at it.

ItemCrude Short Sword Poorly Made.

Can Break at anytime.Damage 3-5 pts

Better than nothing I think as I take a better grip of it. Now armed, I look at Julie and again put my finger over my lips. motioning to remain silent and she quickly nods, fear still showing in her eyes, she seems to be trembling as if cold.

I creep back to the corner to see out into the store again and see the Gray goblin like creature rummaging thru clothing items and tearing them apart then moving onto the next items. I spot a young couple hiding in the corner of the store, they had moved racks to hide their location, but it was poorly made and they would be spotted upon closer examination. The fear was evident in both the guy and girl and they huddled together hugging each other fiercely.

For some reason, the girl suddenly calls out “Oh god help us, please!!”

I grumble my anger, stupid why the fuck did you do that I think to myself.

The Gray creature suddenly spins at the sound and moves to the location the voice came from. Grabbing the rack it violently brushes them away revealing the 2 people huddled in the corner. It yells a roar and raises it's club into the air.

I spring into action without a second thought and rush the creature from behind, moving as quickly as I can, thrusting the sword in front of me, I pierce the creatures back. Crying out in pain the creature stumbles from the blow.

Looking at the creature up closely I suddenly see Hobgoblin and the number 7 next to it's name. Paying that no real attention but taking note of it, I then realize the sword broke off in it's back and I now was holding a hilt with a broken blade. Shit, it was not kidding when it said it could break at any time.

The staggered Hobgoblin turns quickly towards me with club in hand and take a wild swing. I avoid it by jumping back, then get into a defensive stance throwing the broken blade at the Hobgoblin hoping to distract it. It works as the Hobgoblin uses both hands to defend itself from the thrown item.

I quickly rush in behind the thrown blade and use one hand palm first to smash the Hobgoblin on the chin, snapping it's head back, then follow up with a kick to the knee. With a loud pop, the knee gives way and the Hobgoblin howl in pain once again falling to the ground dropping it's club. I do not give it a moments rest and follow up with several punches to the face, dazing the Hobgoblin. But still the thing is moving, dazed but moving and making a lot of noise.

Spotting the club on the ground, I grab it quickly and then begin to smash it's head with repeated strikes until it goes quiet.

Level Gained!

Level Gained!

Notice!Unarmed Skill Awarded

I immediately dismiss the screen, not caring at this time and more annoyed by it popping up. In fact several pop ups had already appeared and I dismissed them just as suddenly not reading or giving them any attention. Annoying shit go away.

After a moment, the Hobgoblin begins to shine and vanishes leaving behind 3 silver coins. I look and quickly bend to pick them up and pocket them.

I look around and spot the couple huddled in the corner, both shaking violently and holding onto each other. I motion with my finger to my lips for silence. Both nod with fearful eyes. I then push the racks of clothing quietly to hide them again and make my way slowly to the store front, surveying the area. Many bodies lay on the ground, either with arrows sticking in them, gashing wounds where they bled out or crushed heads. It is a gory scene taken directly from a horror movie, no one was spared, man woman or child, all dead. I see several goblins and Hobgoblins moving about among the bodies, inspecting them one by one, the occasional roar or howl is heard followed by wails of despair and sudden silence.

They are cleaning this place out, probably making it their camp or base. After looking around some more and taking mental notes of numbers of Goblins and Hobgoblins, I move back to where the couple is huddled and move the rack away again and motion for them to follow me. They hesitate at first but then comply. Moving back to the dressing room area still holding the club, I approach Julie who is looking at me with anxious and worried eyes.

Moving back into the dressing room area, the couple follows me in. Julie sees the couple and nods at them, they see her and nod back, a silent greeting of sorts. Fear is apparent from this group, so I will need to take control and keep them calm if we want to live thru this.

I am not a hero, never claimed to be, but out of the 4 of us, only I seem to have the combat experience to do what needs to be done, and with that resolve I look at my little group and decide what to do next.


Authors Note: Did some edits, Tables added Advertisement Support "Once a Hero" PayPal Patreon Previous

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