《Twoen》Chapter 32 - End of the Tunnel
Ah, how to describe the refined, elegant and sophisticated nature of an unexpected, destructive, violent rodeo?
Fucking awesome, that's how.
I don't what my brothers were up to, but I blatantly began destroying the sea of stone spikes I found on my arrival. It was blocking the way. giant turgills, unsurprisingly, don't really care about spikes at all.
"Woooooh!" I screamed. "What the heck is that?" I said right after. It got some getting used to but I think I mastered my tongue. It wasn't good to cuss around babies.
A gigantic four armed monkey, straight out of a funky alien zoo, swung into the air on a trajectory straight for me, coming out of what looked to be another world. I shrugged, might as well meet the bastard in mid air. But just as I was gathering my legs under me another stone spike speared through its chest from ceiling, formed barbed hooks on its end and slammed back upwards. Belatedly, I sat back down, somewhat annoyed. Very annoyed actually. Damn Cobb.
Meanwhile chunks of rock were flying everywhere. Bobbi, my renamed friend, was the best mount ever. Not even a single bump in this ride. Some lesser being might have thought it was the best ride ever, but someone of a higher class, a cowboy like myself, would not stand for such lunacy.
"Bobbi! Put a little more oomph in your step!"
What followed was a pause, some frantic yelling that sounded like "What the fuck JST?" and a subsequent spike of violent thrashing. Watch your damn language Cobb can't you see i'm riding a fucking baby?
Bobbi had just trampled some pink looking penis things. What were my brothers up to? What the fuck?
"Bobbi close your eyes!"
Something poked my Arena bubble from behind, moving at an incredible speed. I ducked the ball of water and shot a glare behind me. The accuracy by itself and nature of the attack gave the shooter away.
The words "Do you see the queen?" were floating above the wreckage behind me. The absolutely satisfying destruction behind me distracted me before I saw them.
I couldn't see my brothers at all, but it was obvious from the green tint of the water that just thrown and the evident illusion that it was them. Trusting them to see me instead I sent them the middle finger. Then I thought better of it, this was our Challenge Start quest, so I gave them a thumbs down after checking ahead. The way was still covered by spikes, they shot in from every which way, sometimes there were breaks but that still meant that riding atop a Great Turgill, my view was blocked.
The only reptiles I saw were a pair of large lizards with extremely expressive faces and only then it was through a slit in some of the spikes. I sighed, Cobb was right. Gyru apparently kept a fucking zoo. The pair of lizards seemed exceptionally unhostile so I instead threw the rock I plucked out of the air at the stealthing beast approaching Bobbi's flank which had somehow found a way to stick vertically to a spike. With a yelp a weird looking frog-panther hopped back into its enclosure, bouncing off the rounded sides of a handful of spikes. Whatever impact these guys had in their respective times didn't do with extreme deadliness. All the monsters here looked unique, probably able to break something in a balanced ecosystem, but none of them looked especially dangerous.
All immediate threats gone I centered my focus forward, to more important matters.
If my Arena range was larger i'm sure I would've felt a pair of satisfying facepalms. I grinned madly, like a loon one might say, holding on to the cowboy hat I got from Pat.
A Really Cool Hat (Rare)
A super cool hat created by none other than Pat, God of Boredom and Entertainment. An indecipherable enchantment rests upon the hat that serves no other purpose than transforming the hat into the most cool style at any given moment.
Defense: 2
Durability: 30/30
+5 CHA
Heh, Pat giving hats. Now that was entertainment right there.
In that moment I never felt more like a cowboy, not that I ever was one, but whatever. The hat was enough. And goddamn did I look good.
It was unarguably, really cool.
I took the moment to check the rest of my equipment. I still had a bunch of shit in my dimensional bag. Some drugs in the form of Popyoin Flowers and Popyoin Seeds. A mossy stone that was apparently my access to the glade and an Endless Apple. In the lull, I sat my ass down and peeked into my bag like a kid on Christmas. I didn't want to take any of it out since I might drop them.
Demonstone Sword (Exotic)
A blade tempered and forged with the crystalized blood of a demon. A demon's crystalized blood not only has the potential for supreme sharpness but also carries the magical effect of inflicting pain threefold.
Damage: 80-92
Durability: 102/103
+Pain inflicted by this sword is tripled.
The sword I already had out. I had left the charge sword and armor behind since they sucked ass. So right now I had the sword and the armor I got from the library on me. They were less bulky, the prototype charge stuff that the 'humans' made was so annoying to handle. I didn't even need to put that disguise on in the first place since we just resorted to beating the shit out of everyone. Ugh, why do I listen to Cobb sometimes? I checked the coregath armor next.
Coregath Heavy Leather Set (Rare)
Leather armor created by a master of the craft. A Coregath has one of the toughest hides on the south contintent both physically and magically. Treated Coregath hide is hard to come by, simply from their near invulnerable nature. The scant few times when a Coregath actually manages to die to somone their hides are often ruined and unusable. Armor crafted from such a beast is extremely rare.
Defense: 102
Durability: 237/237
+20% magical resistance.
Pretty pissed that I didn't get an enchanted version like Jones did but I guess I was already a walking tank so I didn't really need it. Especially with Combat Savant and the multipled END stat. Still, would've been nice for my heavy set to get that random greater reward upgrade at the end of the dungeon. Oh well. I moved to next item.
I looked at the sack of Popyoin Flowers I had.
Popyoin Flower (Exotic)
A magical drug. Popyoin Flowers flood whoever eats them with immeasurable pleasure. Some speculate the flowers open your mind to understandings beyond you level. The more your body digests them the more reliant your mana becomes on the flowers. If addicted, casting magic will be impossible without them.
+Mana reliance on Popyoin Flowers
+While under the influence magic is amplified by 20%
+INT and WIS increased by 40
Hm. Does that mean it was better to give these to Cobb or keep them away from him? It would be a damn good prank... Eh. It wouldn't be worth it in the end. Without access to his magic our capablitlies addressing large groups of enemies would go down the shitter. Needless to say, that idea went into my mental trash bin. I skipped looking over the Popyoin Seeds since they were basically the same thing.
The next thing I took out was that mossy oval stone.
Key to the Glade (Mythic)
A mosstone used to access the Glade. Pour mana through the stone to transport yourself and your party to the Glade.
Interesting, interesting. All I could think of was the taste of the Popyoin Flowers. If I could get my hands on some more food like that I could get an immunity to magical drugs and just fucking eat everything in the Glade. Damn, that's a fucking great idea. I marked the plan in my head. One day, one day i'm taking my brothers on that surprise trip.
I rummaged through my pack again. Maybe i'm an idiot. But i was actually confused for a second when I took out the Endless Apple. I had taken a bite out of it earlier and it was completely in one piece. No, no i'm definitely a fucking idiot. The damn name told me what it fucking was.
Endless Apple (Mythic)
The perfect apple. This apple never ends.
Huh. Pretty basic. This can only mean one thing. I truly am stupid. Jones was right. I sighed, moving to the next item. The bag itself, which, by the way, was still a gigantic shark head mounted on my back.
Customizable Dimensional Bag (Mythic) (Soul Bound)
Dimensional Bags link to another dimension and allow one to carry more items within a smaller space. Weight is distributed to the carrier and some dimensional bags reduce the load. This bag is customizable and changes size and shape according the master's preference.
+Pocket dimension storage
+Weight reduced by 45%
Soul Bound items can be summoned to the user from anywhere.
Item Rarity went: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Exotic, Mythic, Legendary. Which pissed me off. Basically, all the good shit I had was stuff I could eat, and then the bag where I put that stuff. I guess the Key to the Glade was good, but we'll have to see where that takes us when the time comes. If it is possible to develop magical drug immunity then that was my most prized posession. If not then everything I had was annoying in the fact that all my valuable are edible.
I took a breath and looked on the bright side. At least the apple was tasty and lasted forever. And that 45% weight reduction was fucking nice. Yeah, sure, to Cobb that meant nothing. Basically, a hundred pounds would almost be nothing in terms of the amount of loot a player usually kept, or would want to. It would still be a pain for Cobb to carry around that extra forty-five pounds. And I did hear Jones complaining about the same thing, well, Cobb didn't complain but he was fucking whining. My levels of Strength made those numbers negligible. I could shove a boulder in my pack if it fit and just whip it out when there was big enough bug to squash. In addition, I could summon all my shit to me from anywhere. As long as it's in the bag
All in all, I'd say I was pretty imbalanced in terms of equipment and general stuff I had on me.
Looking down on Bobbi's flanks I saw the same spectacle that began the second we broke down most of the spikes. Animals and beasts just throwing themselves at Bobbi, and consequently getting poked by her quills. Credit where it's due, these animals must be some other form of nightmare because it didn't look like any of them died from the poison. In fact, I could see a few stirring from way back. Just as I was watching a drousy animal get up a green dot darts out from the peripheral spikes and knocks the beast out again, dragging it to one of the enclosures and... reforming a whole wall?
I turned my attention forward, at the sea of spikes, best leave my brothers to their business.
"What the heck!" I yelled, minding my language in the company of a baby, slicing something that just broke through my wall and barely saving myself.
I tried to quickly glance back but the next one was already coming. This time, prepared, I sliced the thing clean through but another shot into my ribs from one of the higher spikes. Bobbi knocked that particular spike down and as it was falling I caught sight of the pests, rats. Fat fucking rats.
Then the things shot off the falling spike as one, they were as big as cannonballs and moving like them too. The spike shattered as it was forcefully slammed into a clutter of rocks. A cluster of dark balls launched right for me.
Time slowed as I Hyperfocused. The first was met with an overhand slice, the Demonstone Sword making short work of them. I brought the sword around and sliced another two in a downward arc. My sword had just completed its motion as another rat, hissing and clawing met my fist. With the forces at play I expected a blood cloud, but the damn thing latched onto my hand and started gnawing at my scales. I tried to pry the thing off but there more crawling up Bobbie. Way more. I ignored it, leaving it gnawing on me.
"Don't worry girl. I'll kill these damn fleas. Oh shit, don't say that, that's a bad word. Shit. Fuck." I shut up.
The Coregath Heavy Leather Set wasn't particularly heavy to me but I, like anyone else, could recognize good gear. Along with the Demonstone Sword from Malvolio's Library I was pretty well equipped. The sword was a dull crimson red, the hilt was jagged, uncomfortable grip and felt more like it was gripping me. The blade was nearly the length of my hips to my head but extremely dense. In the same manner the armor covered almost my whole body even the joints of the gray leather were enforced. I eyed the rats that were leaping and scurrying between Bobbi's quills, even noting the ones up and ahead on one of the overhead spikes.
Durable, large bursts of power, and there's fucking a lot of them. Fucking perfect.
The first one tried to bite my leg but I brought my sword down to impale it into the ground in a flash of red, just barely turning said impalement into a quick flick as I realized I was riding an ancient baby and stabbing her in the back was not conducive to good babysitting. That one was the fastest by far, because a dozen more arrived in the next second. I kept punching them with the hand that still had a stubborn rat attached to it, their squeaking and chittering didn't indicate any pain though. The only thing that was actually killing them was the Demonstone Sword. The upside was that I wasn't taking any real damage.
Until they started the artillery.
By the dozen, they were using Bobbi's quills as catapults, slamming into my stomach and legs. It was bruising, the fat rats were actually managing to do damage to my health bar. Each one was a decent sliver of my health. I still had some of that buff from Cobb, an extra half health bar. But they came by the dozen and I was getting chunked. My sword couldn't be everywhere at once despite the ease at which I wielded it. And there was no way in hell I was leaving Bobbi's back. It made for some interesting strokes of the weapon, an upward arc turned into an awkward jerk as I tried to catch extra rats on the blade. An perfectly executed stab altered its course searching for more bodies while simulataneously positioning itself so that more rats would catch themselves across the edge.
I started to dodge, rats flying past me into the growing wreckage behind us. And when the numbers got down enough I was able to slice through a good chunk of their numbers. Having time, I took a moment to slice the rat from my hand, they quite literally had nothing going for them in terms of attack. Their only saving grace is their explosive bursts of power and mass index. It was the only fucking reason they hurt like cannonballs.
I starting frowning, the numbers abated for a whiie but there's still more coming? I caught a rat on the flat of my blade, completely stopping its motion, and with a quick motion cut the rat in half in mid air, it's halves falling to Bobbi's back. My attention was split between those pieces, incoming rat projectiles, and the sudden realization of how all the rats seemed to be extremely off balance despite the jerky ride but managable ride.
No, it was my Monster Riding skill. No wonder it felt so smooth. Damn it, was there a way to turn that off?
A rare lull had me reaching into my dimensional backpack, which was still a shark head and apparently locked that way forever, and pulling out Riptide. There were too many flying bastards for just one sword.
Too soon my attention was drawn to the halves of the rat that I chopped. Without looking and relying on my Arena I flipped my sword around as the next incoming batch of rats shot towards me, this time one catching me in the ribs. With the flat of my blades I hit them off to the side. My suspicion was confirmed unfortunately. The two halves at my feet had formed two seperate rats, slicing them in half only multiplied the damn things. Fuck. Two swift kicks had those two halves flying as well as the rat that hit my ribcage.
This was annoying, but also like baseball so I was somewhat mollfied.
With a mischevious grin I sprinted through the rats, taking bruises and squealing bodies to the legs and shoulders, heading for what would be Bobbi's upper back. I took a stance, awaiting the rats, a batter's stance. What do I do when I can't defeat an enemy? When there was just no winning? Or, alternatively, when they were extremely annoying? The answer was simple, I brought the flats of my blades slamming into the rat, sending the bastard flying behind us. Far, far behind us.
I send it to my brothers.
I probably looked awesome in that moment, holding a damn nice sword, cowboy hat on my head, and what could only have been a decaptitated shark head on my back. God i'm awesome. Hope you're watching Pat. This is probably the best entertainment you'll ever get.
~Cobb POV~
Great. Flying rats. Just what I needed.
Well, if JST was sending them here they've got to be a problem or just plain annoying enough to send our way. Not really curious enough to find out what surprise my brother had for us I threw up a wall of fire. The wall of flame erupted from the ground and cuved like a reverse wave, trying to lick the ceiling. Good thing I did too because just then a dozen or so rats came squealing through the air, screeching in apparent terror. They passed through the screen of fire and landed in a heap of charred carcasses, their screams abruptly stopped. But goddamn there were a lot of them, I noted as I moved another unconcious beast into what I assumed was its cage. It was guesswork but judging from just the looks of the creatures and the nearby enclosures it was rather easy guesswork.
"How're you doing over there?" I asked Jones, across the hall.
"Good as I can be, given JST's shenanigans." He said, activating another wall as I moved those bodies into their habitat as well. "Honestly, riding the turgill?"
"Can't take him anywhere." I smirked.
"Well, at least it got all this done." Jones gestured to the mass of unconcious bodies that lie ahead. "So that's a plus."
More rats came, it was fucking raining rats. Jesus. I could see them trying to futiley swivel in the air.
"Jesus that's a lot of rats."
The pile had gone up, drastically so. And despite the changing distance I didn't have to move the screen of fire once. JST was shooting everything right into the sweet spot. He's probably assigning himself points and whatnot right about now. I facepalmed. Despite that, some rats were hit off course by other flying bodies and bounced onto the floor, scurrying away into the remaining spikes before I got a chance to deal with them. I could clearly sense them, some moved towards other unconcious beasts and a handful ran towards Baby Bob. Still the rats weren't worth the concentration to track them through the earth. I needed to get everyone into their cells, and Jones only had the strength to move one type of beast so far, and it was an awkward process. Thus my attention was split between knocking out anything coming back to its senses up ahead and flinging beasts back into their cells on both sides of the hall.
"Watch us get a Rat Slayer title or something." Jones said.
I snorted. "So what? JST gets Rat Batter?"
Jones laughed. "Or Shark Slayer with that backpack of his."
"I bet he didn't even realize that it decides how the pack looks forever." I said, shaking my head.
"Probably not."
Shortly after I came across a four-legged monkey, very similar to the one I impaled to the ceiling earlier, but it was the first monster I saw that was naturally on fire. The beast had a wreath of flames across its wrists and ankles. A small blob drew my attention, a charred rat corpse was attached to one of its hands, apparently trying to get a nibble on a beast too hot for it to handle. Looking around I saw the only habitat that fit this particular beast. In short, it was a volcano jungle. And I flipped the body into the habitat, looked around for anymore, then pressed the rune that closed the wall with a jet of pressurized air.
"Sir!" A voice yelled. And suddenly I was aware of the approaching crowd. It was George.
The commando look tired, the samurai and spartan behind him looked the same too. It did seem pretty hard fighting off a Giant Turgill even though it was a baby. That is, until JST brainwashed the thing.
"This is what happens when my brother babysits." I gestured behind me, flipping another body into a cell.
"That man could be a gladiator." Gaius responded, holding his sword and shield close. Well it was his class so Gaius was pretty spot on.
George reconned the area, taking note of the bodies surrounding the place. His eyes lingered amusingly on the pile of burnt rats.
"Busy?" He chuckled, his light tone in stark contrast to his searching eyes and raised weapon. His rifle was level, scouring the surrounding rubble for anything suspect.
"You could say that."
It helped to use my staff to gesture with my spells even though I didn't need it. There was a decent amount of mana discount and I was already feeling a slight piercing in my head. Mana sickness was a bitch. To think that JST only ever felt fatigue in his arms and legs, lucky bastard.
With a knock on the ground I popped out blank, cookie-cutter human shapes out of the ground. They stood at the ready and not really knowing what I was doing, I weaved water between the bodies. With a strange inspiration I anchored the flow of magic and animated about ten of the bodies, just about depleting my mana and knocking myself out. Jesus that hurt. Hold the staff Cobb, hold the staff. Breathe... I can't afford to pass out right now. I just need mana. Anything to get my mana pool up. Maybe if I...
The pain abated, for now. Keeping calm, truly being calm, was almost impossible with a fucking headache. For me it just made me annoyed, the pain was an afterthought while the annoyance was at the forefront messing with my concentration and fucking everything up. But Meditation kicked in and my mana returned to me, balls of the elements swirled around me, erratic, yet entrancing. Not enough to suck from my mana pool, but enough to distract me from the throbbing pain and get myself calmed down. My mana started regenerating and slowly but surely my headache was fading. The amount of Wisdom I had probably helped a stupid amount. 18% and rising.
"What are these my liege?" Gaius asked, inspecting one of the things curiously.
"Constructs, follow them. Move the bodies." It hurt to talk.
They worked, they had a good skeleton but I didn't pour that much magic into their creation at all. I did however implant the knowledge to close the cells and how to pick up a limp body. It was a pain but I thought of some rough comparisons to draw between habitat and the appearance of any given creature. I'm pretty confident that they can handle the matching.
A rat scurried quickly towards me practically squeaking death.
A katana sliced it in half.
I burned the remains.
Jack's blade was already in its sheathe by the time I decided to look at him with my eyes instead of my magic. He stood there stoically, opting to stay beside me. George glanced back, hauling some type of creepy looking humanoid, and nodded to Jack. The samurai tilted his head ever so slightly in lieu of response.
Interesting. The two had become close or at least in some type of working relationship. I guess it wasn't a surprise though. Those two guys had been fighting beside each other for the better part of two days. Hell, they killed a demon lord together. My brothers and I didn't get to experience that one as soon as these guys did.
Those thoughts on camaraderie made me steal a glance towards Gaius.
My constructs were already closing the cells up ahead, still far from JST, but making more progress than I could've with the mana at my disposal.
I peered into the habitat nearest to me, the one that I was already in the process of closing and pulled some sand from it. The siphoned sand swirled onto the floor beneath me.
It wasn't long at all since they died. Lucius and Marcus. In seconds I had their still forms standing in front of me, much the same to the lifeless constructs I gave life to only moments previously. But these... these were the brothers of a friend of mine, they were important. And like a crafter, I remembered exactly what made them who they were in the first place. And although it wasn't much, it was something, solid and concrete. I waited though, something about using my hands to shape the faces, the rugged jaws, the defined eyebrows, the slight differences, made it more personal. I tried to remember exactly what they were, using the time to prepare that knowledge and lose myself in the craft. Tried to recreate exactly what I was thinking of the very first time I made them. It was better this way too I felt, and as an added addition Meditation activated despite me still working towards my goal.
Lucius was a weathered man, as was his brothers in arms. But he had a glint of optimism in his sandy eyes and quirk in his eyebrow that spoke of fun. I'm pretty sure I remembered him having the most fun using the cuss words that JST taught them. I'll give him points for tact though, he stopped screaming 'bitch' after the first few times. A jokester that knew when to stop was always appreciated. But I guess I was being biased, it was wierd to think of them as my children, but practical jokes would've been annoying from anyone else. Watching Lucius... basically fuck around with whatever JST corrupted him with was just as fun to watch as it seemed he was having in the same moment.
Gaius was their leader, at least that was the impression I got. I didn't give myself a say in their personality or their dynamic, I felt it was easier to just watch and observe the magic as it unfolded. Personally, I'd say it's working out. It was really interesting just to see a personality develop with whatever skills I gave them.
And so my attention was brought to Marcus. I never really interacted with him, I didn't even interact with Lucius but at least with him there were moments I caught glimpses of his character. Honestly, I had no idea what was expected of me since I created them. But as someone accustomed to watching fights, you catch a few things. In the fight against the qetzls it was extremely apparent. Marcus was the one who supported the other two. His spear was aimed to discourage and protect, going against its very nature to advance and attack. And yet Marcus did it... gracefully I'd argue. It was a vauge impression, and I had no idea what I was drawing on, but I knew that Marcus was the realist, the grounded one. Pragmatic in the way that George was. Maybe even more so.
They'd probably need that given the amounts of optimism from Gaius and playfulness from Lucius.
And it'd probably help whenever i'd need to talk down a particular rodeo clown.
"Marcus. Lucius." I breathed softly.
Green lights emerged from me, some tracing the wood of my staff, others flowing down my arms, but all moving towards the two still figures. They tickled at the figures, finding purchase at seemingly random areas, the arms, the necks, the thigh, random until you realized it was everywhere.
"My spartans. I'll need a guard for whatever comes next." I intoned. "And I don't fucking trust JST." There were times when my brother was serious. Today was not one of those days. The impromptu rodeo gave it away.
The commotion brought another man's attention. Slow footsteps approached, noticable only through my connection to the ground. The vibrations I felt through my feet as much as I magic. They were heavy. Those of a large man. A warrior.
A spartan.
"That's... them." He rumbled, whether from his deep voice or emotion, it was unreadable. "It's them." He whispered, and my question was thus answered. The man broke into silent tears.
Unbidden, additional sand swirled onto them like wisps. They formed into solid armor. A shield. Another. A spear, two. Until finally the only thing remaining to be filled in was the light in their eyes. They were decked in a leather curiass, the same as Gaius as wore, their signature helmet and leather braces. Their shields were the same, curiously scuffed and scarred, as if they had seen battle before. They looked like statues you'd find at a museum, their weapons and armor as still as the figures that donned them.
Until the figures were still no more.
The men's first reaction was to nod to me. But I knew what they wanted. I nodded back and walked forward. There was still work to do and JST was still fucking plowing ahead, almost past all the spikes I inadvertantly created. For a giant baby the great turgill was rolling right through like no problem. Jack followed me, his silence comforting, and bearing witness to the voices I could hear fading behind me.
"Brother, stand up." I recognized it as Lucius. "Don't be a bitch." I could practically feel the grin.
My hand was sliding down my face and kneading my forehead before I knew it.
My constructs had already closed up the ones up to and behind JST. Jones himself was almost done and beyond that there weren't any breached enclosures.
The only thing left to do was run ahead and see what lies at the end of the zoo.
~LoneJones POV~
Somehow he had conjured some type of stone golems to help me move the bodies. Yeah, it helped but wasn't he supposed to be low on mana? I've got still got a splitting headache from all the clones I made. What the heck?
One of those golems threw the last body in the last enclosure. They didn't seem strong but my eyes were drawn to the flowing water that weaved between the joints. I pressed the rune that closed the wall and with huge displacement of air my job was done.
I would've attacked the golems or would've been initially wary but they were marked with a stripe of green on their shoulders.
God, it was so much easier when everything was already unconcious. That close call with those creepy, beady-eyed, hunched over creatures had me scared for anything similar escaping. The game was clearly something else, some of these creatures were truly fascinating. Taking a break I watched as a golem walked by one of the dead ones. It looked like a kangaroo but its arms were longer and it had colorful sacs around its chest. I really didn't envy that thing coming at me during a fight. Humans you could predict. Animals you could not.
Something was wrong though. These animals were too small to be enough for myself to consider on par with... Baby Bob. Was this the smaller animals then? If so, what lay ahead?
"Jones." Someone said.
The breezy voice belonged to a stoic man. It was Jack. Cobb's animation. The dude had taken a liking to watching my back. It had been so during the trek to Malvolio's Library, the time up until the clash with the qetzls and then in the library itself when I wasn't off on reconnaisance. I felt a little insulted really. Was it because I was the youngest?
None of that showed on my face though I simply nodded back to the man, straightening up. George followed shortly after, kicking some loose rock as he approached.
"It's a massacre here." He remarked.
"Yeah, well tell that to Cobb. He's the one who set all these things free."
George rose an eyebrow.
"Don't listen to him George. It's the guy riding the giant fucking porcupine gorilla that you gotta watch out for." My brother said as he passed us, although he was completely guilty. Behind him I recognized a few surprisingly familiar faces. Lucius and Marcus. He managed to bring them back?
"Right... Sir." He was taking it surprisingly well. Someone as pragmatic as a commando I felt would've struggled more with the reality of everything. "The giant porcupine... gorilla." Well, maybe he was still trying to cope.
What should've taken about fifteen minutes just to wade through only took us about five once Cobb cleared all the debris. The stone spikes though broken still lied strewn about but with an effort Cobb cleared a straight shot through everything.
There was a rush of air that brushed against my setules. I trilled a low bird call. It was the signal for staying alert. There it was again. And again. My spider hairs weren't all-seeing they failed in effectiveness the farther I was from something. Even then it was hard to pinpoint certain movement unless the air was very still or they were very close. In here, deep between all these broken spikes it was hard to sense anything concrete. I flipped both daggers out of their sheathes, the sand one and the grass one. Whatever was moving was quite large and from down here between all the broken stone it was hard to tell what it was. It was a good thing Cobb brought back the spartans. I feel like we'll need them.
"Hurry!" Cobb yelled, full sprinting ahead. "It's JST!"
Immediately I was sprinting as well, clones forming up on the sides. My headache returned with a vengance. 15% on my blue bar. I pushed ahead, my brother was in trouble. But dang mana sickness was rough.
One clone took its spot beside Cobb and the other was to my left, their movements stemming more from the nature of the person they were copying than of any command of mine. George and Jack got the flanks while the spartans took up the vanguard, just in front of Cobb. I was inbetween them all as we broke past the stone forest of spikes. It was where I'd be best.
It looked to be an intersection of sorts. Halls just like the one we came from branched in other directions. But there was a huge structure smack dab in the middle. Those runes... a cell? They were the same type of runes that covered the walls behind us. My head swiveled to Cobb. We had noticed the same thing. And worryingly the Geckan Queen was fiddling with something in front of what would probably be the section of the thing that dissapeared and opened. A gecko humanoid so close to those that we've seen but so different too. She was a royal purple as is shouting her bloodline and her long limbs and fingers were working fast, tapping and fiddling with whatever runes were up there.
Instantly a swirling vortex of green fire snaked towards her but it was dispelled, flames and wind dispersing. Out of the emerald fire stood two more geckans. The taller one, nearly seven feet was robed and it was enough for me to decide my target. A flurry of spells exchanged between my brother and the gecko and I went invisible, intent to take out the mage.
A ringing drew my attention mid run. JST was up ahead, clashing with a bulkier, larger geckan. The burst of power that radiated from their blows pulsed across the halls. My eyes widened and then Hyperfocused in the next instant. Twisting in place, just barely, I was able to block the knife that went for my throat. Another stabbed downward toward my torso. I twisted out of the way. Even invisible it saw me and I was knocked to the ground. My dagger blocked another strike but there was power in this one and it drew a line across my cheek. The attack was relentless even slowed as it was due to my Hyperfocus. But my oldest brother was stupid powerful and the waves of pulsating air that resonated from his strikes gave me stark images of what I was facing.
It was geckan, unsurprisingly. But somehow it was staying invisible despite attacking me. And it was short. The shortest I've ever seen. Probably just under six feet.
The spartans were already engaging two other warriors that appeared from nowhere. George was raised up on a platform, his gun was deadly, but the warriors had rather large shields and natural defense that lessened the blows whenever it found them. The mage was however focusing more on defense as George laid down cover fire. Jack was trading blows with another smaller Geckan, somehow tracking the sneaky reptile. It wasn't invisible but it looked faster than what I was dealing with
I ducked another strike. I'd been running and turning around to trade blows whenever a blast of magic or a clash of swords was powerful enough to give me an accurate picture. Another trading of blows in JST's fight sent waves of air my way. I was able to focus on the assassin for a split second, twisting between its legs and punching it in the gut, dodging two knives in the process.
Examine Enemy:
+Low constitution
+Invisibility maintained through constant concentration
+Extreme stealth techniques
+High damage
+Incredibly determined
+Sustained invisibility
I spared the screen a single glance. Constant concentration... It was the same with my clones, at least when I controlled them directly. I needed to damage the assassin enough that his concentration breaks and he reveals himself. A blast of molten rock flies across the battlefield. At its apex a jet of air blasts it forward and I have a lock on the geckan for an instant. I dart in scoring two cuts with my Glade Blade of Whist Grass. Backing off slowly, I hoped that the addiction kicks in and his mind becomes muddled. My eyes search for the assassin, my hairs strain, sensing for anything. It had dissapeared again.
Then the blast of air from the propelled molten rock reached me and my opponent was above me. Descending. Fast. My mind went into overdrive as I dived right, nearing Jack. A dagger sank into my left calf and I clenched my teeth turning around. I spun on my good leg, flipping my body up into the air and planting my foot into its face. I flared Fear and tried my best to concentrate the effects on my single opponent. With all the movement around us I was able to track my opponents moving body easily. It hesitated. Fear worked for that half second.
He was pink. A pink so dark it could've been purple. His invisibility stopped. In that moment I had enough time to throw a dagger. Eyeing the two cuts across his forearm I threw the grass blade. The opponents eyes widened slightly but they regained their focus too late. The grass dagger sank into its shoulder despite the attempt to dodge.
Jack was fighting the fast Geckan, keeping it at bay with precise strikes of his katana. Their battle reached me, the quick gecko tried putting me between himself and Jack. I sacraficed a moments focus to swivel on my foot, dancing around Jack's opponent and getting behind him. In the next moment I had the reptile crippled with cut tendons at the back of its ankles.
And when I turned to my own battle. I had already won. The geckan was more red than it was pink. It had seized the whist grass dagger and was stabbing itself. Repeatedly. I watched, wary. The addiction had settled in. It would die. That was for sure. But it was savoring every cut as much as it could.
"It's addicted. It'll kill itself soon." I replied to Jack's silent gaze. We were both breathing hard.
He only nodded before darting off towards one of the warriors that broke from the spartans. It was approaching George. He was raised up high, taking potshots where he could but geckan's could climb and there were a lot of broken spikes that he could use to get himself to the commando's position. The geckan warrior got to him before Jack did. I was about to rush over but George simply pulled out his pistol and knife, setting aside his rifle. The man danced, meeting the geckan head on upon one the base of one of the larger spikes. I forgot he was more than just his gun. He was a commando. The only problem he's having in this situation is fighting monsters rather than humans and their overwhelming strength and endurance. But watching him counter and dodge the reptile warrior I realized he was extremely effective against any humanoids. He stalled long enough for Jack to arrive. They didn't need me from the looks of it.
My gaze was drawn back down.
I watched the pink geckan die, ran over and plucked my dagger from its stomach, the wound that finally killed it. There was still a role I needed to play. Cobb was trading blows with the mage. I could see him now. Twirling his staff in something akin to bo staff fighting but the look on his face said it all. He was nearly out of mana. His golems came at one point I realized. But they lie motionless between both mages. I hid myself again. One of the clones I took direct control of and sent to the mage's opposite flank, drawing his attention. That particular clone had been doing similar distractions the whole battle. But this time I'd be on the other side.
Invisible I cut an arc through the battlefield heading straight for the source of half the magical mayhem. A fireball was blocked by a pillar of earth. A wave of water was dispersed by an earthen wedge. Gusts of wind were diverted by Cobb anchoring himself to the ground.
He wouldn't last long.
The robed reptile had some type of danger sense I realized. The skill I got from the Nightmare title gave any danger sense effects on me an added 100% amplification. It basically explained the mages explosive reaction. I was sent flying backwards, still invisible. But it wasn't directed. My clone was destroyed as well. The mage still had no idea where I was.
I landed with a crash. Something broke, a bone or two. I could deal with a cut, the stab wound in my calf, and anything superficial. The crack was evidence enough though. I broke a bone. I tried moving my leg... Christ! That stung. Ouch. There was no way I was gonna move like this. It was all I could do to stay invisible. As it was I was too close to the mage to reveal myself and too far to do anything. I grit my teeth.
Useless. Again.
Not yet. Not. Yet. I just hoped he was paying attention. I banged on the ground. Nothing. I banged again. Still nothing. 20% mana, more than I had before but draining fast. I could feel the faint throb in my head already from the prolonged illusion I was keeping up to hide myself. But there was no avoiding it. I flashed some words above my location. I was behind the mage so there wasn't any way for him to see them. And the rest of the geckans were busy fighting everyone. And the Queen...
Oh god the queen! I forgot!
I swiveled my head around. She was there! Still fiddling. It was a stone panel. I could see it now.
The mage. I had to take care of the mage. If I could do that Cobb would have magical dominance on the field and we'd be good. It looks like he finally got my message. Rocks clamped down and encased my left leg, scraping roughly against my stab wound. It set the break though, tightening and jerking my leg with a snap. I grit my teeth through it. During this time the other mage had focused his entire pool into a large fireball, glowing blue. Quickly, I limped forward.
My stone cast sounded against the stone floor but the swirling ball of fire drowned out all the sound. This was my opportunity. He would have no shields up. Nothing to protect him. He must've thought that Cobb had finally run out once he stopped to fix my leg. Almost there. Almost.
The geckan raised his arms.
And then, abruptly, he lowered them to his gushing neck. My dagger had found his throat just in time. The other went into his lower back just to make sure he was dead.
The fireball he was conjuring above fell straight down. It dispersed before any damage could come of it likely from Cobb's intervention. I killed him. And looking around the fights around me were ending the same way. JST was knocking his larger opponent around. Gaius, Marcus and Lucius had just about killed their opponent. While George and Jack were about to do the same.
All that's left is the-
A slow, grating and heavy sound reverberated. The cell... was opening.
"Hahahahahaha! The Uncharted will return to its former glory! Rejoice ants! The dawn of a new age is among us! The peak of what evolution has to offer! In my hands! The Geckans will forever be known as those who ushered forward a new age! Rejoice!" Arms raised, the Queen's voice was laced with power.
A geckan carcass flew, flailing past her, missing her head by inches.
"Who dares!" The Queen was furious, losing some of her regal posture and becoming less the picture of regality and more haughty aristocrat. Actually, no, that was probably the reaction that most people would have to a random dead body used as a projectile.
"Damn it." Someone muttered. "A little more to the left."
"At least let her talk." Cobb said, looking weary.
"Eh." My oldest brother shrugged.
"We better get ready." Cobb grimaced, not happy with the constant drain on his mana. "Gaius, Lucius, Marcus! Up front! Jack, the flank, take care of anything that gets through the vanguard. George, remember the library? I'm sending you up. Take out that .50 cal."
"Alright. I'm ready as I'll ever be, sir." The gruff man took a visible breath and was pushed skywards on a conjured sniper's nest.
The spartans slammed their weapons to their shields, "Hah!" and ran up front. Jack walked up behind them without a word.
"I'll run support and take out anything small." It was the best place for me after all. But the entrance to the cell was still opening, groaning with the effort. And it was not a small door. Whatever came through, my best bet would be to distract, cripple or maim. "Maybe poke an eye or something." I added.
"Ok that's great and all. Honestly, fantasic plan. But have any of you seen Bobbi?" He seemed genuinely confused. "How hard is it to lose a giant spiked behemoth?"
"Bobbi?" Cobb asked.
"It was a girl so..." He trailed off. "I had to change the name."
I laughed mockingly. My finger pointed at him. "It's the same thing with Jennifur!"
This guy, somehow, finds it hard to check for the gender. Just watching him there rubbing his head tickled my funny bone. The fact he's always so confident in his naming sense and the he completely messes it up. Gold. I slapped my knee, laughing.
"Alright. Alright!" He shouted. "Seriously, where'd she go?"
I took a deep, shaky breath. "I didn't see her." Still, I was remembering the confidence when he named 'Bob' and stifled a laugh.
"Me neither." Cobb replied. "Would've been good for this next part too."
"Ugh. Fuck you both." He eloquently replied. "Forget it I'll find her later. I'm still on babysitting duty, what are her parents gonna think?" JST's expression oddly fell right then. It was only a moment but Cobb interrupted before I could think on it further.
"On your feet everyone!" Cobb yelled abruptly.
With a clang the groaning stone door suddenly jerked completely open.
It was a jungle.
But my senses were going crazy, there was a lot of movement in there. Multiple small enemies or a single large opponent? My eyes saw nothing. There were no differences from the jungle outside, it looked almost completely the same. My legs tensed, ready to move if anything happened. My daggers wouldn't do anything at this range. 48% on my health bar. 14% on my mana. 34% on my stamina. With a splinted leg my mobility would be down. It would be tough.
It wasn't ideal but it was what I had. I'd have to make it work.
"Steady..." Cobb called.
I could see Gaius setting his stance. Lucius was smirking gently and Marcus was frowning hard. Jack was faced forward and on the other side so I couldn't make out his face. His stance spoke volumes though, his hand was on the katana's grip and his knees were bent ever so slightly.
JST was in front of the spartans in a position that was a transition between defense and offense. He had both Riptide and that new demon sword he got from the library. Blue and red. They were held resting low.
Cobb's weight was on his staff, but it was sturdy thing. Gnarled wood somehow twisted upon itself to form perfect fourths of the staff, they were all shades of brown. Smugly, I thought my whist grass blade was probably better. But I quickly regained focus on more important matters, it wasn't the best time to get distracted. In his motions there were no signs of physical exhaustion but I could worriedly see the mental effect on his movements. And despite that his eyes were solid black with focus. I chuckled. His mouth was set in a grim line but he had that look about him.
Always when pushed against a wall. Always in these moments did it appear. It was on both of them. I knew it without even needing to look at JST.
There would be a twinkle in Cobb's eyes. Almost a fire, it would burn with the desire to overcome. Despite his craziness the older brother was always easiest to read in these moments. On par with Cobb's twinkle, he would have the biggest grin on his face.
Myself? I had no idea the face I made. There was never anytime to do anything but focus on the fight ahead. They were powerhouses. I needed all my concentration to make sure they were the most effective they could be. If that meant assassinating a target, distracting a mage, cripping the frontline, or just causing chaos.
I would do it.
No one else could do it better than me.
With a deafening roar something stepped from the trees.
- In Serial53 Chapters
Millennial Mage (A Slice of Life, Progression Fantasy)
The world is wild, untamed. Humanity thrives, but only in isolated, well defended cities, ever shrinking as the wilds slowly reclaim all that was taken. The most capable magic users are raised up as Mages to serve mankind, further their cause, and defend them over the course of millennia. Tala is freshly graduated from the magic academy and determined to make her own way in the world. She hopes to pay off her massive debts, quickly, but still plans on living each and every day to the fullest. Too bad the Academy left some glaring holes in her practical education. Loath to let that slow her down, and with no patience for a standard, low-paid apprenticeship (intended to fill many of those knowledge gaps), Tala strives to learn and improve as rapidly as she can on her own. Her unorthodox methods for preserving her own life allow her to take greater risks in search of profit and advancement, much to the surprise of those around her. I do hope you enjoy this tale, but let me know what you think either way! Critique, both positive and negative, is welcome. Release schedule is weekly: M-W-F Thank you for your time and for giving this story a try. AUTHOR'S NOTE: If this is found on a site other than Royal Road, or the linked Patreon, it was not posted by the author. Please find this tale, here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/47826/millennial-mage
8 454 - In Serial55 Chapters
Slaying Monsters for Dummies
East coast, late 2018. A handful of people with nothing in common find themselves targeted by kidnappers. It sounds like a job for the FBI, except that the criminals are not quite human anymore, and the victims find themselves wielding strange abilities. How exactly are you supposed to explain that to the cops? You don't. You survive, fight and strive, and most importantly you prepare, for magic is coming back and there is a world to save. And a market to corner. Image by Bella Bergolts. https://www.deviantart.com/bellabergolts The story is told from the perspective of the two protagonists. I have finished writing two arcs and will upload them quickly, the upload rate will slow down after that. I welcome corrections and constructive criticism, in particular when it comes to inconsistencies.
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Weary of his monotonous existence as a mini-boss, Badax the minotaur yearns for something new. After his mistress is slain by a wandering wizard, Badax decides to trade one axe for another and become a bard. There's only one problem: as a creature of pure Strength, Badax breaks every guitar he tries to play. With a wordy goblin, a bloodthirsty pixie, and a frog with a penchant for piracy at his side, Badax and his "band" of misfit minions set off on a journey to find the Luthier of Orichalcum, the only person in the land capable of creating an instrument the minotaur can't destroy. Along the way, he'll face all sorts of challenges, learn new skills, and see that the world is bigger than he could have ever imagined. Author's Note: Minobard is a quirky LitRPG that will be updating as often as possible, with at least one chapter per week.
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The 100th hero
I, Vin a skilled sword fighter, was summoned among others to the world Aieros as the 100th hero. Our mission was to defeat the Dark Lord Zasnar. With so called "Soul weapon", which would hatch from our personality, desire and traits, we had to level up and become stronger. Unfortunately, I was kicked out and was declared dead. So I decided to make a lot of money and became wealthy. But it seemed more difficult than I had thought. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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Tales of Regventus Book Two: Keene
Max has claimed the title of king. As Ansel and Griffa work to prepare Max for the future, the powers in Aurumist continue on with their dangerous plans. Ansel struggles with his feelings for Griffa while trying to keep both Max and her safe. As Griffa goes through her own troubles, she has to decide if she will become who she was meant to be. The war for the kingdom hasn't begun, but the danger is growing. Book 2 of Tales of Regventus Series. See Book One: Adalwen first
8 175 - In Serial17 Chapters
How did she get there? No one knew. She just suddenly appeared.Y/n couldn't even think of a logical explanation for her to get lost from her time period or suddenly hopped to some ancient universe. But she's here. Trying her best to fit in for a world where demons are the ones plaguing the world and not Ghouls.All she could do is painstakingly take on a role she doesn't really want in order to hide her identity from everyone else. Meeting a Demon slayer and travelling with them and having encounters with some people who just doesn't wish to leave her alone just like in her old world.
8 103