《Twoen》Chapter 3 - Arena
Level Up! x6
Title Gained: Prey Turned Predator
Being hunted by a superior predator of 40+ levels and still prevailing. The Geckan was stalking you the second reinforcements came into the cave room to drag Carl off. Relying on your instincts and analysis of Geckan behavior you outsmarted the camoflauged Geckan and took its life for your own.
Permanent Effects:
+25 INT
+25 WIS
+20 AGI
Holy fuck that Geckan was 40 plus?! That would be mean these guys are packing intellect or some other stat since the Geckan I just killed was pathetically weak. But still...
Damn this is a nice ass title. Permanent effects and a new stat? I wonder if Twoen has stats for everything? Jesus Christ that means these Geckans could be packing some other obscure and obtuse stat like.. like.. balance or something. Wait no that wouldn't work since I fucked that Geckan up by toppling him. But still I know they're smart but what else are they....Something to note and move on.
Speaking of stats I looked up the new agility stat I gained.
New Stat: Agility (AGI)
Agility dictates reaction time, speed, jump height, ability to turn corners, stopping and accelerating.
Interesting, looks like I'll be able to access information on the stats through pure intent. As long as the information is available I should be able to pull it up. I willed the prompt away and checked the next blinking blue screen.
New Skill: Hunted Sense - Beginner 1
Knowing the feeling of being hunted by superior predators. Their presence and intent were ingrained into your memory. Your paranoia has developed into being able to tell when you are being watched.
What the fuck I wasn't even that scared. I'm not a fucking pansy. Twoen thinks i'm some kind of prancing rainbow pony? Fuck you. And your mother.
I've only gotten two skills so far so its hard to judge how exactly you earn them. For example this skill definitely came from earning "Prey turned Predator" title but what others way will reveal themselves? I can only assume skills are granted based on actions the system deems significant.
I have to admit this will come in handy especially in the monster lair. I've got a quest to finish after all and if these fuckers can camoflauge then I need every advantage I can get. I focused and felt......absolutely without a doubt... nothing, hopefully this means i'm safe and not hopelessly inept. I glanced around the cavern I spawned in. Still greyish blue dull rock surrounded me. Even the pillar formation in the middle of the cavern seemed completely blue-grey. I walked over and noticed that I was a tad faster than I should've been. Actually my speed increased by such a small amount that that short walk to the pillar had me already accustomed to it. I ran my hand across the coarse rock and it came back wet. Yep. These formations don't occur unless water is dripping somewhere. And where water is life follows, specifically those im tasked with eliminating. I had two options, to follow the faint trail of blood left by an unconcious Carl, or go deeper into the cavern to where the Geckans originally came from.
If theres water nearby there's either an underground river or im very close to the surface.
I tilted my head and listened for water. I listened and listened and listened and listened and I couldn't hear shit. That doesn't mean there are fucking Geckans crawling around on the ceiling though. I still felt nothing and by this time have already blended into the wall so I felt secure. If I can't hear and underground river echoing through the cave then i'm very close to the surface. When I glanced upward I could see where some water dripped down from the ceiling. Yup im under a river or some water source. I checked the way the Geckans left and noted that it tilted slightly upwards, confirming my theory. I checked my Character Sheet as I began my trek.
Class: - Name: Cobb
Title: Prey Turned Predator
+25 INT
+25 WIS
+20 AGI
HP: 210/210 Lvl: 7
SP: 210/210 STR: 15 CHR: 10 END: 15 MND: 10 INT: 45 AGI: 20 WIS: 40 LUK: 10 Stat Points: 35
Rock Camoflauge (Race Skill) - Beginner 9 (57%)
Hunted Sense - Beginner 1 (2%)
A level 40+ monster is bound to rack in the exp. But level 7 from a single kill? I heard it was insanely hard to level up in this game and you'd have to invest a large amount of time to reach even level 10. So 7 in one go?! I wasn't expecting this big of a reward just from killing a single member of the lair. These guys seemed infinitely weaker than Carl but there more unknowns and that made them a problem.
Apparently I gain 5 skill points per level. This game doesn't seem to reward stats based on overcoming problems, so it doesn't seem like your stats will be trainable unless theres some special means im missing. Of course you could see gaining titles as accomplishing a problem and being rewarded with stats. However the problem still remains that I have 35 Stat Points to use. I decided to hold onto my points for now, even though it seems like a huge number this is still the equivalent to a month or two of gaming. Still I want to become some type of magic user and although it would be smart to apply some points now I have no idea as how im going to deal damage. With that in mind I held onto the points.
It looks like I gained HP, MP and SP dependent on my stats. Every 3 points in either STR, INT, or END increased the amount I gained per level respectively. STR dictated my physical strength, health, and damage. INT dictated my memorization, fact filing, and magical damage. END dictated my defense to physical damage, and efficiency in using stamina. After fighting the Geckan my stamina dropped to about half while my health took only a small hit from colliding with the floor. My mana was dangerously low due to waiting for so long in Rock Camoflauge. Speaking of which...
Rock Camoflauge (Race Skill) Lvl 9 Beginner
When immobile and unmoving your body adapts to the surrounding rock. Your body will inherit the hardness and defensive capabilities of the rock it becomes. Sudden movement cancels the skill.
+18% chance of going unnoticed
+1.8s of lingering effects after skill cancel
Well that explained why my initial punch to the Geckan's neck was so effective when I only have 15 strength. Damn 2 hours of staying still and only Beginner 9. Still I shouldn't complain leveling skills took and immense amount of time from what i've heard. Apparently skill levels increase depending on the length for which you train them as well as the intensity. That means spending time in a high level area surrounded by level 30+ monsters sped up my training exponentially. Even with that im still on the first tier the skill. It seemed I gained 2% chance of going unnoticed for each level and .2 seconds of lingering effect. Im curious to see if anything happens when I reach the next tier my gaming instincts are screaming. As I was looking through the transparent screen I saw light ahead.
I ended up in another cave room surprisingly unharmed. I was on alert as I saw nothing but because my Hunted Sense never gave me any warnings I trekked on. The room I was in had greenery crawling up the walls. At the end of the room there were stone handholds carved into the wal leading up to a crevice. From that same crevice light streamed into the cave and impacted the center of the room. I could see weeds and small plants growing out of the cracks in the walls and floor and a particular interesting one growing upside down from the ceiling. Curiously I walked up to the wall and stood still. My body slowly converted and faux vines crawled across my skin. It seems my skill would imitate the rocks as much as possible. I put my foot in the first divot and followed the Geckans up and through the crevice.
Ahhhhh! Jeez that stings! Fuck its bright outside!
My breathing sped up and my heart started beating. Something huge is watching me, something huge or something very, very dangerous. In addition to that I could feel the gazes of hundreds of Geckans flick to me. They looked at me and I looked at them as my eyes adjusted. Perhaps it was my mesmerizing gaze, the endless universe in the unfathomable black of my eyes, the barely visible white specks , or the unfiltered curiosity they seemed to portray. For some reason they did not move.
I stood very, very still. My muscles tensed and I threw myself back into the crevice with explosive force.
"FUCK FUCKING GECKOS!" I howled with the most emotion I could muster.
I got myself five feet into the crevice until I felt something warm, sticky and muscular slap against my right foot. It jerked my momentum and I stopped flying forward. A second tounge grabbed my left foot and yanked me to the side making me flip midair to trace the toungues back to their owners.
Geckan Lvl - 45
Geckans have not been recorded or catalogued. They are unknown entites as far as the kingdoms are aware. From what you have gathered they are an intelligent species with many unknowns. What you do know is that they utilize teamwork and stealth. You've observed their skill with the whip and accuracy with their toungues and conclude they have some skill in precision. Their toungues are prehensile and strong enough to drag Carl around the cave floor. Recently you've been made aware that their tounges are also warm and sticky
New Skill: Inform - Beginner 1
Your inquisitive nature and problem solving attitude awards you with the inherent ability to know things. By focusing on an object or entity information is granted based upon the level of this skill. Learning new things and drawing conclusions will also develop this skill. The skill may even make connections you have not.
+Basic knowledge and personal conclusions provided.
I stared defiantly at the two Geckans ignoring the prompts and willing them away. My momentum stopped and I began to fall in an arc due to being attached to the tounges still. I kept up my glare up until I crashed headfirst into the cave wall.
The body of a Jjerg could be heard dragging across a rock wall echoing down the cavern walls.
I awoke some indeterminate time later to a pebble hitting me in the face. I was lying down stomach on a sandy floor and judging from the aches on my face and head as well as the assorted pebbles next to my face, whoever the fuck is doing that has been at it for some time. I spit out some sand and looked around before getting up. My skin shrugged off the light brown and resumed its emerald brilliance, my hair turned jet black and my eyes followed suit. There were 2 strangers sharing my cell with me. We were trapped - no caged - in what seemed to be a sandstone cage. My change caught the eye of the fellow sitting down by the wall.
"Oh good I thought they threw an actual rock in here." The taller, toned guy said.
His face was tan but it looked natural on him. His hair wanted to be black but was still a passable brown. He was wearing nothing just as I myself was. He seemed to be a normal human but I could be missing something crucial, after all there are countless races. There was a grace and comfortableness in his actions that spoke of a veteran gamer as he walked up to me. I was painfully aware of the angle of his dangle. He looked to be in his early 20's and as he got closer it became more apparent. During this time he always took note of me and I only got a raised eyebrow from my appearance.
He probably has been in game for a while.
"Hey man. I got caught by those geckos awhile back." He said calmly.
Oh well nothing to lose, we're in this same situation anyway. To top it off he seems like a strong ally.
"Yeah same. Haven't even been in game for more than half a day and I'm already in jail." I sighed sadly. "This happens every fucking time."
"Oh man thats hilarious! Hey you seem pretty capable what's your name?" He chuckled.
Suprisingly he isn't looking down on me. Normally if a player had the vibe im getting from tan man over here he'd be more full of himself. When a player had that vibe and didn't underestimate anyone? Dangerous.
My respect rises.
"JST" We shook.
Contrary to popular belief gamers aren't as socially inept as many people think. When you're in a VR game time dilates to a 5:1 ratio. Five days in here is a day outside. I've been playing since I was 10 years old. And in those 8 years since I've been interacting and talking with people. Becoming one of the top in every game. Effectively I have 40 years worth of gaming under my belt. And none of those years were spent slacking, my brothers wouldn't allow it.
"Hey JST" I tested, saying each letter as he did. "Who's the kid?"
Our other cellmate looked to be around 5'7 in comparison to JST's 6 feet. He was young, maybe 15 years old. His hair was bright blonde of short length yet thin so that it fell against his forehead. His hands and feet seemed to be built differently and upon closer examination looked to have extremely thin and seemingly hard hairs. Like I haven't seen a spider before. I've played enough games to recognize characterstics of the most basic tropes. Some type of humanoid spider race? The hairs were called "setules" and ended in triangular tips that allowed spiders to climb up walls. Again, 40 years of gametime.
"Says his name is Jones. LoneJones." JST answered. "He started half a day ago as well, same as us."
"You both just started the game? What are you guys doing here?" I asked surprised.
"Same reason you're in the middle of the Uncharted?" Jones said. "We took the challenge start."
"Damn what are the chances. What do you guys have to do for the challenge quest?" I asked "I've got to kill the Leader"
"Kill the Queen" JST said.
"Gotta kill the King" LoneJones said
"Or the equivalent." We all finished silently.
Damn we all have the same quest? If Twoen sends me a veteran player im gonna use him and if he sends me a 15 year old kid I guess he could tag along too. The spider child stood up from sitting with his back against the wall and approached us both. I could hear his septules detach from the wall with a slick peeling.
"Party up." Jones said.
We were all standing in a triangle facing each other, naked and sandy. His plan was sound we might as well do the quest together.
"Alright i'll make." JST said. "Hope you guys can lift your weight." He said with a discreet look to Jones.
JST bolted for Jones and grappled him only to raise his eyebrows as his grapple was negated and countered. JST broke Jones' grab and they gave each room. Jones taunted JST and he ran forward and unleashed a flurry of kicks and changing his style in a never ending dynamic. Jonas followed every martial art, from brazilian jiu-jistu to boxing. JST was matched. As they switched styles it was apparent one or the other was especially skilled in one but it didn't matter as they moved on to the next. There were no words the conversation was attacking, defending, countering, dodging and reacting. I wasn't a stranger to sparring and I watched them talk through their fists. Amazing, I only knew a handful of players that actually learn martial arts outside of the game. After a few long minutes they slowed down to my dissapointment. It was like watching a dance, listening to the banter of two lifelong friends, hearing the stories of old men, it was beautiful.
"Alright man. ALRIGHT!" JST stopped a flying roundhouse kick inches from his face and absorbed the momentum by rolling backwards, sending sand flying upwards. "Holy cow. I only know a few people who can keep up with me."
"I really wasn't expecting to be matched right there." He grinned. "I was looking to put you in the dirt." He smiled.
There's no dirt here though.
"Well im surrounded by sand so..." JST said. "Damn who taught you, kid?" He asked.
Thank you. I was about to say but I didn't want to mess up the moment.
"My family taught each other." Jones said smugly.
I wasn't about to tell them I knew all those martial arts intimately maybe more depending on how much that display of their skills covered. After all im looking to be a magic user not roll around in the sand with my enemies.They were looking at me expectantly as if to prove my worth. After all that type of fighting is impressive to almost everyone. But when you've had sparring partners your whole life, meh. There was an invisible and intangible tension in the air and yet it felt thick nonetheless. They both assumed a subtle aggressive posture, one foot slightly back, arms loose, leaning slightly forward, eyes completely focused. The second I felt they were about to pounce on me I interrupted them.
"Go ahead, try me." They hesitated not of fear, but curiosity. "If you both come at me I'll have to start at my best and if do that one of us is bound to get hurt. Right now we need to prepare for whatever's happening outside." I reasoned. It was getting louder out there which was saying something.
After a few more moments. "I believe him, after all you'd have to truly believe in your skills to do the "Absolutely Insane" Challenge Start." Jones deduced with a slow nod.
JST nodded and looked out of the thick sandstone bars. He accepted that fact and moved on assuming my skill to be true. Still slightly panting he said. "We're in some type of arena take a look around. See the cages at the far end of the colliseum floor? I saw monsters get released from there and there." He pointed to a heavy looking wooden portcullis at the opposite end of the colliseum. "They all fought to the death before being cleared up."
We were in a sand pit and patches of shade hit the arena floor in random patterns. I looked up and saw that we were cheap entertainment. Geckan's lined makeshift wooden benches formed out of long tree trunks. Aside from loud clicking, gurgling and piercing shrieks there were no other sounds. There was no sound of bustling movement or the mass of bodies I was clearly seeing. Eerie. I noted that the random patches of shade came from a certain tree with extremely long branches and huge leaves that surpassed even the shade given to the stands from the more conservative trees. The entirety of the stands was protected from the sun by a thick green blanket. What possible reason could they have for this place?
Geckan Battle Arena
The Geckan Battle Arena was created solely for violent entertainment. With intelligence comes boredom. Geckans gather monsters from the Uncharted and pit them against each other to the death. You and your cellmates have been paired based on appearance. Everything dies in the Arena.
Huh this is gonna be useful. I shrugged off the "Everything dies" part, if I have any chance of winning this thing it's gonna be with these two. I wonder what the reward could be?
"They're fighting monsters? Any Geckans fighting? Or just other creatures?" I questioned. Though I already knew the answer, they wouldn't take part in a physical competition judging from what I knew of them.
Jones walked up to the bars. "As far as we've seen, no." His voice was soft but carried. "The gecko's yappin again so get ready since it might be our turn. Punch me." He said suddenly.
I took that as a chance to prove my worth. I didn't hesitate and shot my first forward, throwing everything into that punch. Jones wide eyed, had only half a second to react. Even though he had asked for it his block came up too slowly. I stopped my fist directly in between his eyes. The perfect punch, every muscle perfectly used, in control the whole time, and most importantly, fast. Boxing was my go to. A flash of emerald green half a second long.
"Did you get it?" Jones asked softly through the silence. Staring at my fist, he paused his blocking, yielding. His spider hairs were raised and slightly swaying, though he seemed calm I know I surprised him.
I actually made his spidey senses tingle. Wait what'd he say? Did I get it?
He was met with two confused black eyes.
What's he on about?
"Maybe if I...." Slowly he moved his hand to tap mine out of the way, redirecting the force that would've been, rather than blocking. A testament to his technique even in a mock demonstration.
New Skill: Unarmed Combat - Beginner 1
Fighting with nothing on you but your own body is an art. The body is a weapon and with you can kill. As your skill is demonstrated this skill will develop.
+3% increase in damage when no weapons equipped
"Woah. Yeah.....yeah I believe you bro. You're good, that was some punch, I only know one guy who can snap one out like that." JST broke the silence.
They must have gotten the skill when they gave each other room earlier when they fought. That would explain why they kept going, they were raising the skill or in this case demonstrating their prowess to the system.
"It only adds the damage which means applying the damage is up to my actual skill in martial arts." I said. "That's actually pretty cool."
The clicking got louder and it was incessant. It was present when I first woke up but has only been getting louder.
"Jesus Christ! Shut the fucking hell up!" I yelled out the cage. Shortly after the clicking stopped.
A sound drew our attention opposite of our cage which judging from the sun was located in the south end of the circular clearing. Another portcullis directly opposite from us in the north end of the clearing was being slowly raised.
Ok if the monsters were released from the cage over there at the west end to fight the creatures coming for the east then its definitely our turn.
"It's probably us guys let's get ready. Finish up the party invites." I said.
JST didn't pause or zone out like what a regular player might do for half a second.
A sign of a true veteran. Although the kid's no slacker either, he's probably just as dangerous.
Seconds later I recieved the invite..
Party Invite by JST
Current Members:
I accepted.
Jones turned to me. "By the way what kind of playstyle you planning on?" He asked.
"I'm trying to go for a unique magic class. You have any ideas on what you want?" I answered with a sigh
"Something with high impact or something...." Jones trailed off.
"Hopefully classes will let themselves be known. I want to get an up close class that isn't too-" He was interrupted by the sound of our cage being opened from above. Grating sandstone is not a pleasant sound.
Four geckos looked down at us. Their mouths were open in that stupid way. Eyes that were slightly too big on them made them look hilarious but I kept my cool.
"God they look dumb." JST said.
I looked at him and he had his mouth open, eyes wide and tounge sticking out like a retard. I bursted out laughing, I think I almost died. I glanced over to Jones with tears in my eyes and he was cracking up too. I don't know what the Geckans were thinking when they saw us but they decided that was the moment to strike. They closed their mouths. With a toungue smacking sound four toungues lashed out to grab us. And instantly all three of us were hyperfocused. I sidestepped and pulled on the toungue of the Geckan farthest to the right. Unfortunately his friends had a good grip on him and his toungue retracted leaving him safe. Although two of them left to support the Geckan that I was pulling. When I glanced to my left Jones and JST had pulled the Geckan furthest to the left down into the cage. I gazed upwards as they dealt death to the straggler, watching their back in case the remaining Geckans made any other move. Ten or so Geckans came to support and soon enough we were pinned to the floor by a mass of pink flesh and dragged up and out of the cage.
New Skill: Hyperfocus - Beginner 1
Your battle hardened instincts did not go unnoticed. Shifting from a state of joy and complete catharsis to complete control and focus is found in only those who experience battle daily.
+Perception of time slowed by 10%
We were hurled to the sandy ground in the middle of the Arena as the wooden portcullis opposite of us opened.
"There's one for each of us." JST whistled loudly being the first to look. "I hope there was training behind that punch." He gave me a brief look.
I peered into the black tunnel to see three pairs of red eyes hovering in the blackness five feet of the ground. They moved in fluid zig zags and although they were not yet visible I got the impression of a powerful predator through Hunted Sense.
"Three apex predators. Three veteran gamers." JST said through a small grin. "Don't think I didn't notice.. Not an ounce of fear, efficient and deadly. The presence you give off even while completely naked is astounding." He finished before looking forward again.
Me and Jones stole a quick look at each other and finding nothing but the calm determined eyes of a veteran gamer we stalked forward.
We weren't ones to wait for our prey to come to us.
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Mistbound: Eternity
The world is said to be formed out of duality of man. Good and evil, right and wrong, light and dark. And with duality, comes conflict. A meaningless clash of ideals results in pointless wars. Azlan is wanderer who doesn't falls in either category. Tired and done with the redundant world, he lives his secluded life, hunting monstrosites for coin in the crumbling province of Mountaliya, situated in the land of Forsa. The premise follows Azlan as he explores the province, experiencing the culture and its people as they try to stand unshaken amidst a cold and unforgiving world. The story is a dark fantasy that is a balance of action and world building but most importantly, it follows the people going about their daily lives. The world has entered a state of stasis, there are no high stakes, no glory to be had, only a decaying realm of ice remains. Everyone awaits for Heaven's descent, an event prophesied to bring the world out of stasis, by granting the champion of the event a wish. Heaven Shall Descend. I wanted to write a high fantasy story that doesn't focuses too much on Magic and Swordfights, but rather interactions between people, a bit of politics and ideals. This is my first attempt at writing something this huge, please let me know if you see mistakes or any problems in general, so I can learn from them. (The cover picture is from the year 1818, "Wanderer Above the Mist" by Caspar David Friedrich). I also write Short stories set in the same shared universe. You can read them here: Dark Fantasy Short Stories.
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