《The White Dragon (Inactive)》Chapter 15: Cleanup and Teacher
Chapter 15: Cleanup and Teacher
Authors notes:
Hello everyone I am tiered so I will keep it short: I hope you will enjoy and sleep well (yawn) goodbye for now.
Lastly many thanks to my proof reader Traluxbot101 he has, is and will be a great help.
Year: 10-06-1722 (Imperial Calendar) (± 15 years and 8 months after hatching)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Karaz-a-Karak (sealed levels)
Michiko POV.
After the execution of my plan and the final killing of the last hidden Skaven I started to clean up the area as I do not want anyone to know what has happened here. I hope I can make it look like they all have been spirited away, without giving anyone a clues to what may have happened.
Firstly after triple checking the area for any remaining Skaven I put out the large fires. These worked quite well with my plan to use fear as a weapon. With them running like that they could not mount an organized defence and the only option they had was to run to their death.
After putting out the fires I went and started to “clean up” the dead Skaven and I found out in the process that the stomach of a dragon is like a bottomless pit. I seriously have no idea where I am putting it all, but now I do have the feeling I will not have to eat for quite a while.
When that was done I rested a bit before going to the collapsed tunnel. Going inside I walked till I arrived at the collapsed area and listened. After a while I was relieved because I could not hear any digging sounds coming from the other side. I quickly cleared a small path I could go through in my smallest dragon form and went to the other side.
When I arrived I smelled my surroundings and found out that no Skaven had passed here since I collapsed the tunnel. Which was very good for me, this meant that no one has come to check out what happened.
I am lucky that the Skaven are like they are in this case. With them not caring about their fellows at all why would they come check out what has happened? In the case of a dwarven attack they will be forced by their master to help because of his own interests. But if that happened they would know as a massager would come down immediately to demand reinforcements.
But with no communication and nobody coming to get the food that they are supposed to get the only logical conclusion is that the tunnel has collapsed. And why check it out if you already know what has happened? they will dig themselves out they always do. As for the food? well with nobody coming to pick it up they might as well eat it right? It would be a waste to just let it rot…..
Well that is how I imagine it anyway… moving on, on the other side of the tunnel I went a bit deeper and caused another collapse to make sure that no random Skaven would come up for some reason and discover what I was going to do.
I started by digging a second crude looking tunnel that more or less went the same direction as the old one but with a slight deviation. Over the next hundred meters I kept doing this until the tunnel was leading in a direction that would go nowhere no matter how far you would dig. I walked out a bit and made another portion of the tunnel collapse before returning to the new intersection.
When I arrived there I started to use a combination of magic and stone work to cover up the entrance to the old tunnel, making it look like just regular rock. Moving backwards I filled the tunnel up with debris from the digging before fusing it together.
This way I moved backwards until I reached the open area and when I arrived I had erased the old tunnel from existence like it was never there in the first place.
After that I began the rest of the clean-up and the collection of the spoils of war. This continued until yesterday evening and in the end this is what I found.
Half a ton of low quality iron
Fifty kilos of low quality steel
A small bag full of warptokens
Some golden and silver trinkets
A few decaying/decayed books
One hidden golden paged book
A few low quality gems
A whole lot of bones
Besides that I also found a whole lot of other things but all of it was worthless so I left it or burned it. As for the bones the vast majority of them were the bones of Skaven but I found the skeletons of three long dead dwarves.
I more or less used the Skaven bones as a snack but as for the dwarven… I spend some time thinking about what I am going to do with them. I found them still dressed in armor under a collapsed building. The dwarves value their dead immensely and this is also reflected in their tradition of ancestor worship. And I agree with them as it is important to treat the dead well. But the problem is how am I going to deliver these dead warriors unseen.
I can’t just walk up to other dwarves and give them these dead. No matter how grateful they would be I will have to answer many question I cannot.
What to do, what to do…..
I search my memories for some useful information, and then I got it. Not too far inside the Skaven area there is a small shrine to the ancestor gods. It has long since been looted of any valuables but most of it still stands. Many of the Ironbreaker patrols on this level come by that area and most of the time they rest there and pay respect to their gods.
I think I can place the books and the skeletons with their armor there, they will find it strange but they will have no way to find out anything about me. I just hope that they will not look into it too deeply and get by the manner that I am doing this that I do not want to be found out.
With my next course of action decided I take a night rest before leaving tomorrow.
Year: 11-06-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Karaz-a-Karak (sealed levels)
Michiko POV.
In the early morning I wake up and half an hour later I leave. First I take everything that I will keep to a building close to the secret tunnel for later. After that I went on my way with the skeletons and the books to the shrine.
When I arrive I see what I had expected, an ancient shrine without any expensive flair or decorations. But even without any gold, silver or other expensive things it still looks impressive. Even after all this time, now when only a stone shell and some damaged statues remain, I can still vaguely feel Valaya and the other gods dwell in here and with the ancient craftsmanship still visible….
As I walk inside I feel calm and safe, even in this kind of area an oasis like this still exists and has stood the test of time.
I put down the skeletons on the altar still with their armor on them and their weapons besides them. behind them close to the statues I put down the books, the special jewellery and in the middle of it the golden book. I smile as I walk backwards because it now looks like even in death these warriors are still guarding the shrine.
Knowing that the Ironbreakers will most likely not arrive till noon I start using some stone working and magic to repair the statues and the shrine.
I first start with the statue of Valaya and as I repair it I can feel her energy increase in the shrine.
Valaya: “Michiko?”
I hear as I have completed my work and I smile.
Michiko: “Hello Valaya”
Valaya: “Did you restore one of my shrines? You told me you were going to the sealed levels but I was not expecting this.
Anyway… how did your Skaven hunt go?”
Michiko: “Quite good I wiped out a minor tunnel and base and in the end I found these”
I say while pointing at the books and skeletons before continuing my work on the statue of Grungni.
Michiko: “I wanted to give them back but because I cannot do that without getting far too many questions I decided to drop them off at the shrine”
I can feel Valaya giving a “mental nod”.
Valaya: “Makes sense, well anyway thank you for repairing one of our shrines. While most of our power comes from our believers, our area of influence still increases with these shrines”
As she says that I finish the statue of Grungni and as I do I feel him “arrive”, for a seconds it seems like he and Valaya exchange some information before he says.
Grungni: “Thanks”
And he leaves again, but as he does his energy still remains in the shrine. Over the past few years I have come to know the dwarven gods quite well and they have come to know me too. The hostility of our first meeting has long since disappeared and they have come to trust me.
As time passes I repair all of the statues and the gods come by to say their thanks sometimes joining us in my conversation with Valaya. But after a while they all have left again and it is just me and Valaya again.
Currently it is around ten in the morning or so and with a lot of time to spare until the patrol arrives
Michiko: “Hmm Valaya… would you mind if I draw something on the floor?”
Valaya raises an eyebrow before saying
Valaya: “Well I don’t mind, you did fix the place after all but what are you planning to draw?”
I smile and say.
Michiko: “It’s a surprise”
I then turn around and walk onto the floor in the centre of the shrine while I feel Valaya gaze on me. The shrine is circular and has a door on one side and an altar on the other. The floor is made out of large stone tiles which are laid in a circular pattern around a large central slab of stone.
The first thing I do is fix the cracks in the floor and walls making it look like new. Then I transform my hand to a claw and start to scratch my drawing into the floor. Valaya continues to watch me as she wonders what I am drawing.
I keep on drawing as she observes and about ten minutes later.
Valaya: “oh I see what you are doing you are making a map of this level”
I give a small smile and nod while continuing to make the shallow grooves in the floor. Over the next half hour I draw out the caves, tunnels, staircases and other things. In the end it has become a clear map of this floor as it once was when the dwarves lived here all those centuries ago.
Having completed the grooves I take out a few pieces of broken silver jewellery. Breaking it into tiny pieces I spread it out in the grooves. I transform to my small dragon form and start to carefully melt the silver using my fire breath. Keeping the temperature level and spreading the silver evenly through the grooves. When it was done I used some lore of metal magic to help the impurities rise to the surface and binding the silver to the stone.
When I am satisfied I wipe away the slag and smooth out the surface to make a smooth finish. It is then that Valaya who has been observing me all this time says.
Valaya: “Wow you really don’t do half measures Michiko”
Michiko: “It looks good right?”
Valaya: “Yes of course, plus I like watching you getting absorbed in your work, its relaxing”
I smile and walk to my bag and rummage a bit through it.
Michiko: “Now only one final thing to finish it”
And I take out the skull of a Skaven, I walk to the map and place it down on the area where I “removed” the Skaven.
Michiko: “Finished”
Valaya looks at it a bit before she understands and nods. Having finished everything I wanted to do I pick up my bag and hide in one of the alcoves in the roof of the shrine. The only thing I have to do now is wait until the patrol arrives.
We wait I talk a bit more with Valaya about my raid on the Skaven. When we are more or less done about an hour has passed.
Valaya: “Well your plan worked out quite well… but just a question Michiko what are you eating….?”
I look up at Valaya and say
Michiko: “Hmm… some Skaven bones, do you want some too?”
Valaya: “not really, but why are you eating Skaven bones Michiko?”
Michiko: “They are tasty and crunchy, I like snacking on them”
Valaya: “no I meant why are you eating the bones of Skaven?”
Not really knowing what she means a look of confusion appears on my face. But before I get the chance to ask her I hear something.
Michiko: “They have arrived”
I say while retreating back further into my alcove and Valaya looks at me with a strange expression but does not say anything. I focus my attention on the entrance of the shrine and wait as the sound comes closer.
Year: 11-06-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Karaz-a-Karak (sealed levels)
Rorek POV.
Skalli: “We are almost at the shrine and today again no Skaven to be seen”
Rorek: “Are you dissatisfied Skalli?”
Skalli: “Of course not Rorek, if we see those Ratmen all the way here we would have a big problem on our hands. I just wish that we could fight them off and collapse their damn tunnels so we may make the Karak safe again”
Sven: “Ha! You make it sound so simple kid… but I get what you mean and we all feel the same. Still this stalemate has been going on for centuries and even though there have been many attempts from both sides to gain the upper hand neither side truly has. Over the years we sometimes lose a level to them and at other times we take one back but as of now there is no real end in sight”
Rorek: “let the kid have hope Sven, even if we do not live to see it there will one day be a day we will finally get rid of them.
Ah, there’s the shrine. Come on, we’ll have time to talk when we get inside”
We keep on walking until we are about a hundred meters from the shrine until we change formation to check out if it is safe. The Skaven do not like being near the shrine but because we come here almost every day it makes it a good place for an ambush so we still have to be careful.
Approaching to the entrance Sven and I go inside first and what we see is something we never could have expected.
Rorek: “By Grungni… what is this….?”
I say while standing stunned as I look around the shrine, the first thing I see are three dead skeletal ancestors “standing” in front of the altar, armoured and armed as if still protecting this place even in death. Behind them are many books most of which have decayed but in the middle there is a book with golden pages lastly behind them stand the statues of the ancestor gods in full glory like they were freshly made yesterday.
Sven: “How can this be, just yesterday this place was a ruin, but now….”
Skalli: “Captain is something wrong?!”
Rorek: “No, come inside and you will see”
I say before walking forward, looking along the walls and upward toward the ceiling. No cracks or damage remains and even the stone benches along the wall have been repaired.
As I look upward my eyes glance past one of the alcoves in the ceiling. In one of the alcoves I see two blue almost glowing orbs. But when I look again they are gone.
Sven: “Rorek, Look at this”
I hear Sven call me from behind and I pull my eyes away from the alcove and look at Sven, who has squatted down on the floor by the centre stone. As I walk toward him the others come inside too and their reaction is more or less the same as ours.
Standing at the side of Sven I look at the centre stone and I see many silver lines embedded in it with the skull of a dead Skaven on top of it.
Rorek: “What is this…?”
I ask half to myself half to Sven. Sven look at me and says
Sven: “I think it is a map!”
Processing in my mind what he said I look at it again before realising the same as him.
Rorek: “Skalli come here are take out the map!”
I say hurriedly, Skalli comes toward me and I grab the map he is holding before rolling it open and putting it on the floor besides the map, comparing it.
Sven: “It is the same… the only difference is that this is the original map from when this level was still inhabited by our ancestors”
Skalli: “Hmm what do you suppose the skull is for?”
Sven: “I don’t know, it was already lying there when I found this”
Skalli: “Who do you think might have done this Rorek? Was it the gods?”
I think a bit before answering and then look at the statues of the gods and say.
Rorek: “I don’t know Skalli, it might be that the gods have done something or it might be something else. But either way we do not know if it was someone or something else that person has left no trace so we can assume that he, she or even it does not want to be found. If that is the case I hope while we cannot, that the gods have thanked this person in our stead”
Skalli looks down at the map and starts to think, I walk up to the altar and look at the “gifts”. I contemplate on what to do next for a while before I turn around.
Rorek: “Men we will rest here for half an hour, after that I want Sven and five others to go to the guard post and get some carts to transport our dead ancestors and the books. The rest of us will stay here and guard this place until they return”
The men nod and Sven steps forward.
Sven: “What about the map Rorek? Do you also think that there might be something special at the location of the skull?”
Rorek: “(nod) yes but that location is also the location of one of the four Skaven tunnels that are connected to this level. I will speak with the commander and request that we may send a patrol to scout it out. We do not know what might have happened so we must be cautious”
Skalli: “I would be nice if they were all wiped out…”
Sven: “Haha like that would ever happen”
Skalli: “You don’t know that”
Sven: “Yes, yes but I know how hard it is to wipe out one of those Ratmen dens. The moment you attack it is likely that reinforcements are already on their way”
Sven looks like he is about to say something again but before he can speak I say.
Rorek: “we do not know what has happened or even if something might have happened, so please leave it at this. One way or the other we will find out soon”
Year: 11-06-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Karaz-a-Karak
Michiko POV.
Laying in the alcove I listen to the Ironbreakers while they talk. Making sure I am not seen I keep listening to them talk. when they talk about what the skull on the map could mean I hear Valaya give a soft chuckle before she says while talking to herself.
Valaya: “only if they knew”
Having heard everything I wanted to hear I start to silently move backwards further into the alcove to get out on the other side.
Valaya: “Your leaving now Michiko?”
Michiko: “yes, I have seen what I wanted to and I would like to be able to come home tonight. I have been away for so long Vanyra is probably worried”
Valaya nods and says
Valaya: “Okay, but Michiko make sure to come by again soon”
Michiko: “I will”
I say with a smile and then leave, Valaya waves and then goes back inside the shrine. Walking silently, making sure none of the outside sentries hear or see me I walk away from the shrine towards my temporary “warehouse” near the secret tunnel.
I takes me about ten minutes before I reach it and go inside. I order my things and prepare for my way home but as I have to wait until midnight I still have some time to rest. I take with me about fifty kilos of low quality iron, ten kilos of low quality steel, some small ingots of melted down gold and silver and the rest of my normal things including my notes on the Skaven.
The rest I leave here for later use and I make sure to hide all of my (refined) warpstone for later experimentation. I can’t take it with me now since I do not totally know how dangerous it is. Both the normal and refined warpstone have a special kind of “aura” about them. This can be very dangerous for a normal person, I have heard about cases where humans started to mutate in horrible ways after coming in contact with warpstone.
Dwarves may be resistant to magic but I am not taking any chances. This is the raw condensed energy of chaos after all. As for the refined warpstone I do not know what it will do. The things I know about it so far make me think that it will not be very dangerous, but still, not taking any chances.
I wait until it is about twelve o’clock and then leave for the tunnel with my things. As I come close I make sure there is no one inside or nearby. I enter the house, go into the basement and leave the sealed level via the secret tunnel. After opening and closing the seal I reach the end of the tunnel. A quick check later I am sure no one will see me I step out of the tunnel into the normal area.
Now after a long time in the sealed level I am wearing my cloak again, a backpack on my back and going home. As I walk home I begin to hum a soft happy tune making sure nobody wakes up.
About twenty minutes later I reach home, guessing that Vanyra must already be sleeping I silently enter. I put down my things and go upstairs and walk inside the bedroom of Vanyra. Seeing her sleeping like that I do not want to wake her up but also an incredible sleepiness grabs hold of me and not wanting to go to my own room I just climb in her bed before falling asleep.
(Author’s Note: There is no, and will not be a sexual relation between Michiko and Vanyra.)
Year: 12-06-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Karaz-a-Karak
Vanyra POV.
Vanyra: “Hmm..”
As I begin to wake up in the morning, I moan, laying in my soft warm bed I do not want to get up. But I have things to do today so I have to get up. I stretch my arms and open my eyes and it only then that I notice that I’m not alone in my bed. Looking besides me I see Michiko lying in bed with me.
Smiling with joy I grab her and embrace her.
Vanyra: “Michiko!”
I almost shout in her face out of joy, but even if I do that she just keeps sleeping. She must have come visit me when she came home but fell asleep on my bed because of her tiredness.
I should let her sleep…. But… I really want talk with her it’s been weeks since I last saw her…. After a while I decide to be a bit selfish and I start to call out to her some more to wake her up. But to my surprise she just keeps on sleeping, pausing for a bit and thinking I smile as I go with my plan B. going down the sheets I lift up her cloak and grab the end of her tail.
That action gets a small sound out of her but just keeps on sleeping. I give a bit of an evil grin and start to massage it. Michiko moans and my grin grows wider. This tip of her tail is very sensitive and with the exception of the people she cares about, she will probably seriously harm or kill anyone who just touches it.
And right now I am very happy that I am one of those few privileged people…
As I continue massaging the tip she continues to moan until… in one tight squeeze she yelps and shoots up and pulls back her tail so fast that if flies out of my hand. Michiko stands on her arms and legs with her wings pointing upward and her tail ready to strike as she releases killing intent. But knowing I am not in danger I say.
Vanyra: “Finally awake sleepyhead?”
It takes a second before she focuses and her killing intent disappears and she has an expression of embarrassment and a bit of irritation.
Michiko: “Vanyra you know I don’t like that!”
Vanyra: “Yeah, yeah then you should have woken up when I tried to wake you…”
And then I smile and embrace her and she relaxes
Vanyra: “Welcome home Michiko, I have missed you”
She nods and we embrace each other for a few more seconds.
Vanyra: “Well I want to ask you a mountain of questions but I think it is better if I go and make something to eat and you go clean yourself”
Michiko: “Okay”
We get up and out of the bed, Michiko going to the bathroom and me getting out of my pyjamas and putting on my normal clothes. Walking downstairs I find Michiko’s backpack laying on the floor. Leaving it for now I walk to the kitchen and start preparing a large breakfast.
About fifteen minutes later Michiko comes walking in smelling fresh and clean again. We sit down and as we eat Michiko begins to tell me about her “adventure”. While she speaks I almost forget to eat as she describes what she has been doing the past few weeks.
At the end of the story we have long since finished eating and Michiko brings her backpack to the table. She shows me blocks of steel and iron she brought with her and tells me she has a lot more stashed away. It is low quality metal, but after we refine it we should have enough smithing materials for a few months.
Next she pulls out small bars of gold and silver and my mouth almost falls open. This is not a fortune but is still about a hundred gold coins. Because in the dwarven Karaks you can trade with pure gold coins if we melt the gold down “and cast them into coins we can use them immediately. As for what it is worth with that amount of golden coins we could buy an anvil and smithing tools with it.
Lastly she shows me her drawings of the dissected Skaven which are very detailed… and honestly a bit gruesome. I mean I would kill anyone who wants to hurt Michiko or the rest of my family and I would not have much of a problem with it. That is just how the world works and it would be naïve to think otherwise. Michiko feels the same and I know why she has dissected the Skaven but… I have to be careful that she does not go in the wrong direction because that would be…. Bad, to say the absolute least.
Still looking at these drawings I do get a clearer understanding of what Skaven are like. Even if I cannot read the strange writing that Michiko uses, she says it is for safety. But I have no idea where she even came across this language it is like nothing I have ever seen in this world.
Moving on. Over an hour of talking later Michiko is finished and we clean up the table together. When that is finished I get my coat and tell Michiko that I will be out a while since I want to sell some of my works at the guild and buy in some other things. She tells me that she is going over her notes some more and will do some smithing today. As I leave we say goodbye and I walk out the door leaving Michiko to her business.
Walking over the street there are not that many dwarves around as most are already at work. But as I near the guild and the central area of the floor/ level their number increases. Walking on I look in some stores but do not stay too long as I will go and have a look later when I return.
Arriving at the guild I open the door and walking to the reception desk I greet Noran.
Vanyra: “Hello Noran how are you doing?”
Noran: “Ah miss Vanyra here to sell your works again?”
Vanyra: “Yes”
I say while I nod. He smiles and calls for one of the appraisers to come.
Noran: “The guild appraiser is on his way miss please wait a bit and he will meet you shortly”
Vanyra: “Thanks Noran have a nice day”
He smiles and I leave going to sit in that waiting area. It does not take long before the appraiser arrives and he leads me to his office. He briefly inspects the items, and he pays me for the items. I say goodbye and walk out of his office back to the reception area. I got a few gold this time, it is not an amazing amount but the guild pays fair coin. I could probably get more if I sold in a store but that also be a higher risk. One way or the other with the amount of items I sell it would probably cost more to sell them in a store than I would actually gain so it’s alright.
Walking into the reception hall I walk to the door to leave but before I do I see Gottri and walk over.
Vanyra: “Hello Gottri running errands for your master again?”
Gottri: “Ah Vanyra, yes I’m here to pick something up for her today. But it is good I meet you here today I was planning to come by today to tell you something”
Vanyra: “Oh?”
Gottri: “An acquaintance of my master has once again come by and my master has been looking for an apprentice for him. That is also the reason I was taking runesmith exams to scout out some candidates and from what I told her she seems to think you and Michiko are a good fit”
Hearing what he says my eyes open wide and with a smile I say.
Vanyra: “But that is great! if he is a master runesmith that is willing to teach us we will be able to make a lot of progress”
But Gottri stays calm and holds up a hand and says.
Gottri: “Do not get to excited yet, I should not be saying this about a friend of my master but…. Well he is strange”
Vanyra: “Strange in what way?”
Gottri: “well one time I get the impression he is a wise and ancient dwarf but I have never seen him smith or seen his work. He most of the times just comes by and when he does my master invites him to stay and he mostly reluctantly agrees. My master says he is a friend and that we should treat him well but seeing him I get the impression that he is just someone who has given up. Far from deserving the respect my master treats him with
On top of that my master has proposed many apprentice each of whom have been excellent smiths. But every time he meets them he never accepts them for reasons I do not understand. But my master keeps trying and seems to care a lot about him so I help her again and again.
Anyway if you want to meet him then my master would like to come by with him in the next few days or so. Whenever you have time.”
I look down a bit and start to think. From what Gottri has told me I have some doubts if this man will be a good master for Michiko and me. Still.. what Gottri said about giving up does not really sit well with me. This is because almost our entire culture is about resilience, steadfastness and being unbreakable. As for those dwarves that give up there is a saying “those who lose their will, lose their honor”.
So I get why Gottri feels about him like he does. But still we need a master to teach us and this is the first opportunity we have gotten so.. even if we do not accept him as our master meeting him won’t be a problem. At the very least we can do it for Gottri and his master.
I look up at Gottri and say.
Vanyra: “Well one way or the other there is no problem in meeting him so I don’t mind and Michiko will most likely feel the same. As for when I think your master can come by tomorrow if she wants to. I have nothing planned and Michiko will be home for the next few days anyway”
Gottri gives a small smile and says.
Gottri: “Okay I will inform my master that we can come by tomorrow”
I nod and he shifts himself a bit standing more comfortably.
Gottri: “And with that out of the way let’s talk about something entirely else. Vanyra have you heard about the discovery that a patrol of Ironbreakers made yesterday? They found….”
I smile and listen, laughing a bit inside while he talks on already knowing what he is going to say but just staying quiet.
Year: 13-06-1722 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: Planet Warhammer, Karaz-a-Karak
Michiko POV.
As I clean myself in the morning I recall yesterday. After the kind of embarrassing moment while getting up, the nice breakfast and telling my story to Vanyra, I looked over my notes some more and cleaned them up a bit. After a hour or so I was done and started to work in the smithy a bit. After so many weeks it is nice to be able to forge something again.
I first repaired my daggers that I took with me because after the amount of use they have seen from some of my “assassinations” of the Skaven to dissecting them. It is not like they were broken or something like that, if that would be the case I would be a bad blacksmith let alone runesmith. I just like keeping my things in top condition.
After that I started refining some of the iron and steel into pure ingots. We can use the steel just like that but I think I will hire one of the smaller blast furnaces in a while so I can convert the iron into steel in bulk with the adding of the right ingredients.
lastly I remade one of the temporary runes on one of the daggers. I used it on a Skaven half to test it half because it seemed like he was going to scream.
By the time I was done Vanyra came home with some things for dinner and news. She told me what Gottri had told her. I am kind of interested in meeting that potential master even if it becomes nothing. As for the news about the things I left at the shrine? I am happy to hear that the three dead ancestors were returned to their clan and will be properly buried soon.
Still, I am impressed about how quickly the information has spread, it seems dwarves like gossip.
As for the location I pointed out on the map, I have not heard much about that. It is likely that because they do not know what it is that it will take at least a few days until they are ready to send a patrol to check it out. I wonder how they’ll react and what they will do next.
After a while I am done and leave the bathroom going downstairs to eat. Sitting by the table a few minutes later Vanyra arrives. As we eat we talk a bit and when we are done Vanyra says she is going to clean up a bit before the guests arrive. I nod and tell her that I am going to smith a bit.
Like this some hours pass and Vanyra has started to read a bit while I continue my smithing.
Somewhere in the afternoon someone knocks the door and Vanyra closes her book. She asks me to prepare something to drink while she answers the door. I quickly give some final hammer blows to my work finishing it. I quench the hot metal and then go to the small kitchen.
Not long after that I have put everything on a tray and go to the main room to wait for Vanyra, Gottri, his master and his masters friend. It does not take very long before they enter and Vanyra comes in first followed by Gottri and then most likely his master. Finally an old dwarf enters, wearing normal clothes for a blacksmith looking ordinary in every respect. But he himself… His beard and hair are almost entirely white showing great age. His face tells the same as there are many wrinkles and traces of wear. I then look at his deep eyes and everything stops.
Looking in his eyes I get the feeling he is looking directly into my soul with a piercing gaze. An immense feeling wells up inside me and combining with my instinct a poem is woven in my mind.
An ancient person broken and battered by the waves of time, but still standing even if everything around him has started to fall through endless wars and bloodshed. The ancient times in which he was born have long since passed and are mostly forgotten. Now he alone stands as a beacon of that time, a lone dwaf long past his prime, battered and broken by time.
I do not know why I am thinking this but… I just don’t know.
But before I get to think any further the dwarf breaks the eye contact and I come back to reality. I see Vanyra and Gottri looking at me with a questioning look but Gottri’s master has a slight smile on her face. As for the old dwarf he is just looking around with a somewhat empty gaze but past that I cannot read anything from his face.
Gottri’s master then comes forward and breaks the silence.
Gottri’s master: “Well first let’s do some introductions, I am Tharma, master runesmith and Gottri’s master”
I then look at the old dwarf and he opens his mouth before speaking with a deep ancient voice which conceals some weariness within.
Old dwarf: “I am… Sundrim, a master runesmith like Tharma”
When he is finished speaking he looks at Vanyra and me.
Vanyra: “I am Vanyra”
She says with a slight bow and I do the same while introducing myself to the two master runesmiths.
Michiko: “I am Michiko”
We then sit down at the table and begin to talk a bit mostly between Vanyra, Tharma and Gottri. I also speak every now and then to answer a question or so but most of the time I am focused on Sundrim who to mostly listens. But as I watch him I have not seen him change his expression once. He just looks around the table listening to the conversation.
But then his eyes fall on the wall with my designs, writings and research. Which hangs full from my drawings of runes from anvils of doom I try to understand to the drawing of Skaven antimony. But for anyone but me on this world the writing is incomprehensible. But Sundrim just keeps staring at it and the few images I have drawn.
Looking at him again his expression is still the same but looking in his eyes I think I see a bit more light. But that can also be my imagination. he keeps staring at the wall until it is silent for a bit and he asks while looking at me.
Sundrim: “Did you make those?”
A bit brought off balance by his sudden question I just slowly nod. At the same moment he asked his question the conversation between Tharma, Vanyra and Gottri has also stopped and they are looking at Sundrim and me. In the corner of my eyes I see Tharma with a slight smile on her face that was not there before.
Sundrim himself looks like he thinks for a bit before he speaks again and asks with his same deep voice.
Sundrim: “Could you show me your smithing?”
I am a bit at a loss but then answer after a few seconds.
Michiko: “Yes, of course...”
After I have answered Tharma gets up and says.
Tharma: “That is a good idea, could we do it at your forge here or should we do it somewhere else?”
Vanyra: “I do not see a problem if we do it here but our smithy is small so it might be a bit cramped”
Tharma: “That’s okay, I don’t mind standing in the doorway or something”
Vanyra: “in that case find a way so you can all have some space. Michiko will you please start heating up the forge so we can start soon?”
I stand up and say:
Michiko: “okay”
Gottri then stands up too and says
Gottri: “I will help if you do not mind”
Michiko: “Thanks”
We then both leave the room to the smithy while Tharma and Sundrim remain at the table a bit longer. As we arrive I start shovelling some coals into the forge as Gottri start to work the bellows. He stays silent for a while, thinking until he speaks with a somewhat unsure tone.
Gottri: “I think Sundrim is interested in you…. he never asked to see any of the other apprentices smithing”
I want to say something in return but do not know what so I just keep working while I think.
I takes about ten minutes until the forge is at the right temperature and Gottri wipes his head before he goes to get everyone. I stay behind and get some of the steel we refined from the Skaven adventure. I put it into the forge which i thirteen hundred degrees Celsius, heating up the small metal ingot.
When it is almost heated to the right temperature, Vanyra, Gottri, Tharma and Sundrim come inside and stand as far back as they can in the small smithy. I am a bit nervous while I am being watched like this. I look at them and I get a reassuring nod from Vanyra.
I take out my Gromril hammer and take the now red glowing ingot out of the flames and put it on the anvil and strike down. As the first hammer blow hits the metal and the sound reaches my ears I calm down a bit. a second later the second blow hits and I calm down some more.
As the rhythmic sounds of the hammer hitting the metal go on I forget everything else and arrive in the trance like state I reach when I work. Now only the only things that exist are my work and the rhythmic sound that reach my ears everything else has faded into shadows.
As my work goes on I keep on hammering only stopping to heat up the ingot again in the forge before continuing. This cycle goes on until the dagger is completed. but I do not stop there as I reheat the metal I get a metalworking chisel and after taking the steel dagger out of the forge I start to engrave a temporary rune of speed.
As I hammer the chisel it does not take long before it starts to take shape on the flat of the dagger. When the rune has been engraved I put away the chisel. I hold up my hammer and using the runesmith power magical energy begins to gather and small colourful streams begin to appear flowing toward me. When enough of it has gathered I strike down the hammer transferring the energy into the empty rune.
This keeps going for a while until enough energy has been gathered into the rune. At that moment I put down my hammer and take a deep breath and I start to sing in the most ancient form of dwarven tongue. The incantations flow out and start to bind the magical energy into the rune.
With that… I am finished, I exit my trance and with it the world opens up again. Looking around I see that Gottri and Tharma are sitting down in the corner or the smithy and so is Vanyra in another, but Sundrim is still standing as if he has not moved for the entire time I was smithing.
Now I am done they also start to move again and get up and Sundrim walks forward and I hand him the dagger. He then receives it with two hands and takes a long hard look at it before handing it back to me. He thinks for a long time and then says.
Sundrim: “I came here as a favour to Tharma and I thought that it would be just like the other times. Every time I saw a new apprentice I just knew that I would not be able to teach them. They were too different from me and we would not be able to understand each other. But there is something about you that others have lost, because of this I hope that even though I am not a good teacher, that you are willing to accept this old dwarf as your master.
I am a bit shocked by what he said and I think a while before I smile and say.
Michiko: “Thank you…. But, what about Vanyra?”
At this question Sundrim seems a bit at a loss but it is quickly solved by Tharma.
Tharma: “Do not worry Michiko, I will teach Vanyra while you learn from Sundrim. Come, let's go back to your living room so we can work out the details”
Character list:
Spoiler :
Karak Drakk residents:
Michiko: the main character
Endar: adoptive father of Michiko and King of Karak Drakk
Freda: wife of Endar, adoptive mother of Michiko and queen of Karak Drakk
Fimbur: old and wise dwarf and Loremaster
Norgrim: Endar’s assistant
Bronn: warrior leader
Largs: hunter/ scout leader
Dern: hunter/ scout
Duregar: leader of workers, Journeyman runesmithe
Olka: wife of Duregar
Thyk: son of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Vanyra: adopted daughter of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Grond: mining shift commanders
Alrika: Priestess of Valaya and twin sister of Askima
Grim: Priest of Gazul
Heganbor: friend of Logazor and Gomrund
Logazor: friend of Gomrund and Heganbor
Gomrund: warrior, friend of Logazor and Heganbor
Karak Azul residents:
Dimzad: bookstore owner
Thorek Ironbrow: Journeyman Runesmith
Burlok: Guard captain of the gate, friend of Endar and Dern
Elmador: warrior/guard
Karaz-a-Karak residents:
Gottri: Journeyman Runesmith
Furgil: Runesmith guild hall leader
Noran: Runesmith guild hall receptionist
Kragg the Grim: Ancient Runelord
Sundrim: Master Runesmith and Michiko’s teacher
Tharma: Master Runesmith, friend of Sundrim and Gottri’s / Vanyra’s teacher
Gottri’s: Journeyman Runesmith and apprentice of Tharma
Helgar: Priestess of Valaya
Askima: Matriarch of the cult of Valaya and twin sister of Alrika
Rorek: Ironbreaker captain
Sven: Ironbreaker vice-captain
Skalli: young Ironbreaker
Gorbad Ironclaw: mighty orc warboss, presumed dead but also rumoured to be alive
Chaos Gods:
Tzeentch: the Chaos God of Change, Evolution, Intrigue and Sorcery
Khorne: the Chaos God of hate, rage and bloodshed
Tyrennus: Evil/chaotic, location unknown (please put the answer in the comments if you know because I do not know and I want to know because it could influence Michiko’s journey)
Dwarven Gods:
Grungni: god of mining and smiths, husband of Valaya
Valaya: goddess of healing and protection
Grimnir the Fearless: warrior god, brother of Grungni
Gazul: Lord of the Underearth and protector of the Dwarf dead
Smednir: Shaper of Ore, son of Grungni
Thungni: Ancestor God of Runesmiths, younger brother of Smednir
Morgrim: Ancestor God of Engineers, son of Grimnir
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