《The White Dragon (Inactive)》Chapter 9: Two Hundred
Chapter 9: Two Hundred
Authors notes:
Its already in the description of this book but I’m giving another warning here because some sense in this chapter may be quite dark.
2.Sorry for the cliché evil goblins in the chapter but that is just like they are depicted in Warhammer fantasy night goblins are evil and cruel.
3.Secondly I think I am not uploading another chapter this week because this chapter is about twice as long as a normal chapter I hope you will all be able to survive for a week. I am doing this because I am falling behind a bit on some school work and I don’t address this now it will only grow. So I’m sorry but no chapter this week I hope you understand.
4.(INFO: GOBLIN SHAMANS ARE POWERFUL, goblin magic has a reputation of being weak but is not the case the world of Warhammer so please keep that in mind when reading this chapter)
Many thanks to my proof reader Traluxbot101 he has, is and will be a great help.
Year: 03-01-1716 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, Dragon Peak mountain
Michiko POV.
After I went to sleep from exhaustion and blood loss I slept for about a day. When I woke up my wounds had already mostly been healed but the doctor ordered me to rest a few more days before leaving. He also told me what had happened while I was sleeping.
After Endar left he called an emergency meeting to discuss what the next course of action would be, and he remained in discussion for most of that day with many dwarves. When they were done everyone was gathered together and Endar explained what they would do.
The plan was to prepare for a long siege, this is a very logical choice since we are outnumbered at least seven to one and that is counting every dwarf in the Karak. Of course a dwarven warrior is more powerful than a normal goblin but we only have about 50 warriors and 25 hunters/scouts so a head-on attack in the field is impossible to win for us. So the only choice is prepare for a long siege and hope to break the goblins on our defences.
Now in preparation for the siege the hunters are out almost 24/7 setting up traps and gathering food which I freeze. The miners and stonemasons are focusing on building and strengthening defences. The blacksmiths are working nonstop to produce cannons, muskets and ammunitions. Medical supplies are being filled up, swords and axes are being sharpened, arrows are being made and all mountain goats are being taken inside.
Most of the dwarves are calm but I can feel a change in the atmosphere, many dwarves are anxious and some scared. But I can also feel their resolution to defend their home, our home and I feel the same. I feel afraid of losing my loved ones, I feel an anxious for the coming Battle and I feel angry at the goblins for trying to harm my loved ones. I have not forgotten that they attacked my mother and I will engrave their sins into their skulls to remind them!
Since coming out of the hospital I have been flying reconnaissance every night to check the goblins progress. Of course Endar, Freda and many of the dwarves were against it at first but after a long time I managed to convince them. I did have to promise them to only fly around the edges of the goblin horde and stay away from the shamans. But without telling them I have been trying to pick off as many goblins as I could over the past month. Most of them where of low rank, alone and vulnerable. I don’t think it lowered their numbers by much but I do think that it lowered their morale and lengthened our preparation time, plus every bit helps right if my efforts even only saved one dwarf life it will be worth it ten times over.
It kept going like that for about a month until today. Last night a group of goblins found the entrance to our Karak. And before I had the chance to kill them they made it back to report their find. After that almost all the goblins gathered and set up camp close to the mountain but out of our range. During the day many of the night goblins rested in their camp but they have also started to patrol around the mountain, making sure that we cannot leave or enter the Karak. Of course we still have secret entrances/exits but we have to be careful since if they are discovered we have to destroy at least one tunnel if not more.
As for the setup of our defences, the main gate is heavily guarded and barricaded and all other exists have been blocked or hidden. That makes the main gate a large choke point that we can use to our advantage.
(For strategy and image open spoiler)
Spoiler :
K1: Killzone 1 the secondary main entrance defence line (just an area where they get shot at from all directions by cannons and other guns while trying to break the giant reinforced doors or the barricade right now)
K2: Killzone 2 the first main entrance defence line (the name is kind of self-explanatory it is a zone where they get brutally slaughtered by cannon/ gun fire from all directions
T1: lower towers with a lot of cannons
T2: Higher and bigger towers with even more cannons
C: Walls with tunnels and cannons
B: The main entrance Bridge
G: Guard area, temporary guard watch post/area
R: Ramp/Road going up the mountain to Karak entrance
S: Stone wall/Barricade
V&G: Valley and Goblin camp
W: Waterfall (this is a tunnel but is impossible to travel upward because of fast, hot water)
But even while we are as prepared as we could be today everyone has been feeling very uneasy. It feels like the calm before the storm we will have to face, we can only hope that our defences are strong enough to weather it.
As the evening nears we can see an increase of activity in the goblin camp. Around the time of midnight a group of about sixty goblins come walking up the mountain road to the main gate. Some dwarves that are hidden above the gate follow their progress. While the goblins walk upward the dwarves get a better look at them. Most of the goblins look like normal soldiers and there are only a few higher ranked goblins with them. It looks like this is only a scouting force that has been ordered to test our defences.
When they arrive at the gate they stop and talk for a bit until they start to move again leaving ten goblins behind outside the tunnel. The rest of the goblins walk on into the darkness of the tunnel.
As we have removed all of the lighting crystals of the tunnel it is now filled with total darkness. But because the night goblins like dwarves and me live underground they have a limited degree of dark/night vision letting them see in the dark. Still due to the almost complete absence of any light their vision should not me more than a few meters.
It takes the group of goblins about ten minutes before they reach the large stone dome. As they walk inside I can see that the normal soldiers are not totally scared but not at ease either. They walk into the middle of a circle of torches that is placed in the centre of the dome. We then start to surround them as quietly as possible while staying in the darkness. We come as close as possible without been seen in the light of the torches. As we ready to attack we see a higher rank goblin come in front of the group and we decide to observe some more.
Goblin leader: “Oi ya Stuntiez, we'z know you here. Now lizen da boss has one choiz for ya stuntiez, you surrender now and da boss promesez to let you leave alivez as long az ya give us da dragon alives”
That confuses me why would he want me? Alive at that I have over the years killed many, many goblins I understand if he wants me dead, but alive? While we wait Endar signs us to stay before stepping forward himself. He stops when he is dimly visible in the light, like a dark silhouette coming out of the darkness.
Endar: “And why would we do that Goblin? Why would your leader let us go? And what does he want with a member of our family?”
The goblin looks at Endar and then laughs
Goblin leader: “Why? Stuntie why? That is for da boss to know for you don’t. da boss iz not interested in your livez, da boss wantz your stuffs and da dragon. Now surrender, we are manyest you are few so ya don’t have’z a choicez”
It is silent for a bit until Endar speaks again
Endar: “No”
He says with a deep loud voice that is amplified by the surrounding cave walls. At the same time as he speaks he also signals the hunters and the warrior then it starts, arrows fly, guns are fired and I use my breath attack, killing twenty goblins instantly including the leader. We quickly close the encirclement making sure no goblins can escape, shield walls are formed and arrows are still being fired into the group of goblins.
While all of this was happening the group of goblins where stunned at first because of the surprised attack. The loss of their leader meant that for the first moments of the fight nobody knew what to do until another goblin took the command. But by this time many goblins had already been killed by the arrows and gunfire. By then it was just a matter of holding the line for the dwarves and slowly killing them off. After a while the fight was a good as over, our plan had worked.
We predicted the goblins would first send a small force to try and gloat over their superior numbers and maybe try and get us to surrender. So we made a trap, by placing a circle of torches in the middle of the dome we made a “stage” for the goblins to gloat. That was for two reasons, one was to put them in a spot where we could easily hit them with arrows and guns, second was to rob them of their vision. They may be able to see in the dark but when they are surrounded by light their eyes can’t look into the darkness past it.
Anyway our first skirmish resulted in our victory and nobody was hurt more than a few shallow cuts and bruises. But that was more because it was only a small overconfident group, the shamans will not be so stupid.
As we clear out the last of the goblins that have been knocked out or disabled we look around the fallen goblins. We can see that these goblins where equipped with mostly second-rate gear (by goblin standards) it looks like this was just a sacrifice to test our defences. They were probably supposed to run away and tell their leaders what they had seen. Well we prevented them from that but I can’t imagine that their leader will really care for losing this group. It was probably a bunch of trouble makers or annoying goblins he wanted to get rid of anyway.
Putting away the thought for now we continue the clean-up until
Endar: “Wait, take a few of the still alive goblins prisoner I want to “ask” them a few questions about what their forces are and secondly what that bastard shaman wants with my daughter”
Some of the dwarves nod, they tie up and carry away a few goblins into the Karak. We clean up the rest of the dead goblins and burn their bodies in the repurposed temporary blast furnace turned temporary crematory. To make sure no diseases can be spread we will have to burn the goblins. But before we began with the burning the adult dwarves told me to leave it to them, they said that it was not a thing a child should do. I am grateful they said that, while I can kill if needed I don’t like it, and corps burning…
I go and clean myself and rest in the hot spring for a while. When I get out I help a bit here and there, practise my magic and meditate to pass the time. In the morning the goblins wake up and Endar told me he had to go do something. I can guess what so I did not ask, I could do it myself but firstly they would not allow me and secondly I do not like doing it so I just let it go and went to bed to try and sleep for the day.
When I awake I go downstairs to eat something and when I enter the kitchen I see that mom was already expecting me and prepared some food.
Freda: “Sleep well?”
She asks while smiling at me
Michiko: “Yes but a bit restless, did anything happened while I was asleep?”
Freda: “Well in the morning the small group of goblins that where in front of the gate left and went back to the goblin camp. Also when the prisoners woke up Endar went to “talk” with them and he managed to “convince” them to give some information. For the details you need to ask Endar but it is basically like this. The goblins outside are all from one crag and are like you guessed being led by a powerful goblin shaman. Their army is almost all of the goblins of skull crag as they call it. The goblin shaman took about sixteen hundred goblins with him and left behind about three hundred goblins in the crag. That is more or less it”
Michiko: “Do you know if they said anything about why that shaman wanted me alive or did the goblins not say anything about that?”
I can see Freda’s face darken for just a moment before it clears up again.
Freda: “No I did not hear anything about that. So, what are you do today sweetie?”
Seeing she did not want to talk about I do not pursue the question she probably does not want to make me worry, feel scared.
Michiko: “Well in the case that there is no attack this night I will mostly help around the Karak, meditate and play with my friends, while standing ready just in case. What about you mom?”
Freda: “I am going to help in the farms today, while you fight the goblins in battle we will make sure they won’t be able to starve us out”
We talk some more while eating and then I go out. It is kind of weird like we just switched our night and day life. It is not that much of a problem because we already live underground so we just have to adjust our lighting cycles and we won’t be going outside much with a giant horde of goblins on our front lawn. Well it is because of them that we changed our schedule in the first place, they are night goblins and like the name says they are mostly active during the night. So it is better if we are well rested before fighting.
So where am I going first today (tonight)?
Year: 07-01-1716 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, Dragon Peak mountain
Michiko POV.
The past few days not much has happened the goblins send one more small group of goblins and while they were a bit harder than the first group we took care of them without having much trouble. As for the Karak and the dwarves, it is going fine everyone is helping each other out and they are calm.
But tonight something big is going to happen, the watchmen hiding above the gate have reported that the goblins are preparing for a major attack. Right now we are gearing up and preparing for battle. I take a musket I modified with rifling, back loading and some special bullets I made by putting temporary runes on them. They are very powerful but I only have a few of them so I will have to use them sparingly. I also take a long spear for attacking goblins that want to climb the wall. Lastly I take a short sword and a cloak that is not worth so much. It would be shame if my special cloak with the embroidery would be damaged or bloodied and for Armor I use my dragon scales so I do not need extra, it would only restrict me in battle.
For the dwarves that man the wall they take spears with them and have axes or swords as secondary weapons. Then there are also the hunters who mostly use the compound crossbow or muskets and also have a sword as secondary weapon. Lastly there are dwarves that will man the cannons, they will only have a secondary weapon because they are supposed to load the cannon. About the cannons themselves we have different kinds of ammunitions for them, we have of course the normal cannon ball but also grapeshot, since we will be fighting against large numbers of infantry.
Alrika and Grimm are also preparing for using the magic of their respective gods. As for the rest of the dwarves some of them are helping at the medical station but most of them are just working. It would of course be safer if they stayed in the fortress but they said that if we are risking our lives they have to do something too. Even if that task is just taking care of the farms, or helping out the artillery dwarves by preparing ammunitions.
When we are ready we begin to man the wall and rest for the coming battle. After an hour we get a message from the watchmen that the goblins have started to enter the tunnel. Not long after that we begin to hear many footsteps and rumour and about a minute later the first goblins begin to storm inside and are quickly followed my many more.
They look to be in a spread out formation, well something like that at least. The first goblins slow down a bit when they see our wall but quickly speed up again storming toward us. They have also brought ladders with them which is logical for storming a dwarf hold.
We have done nothing until now but when they approach the middle of the dome we take aim and FIRE. A huge amount of noise fills and echoes around the dome as the many muskets, crossbows and cannons fire. Almost evidently after that I see the bullets, arrows and grapeshot ripping through the goblins. As we reload we hear screams of pain comming from the fallen goblins, but soon afther many more goblins trample over the fallen running on towards the wall.
When the goblin archers come in range they start to fire arrows up the wall. We duck behind the battlements and continue reloading. When we are finished we stand up and form a firing line. As the muskets fire another volley the first goblins reach the wall and begin to put up ladders. We try to push off the ladders and a few fall over but most are put back up again. I then hear a scream and cursing to my right, one of the dwarves has been hit in the arm with something. I turn my head and look at the back of the dome and see that the shamans have arrived and I scream to warn the others.
I load one of my special bullets and aim for one of the shamans and fire. As the bullet flies it begins to glow. When it hits it explodes taking out one of the shamans and harming some more. Seeing the damage the goblin guards put shields in front of the shamans, while some of the shamans return fire and other give buffs to the goblins. I duck away from the magic and arrows that are being shot at me.
Then the cannons finish reloading and fire with a thundering noise many goblin archers and some shamans are hit and taken out.
I look down and see that some of the goblins have almost reached the top of the wall. Together with them many of the goblin squigs and their riders arrive and start to jump up the wall using the ladders. They are still mostly unhurt because they used the goblin infantry as meat shields. I load another of my special bullets and fire at one of the ladders. With a loud bang the explosion makes a dent in the wall and breaks the ladder in two sending many goblins screaming downward.
As I am loading another special bullet the first goblin squigs riders reach the top of the wall. I send one last bullet to the goblin shamans but it is intercepted by the massive shields and while it takes out a few goblin guards only one shaman is seriously hurt. The shamans return fire but I quickly duck again. I lay down my musket and take out my spear and start to stab the goblins that are climbing the wall.
Some of the goblins come running at me with their weapons raised the first one I stab in the head with my spear. But a second one ducks past my spear, I let go of it and I pull out my sword. He swings down his sword but I deflect it and cut at his neck, killing him instantly. But his place is almost immediately taken by another goblin and as I get ready to stab him I am attacked in at my back. The goblin sword cuts through my cloak but must of the damage is taken by my scales only resulting in a shallow cut.
But still it breaks balance for just a bit and the stab I made to the goblin in front of me only cuts his arm. He takes another swing and like the other one it cuts through my cloak but only leaves a shallow cut. Using my tail I hit the goblin behind me on the side of his head breaking his neck and throwing him of the wall. But another one takes his place and we continue the dance of death until two dwarves arrive and we push back the goblins and take down the ladder. I quickly thank them and check the state of my body, I have a few shallow wounds but I quickly start to circulate refined chaos energy to heal myself.
I then look around the wall and I see many dwarves using their axes or swords to fend of the goblins. I can see that many dwarves are struggling to fight against the increasing number of goblins and when I see one dwarf being pierced by a goblin spear I roar out of anger and sadness. I throw my short sword hitting the goblin in the head killing him instantly.
Endar seeing that if this goes on for much longer he gives the order to release the trap. One of the dwarves pulls on a handle and two massive stone balls connected to the wall with a chain swing out from the middle of the wall. Tumbling on the side of the wall the two stone wrecking balls take out almost all of the ladders breaking them to pieces.
Angry screams and horrible cursing come from the goblins. The goblins on the wall begin to fight even harder filled with rage. But without the stream of new goblins coming up the walls they start to fall one by one. As the last ladder is punched of the wall a horn is blown, I look where the sound is coming from and see that the shamans have started to retreat. I pick up my musket again and load another special bullet. I aim for the unprotected backs of the retreating shamans and as I fire the cannons do the same. A lot of the retreating goblins are taken out and my bullet takes out at least two more shamans.
While the goblins retreat the last goblins still standing on the wall are taken care of. We then turn to the wounded and we first carry off anyone who is seriously hurt. While we are carrying them Alrika also casts healing spells on them as we bring them to the hospital as fast as possible. When we arrive at the hospital I see that some of the wounded were taken away while we were still fighting. We put down the wounded on the beds and many of the dwarves leave while I go and sit in the middle of the room and start to reradiate a green aura to help with the healing and Alrika does the same using the magic of Valaya.
While I am sitting in the clinic wounded dwarves are being brought in. most of them luckily just have a minor wound but a few are heavily wounded. Seeing them I feel angry at the goblins I know that becoming angry at them won’t help and I put all my energy in healing aura.
As the time passes the wounded dwarves are bandaged up and the doctor and his assistants remove arrow heads and clean wounds. After some time they are done they go out to rest and only a few dwarves remain to care for the wounded. While the hours pass I keep sitting there continuing to use my healing aura and I become more and more tired. When I can’t continue anymore I fall backwards of the table and to my surprise I am caught by Endar. I look at him with a tired gaze, he looks warmly at me but also with a bit of sadness in him.
Endar: “You have done enough Michiko go to sleep”
Not having the energy to refuse I slowly close my eyes and the last thing I feel before falling asleep is a soft bed underneath me.
Year: 08-01-1716 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, Dragon Peak mountain
Michiko POV.
As I wake up in the morning (evening) I look around myself and see that I am laying in one of the beds of the clinic. I check my body and feel that my wounds are fully healed but also that my clothes have disappeared. I look under the blanket and see that I am only covered in scales and blood from the battle.
Alrika: “Hello Michiko did you sleep well?”
I turn my head and see Alrika stand by the side of my bed
Michiko: “Morning Alrika do you know where my cloak has gone?”
Alrika: “Well it was completely cut up so we removed it together with Freda, we wanted to watch you but we did not want to wake you so we left it. But I do advise you to take a bath”
I then look at her seriously and ask.
Michiko: “How many did we lose?”
And she returns a sad gaze and says
Alrika: “Five… five dwarves died, four of them fell in battle and one died from his injuries. But luckily because of the doctors and you we did not lose any more. We were really close to losing two others but thanks to our combined efforts we were able to saved them”
I feel a great sadness well up inside me but supress it for now I can’t cry in the hospital. Seeing the look on my face Alrika asks
Alrika: “Are you okay Michiko?”
Michiko: “Yes, could you give me some clothes Alrika?”
She nods and walks away before returning with a cloak. She helps me put it on and then I leave to the bathhouse. As I walk away I can feel Alrika gaze on my back for a while until I get further away from the hospital. On my way to the bathhouse I greet some other dwarves and I can feel their sadness too. When I arrive I undress and go to a secluded bath.
When enter the bath I just sit there for a while and then I begin to cry. As I let my emotions flow freely I am griped by sadness and for a while I nothing more than cry.
After a while I wash myself before drying off and clothing myself again. I leave the bathhouse with red eyes but feeling somewhat better. I walk home to get something to eat.
When I walk inside I meet Endar
Endar: “Hello Michiko sleep well?”
I just nod before asking.
Michiko: “What happened after the battle?”
Endar: “Well after the wounded were taken to the hospital and the dead dwarfs carried off to the temple we waited until the goblins were far enough away and then we started to clean up the goblins. We are still carrying them off but we think that there are around seven hundred dead goblins. We are burning their bodies in the crematorium and their equipment is mostly thrown on the scrap heap for recycling. We also made sure to raise the wrecking balls and repair the walls, but we did find out something strange the walls are much stronger than we thought well I am not complaining but still strange.
Anyway we have now killed about half of the goblins but it looks like they have no intention of retreating. I think they are making another plan of attack. They now know of our trick so it won’t be as simple as this time the next time they attack. Anyway we dealt a huge blow to them yesterday, as long as we hold fast we can win”
I smile a bit when he talks about the strength of the wall and then I get something to eat while talking some more with Endar.
After I am done I leave home and go to the temple of Gazul. I transform to my dragon form and glide down one of the still empty the elevator shafts. When I reach garden and storage level I get out of the shaft and walk to the cave system. As I walk over the paths I can see some dwarves working and also some mountain goats grazing the grass fields. When I arrive at the Shrine of Gazul I walk inside.
I can see the bodies of the dwarves laid down in stone coffins arranged like a horseshoe around the centre of the temple. Each of the coffins has been carefully crafted and has many engravings and delicate sculpting. I look at the dwarves in the coffins and I feel sadness. I did not know these dwarves very well personally but I did speak with them, feasted with them, lived with them and fought together with them. All of the dwarves that live here are family some close other a bit more distant but family none the less.
I turn around and see Grim standing behind me.
Michiko: “Can I stay here for a bit?”
He does not ask any questions and just nods before returning to a chair that is standing against the wall. I go to the centre of the temple and lay down on the floor. I curl up in my dragon form and begin to radiate a white aura and begin to glow slightly. I have read in the books of magic that the white magic or the lore of light is the enemy of daemons and the undead. While I could not save their lives I will make sure nobody can misuse their bodies that will remain in this world.
I just lay there for about an hour until standing up again and transforming to my half dragon form. I then walk to the coffin left of me and do a small prayer for him as I have learned. Covering my left arm in scales I infuse one of them with white chaos energy and then use my right hand to pull it out. I place the scale in the coffin on the chest of the dwarf and move on to the next coffin doing the same for all the dead dwarves.
When I am done I go and stand in the middle of the temple and make one last prayer. When I am done I look around for Gazul’s aura, when I find it I stretch out my arm and touch it. I close my eyes and whisper.
Michiko: “Please take care of their souls and guide their souls on their path wherever it may lead”
Opening my eyes again I pull back my hand and see the aura go around me once before continuing its regular course. I turn around and begin to walk away only stopping at Grim for a bit and look at him. We exchange gazes and then he nods, making a sad smile I walk out the temple and go back to world of the living.
Year: 10-02-1716 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, Dragon Peak mountain
Michiko POV.
This past month a gloom has come over the normally so happy dwarves. The death of family and the long siege was taking its toll psychologically. Still there was not even a thought of surrendering or despair this is dwarves I am talking about. Still due to the lack of happy things and the siege that still continues on, a gloom hangs over the dwarves. Because of that I have been going around the Karak trying to give at least a bit of happiness and/or comfort.
About the burial of the dead dwarves they remained in the temple of Gazul for four days so everyone could say their goodbyes. After that Grim invoked the blessing of Gazul over them to make sure no necromantic magic could tamper with their bodies and for the safe passage of their souls. When the blessing was completed the burial vault was opened and the coffins where carried inside and they were entombed in the earth that birthed them before enclosing the vault once more.
As for what the goblins are up to, they are still patrolling around the mountain but the main thing they are doing is building siege towers. Seeing that, we immediately started to modify our defences and we dug a two meter wide trench in front of the wall to make sure the siege towers could not get close enough to make contact. For the rest we replenished ammunitions and prepared more medical supplies. When all preparation where done we stated to wait for the attack.
And that waiting ends today because the goblins have begun to move. The watchmen reported that the goblins have been moving the siege towers up the mountain road yesterday night and the main force arrives tonight.
As the goblins walk up the mountain road we take our places on the walls and load our weapons. The goblins have built five siege towers and also large wooden shields. It looks like they have realized that running screaming to our walls is ineffective and they are trying to take a more slow but steady approach.
About ten minutes after the watchmen reported the goblins entering the tunnel we start to see the first siege tower come out of the tunnel and it is followed by the others one by one. Then the main force of goblins come out of the tunnel followed by the shamans. They begin to move forward and then the cannons fire at the siege tower ripping off pieces but not destroying it.
But as the cannons fire my instinct begin to tell me that something is wrong but I do not know what it is so I just prepare for firing at the infantry and siege towers. When the closed siege tower arrive at the trench they ride it straight into the trench to my surprise and then topple it. Sacrificing it to fill in the trench making a path for the following siege towers.
But still as we fire again I still have a nagging feeling and it take a few seconds to observe the battlefield. As I look around I see that the commander of the goblins is a different one than the one from the last battle. This commander has less control over his forces and the goblins also strangely look more chaotic. It could be that we killed or mortally wounded the commander of the last Battle.
On top of that they are moving far too slow it is like they are trying to keep us occupied. I look around the battlefield again and I discover something shocking. There are only five hundred goblins here. They were supposed to be with at least 650 goblins. Because they started with 1500, I first killed about fifty during their advance to our Karak, then about 100 more were killed in small squads and then lastly about 700 in the last attack. But if there are only 500 goblins here where are the others? Could it be that we mortally wounded so many goblins in the last battle?
I then run towards Endar and stand by his side.
Michiko: “Dad something is wrong there are a large number of goblins missing and I suspect that the commander is missing too”
Endar: “Are you sure of it? Can’t it be that the last commander was killed because he failed?”
Michiko: “That can be but my instincts tell me something is wrong”
He thinks for a few second until saying
Endar: “Now you say it…”
He does not get time finish speaking before we hear shouting coming from behind us.
Dwarf???: “We are being attacked from behind, the goblins have broken into the cave system on garden level!!!”
I look at Endar with fear filled eyes.
Endar: “Go Michiko please hold them of, we will send reinforcements as quickly as possible!”
I jump off the walls and start running while transforming to my dragon form. I run as quickly as I can using my four legs and I jump down the elevator shaft. When I reach garden level I run past some dwarves who are grabbing weapons and run into the cave system. As I follow my nose and the smell of blood go deeper into the cave system. I keep running until I reach a large amount of goblins who are fighting against a group of dwarves.
The dwarves have been drive into a corner and only a few of them remain standing. My heart shocks when I see mom with a few other dwarves laying on the ground behind the last standing defenders.
Michiko: “MOM!!”
As some of the goblins turn around because of the sound I jump in the air flap my wings and land between the goblins and the dwarves.
I look at Freda and the other dwarves and see that they are still alive but need immediate care or they will soon bleed out. As I turn around to the goblins Olka who is standing next to me as one of the few defenders speaks.
Olka: “Michiko what are you doing here”
Michiko: “It does not matter I will hold off the goblins, reinforcement’s should be arriving soon. Please take care of the wounded while I focus on the goblins”
She nods and then together with the other they start to do first aid on the wounded dwarves. While we have been talking the goblins have kept their distance. But when I turned to the goblins one shaman comes forward, it is the shaman I saw a few weeks ago when I was flying reconnaissance. The Shaman that the other call Boss, the leader of the Goblins.
Goblin Shaman Boss: “Ah da Dragon We'ze finally findin it, I wa’z wantin to finz it’z”
Michiko: “What do you want?!”
I say with an angered growl, I have to keep him busy until reinforcement’s arrive.
Goblin Shaman Boss: “First I wanted to krump somz pests thatz has finding ther waz into my territory, butz when I sawz you I gotz I idea. I wanted to makes you’z as mine’z mount”
Michiko: “And why would I do that?”
Goblin Shaman Boss: “You wants these stuntiez to keeps alives right? You likes these stuntiez you wants to saves them, but you’z must kenw you cant win’z from us. If yous submit now and becomes my mount I promizzes I will lets these stuntiez stay alive”
He says with a toothy grin showing his rotten teeth.
Michiko: “Meaning you want to keep them hostage right!”
The goblin boss smiles.
Goblin Shaman Boss: “mabey but you’z do not haves a choize you will haves to serendes now or will’z justs capture you’z by forse, the only diverns how manys stuntiez live”
Seeing that this is going nowhere and that this talk will soon end I begin to load up an ice breathe and say with a deep draconic voice.
Michiko: “No!”
And then release my ice breath, but before it reaches him two guards with large shields block my attack while being frozen and dying in the process.
Goblin Shaman Boss: “so you cozes for fights, predictibel dragonz are stongs and pridefull, stillz please shows me your endureans. Showe’z me how longs you can remains standing, arches shoots da dargon but don’t hit vitals I still wants it as a mount just lets it bleed until its fallz down. And if dragon moves…. Shoots the stuntiez”
The goblins follow his orders and I let out an angry growl but don’t move. As the first arrows hit they are just harmlessly stopped by my scales. When it happens the shaman grins and he snaps his fingers. Then multiple shamans behind him begin to cast a spell and of the second round of arrows many penetrate my scales and pierce into my flesh. I try to push them out by manipulating my body using refined chaos energy but I don’t have much success. The goblin arrows have nasty hooks that secure themselves into the flesh of the victim.
Over time more and more arrows hit me and pierce my scales. I know that if this does not end soon I will lose too much blood and I will fall unconscious. And when that happens they will tie me up and take away my family so I have to hold on at least until reinforcements arrive. But while I am standing there I can also feel an incredible anger rising within me and as that happens my eyes turn red and my scales blacken.
How dare they harm my family! First they attacked my mother and made me lose my to be sister and almost kill herself, then they killed my family in the first attack and now they have attacked even more of my family and want to separate me from them! HOW DARE THEY I think as I roar in anger.
The goblins look scared for a bit but soon they go on with shooting me when they realize I can’t reach them with my claws and when I try to charge up a breath the Shaman points at the dwarves and I quickly stop.
I then begin to hear sound of battle coming from one of the cave entrances. It sounds like the dwarves have arrived and I get new hope. But the Shaman smirks and a large amount of his warrior to fight them.
Goblin Shaman Boss: “ives you thinks you’z are saved nows yous are wrong, these are mine elete troopes, and without cannons your stuntiez are usesless aginst them”
But as soon as the words have left his mouth a thundering sound fills the cave followed by goblin screams and dwarven battle cries. The look on the goblins face changes slightly but he quickly gives out some orders and more goblin warrior and archers go to stop the attack. But soon after the Dwarves come storming into the cave.
When they see me standing there panting, coloured black with red eyes and pierced with arrows all over and the goblins in front of me, their battle cries pause for a second before deeper and anger filled battle cries take their place. They storm through the goblins and arrive at me and the fallen dwarves making a circle around us.
Endar: “Doctor please take care of Michiko and the other we will take care of this”
The doctor rushes to my side but I speak with a deep anger filled draconic voice and say.
Michiko: “No I’m fine please take care of the others I can fight”
Hearing the anger in my voice and understanding my feelings Endar nods.
Endar: “Ok everyone you heard her half of you protect the wounded and the other half come with me and form up around Michiko, we will take care of her flanks while she pushes forward into the goblins”
The dwarves shout in agreement and half of them form a shield wall around the wounded and the others gather by my sides. I then begin to advance and take out any goblin in front of me. The goblin shaman starts to shout orders and tries to secure a safe retreat but before he can get away I use an ice breath and freeze him to the floor. While he screams in pain and then starts to hack away at the ice we work forward through the goblins. Seeing the situation is hopeless some of the goblins start to run followed soon after by the others.
Endar shouts out orders and many of the dwarves start to chase after them but he stays by my side as I slowly walk towards my prey. As I walk towards him his face becomes filled with despair and fear. In a final desperate attempt he raises his staff and starts to attack me with magic. But after dodging the first attack I slap the staff out of his hand and come to stand in front of him.
Thinking about all the pain he has caused, about the dwarves that have died because of him, I want to torture him and give him a very slow and painful death. But that would degrade me to his level and I don’t want that so I let go of my malice and calmly place one of my claws on his chest and push forward piercing his heart.
I then turn to look at Freda and the doctor sitting by her side, seeing my gaze he points up his thumb. Feeling a wave of relief wash over me I give a warm smile before collapsing and falling unconscious.
Year: 11-02-1716 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, Dragon Peak mountain
Michiko POV.
Opening my eyes I blink because of the sunlight that is shining in my eyes. When I breathe in I can smell the grass that I am laying on I stretch myself and relax.
Michiko: “Wait! Grass, sunlight where am I?! am in heaven?!”
As i begin to panic while looking around I hear laughing coming from behind me and when I turn around I see Valaya standing behind me.
Valaya: “No but your guess is quite close”
I think for a few seconds before speaking.
Michiko: “Oh they brought my body to your temple to heal right?”
Valaya smiles
Valaya: “Bingo, because of your size it wasn’t really possible to safely transport you with so many wounds so Alrika suggested to bring you to my temple to help with you healing and seeing that your real body would not wake up for a few days I decided to bring you here for a while”
Michiko: “Thanks, umm could you tell me…”
Valaya: “if the others are okay? Gazul told me that two more dwarves died in the main attack but for the ones in my temple they are fine. Looking down I can see your mother recovering beside you together with a few others”
I feel sad because of the dead dwarves but also happy because of the other dwarves being alright. Then I just say with a sad but grateful voice.
Michiko: “Thank you”
Valaya: “Ah don’t be sad, there is much to be happy for and you will probably soon wake up, and because you did not come for our monthly talk last time we have some catching up to do so for now come with me. Let’s talk, let’s drink, let’s be merry”
She says with a smile, with a sad expressing I nod before smiling, standing up, transforming to my half dragon form and following her.
Year: 12-02-1716 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, Dragon Peak mountain
Michiko POV.
As I begin to wake up in the morning I think back to yesterday and my visit to Valaya and I smile. I open my eyes and see the familiar ceiling of Valaya’s temple, as I look around I see some dwarves lying on beds around me, with Freda sitting up right beside me.
Michiko: “Good Moring mom”
Hearing my voice she turns her head and smiles.
Freda: “Michiko you're awake!”
Immediately after that several people come towards us and Freda tries to come out of bed but before she is able to she is pushed back by Alrika.
Alrika: “Oh no you don’t, you have to stay in bed. Your wounds are still healing, you need to rest and that means staying in bed”
Freda: “But...”
Alrika: “No complaints stay in bed”
Freda then begins to pout which makes us laugh.
Olka: “So how do you feel Michiko?”
I turn my head to Olka and look at her, she has her arm in a sling and some bandages here and there. Before answering I check my body and find that most wounds have healed and only a few remain but that is because the arrow heads still remain in my body. Feeling them I focus my refined chaos energy on expelling them.
Michiko: “Okay mostly healed and only a few wounds remain because of some remaining arrow heads”
As I say that the first one falls out and falls on the floor with a clink and then followed by the others.
Alrika: “Damn I thought we removed them all”
Michiko: “Don’t worry I will be fully healed soon”
Looking around I see Freda looking at me with longing, I smile and shrink myself to the size of a big cat. I carefully walk towards her, jump on her bed and lay down on her lap. Freda makes a happy but also a bit of a sad smile as she begins to stroke me over my back.
Freda: “Thank you Michiko, for protecting me and more. But please also make sure to take care of yourself too, I almost got a heart attack when I saw you lying next to me with wounds all over your body”
Michiko: “it turned out okay right? I’m fine, you're fine, Olka and the others are fine”
Olka: “Oi why am I last on that list? Am I not important enough?”
She says which makes her me and Alrika laugh.
Freda: “But…. ”
As Freda begins to speak she stops and just smiles while continuing to stroke me. For the next ten minutes I just lay there while talking and being stroked and then Endar running inside. He first looks at the spot where I first laid and not seeing me he looks around and then sees me laying on Freda’s lap. He calms down and then walks towards us.
Endar: “morning sleepyhead, I heard you were awake so I came running”
As he says that Norgrim and Duregar came running inside and they stop to catch their breath.
Norgrim: “that is an understatement when he got word you had woken up he started running immediately, we were in a meeting you know!”
Endar: “Sorry, sorry I just wanted to ask Michiko if she was alright”
He says wile laughing.
Endar: “So now you are awake you are probably curious what happened right?”
I nod and Endar looks like he is about to start talking but he is interrupted by Norgrim before he has the chance.
Norgrim: “Well then I will tell the first part. Michiko after you left the fighting continued on. We were using the cannons to take down the siege towers while we focused on fighting the ground troops. As the tower came closer they became easier to hit and the cannons where slowly taking them out one by one. But then the ground troops came close to the wall and they once again used ladders to climb up the wall. When the goblins came close to overwhelming us we once used again the stone wrecking ball and were able to temporarily push them back. But this time they came prepared and they started bringing up more ladders.
While all of this was happening one of the siege towers managed to get through and make contact with the wall. Many of the dwarves gathered at the contact point and when the gangplank or drawbridge dropped goblins came storming out and the fighting started. Sometime during the fight I was thrown down and lost my axe, as the goblin who attacked me came closer I used my arms to search around me for a weapon and I found a weird musket. Not knowing it was loaded or not I aimed at the goblin and pulled the trigger. As my fortune would have it the gun was loaded and it fired but to my despair just when the gun fired the goblins stepped out of the way and I knew the bullet would only hit the siege tower. I remember the world slow down and thinking, this is the end.
But not even a second had passed and a huge explosion came from the siege tower, blowing off its top and creating a shock wave that made the goblin fall over. I quickly stood up and used the musket as club and hit the goblin on the head. When I look around I see the siege tower and to my surprise it is on fire and the top was destroyed. Grabbing a weapon I quickly started killing goblins and helping the other dwarves. A few seconds later I heard a cannon shot and the siege tower was hit on the side and it toppled over destroying of blocking access to many ladders. As I look around I discovered that your father and a few others were able to move one of the cannons in a position from where they could hit the tower on the side.
With the tower destroyed and many of the ladder too we were able to focus on the remaining ladders. With the lower amount we could focus with more dwarves on fewer ladders and over the next few minutes we were able to topple the remaining ladders and the goblins seeing it was useless blew the retreat. We killed the remaining goblins on the wall and not even one second had passed since we secured the wall before he left it to me, took half of the dwarves with him and stormed off to the Garden arena”
As Norgrim had finished talking Endar looked like he was about to start but he was once again interrupted by Duregar this time.
Duregar: “and that is where he met me and the other metal workers. Ever since we had heard of the goblins in the cave system we had started to prepare one of the cannons we just finished. When Endar arrived we had just had finished placing it on a make shift carriage and loading it with grapeshot.
When Endar arrived he almost just stormed past us but luckily we were able to stop him and when he saw the cannon he ordered some dwarves to help pull it before storming onwards. Some of Endar’s men helped us and we started to pull the cannon with us at breakneck speed.
While we were following Endar who was storming out in front of us there where a few moments where I thought that the make shift carriage would collapse but luckily it held on until we arrived at the goblins.
When we arrived at the goblins Endar and the other dwarves were already fighting with them. We shouted for them to get out of the way and the second they were out of the firing line we covered our ears and fired. The grapeshot teared through the goblin lines and we killed many of them. As Endar started to attack again I looked at the place where the cannon was located a second ago. The cannon was gone! We looked behind us and we saw that the cannon had been launched away by the recoil because we had not secured it.
I looked to the front again and saw that Endar had broken through and we quickly followed to help the wounded. The rest you know yourself”
I laugh because of the almost ridiculous story and soon everybody but Endar joins me. When the laughing dies down I look at Endar who seems like he is pouting the sight of which almost makes me shoot into laughing again.
Endar: “I did not get to tell anything”
He whispered, I look at him and speak.
Michiko: “Okay I know what happened after you stormed into the cave but what happened after I fell unconscious”
When I ask that question Norgrim almost starts to talk but quickly changes his decision when Endar almost punches him in the face.
Endar: “Well first of all I almost had a heart attack so I implore you to never ever! do that again”
He looks at me with eyes that look like they are trying to look into my very soul while I feign ignorance until he continues.
Endar: “well while some of the dwarves I had ordered chased after the fleeing goblins we started to look after the wounded and carrying them away while the doctor looked after you. When Alrika arrive she started to cast healing magic on you to stop the bleeding while the doctor removed the arrow heads. While this was happening I ordered Duregar to get or make a stretcher to transport you with.
A few minutes after they left the warriors returned and told me that they had found a tunnel that we missed while closing off all the tunnels. The goblins had found it and used it to get inside. They had chased the goblins into and out of the tunnel before collapsing it and retuning here. I thanked them and then focused on the Doctor and Alrika.
About half an hour later they were done and Duregar had returned with a huge stretcher. We carefully placed you on top of it and then transported you to Valaya’s temple at the advice of Alrika. When you were safely placed in the temple with the dwarves I left to go and coordinate the warriors for if the goblins tried to attack again which luckily did not happen.
One of the watchmen reported what was going on by the goblins. He told me that after we had driven of the main force off the goblins they had retreated back to their camp. They stayed there for a while until another smaller group of goblins joined them. This was probably the goblins we had driven out of the cave system who carried the news of their dead leader. Because they retreated afterwards.
I ordered Largs to send some hunter after them to follow the goblins to see where they were going. The goblins have not stopped yet but the last report we received that they were still going in the direction of their crag. So it is safe to assume that they want to go there to lick their wounds.
If the information we reserved about the goblin number that remained in the crag was correct they should now be about seven hundred goblins remaining. I have been trying to think up a plan to take them out for good but as of now I have not really had any good ideas”
He then stops and it is silent, I think for a bit and I think up a basic plan that could work.
Michiko: “Dad I have an idea that could work but that would only work if they really return to their crag. As for the plan itself I want to think about it some more to decide if it is plausible of not so I will probably talk to you about it later okay?”
He nods and then Alrika begins to speak.
Alrika: “Okay it has been very fun but they need to rest now. They are still recovering and need their rest so everybody leave and come back tomorrow if you want to visit”
Alrika proceeds to send everybody out of temple before checking up on the other patients and laying down on a bench in the corner of the temple. As Freda goes to sleep I begin to meditate and radiate a green aura to help her and the other patients recover.
An hour or so later I hear a noise and look up and I see Norgrim stand at the entrance of the temple. Seeing me awake he motions me to come and I carefully stand up to make sure I do not wake Freda. I jump off the bed and sneak out of the temple, I meet up with Norgrim who leads me a bit further away before taking out an object. It takes me a while to realise what it is but then I see it, it is my musket but it is totally busted.
Norgrim: “I am sorry but I have broken your musket, it was the only weapon I had and after firing it I used it as a club. Breaking the goblins skull but also the gun, so I want to apologise for breaking it and thank you because it saved my life”
I’m kind of sad because of the broken weapon, I spend a lot of time on it and it is one of the first things I made when I learned to manipulate metal using magic and I have been working on it ever since. I even had begun work on making a basic scope for it and now it is broken.
Seeing the sad look on my face Norgrim does not know what to say and he tries to start talking multiple times but every time he stops before the words leave his mouth.
Michiko: “Don’t worry about it, if it has saved your life it has fulfilled its purpose. I will just have to repair it, so don’t worry I will probably even make some upgrades to it”
Norgrim: “please let me help if you give me the plans I will even personally make you a new one”
I shake my head and say.
Michiko: “You can’t, you might not know but I made this musket with a combination of blacksmithing and magic. With the current technological level and tools it is impossible for you or anyone else for that matter to replicate”
His face becomes sullen and he says.
Norgrim: “I’m honestly sorry if there is anything I can do to make it up to you please tell me”
I think for a bit before speaking.
Michiko: “Well there is one thing you could help me with, you might have realised that this modified musket of me is quite powerful even without loading special bullets. I have been wanting to start producing more of these muskets because they are much better than the ones that you are currently using and while it may be impossible to make these in bulk it is possible to produce a less advanced version. That one would not be much more powerful than the one you’re currently using but the reloading speed would be much faster.
I would like to make one for everyone so we can better defend ourselves next time we are under attack. If you could help me with that I would be very grateful”
Norgrim looks up at me wide-eyed
Norgrim: “Of course I will, anyone in this Karak including me would help you with that, not only did you prove this weapon works we also trust you so you would have only needed to ask. Plus this will greatly help the Karak so of course I will help you with it and after speaking with the other they will surely help too.
But still is that the only thing you want?”
I then nodded and he put his hands on my shoulders and says
Norgrim: “I do not think this favour can compare to what you have done for me indirectly or not so I tell you now, I am in your debt, if in the future anytime you need my help tell me”
He then turns around and walks away not giving me any time to decline. I warmly smile while looking at the sight of him walking away. Oh he forgot to give me my musket back, oh well I will probably get it later then.
I then go to the temple of Gazul to pay my respects to the dead. When I arrive I do the same ceremony as last time before leaving again with a heavy heart. I walk back to the temple of Valaya in my half dragon form and when I arrive inside I feel Valaya’s energy swirl around me as if welcoming me back. I give a small smile before going to the side of mom’s bed and crawling besides her under the blanket. I then let all my worries flow away and fall I a peaceful slumber.
Year: 15-02-1716 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, Dragon Peak mountain
Michiko POV.
The past two days I mostly spent with Freda or playing with my friends. I also went outside again and the first thing I did was fly up in the air and make a few loops out of joy. Not having been outside for weeks I was so happy I could finally fly around outside again. Feeling the sunlight on my back while the wind flows past me, I can only describe it with one word, freedom.
While flying around I also went to check up on the hunters who were following the goblins. When I arrived and spoke with them, I found out that it was like we expected. The goblins had retreated back into their crag. I started thinking about my plan again but decided to leave it at least until the dead were properly buried before speaking of it.
As for the dwarves in the Karak they are happy the siege had been fended off and the gloom had disappeared but we all decided to wait with celebrating victory until we have dealt with the goblin crag. Because unless we destroy the goblins from their roots we will not have real peace.
Today I have decided to tell them my plan, now everybody has been rested and the dead have been buried, I think it is the time. Having asked Endar to call the others we meet in the strategy room.
Endar: “Well you all know why we are here we have to find way that we can take out the remaining goblins without doing something risky and trying to storm inside and we will probably lose many dwarves in the process”
Bronn: “Yes, it is hard because they now have the home field advantage going in there now would probably kill many of us. We could of course wait and gather more forces and then attack them with sufficient numbers. But I am willing to bet my axe that those goblins will not sit around doing nothing while we do that, those bastards have probably already begun to grow more goblins from that disgusting fungus”
Norgrim: “That is very likely and if we want to make sure that the goblins won’t return we will need to burn all of it so no new goblins can be grown”
Endar: “Now I have called you here because Michiko said that she might have a plan that could work”
They then turn to look at me.
Michiko: “First of all I have a plan but I do not want to use it and I will only tell you if we are all sure that there totally is no alternative. With my plan there is an almost one-hundred present chance it will work and not lose any dwarves in the process. Strategically the plan is the best choice but normally I would never choose this option because of the morality of the plan and if there is any possible alternative that does not involve us losing any more dwarves, I will never speak of it again. So before I start please think one last time if you and think up any alternative”
They looked a bit shocked by the seriousness of my tone but then they begin to think. I go and sit in a corner to think and think but after about an hour I can’t think of any plan that won’t involve the deaths of many dwarves. I stand back up again and look around the room, Endar, Norgrim, Bronn, Largs, Duregar and Fimbur have been talking and discussing for the past hour and I ask them.
Michiko: “And?”
They all shake their heads, I wait a few seconds and then begin to speak.
Michiko: “You should all know about stories of miners that die in the mines because of toxic fumes or gasses right. Luckily it rarely happens because most dwarves have a device that warns them if the air becomes poisonous giving them time to get away”
I look at them and they nod
Michiko: “My plan is similar, it involves first closing of all of the crag exists so the goblins can’t escape and then I will use my purple breath. You all probably know that I have some hidden powers and secrets I can’t or don’t want to tell you about because of shame or other reasons. My purple breath is a deadly gas that is very, very deadly and it is also the second part of my plan. When the goblins are locked in I will start to fill their crag with the toxic gas which will eventually fill the caves and kill them”
When I am done speaking I look at them and they all look a bit horrified while thinking about it.
Michiko: “You understand now why I am so conflicted over it”
Fimbur: “We understand, in my younger days I have heard of similar tactics being used by the Skaven. They once used it in the time after the great earthquake, it is a deadly and very effective technique. It is one of the reasons why dwarven Karak’s all have an extensive network of air circulation tunnels. As to make sure something like this can never be used against us again….
But in this case I think it is a wise tactic to use, while controversial it is right now the only plan we have, so my opinion is to do it”
As Fimbur speaks he surprises us with what the tells us. I can see that taking this decision is hard for him, it is a tactic that would normally never even be considered by dwarves.
Bronn: “I approve and while I do not like it these goblins do have it coming”
Largs: “The same here”
Duregar: “I don’t see any alternative so yes”
Endar: “Then we’ll go with Michiko’s plan and if anyone disapproves I will take responsibility. With that this meeting is over everyone start to prepare to leave for the goblin crag we will be leaving the day after tomorrow”
I stand there stunned while they leave until Endar grabs my hand.
Endar: “Come on let’s go”
I do one step before stopping.
Michiko: “Wait! Just like that?! You all agreed just like that?”
Endar turns to look at me
Endar: “We trust you Michiko, on top of that we can also see that it is the best option we have right now so of course we would agree”
I then leave with Endar while still being half dumbfounded by what just happened.
Year: 20-02-1716 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, Surroundings of Skull Crag
Michiko POV.
We just arrived at Skull Crag, we did not have any trouble on our way here because all the goblins are staying inside or very close to the crag. When I flew over the Crag the few goblins that were outside quickly ran into the cave system to hide. Flying above the Karak I was unopposed, there were no archers or shamans that came out to attack me. All of the goblins had disappeared below ground and having surveyed the situation I returned to the dwarves who had set up tents some distance away.
When I have landed I make my way to the main tent. When I go inside I find that Endar is already there with the others. When I come inside they look up from the map that is spread out in front of them.
Endar: “Ah Michiko how is the situation outside?”
Michiko: “while I was flying around I did only see a few goblins that where above ground and when they saw me they quickly ran inside. So I do not expect much opposition above ground, they are probably trying to lure us underground where they have the advantage”
Endar: “good that will make our job much easier, now here is what we are going to do. I want the warrior, the hunters and the engineers to split up in five groups and each take care one of the exits. First the warriors go inside for about ten meters scaring away the goblins or keeping them at bay. Then the engineers come in behind the warriors and set up the explosives to blow up the exit. While this is happening I want the hunters to stay on lookout above ground for any hidden goblins. When the engineers are done they retreat followed by the warriors. When everybody is clear set of the explosives clamping the trap shut.
I want all of this to happen at the same time so the goblins do not have time to realise what we are doing and come out to stop us”
Everyone nods and then he turns toward me
Endar: “Michiko I want you to fly above and help out one of the teams if needed. If nothing happens I just want you to keep an eye on the ground just in case okay”
Michiko: “Yes”
Endar: “Okay then everyone we will start in an hour so please make sure everyone is ready to go by then”
Everyone then leaves and I go back to flying around and keeping an eye out for any movements.
After about an hour has passed the dwarves leave camp and wave at me to signal the start of the operation. They make their way to the cave entrances including the two secret ones I found using the same trick I used to find the cave system on garden level. Using that I have made sure that there are no exits left after the demolition team is done.
When the warriors enter the tunnels I hear some fighting but I soon dies down and the engineers begin to set up explosives. While they are working nothing really happens the goblins stay in their crag expecting us to go deeper while the warriors are just holding the line and not moving.
About ten minutes later the engineers are ready and they start to retreat followed close after by the warriors. When everyone is clear the explosives are set off and the tunnels are filled with rubble, stopping anyone from going in or out. A while later I hear loud cursing coming from the goblins before they stop and just go back deeper into the crag probably to warn the new boss. While some of the dwarves remain at the tunnel entrances most of them return to the camp.
I then land at one of the tunnel entrances tell the dwarves to not go inside no matter what for one last time before walking into the tunnel and disappear into the darkness. I come closer to the rubble and focus my ears to listen for sounds coming from beyond the blockade.
As listen I can hear water drip from the ceiling falling into shallow pools, I can hear small insects crawling around and faintly from deep in the cave system I hear crass voices and many quiet footsteps. I then smell the air and take in the dampness of the cave the smell of the moss and traces of goblin.
I come closer to the rubble and climb for a bit until stopping halfway up. As I prepare myself I breathe in deeply before breathing out slow and silently a deadly neurotoxin like a whisper of death. The toxic gas begins to flow into the rubble and because of it being heavier than air it flows to the ground and continues downward.
After the first breath I continue breathing in and out slowly and silently filling the crag with toxic gas. After some time passes I can hear small thumps of falling objects followed up by quit murmuring that becomes louder and louder until I begin to hear screaming coming from down below.
Because of the gas being odourless and almost totally invisible the goblins do not know what is going on. As the gas mixes with the air inside the cave they breathe it in where it begins to attack their brain and killing them painlessly a short time after breathing it in. because of that the screaming does not come of pain but because of fear. As goblins around them begin to fall the goblins that are still alive begin to get scared before beginning to scream out of fear. More and more goblins begin to fall and the goblins that are still standing do not know what is going on. But they know one thing, they want to get out of there, run away from the invisible death.
They begin to run through the tunnels, upward, outside, out of the reach of the invisible reaper. But when they get close to the surface they find their path blocked, they begin to dig, pick up the stones and throw them away behind them, dig their way outside, to safety. But as they dig new stones fall down and take the place of the stones they just threw away. Still they continue desperately with more and more goblins falling down and the ones that are still alive scream in fear and desperation and they dig on as futile as it may be.
All of this is happening while I am continuing to fill the air with invisible death and I just know what is happening in there. I don’t know why I am seeing it, sensing it, I just know that the screaming becomes louder and louder. I can hear the goblins dig and the stones fall clattering over the other stones, halting them yet again. All the while screaming becomes louder and after a while it becomes unbearable and I stop.
I run out of the tunnel, away from the screaming. When I arrive outside I can still hear the screaming, it won’t stop, it won’t stop! I transform huddle up and put my hands on my ears and closing my eyes. But I can still hear it I can’t block it out! It seems like it just keeps getting worse.
As my mind begins to descend into insanity something warm is wrapped around me and I hold on. After a while the screaming begins to die down, fewer and fewer screams remain. After a while it becomes silent and I begin to hear something else, somebody is calling my name. As I begin to hear the voice better I open my eyes and see Endar in front of me with his hands on my shoulders.
Michiko: “Dad?”
Seeing that I am my open eyes he embraces me, looking around I see a blanket wrapped around me and other dwarves stand around me with a worried look on their face. As I feel still fresh tears flow off my cheeks Endar asks.
Endar: “Are you alright Michiko? Are your hurt?”
Michiko “I… am.. okay, what happened?”
I ask with a quiet voice, Endar backs of a bit and looks at me before answering.
Endar: “well sometime after you went into the cave we began to hear screaming, I wanted to run into the cave but I remember what you told me and knew I could not go inside. As the screaming became louder I did not know what to do but at one moment you came running out screaming like a banshee and huddled up over here. We wrapped a blanket around and tried to get through to you by calling your name. Eventually you stopped screaming and after the sound from the cave stopped we managed to get through to you. Are you okay now Michiko?”
When I try to speak the words get stuck in my throat for a while before I speak with a tired burned out voice.
Michiko: “I’m okay, I just… need to sleep”
Endar nods before picking me up and carrying me off to the camp, where he puts me in bed and I soon I enter a long dreamless sleep.
Year: 24-02-1716 (Imperial Calendar)
Location: planet Warhammer, Surroundings of Dragon Peak Mountain
Michiko POV.
The past few days I did not speak very much, I just wanted to rest and think about what happened. The dwarves tried to cheer me up a bit but I just needed some time to process what I had done and after a few days I mostly returned to normal.
The first few days we waited for the toxic to clear away and before I let the dwarves enter go inside myself to check. If any of them breathe in the toxin I will have to react in seconds and if I am very lucky I will probably be able to stop the toxin from killing them. So to make sure everything is gone I always made sure to go in front especially while going downward.
As we entered the collapsed tunnel we cleared the path and when we came through we saw many goblins that had died while they were trying to escape. Even if they did not have any wounds it was a gruesome sight. It is like they are sleeping but they are not breathing nor will they every wake up again.
Endar puts his hand on my shoulder putting me at ease, I gather my courage and go deeper into the cave. As we go deeper I can see only a few dead goblins lay in the tunnels, it are probably the goblins that died on their way to the surface. While going downward I discover that the toxins have already cleared out. On our way through the tunnels and caves we sometimes see large natural rooms. In some of those rooms we can see the remains of dead giant mushrooms and other funguses that have been killed by the toxin. I do not know why maybe these fungi have Neurons making them vulnerable to nerve toxins, these are the origin of the green skins after all or maybe the toxin still has some unknown effects I do not know about. Something to look into later when I have the time.
After a while we enter a large cavern with a large and somewhat crude but still impressive throne in the back. Around the cavern a large amount of dead goblins are laying on the ground. Most of them look like special guards of the boss but there are also a few shamans and some servant looking goblins. On the throne there sits a goblin shaman, it looks like he died while still on his throne. He was probably the new leader that took over after I killed the last goblin boss.
While the dwarves begin to clear out the dead goblins and bringing them to the surface to burn, I look around. Using my senses, magical or otherwise I scan the cave and find out that there is a secret door in an alcove close to the throne. I walk towards the door and look around to find a hidden switch or something to open the door. When I find a weird looking stone I turn it and I hear a click, I push open the door but immediately step to the side as an arrow flies past me.
Endar: “Michiko are you okay!?”
Michiko: “Yes my instinct told me there was something funny going on so I made sure to look out”
Endar: “That’s good, what did you find?”
Michiko: “It looks like a hidden room or something”
Endar: “Oh, that’s interesting”
He says as some other dwarves and him come closer to look. Duregar looks past me and walks inside before examining the mechanism.
Duregar: “So that’s how it works, quite clever of those goblins. They made a mechanism that only opened the door when a secret switch is presses but you also have to press another switch to disable the trap”
Michiko: “So shall we take a look?”
Endar: “Let’s go”
Endar says while stepping past me and Duregar into the short tunnel. We follow him and we get into a somewhat extravagant room (in goblin terms at least). There is a bed, a desk, a small bookcase, some random things and a locked chest.
Endar: “This must have been the room of their former boss”
I look around some more before going to the bookcase and taking a look at some of the books. Most of them are not very interesting but there seem to be a few crudely written note books about magic of the little WAAAGH one of the two kinds of green skin magic. I most likely won’t be able to use it but it will be interesting to look at nonetheless. As for the rest of the book there seems to be some books about history and other random things.
While I am looking at the books I can hear some laughing behind me.
Bronn: “Look at that Endar, your daughter has a treasure chest right in front of her but the first thing she does is walk right to the bookcase”
Endar: “And what would be wrong with that Born?!!”
He says with a bit of a threatening but still light hatred tone.
Bronn: “Nothing, nothing I just find it cute how she puts her priorities”
Born says back while waving his hands in front of him, and then they both laugh. I turn around and ignore them while I go to Duregar who is trying to pick the lock of the chest.
Michiko: “How is it Duregar?”
Duregar: “hmm wait just a bit”
A few seconds later I hear a click and Duregar stands up before opening the chest. As we all look inside we can see a decent amount of gold coins mixed with a few silver and copper coins, as well as some trinkets. It is a decent amount of treasure but not the loads of gold they tell stories about. But then again this was only a small goblin Crag that was situated in a poor area with few travellers so I suppose it is normal.
Still is am a bit disappointed, I like books and knowledge a lot but even I can appreciate the shine and value of gold. I try to look at with my magical vision and I see a small shine I rummage through the chest a bit before I find a small golden ring and take it out of the chest.
Duregar: “Oh what do you found something interesting?”
I look at the rune a bit before answering.
Michiko: “I don’t know for sure but it seems to be a permanent rune of restoration, it does not have a great effect but it will help with healing”
Duregar: “Oh that is a good find, it might be a low level rune but if it is a permanent rune it would normally be worth quite a lot”
I think for a bit until I turn towards Endar.
Michiko: “Dad can I give this ring to mom, you can count it as my part of the treasure if you want?”
Following my question Endar shoulders drop and he looks a bit sad.
Michiko: “What’s wrong dad?”
Endar: “Nothing, I just felt like I lost just now”
Born laughs before speaking.
Bronn: “I’m sure you can Michiko, I don’t think the other dwarves would mind, (especially if you want to do something so cute like giving it to Freda)”
He says with a smile before adding the last sentence under his breath. As I hear the second sentence I do not really know how to react, I just want to give it to Freda because I care about her and want her to heal faster. Eventually I just ignore it and put the ring away before looking around the room some more.
The rest of the day we spend carrying out all the dead goblins and throwing them on a large funeral pyre. We look through the crag and find some more coins mostly kept by the shamans but we do not really find anything valuable apart from that. In the late afternoon we are done cleaning out the Crag, we close off and camouflage all the entrances to make sure no new creatures will find and settle here again. We of course make sure to mark it on our map because later this may be converted into a large watch post or something in that direction.
In the evening after eating and talking to some of the dwarves I wish them good night and go to bed. Laying down I think about the happening of the past few days. As I think about the death of the goblins I still feel scared because of the screams but also because of my power and the deadly potential it has. While I know I can’t be soft hearted in this dangerous world but I don’t want to be an unfeeling and cold killing machine. I want to live in happiness with my friends and family that is the purpose of my power.
I will not forget what has happened but I won’t be defined by it. Moving on forward without forgetting the lessons of my past and learning from them.
I then go to sleep, tomorrow we will get up early and start on our way home where the others are waiting for us to return.
Character list:
Spoiler :
Karak Drakk residents:
Michiko: the main character
Endar: adoptive father of Michiko and King of Karak Drakk
Freda: wife of Endar, adoptive mother of Michiko and queen of Karak Drakk
Fimbur: old and wise dwarf and Loremaster
Norgrim: Endar’s assistant
Bronn: warrior leader
Largs: hunter/ scout leader
Dern: hunter/ scout
Duregar: leader of workers, Journeymen runesmithe
Olka: wife of Duregar
Thyk: son of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Vanyra: adopted daughter of Duregar and friend of Michiko
Grond: mining shift commanders
Alrika: Priestess of Valaya
Grim: Priest of Gazul
Heganbor: friend of Logazor and Gomrund
Logazor: friend of Gomrund and Heganbor
Gomrund: warrior, friend of Logazor and Heganbor
Karak Azul residents:
Dimzad: bookstore owner
Thorek Ironbrow: Runesmith
Chaos Gods:
Tzeentch: the Chaos God of Change, Evolution, Intrigue and Sorcery
Khorne: the Chaos God of hate, rage and bloodshed
Tyrennus: Evil/chaotic, location unknown (please put the answer in the comments if you know because I do not know and I want to know because it could influence Michiko journey)
Dwarven Gods:
Grungni: god of mining and smiths, husband of Valaya
Valaya: goddess of healing and protection
Grimnir the Fearless: warrior god, brother of Grungni
Gazul: Lord of the Underearth and protector of the Dwarf dead
Smednir: Shaper of Ore, son of Grungni
Thungni: Ancestor God of Runesmiths, younger brother of Smednir
Morgrim: Ancestor God of Engineers, son of Grimnir
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